Katie Price’s most glamorous photo op ever: hilarious perfection?

Don’t even start yelling at me about these Katie Price photos. These photos are my gift to you, and if you don’t like them, I will cry. These photos are glamorous. They are beautiful. They are hilarious. They are magical. They are epic. They are PERFECTION.

In case you don’t already know, Katie Price (“Jordan”) is an English “glamour model” and somewhat of a reality star and budget business tycoon. She tried to make a career happen here in America but it didn’t take. Maybe she needed more photo ops like this. For real. These are photos of Katie promoting her new lingerie line in London. The dude in these photos is her latest boy-toy, Leandro Penna. They’re already engaged!! Because Katie Price never just dates a man. She gets engaged to men on the first date. And by “first date” I mean “exchanging the phone numbers of their STD specialists.”

Seriously, though. How can you not enjoy these photos? You are an awful person if these photos don’t bring a smile to your face. The “garter” tattoo. The orange-brown skin. The butt shot. Leandro in bed, making faces. The curlers. Katie constantly checking her orange biscuit to make sure nothing fell out. These photos are maybe my favorite photos ever, in the world. Forever.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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76 Responses to “Katie Price’s most glamorous photo op ever: hilarious perfection?”

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  1. spugzbunny says:

    America – she is our gift to you! Take her. Please.

  2. Astrid says:

    hillarious, thank you!

  3. Franny says:

    seriously LOL for miles about this chick. Why is she so wide legged in all of these shots? Also, I’m not about to buy underwear where I think bits and pieces could come out, so this advertisement is awful for anything other than having hookers be interested in buying.

    • some bitch says:

      Flareup? Maybe it burns too much to keep her legs close together in this shoot…

  4. Mook123 says:

    Cheap, tacky and trashy. And I’m not talking about the lingerie.

  5. Molly says:

    I hate this women…. like seriously… I want her legs and wish I could get them! Ugh!

    • Ella says:

      You can get them through liposuction!

      • Molly says:

        I wish. Honestly looked into lipo a few weeks ago for my inner thighs and they can’t do it because the skin is too thin. So I did Liposonix…. waiting the eight weeks to see if it works…..

      • StopItLuke says:

        She actually said Lyposuction is the worst thing she did, that was years ago anyway… She’s actually a big jogger and usually runs in a few marathons a year to raise money for charity.

      • Gia says:

        Errrr no, she’s not a big jogger. She signs up for and then backs out of marathons. She has run 2 or 3, 5-10 km runs in her lifetime and barely finished the London marathon in 2009…most of which she walked.

      • TruthTella says:

        @Gia you’re such a hater, she’s been documented tons of times running for charity so i don’t need to argue, and she should be commended for continuing to walk to the end of the marathon after getting injured.

  6. Sue says:

    I am sorta liking that garter tatt…. Have no idea where that came from!

    • Mimi says:

      Nooooo. That’s gotta be the worst tat ever. (Sorry, but it is.)

      • novaraen says:

        Agreed…it’s awful looking….and it’s there forever! I like garters you can remove. 😉

    • Lady D says:

      I’m gobsmacked. I had no idea it was a tattoo.
      Hilarious pictures Kaiser, thanks so much for the laughs.

  7. Katyusha says:

    What the F*** is she doing???

    She’s not someone who can pull of tattoos. Dislike!

  8. Gia says:

    She is a horrible person.

  9. fluffybunny says:

    Trashy trash trash traaaaaaaaash.

  10. justalark says:

    Trailer Trash Barbie! All she needs is a cigarette hanging out of the corner of her mouth!

  11. Mia 4S says:

    She looks like she has to pee.

  12. RN says:

    Betcha she can’t comfortably sleep on her stomach.

    • Hautie says:

      I could have sworn she had those clown boobs reduced to a more reasonable size.

      It looks like she went back and bought a new clown set. And I also doubt she can sleep laying on her stomach too.

      Speaking of clown boobs. I recently saw a picture of Pamela Anderson… who finally got rid of hers… granted they are still too big for her small frame.

