Cele|bitchy | Jennifer Garner is officially pregnant with her third child

Jennifer Garner is officially pregnant with her third child

I’ll be damned. Jennifer Garner really is pregnant! When Kaiser called it over the weekend, I thought it was yet another false pregnancy report due to the unflattering outfits Garner usually wears. I’ve assumed she was pregnant in the past when that wasn’t the case. Garner and Affleck just announced that they’re expecting their third child, though. Maybe they’re trying for a boy this time.

Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck are getting ready for another baby!

The couple, who are parents to two daughters – Violet, 5½, and Seraphina, 2½ – are “thrilled” to be expecting their third child, they confirm to the Associated Press.

Garner and Affleck, both 39, have each spoken of being hands-on parents. After Seraphina’s arrival, Garner said juggling acting and motherhood gave her a “split personality.”

“[I] feel like half my brain is somewhere else all the time, but when the camera’s rolling, I pull it together and focus for two minutes,” she said at the time, “and then I kind of turn back to a ditz again.

[From People]

Well congratulations to them. I guess now that we know Garner was pregnant when she said “there’s no deeper want for a woman” than to be a mother it’s not as outrageous of a statement. It’s still a little out there, but taken in context it makes sense.

We’ve heard plenty of rumors and blind items that there were problems in their marriage, and that Garner is all about family while Affleck is ready to bolt. It would make sense given what they’ve both said to the press and given Affleck’s past. This is not a guy who gushes about his wife like his best friend, Matt Damon. He probably dotes on his kids though.




White blouse photos are from 8/19/11. Family outing photos are from 7/17/11. Credit: Fame and WENN.com

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92 Responses to “Jennifer Garner is officially pregnant with her third child”

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  1. brin says:

    Yay..the dimple parade is getting larger, congrats to Jen & Ben!

  2. the original bellaluna says:

    Good on them! I hope they are both v-e-r-y happy. (And I also secretly hope it’s a healthy boy!) Imagine the cuteness! 😀

  3. Hey hey says:

    Yep, a pregnancy always solves marriage problems especially when the man cheats.

  4. Pyewacket says:

    So does this mean recasting for Better Living Through Chemistry, which was supposed to start filming this Fall? I doubt she can play a sexy “trophy wife” while pregnant. They already recast Jeremy Renner with Sam Rockwell. Is Garner next?

  5. Sequined Pajamas says:

    Congratulations! I hope that blind I read is not about them! They have a beautiful family and Ben is a lucky man. He needs to cherish them not everyone is as fortunate as him.

  6. munchies says:

    I hope its boy this time!

  7. RocketMerry says:

    Yay! She must be ecstatic, congratulations!
    Man, I like JGarner so much, if Affleck really is about to walk I hope he ends up regretting it, a lot.

  8. Nancypie says:

    In tne photos outside American Girl, looks like the daughters forgot their pants! But they are a beautiful family.

  9. Ell says:

    Fantastic news, the world needs more dimples:)

    Re – Matt Damon gushing about his wife, gushing is a good diversion tactic.

  10. Quest says:

    OMG….that was one hell of a “is she/isn’t she pregnant” ride. Congrats!

  11. LB says:

    I’m getting tired of the “Ben wants out” stories. If he’s happy in public with her, it’s an act. If he’s not, he wants out. This couple really can’t win with some people. I’m sure marriage isn’t perfect – who is it perfect for? They seem committed to work through it and hopefully they will for their kids.

  12. Eve says:

    I only hope this is not a “trying to save the marriage” baby.

  13. LadyJane says:

    I kind of hate that people assume you are ‘trying for a boy’ when you already have girls. I have 3 girls and each time I got the “Are you trying for a boy” thing and I felt like saying, “Uh, no actually. I am trying for a human being, gender not important.” But maybe that is just me.

  14. Harley says:

    I like them as a couple and really hope that all the “he wants out” rumors are BS. Congrats to them!

  15. Maritza says:

    He’ll stay put for now but that’s no guarantee he will not leave her later on. He just doesn’t seem happy.

  16. Ruby Red Lips says:

    Congrats to them!! Regardless of the rumours I don’t believe BA is ready to ‘bolt’…it takes 2 to make a baby, hardly the actions of a man who is desperate to leave!

