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12 Responses to “Justin Timberlake & Jessica Biel moving in together”

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  1. Alicia says:

    I’m happy for the both of them. They look like a happy couple. Justin seems to have finally grown up and wants more than the party single life. Kudos for them finding a way to avoid the spotlight.

  2. vdantev says:

    She’s a great gal who loves her fans and gives out autographs graciously, he’s a mean little diva scumbag who doesn’t want garlic-chewing peasants like us speaking to him.

    She could have done better.

  3. Ron says:

    There’s a difference here. Justin is a superstar who more than likely has hundreds of stalkers etc. that his security tracks for him everyday. He is far less likely to be approachable than say Jessica, who has been on a couple of tv shows and done some so so films. Although female celebs tend to have more stalker types, once you are at the level Justin is, it’s not surprising. Sorry. I have seen this stuff happen and it’s kinda scary for them so they will keep their distance.

  4. Kaiser says:

    See, I think she’s a bit of a famewhore, the kind of “actress” who shows up to the opening of an envelope. **cough, cough, Eva Longoria, cough**

    I bet this “report” is something her publicist came up with.

  5. Bodhi says:

    She hasn’t been in the media at all lately, I’d hardly call her a fame whore.

  6. Aliye says:

    I’m happy for both of them.I Love JT

  7. velvet elvis says:

    She is seriously so fugly, what is JT thinking??

  8. Enn says:

    For some reason I could swear that JT and Brit Brit bought a house together when they were only 19 or 20.

  9. sue mac says:


  10. just me says:

    Wow, I wonder what Cameron is going to think when she reads this little story. I wonder what the real reason for the brake up. I personally think JT is fugly looking. Let see how long this will last…good luck 😉

  11. Pamela says:

    Good luck to them – your life is short, take every opportunity to be with the one you love.

  12. These two make the hottest couple ever.