“Pregnant transgender man is pregnant again” morning links

– Pregnant transgender man, Thomas Beatie, is pregnant again [Best Week Ever]
Anthony Edwards donated all his pay from his return to ER to a hospital he’s building in Africa [Television.AOL.com]
– Poll: The sexiest movie vampires [Moviefone]
– Doctor claims that a bone marrow transplant cured his patient of AIDS. Was it a fluke or a cure? [Black Voices]
– A gay superhero created by Stan Lee is coming to Showtime [Radar Online]
– Top tips for fighting acne for older skin [Stylelist]
– Naked farmer is a big hit on German reality TV (sfw) [Bild]
– Shameless airbrushing [Cityrag]
– Celebrity plastic surgery before and after [Celebedge]
Levi McConaughey with his grandma [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Mischa Barton and her terrible hair extensions at H&M Divided Exclusive Collection Launch [Bastardly]
Keyshia Cole Does Upscale Magazine [The YBF]
– Choking toddler saved by babysitter’s parrot [ParentDish]
Natalie Portman is Homeless But She Gets Good Meals [Hollywood Rag]
Tara Reid wonky nipples [Yeeeah]
Scarlett Johansson for dorks [The Blemish]
Monica Bellucci Dior Ad Campaign [Popcrunch]
– Who’s that star? [The Insider]
– They’re making the game Monopoly into a movie. Yes they have run out of ideas. [Agent Bedhead]
– Hollywood heathens [Defamer]
Amy Adams looking cute at a benefit gala [Use My Computer]
Shania Twains CMA outfit was way better than the one she wore on the red carpet [Evil Beet]
Jessica Biel looks great [Popoholic]
– The Olsen Twins’ biggest fans [Seriously? OMG! WTF?]
– Is this why Kanye West peed on the floor? [Rhymes with Snitch]
Micheal Jackson loses Neverland Ranch finally [Derek Hail]
– NYC protest agains Prop 8/Hate [PopBytes]

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35 Responses to ““Pregnant transgender man is pregnant again” morning links”

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  1. Anna says:

    That’s so sweet, they did say they wanted to have their daughter to have siblings. I’m really happy for Thomas, I wish him and his wife all the best! 🙂

  2. Holly says:

    How come more people aren’t talking about the AIDS cure? That just baffles me.

  3. Moore says:

    Isn’t it kind of soon? I thought she just had her baby.
    Holly, I read that this morning. Way bigger news than this.

  4. joi says:

    That is not a man. “He” retained all the female internal organs to reproduce from his previous sex. When an anatomically correct man gets pregnant, that will be news. This? Not so much. Trickery and multi physical sexual characteristics accomplished this. Happy that they are happy and all that..but it ISN’T a true man having a child.


  5. Lisa says:

    I am always amused when they call her a “man”. Looks like one, but that’s where it ends. On the other hand, I wish her a successful and healthy pregnancy.

  6. photo jojo says:

    Having two children so close together is dangerous for both of them. 🙁

  7. Mia says:

    I’ve just seen my breakfast out and about on my keyboard! The eggs looked kinda mushy…

    Can you PLEASE post stuff like that in the afternoon when no one eats large meals?

    Thank you.


  8. geronimo says:

    I really hope they’re not going to go down the same publicity route with this pregnancy. This is just a pregnant woman, there’s no novelty value here. To try and make it into something else is really distasteful and dishonest on the part of both this couple and the media.

  9. 99 says:

    She should just wear a man costume to look like a dude, instead of trying to kill herself with all the male hormones. She obviously enjoys being a woman and the biological perks it offers. All the switching back and forth cant possibly be healthy, either mentally or physically.

  10. vdantev says:

    😯 BARF!!! 😥

    Once more if it has a vagina, and it can get pregnant- it isn’t a man.

    Tara, I will love you forever, regardless of your wonky nipples.

  11. prissa says:

    I agree. This is not a man and I don’t understand what was the point in “becoming” a man just to flip flop back and forth? A real man can not choose what sex he wants to be when it suits his fancy or fulfills a need/want (nor can a woman). This is really twisted and I pray for those children’s healthy mental well being.

