Amy Winehouse leaves the hospital… again

Singer Amy Winehouse leads a remarkably open life for someone so famous. Most celebrities keep a passel of security guards and assistants around them at all times. They buy fancy homes in gated communities. They only sign autographs at premieres. Amy is pretty much the opposite of all those things. You rarely see her with any security other than a friend or her dad. From the description in Rolling Stone, she lives in anything but a fancy, gated home. Winehouse’s fans are often photographed going right up to her door, which she answers herself. She’ll chat and sign autographs. I can’t think of any other celebrity that encourages that kind of access.

In a way it’s really cool – and if she had her act more together in terms of her personal affairs, it’d be easy to say Amy was really down to earth and awesome. Unfortunately all of her openness – or maybe it’s just a refusal to hide – has made Winehouse’s every move pretty easy to document. That’s why it came as a surprise to many that she’s been at a hospital clinic for the last ten days, since her release from another hospital after being diagnosed with emphysema-like symptoms.

Though her rep wasn’t clear, it appears Winehouse is being treated for her lung condition and not specifically for her addictions. She was allowed to leave the clinic twice for concert performances this past weekend – and was also photographed buying cigarettes and booze. After ten days she’s being released.

Amy Winehouse has left the hospital, it was confirmed Tuesday. The performer, who had a busy weekend of concerts, was discharged from the clinic where she has been staying for more than 10 days on Monday.

Her representative, Chris Goodman, said, “She has left [the] hospital. She is continuing as an outpatient.” The singer, 24, returned to the facility during rehearsals and between her performances for Nelson Mandela and at the Glastonbury Festival. But she left for good on Monday.

“She will return for regular appointments for check[-up]s,” said Goodman. He adds, “There comes a time when you are ready to leave the hospital, and so she left. No one was trying to keep her there. It was completely up to her – everyone knew she would not stay there forever”… Goodman says Winehouse is “looking great and feeling great.”

[From People]

I really don’t understand how Amy Winehouse is constantly able to convince doctors that she’s fine. She’s always leaving hospitals and rehabs after what seems like relatively short stays – especially considering her myriad of conditions and the ferocity with which her addictions always seem to return. I realize they can’t lock her down… but it’d sure be great if they could.

Amy wasn’t in the hospital secretly, and a few media outlets mentioned it. Maybe it just didn’t get as much press because it doesn’t exactly raise eyebrows anymore.

Despite the “everything is great!” line her PR guy gave, the Daily Mail reported that Amy immediately went out partying.

The troubled star marked her release from hospital by partying until 4.30am amid fears she’ll resume her bad habits. The Rehab singer visited live music venue The Monarch and stopped in at a kebab shop before returning home to carrying on the party with friends.

A source is quoted in The Sun as saying: ‘We feared a taste of the outside would remind her what she’s missing and it would be hard to get her back into life at the clinic. That’s exactly what’s happened. Sunday was like she was on a terrible comedown from the whole thing. She kicked off and threw all her toys out the pram.

‘She told Mitch [her father]: “I’m climbing the walls in here. I need to get out”. She said if he didn’t help her get out, she’d walk out. ‘He realised he had to let her leave, otherwise he’d have no control over where she goes and what she gets up to.’

[From the Daily Mail]

What’ll it take to get her to straighten out? What hasn’t gone wrong for Amy Winehouse? If she hasn’t hit rock bottom yet, I’m truly afraid to see what her version of the bottom looks like.

Here’s Amy Winehouse leaving her Camden home to go for a walk with an inhaler in her hand after she was released from the hospital last night. She produces an ace of hearts playing card which she asks the photographers to get published for her incarcerated husband. Totally normal. Images thanks to WENN.

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27 Responses to “Amy Winehouse leaves the hospital… again”

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  1. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Okay, I’m just going to say this, and it’s only my humble opinion, Jaybird and CB.

    I’d think it would be a lot better to cut back on the Winehouse coverage – I barely read about her anymore because I think she’s a really sick girl, and I don’t snark on truly sick people. I realize freedom of the press, and people have the right to know, etc. But it feels like the Britney stuff when she was spiraling out of control. If Amy goes down this path much longer, she is going to die. It’s not funny, it’s not snarky, juicy gossip and it’s not entertainment.

