Jennifer Aniston just bought a $21 million, 4-bedroom Bel Air mansion

Nearly a year ago, Jennifer Aniston sold her newly remodeled and refurbished LA mansion for $42 million, an insane markup considering she initially bought the house for less than half that amount. All she really had done to the house was turn it into some Ron Burgundy-style 1970s shag-pad – the whole thing looked really dated, but Aniston talked a lot about how it was her dream property, so I guess it was just her style. So, it was shocking when she sold it and then immediately purchased two massive condos in NYC. The condo purchases made a bit more sense when she and life-long New Yorker Justin Theroux went public – although she bought the New York properties when Justin was still with Heidi Bivens, you know. Anyway, Aniston has split her time over the past year between her New York condo(s) and the Sunset Tower Hotel – reports claimed that Aniston was shelling out $20,000 a month to stay there (and she was paying, not Justin).

So maybe Aniston was tired of spending an exorbitant amount of money at hotels, because she’s just made another huge real estate purchase – TMZ reports that she just bought another mansion, this time in Bel Air:

Jennifer Aniston is about to become the proud owner of an estate you will never be able to afford … TMZ has learned.

Sources tells us … Jennifer has purchased an 8,500 square foot mansion in Bel Air. The asking price was $24 million, but we’re told Jennifer got it for a bargain — only $21 mil.

The Mid Century house has 4 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms and unobstructed city and ocean views. The estate is just shy of 2 acres … and in Bel Air, that’s HUGE. And get this … it even has a vineyard!

Jennifer’s realtor is Jade Mills from Coldwell Banker in Bev Hills. Mills is having a good month. She repped Avril Lavigne, who sold her $8.5 million mansion to L.A. Clippers star Chris Paul last week.

We’re told Jennifer will officially get the title to her new pad tomorrow.

[From TMZ]

$21 million properties are nothing special for someone like Aniston. The thing that interested me the most is the number of bedrooms – Aniston’s previous LA home only had one bedroom, I believe. And now she’s getting a 4-bedroom place? There’s enough room for a baby. Or two. Lots of little JustJens!

Oh, and a vineyard? Makes sense – because Aniston is such a boozehound.

Photos courtesy of WENN, Architectural Digest.

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104 Responses to “Jennifer Aniston just bought a $21 million, 4-bedroom Bel Air mansion”

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  1. Overrated says:

    Must be nice to get so rich for being so mediocre…sigh. There’s something desperately wrong in the world when one can buy a 20m house while other people live in tent cities thanks to the rich taking their modest homes. Just so wrong.

    • HoustonGrl says:

      I agree…no one should have that much money as long as people are starving. Our values are deranged.

    • Franny says:

      I don’t really see how its any Hollywood star’s fault that banks are taking people’s houses. Take that up with them, not with a movie star.

      • NoNameYet says:

        No it’s not her fault, but she is a very public example of global wealth disparity. As such, she should expect to take some heat. Consider it part of her job. 😉

    • Dibba says:

      I agree. Its sickening.

    • whatevs says:

      agreed so much… and it’s not like she needs more homes she keeps buying fully decorated luxury homes one after another… on the other hand this might be a subconscious move on trying to fulfill the emptiness of her lonely life. her empty mind, soul and heart. well no amount of richly filled house will fulfill the emptiness in her, or the loneliness inside her home(s)

      • patw says:

        or maybe she just likes real estate. There are MANY HW stars with multiple properties. They don’t get shrinked about the nature of their purchases

      • whatevs says:

        i hate it when somebody replies to me, but i can’t reply to them. whatever. @patw that’s what i’m saying she liked her real estate… a bit too much. i would say that to about any other star if their real estate situations were leaked, oops, published as much as hers are, and if they are as undeserving (read: untalented) as she is.

  2. Celebasshat says:

    I wish her all the happiness in her new home

    • Capella says:

      I think the vineyard might account for at least 10$M of those 21M. I cannot wrap my mind around it. I think the island of Cyprus can live off, and thrive, on $21M a year!

      Wish her luck too. Shitty movies, so-so actress, but that girl still attracts “niceness” in people. By all accounts, she is fun loving, and kind. Good for her!