      But I will never understand tiny girls buying dd’s to f size tits.

  13. Cleveland Girl says:

    All I can do is look at her bangin body and seethe with jealousy.

    • Nikki Girl says:

      Ugh, really? I’m not envious of her body at all. Her shoulders look broader than her hips, she has no butt, and her fake boobs are just gross. Give me a body like Halle Berry, J. Lo, or Beyonce any day.

    • jordy says:

      mom! ew!

  14. Fritzi Schnitzer says:

    Doesn’t she have a bunch of kids? Is one special needs? Maybe I’m confusing her with some other “glamour model”.

  15. cd says:

    she’s not my cup of tea at all, but fair play to her, she’s come from nothing to being a very successful franchise and businesswoman. can’t knock her for that.

  16. Marjalane says:

    She’s scary. Immahave nightmares.

  17. Skaffeke says:

    she looking 4 a daddyfigure. not sure if its 4 here, are 4 those poor kids of hers.
    SAY ELLO 2 the KimK and ParisH of Europe.She’s the only 1 here (in Europe) so she’s milking it all th way 2 the bank.Heard you were sick of K and P, i will sent you Katie.NO dont thank me.ur welcome.. 😉

  18. IrishEyes says:

    I almost spewed!!!!!!!!! Ye Gods… why!?!?!?!?

  19. sarah says:

    She’s gross BUT I really like the outfit.

  20. DeltaJuliet says:

    Ha! These are awesome pics. Awesomely BAD, but awesome nonetheless.

  21. lflips says:


  22. Veruca says:

    Aww, c’mon! I love Katie Price! She’s hilarious, and has managed to make millions entertaining the crap out of me (although I’ve never purchased any of her products).

    She’s like Kardashian-lite. She doesn’t pretend to be anything but what she is (an ambitious chav), and contrary to Kim, she actually does work her ass off.

    And Leandro looks hot. He’s the straight Ricky Martin! You’ve gotta see the humor in this, people!!

    • Girlygirl410 says:


      • midnightmoon says:

        oh, please, pretty please, for my birthday, can i have a Leandro, for like, a WEEK? I could USE a cutie pie like him. oh, and a side of duct tape, for his mouth, so he doesn’t annoy me? is there a birthday wish list somewhere i can post this? 🙂

  23. StopItLuke says:

    LOL don’t judge me but I actually like her, she may be trashy but she’s a smart woman who’s made like £45,000,000 off of her own effort which I think is fantastic.
    These pics are hilarious though and I can’t wait to see what her wedding is gonna be like, they’re usually like that “my big fat gypsy wedding” show but like 100x crazier lmao

  24. Elizabeth says:

    I know its wrong (I a 50 year old woman) but I really love the socks/hose or whatever they’re called. Love the color! Want them now! Problem – would look like pudgey pink try-hard when wearing them! Damn, life is so unfair.

  25. Agnes says:

    i just find this sad and embarrassing…

  26. Mourning the Death of Music says:

    Am I the only one who thinks those shoes would have been better in a different color?

  27. Bad Fairy says:

    Whenever I read a troll comment some where about tacky or ugly Americans, this is the first woman I think of. Umm… yeah.. we’re tacky. The photos are pretty funny, tho. She seriously seriously looks like she has babies heads on her chest.

    • midnightmoon says:

      not to generalize or anything, but i do believe the English INVENTED tacky. just sayin’. 🙂

  28. seVen says:

    ick nast

  29. Cathy says:

    Well, that’s my giggle festival for the morning. Usually the Crackens antics gives me my giggle fest, but this tops the cake.

  30. Melissa says:

    Her breasts look so painful! And what is with her poses? In one, it looks like she’s taking a dump, and in another, she’s covering her crotch that you can’t see that her dildo is falling out of her! Hilarious!

