Katie Holmes at the Globes announcement: very pretty or overly medicated?


This morning, the Golden Globe nominations were announced by Blair Underwood (swoon), Josh Duhamel (blech) and Katie Holmes! Katie actually looked rather lovely for the announcement, I thought. She’s actually giving me a very Kate Middleton vibe, right? I think it’s the talking out of the side of her mouth thing (Middleton does that too) and the hair. The hair looks great. The face… well, her makeup is good. But to my jaded eyes, the Kate-Bot looks stoned. She always looks medicated these days.



Anyway, last night Katie was filming scenes with Adam Sandler for Jack & Jill, the film where she plays Sandler’s wife, I believe. She was also spotted with little Suri. Here are some of the pics:




Photos courtesy of WENN and Fame.

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83 Responses to “Katie Holmes at the Globes announcement: very pretty or overly medicated?”

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  1. NayNay says:

    She seems to always have that same far away look in her eyes. Perhaps she is being medicated, because she looks like she doesn’t even know where she is. I think, she looks quite out of place. She looks FUGLY in that last picture.

  2. mln76 says:

    Uhm maybe she was PO’ed that Nicole was nominated Lainey mentioned that she had to read off her name.

  3. Kim says:

    Scientologists frown on meds don’t they?

  4. Sandy says:

    Not just frown on meds, it is strictly forbidden. Even though L. Ron was on anti psychotics at the end of his life.

  5. 4Real says:

    She must take the same meds that Brittany is taking.

  6. Ruby Red Lips2 says:

    She’s prob popping pills to help her cope with her mad sci hubby…

  7. LOVE ANGELINA says:

    I didn’t see the Golden Globes announcement this morning and I didn’t even know they were being announced lol. I am very pleased how they turned out. I feel like I was nominated. So I missed Katie but I do get a very Kate Middleton vibe from her.

  8. Isabel says:

    I don’t even know anymore. She always just looks zombie-scary to me.

  9. brin says:

    Pretty and overmedicated. That’s probably the way Tom likes it.

  10. KJ says:

    The scientolocult DOES frown upon medication, especially of the psychopharmaceutical variety, but I’m sure they have other methods of making sure Katie Holmes keeps quiet as a mouse.

    She looks more alive here than I’ve seen her since…well, marrying Tom Cruise. She’s been looking like the life just got sucked out of her since marrying that head case, but here she looks shockingly like there’s blood running through her veins.

  11. nonotme says:

    OK how old is Suri now? 15? When does Katie stop holding her like she’s a toddler? She looks really weird holding this large child. I feel it’s a sign of compensating for something to hold your old child like a baby.

  12. flutters says:

    Yeah the expression in her eyes is just eerie. But there were other pictures where she just looked lovely. I agree about the dress/makeup/hair. Perfection.

  13. jen says:

    Xenu Xanax.

  14. Eve says:

    @ NayNay:

    Yes, she always has that vacant, lifeless look in her eyes…ever since she married Cruise.

    She used to look quite lively before hooking up with him.

  15. bebe says:

    I saw her on tv and she looked goregeous. As ususal the worst photos of her are posted on this site.

  16. Diane says:

    I wonder about people who always keep their lips together when they smile. Got teeth?

  17. Lisa Turtle says:

    hmmm… Call me a skeptic, but I think Katie is putting in some quality face time with the Globes crew to ensure that she scores a nomination next year for her portrayal of Jackie Kennedy in the mini-series “The Kennedys.”

  18. David says:

    I thing she looks good

  19. MarenGermany says:

    I grew up with her in Dawsons Creek.

    She is still very, very pretty, but her eyes (that ever since had that sad look) now always seem so far away and her smile seems to be so tortured.

    Really sad what fame and represantion duties can do to a quirly, cute soul.

  20. Marie says:

    Reminds me of Katy Perry, not sure why. Could be the stupid looks or just doesn’t look like she is all there look.

  21. Whatever says:

    She probably is stoned. I would be stoned out of my mind every single day of my life, if I woke up every morning next to that lunatic.

    She doesn’t look mad to me at all. Why would she be pissed that Nicole Kidman was nominated or even hate her? Maybe jealous that Kidman escaped!

  22. guesty says:

    is there life behind those eyes? a soul perhaps? she is so out of it.