      Surprised about all the Friends syndication money each of the stars are getting: somewhere between 8 and 14 million dollars per year, depending in how many countries the show would be playing. They are each set for life!

  3. whatevs says:

    bad acting in a shitty tv show and numerous shitty rom coms will get you so much money. damn talk about injustice in the world

    • Jackie says:


      • kibbles says:

        Co-sign. The world is really messed up and is on the track to getting worse. The presidential election is not going to change the inevitable and that is the majority of the world will become poorer while the rich become richer.

  4. lucy2 says:

    I just saw photos of this on a real estate blog I read – the property looks amazing, and that says it’s over 3 acres. It also had a link to the previous house, which said it was 5 bedrooms, not 1, and said the actual sale price was $35 mil, not the $42 listed.

  5. Dusty says:

    While we are talking about politicians and how much taxes they pay, I do wonder if JA invested her money in this new purchase to avoid paying taxes on capitol gains.

    • Franny says:

      I’m sure she did. Plenty of people (including my parents) purchase property with the money they made from selling other property.

    • Embee says:

      I am pretty sure she can only deduct $500k of capital gains. In the scheme of things (15% rate), not a real motivation to repurchase.

    • Wendy says:

      Chances are she wants her money in something tangible, rather than stocks or other “paper” investments.

      • flourpot says:

        Yeah, like one of those bedrooms filled with cases of Vodka and the other filled with doggie bones.


        I’m average and a crappy actress, why aren’t I a millionaire yet??

      • patw says:

        because Aniston isn’t average and a crappy actress? Logically – based on your statement.

  6. lisa says:

    I don’t have a problem with anyone spending the money they earn. This is the way of the world. Society has decided that being an actor or athlete is of greater value then educating children or caring for the sick. So that being the case we as consumers but more value in our entertainment then other things.

    she makes money so she gets to spend it the way she choices. There has always been the haves and the haves not. Not going change.

    I just recall her saying as noted that she wanted to simplify her life. And again neither of the homes she has had or this one fits the image of the person she is suppose to be. But then I don’t think she has ever really shown who she really is.

    • Overrated says:

      Some day when the rich meet our maker I highly doubt “sorry! It’s just the way of the world ya know?” excuse will cut it. Pleading ignorance won’t cut it either when we all know there are starving people in this world.

      I can’t afford to donate to charities anymore. I used to but since the GFC and the global elite stealing my super fund I’m struggling so hard to make ends meet. Life is not fair. Oh well.

    • patw says:

      So wait- she should be donating her money to charity? How do you know she doesn’t? There seems to be some cases where she has donated so I don’t get your gripe with her?

  7. Maya says:

    I think all is not well in the relationship. Otherwise why relocate back?

    • patw says:

      I think it’s because she needs a gated compound to maintain some control over the paps. Reports in NY was that the paps were everywhere there around her NY apartment. Me thinks she’s realized she can’t live in NY with a certain level of anonymity. Or maybe she and theroux just want an investment. She made good money on her last property…
      Either way – she owns like 2 properties now. Hardly in excess given other celebrities and their various properties ALL over the world.

  8. bea says:

    for all her alleged chirren?

  9. Kaye1 says:

    I thought the “Ron Burgundy” house was beautiful. I also thought it was really odd that she sold it so quickly after making such a fuss about how it was perfect for her. I think buying real estate for the wealthy is like buying socks for the rest of us. It just doesn’t matter how much they spend or how often they want something new, it’s just such a small part of their overall wealth.

  10. Bob says:

    Poor girl. How will she ever get by living in a crappy 21 million dollar property? Times are tough on everyone. Please….

  11. carrie says:

    it’s too tiny for my cat & me (her new house is so down-to-earth) but she does what she wants with her money
    OT:i believed it was Brad Pitt the fan of architecture in their ex-couple

  12. Maritza says:

    Must be great to travel around the world and make all those millions just for acting. Good for her that she is investing her money in real estate here in the USA.

  13. EmmaStoneWannabe says:

    Here’s a link to the pics:

    What do ya’ll think? IMHO, it looks bare and cold like an art gallery. The vineyard is nice though. To each their own.