  17. Bee says:

    Maybe now the gossip mags will lay off about Ben getting back together with JLo. I despise reading that she is going to try and break up the Afflecks, but I also don’t believe a word of it. I guess now we can look forward to all of the speculation that JG got pregnant on purpose to “trap Ben even more” or that she got pregnant because she thought another baby would make their marriage better. And one more thought: how bad would it be to be Jennifer Garner, pregnant, and have your husband’s picture side by side with his ex-fiance on the cover of a magazine with the caption “The plan to get Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck back together”? Putting myself in JG’s shoes-I would probably be a paranoid raving maniac.

  18. Jen34 says:

    I totally agree with you, Lady Jane.

    I had 2 girls when I got pregnant with my third. Everyone assumed we were trying for a boy. It really grated on my nerves, as if the only reason to have another was because we wanted a boy. Truth be told, my husband and I assumed we were having a third girl.
    Turns out, I had a boy, but I’m still sad I’ll never get to use the girl name I picked out.

  19. Iggles says:

    The blind items are totally about them! This isn’t so much of a “trying to save the marriage” baby as a “Jen tells Ben he ain’t going nowhere!” baby.

    He’ll still cheat and look miserable when pictured with her. They seem like good parents, so I’m sure their kids will be alright.

  20. Disco says:

    I don’t think all the trying for a boy comments are weird. I have 3 boys…and when I was pregnant with the 3rd everyone asked if I was trying for a girl. And seriously…I love the heck out of my boys…but it would’ve been nice to have some female backup around here. No one is saying they won’t love their child if it’s another girl…

  21. junk573r says:

    Affleck is rocking some major beibin’ hair. OLD beibin’ hair. I never would have guessed when that little snot got big with that fekking hair cut, that we’d be cursed staring at a salt and pepper beiber cut, especially since even the Beibs is over his trademark hair.

  22. jinni says:

    Maybe he doesn’t gush about Jennifer or really talk about her a lot is because the last time he did make his relationship publc it backfired in his face and tarnished his career. Matt Damon doesn’t have that history of being in a hugh, public relationship with an actress so he’s less likely to be hesitant about talking about his marriage.

  23. Kate says:

    Maybe the blind items are about Will and Jada Smith — msnbc.com is running a story this morning about how they are separating.

    Ben and Jen play the PR game pretty well. Nevertheless, I tend to think they have things together. Yes, Ben looks miserable some of the time, but so does any parent/person from time to time as they are slogging through daily activities.

    Ben has really turned his career around after some serious missteps. The guy is a talented writer and director, and in the right role, is a half-way decent actor. Jen is what she is — probably better suited to TV than films, but she is likeable.

    I want them to make it.

  24. Mrs. Odie 2 says:

    I believed her when she said they were done at 2. What a little liar!

  25. TG says:

    I agree some people aren’t as effusive about their love in public. One couch jumper is enough. He is having sex with her so he isn’t trying too hard to get away. And I believe she really loves her kids. I know everyone says she calls the paps for these candids but you can’t fake the genuine joy I see in her and she isn’t that good of an actor.

    But one thought why do they need to put the word thrilled in quotes? That is sort of bizarre I mean it is normal to say the couple is thrilled. Why the extra emphasis on “thrilled”? That does look suspicious.

  26. strawberrygirl says:

    I sincerely wish them the best. I hate to think children are used as band aids in a marriage and I know that’s what a lot of people think with them. I see another girl for them.

  27. Mia says:


    I’m torn between wanting another adorable girl and finally having a boy break into the ranks of the Damon/Affleck families.

    Hope her pregnancy is going well and wish them both all the best.

  28. oh says:

    Maybe the blind items are about Will and Jada Smith — msnbc.com is running a story this morning about how they are separating.

    The BI everybody´s talking about is about a pregnant HW couple. Jada isn´t pregnant, is she?
    Besides BI was just solved, and it´s Ben & Jen.

  29. Lila says:

    I wish them all the best. They make beautiful children that seem quite happy.

    As far as the relationship, they both have had quite a bit of backlash over past relationships, so not gushing over this one doesn’t necessarily mean unhappiness. The marriage has already lasted much longer than many people predicted it would.

  30. RobN says:

    Snore. Dullest couple ever and having a due date doesn’t change that.

