Pink’s number-one hated celebrity is officially singer/songwriter John Mayer. Apparently, she ran into him at a Hollywood party, where he boasted to her about his sexual conquests, telling her that he only sleeps with stupid women. The “Stupid Girls” singer was immediately turned off by Mayer and is telling the press exactly what she thinks of him.
JOHN MAYER should brace himself for a furious showdown with on/off lover JENNIFER ANISTON, after telling PINK he only sleeps with really stupid women.
The feisty pop singer argued bitterly with lothario rocker John at a recent party after he made his outrageous comments to her.
Pink was so appalled by John’s wild sex claim, and his odd personality in general, she’s named him as her most hated celebrity.
She recalled: “I got into an argument with him.
“I don’t believe him as much as he believes him. He said something along the lines of, ‘I only shag really stupid women.’
“And I said, ‘I guess they would have to be.’ I don’t get him at all.”
I’d be willing to bet that if Pink got pissed off enough, she could break John Mayer over her knee like a dried-out twig. I would pay cash money to see that. I’m still mystified as to how this douche keeps landing beautiful women – especially someone like Jennifer Aniston, who seems far from stupid to me. Jessica Simpson, sure. He probably came across as an intellectual artsy-type to her. But Jennifer? I’m still scratching my head. She could do better. Apparently, Pink agrees.
Pink is shown shopping in New York City this week. Photo credit: FAME. John Mayer is pictured dodging the paparazzi on the way to his personal training session. Photo credit: Bauergriffin.
i don’t get his appeal at all! His “music” is sub par, he has a HUGE head, and he just seems swarmy.
Loving this woman more and more
Something tells me that he was trying to impress her and she was running rings around him.
I don’t think Jennifer Aniston is stupid either, but I do think she’s a vapid, self-absorbed actress, which can be just as annoying. Or attractive, if you’re John Mayer.
Well who knows if this is even true. So much of these “stories” are crazy. THe press gets certain ideas about certain people and prints them over and over. John gets around, Tom is crazy, Bono is wonderful.etc. Even if Bono fools around with 19 year olds the main stream press will not mention it because they want him to be good. I really don’t think that John is a bad as the press thinks. He is actually very intelligent and well spoken. And do you really believe that JOhn would say this to someone else who is famous. ANd if he did he was trying to get a response – and he did. He probably says stupid stuff just to get reactions – you got to love that. And if he really does do this then Pink would quality.
I too would pay big money to see John Mayer and Pink square off. GO PINK!
Also wanted to say that for the stars you don’t like you post crazy stories from very unreliable sources like star or the sun etc. However for stars that you like you post from People. Kind of unfair. Why don’t you post about Brad Pitt and his attraction to his co-star from Star etc. I know that you wouldn’t do this becasue this source is unreliable. However people you chose not to like you post these crazy sources. Try only posting about stars from people and you would not even get these crazy stories.
Just out of pure curiousity — what in the WORLD makes you think Jennifer Aniston is an intelligent person?!
I hate it when the British rags destroy their own credibility by reinterpreting the quote. When in the hell would Pink ever use the word shag? Americans don’t use it in casual conversation, much less interviews, period.
yes, i agree, he totally sucks. never understood his appeal, although he did have a skit on the chappelle show (which is probably being re-run on comedy central as we speak because they sweat that show) that was pretty funny.
i never got a particularly deep or intelligent vibe off of aniston…
I would love to see Pink kick John’s douche bag azz.
That just made my night. All the women running after John are just as stupid as “The John Mayer type of Women”
For months the media has been saying how dumb and stupid Jen is.
I so believe Pink. Mayer gets his way with the desperately stupid women.
Once a douchebag, and will always be. Saw him @one of his uplugged concerts and totally got that vibe. He was trying to be funny (which failed miserably) which some of the audience laughed uncomfortably when he made some douchey comments. Ugh, cant stand him!
don’t you mean “smarmy”?
if you do…then, the answer is “yes” john mayer IS smarmy.
