Oscar Fashion: Nicole Kidman in a tragic white Dior


Nicole Kidman in white Christian Dior. Ugh. This was one of my worst dressed picks! I think it’s mostly because I remember the era of red carpet fashion when Nicole Kidman could do no wrong, and the comparison between then and now is so stark. Maybe she just doesn’t care anymore… although I don’t think that’s the case. I think Nicole still cares about fashion. I think she cares very much of this Dior gown. I think Nicole feels this dress is beautiful and that she looks amazing in it. And that’s the problem with Nicole these days – she’s just lost it. “It” being whatever she had that made her so watchable, in films and on red carpets. Oh, and note to Nicole: stop wearing white on red carpets. You are not virginal. You are not bridal. You are pale, and white makes you look like you’re glowing (not in a good way) and nearly translucent.

Anyway, this dress was so fug and unflattering that I wasn’t even paying attention to Nicole’s ugly hairstyle, or her fug shoe shoice, OR her giant diamond choker. I dislike all of it! Those little strands of hair in her face are tragic, while the vintage Fred Leighton choker is… okay. But not really with this fug dress, with this hair. And when did Nicole develop this epic shoe problem?!

Last thing, a note to Keith Urban: CHANGE YOUR HAIR. You do not need to flat-iron your junk every single day!!!





Photos courtesy of WENN.

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58 Responses to “Oscar Fashion: Nicole Kidman in a tragic white Dior”

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  1. brin says:

    Didn’t she say Sunday Rose was picking out her dress? That explains why it looks like a diaper! Awful and with those shoes, too!

  2. Sumodo1 says:

    WORST of the night. Compare to Annette Bening to see what to wear? Yup, big difference. And, even if you are dressing in the dark, with a power outage, you should never wear orange shoes, even IF they’re the only ones you can see.

  3. Jackson says:

    LOL, I really did not hate this dress. I thought she looked pretty good, overall. Hate those stupid shoes though. Is that the big thing now, just wear red shoes no matter what else you’re wearing? I hate it.

  4. seVen says:

    When i first saw her step out of the limo, i liked it, the detailing on the top then the rest shows and i was like… no… just no.

  5. merski says:

    The dress and the hair is so disappointing, especially if you compare it with her Grammy & SAG Awards dresses – they were both exquisite!

  6. Hautie says:

    I like the dress.

    And it would have looked incredible had she wore a necklace with rubies or emeralds. She needs a splash of color with that dress.

    Yes, I loved those shoes. Just not with that dress.

    Yet, had she wore some rubies I might have liked the shoes with the dress.

    I truly suspect her hair was like that so she would not have to worry about her curly hair frizzing. And she would not have to fidget with it all night.

    Being outside with a high performance hair-do can turn ugly. Especially if the humidity and dew levels are up.

    (yes I know too much about curly hair and the dew levels ability to screw you.) haha!

  7. Marc says:

    It is great example that couture pice does’n work on red carpet.

  8. Siren6 says:

    I feel like she’s been abandoned by a stylist, and making her own (questionable) decisions.

  9. Happymom says:

    And she had her lips refilled-looks ridiculous.

  10. malachais says:

    I “get” the dress. I think she looks great in white mainly because she doesn’t look so ghastly and the color gives her a rosy skin tone. Her hairdo sucks, but overall I think she looked great.

  11. beth says:

    i actually like the pale, transparent look on anyone fair enough to pull it off, and i actually liked that dress very, very much, but i do agree, i too would have preferred more dash on an Oscar Night. but if i were an A-lister, and i wanted to stand apart from everyone else that night, i would have risked scorn and did the same thing.

  12. dread pirate cuervo says:

    I loved the necklace, hair, & make-up & HAAAAAAAAATED everything else.

  13. EdithP says:

    I like this dress except for the fact that it’s white. If it had been a color (like that lovely greeny color she wore a few years ago), it would have been fabulous.

  14. devilgirl says:

    I think her face looked beautiful.

  15. Marjalane says:

    I’m so glad Kaiser wrote this review! I agree with all of it; Nicole Kidman looked like she was wearing a fancy, folded dinner napkin. It was awful. I wonder why this couple doesn’t understand that it’s time to change it up! Keith looks exactly the same at every event- I’d love to see what his hair looks like not flat-ironed. Nicole is NOT the young ingenue anymore, she would have looked great in something like what Annette Bening wore- which I loved and hope to see some close up’s of.