  31. mln76 says:

    Well Blind Gossip is putting there item out as solved about them and Lainey all but solved her blind item also. According to her their are reports of his bad behavior in LA and in Boston. I find it sad that someone would stay in that situation. She’s got beautiful kids and has been with hot men in the past. She was doing better in her career when she wasn’t Mrs. Affleck so I hope if the rumors are true she has the smarts to walk out.

  32. DoMaJoReMc says:

    The picture of JG on CB’s homepage is just about the best photo I have seen of her in a LONG while. She looks happy, polished, and her hair looks great.

  33. kel says:

    Ben Affleck never looks happy in photographs and you can’t judge a relationship by that.

  34. dread pirate cuervo says:

    Those pink & grey jumpers on the girls are too small. But congrats on the new addition!

  35. Thea says:

    I am happy for her. I think Ben needs to sit and realize that he is fortunate to have a family and someone who has stood by him and all his shit. Life isnt perfect, but alot of people would love to have his life and two beautiful kids and a third on the way.

  36. moptop says:

    I wish I felt better about this. All the gambling, supposed cheating, etc. on his part – is this really what she wants?

  37. sandy#1 says:

    very happy for them, congrats!!!!

  38. curleque says:

    Totally a save-the-marriage or make-up-sex-after-Blake-fiasco baby.

  39. Your mama says:

    KNEW IT!

    Hope the baby is healthy. 🙂

  40. HannahG says:

    He does gush about his wife and kids in interviews though. The Ellen Show springs to mind among various other interviews.

  41. Amanda says:

    So now she’s gonna have 3 dimpled kids to parade in front of the paparazzi every friggin day. How fun!

  42. carrie says:

    congrats for them and i’m the first to read some blind items but many are only rumors
    Affleck has a good career (directing,writing,acting)

  43. Jenni says:

    When I hear “I hope they have a boy!” It just makes me hope they have a girl born sticking up her middle finger. But whatever it is, congrats.

  44. jinni says:

    #40 HannahG: I’ve never seen that interview so I’ll take your word for it. I guess what I mean is that compared to the all out, non-stop, public lovefest (appearing in a video, a big interview with I believe Diana Sawyer or maybe it was Barbara Walters, appearing on red carpets all of the time) that he was partaking in with JLo, it looks like he really doesn’t go out of his way to bring up Garner.

  45. photo jojo says:

    Maybe they have negotiated a relationship that works for them.

    Congrats to them.

  46. Bubulle says:

    @oh Blind Gossip is full of shit, they stole stories from tabloids and then rewrite them as blind BI. CDAN post lots of fake blinds too.

  47. OXA says:

    I am happy for them and their family. As for those who think she parades her kids for the paps, you do not know the area they live in. It is hard to avoid them as they are all over the area stalking the celebs as they go about their lives.

  48. Erinn says:

    It’s hard to judge a relationship on candid photos. I’m not always smiling, but I’m very happy in my relationship. Maybe the reason he doesn’t look happy is because he and his family are being followed by paps. Sure, it’s what he signed up for, but I’m sure it would get to be pretty grating.

  49. Lucky Charm says:

    @ Jinni (?) #44 –
    I think that perhaps it’s BECAUSE of “…the all out, non-stop, public lovefest (appearing in a video, a big interview with I believe Diana Sawyer or maybe it was Barbara Walters, appearing on red carpets all of the time) that he was partaking in with JLo…” that he doesn’t go out of his way to bring up Garner. He even said at the time of the break up that he wished the relationship with J-Lo hadn’t been so public.

    I think it’s simply a case of “Once bitten, twice shy” and he has no desire to repeat the crazy train that was the Bennifer 1.0 circus. Congratulations to them, they make adorable babies!

  50. original kate says:

    i love violet’s glasses. that is all.

  51. K.C. says:

    it’s so voyeuristic, but I love watching blind items come to play; next up, Paltrow announces her split, and it’s on like donkey-kong!

  52. 4Real says:

    I knew it! Congratulations to them I too hope its a boy but another girl would be Ben’s just reward.

  53. eternalcanadian says:

    Girl number three on the way! Poor Ben, but then again look at Matt Damon. Even the dogs are female! 😛

  54. serena says:

    Awww, congrats. The dimple parade shall continue!

  55. jinni says:

    49#Lucky Charm:
    What you wrote is eactly the point I was trying to make in my two previous posts. I too feel that he’s not putting this relationship out there because of the Bennifer 1.0 experience.

