Lindsay Lohan has a secret sister

Michael Lohan dropped a bomb on his family – he has a secret love child. Michael claims the girl, now 13, was conceived when he and now ex-wife Dina were separated, thus implying that he wasn’t cheating on her. This is the first I’ve heard of an earlier separation. Michael’s definitely not talking about the separation that eventually led to divorce – he and Dina have 14-year-old daughter Ali and 12-year-old son Cody.

Linds’ father, Michael Lohan, has admitted to OK! that, while married — but at the time separated — to now-ex-wife Dina Lohan, he had a relationship with another woman which resulted in a pregnancy. In a statement to OK!, Michael says, “Years later [the woman] contacted me, convincing me that I was the only person she was with and that she had my child.”

In fact, OK! has seen letters Michael wrote to the girl’s mother where he says that his secret daughter “is beginning to look a lot like Linds, with a mix of [younger brother] Cody, believe it or not.” He also sent his daughter a photograph of himself while he was still in Collins Correctional Facility which he signed “Love Daddy.”

Michael’s secret daughter has had many conversations with her dad, the girl’s mother tells OK!. He even called her for her 13th birthday on June 12. But he has never visited her or provided financial support. “It’s time for Michael to take responsibility,” the girl’s mother tells OK!

[From OK! Magazine]

Can you imagine finding out that Lindsay Lohan is your sister? I would throw up so hard. This poor girl has obviously known for a little while, since Michael got out of prison a little over a year ago. Though he never specifies how long ago the girls’ mother contacted him, so who knows how long this girl has had to grow up knowing she’s genetically linked to the Lohan clan.

I have to wonder if the other Lohan children were informed before Michael dialed up OK! You’d think Dina would have used it against him publicly by now, had she known. So I’m guessing this is brand new information for most of them. I can only imagine what the first family picnic will look like. I imagine it’ll involve fried chicken, alcohol, and tears.

Here’s Lindsay Lohan on the set of her upcoming new film ‘Labor Pains’ in Los Angeles yesterday. Images thanks to WENN.

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33 Responses to “Lindsay Lohan has a secret sister”

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  1. elisha says:

    Oh! so juicy! Now THAT’s celebrity gossip! Although I don’t know why the girl would look like Lindsey considering Linds looks like her mom.

  2. angiee says:


    i dislike this family!

  3. emma says:

    i don’t get why the girl looks like linds either elisha. i mean come one, linds look exactly like her mom.

  4. Anna says:

    HA HA! (say it in a Simpsons voice)

  5. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    See, this is why – out of all of these little drunk driving/ cokepants/ rehab/ vajay-jay flashing/ tabloid starlets – Lindsay is the one I really feel bad for. I mean, look at her parents. This kid barely had a chance.

  6. Bodhi says:

    Wow! Juicy gossip!

    I don’t feel bad for LL in the slightest. I did for about 5 seconds a long time ago, but not any more. She had ample oppertunites to figure out that she needed to straighten up & chose not to

  7. someone says:

    She’s 13. As a Lohan that means she should look about 36.

  8. Haters says:

    I think you people are just jealous of linds and if you hate her so much and think she is a screw up then why even waste your time and click on this link?

  9. Bodhi says:

    I don’t hate LL at all. She is fabulous gossip fodder & I’ll always like that. besides, who in their right mind would be jelous of her?

  10. Haters says:

    Well only horrible people rely on others to provide them with gossip and many people would be jealous of her good accomplishments and the millions of dollars that she has at a very young age.

  11. Bodhi says:

    😆 well damn, then every person who looks at this blog & all of the writers must be horrible people 🙄

  12. Haters says:

    well i have better things to do right now then sit here and “argue” with anyone. ttyl :mrgreen:

  13. Bodhi says:

    Don’t the door hit ya on the way out! 😀

  14. Anna says:

    I wonder how much Dina Lohan payed “Haters” to say all this. Or maybe it was her? This is so funny! 😀

  15. Ron says:

    Sheesh! This is almost as bad as my family! If only Daddy hadn’t banged the maid……

  16. Syko says:

    Trying very hard to think of what “good accomplishments” Lindsay has. Showing the whole world her crotch. Check. Having sex with people in stairwells. Check. Passing out in cars. Check. Stealing cars and chasing people down public streets at high speeds. Check. My god, Haters, you’re right! She’s a wonderful person! Why did I ever doubt it?

  17. T says:

    i feel bad for Lindsey just for the fact shes finding out that theres another sibling. I found out two years ago i have another brother who just happens to be a yr. younger then my little brother(parents were married at that time), and it was hard to take. she may have a LOT of other problems this has nothing to do with those things

  18. RAN says:

    Good Gracious Hater – Step off the hate train for a second! Since you’re gone, please don’t come back.

    Anywho… this is interesting info… I can’t imagine being this kid and finding out your entire blended family is absolutely bonkers

  19. Because I say So says:

    I wonder who will foot the bill for the newest Lohan’s therapy for life? 😯

  20. jinx says:

    Since Lindsay is the sole source of income for the family, she no doubt had to pay the child support while her parents were married. I wonder if Linds got to deduct her illegit sissy on her taxes?

    Her father’s attention whoring is at an all time low. He’s got to be the reason that girl is a drunk. Ugh.

  21. mollination says:

    Haha bodhi! You tell ’em. And I totally agree with you on everything you said about linds (as usual) 😀

  22. Dingles says:

    Sounds like a reality show in the making. I feel so bad for those Lohan kids…they didn’t stand a chance. No amount of money can make up for such a poor upbringing.

  23. dana says:

    damn, i wish she had some secret TALENT! 🙄

  24. juicy says:

    is it wrong that i’d love to see pictures of this chick?

  25. velvet elvis says:

    God forgive me for saying this but I kind of feel sorry for Lindsay.

  26. paris herpes says:

    W.O is loving this shit probably. Guess it’ll be on her show next week, which I will NOT be watching. These idiots are so trashy…!

  27. brianne says:

    Wow, what a sleazbag!! Information like that you give to your family in private, dont let them read it in OK magazine, thats just disgusting. Those poor kids. I usually dont like this family at all, but nobody deserves something like this.

  28. devilgirl says:

    The whole bunch of them are sleazy. Everything is done for sheer publicity’s sake. Dina is probably thrilled she has some new material for her whoremykidoutforafewbucks show. She may get a second season with this “shocking”revelation

  29. devilgirl says:

    Hey , ❓ is a secret sister anything like a secret santa? Or a secret admirer?

  30. vdantev says:

    Poor girl 🙁

  31. Jaundice Machine says:

    Ugh. I don’t want to share my birthday with a Lohan. Even if it is is just a half-Lohan. I already have to share it with Papa Bush. Now a fugly Lohan? That’s gross.

  32. Curious says:

    So when is this one appearing on ‘Living Lohan’?