John and Jen’s name should be Douchifer. I got that from some one else.
I wonder how long will it take The Douchifers media team to try and make Pink take this statement back. I hope Pink stick to her story.
I’ve been wondering about Jen Aniston and why she would go back to J.Mayer after he said those ridiculous things to the press….he’s not to be trusted -emotionally or verbally or any other way. She will get hurt again….but who knows the truth? I do know one thing tho; that buzz cut of his is awful….the one thing he had going for him was his great hair.
I guess he wasn’t trying to get her in bed if that comment is true.
I hate him too. Jen seems an intelligent girl. Hopefully the Gerald Butler story is true.
Maybe that’s what keeps John pining for Jennifer… she’s not as dumb as the rest and therefore poses a challenge. She didn’t hesitate to kick his a@@ to the curb and then move on the first time. She won’t hesitate to do it again.
She’s not dumb… if she were – she’s certainly managed to parlay a TON of money out of it so… what does that make the rest of us? 😆
Now we understand why Jen went back to John Mayer. Jen is incredibly stupid.
Pink is smarter than Jen. Jen has low self esteem to go along with being stupid. I sure do not have any more respect for Jen.
My Lord, this post makes my morning. 😆
Yes, I totally believe that Mayer said something smarmy like this to Pink. And yes, I think Jen is a moron.
Told you he’d upgraded to Super Douche.
Of course you do, because Angelina is your god.
Lizzie, my *godDESS. And regardless of my goddess worship, is it any secret that Jen is a dim bulb? Have you ever read one of her interviews?
John Mayer said Aniston is “the smartest, most sophisticated woman I’ve ever met.” If you don’t believe me, you can watch him say it in this video from August 17, 2008:
Oh please. She is no genius, but she is not stupid a la Britney Spears. Just because you like (worship) Angelina doesn’t mean you have to pick on every little tiny thing said or done by Aniston. You’ve become the very thing you accuse the “haters” of AJ of doing. I’m not asking you to stop your worship, just a fair and balanced view. I mean one source says something slightly negative about Angelina and you’re up in arms; the same magazine says something negative about Aniston and you rush to validate its claims. Based on your comments you seem smart, and I won’t begrudge you your celebrity crush… I just don’t understand the unnecessary hate (which I’m sure you don’t understand when it’s hurled at your precious Angelina).
October 30th, 2008 at 3:50 pm John Mayer said Aniston is “the smartest, most sophisticated woman I’ve ever met.” If you don’t believe me, you can watch him say it in this video from August 17, 2008:
Meyer said that coz he don’t want aniston crazy fans to hate him like they hate Brad Pitt when Pitt dumped the Hag.
She is STUPID. Who’s in a right mind will go back to a person who publicly said he’s the one that dumped your ass and as her friends said cheated her 3 times.. only a stupid woman like JEN.
He may sound like a jerk, but he’s right. With a stupid girl you can do whatever you want to her. So called “smart” women are boring and expect you to dedicate yourself to pleasing them. They should be pleasing me!
Intelligence and emotional issues are not the same thing. Who knows what goes on behind closed doors? And maybe they’re not even dating, maybe she’s just getting some of the (supposedly) amazing sex. She’s allowed. Just because she does something you don’t agree with does not make her stupid. We’ve probably all made decision about the opposite sex that we later regret. She is human too.
Jesus, Lizzy. Are you under the impression that every commenter has to be absolutely fair and balanced? How sad.
I actively adore Jolie, and I read the Jolie posts and defend her because I enjoy it. I actively dislike Jennifer, and I enjoy laughing at the Pity Party Patrol that surrounds her, chanting the Goddess Circle theme songs and turning every post about boring Jennifer into an insane diatribe against the much more facinating Jolie.
