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10 Responses to “Random Photos: Salma Hayek, Katie Holmes, Britney, Liv Tyler & more”
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So goddamned annoying to see people chatting on their phones while they’re strolling with their kids. Seriously just enjoy them. We’re such an overstimulated society.
Oh that kid is just too cute. Is he pointing at the paps?
1) I wore my jeans pegged and rolled in seventh grade. Which was 1990.
2) Bar Rafaeli must either bathe in virgin blood or have a pact with Beelzebub. No one could be that gorgeous. 😛
Bar is a total upgrade from Gisele.
I never quite understood why would anyone (who likes women) find Gisele attractive.
She always seemed quite masculine (face and body).
Katie Holmes looks awful. Like an old lady with no money.
What happened to her face?
Am I the only person who thinks something has changed?
Re: Bar Rafaeli – Are those things real?!?
Re: Katie Holmes & Bilson – Just no. Do not start this stupid trend. It’s horrible.
Re: Matt McConaughey – his trainer looks like Penelope Cruz. Sketchy.
Looks like Liv Tyler has joined SJP, Liz Hurley, et al, in this Hollywood trend of dressing up little boys as girls. Way to confuse your kid, Liv.
1. If tight rolled baggy jeans are the next new thing, I’m going to shoot somebody. Thankfully, I doubt this fashion will ever come to my area.
2. No wonder Bar Rafaeli is a model! I bet she had people approaching her all the time asking her if she was before it happened. And if those things are fake, her doctor is an artist. I doubt it though, at her age they are probably just that fabulous.
I agree Carena. Usually, the bigger the implant, the wider. It would show toward the armpit like a ‘globe’. She looks a bit saggy, without that tell-tale ‘bulge’. Must be ‘all her’.
Kaiser; LOL! I clicked on those pix, look at her throat, she looks um, ‘manly’. Cruz is much prettier.
I too wore the rolled up jeans (I won’t admit to the year) and I learned that if you did it once you’re not allowed/expected to repeat the fashion – thank goodness 🙂
Noooo….not the baggy/pegged pants again! This is a look that flatters no one.
@Ethan – gotta agree with you about Gisele, although I would kill for her height/legs/butt.