Avril Lavigne and Brody Jenner split after two years of blissful mutual douchiness

We first heard about Avril Lavigne and Brody Jenner hooking up in February of 2010. They got matching lighting bolt tattoos for each other a few months later, we heard they were gunning for a reality show (that thankfully went nowhere) and then we even heard they were engaged last year. Well all that is over now, as Brody and Avril have split.

After dating for almost two years, Life & Style can exclusively reveal that the pop singer and reality star have called it quits.

“They decided to end their relationship,” a source tells Life & Style. “It wasn’t working out, and they wanted to go their separate ways.”

According to friends, the main reason is that they didn’t see eye to eye when it came to marriage.

“She wanted to settle down, but he wasn’t exactly ready,” another source tells Life & Style. “They had been having problems starting in the summer with her tour because she was on the road all the time.”

“It put a strain on their relationship,” the source adds.

Avril, 27, began dating Brody, 28, just months after she split from her then-husband, Sum 41 front man Deryck Whibley, 31. The two were married on July 15, 2006, but Avril filed for divorce three years later. It was finalized on November 16, 2010.

Before dating Avril, Brody was linked to model Jayde Nicole.

[From Life and Style]

These two lasted surprisingly long for a Kardashian (by marriage) and the queen of tween angst pop. It also surprises me to hear that Avril wanted to settle down. She doesn’t seem like the type at all. As mean as it sounds, at least she hasn’t had a kid yet. She’s generally insufferable and used to be known for being incredibly rude and bragging about it. Avril seemed to calm down quite a bit since she’s been dating Brody. It will only be a matter of time before we see photos of her stumbling drunk out of clubs and flipping off the paparazzi. After all, she’s got to find another dude to settle down with. Maybe she’s changed, though.

Most of these are file photos of Avril and Brody from 2010 and 2011. He shaved the “A” in his head for “Avril” in August, 2010. Credit: WENN and Fame. The last photo of Avril and Brody above was taken in Paris in September, 2011. It’s a beautiful photo! Credit: VPA, PacificCoastNews.com

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39 Responses to “Avril Lavigne and Brody Jenner split after two years of blissful mutual douchiness”

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  1. Pose83 says:

    He’s hot, shame he’s so douchey!

  2. outofafrica says:

    I never understood this coupling @ all.. I love avril & him.. Ugh.. Glad itz over .. Now if only she’ll get with pete wentz!

  3. I.want.shoes says:

    Isn’t she getting a little old for this angry teenager schtick?

    • Blue says:

      Saved me the trouble of typing the same thing.

    • smith says:

      … and her style is so dated. Her teenager clothes, awful hair and makeup …I’m sure her toenails are all black except for the roast beefs* which are prob painted blue. I mean the woman is almost 30.

      (*Middle toes – because that’s what the little piggy “ate”)

      • the original bellaluna says:

        LOVE the “roast beefs!” ๐Ÿ˜€ I’ve called all my babies’ toes “little piggy toes” for as long as I can remember.

        And co-sign on this comment & replies.

    • skuddles says:

      I.want.shoes – you said it!

  4. keri says:

    Her look is so old. Hoodies and vans with streaks of green (or pink!!!)in her hair. make me wanna barf. I only liked this couple because you never heard anything about them.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      That look is the same look that we were sporting in ’94/’95 when I was in highschool. She really needs to do something new with her image. I also agree with you that I liked the fact that we never heard from these two!

      • Erinn says:

        Bleh. This is still an ongoing look at the high school in my town. Mind you I have some red streaks underneath my hair, but I can at least dress myself like an adult. And red’s a lot more subtle than neon green and pink.

  5. Nessa says:

    I don’t have enough interest to even read this story, but I had to comment because the title literally made me LOL. Thanks for that CB!

  6. brin says:

    I wish she would change…..out of those grungy clothes.

  7. Jaded says:

    Most Canadians can’t stand her, she’s a national embarrassment what with spitting on photogs, etc. She’s a vulgar piece of small-town, hicksville trailer trash.