  56. weeble says:

    Well I missed the call on this one. I thought for sure it was just bad clothes. Congrats to them.

  57. tracking says:

    @Jenni: Co sign!

  58. lucy2 says:

    Congrats to them! I hope the rumors are just that, and that they’re all happy and healthy.

  59. JoJo says:

    Simple. He wants ‘white picket fence family’ because he wants low-key status as ‘serious actor/director,etc.’, which he is. This suits him. And, I do believe he loves his kids. Do I believe he’s passionately in love with Garner? No. Never will. It’s just not there. They are incredibly dull and seem like they would bore the hell out of each other – primarily her boring him … Yes, it takes two to get pregnant, but I stand by my opinion that he loves his kids and the ‘nice family life’ image is what he wants. I think they will ultimately split – not now but in years to come. Not saying I don’t wish them well – I just don’t see them together. On their own – they’re both ok. Together – weirdest pairing ever.

  60. Minx2 says:

    I think Jen got what she wanted and Ben got stuck for at least a couple of years. I think she’s way more into him that he’s into her but he loves his kids and won’t leave the family until he can’t take it anymore. I have nothing against her, I think she’s a terrific mom and a nice person but I just think that she went after him and got him by getting pregnant but he never looked at her the way he looked at J.Lo or GP. I don’t think he was ever in love with her. We’ll see what happens, I wish them well.

  61. Hautie says:

    “I think Jen got what she wanted and Ben got stuck for at least a couple of years. I think she’s way more into him that he’s into her… We’ll see what happens, I wish them well. ”

    I agree.

    And we should all hail, Queen of the Hustle! She won! 🙂

  62. the original bellaluna says:

    Alright, look, I will be “THAT mother” that stands up and says, “Yes, all I want is a healthy baby.”

    But when people asked me (when I was pregnant with my 2nd child, since I already had a boy) “So, now are you hoping for a girl?” with breathy anticipation, I said “No.”

    When asked “But why?” I answered truthfully: “I already have a boy. I know what to expect with boys. I already have the clothes. And it hasn’t been that long since I was a 17-year-old girl. NO THANK YOU.”

    If more mothers were honest, people would stop asking those types of asinine questions. (I do so love to make an inappropriate mo-fo back up and take a shocked breath!) 😉

    *ducks acid & objects being thrown in my general direction*

  63. TheHeat says:

    Congrats to them! I really like this family, from what I’ve seen and heard.

    As far as it goes with how Ben appears for the paps, I can only imagine how grumpy, no, PISSED my husband would be if there were throngs of people following us and our children every single day.

  64. Stacia says:

    Like the new rug that Ben’s sportin’.

  65. Trace says:

    I liked her as Sydney Bristow on Alias. She was tough and really kicked ass. She was also decent as Elektra in that god awful Ben Affleck super hero movie that I don’t remember the name of. She needs to return to playing these types of characters rather than horrible rom-coms. I think that’s how he “fell in love” with her in the first place, but through the years, she’s gotten too soft and boring.

  66. madison says:

    That recent blind item about the celebrity couple who are both unhappy about having another baby because he is not that into being a husband and father and had one foot out the door really is about Jen Garner and Ben and three weeks later just like BI said the pregnancy announcement has been made. LOL. Babies don’t make bad marriages better or keep men from cheating just ask Maria Shriver or Elin Nordegren, both Tiger and Arnie were banging waitresses and housekeepers while knocking up their wives at the same time.

  67. sarah says:

    Is anyone surprised? She’s been showing for a bit.
    They do have very cute kids, congrats!

  68. Denise says:

    Drunken Stepfather was spot on; looks like every celebrity with a working uterus and steady man decided to get preggers this year. Hollywood is turning into Village of the Damned.

  69. Beautrice says:

    So glad for them. Congrats!

  70. the original bellaluna says:

    TheHeat, yeah, hubs would be killing paps right and left if our kids were subjected to pix-snappin’ idiots.

    And I’m no slouch in the “whoopin’ ass to protect my babies” department, either. 😉

  71. The Original Ashley says:


    Newsflash Garner just cause you keep popping out kids, it doesn’t mean he’s going to stay. Nor will he suddenly love you because you gave him the boy he always wanted.