    • The Original Mia says:

      I was unimpressed. Looks sterile to me.

    • lucy2 says:

      Modern isn’t for me so I don’t care for the house itself, but the property looks fantastic.

    • spinner says:

      Yes…it looks sterile now but it’s nothing some redecorating & new furnishings couldn’t fix. She could warm that place right up. The property is fabulous. Gotta love the vineyard. Hubby & I are reading up & getting ready to put in our own. Can’t wait.

  14. Tiegan says:

    The one she sold had 5 bedrooms, so technically I guess this is downsizing.

    I’d love a house with a vineyard.

  15. Pop Rocks says:

    I will never get the endless hate for this woman. She seems so harmless compared to most of Hollywood. She doesn’t seem nearly as smug and full of herself as some of these other people and she’s spending a fraction on Real Estate compared to others. At least she’s not Depp with his stupid private island and snotty comments about how photo shoots are like rape. Not to mention he’s played the same stupid child-like character for 20 years. He get praised for being an ACTOR. She gets dumped on for playing the same role. Just like Clooney can roll out a new girlfriend every time there’s an awards season while Aniston gets accused of faking her relationships. I don’t get these double standards.

    Also, according to the Wall Street Journal, which I consider to be far more reputable than TMZ, Aniston and Theroux bought the house together. Theroux is paying for half the house with his Tropic Thunder money. Since he came up with the story, co wrote the screenplay and produced it, I assume he walked away with millions from that. And let’s be honest, if the gender roles were reversed and it was Theroux with all the money we wouldn’t care if Aniston was paying or not paying for anything. With rich men we could care less if their partner is paying their fare share. With rich women we have to make note of who is paying for what.

    Just my two cents.

    • Day says:

      Agreed. People are so ridiculous making these stupid, bitchy comments about what somebody else does with THEIR money. When they know, if it was them they would be doing the same damn thing. But, b/c it isn’t they sit on their high horse looking their noses at rich celebrities who enjoy their fortune. If you work for it, do what you want with it. I guarantee you these are the same people who bemoan welfare and government assistance programs for the poor.

      It is even more idiotic to bitch about the money actress/actors get seeing as how they are only as rich as WE make them. You can go on endless about her stupid movies or whatever. But, somebody is paying to see those movies. And, those same ‘stupid’ movies allow her to live the lavish lifestyle you wish you could have. I won’t even lie, her life is sick and I would kill for it.

    • arock says:


      each of her “extraneous” purchases have been profitable investments in the long term, she puts money and time into turning the properties. thats called business. just because shes reached a certain earning potential in acting doesnt discount or stop her from continuing to invest. its her money, she earned it- public opinion as to her ability is subjective but the paycheck (defined by her marketability) is finite. if she was a guy (pretty boy whos played the same character for a decade) no one would give two shits.

      if the hate is for her money or ability to spend it- its hers…if its for her over payment for her acting ability- theres been alot worse…if its cause of this whole angie/brad thing everyone is so into- get over it. they have.

      go on jen. make yours, sister.

    • Nanea says:

      Wall St Journal is owned by Rupert Murdoch, he of Faux News and tapping phones. The paper ceased to be reputable in the last decade.

      Writers never make nearly as much as actors, and even if JT walked away with a substantial sum just because of his producer credit and earned the odd million here and there for other scripts, I don’t think he has anywhere near the 10.5 millions to spare for the new place.

      • Pop Rocks says:

        Theroux wasn’t just the producer or co-writer on “Tropic Thunder”, he came up with the story. If you combine all three of those things he coud have easily walked away with $20 million just for that one film. If he took it, along with the millions he’s gotten from writing other scripts and the money he’s made from acting, he could be worth a fairly substantial fortune.

        He may not have as much money as Aniston, most people don’t, but people on this site and others makes it sound like Theroux was living on minimum wage before she came along and that she must be paying for everything. And that’s just not true.

      • patw says:

        ICAM pop rocks – Posters here seem to think that Theroux is some nobody that got picked up on the street. Uh NO. It’s JUSTIN THEROUX. Talented, intelligent, sly and tongue-in-cheek funny. Calling him a scrub is just so insulting to who he is.

