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12 Responses to “Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner host fundraiser for Obama”
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Good for them and good for Obama, I like celebs who use their celebrity to bring attention to causes who need it and who are not afraid of making political statements. And besides, I love Ben and Jennifer. They are probably my favourite Hollywood couple ever.
Some people may complain about the sides they are taking, but I think any celebrity raising more awareness about the importance of voting is doing something right, no matter who they vote for and no matter who the people they’ve reached will vote for.
Seperately, they are annoying and self-righteous. Together they are twice as annoying and self-righteous. All of these celebrities are so full of themselves to think that anyone cares what candidate they favor. If people cannot make that decision without knowing what “so & so” thinks, than they are obviously not informing themselves or bothering to form their own opinion.
If Ben Affleck is supporting you then you know you have no chance at winning. He is bad luck and a moron.
Gotta agree with California angel here. How sadly ignorant about the world around them must someone be to make a decision on whom to vote for based on Ben Affleck’s opinion.
You really want to take political advice from the genius that thought ‘Reindeer Games’ was a good career move? Rrrrright.
Ben Affleck is the biggest douche. Incidently, I thought he jumped the shark during his last endorsement, when he was attached to John Kerry’s elbow. Stop flattering yourself, Affleck, no one cares who you vote for.
“My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world.
I hope you’ll join with me as we try to change it.” — Barack Obama
What is this “change” he keeps talking about??? He never really talks about what this “change” is.
He is just ANOTHER talking puppet.
I also like the fact that they are hosting a low key event in his home town. I am sick of people like Paris Hilton, Adam Sandler – who has also made his share of crap, Keanu Reeves – – someone else who has made a lot of bad movies and who does nothing for anyone, and many others who have no thoughts in their head but pleasing themselves and the hell with the rest of the world. I would take 10 Ben Afflecks who at least try to do something for this country, over one Johhny Depp who takes the money and runs home to another country to hide until we are all ready to kiss his ass again. And if I didn’t shit in your cornflakes enough already – keep in mind that if you HAD listened to Ben in 2000, we would have had Gore and in 2004, we would have gotten rid of the idiot who put hos good buddy in charge of FEMA so that New Orleans could go down the crapper while he sat around reading horse magazines. And whatever you say about Ben or anyone else supporting political candidates – at least they are not trying to tell us that we need to get rid of our inner Thetans or watch out for the aliens in Volcanoes.
They’re actors. Who cares who they vote for?
actors are pros at playing “let’s pretend” , we used to play as kids. Who cares what they support or who they vote for? Ive met Dan Ackroyd and Kevin Sorbo and though their onscreen characters are loved by many, they are complete assholes in private. I then realized its this disease famous actors get: they think because they got rich playing pretend that they are actually important! At least when we were kids we would put down our toys and pretend games when it was time for lunch. Actors in todays hollywood are always “on”. They actually think they matter.
You know who matters? My doctor who is going to Africa to give free med care. The teachers who help kids get into a good college. The engineers, the real estate agents, the builders, the garbage men, the cops, the fireman shall I go on? In other words EVERYBODY who contributes to the functioning of our society. What do actors do –entertain us? Hardly, as the recent WRITERS strike showed us all the brains in entertaiment are the guys and gals behind the scenes who actually write and sweat over all the scenes and work to make these actor morons look good.
I’ve had it with actors and I read books now and read online on the net. I dont need TV or movies to such a point I believe ACTORS are important.
In Shakespears time actors hired where considered the scum of society, they were the people who did not want to work.
Ben go f** yourself you moron.
And people please think twice before you support some actor they DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU. YOU ARE NOTHING TO THEM. I remember Sorbo said that to some fan at the Toronto Expo con and she almost burst into tears.
If you want to be in awe of somebody make it a damn good accountant or a doctor they are SOOOO much more worth it.
So on the basis of meeting two actors who’ve disappointed you, you’re writing the other millions off as wastes of space? Gotcha.
But I agree they should rarely if never be used as role models for anything.
They are two very great ppl. Yall shouldnt be talkin smack just cuz they can act and have better lives then yall. it doesnt mean u can talk junk about them….
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