  12. Syko says:

    Agreed with all the dissenters (as usual). “He” has a vagina, uterus and ovaries. When I hear about a dude with a penis and testicles and none of the above getting pregnant, then that will be a pregnant man. This person is not a man and I’m tired of the hype. This is a lesbian couple who decided to have children via the old turkey baster. Nothing wrong with that, but to pretend that one is a man and that this is making medical history is not right. He’s a woman. And a mentally messed up one, from appearances.

  13. KERRI says:

    I saw this girl on “Dog Eat Dog”. The contestant had to guess who the real man is in a line-up of 12 women. It turned out to be a small asian boy, but, damn, I couldn’t guess. They all looked like men to me.:!: ❗

  14. Anna says:

    It makes me sick to my stomach to see how intolerant so many of you are but that’s not even the worst thing, you clearly don’t know (or don’t want to acknowledge) that gender sometimes goes beyond physical attributes. When transgendered people take the necessary steps (or even just some of them, it is up to them to decide!!) to change towards the sex they feel they truly have and ask everyone around to please acknowledge the “new” sex, then we should all be respectful of that. I call Thomas a man because he identifies as a man, not as a woman and I respect that identification. I once had a transgendered friend (male to female) for whom calling her a “he” was like a slap in the face and I know many others feel the same. For them, it’s like when a black person gets called the N-word. For transgendered people, this is not a simple choice, like “ooh, today, I think I’m gonna go girlie” but a true gender identity. I don’t see what’s so hard or so gross about that. If someone converts to a different religion, nobody ever says “but you were baptised XYZ religion, you can’t take that away” and continue saying they pertain to that religion. You acknowledge that change of faith. Why is it inconceivable to simply do the polite and tolerant thing and acknowledge someone’s chosen and profoundly felt gender? And as for the definition: CB got it as correct as she possibly could by specifically saying “transgender man” – not just “man” – gets pregnant. Thomas is not pretending to be an originally biological man who became pregnant, he is open about how it is possible he can have a child. And if for nothing else, the haters should back off and stop calling him a liar or an attention-whore.

  15. gg says:

    So now every single thing this couple does has to be broadcast? TMI!

  16. Syko says:

    Anna, I do understand transgender. I don’t care what someone wants to call themselves. I don’t care if they feel more like a woman even when born with a penis.

    The problem I have with this is that the media has run with “PREGNANT MAN!!1!” and gave the impression at first that a man was actually pregnant. Not only is that deceitful, but it’s confusing to children who hear about it or see it online or in magazines and news papers, who have been told that “the mommies have the babies”, and it forces parents to explain more than perhaps a 7 year old needs to know.

    These people also act as if they are the first ever to do this. It’s my guess that it’s been done many times before, and the couples just did not feel the need to tell every detail to the press or publicize their actions in the hope of getting rich off the pregnancy.

    I have no problem with them having a dozen kids. I just want them to edge out of the spotlight a bit.

  17. Lizzie (greeneyed fem) says:

    Thanks, Anna, for defending trans folks’ sense of self. I wish everyone would respect Beatie’s identity and use male pronouns. Obviously, I can’t force people to, but I wish they understood how painful it is for someone who is trans to hear themselves referred to by their birth sex.

    I have to say, though, that NOTHING is worse than using “it” to refer to a trans individual. I’m not saying that you would ever be violent toward someone who is gender non-normative, vdantev, but it is exactly your kind of dehumanizing language that contributes to a culture that sees trans folks as less than fully human, and less deserving of life and safety. It is dangerous for them just to be who they are, just to walk down a street. It takes more courage and strength than I will ever know. And they die for it, they die for being honest about who they are. For you to call them “it” is beyond the pale.

  18. JMC says:

    DID you hear that??!!

    The CHRISTIAN WARRIOR just exploded!!

  19. Anna says:

    Thanks Lizzie, I’m glad at least one other person here gets what I mean.

    Syko: I can understand you feeling they over-advertise their relationship and their pregnancies. I personally don’t mind one bit, because I think it’s beautiful when unusual couples like them dare to step into the light and share their bliss with the world. Lizzie is right: it takes a lot more guts for a man like Thomas than it would other people.
    As for your argument about younger children asking questions whose answers they shouldn’t hear yet: I’m sorry, I completely disagree. It’s especially important for the next generations to learn about these possibilities, these small wonders and that it is nothing to be ashamed of. The Beaties’ lifestyle, chosen relationship (which they say is heterosexual) and the unusual but still completely valid way they brought children into that loving home is something that any child can understand and any adult should learn to respect and appreciate. Their path is not worth less than any other couple’s path.
    In my opinion, Thomas and his wife are doing them a service by showing them just another facet of human life. And it’s really not that hard to explain to a child the concept of transsexuality.
    Personally, I think that at whatever age children may ask their first questions about sexuality, they should get the proper answers. I’m not one who thinks hiding it until later is a good thing, on the contrary, it’s a subtle form of demonising sex.