    • ruokmiss? says:

      @comment #15:
      exactly this. thank you. take care of yourself now, Pop Rocks, and please, if anyone on here offers you coca-cola… do. not. drink. it.

    • deltona lakes says:

      Okay Poprock the average screenwriter makes $500,000. The top screenwriters like Aaron Sorkin, Steve Zaillian receives about $2-3 mil a script. I read that Shyamalan did get $5 mil for “sixth sense”. Peter Jackson received $20 mil but he also produced and directed. However, JT rolls in and can demand $20 mil a film. Almost as much as the highest paid actor in HW. ummm

      • Katherine says:

        deltona, you’re pretty much on the nose with those figures. For some reason Jennifer’s fans seem almost desperate to make Justin into some rich guy. The guy was living in a fairly nondescript coop in NYC he bought many years ago until he hooked up with Jennifer. He’s never had big money.

        Only the biggest players make $20 million – or anywhere near that – on any film and I mean BIG PLAYERS. Legendary and proven script writers just don’t make that much. Writers are never valued in the biz. So these people are delusional thinking Justin is even making one million. I’ve always thought Justin’s role and credits on Tropic Thunder were more courtesy of his friend Ben Stiller who was nice enough to give him a co-producer credit on it which is more than likely meaningless. There were a lot of writers/contributors on that script and the public has no idea who did what and how much.

        When the deed is recorded everyone can see who owns the house. Of course it still won’t tell you who really paid for it. But I will bet anything he didn’t.

      • patw says:

        Desperation? nobody is desperate for him to be rich – just can’t figure why he’s pegged as some kind of a gold digger requiring a sugar mama. Are you kidding me? You don’t see the hypocrisy in your response? Jen-haters seem desperate to discredit him for some reason.

        Theroux by no means is destitute/ or average in his wealth. And he definitely comes from a talented and well known family so it’s not like he’s some rags to riches story either. His work is prolific and varied and indicates a level of ownership and creativity in his personality. That just doesn’t reconcile to all the jen-haters’ assumptions on his character. It’s nonsensical. The comments are pretty double standard here. As pop rocks correctly stated – not many people in HW make as much money as Aniston does – she has made more money than pretty much all her significant others. So why does money keep coming up as a point of discussion here? I don’t get it.

      • deltona lakes says:

        I personally don’t care who and what she spends her money on. But to suggest that this guy makes $20 mil per film script to downplay her “sugar mommy” status is downright ludicrous.

  16. ladybert62 says:

    for the NY apartments, I thought she was doing a massive remolding job – she will probably due the same to this new place.

    Must be nice to have that much money.

  17. ella says:

    Lovely home, a little jealous!

  18. Shoes says:

    I wouldn’t say the New York apartments aren’t massive. Combined, the space is 2 bedrooms and a total of about 2700 square feet. It’s got awesome outdoor space though. (i love real estate porn.)

  19. The Original Mia says:

    Someone else told me Huvane whispered to the Wall St Journal that Justin put down money on the house. Sure he did. Dude is a kept man. Jennifer has plenty of money & she’s spending it on her man.

    • Pop Rocks says:

      Theroux has his own money. Someone told me he made somewhere around $15 million for “Tropic Thunder”. Sure he has less money than Aniston, but he’s not exactly broke especially when you consider he made at least another million for Iron Man 2 and another million for “Rock of Ages”. And that’s just the screenwriting work. Also, do you care if Vanessa Paridis paid for half of the island she has with Depp? If she didn’t, wouldn’t that make her a kept woman?

      • Nanea says:

        Are you JT’s publicist?

        TT cost 92 millions to make, and earned 188 millions worldwide. I don’t believe JT got anywhere near 15 millions out of that, maybe half, if his reps bargained high.

      • Katherine says:

        Pop Rocks, LOL! Your figures are completely delusional. Please stop. I am quite sure Justin has never made a million for any script he has written so far. And what else would they be paying him for? You’re not suggesting that he was truly the producer or investor of any of these films are you?