  2. geronimo says:

    I’m going to second this for the same reasons as Kaiser. I said it yesterday on another post after her Glastonbury appearance, it’s just not entertainment any more. I know the option is there to not read and I’d be first to say ignore it if it were anything else, but it’s like watching someone dying. Her reputation’s already dead and that’s tragic enough.

    She’s not going to go anywhere but downhill for the forseeable future and there’s only so much to say about that. She’s sick and pap attention is only making her worse because she’s too f*ked up to understand she’s their livelihood.

  3. CeeJay says:

    I’m in agreement with the above two posters. I think it’s time to stop the coverage on this girl. It’s really not entertaining any more. At some point you guys have to make decisions as to what and whom you will publicize and what you will not. And, while you’re at it please cut the coverage on that Montag girl and her loathsome boyfriend. You’re giving them free publicity and they’re lapping it up.

  4. Precious says:

    I’m agreeing with the above. Stop posting about the folks who need serious help – Britney, Pete Doherty, Amy W., Lily Allen, etc. If you stop posting about their drugged up actions and their mental issues, maybe they’ll stop and get some serious help.

  5. Bodhi says:

    Good ideas all around…

  6. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Yow. My message has been co-opted!! Now I know how Gandhi felt!! 🙂

    My message was particular to Winehouse, actually. I don’t give a hoot about Heidi, Paris, etc, but if I’m bored, I’ll read about them. They’re not killing themselves, they’re just silly little girls.

  7. xiaoecho says:

    NOOOOO!!!! don’t stop posting about the so called ‘train wrecks’

    Don’t censor yourself CB

    I don’t click posts that I personally find irritating or boring or for any other reason
    ……..that is the strength of your home page format.

    Stay true to the internet tradition of freedom of expression.
    You’ve got the mix right and you always warn us of anything ‘in your face’

    …and I would say to the posts above, if you feel you might be offended DON’T CLICK THE STORY……..censor yourself, not other readers of the site

  8. lulu says:

    wow! are you people serious?? stop posting about trainwrecks??? those are the only stories i read!! btw, amy and the big girl have the same shoes on… ha haha!

  9. bc says:

    same shoes and same beehive! haha! the big lady seems to… perhaps… woship amy? LOL!

  10. Anybody says:

    My turn…I disagree with the above comments and it’s silly to think that these “celebrities” will get help, if you stop posting about them. People want to read about what and who they find interesting; I hope your not using just one site for your gossip feed. As a person struggling with addiction myself, it is a very complex problem. By reading about people with substance abuse issues, it gives me concrete reasons to stay sober; Because when you’re in the depths of addiction, nothing is obvious, you can rationalize your way out of anything.

  11. Kaiser/ Hippacrat says:

    Anybody — I don’t think that if CB stops posting about Winehouse, she’ll magically get better. But I do think that if CB, and many, many other gossip sites took the Winehouse coverage down a few notches, the paps wouldn’t feel the need to cover her every movement. Then maybe, in time, she could eventually get real help. Or maybe not, and she dies. And will the gossip sites cover that obsessively, and turn that into another circus? Probably. And they’ll be partly to blame, too.

  12. geronimo says:

    No one’s saying she’ll get help if the gossip stops but the lack of attention might just get through to her. One of the reasons she continues to carry on like this is that she believes she still can because NO ONE IS TELLING HER SHE CAN’T. Mark Ronson did the right thing by publicly saying she’s not up to the job and if more big names did the same – she’s supported by some of the top musicians around, all saying ‘Oh she’s just going through a phase’, ‘It’s the soul singer in her just coming through’, ‘She’s suffering for her art’, and other bullshit – then she might just get the message. Read the Rolling Stone interview where, after the ‘racist’ video hit the papers, she goes outside her front door and the paps say ‘Don’t apologise, Amy, we love you, you’re fine’!! This is what she’s hearing and this is what she’s believing.

    If it eases up here, like Kaiser says, it might ease up in other places, and Amy might finally wake up to the fact that she’s not fine, and that the only people interested in her now are those who make a living from her.

  13. Ack! says:

    Wow. So much real consideration for Amy is touching. I’m all for a drop in coverage on her, except for when she performs.