    I should dislike Affleck for being such a douche but this is his way and always has been (even when he cheated on JLo with a stripper), so I’m going to choose to hate Garner who is “that” kind of woman, the one who traps men with babies. Ugh I just cannot stand this woman. And I hate her for making me feel sorry for Ben. I would say suck it up and leave but I guess he’s a good dad for at least trying to do the good thing for his daughters by not up and living while she’s knocked up. He’ll never find a way out of this marriage (didn’t she trap him into marriage by getting knocked up?).

  72. Sohpie says:

    I really do not have any respect for this woman. If Ben was an abusive husband was she going to stay with him? The fact that he is a cheater, a gambler, a heavy drinker are very strong things to consider and walk away sooner rather than later. Apparently this man does not respect her otherwise he was not going to behave in marriage like he does. She stays with him because she is addicted to him and that’s all. She left her first husband when he did not have any bad habits at all. She left Michael Vartan while he never showed any bad habits. But she stays with Affleck!! There is the addiction. Some may call it “love” but I call it addiction and there is nothing good about it. Her judgment is quite shaky and she is not showing and self-respect by being addicted to Ben. Believe me, even if Ben goes to prison for murder she won’t leave him.

  73. Layzo says:

    @ladyjane well I have two girls and I would really like a boy. I don’t think it’s weird to want a different gender than what you already have. Would I love the baby less if it turns out to be another girl. Of course not but honestly, I think I would be a bit disappointed if I ended up with all girls. But of course, healthy full term baby is what we all want as a mother at the end.

    Congrats to them both. They are a beautiful family and I hope Ben appreciates that at least. As for Matt Damon. I have heard of blinds where he is gay which would sort of make sense that he married a non-celeb wife.

    I love me some Matt Damon and I am a total fag hag so it would make sense if he did end up being gay. Not that it would matter. I still love him.

    And that statement about no deeper need than being a mother makes sense if she is pregnant. Those hormones makes you do and say crazy things-especially first trimester.

    @theoriginalashley. And how do you suppose she trapped him further into a marriage with another baby? It takes two to make one last time I checked. Granted, first time time around you could say it was a trap but after the third.. it’s sort of a silly statement. There are ways he could have prevented being a father THIRD time around.

    And <3 the belly bump. She carries well.

  74. Bermuda Blues says:

    Co-signing the Band-Aid Baby Bandwagon.

    (say that 10 times fast!)

    This baby is more about Jen being Tiger Mom perfectionist, and planning her children’s births precisely 3 years apart (plus 1 month because you don’t want overlapping birthdays) than it is about her & Ben being madly in love. He’s not enamoured. It’s obvious just from their body language.

    I predict a girl born in February. (Older couples are more likely to have daughters than are younger couples)

  75. Camille says:

    Well duh @ the announcement. In that top photo it is very obvious.

    Also, I guess we now all know that that blind item really was about these 2.

  76. Chris says:

    He may well have been entrapped with their first child but if he was he might actually warm to the role. They wouldn’t be the first couple to have an unexpected pregnancy dropped on them and come out the better for it. Sometimes we don’t know what’s best for us until it happens.

  77. original kate says:

    ” I just think that she went after him and got him by getting pregnant”

    ummm….the last i heard it takes a man to get a woman pregnant. if ben didn’t want to risk pregnancy he could should have worn a condom.

  78. Danielle says:

    @Original Bellaluna – I have two boys and 1 girl and said exactly the same thing as you did when people made comments about wanting a girl when I was pregnant with my second.
    I have a girl now though (she’s 11) and I love having a girl! Then again, I’m biased because she’s a mama’s girl :).

    do you have a daughter now?

  79. Memphis says:

    Congratulations to them! She seems like she loves being a mom. I also think Ben is happy. I don’t see him as the “I’ll stay in this marriage for my image” type of guy. I think he likes being a family man like his pal Matt and if he didn’t he would have left long ago.

  80. taxi says:

    I them a healthy baby & happiness. Maybe she could glam it up a little & he could cut back on the gambling. They’d probably benefit from a weekly date might, too.

  81. Boo says:

    When I was pregnant with my third, I already had a boy and a girl. So people said, “Why are you having a third?” WTF???

    The third was a girl. :O)

    I think they are cute, and he certainly doesn’t seem to have a gun to his head. I would think if he were so miserable, maybe they wouldn’t be doing those things that lead to pregnancy? Just a simple thought.

