Okay, I’ll admit that Weston Cage is quickly becoming a pet fascination of mine, and I’m not proud of this fact. Still, it seemed odd today that the UFC President Dana White gave a statement to TMZ that he will never allow Weston Cage in the ring. It turns out that Weston, in addition to being a totally hardcore goth rocker and spoiled son of a movie star, was training for his own personal goal to fight Kimbo Slice in the ring. This would sort of explain why Weston appears to be obsessed with roundhouse kicks, which have become part of his shtick after flying into a physical rage at his personal trainer and getting himself hospitalized for a mental evaluation. (Incidentally, the trainer, Kevin Villegas, did file a restraining order against Weston after the roundhouse incident, claiming that Weston made “threats of violence” against Villegas’ family.)
In the aftermath, Weston has also shown off his inaccurate roundhouse and shaved head to the paps. The funny thing is that, if Weston was planning on using this move in the ring, he would have gone down in a heartbeat. Roundhouses are very showy and look rather impressive when done correctly, but they’re also a move that opponents can sense coming and counteract before the kick even arrives at its destination.
Back to the point though — why would the UFC President issue a statement banning Weston from the ring? Well, it turns out that Weston was arrested again yesterday on new felony domestic violence charges:
Weston Cage was arrested early this morning by LAPD for felony domestic violence … for the second time in a MONTH, TMZ has learned.
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, Weston was arrested at 5AM in Hollywood — and then taken to a nearby hospital to be treated for cuts … and we’re told, cops believe the injuries were self-inflicted.
TMZ spoke with the mother of Weston’s wife Nikki Williams — who tells us, “Nikki is safe and away from him.”
It’s the second time in a month Weston’s been popped for domestic violence — except last time, Nikki was also arrested … after allegedly going after Weston with a bottle.
According to the L.A. County Sheriff’s website, Weston is still in custody on $50,000 bail.
[From TMZ]
So if Nikki was not arrested and police believe that Weston’s wounds were self-inflicted, then that very well might have been the case last time when Weston was bailed out of jail (while Nikki still languished inside) and ran around in front of the Los Angeles police department while showing off his bloody arm, which was allegedly the result of Nikki going after him with a broken bottle, to the paps.
However, even if Weston faked his own injuries during both of these domestic violence incidents, Nikki herself is no saint either, for she was arrested after threatening to jump off a balcony while drunk and pregnant. Of course, I’m hoping that she’s not really pregnant; but if she is, I really feel for their poor child. Weston’s state might be a product of rage issues, genetics, and growing up in the shadow of a very famous father, but any future child won’t have a chance in hell of even the bare minimum amount of safety in the care of Nikki and Weston.
Nikki and Weston together, in happier times (that is, 2010) and with a lot more hair:
Photos courtesy of PCN, Fame, WENN
This guy seems like a serious felony just waiting to happen. It won’t belong before we’re asking,
“Why didn’t they put him away when they had the chance?”
He needs to be kept away from his pregnant wife. And some serious help. And so does she.
*waves @ Rita* Crack tail-gate for Blohan’s pesky little progress report hearing-thingy? I’ve been marinating the watermelon in vodka since last night! 😉
Crazy. This is a guy that if he walked into a store, restaurant, office … I’d walk out. Here’s hoping he gets some serious mental help before he kills someone.
“growing up in the shadow of a very batshit crazy famous father”
Fixed it for you.
Shouldn’t they just institutionalize him for about 6 months, once and for all. The dude obviously has serious mental issues, as well as drug/alcohol problems.
Somebody spiked the Tiger Blood supply in la la land?!?
oh no! she’s wearing “Britney boots” in that 2010 picture! GAAAAAHHHH!
This couple screams “CRYSTAL METH!!!” to me.
The gift that keeps on giving; seriously, he is way more entertaining than some of the celebutards that angle to get their photo taken at every chance.
I guess Weston and Nikki haven’t heard about fetal alcohol syndrome, or maybe they’re so strung out that they can’t bring themselves to care.
I feel bad for the baby. Assuming the pregnancy even goes to term, what with such irresponsible and batsh*t crazy parents.
This could all be attention seeking behavior or he could have an untreated mental illness, I just don’t know.
But, if you cleaned him up, he would look so much like Dominic Purcell from Prison Break. He might be cute.
That blond lady with him and his wife in that pic is his mom. I guess I might be messed up too if that was my mom and my dad was Nic Cage.
I recall that Nicolas Cage was crazy as hell through out the 80’s and a good part of the 90’s.
And it looks as if that same gene has passed onto the son.
I suspect that neither believe there is any issue with their crazy ass behavior either.
And where is Nicolas? It looks like it is time for him to gather up Weston and get him into time out for about 90 days.
Before he ends up doing damage that can not be repaired.
These two are the nutcrackers’ suite! Looney tunes and please stay away from me.
So what is the history here – too many stange and frequent drugs?