  20. kate says:

    he is not a pregnant man, really- he is a pregnant transgendered person. i don;t care what he is or feels or calls himself, and i’m glad he has found love but the sensationalism around this whole thing is kind of sick.

  21. traci says:

    ok…i dont have a problem with people who change their genders…but seeing that photo of a pregnant man is just plain creepy. there is something just so disturbing about it!! anyone agree?? like pregnancy is the essence of femininity. its really just impossible to look at that picture for more than a half second without the gag reflex kicking in

  22. casey.in.co says:

    okay…so i’m all for people being who they really feel they are (i.e., transgendered and sex changes), but if you are a woman physically, and you really feel like you were supposed to be a man, even so far as to begin the change…don’t have a baby. that’s what women do. that’s not what men do.

  23. Cari says:

    omfg. HE is really a SHE. Are we done yet with HER? SHE chose to become pregnant. It is simple biology!

    Go fade away already, please. JMFC. 🙄

  24. vdantev says:


    I was using the term it in it’s intended distant subjective analytical context and nothing more. Biology is not subject to the whims of public perception or the politics of identity. Deal with it. Only in a world this screwed up and self-absorbed, where everyone is right and no one can be weighed, measured or evaluated because it might hurt their feelings can a thing like an accurate determination of the physiology of a human body be labeled as hate speech.

    When Bruce Willis turns up pregnant, I’ll concede your point.

  25. GimmeABreak says:

    Let’s get this straight for everyone who is clearly confused…
    GIRLS have babies. BOYS don’t. It’s that simple. It’s been that way since the dawn of time.
    I just hope this…person….goes away before my kid sees it on accident and I have to explain it. And Lizzie, it’s not sweet. It’s someone who doesn’t know if they are coming or going. Sad.
    Besides, I have a hard time keeping my food down every time I come across pictures of HER!

  26. RaraAvis says:

    If we can’t decide whether to refer to Thomas as a “he” or a “she”, can we just settle on “publicity whore”?

  27. mojoman says:

    It’s not the lifestyle this couple has that irks me, it’s the pimping and whoring out every single detail of their life that is nauseating. What, the money pool is drying up already??!!

  28. Kristin says:

    The lifestyle? Blech. I can’t wait till people stop using that term to describe LGBT people.

    Also who did the main photo? It looks like it was poorly edited in Paint.

  29. vdantev says:

    Just as I can’t wait for people to stop taking offense from it.

  30. Moony says:

    They just seem to be a happy couple. It doesn´t matter if those are two women or a man and a woman. They seem to think a lot about having children and stuff and many other “normal” couples don´t. So just let us wish them and their children a “normal” and happy life cause in the end all that should be a private thing…

  31. gg says:

    You know, even though I think it’s wrong of them to be such publicity seekers.

    My main beef? Do we absolutely have to see Thomas pregnant and NAKED? Tacky. A photo fully clothed could have done the trick. This is nothing at this point but sensationalism and media-whoring!

  32. Lizzie (greeneyed fem) says:

    vdantev, my point wasn’t about Thomas’ pregnancy. absolutely, his situation is not the same as Bruce Willis showing up pregnant. i was pointing out that no matter how you intended it, using the pronoun “it” to refer to trans folks (or a category connected to them)dehumanizes them. I can see how you meant it in a “distant subjective analytical context and nothing more” but your wording was unclear — and lots of people do use “it” to talk about trans individuals in violent, dehumanizing ways. That was my point.

  33. enchantress says:

    I love the parrot story! 😀

  34. jj says:

    Jesus, seriously? Go awaaaaaay, you are not a scientific miracle, you are an attention whore.

  35. Meadowlark says:

    Actually, this isn’t unnatural at all, as some of you claim and/or are freaking out about. The male of a species being pregnant occurs in nature all the time (seahorses, etc.). And some animals (a type of bull frog, for instance) can change sexes throughout their life. I wish it wasn’t so difficult for people ot accept things like this.