  16. SHump says:

    I actually like the hair and the top of the dress, and I LOVE the color on her. I think it makes her skin look divine but right around (below? I dunno, I cannot tell in this thing) the waist it all goes horribly wrong. She does realize her hips are already exactly where they’re supposed to be, right? Why would you wear a dress that makes you look like your hips start about 6 inches above where they’re meant to be? And why does the beading have to be in the shape of an arrow pointing out this weird dress mutation?!

  17. Quest says:

    I liked the dress (it is not the conventional type) but not the color (meh)…someone needs to hold Nicole down and give her a great hair-do for these events. Other than that she is a beautiful woman and looked good. I would not class her as worst dress there.

  18. Cherry Rose says:

    Too bridal for me, but it wasn’t terrible. However, orange shoes with a white dress? WTF was she thinking?

  19. Johnny Depp's Girl says:

    I like the dress, just not on her.

  20. sunshine says:

    She almost the same colour as the dress…boring! She usually looks great wearing colour it makes her skin pop.

  21. Jayna says:

    Happymom, her lips weren’t overly refilled. She has the shape back to her lips again, at least. They showed closeups in the audience of her smiling and laughing, and her pretty, thinner rosebud lips were back, instead of those massive, no shape pillow lips she was sporting in Australia movie. I’m sure she has a little something in them, which she has for years, as her lips were pencil thin when she was young. But however she had them filled with she was in Moulin Rouge was perfect and that’s how she looked last night.

  22. Racheal says:

    Tom either a) got the stylist in the divorce, or b) he blackballed her in the stylist realm.

  23. Deano says:

    She did this on purpose, she’s rebelling against the tyranny of The Fashion Police …her and Keith had a good laugh about it and are keen to read what everyone’s going to say

  24. kiyoshigirl says:

    My daughter is a designer and a stylist. She said the intricate beading on this dress would take hundreds of hours to produce. Style wise the dress was remarkable but worn with the wrong jewelry…no need for a necklace…too close to the jewels on the gown. She needed a bare neck and a stunning pair of earrings. Otherwise the bangs were inappropriate with the style of the dress.

  25. Ann says:

    KIdman has always been more miss than hit. She’s never had great style.

  26. someone says:

    I loved the top of the dress and the color was great, but overall, it didn’t work for her..and hated her hair..

  27. TXCinderella says:

    Yuck! Wearing those shoes draws the attention away from fugly dress. Maybe that’s not a bad thing.

  28. serena says:

    “You are pale, and white makes you look like you’re glowing (not in a good way) and nearly translucent.

    Anyway, this dress was so fug and unflattering that I wasn’t even paying attention to Nicole’s ugly hairstyle, or her fug shoe shoice, OR her giant diamond choker. when did Nicole develop this epic shoe problem?!”

    LOL. II burst out laughing when I read that. You’re totally right XD

  29. N.D. says:

    I liked her look. Even hair didn’t bother me much.

  30. Dea says:

    This one and the one wore by Cate Blanchett were the worst of all Oscars until now I think. What about that cut? I mean the triangle cut in front. IT is like saying “look down there is my v…. Lol. Horrible!

  31. Diane says:

    I can’t get past the hair in her eyes. That drives me crazy!

  32. tracking says:

    I loved the design and overall cut of the dress, was happy it was not like every other prom dress last night. Think it would have popped with her darker red hair and bolder makeup. Agree that shoes were a bad choice.

  33. Fiona says:

    Nicole Kidman and Cate Blanchett are two fashion queens, always in a category a part, either you like it or not, they are “hors concours”…Than the race is between the rest of the flock.

  34. danielle says:

    Liked the dress, even liked the shoes, but didn’t like the weird spikey in her face bangs.

  35. Stubbylove says:

    I love Nicole – I think she gets a bad rap sometimes – I know though that her botox is crazy and I agree her fashion sense has gone south. As for last night – all I kept thinking was “what the hell is going on with the shoes?” and “why does Keith Urban always look like such a mini-me douche?” I did like her necklace though.

  36. heaven says:

    when i first saw her, i immediately thought of is she wearing a white squid shaped dress? lol I always have an issue with front slits – it makes a dress look shapeless and any height of the slit s just awkward looking.

    i had such high hopes for her only because she looked good during the grammy’s I wish she saved that dress for the oscars instead.

