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43 Responses to “Patrick Swayze looking great, tells photographers “I’m a miracle, dude.””
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such great, happy news!
CB, thanks for posting
i hope he quits smoking too
Damn, he looks good!!!!!!
This is happy, happy news!
Yay, Patrick!! Woooooo!!!
This is great news! I’ve always thought Swayze seemed like such a nice person — loyal to his wife, hard-working (what a dancer!), not a showboat…
It’s good to see the nice guy coming out on top, especially in such a tough situation.
Wow! What a lucky dude! My best to Patrick & his loved ones!
My uncle recently died from PC. He held on & cared for my grandma (his momma) until she died. He was a hardcore junkie back in the day & his Fentanol (sp?) patches just stopped working. His death was truely awful for me; but I am so glad that I got to spend some good time with him & that he was able to meet my fiance.
I’d never in a million years wish a slow death by cancer on anyone
Huge congrats Patrick, you know the public is on your side with this and we are all praying for you.
Now quit smoking cigarettes you son of a b*tch.
WOW! I can’t express how good this news is to hear. My mother in law died of pancreatic cancer, and it’s pretty much a death sentence once diagnosed – and not a kind way to go in the end. I truly hope whatever experimental stuff he’s taking/doing/etc.. is working and brings some hope to others in similar situations. My kids love Patrick Swayze and I think he’s a phenomenal human being – I hope he beats this.
Bodhi, sorry to hear about your uncle. Death is never easy, but I do know how horrible pancreatic cancer can be and I imagine your experience was a truly difficult one to deal with. My condolences
It’s too late for his face, he’s ruined it with too much plastic surgery.
Oh, shut it, Persistant Cat, you asinine moronQ!! His face looks haggard not due to plastic surgery, for christ sake, but because he has been battling life-threatening hardcore CANCER for a year now!! Jesus, what kind of scumbag wants to talk smack on a man for looking drawn, saying shit about plastic surgery when the guy’s just come back from death’s door from cancer! Not cool, not cool at all, there, Cat.
Persistant Cat = Epic Fail
I’m glad to see him doing well. My mother-in-law is battling PC right now. She is over 70 and is an absolute saint. I just hope she hangs in there as long as she can. We can’t afford to go traipsing around for experimental treatments, though I’m very happy for those who can!
Persistant cat is just trying to get a rise.. Wipe the sand out of your vagina and stop being so cranky Persistant.
On the Patrick news, good for him!! I hope he makes a full recovery and my condolences to bodhi.
Great progress Patrick!! Very pleased to see you looking so great with such an upbeat positive attitude!!
Wishing you all the best, my prayers are with you everyday!!
Go Patrick! We love you!
My condolences also, Bodhi.
I’ve also seen that situation where a person holds on to their own health just long enough to care for a loved one, and then they pass away in a short time of each other. It’s so sad and beautiful.
I cannot believe this man is 55 and fighting cancer.I know 36 yr olds that don’t look this good!I have always loved this man 😛 .I really pray he pulls through this,godbless you sweet Patrick:)Can’t wait to see your new show!!
The prayers must be working!
He looks great!
He looks amazing! 😀
Go Patrick
His life’s been a roller-coaster with major ups and downs, so beating the dreaded death-sentence pancreatic cancer isn’t all that big a surprise I suppose. I sure hope he stays cancer free; Houston’s lost two other local celebs to pancreatic cancer recently 😥 — we certainly don’t need anymore.
He looks great….it makes me happy…
Guardian angel performs wonderful work.
On 5 March 2008, it was widely reported that actor Patrick Swayze had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and had “about 5 weeks left to live”.
We are now 20 weeks and one CyberKnife SRS treatment later and he’s not only not dead, he’s back to work in the highly physical profession of acting and he looks better than most guys half his age that have never had to battle a life-threatening illness of any kind.
Gee, you think this CyberKnife SRS might be for real? How many once-thought-hopeless successful cases do you need to see before the light goes on? Actually, the people that work in this field and keep up to date with what is happening (yes, that second contingency knocks out a big group right there) already know about the power of this amazing technology. So why then aren’t more doctors owning up to the value of CyberKnife SRS and recommending this treatment for their patients?
Thank God for the Internet. Without the access to information made possible by the Internet, I am convinced that the medical community would bury CyberKnife and just continue to run their patients through the far more expensive (and invasive) and far less effective treatment paradigms that are helping them to make their Mercedes payments.
Yes, you bet a very substantial number of people are already following this Patrick Swayze story and at least some of them are going to start to ask themselves (and hopefully their doctors as well), gee, if CyberKnife does this well on a hopeless case like this, why couldn’t it help my dad (or mom or fill-in-the-blank)?
Hey Dude. Word is getting out about this CyberKnife SRS stuff.
Whee! I love him, my mom loves him, my grandma loved him! Good news indeed!
Stay Strong !
P.S. No One puts Baby(Patrick) in a corner!
Good news, good to hear he’s doing well. Definitely looks healthier here than in the earlier pics.
Sad, bodhi, but nice that you got to spend good time together.
OMG he really does look amazing! So happy he is well! Its so nice to have a positive outcome!
Thanks to God and all the prayers Patrick is doing very well and looking fine!
I am so happy for patrick! Through his ordeal there is much more public awareness of this almost always deadly type of cancer. Ovarian cancer is almost always fatal. There are no early screening or detection methods, so by the time it s detected it is too late. I had family die of both. There is so much awareness and funding for breast and prostate cancer- with wonderful progressive treatment and screening. I hope one day the most fatal cancers get the same thing.
Cat’s right, this isn’t natural.
He looks like what he is – an older cancer patient. He was hot in Dirty Dancing, but not so much now.