      • patw says:

        Good point about Paradis.

        I want to defend him because he’s undeserving of this ridicule. It just shows how ignorant and uninformed these commenters are – the same commenters who are such stead fast arbiters of what’s quality acting and what’s not. Please. They have no idea who Theroux is, therefore how knowledgeable could these people be?

    • Wendy says:

      Really, who gives a crap if he paid for half or not? Is his name going to be on the ownership papers if he didn’t? Probably not. Whoop de doo.

      The woman has an extremely healthy bank account, why shouldn’t she spend it on a place she likes? Is she supposed to pretend she’s only got a few paltry million in the bank rather than 125+ million, just because her boyfriend isn’t as stinkin’ rich as she is?

      Seriously, WTF is up with the “define yourself by the size of your boyfriend’s bank account”? Can we get any more shallow? Geez…

  20. Mac says:

    $21 Million for a home where she can feel comfortable, and I say GOOD FOR HER!!!

    As a child Jennifer experienced the hardship of poverty. As a young adult she had to work hard for everything she earned, and has continued to make the most of her opportunities.

    Meanwhile she has devoted herself to bringing a measure of joy to millions of adoring fans and helping the less fortunate.

    Jennifer Aniston is a fine American.

    • clare says:

      “As a child Jennifer experienced the hardship of poverty.”

      Can you elaborate on that statement? I’ve never heard about this.

      • Mac says:

        In the late 60’s to early 70’s John Aniston was a struggling actor with a family of four.

        They became deeply in debt and had to rely on their neighbors for food in order to eat.

        Their dire situation prompted Mr. Aniston’s decision to abandon acting, move his family to Greece and pursue a career in medicine.

        While living with relatives in Greece he was informed that in order to attend university he would first need to complete mandatory military service. Mr. Aniston had already completed a four year enlistment in the USN attaining the rank of Lieutenant Commander as a Naval Intelligence Officer.

        Shortly therafter he returned his family to the USA and eventually got his big break in 1975 when he joined the cast of Love of Life .

  21. kazoo says:

    ohhhh, that house is GORGEOUS. i wonder if she’ll leave it styled modern or change it up.

  22. NM6804 says:

    Ok, I get that rich people need to show of their wealth to underline their status. But really, WHY do they purchase those kinds of properties when it’s just too big for them? I just don’t understand it. I would feel lonely, stars barely really live for a long time in one place. It makes no sense. Are they bored? And you know what, I would be more inclined to say congrats if the person was hardworking and earnest. But Aniston? Please…if I would be able to get a pad like that by flicking my hair and gazing into the camera, I would feel damn well embarassed by receiving so much money for it and wasting it on selfish materialistic items or baking my ass in the sun all the time. Woman, go help other people with it!

    • Wendy says:

      No you wouldn’t, you’d be wallowing in the good life. Enjoying the perks. Glad and grateful that you’re part of the 1%, just like any other actor who makes it big.

      • NM6804 says:

        @Wendy, no I wouldn’t. I’m working class and seeing other people struggle would make me feel responsible to help others out of their shitty life if I would make it big. It’s just who I am, I don’t see how that would change when people would throw money at me. It would make me…uncomfortable and nervous. I’ve always been very concious about money and have a heart for the needy. Even now I’m thinking of volunteering (and will write about somehow) and I barely can sustain for my own needs. That’s why I’m also studying so I can help others. All this doesn’t matter for you of course but I’m just saying, I think I know better who I am than you. My motto is: know where you come from. I don’t see how money should change a person. McAvoy is rich too and he lives very modest, it can be possible.


        No, that kind of place is materialistic. It’s like Gis Bundchen’s house or Depp’s castle (ok Aniston’s is not that big but still for one or two people 6 bathrooms?). What ever happened to buying a place that is appropriate for the amount of people that actually living there? I find it mindboggling that people think they need it or just want it. Maybe it’s just me coming from a very modest background but seeing the rich and their properties, it freaks me out.

        Oh Heine, please, she isn’t exactly Julianne Moore in the acting department is she? She’s mediocre at best.
        When I read her interviews, she comes across as superficial and very aware of herself. That’s not bad or anything but to say she does good on a regular basis because it truly concerns her? No.