  23. Eleonor says:

    Since she’s married Cruise she looks much older than she is.
    Scientology is evil.

  24. teehee says:

    Header pic reminds me of Kate Middleton 🙂

  25. Lori says:

    I think she takes a lot of “vitamins”.

  26. rentho says:


  27. original kate says:

    she is getting increasingly puppet faced, like she’s being held up by strings. strings that are being jerked by tiny tom. i don’t know…she just looks vacant.

  28. Roma says:

    @nonotme: You beat me to it! Why is she still carrying Suri? It seems so weird and awkward since Suri is either a tall child, or older than they claim her to be… I still think she looks like Chris Kline.

  29. potatopeel says:

    Cruise killed the bubbly right out of her. Her eyes are vacant looking (eyes are supposedly the windows to one’s soul – she apparently doesn’t have one any more!no twinkling there) and the left side of her face never quite catches the smile that the right side struggles with. Honestly, she looks like someone who is miserable but can put on the fake “happy” when necessary. Hope marrying him was worth it all. And that kid – good grief.

  30. OXA says:

    To me she looks like a stroke vicitm with chipmunk cheeks.

  31. Bailey says:

    if you told me it was a wax figure, I’d believe you.

  32. di butler says:

    Pretty Vacant.

  33. dread pirate cuervo says:

    Homegirl is putting away a box of White Zin every day. Trust.

  34. hellen says:

    Stoned Kate Middleton for sure. Look at the second photo.

  35. cprincess says:

    Never mind her-where are the pics of Blair Underwood-hes sooooo hot!

  36. searching4grace says:

    i envy her bone structure. she might come across as vacant in pictures but she will age beautifully. just remember. tom cruise won’t live forever. she’ll come back. i think she looks more zombie because she twitches less than she did on dawsons creek.

  37. Fanny says:

    Katie is adorable. She is very beautiful (even without makeup) and not at all medicated.

  38. StopKiddingYourself says:

    “Pretty Vacant”

    Ah, @di Butler. You took the words right from under my fingers.

  39. Aries_Mira says:

    I think she looks fine. If photographers are constantly snapping pictures (we’re talking like 30 per minute), when you talk you’re going to look goofy at some point. It happens to everyone! I like the third picture down: very natural, relaxed, happy.

  40. Jeri says:

    She does look good (for Katie) and she does look overly medicated. But anyone married to Tom would need to be overly medicated.

  41. belle Epoch says:

    #31 wax figure – exactly! Her handlers have figured out what to tweak to make her look good.

    I think she married the lunatic because she wanted to be super famous. She has an unrealistic view of her own talents (ahem) and thought this would vault her into Kidman territory. Sheer greed, and not even a good enough actress to make it look convincing. How many times has she said Tom is “amazing”?

    I don’t plan to see her playing Jackie Kennedy – probably they have reduced the part to a lot of looking pretty and speaking softly.

  42. bagladey says:

    Katie is very well coiffed and looks very pretty but honestly, how can anyone have serious things going on inside their head and maintain that look? As Scientology is specifically against the types of medication that would put that look in Katie’s eyes and face I would seriously like to know what is responsible for her spaced out appearances. Suri is too precious to walk but she’s allowed to carry and drink directly from a glass bottle while moving? Maybe she’ll end up with a missing front tooth to match Shiloh Jolie-Pitt’s or an upper lip scar to match Joaquin Phoenix’s.

  43. Solveig says:

    I usually don’t give an effe about Katie Holmes, but damn, she looks so depressed it saddens me.
    If that nutcase called Tom Cruise is her problem, I hope she’ll find the strenght to divorce him.

  44. leila says:

    Looks like she had some work done on her face and some fresh botox as well.

    What does Scientology say about plastic surgery anyway? Is that allowed but without the pain killers after wards?

  45. *-* says:

    Suri is soooooooo cuteeeeee:)))
    Katie looks great:)

  46. kat says:

    My son is just a few months younger than Suri, and I still carry him sometimes. Especially at bedtime when he gets tired and cuddly. I’ll miss it when he gets too heavy or he decides he’s too big.