Saw him on Access Hollywood while channel surfing last night. He looked good and seemed upbeat and I was happy to see him doing so well. Stay well Patrick. Hope you’re around for a long while to come.
“Swayze gave the paparazzi at LAX this Sunday upbeat answers to their questions about his health despite the fact that he had to take off his belt and boots for security:
When asked how he was feeling the actor said “He was cookin’” and when asked about his health he replied “I’m a miracle dude, I don’t know why.”
That’s good news for Patrick, I’m pleased to hear that he is surviving! I have always liked him for his positive, sincere attitude! Look up to the skies Mr. Swayze, then you’ll know why….GOD is a loving, merciful God….no matter the mistakes made in life, he gives us a chance to be forgiven for our past mistakes, it’s up to us to seek him….trust me I know, because I came back from death in 1990!
And for “security” at airports….you suck and are ignorant.
It`s really GREAT to see you back on your feet again Patrick!!! :)) But at the same time I want to beg you; PLEASE STOP SMOKING! !!! It will only make your recovery slower and harder, and it is to big a chance that it will put you right back to where you started when you first where diagnosed. You`re too great a dancer, to good an actor and to nice and wise a person to fill up your body with that really unnecessary and repulsive toxin! Think about your wife and about all us others that enjoy having you arround!!! :)) Don`t let us (or yourself!) down for some seriously disgusting and unhealthy sigarettes!!! I`m very glad to hear that you are eating healthy, NEVER underestimate that! I`ts time to take care of your health like never before!, and to actually BE as healthy as you always have looked ;)) KEEP IT UP!!!
All my love and care to you both! AND; …..I`ll be watching and waiting to hear the redeeming words from you; “I HAVE QUIT!” GOOD LUCK!!!
windfall you are cool & right on the button.
Windfall very nice to read your post i agree with you very cool,
just an observer who wants to see that guy thrive,
I think he looks great, considering everything that he has been through. I hope whatever treatment that he is receiving that it works out for him.
I’m a huge fan and I watch Dirty Dancing at least 4 times/ year.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Patrick looks great..as usual. For those that talk negative about his looks…just wait and see how you look at 56. May wanna take back those words!!!
Love and Prayers Patrick and Lisa.
I just recently lost my grandma to pancreatic cancer and it was painful to experience. When we caught the cancer, it was too late and the cancer was already at its worst. Patrick stay strong and think positive. You are doing a great job at taking care of yourself. You are not only a wonderful actor but a wonderful man as well.
The first movie I ever saw you in was Dirty Dancing and I loved it and you. Thank you for all of the hard work you gave to your craft. You and your family are in my prayers.
Mr. Swayze, I wish you the very best. I have seen all the reports on your health, and just had to drop you a line. First, I would like to thank you for the years of entetainment you have give me and my family. Second I just want you to know that I will be praying for you and your family. We will never know why things happen the way they do. I have often wondered why I have had to bury two brothers a sister and my mother. The only thing that I am sure of is that,no man is promised tomarrow, and all we can do is enjoy life as much as we can. Dont let anyone tell you different. I do not know you personally, but If there is anything I can do, please feel free to call me. I know that sounds funny but sometimes talking to some one you dont even know can make you feel better. I am not a nut or crazy, Im just sure you have alot on your mind.I wish you well and all the best.
Congratulations Patrick!!!
I know first hand about the difficulites after the phone rings..but I also remain hopeful in the now relesed, stem cell research . Hopefully, this can help your family as well as mine.
I am a mother of 3 who’s dad has stage 4 prostate cancer with a bony metasstis to his head spine and pelvis. As I watch my twin boy’s all of 8 years old watching the deterioration of their dad, I now have hope for their future…. No doctor can for sure say exactly where this cancer came from , but the first thing thought is it is hereitary. I can only pray it is not.
My husband went from the bread winner, macho man, body builder… to almost another child I have been careing for… He is in REMISSION for now but, is still very weak and MESSED UP IN THE HEAD!! Our day’s are long and nights even shorter (know what I mean?)
Our lives have definately taken an unexpected turn–We are on the verge of losing our haous and everything we have built upon for the last 23 years of marriage…so be it …because nothing can replace a life without my husband-best friend- and Daddy.
Strange to think of how powerful a montra can be but, when I awake I say…
Yesterday is history….Tomorrow’s a mystery…Today’s a gift!!!
God bless you and your family and know help is on the way!!!!!!!!
Friend-Lover-Wife-Mother-Nurse…Prayer and believer
What’s Ed McMahon, Farah Fawcett, and Michael Jackson getting for Christmas? Patrick Swayze!!
God bless you, Patrick! God bless you, Miracle! My best wishes!
He will be greatly missed. Such a sad thing.
check out this funny website that pays tribute to Patrick Swayze.
PATRICK YUO HAVE TO MANY PEOPLE ON YOUR SIDE HOW MARYBETH PROCIDA WANT ME TO DO BESIDE YOUR WIFE IJUST MET YOU ILOVE YOU TO forget all about me iam one ofthem people ido get people magazine ido miss you dancing with me kissed me i miss that we met
THANK YOU.R THAT PATRICK I REALLY MISSyoiwish imetyou again iwish you will dancewith again thank for kissing mebuy the way you met my famly. me to did get my auto grath you love me ilove you i did blach i saw you be for you where married we went eye to eye youkown me now i kown you. you ever had a girl frend before all of you’r live my aunt misses you i do to in my heart
patrick swayze your my type you are yourown personlily this not goin chages me you where born together not the same year or sameday thats the truth you wound of being my boy frind thin we both had our frist holy communion together rode on a pony then if we ware marrid that will be a merical we could dancer make love he flert with me sign marybeth procida
we kown eash together now we ifrist saw him you were born 1952 august18th iwas born forthth of september 1963 him.me where babys then weboth pinpals we made for eashother