@Chrissy…my thoughts exactly.
i dont want to see him at stree. he is scary.
I am way weirded out by the shading he does on his face. So, so strange.
@Laura, that is seriously his mother..sheesh, nothing like growing old gracefully.
Why is his face smeared with ashes? Is he on heroin or meth? Heroin makes your face look ashen.
He’s like a dangerous Britney Spears, but good God, this is one fascinating break-down
The Superficial wrote a hilarious article on this total freak kicking his own ass:
“WESTON: Teach me the ways of the UFC, so I can prove I’m not crazy and become a Jedi Knight like my father.
TRAINER: To become a true fighter, you must first win a battle against your greatest opponent: you. Only then-
WESTON: Done! *wheel kicks self into coffee table*
(How that probably happened.)”
His wife is VERY pretty. Also, the picture of him showing his boo-boo to the press is hilarious.
As for his beahvior, take your pick, we’ve got: horrible parenting, horrible role models, mental illness and drug/drink. No one around this kid is sane enough to get him the sustained help he needs. It sounds like Nikki’s momma may give a shit, though, so hopefully the baby stands a chance.
I clicked on that Dana link and most of the comments about Dana’s statement were negative. I for one think that an ass kicking from a UFC fighter might do the lad some good.
Someone needs to seriously kick his ass and then lock him in a psych unit. He will end up killing someone.
He is one scary looking, crazy eyed dude. Gives me the creeps.
I agree with everybody:
-Sooner rather than later, the question will be asked, “Why wasn’t he taken off the streets before it was too late?” (Whether to a psych unit or to prison, I know not. I’m going with psych unit.)
-Meth, absolutely – likely exacerbating some pre-existing psychiatric condition.
-Where is Nicolas? Oh right, he’s crazy too.
I really really hope his wife isn’t pregnant or if she is the baby is whipped away by social services the second its born…poor kid doesn’t stand a chance! Nikki is so selfish and it makes me so mad that someone pregnant could act that way, it should be criminal to behave like that whilst carrying an innocent baby – the worst type of selfishness ever
@ Ruby Red – If this type of drinking/drugging behaviour continues, the baby will be taken away after birth.
Also, if Weston is ordered to stay away, and Nikki doesn’t…let’s say “cooperate” for lack of a better term, the baby may be taken away.
(Hubs has a POS cousin who has – let’s see, um – going on 5 or 6 kids now, of whom he has custody of 0. His GF has lost custody of every child she’s had with him, because she stays with his stupid arse even when told by CPS she will lose them if she stays with him. So, they take the baby after delivery, while she’s still in hospital.)
FELONY domestic violence charges are nothing to sneeze at. Someone (ANYONE, at this point) needs to intervene and get these two away from each other. It’s just going to spiral into more crazy and more violence. A person arrested for the second time in LESS THAN A MONTH for domestic violence is scary to me. (Spoken as a true DV survivor.)
Him SCAY-REE! It’s like this freak just came out of nowhere and started beating the crap out of people! Daddy needs to stop buying castles and comic books and buy intensive in patient therapy.
Mental illness is so cruel but whats worse is not being treated. I want to shake his family silly for letting this go on, i know he’s an adult but please there are things you can do. I just hope they help him before something truly tragic happens.
@praise st Angie, Someone flagged me on the palin post, rendering me unable to respond. I’ve reposted several times and I’m not permitted to present the article, from king’s neice, that refutes what you presented. It’s a pity people will not let others express their views civilly and without censorship. Dr. King would be ashamed.
Morticians, get off the cross. Your comments went to spam because you used some words that trigger the filter system. It’s not some evil conspiracy.
He’s really turning out to be quite the winner, isn’t he?
He can abuse me with his eyes all he wants. Maybe his crazy wife finally had the abortion she was threatening him with last time he went nuts.
@kaiser, am I permitted to repost on that thread now? I did not use profanity or biggoted language and I was being quite civil in my responses. I’m unsure of what got me flagged. Thank you.
Is this Nicholas Cage’s son or something?
Too much domestic abuse lately.
I can see that he’s serious about his MMA training in that he can execute a roundhouse kick without dropping his cigarette. What an athlete.
Ok so I figured out whom this guy reminds me of— remember Judge Doom in Who Framed Roger Rabbit? At the end when he finally removes the dark glasses? I knew I’d seen those eyes somewhere….
“Shave… and a… haircut….”
for some reason I love the mid air karate kick, especially the cigarette. he could be a villain in a super hero movie.
He kinda reminds me of Colin Farrell in the top picture for some strange, strange reason. Sorry Colin! :[
@ Bellaluna, that is reassuring re the baby, such awful selfish people. Your husband’s cousin and his GF… what can I say, v sad for the kids but obv they are much better off w/o their parents! Lets just hope they don’t have any others!
& really sorry to hear u experienced DV but huge congrats (if that is the right word) for surviving and getting out of there, incredibly brave of u 🙂