    • Heine says:

      She isn’t showing off her wealth, in my opinion, by buying investment properties, flipping them and then selling for profit. There are people from the middle class who do the exact same thing (on a smaller scale, obviously).

      You think a home is a selfish, materialistic item?

      Do you really think she’s earned all her millions just by flipping her hair and gazing into the camera? Do you really think she isn’t helping anyone else with her money?

  23. foozy says:

    i wonder how much justin loves her money..

  24. HA! says:

    WHO CARES WHAT NEEDYSTON DOES ANYMORE? ugh! i’ll say it again: her baloney has no last name.

  25. no thanks says:

    how much is she worth??? to blow 21mil on a house, i hope she has spare change..

    • aprayerforthewildatheart says:

      The entire cast of Friends stuck together so they all got paid a salary commensurate with the show’s popularity at the time. Now that Friends is in syndication they receive a constant flow of income from residuals. It’s a LOT of money. She could live off of the Freinds residuals alone for the rest of her life, the entire cast could.

    • Katherine says:

      Even rich people finance their homes. I doubt she paid cash for it. Maybe if it were a few million I’d believe it but not for these larger purchases especiailly when she is also committed to other equally expensive property with plans to spend even more renovating.

      The 6 co-stars of Friends all made exactly the same amount of money through all the years of the show. For 5 years after the show ended they all received the exact same amount in residuals – $16.666 million per year. That amount ended a few years ago and if there is still money coming in it is a much, much smaller figure – maybe around $1 million a year.

      The Wall Street Journal gossip section is no better than other gossip sections. It plays the same gossip game of just repeating stories without independent fact checking or investigating/reporting all the time. Do not confuse the Wall Street Journal’s regular and business news and with its gossip “news.” They are not the same.

  26. Jayna says:

    I find it bizarre she spent three years doing her dream home only to put it up for sale six months after moving in because she wanted to simplify her life and blah, blah. Now she’s buying another mega mansion.

    • lucy2 says:

      It happens – the firm I work for has had a few clients spend a lot of time and money on a project, and in a few years it’s up for sale. We have 1 client who has done 4 brand new houses – she just likes the process, and when the market was good was making a profit on each.

    • Wendy says:

      Not only that, but real estate is probably a much safer investment option these days than the stock market. Houses don’t go bankrupt, companies do.

  27. anonymoose says:

    wow, the new pad looks like a 1960 pharmaceutical corporate HQ. yick!

  28. Heine says:

    Wow, she does something truly innocuous in buying a house and here come the wolves.

    It’s her money to do with what she will. She seems to enjoy flipping properties. She isn’t just collecting homes here and there.

    The house is a wonderful example of mid-century modern architecture. I love the outdoor space even more than the inside.

  29. Original Chloe says:

    Okay, three things that crossed my mind:

    1. JA bought a modernist looking painting not that long ago, now she has a house to match it.

    2. Didn’t she just say that she sold the previous house because she was trying to go smaller?

    3. Her previous house was supposed to “feel like a hug,” she decorated it with plush, velvet, warm tones and materials. Her decision to get this puzzled me a bit. I mean, do these couches look ..comfortable?

    All that aside, it’s her money.

  30. Camille (The original) says:

    LOL at your last line Kaiser. I was just thinking how awesome it would be to have your own vineyard. Perfect for Aniston especially 😉 .

    And look, this is a nice story and all, but really, is this news? No, it isn’t. And that goes for ANY celeb that feels the need to tell the world that they bought new property.
    Do we need a press release when a celeb wipes their bum too? 🙄

  31. Kelly says:

    I tried to watch Friends the other night and it was sooooooooo awful I had to turn the channel….and the MOST awful was Ms. Aniston.

    • whatevs says:

      …and that is saying something.

