The 11-year marriage between actors Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick is reportedly on the rocks – but Matthew is resisting marriage counseling because he’s not comfortable discussing his emotions, according to Star Magazine. The couple has managed to endure and dismiss rumors of Matthew’s infidelities (also reported by Star), presenting a unified front to the press recently- unusual for the normally private pair. So the question is: are they really on the rocks, or is Star making stuff up again?
Sarah Jessica Parker is so determined to save her 11-year marriage to Matthew Broderick that she’s pushing him to see a marriage counselor. Just one problem: He keeps canceling his appointments because “he doesn’t want to talk about his feelings that way,” a pal tells Star. “But I am afraid the marriage will be over if he doesn’t.”
As Star reported exclusively, Matthew, 46, was cheating on the Sex and the City actress with a 25-year-old youth counselor. Since the news broke in August, SJP has stood by her man. Now Sarah Jessica, 43, wants a “clean slate,” says the friend, and is getting frustrated that Matthew won’t seek help.”
[From Star Magazine print version, Oct. 13, 2008]
I always approach Star with a heavy dose of skepticism. However, if this “pal” is for real, I’m not surprised that Matthew would be resistant to counseling – especially if he is the only one being pushed to go. Maybe he’d be more open to it if they were both getting help- after all, it does take two, even if he was the one who had an affair. I’ve always liked this couple and their low-key lifestyle. I hope they make it and this story is false.
Matthew Broderick and Sarah Jessica Parker are shown at the Sex and The City premiere on 05/27/08. Credit: Fame
“You can lead a horse to water…”
Oh, that would be if it were the other way around. Never mind.
‘Not comfortable discussing his emotions’… or rather not comfortable discussing how he cheated haha
I just keep wondering how that adorable Ferris Bueller turned into this rather odd looking middle aged man.
Isn’t he though, syko? Just so limp and dull and asexual.
Yeah, I don’t get it. Never did, really. For either of them.
Team Kristin Davis.
I see a bitter divorce in the near future. I’m sure Matt is thinking to himself “Damn, what do I have to do to get a divorce around here, have an affair”?
Oh!! 😳
The only way I would believe any of this is if the youth counselor were a dude. Seriously the man is gay, she is his beard, and their marital troubles, real as they may be, have nothing to do with an affair.
Careful Matthew, she’ll throw her bridle and give you a nasty bite. And what is she wearing, tin foil ??
Sadly, there are several blind items floating around about her turning to cocaine because he ignores her. 🙁 I so so hope it’s not true….
@ Syko & Geronimo: Exactly what I was thinking. He really has, for some reason, grown odd and asexual-looking with age. Like a turnip crossed with Mickey Mouse.
she is so gorgeous!
He is what I imagine Clay Aiken to look like in about 15 years. He does just seem like a lump of asexual.
This is a totally BS made up story. Star Magazine “invent” many of the stories they publish. It’s disappointing to see a blog like Celebitchy proliferate these tales.
Dump him; he’s a dweeb.
hahahahaha that is exactly what i was gonna say!
Didn’t this rumor come out years ago, about there being problems and then it was announced that she was pregnant?
I always thought they were an unusal fit but often times those are the ones that work best.
God. He’s GAY. He’s gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay. That’s why he SEEMS asexual, he’s trying SO hard to appear to be something he’s not (straight) that it’s sucking ALL sex appeal from him. If he would just embrace the gay, he’d get his hotness back.
WHAT ❓ REALLY ❗ PLEASE, Matthew is NOT GAY or “OLD” or “DULL”!!! He happens to be a SUPER talented Actor, who is one of the very few true actors who prefer being on stage then on screen! Has everyone forgotten where actings roots came from? The Stage! Because they have not Sold thier souls for fame, or go out of the way to “prove’ themselves, and the love they so seeming share (I mean just take a look at how they LOOK at each other) must mean something is wrong? In this world of ugly rumors, and stories, I find that the actors I look up to most are the ones who Dont feel they have anything to prove!!!!!:mrgreen:
So they look fab, and also look in love as always!!:wink:
If anyone is – THEY ARE both so deserving of a good relationship, happiness, and contentment. I hope for what’s best for the both of them.
it’s his loss; isn’t.
Clearly, this man is having trouble aging–so, he thinks that a cute little YOUNG 25 year old can help him forget that–for a while, anyway…’til he looks in the mirror! Aging…it’s inevitable. Too bad Sarah is having to suffer for it, tho! What a slam on HER!
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asexual? no way. the man is GAY folks.