Amy Winehouse compares court to Disneyland; utters f-word in courthouse

Amy Winehouse sure knows how to keep it classy. After doing her best to clean herself up for her husband Blake Civil-Fielder’s pre-trial hearings on Monday (and by best, I mean her nicest beehive and too-tight skirt), but the attempt seems to be short-lived. Today she didn’t bother to show up until 3 in the afternoon, wearing a shirt with stains on it, and generally caused a scene throughout the ENTIRE half an hour she managed to stay in the courtroom.

Amy Winehouse gave her verdict on court Wednesday, announcing aloud as pretrial arguments were going on in her husband’s case: “It’s like Disneyland.”

Fielder-Civil, who spent the first part of the afternoon with his face buried in his right hand, appeared to come to life as his wife arrived. As they did on Monday, (Winehouse did not appear in court Tuesday) the pair beamed at each other across the courtroom, raising their eyebrows, winking and blowing each other kisses.

At one point, Fielder-Civil motioned to his lawyer, who brought him paper and pen, apparently to write Winehouse a note. After the court usher shook his head no, the lawyer only whispered to Winehouse, but did not pass her the note.

The singer got up and left after about a half hour. She was unsteady on her feet and whispered “f— you” as she left.

[From People]

Ahh, the traditional “F-you.” I find few things are more likely to turn a biased judge’s favor towards your husband than uttering one of the more offensive curses. Whispered or not, it clearly was audible. But you know, let’s be fair here. If Winehouse didn’t do that, she might have just brought too much elegance and grace to the court proceedings. Really, such sophistication would have caused a major distraction in court. Amy Winehouse behaving herself is much bigger news than Amy Winehouse uttering obscenities and eyeball flirting with her husband. Yeah I know that was oddly specific, but I keep thinking of this picture for some reason.

Can’t you just imagine Winehouse and Civil-Fielder exchanging googly eyes like this at each other throughout court proceedings? I don’t even want to guess what was on the note Blake tried to pass Amy, but I’m guessing that anyone passing notes at 24-years-old is probably making fun of the judge’s wig… and then trying to get some drugs. We all know what Amy keeps in the beehive.

Here’s Amy returning home in London today after her grueling half-hour at Blake’s trial. WENN notes: “Amy Winehouse arriving home from court clutching her arm after reportedly hurting it during a clash with photographers earlier in the day. She is also carrying a bottle of Malibu.” Images thanks to WENN.

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14 Responses to “Amy Winehouse compares court to Disneyland; utters f-word in courthouse”

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  1. Kaiser says:

    Disneyland Incarcerated! 🙂

  2. Syko says:

    Her hair reminds me of when Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble used to put on their buffalo heads for their club meetings.

  3. JayBird says:

    ^^ That is perfect Syko. I KNEW it looked familiar. 😉

  4. bc says:

    what’s in the bottle she’s holding?

  5. Larissa says:

    I still think she grows something in it…

  6. Kayla says:

    I feel for this girl. She is so very talented yet so very imprisoned by her drug use. I am going to pray for her. No matter what anyone says if you know Jesus and you pray for the good of someone He will answer. God help Winehouse get off drugs.

  7. Kookoo Coco Puffs says:

    That booze, my friends, is a nasty concoction called Malibu which is a coconut-flavored rum. So classy to be flashing your booze, at least be like most and hide in a paper bag!

  8. Ribbit Ribbit says:

    Yes, I never attend a pre-noon court hearing without my Malibu Rum. Delicious with pineapple juice.

  9. Hollz says:

    her dad (or mum) needs to shave her damn beehive off!

  10. marial says:

    Amy Winehouse is the most incredible talent to surface in many, many years. She is completely gifted and could make music history as a living legend with effort on her part to stay alive and well. For all of us

  11. gg says:

    She must be the Grand Poobah of some lodge. The dimestore hairnet’s a nice touch.

  12. Anna says:

    Kookoo: this is Europe, we don’t have to hide our booze in paper bags per the law’s decree.

    And she was probably carrying the bottle because she didn’t wanna disturb the baby mice and cute little maggots nesting in her beehive.

    Reminds me of the gruelling stories of France, end of 18th century. When the ladies had wigs many feet high and so complicated that they were impossible to wash and they had all kinds of disgusting things (even live and dead mice apparently) growing, nesting and hibernating in there. I swear, I’m not making this up. Amy could compete with the best of them.

  13. gg says:

    Wow, I never thought of that. You’re right. She’s a Jewish Marie Antoinette.

    Somebody ought to hijack that nasty hairpiece and burn it

  14. KooKoo says:

    Anna@ it’s one of those to-MAY-toh, to-MAH-toh things. Most U.S. drunks brownbag their hooch. Nevada, I think is one of the few states open containers of alcohol are permitted.

    Speaking of alcohol, Wino is playing at that private gig in Russia, next week. Mother Russia! Hide your vodka! 👿