  47. lillsche says:

    to me it looks like she’s had her nose done. anyhow…

    i can remember when she looked good for her age. now she looks good for her age in a couple of years…

  48. Crash2GO2 says:


  49. Ruby Red Lips2 says:

    Suri def has her daddy’s nose..and I mean Tom C, take a look, that is def a ccruise nose

  50. Trillion says:

    I’m getting a contact high just looking at that picture.

  51. Kim says:

    She has tweaked her face so much. She DEFINITELY had her nose done and other stuff; cheeks, chin, botox, eyelid lift. She used to be a cute girl. Her hair looks better here than it has in a long time though. She looks totally spaced out & miserable living a fake scientology life that she wishes she could get out of.

  52. kelly says:

    It’s all the fake smiling she has to do that makes her look that way; the smile that never reaches your eyes thing. It’s not as though she’s a great actress!
    The assumption is that her life’s one big steaming turd that she unwittingly bought into but to that I say this; what the hell else was she going to do, and as a contract beard, Im pretty sure the details were nailed down before anyone signed on the line.

    She’s just sitting out her term, trying to look pretty, pretending being a mum to whoever’s kid that is is totally awesome and more fulfilling than anything else she could be doing. And she’s not alone in that, by any means!

  53. dorothy says:

    Does Suri not know how to walk yet?

  54. Moreaces says:

    I wonder how long its going to take her to realize what a terrible mistake she made, sans her little girl.

  55. leo says:

    zombie !

  56. LolaBella says:

    Yes, she looks pretty, but there is nothing behind her eyes.

    I guess that’s what happens when you sell your soul.

  57. Crash2GO2 says:

    “Does Suri not know how to walk yet?”

    Oh great, another parenting expert weighing in.

  58. Bitter fruit says:

    Were those photos taken at Madam Tussauds?

  59. REALIST says:

    Bizarre-she looks older, and definitely medicated. Like Valium or something. What would Tom, expert that he is on psychotropic drugs, say? Maybe she’s starting to give him the FU already…

  60. Hakura says:

    I don’t think the title of this post is really fair. xD I don’t believe there’s such a THING as ‘overly medicated’ when one is married to Tom Cruise.

    She comes across as very lost to me. Like she’s constantly lost in her own mind, trying to maintain a look of ‘serenity’ that just comes off… sad, a bit creepy. When Britney was at her worst, really having an emotional breakdown, she had that same look on her face sometimes. Just… Lost. =( I feel really bad for Katie. I hope she and Suri are doing okay.

  61. Brandy says:

    I think everyone that has commented needs to do some research on firstly Scientology (as some have) and secondly very opinionated about people WE only view from the outside & what Media allows us to know. I personally think Katie Holmes looks Totally & Utterly Gorgeous and there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with carrying your own child. Or does nobody else out there hold there child when trying to get somewhere faster?? I think most of the people tormenting stars with our two cent opinions, photos & idle gossip need to get lives. Media is suppose to report Fact & Truth…and should be giving us photos of celebrities but why all the negativity that goes with the pics? I’m so glad l’m not a celebrity as the General Public are vicious….Just take a Moment People & imagine what it would be like having ppl pulling you apart so often…isn’t this called “BULLYING!” But this is done by the masses…….Shame on Media – Give us positive stories about our wonderful celebrities they deserve THAT!
    My two cents….now don’t attack me for my comments – l’m NOT anyone famous just a compassionate human being…;0)

  62. Shannon says:

    Hey Brandy did you forget where you are? This site is called CeleBITCHY for a reason lmao.

  63. samigirl says:

    I’m assuming everyone who is sh*t talking about Katie holding her 4 year old daughter-yes, this “old child” is apparently closing in on her teenage years at the ripe old age of 4-probably do not have children. My son is only a little scrap of 3, but I plan on holding him until I no longer am able, or he will not let me. No better feeling than having your child in your arms, feeling them hug your neck, kiss your cheek. Being a mother is the best feeling in the world. Those of you who think THAT is what is weird about Katie can go fly a kite.

  64. Ruffian9 says:

    Brandy, what’s With the Random capitalization?

    Also, chill. As per Shannon, it’s CeleBITCHY.

  65. Hakura says:

    I do think the comments criticizing Katie for carrying Suri are downright ridiculous. She’s not toting her 12 year old child on her back.

    I think there’re plenty of things to mention in regards to Katie and Tom, but that isn’t one of them.

