Cele|bitchy | Anna Wintour desperate for Duchess Kate to appear on American Vogue

Anna Wintour desperate for Duchess Kate to appear on American Vogue


Duchess Kate and her sister Pippa were out and about this weekend, getting photographed at the wedding of one of their friends. Unfortunately, we don’t have the photos – you can see some of the photos here, at The Mail. The Duchess wore red and looked pretty good. I like her in bold colors, and red really flatters her coloring. Although… the dress is all lace. All red lace. Tacky? Kate loves her lace, so this might be a problem in the years to come.

Speaking of Kate and fashion issues, Page Six has an interesting report this morning about how the editor-in-chief of American Vogue, Anna Wintour, is still trying to woo Kate for a cover. There were rumors about Wintour wanting Kate to pose for a pre-wedding cover too, but nothing ever came of that. And now Anna is trying to get Mario Testino to convince Kate to pose:

Anna Wintour is still quietly but persuasively campaigning to land the new Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, for the cover of US Vogue. Sources tell us that Wintour has been appealing to famed photographer Mario Testino, a close friend of the British royals, to reach out to the elegant newlywed to shoot her for the fashion bible.

There has been huge competition to land the first big cover shoot with Kate, who married Prince William in April.

A source tells us, “Anna has been speaking to Mario about winning over Kate. She is really pressing him to shoot Kate for the cover.”

Peruvian-born Testino is famed for his iconic photographs of Diana, Princess of Wales, and has remained a close family friend, photographing William, his brother, Prince Harry, and Prince Charles. Testino also took William and Kate’s official engagement photo.

Another source said, “Every magazine has been trying to get Kate, and many assume it will eventually be Vogue. But even with the Mario Testino relationship, it is not clear when this will happen. The Palace must approve it, and they are very protective of Kate.”

The duchess turned down the chance to be a British Vogue cover girl before her wedding. It was reported British editor Alexandra Shulman had hoped she would be photographed by Testino for a wedding edition, but she declined the invitation.

Middleton’s wedding dress, by Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen, was a huge sensation. Her support of British designers and her ability to switch to affordable main street has made her a fashion inspiration, with her outfits selling out online immediately.

“There’s nothing trashy or vulgar about her,” Wintour has been quoted as saying. “She dresses her age and never looks out of place.”

Reps for Vogue and Mario Testino declined to comment. Buckingham Palace reps last night declined to comment.

[From Page Six]

It seems like Kate would probably agree to a Vogue UK cover before an American Vogue cover. I would imagine if she did an American fashion magazine before a British fashion mag, there would be a great deal of outrage in the UK – she’s their duchess, after all. Americans just like her because she’s a pretty brunette girl married to Princess Diana’s son. She’s not our icon, you know?

A few more things – PETA is trying to win over Kate. Apparently, for Prince Harry’s recent birthday, William gave him a birthday gift of 250 “pheasants, ducks and partridges” – game birds intended “for a shoot at the Queen’s Sandringham Estate”. So PETA is pissed off that William and Harry are going to hunt the game birds, and the president of PETA wrote Kate an open letter, which you can read here. As you can imagine, Kate has not responded.

Also – Prince William has given an interview to his grandmother’s most recent biographer, and he discusses some of the details of planning his wedding. There are lots of quotes from William about how great his grandmother is, but one of the most interesting little side notes was about staff – Kate, William and Harry share staff and office space. And NINE staffers. Once again, I’m not saying that Kate and William (and Harry) don’t need or deserve staff – they do. I just find it interesting that we hear all about how William and Kate are so “normal” and they aren’t even living royal lives and they don’t have any full-time staff. They do. They have nine people working for them in London. You can read more here.




Photos courtesy of WENN.

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23 Responses to “Anna Wintour desperate for Duchess Kate to appear on American Vogue”

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  1. gee says:

    I would lose a lot of respect for her if she endorsed peta. Only idiots like peta. There are so many places that support animal wellfare the right way, peta is not one of them.

  2. Flan says:

    Maybe her new money family would love to be on American Vogue, but royalty is not supposed to do that.

  3. Lindy says:

    @gee–could not agree more! I hate PETA–basically their motto is “support animal rights by being as sexist and demeaning as possible to women.” No thanks. besides, if PETA thinks they’re going to get William and Harry (through Kate) to stop hunting, ummmm, no. That is what they (male aristocrats and many female ones, too) do. It just is, like it or hate it.

    And Kaiser, I agree about the UK/US Vogue thing–I highly doubt Kate would do the US cover before doing a UK one. It would seem an insult, I think.

  4. tmbg says:

    Don’t do it, Kate! I want to see Anna Wintour deprived of what she wants for a change. Too many people fall all over themselves kissing her behind.

    I don’t think there’s a chance in the world that Kate would join ranks with PETA. They’re way too radical.

  5. Juu says:

    I have little faith on Wintour’s sense of fashion. She’s been wearing that fug wig for decades.