      • Magsy says:

        Like Will Farrell’s line in Zoolander, she only has one look!! She is exactly the same in every movie, a tv star who just falls short of being a movie star. Cute but not beautiful, good acting but not outstanding. Sorry, I think if she hasn’t had kids by now I don’t think she will. I don’t think it’s ever been a priority for her. PLus she could have adopted by now if it was such a burning desire. I think it’s the public who keep pressuring and clamoring about matchng her up with somone and having children for some strange reason. Why do we care???? Plus all her boyfriends are too totally different from each other. She doesn’t really have a type. Maybe she’s really gay but can’t come out because the public won’t let her.

      • whatevs says:

        @magsy good acting? lol ok…
        and if this were anybody else i would suspect gayness too. but lbr jeniston is too boring to be a lesbian. and this isn’t a stereotype or anything but all gay/les people i’ve known were interesting enough to talk to. they had great interest in arts, literature, culture in general. i feel like jeniston would talk about her hair and self bronzer all day long. don’t forget her exercise routine.

  32. whatevs says:

    egads those architectural digest photos were so terrible. thx for the reminder -_-;

  33. Kara Ann says:

    Like someone said upthread, I love real estate porn (although I’ve never thought of it that way)! What I really like about this house is the grounds. I’m Scarlet O’Hara when it comes to owning property. Also, the clean lines and airy rooms are to die for.

  34. Leah says:

    Well thank god it was a bargain at least.

    Jesus, that’s an insane amount of money to pay just to have an address in Bel Air.

  35. fabgrrl says:

    Can you really fit a decent sized vineyard AND a mansion on less than two acres? I can’t imagine there is any room for wine making and storage. So it’s just a small area for growning grapes, which someone (else) will have to pick….I guess that’s owning your own vineyard….

    • aprayerforthewildatheart says:

      Yes true, two acres isn’t much actual land. It’s a ton of land in Bel Air though. I used to live in wine country, and there were a lot of land owners who had vineyards, and sold the grapes to wineries. That may be what they’ll do.

  36. BELLA says:

    why are we even talking about her? She has never given back like some people
    (ANGIE) Jen is a low rate actor!Her new boyfriend must be giggling under his
    (or someone elses) pillow ,and pinching himself….

    • Sunny says:

      Maybe she should build a chateau in France? Or will that be too wasteful?

    • patw says:

      hee. thanks for that reminder. Even something as innocuous as real estate purchases can bring out the glaring hypocrisy.

      • Camille (The original) says:

        When did AJ ever build a place in France? To the best of my limited Brangelina knowledge I thought they only rented the place. The rest is tabloid gossip.

  37. Pffft says:

    You people are sick, get a life.

    • whatevs says:

      get a life yourself. do you realize you are replying to people who write on the same blog as you are?

  38. Carla says:

    Nice place. Timing is interesting. I think she’s nesting.

  39. CHRISTIAN_GIRL says:

    She needed a vineyard because other people have a vineyard. That’s cute.
    The beauty of reminders and memories.

    Justin will next roll up at the grocery store in a NEW black Ural Tourist motorcycle with a sidecar for her. That’s cute too.

    What season is this? Oh yeah, Awards season that SOME can’t compete in so this is the next best thing since their movie comes out at the same time. Funny, funny people. I’m laughing here.

  40. stacey says:

    over paid & over exposed & over here

  41. MobeyD says:

    shame she cannot bring her self to help the greek economy and buy a house AND SPEND HER $$$$$$$$$$$$in her homeland Greece

  42. Arock says:

    I’m a litle confused by all this ” I can’t believe she shows off/spends her money the way she wants/doesn’t help with the national debt” talk. Really? It’s her money, what obligation does she have to do the will of others so they feel less annoyed/jealous about their income?it’s ludacris.
    And to the chick who thinks JAs money is going to save Greece economy….really? What kind if innane comment is that?
    Stick to looking down your nose a miley cyrus’s shoes. Know your place.

  43. Arock says:

    I’m a litle confused by all this ” I can’t believe she shows off/spends her money the way she wants/doesn’t help with the national debt” talk. Really? It’s her money, what obligation does she have to do the will of others so they feel less annoyed/jealous about their income?it’s ludacris.
    And to the chick who thinks JAs money is going to save Greek economy….really? What kind if innane comment is that?
    Stick to looking down your nose a miley cyrus’s shoes. Know your place.