  66. mollyo says:

    Why does she always have that stupid smirk on her face, like she’s trying to look sultry but instead, as someone else noted, looks like a stroke victim.

  67. wunderkindt says:

    @Brandy said:

    “Shame on Media – Give us positive stories about our wonderful celebrities they deserve THAT!”

    Uh, what planet are you on?????? Is it the ‘Wonderful Celebrity Planet’? It must be because it’s certainly not on earth!

    Positive stories? LOL Well, if those uber selfish egomaniacs in Hollywood EVER give anyone a reason to sing thier praises, I’m sure thier publicists will get it done.

    Reality check: Look at Camille Grammer and the rest of the Real Housewive Ho’s. Thems some nasty skanks. Some do charity though for their own PR. Just great.

    Finally remember: This site is called CeleBITCHY for a damn good reason!
    Bitchiness is an art form, so learn to live with it.

  68. Dannnii says:

    I think she is looking lovely.
    Should quit frigging around with her nose though. She had such a nice nose.

  69. Az says:

    Holy wonk-eye, Batman! Actually her entire face looks wonky. Maybe its the meds?

  70. Alarmjaguar says:

    Good lord people, lay off her for carrying her 4 yr old! Who is in her pjs and therefore probably tired and ready for bed. Not to mention the 700 crazy paps who are probably crowding around them. And, as other people mentioned, holding your kids is incredible and not something to miss.

  71. Kloops says:

    Totally channeling Kate Middleton! And I doubt it’s drugs, but she sure does look like she went through an intense brainwashing session just prior to this event.

  72. nj says:

    I will tell you one thing. Whatever you want to say about Katie, she loves that little girl and has not pushed the hard part of raising her off on any nanny. She is one of the only truly hands-on mothers in Hollywood. Yes, we have seen her looking exhausted and sloppy over the last few years-it comes with the territory when you have a toddler.
    Suri is not just an accessory to her, unlike a lot of these actresses.

  73. JenJen says:

    Did anyone else notice the finger print bruise on her arm in the first pic? She used to be perky,now she just looks miserable. That’s just the kind abusive men seek to destroy.

  74. cruiz2 says:

    She is the biggest phoney around & girl works to it her advantage. Not buying it – PR scheme only.

  75. ur mama says:

    I think she has a hairlip what else would explain the side smile. I wonder if Tom only gets half a mouth. could explain his sexual persuasion

  76. sapphire says:

    Beauatiful shiny hair, but even in the video, dead eyes. Compare with the pics with her daughter, where she looks alive and emotional.

  77. anoneemouse says:

    I really wish the media would give this poor woman a break. She looks so sad all the time and like she’s about to have a nervous breakdown.

  78. Medicated.
    There isn’t enough medication in this world that would enable me to marry or remain married to Tommy Toy. feh!

  79. Hakura says:

    @JenJen #73- Fingerprint bruise? I’m not sure if I see it. I wouldn’t be surprised, but I’d think that would be something she’d be too careful to cover ahead of time. It may just be a discoloration in her skin.

  80. Kasey says:

    LOL! Y’all crack me up. Let’s be honest, she doesn’t look heavily medicated or vacant, she looks like her eyes are focused on something beyond the photographer, almost like she’s listening to someone speak, and those are the shots we are now viewing. I was actually thinking the same thing about her looking older but my thoughts were along another vein. I was thinking how much she seems to have matured over the years. She doesn’t look like a child anymore. As a K teacher with good friends who have anywhere between 1-7 kids ranging from 10th grade to a few months, being a mum to a toddler is WORK. Tiring, consuming, but rewarding work and I’m sure that quite a bit of the maturity I see in her has a lot to do with her becoming a wife and being the mum of a 4 yo all in the same short span of time!

  81. AD says:

    This ‘vacant/medicated’ look that Suri’s mom apparently has is the same look that Britney has had in her eyes for 3/4 years or so. Though,according to some posters on this site she is ok and people are reading too much into things. Huh? Drugged up and wheeled out to perform (translation:make money). Not allowed/given actual control over their lives? Surely these woman are abuse victims.

  82. Nicole says:

    She looks like Tina Fey in the second picture. Weird.

  83. Yasmine says:

    Woah, botoxed a bit much?!