  14. JayBird says:

    Good to know guys, we always appreciate the feedback and keep it in mind 😀

  15. vdantev says:

    *Officially beginning the Death Watch*

  16. Snowblood says:

    I’m with Xiaoecho on this one, but I agree Kaiser & Geronimo et alia have very good points – however, if you eliminate coverage on trainwrecks, it’ll all just be boring baby & divorce news.

    I so totally second what CeeJay suggested, though, re: that idiot Montag and her Bratty little boyfriend, who the hell cares about these ridiculous two? Anyway…

    I think maybe we see so much about Winehouse’s addictions because she’s so very open and non-hidey about her life. I am willing to bet that a good deal of other big celebs out there, especially the ones in the music biz, are harbouring nice fat addictions of their own, but we never hear about it because they’ve got their armour of PR and gated homes and etcetera, which Winehouse eschews completely, like what JayBird suggested.

  17. sue mac says:

    Don’t stop posting…this woman is progressing through treatmnet like everyone else. It’s not magic and she’s a kid. How many times has Liz Taylor been??? She will be dealing for the rest of her life. These blogs are neither positive or negative-they simply exist.I like the Amy!!!!

  18. Anastasia says:

    Well, for myself, I think I’m going to have to stop reading the Winehouse stories anyway. I do think she’s a great talent, and can do so much more, but she’s seriously ill–physically, mentally, and emotionally–and I don’t really enjoy watching seriously ill people slowly die.

  19. Crux the Magic Dragon says:

    It makes people uncomfortable to see stories about celebrity trainwrecks. Be blessed that you do not have to live around drug addicts, or work in a place where children are born mentally/emotionally challenged, due to drug/alcohol addicted mothers. Oh yeah, it’s wonderful to look at human waste, needles or crack pipes whilst commuting to work. Mmmmm, love the smell of urine in the morning!

    I think these individuals deserve the sympathy and mercy shown to the aformentioned celebrities. If reading about them gives one troubles, might I suggest volunteering at a rehab center, or volunteering at a homeless shelter. Let me tell you something, these individuals have more dignity, pride, and courage within their pinky, than the likes of Winehouse.

    Keep posting.

    July 1st, 2008 at 6:39 pm – Can I get an, “Amen?”

  20. Trashaddict says:

    Maybe one reason to stop posting about addicted celebrities is to avoid giving younger people the impression that being a drug-addled star will somehow get you press and attention. And from the looks of things, there seem to be a LOT of attention-hungry people out there…..

  21. paris herpes says:

    IS she belching? That would be so hipster! YAK!

  22. Wow if they only knew…I used to be a magor drug addict and I am well, a saint and have now and made amends a million times. I have not uesed in over 10 years even workin the profession
    I will tell you right now I am glad my family have no pictures to remind them the ones in their heads must be bad enough because I am now dying of a lung problem and they will not shell out a dime to help save my life. Similar story as Amy’s right down to the lung problem. Amy if you need help take your time and get it I am one of your fans and I will wait.

  23. geronimo says:

    Just to clarify, my posts are specifically about Amy and easing back on her coverage because she’s plainly sick, not in control of things and no longer fair game. And I’d say the same about anyone else who was in the same boat.

  24. Anybody says:

    OK-going off a bit to prove a point-I think it’s fair to say that Ms. Winehouse’s lifestyle is similar to how Britney Spears used to live i.e. crazy publicity, constant disheveled appearance, irradic behaviors, befriending paparazzi, hospital/police issues-Except with Britney-there wasn’t as much solid info on drug use as Amy. Whether Britney was on drugs or bi-polar doesn’t matter-point being-her family finally stepped in and took control because of the constant and negative publicity. It was relentless, her family put the puzzle together, acted, and it helped. I know that Amy’s paparazzi are not around for the greater purpose of helping her. But, there is a possibility it can have a positive effect on her by affecting those that care about her. I say keep posting about Amy-it helps me and, I think eventually, it’ll help her.

  25. Suzie says:

    I am not a fan of Amy’s…..her music or her persona.
    I just feel she is spiraling down and her “group” around her are leeches and taking from her “celebrity” when in fact, they need to be helping her.
    Her future looks bleak if she doesnt change her ways…..