If you want to defend The Pity Party, fine. But it’s hilarious that so few of you can when your girl goes back for seconds on *snark* John Mayer. And I believe this story from Pink because I don’t see what Pink gets out of lying about it.
I just thought you’d like to pick your battles. I wasn’t sure if you were aware of how pathetic you look, actively attacking one celebrity you dislike, then accusing others of being crazy when they attack one of your favorites. I don’t particular like Aniston or dislike Jolie… I’ve just been reading Celebitchy for a while (albeit without commenting) and while I can see that you’re intelligent I just thought you were better than the crazy Aniston fans who look like psychos.
I’m not sad. Perhaps being a little too obsessed with a certain celebrity is sad.
Also, although I doubt Pink would lie either, the source is the Sun. If they printed something derogatory about Jolie you would find any way to discredit the information. When it’s about Aniston, it “makes your day.” That’s sad. And hypocritical. That’s all I was saying.
I believe Pink is telling the truth and this confirms what we all thought about Jennifer Aniston. Jennifer is plan old stupid.
She dated John made a mistake but she became very stupid when she went begging back to the jerk. Jennifer show extreme desperation and stupidity.
I will bet you there are a hundred more stories that will crop up with different women just give it more time.
Just wait the last laugh will be on Jen once again.
Yes, she is plan old stupid.
I think John is losing credibility. He sold out. So Mayer made a play for Pink and she turned his nasty fat ugly head down! Good for Pink. She should John women can be smart because she sure is not sleeping with his nasty a$$. I’m glad women can stand up to that douche bag.
He seems to be a man that disrespect women. That’s why I believe he likes to be with women with low self esteem.
From Johns own mouth Jennifer Aniston is stupid.
I couldn’t care less about John Mayer but Pink is a world class no talent.
Seriously you people can’t be this stupid. First of all, unless you were there, this isn’t exactly what you call a first hand account (i.e. you don’t really know what was said). These stories are disseminated by people whose main priority is to make money by selling their magazines and gossip. Secondly, John seems to be an intelligent person who generally maintains a jocose disposition. While Pink is a very talented musician, in the haystack of people, she doesn’t strike me as the needle. Let’s go over the known facts. Pink came out with a song called stupid girls. In it she blatantly parodied Jessica Simpson as one of them. John Mayer dated Jessica Simpson. After Tony Romo had less than a stellar performance against the Giants in the playoffs, the press and fans of Dallas slammed Simpson for distracting Romo and his teammates. Though Mayer had no obligation to, he defended her. If he defends Simpson against the press and half the state of Texas, what makes you think he’s not going to defend her (and himself since Pink basically insulted his preferences and discernment in regards to women) when he runs into Pink. I’m guessing it was one of his usual smartass remarks or jokes and she just misinterpreted it. Probably something referring to the fact that she implied that at least one of his former flames is stupid. The irony of all of this is that it makes Pink look like one of the girls she doesn’t want to be. The funnier story that I’ve heard in reference to this dispute is that Mayer made a fairly funny joke about her song U + Ur Hand. Either way i’d put my money on Mayer. He’s smart, funny, and talented. He writes all his songs and music. He’s a virtuoso guitarist and an even better singer. Let’s consider his entourage: Kanye, Clapton, Buddy Guy, B.B. King, Herbie Hancock, Stevie Wonder, Brett Dennen, Common, Jay-Z, Alicia Keys, Nelly, John Scofield, D’Angelo,
?uestlove, Double Trouble, NaS, Dave Matthews, Ben Harper, The Dixie Chicks, Joss Stone, Maroon 5…
Any guy who would admit he is a douche bag should be listened to!
I’ll probably be one of the few that commented that actually likes John Mayer.
I’m amazed at how quick to judge people are, and how quick they are to believe anything they read.
John Mayer writes amazing music in my opinion, those who say his music sucks obviously haven’t listened to very much of it.
Even if this is true, I couldn’t care less. John Mayer is a fantastic musician, and I will always respect him for that.