    • Palefire says:

      LOL. I was thinking every shot looked like she was caught farting non stop farting. 🙂

  31. lower-case deb says:

    i like that she’s quite irreverent and quite successful in her own right. so she can’t be all that airheady. and those photoshoots. Hye-Layr-ee-yoooouuuuuusss!

    i wonder whether that’s her American boobs or her English boobs. I always crack up when I remember her on Graham Norton. “oh, I’ve got my English boobs at home. I wonder if anyone wants second-hand boobs, better than letting it collect dust in a drawer”

    or something like that.

  32. Minty says:

    You forgot to mention the tramp stamp, Kaiser (4th photo). Now that’s just the icing on the cake of classy!

    Great body, except for the bolt-ons.

    I guess she is England’s version of Pamela Anderson, which is harmless enough. Plus, I can’t ever hate on Pammy because of her efforts on behalf of animal rights. Does Katie have a similar saving grace?

    • lower-case deb says:

      her main causes are children & disability for children, IIRC.

      • Minty says:

        Ah, then she has a good heart underneath that over-the-top exterior. Another example of why we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. Thanks for letting me know, deb.

        Just read that one of her children is disabled and has some form of autism. Quite understandable why those charities mean so much to her. She has more class than all the Kardashians combined.

      • Bex says:

        Yes but hasn’t it been said that Harvey’s disabilities are due to her drinking and doing drugs throughout her first pregnancy?

      • Gia says:

        Don’t be fooled by the charity….she’s disgusting and vile. Has had multiple abortions, brings new men into her children’s lives (who she spends no time with) drank and did drugs while pregnant with her first and would do anything for money.

      • TruthTella says:

        @Gia, she has main custody of the children so the only reason you must think she spends no time with them must be because she doesn’t pimp them out to the media like Peter Andre does, Mainly because she has a career beyond being a “great dad” and “former husband of Katie Price”.

  33. andoo says:

    Unsee! Unsee!

  34. Cha-Cha says:

    Made. My. Morning. Hilarious. No comments yet on the mini-b*ner the dude is sporting in that one photo.

  35. JB says:

    These aren’t serious, are they? Like this is an ironic, tongue-in-cheek shoot? Right? I mean…right?!?!

  36. Holden says:

    What the hell is going on in that photo with her back to us? The garter tattoo is amazing, like a trashier warrior band, if that’s possible.

  37. Mara says:

    Sorry but this is one ugly woman ,she looks like plastic doll ….

  38. TXCinderella says:

    Trailer trash. There are no other words to describe it.

  39. Kim says:

    At least she makes no qualms about who she is. She knows exactly what she is doing/the image she is portraying and is laughing all the way to the bank.

  40. QQ says:

    This is Epic, She is Maroon which goes great with the Rolos and the magenta!

  41. Mew says:

    Only very ridiculous. No worth even laughing at.

  42. Monkey Jim says:

    Oh dear GOD. That said, girl’s made a fortune, and she does make fun of herself. I’d take her over Kim K any day.

  43. only1shmoo says:

    Ouf, Kaiser, I do find them funny, but only in a condescending ‘I-sort-of-pity-you-but-not-really’ kind of way.

  44. Dee Cee says:

    She seems.. um.. gaseous.. Let it rip.. ha ha

  45. HK9 says:

    Oh this is worth laughing at all right. This made my day!!!!

  46. The Original Mia says:

    What has been seen cannot be unseen. Jeez.

  47. foozy says:

    have you ever seen her show? her entire face and body have gone under the knife. including her teeth, her nose, her lips and so on and so on….. when she laughs she gets stretch marks across her nose and face!!!

  48. sarahtonin says:

    The saddest thing about Jordan is that there is a market for Jordan. There’s a whole subculture of girls who aspire to look like that.

  49. laura says:

    She actually livrs near me, she has a giant bright pink horse box RV type thing, you can’t miss it! On one hand I despise her for being so trashy and inspiring other women to be this atrocious, but on the other hand I kinda like her for making a career and business for herself outside of “glamour modelling”. She probably has more intelligence than all the UK’s other glamour models combined. Granted that may not be much but still. There is just something about her, maybe it’s cos she’s just the original trashy fameho, I can’t explain it!