  82. the original bellaluna says:

    Danielle, yes, I do (my second baby was a girl – the ONLY girl grandchild on either side of the family). She turned 17 in Feb & just graduated from high school in June. She lives with her grandmother (after living with her father for the last couple of years – she had some EPIC behaviour problems once she got to high school and I had my “SURPRISE! You’re not infertile after all this time!” pregnancy with my 3rd, who is now 2); she has a job and is starting college soon.

    Boo, YES! (see comment directly above) Like once you have one of each you’re supposed to not have any more or something? IF you can afford to have more children; IF you want more children; IF you will love and care for your children…HAVE THEM!

  83. Tiffany says:

    Well, this explains the USA Today interview about the film is has coming out next year. Let’s see what is next, she will do an interview will Leno when she is in her 2 trimester and announce the gender ‘accidently’ of course and then put her hands over her month when she realizes she let it slip. Then comes the photos day after day after with her ‘angry’ face with being photographed. They need each, period. She is Ben Affleck’s wife and she hustle and build a career around it. He knows if he walks, all the career rehabilitation will be for nough. I don’t know either of them but they both just grind my gears, him for being a douche for cheating on his wife and her for continuing to have children with the dick who is cheating. For all the people that call them fans and think they are this great family, you would think they will have better box office records after they got married and had their first daughter.

    Oh, and CB your title for this post says it all about this couple.

  84. Jackie says:

    Perfect timing! Just when J-Lo becomes single!!!

  85. skuddles says:

    Got a bad feeling about this couple – think at some point we’ll be looking at some Tiger Woods/Jesse James type scabloid scandal. And I have no doubt wifey whipped out the ‘do not pass go, go directly to marriage-jail’ card in the hopes of keeping his sorry ass around. Depressing shit.

  86. Sammy says:

    He said some very sweet things about her at the TIFF premiere of The Town. Just because he doesn’t publicly gush about her doesn’t mean he hates the relationship.
    I think the video is on youtube somewhere.

  87. marybeth18 says:

    I have long believed that Jen was far more into Ben than he was into her, based on an interview I saw during the promotion of “Daredevil” back in 2003:
    Jon Favreau had a show called Dinner for Five and he had the cast of Daredevil on, and Jen couldn’t stop gushing about how amazing Ben was. It got to the point where Colin Farrell was making jokes about it, she was so enamored of Ben.

    This was 3 months before Jen filed for divorce from Scott Foley and Ben was part of Bennifer. Then they start dating, she gets pregnant in a nanosecond and 6 months later they are married.

    Ben’s an adult and he makes his own choices, but I think she makes it really easy for him to do exactly what he wants to do (gambling, Blake Lively, etc) and still have his family life intact.

  88. bugsy says:

    Congrats to them. If the rumors are true, it makes me sad for the baby. Breaking up is hard enough, but the toll it can take on children is devastating, imo.

  89. BC says:

    Congrats Jen and Ben! Adding to the pimple parade…. happy for them.

    I don’t believe all the cheating, breakup, and blind item crap. Ben is working 14 hour days when he directs and acts in a movie.
    Even Jeremy Reener said Ben was working some serious/ crazy hours during the filming of The Town. I believe Ben is on a mission to get his creditability back and fooling around is not part of that plan. Ben is now in talks to direct in another movie for Warner Brothers “In The Line Of Sight” after he finished filming “Argo”. Ben is working his ass off right now. All this rumor stuff is just red meat for the haters. Ben only mistress and Jennifer Garner composition is Ben’s Directing Career. Ben is getting mega directing offers right now.

    Jennifer Garner was dating her costar Michael Vartan during and after her divorce was finalized. Ben moved back to Boston and dated an Advertising Executive for about 6 months before he and Jennifer Garner started dating.

  90. John Wayne Lives says:

    I just hope all this “she not gonna let go/he wants out” stuff is bs. Those girls, and the new baby deserve a happy home.

  91. Gianna says:

    So she is due in Feb? I’m leaning towards it being a girl because they are older parents, as someone said above….But they say the more attractive the parents a girl is more likely, so it could be a boy.

    But it seems that Ben favors girls. I wonder if the baby will be a Pisces or Aquarius and how the baby will fit in the family dynamic that already exist.

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