    • Erinn says:

      Exactly. I liked her for a few minutes… when I was about 12 and I was just going through my angsty, cranky preteen years. But it didn’t last long.

      Most people kind of just laugh at her, here. I’m from a small town in NS, so I do see a lot of trashy people like her, but she really takes the cake. Money can’t buy class.

  8. Kimble says:

    He is sooooooo good looking though!

    • Sassy says:

      Think of it – this is what Bruce Jenner looked like before his face lifts made him look like a woman. Brody got his looks and physique from his father.

  9. Asli says:

    That stupid A shaved into his head is making me want to slap him!

  10. Flan says:

    She hates blonde cheerleader types oh, so much, doesn’t she?

    Yet on her wedding she looked more like Marriage Barbie than anyone else ever.

    Tired act and annoying childish behavior.

  11. MyCatLoves TV says:

    She looks like she could be Tonya Harding’s daughter.

  12. birdie says:

    They were a very odd couple, but they seemed happy..

  13. Iggles says:

    Can’t stand either one, so this news gave me a snarky smile ๐Ÿ˜‰

  14. Sara says:

    He will go back to tall big boobed models now. He doesn’t have a type.

  15. bluhare says:

    That Hermes Kelly bag looks so . . . natural on her, doesn’t it?

  16. Hanna says:

    Ugh, why are they still here? No one cares about little Avril and that The Hills Douche Brody. So 2008.

  17. juju says:

    in the who cares news !!

  18. truthful says:

    good for him! after getting hurt in that fight because of Avril hes has FINALLY seen the light. she’s crazy and wild. He got cut or wasbleeding trying to defend her honor–after she started some stuff in a bar, I think.

    its not worth it Brody, you can date a local chick.
    after all, your FACE is all you have–sighhhh


  19. Spugz says:

    Now back away and leave Avril alone. (give avril a protective hug). I admit it, I love her. I can’t help it!

  20. the original bellaluna says:

    I don’t care for either one of them, but I do like some of her songs. (The toddler loves her concert on Paladia.)

  21. Happy21 says:

    Wow! I never knew she was hated so much. I also never knew that she was a national embarrassment to us Canadians. I’ve been to one of her concerts and she seemed to have a lot of people who liked her. I like her. I don’t love her but I do like her.

    I think she can pull off the look for a little while longer but think that the first photo where she is wearing a hoodie with heels is just wrong in every possible way. Honestly, she dresses like a lot of under 30 girls where I live.

  22. Amanda G says:

    I am impressed that it lasted this long! Avril is not like the typical girl that Brody dates. I know this is crazy, but I hope he hooks up with Lauren Conrad again. I always liked their chemistry. I’m sure it won’t happen though.

    • Dani says:

      I will always want Lauren to be with Stephen, but if that can’t happen, then she should get back together with Kyle. The Brodster is my third choice for her.

      • Amanda G says:

        I liked Stephen too, but she was always his 2nd choice. Kyle did seem like a good guy. I wonder what happened there.

  23. fabgrrl says:

    Well, of course she wanted to pin that man down. He is gorgeous! And she is, well, not. In looks or personality. I’m surprised it lasted this long.

  24. kimberly says:

    Avril is NOT the queen of anything but the her own bathroom where she vomits from a night of drinking.

    She is a hasbeen and should appear on an E special for “where are they now”. This bitch is not punk at all, she’s just another drunk bitch that got married too young and thinks her twat is the shit, when it actually smells like shit. They broke up because she’s a total drunk who can’t keep her cool. Chip much? No one like chicks that think they’re hard and are really insecure little pussies.

    how needy are bitches that they want to get married to douche bags??

  25. Mia says:

    How did Brody go from Kristin Cavallari and Jayde Nicole to Avril? Shes a skinnier, flatter and scowling version of the previous two. I always thought it must be a fame thing but maybe he did really like her, they lasted a long time (well longer than expected)