Adnan Ghalib knifed, his paparazzi agency blames online commenters

Adnan with Kathy Griffin on Friday. Thanks to WENN
According to Adnan Ghalib’s photo agency, JFX, Britney’s probably ex boyfriend was stabbed in the arm and got a black eye and cuts on his face on Saturday night. The guy is a paparazzo who cheated on Britney and used to work the door at a strip club. He’s not the most innocent character and he probably has all sorts of enemies among the thugs who stalk celebrities, but on his company’s blog they mention negative online comments as somehow inciting violence against him.

It’s not clear to me whether they’re talking about mean commenters, other blogs or both, but they say that the online hatred spilled out into the real world. If he has been receiving death threats online that’s serious, but the way they phrase this also makes it sound as if anyone who ever wrote an unfavorable line against the guy is also to blame.

Adnan was attacked and stabbed last night but he is doing OK after receiving medical attention for his wounds. He received a stab wound to his arm, facial lacerations as well as a nice shiner. I’m not sure what to make of this considering that he’s received more and more death threats in recent weeks. Is it coincidence? I don’t know. But in the ever growing Adnan hating world that some blogs live in, the repeated venom spewed at him could have finally boiled over to the real world. We all know there are some crazies out there, I mean, I screen out at least a dozen death threats on our comments every week.

[From JFXOnline]

Adnan took a ride down Robertson Boulevard with comedian Kathy Griffin on Friday and stopped to go shopping at Victoria’s Secret with her. It was filmed as part of Griffin’s Bravo reality show, “My Life On The D-List.”

OK! Magazine covers this, and their only source is the report on JFX’s site. They note that there is no hospital or doctor named where Adnan was supposedly treated and say that “the Adnan and Britney duo were notorious for attempting to fake-out the media.” Given the fact that Adnan’s agency was so quick to point fingers at people talking crap online, you do wonder how accurate this story is.

If this did happen, maybe someone is annoyed that he’s elevated himself beyond the mire of the swarming paparazzi or if he could have made enemies another way, like by sleeping with someone’s girlfriend. Get well soon Adnan.

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13 Responses to “Adnan Ghalib knifed, his paparazzi agency blames online commenters”

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  1. Ur A Loser says:

    What’s the word I’m looking for?….. Aaah yes, KARMA!

  2. Enonymous says:

    Probably another paparazzo did it in the heat of the moment in order to get some photos. Those people turn to pack of animals in order to get a shot.

  3. Minxx says:

    Ur A Loser

    I think that sums it up perfectly!

  4. Syko says:

    Couldn’t have been his arrogant attitude, big mouth or sense of entitlement that did it, huh?

  5. headache says:

    Oh ffs!!! If online vitriol was a measure of likeliness to be stabbed, Angie, Brad and JA would have been laid on body bags long ago.

    The guy is a skeeze and I’m sure there are plenty of real people who have never left a nasty comment on a blog who would like to shank this guy.

  6. geronimo says:

    Yep. That’s right. Our fault. Moron.

  7. Scott F. says:

    Tooling around LA looking like that, frankly I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner. I get the feeling this is BS anyways, as all the media outlets monitor the police freqs in LA, and would have been all over this. As it stands, none of the stories cite a police report, so far it’s just what was said on the website.

  8. Margo says:

    I won’t believe this until I see some sort of police report. I wouldn’t put it past his sleazy butt to make this whole thing up so he could sell his story because we all know how good he is at that. The website JFX online is a total joke anyway. They treat him like he’s some big star. Haha! What a loser!

  9. Sasha says:

    We need more people like that scum-sucker parasite Adnan getting stabbed- and few more paps getting the curb stomp.

  10. SailorAlphaCentauri says:

    They treat him as if he were Marcelle (I can’t spell his name, but he was the runner up on Top Chef in Season 2, I think), a person on a reality show who got hit by someone who hated him on the show. That’s taking it too far.

    Adnan, on the other hand, is the epitome of a complete douchebag and set himself up for this alleged knifing.

  11. rlr260 says:

    It wasn’t an attack; it was just someone trying to remove that Brazilian from his chin!

  12. xiaoecho says:

    headache….you nailed it

  13. Margo says:

    Haha rlr260! I hate that damn strip!