Halle Berry in no rush to sell photos of baby Nahla

Oscar winner and new mom Halle Berry is reportedly taking her time following the “selling photos of your baby to magazines” trend. Berry and her babydaddy, model Gabriel Aubry, have been approached by several magazines, but nothing has been settled. Speculation has it that Berry is waiting until she loses her baby weight before appearing on a magazine cover with her little one, but MSNBC seems to think that the actress is going to debut Nahla at her upcoming charity golf event.

It looks like we’ll be seeing pictures of Halle Berry’s post-baby body before we see pictures of the baby. Berry and Gabriel Aubry’s baby, Nahla, was born March 16 and has yet to make an appearance in the pages of any celebrity weekly.

One magazine editor said that “photos are being shopped, but nothing’s been settled,” so we’re left to wonder if Berry will bring Nahla to the Halle Berry Celebrity Golf Classic on April 27. At the very least, the actress will be revealing her post-baby body.

According to Us Weekly, Berry wants to be back in fit form for the tournament. “She’s thrilled to start exercising again,” the source added of the star, whose dialed-back pregnancy fitness regimen includes yoga, swimming and light weights.

[From MSNBC.com]

I’d like to see Halle do what Salma Hayek did, and just release a simple, non-airbrushed pic to the AP News Service and be done with it. I am getting sick of these highly stylized magazine pictorials of newborns and their famous parents. The J-Lo and Marc Anthony one in People was just over the top with the airbrushing and special lighting. Those twins could be wolf cubs for all we really know. I am sure Halle’s daughter has been blessed with good looks – how could she not be, with parents like that? I’m actually way more interested in Halle and Gabriel’s relationship than their offspring. Do they live together or what? Are they going to do the deed and get married? Does he hang around the house in his underwear? That’s more interesting than another pictorial of a newborn. Details!

Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry are shown in the header shopping on 3/10/08, thanks to WENN.

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16 Responses to “Halle Berry in no rush to sell photos of baby Nahla”

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  1. headache says:

    Awwwww I really want to see her baby. I bet she is just adorable!!! Doesn’t have to be a magazine cover or even a formal sitting. A casual snapshot ala little Valentina would satisfy my curiousity, I swear!!!

    I think it will be a long time before Halle marries again but I also think she and Gabriel will be committed for many years to come.

  2. xanax says:

    I respect Halle for not looking at her baby as a cash cow. I like how Salma showed us glimpses of her baby when she was ready & I can see Halle doing the same thing. Much more classy than J-lo, Xtina blah, blah, blah. That was tacky. Did any money these couples got actually go to charity??

  3. Carrie says:

    That man could read the phone book and I’d be happy. Plus it helps that he’s in the new Macy’s commercial! *swoon*

    I vote for pics of him in his underwear over baby Nahla. Sorry Nahla, but your daddy’s hot. 😉

  4. Syko says:

    I am totally in favor of seeing the new Dad in his undies.

    Another couple that debuted their baby in a cool way were Sacha Baron Cohen and Isla Fisher. They simply stood outside their home on the sidewalk, relaxed and happy, and let photographers snap the pictures.

    As for JLo’s kids being wolf cubs – wolf cubs would be cuter. Those poor little things look just like their father, and no amount of airbrushing could get rid of that handicap.

  5. headache says:

    Oh, I missed pics of Cohen and Fisher’s baby??? You know my ass is googling now as I type.


  6. Enonymous says:

    Syko “wolf cubs” lol

  7. kimberlee says:

    I agree MSat. I’m starting to think that some of these celebrities get pregnant [Christina A. and Nicole Richie] just for the magazine deals. Brangelina started this shit. Some of these celebrity off-spring need to thank Shiloh.

  8. xiaoecho says:

    Glad she’s in no rush to sell her baby photo’s because I’m in no rush to see them

  9. Granger says:

    Agree with everyone here. Selling your kid’s pics for millions just seems so Rosemary’s Baby to me — you know, like selling your soul to the devil. It’s weird. I like the simple, casual photo idea, too.

  10. Sasha says:

    Another breeder. big whoop.

  11. neelyo says:

    I don’t understand the fascination with baby photos. The celebrities could hire stunt babies and nobody would know the difference. Although I do agree that the J Lo babies needed all that airbrushing.

  12. Bellatrix says:

    The phone book even upside down, as long as Aubry actually *is* around would make me a very happy person too.

    If in underwear : what baby?

  13. JEN says:

    LOL…Wolf cubs?? AWW poor little things, but hopefully their wolfy looks will soften more like their mom. Bless their souls they need it..LOL!!!

  14. JEN says:

    Halle’s baby surely must be blessed with amazing genes. That baby is going to be a very physically beautiful child. Everyone’s child is beautiful to the parent’s though, even if they do look like wolfie’s…LOL!!!=)

  15. kitchenstay says:

    busy me all joke google keyboard we america jhon busy house