  37. umm says:

    I have always loved Nic as an actress and used to love her as a fashionista…but this dress? umm NO! too wedding gown-ish and the hair is just boring.

  38. mannequin says:

    Ugh. I did not care for this dress at all. From the side it doesn’t look so horrible but from straight on, a disaster.

  39. Minx2 says:

    The dress is wearing her, looks like it’s wrapped around her in a weird,uncomfortable fashion.. yes, it’s like a fancy, stiff dinner napkin. I’m sure it’s one of those: “but it’s such a beautiful embroidery”.. on a tablecloth maybe, not on a dress. WAY too large and obvious. What happened to Nicole’s taste? She wore the best dresses around the time of her divorce.

  40. Hmmm says:

    I think the dress was an interesting choice. Gave off a bit of an architectural Japanese vibe. Either that, or origami. Heh.

    The problem with it was that when she moved, the front flaps did not lie flat, so totally messed up the lines. She’s also way too pale. Maybe that’s what she was aiming for, the Geisha look.

  41. Az says:

    You know when Rachel Zoe says that the American public won’t get the dress? This Dior is the epitome of that. The former fashion design student in me thinks it is amazing and only someone as tall and thin as Nicole could pull it off. It’s very similar to a mint green dress January Jones wore to, I think last year’s Globes. But I can see how it comes off as fug. When I saw her I thought, “Oh, no.” And, I like her in more saturated colors because I think white and pastels tend to wash her out.

  42. REALIST says:

    Argh-what was she thinking? And the shoes make me think of that soft porn classic (with sex addict David Duchovny); “The Red Shoe Diaries”-Part I.
    I am from the South, so I feel okay saying this-I think Nashville is affecting her fashion sense. Maybe she should just take it to the limit and show up in some cowboy boots.
    Nic, check with Helena for alterna fashion tips.

  43. Camille says:

    You nailed it Kaiser, I agree with everything you wrote 100%. Nicole looked terrible. Possibly her worst look ever.

  44. Juu says:

    I hate those shoes. They look cheap and vulgar. Dress, makeup and hair are just okay, IMO.

  45. RJ says:

    When they were being interviewed on the red carpet I felt like they looked like Nicole was Keith’s Mom who brought her teenage son. I have to assume it was because she was so much taller and just larger-seeming than him, and also his wierd emo haircut. Anyway, it was tragic.

  46. Cha Cha Loca says:

    Keith Urban is creepy.

  47. Emily says:

    This is why you don’t let your young kids dress you and then go out in public. Save it for playing dress up at home.

  48. Kiki says:

    she was lovely, once.

  49. Dea says:

    @RJ – I thought the same. There is something off in this couple appearance. And I am not talking about height issue. There is something else that just does not click so it does not convey to the audience the impression of a normal couple.

  50. Just Me says:

    Beautiful dress on the wrong body.
    Hair falling over one’s eyes and face
    silly and puts emphasis on her odd lips.
    Shoes tacky, is she colorblind?
    Mirror – broken
    Lights – off!

  51. Nikki says:

    White just doesn’t look good on her, she’s too pale for it. Plus the dress had an awkward cut. And her hair looked AWFUL.

  52. jemshoes says:

    I have to be very honest here: if Keith Urban did not flat-iron his hair and if he did not stand next to his wife, I truly would not know who he was or even pick him out from the crowd! 🙂 Nothing about him screams celebrity – but maybe this isn’t a bad thing.

    Nicole’s dress: she’s been in worse. My theory about her shoe problem is that maybe she’s gone wild and enjoying herself (a little too much) after 10 years of not being allowed to wear heels because of her ex-husband. 😀

  53. crtb says:

    I think people with pale skin should wear color. She looks washed out. All I see a blank sheet of white paper. This dress would have looked beautiful on Viola Davis!

  54. Newbie says:

    Am I the only one who likes it? I hate her shoes, but I think she looks good with the rest of it.

  55. LT says:

    As someone who has fair skin, I KNOW that white makes me look washed out…how on earth is Nicole going out of the house wearing this junk?! Honey, for the love of God, hop into something navy or purple!

  56. Dee says:

    This whole page (the authors) what hateful people. I don’t know if she uses botox or not or if she does anything to her lips.; One thing I do know is she is absolutely beautiful (so bring on the botox) and more importantly she is such a kind and loving person.I don’t know very many people that are in the limelight that doesn’t use botox.

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