  6. just a patsy says:

    Those are the first new photographs of Kate in months. New dress, but same hair, same whippet thin body. I guess she’s not yet pregnant. I hate to say this, but it gives credence to the National Enquirer report that said she’d miscarried in August. National Enquirer gets it right more often than anyone likes to admit.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Waity is so over-rated.

  8. JulieM says:

    There is nothing normal about Waity and Willy. They live in the lap of luxury. I just wish the Palace PR machine wasn’t trying so hard to convince us otherwise.

    Is Anna Wintour going to do a Vogue feature on eating disorders of the rich and famous?

    For what its worth: Diana was repulsed by blood sport and would have nothing to do with it after she and Charles married. I seem to recall there might have been a pre marriage picture of her holding a rifle. (Or maybe it was fishing- don’t remember. ) But in later years, she would have none of it.

  9. no thanks says:

    i wish i could be as slim as her, so i could eat….. she looks great in the grey dress

  10. Flan says:

    That those princes still hunt just shows how far removed they are from reality.

    Most English hate that stuff.

  11. Emma says:

    Hunting should not cause a lot of controversy; if ppl did not hunt, humanity as a whole would be inundated with animals and it would result in chaos beyond all recognition. Besides, we were meant to feed on the land AND animals, just study anthropology for 5 minutes.

    Also, agreed it is absurd they – 3 of them – have 9 staffers. NINE! Wow. Finally, she will never support PETA or sit for a US Vogue shoot (at least not before a UK one). Wintour: eat your heart out.

  12. HannahG says:

    That’s nine admin staffers, not like it’s nine tie their shoelace staffers.

  13. Bermuda Blues says:

    “The Palace is very protective of her”

    I bet Kate would LOVE to do Vogue. Of all the invitations she’s had to turn down, I bet turning down Vogue hurts. This is a girl who gets daily blowouts and subscribes to the mantra “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.” She wears high end designer clothes. She’s Vogue all the way. You know she would LOVE to be on the cover, shilling her regular-girl-becomes-a-princess story. Too bad the stuffy old palace run by her husband’s grandparents think its too common, too unsightly, too unroyal. They need to “protect” a 30 year old woman. Absurd. They need to protect her from her own common urges.

  14. Sweepea says:

    Is Anna Wintour really that desperate to have bland Waity on their cover? This is ANNA WINTOUR! I call BS.

  15. It is ME!! says:

    If you hunt it, you should eat it. Just my opinion, really.

    And I wish they would stop trying to make this woman into the next “People’s Princess.” She is boring, lazy, and people have more important things to worry about than her. Just let her be married and chill, for crying out loud.

  16. bluhare says:

    I’m vegetarian and i agree with It is Me! I don’t dis on people who eat meat, my theory is if you can kill it, go ahead and eat it. I couldn’t kill an animal. If William and Harry can, fine. I don’t like stocking just to shoot them, though.

    And thanks for calling me an idiot, gee. I don’t care for PETA’s tactics either but I’d support them over the meat industry any day of the week.

  17. fuefinawg says:

    I like that grey outfit in the last photo. In the first photo it looks like she needs some plastic surgery. If Kate ends up on the cover of American Vogue I will have to burn that copy. To me, she’s a style icon for someone who doesn’t get out much.

  18. Feebee says:

    Of course they have staff, do people really expect them to open and answer all their own mail, organise their own trip to Canada and other stuff? C’mon. Unlike Charles I think they put toothpaste on their own toothbrushes.

    I’d love Kate to tell Anna Wintour she’ll do US Vogue after Victoria Beckham gets a cover! Then we’d see AW with a real dilemma.

    I agree with those who think she’d do the UK mag before the US one.

  19. LAK says:

    Rumour has it that VB is desperate ffor the US Vogue cover, so if this is true, it must kill her the Kate is turning them down

  20. Cherry Rose says:

    Meh. Anna Wintour has ruined Vogue. Blake Lively, Gaga, etc. Whoever is popular, she puts on the cover, regardless if they know true fashion or not. ;/

  21. Jover says:

    Second that cherry rose, most everyone that pays any attention to this stuff agrees – and this has been said for the last 10 years Vogue is close too if not already Variety east; the Wall Street Jornal mag some months ago had a story on AW she has built up quite a web of connections so she’s not going any time soon. Celebs have enough money – buy their own damn mag, why can’t they leave alone the one mag supposedly for fashion?

  22. Eleonor says:

    if there’s someone who can say NO to Anna Wintour that’s Kate. Keep it on girl.

  23. crazydaisy says:

    I love how Anna Wintour pays Kate the double negative compliment. Instead of being elegant and classy, Kate is deemed not “trashy or vulgar.” Ha ha ha. Maybe Wintour secretly thinks Kate IS vulgar, common trash! She’s planting the seed, anyway, by mentioning those dreaded descriptors.