Heidi and Spencer gunning for own reality show after fake wedding

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt took their fake fame to a new level with a wedding ceremony in Mexico that was photographed for US Weekly and caught on tape for “The Hills,” but wasn’t legally binding. The two claim they’ll take care of the details once they’re back in the US. They certainly took care of all the press and other logistical arrangements though.

The good news is that bikini pictures have come out of their “honeymoon” and Heidi doesn’t look pregnant at all. She’s been wearing loose dresses and there’s some speculation that it was a shotgun wedding. She probably picks her fashion to fuel the rumors.

The bad news is that with this latest move these two are hoping to score their own “Newlyweds” type reality show separate from “The Hills.” At least now we know the motivation behind their wedding:

Tired of the way their romance has been portrayed on “The Hills,” the two are planning a reality show like Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson’s “The Newlyweds,” say insiders.

They’ve already shown the ability to generate lots of publicity, recently staging a phony wedding in Mexico that was featured as a real elopement on the cover of US Weekly

They say they’ll make their marriage legal and then want a TV show to showcase their relationship.

“Practically every episode of ‘The Hills’ shows them at each others’ throats, but that’s not how they believe their relationship really is,” said a source.

While they definitely butt heads at times, they say they want fans to see how happy they are day-to-day.

[From The National Enquirer, print edition, December 15, 2008]

These two aren’t trying to change public perception of their relationship, they’re trying to squeeze out every last bit of fame they can. If this bid fails, then they’ll have a baby. They’re vacuous and superficial, but they know how to play the game and they’re not about to blow it all with marriage and a kid in one shot.

Meanwhile Heidi’s mom has spoken out against her daughter’s “marriage” to Spencer, saying she gives it six months and alleging that Spencer is drugging Heidi. It’s on the cover of last week’s US Weekly and it all sounds a little too conveniently headline-generating. Spencer denied the charge and said his maybe future mother in law “is just hurt and reacting crazy because she wasn’t there.” Maybe she’s just reacting according to the script.

Heidi and Spencer are shown on 2/12/08 at the ‘Road to a Cure’ gala in Century City, California. Credit: Apega/WENN

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15 Responses to “Heidi and Spencer gunning for own reality show after fake wedding”

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  1. vdantev says:

    Why is no dangerously deranged 6 foot 4 psychopath stalking these two mouth breathers?

  2. geronimo says:

    vdantev – even stalkers have standards.

  3. Kelly says:

    8) I’m sick and tired of those fake stars and “celebrities”.They should go away.

  4. Codzilla says:

    God, if you’re there, please don’t let these two procreate. Or get a reality show. Or live much longer. Thanks.

  5. Lore says:

    LOL hysterically

  6. Megan says:

    Could they be any more fame-whoreish if they tried.

  7. Answer Guru says:

    Nice fake wedding rings! Oh, blaaah!

  8. Nicole says:

    “even stalkers have standards.”

    LMAO!!! đŸ˜€

  9. Ron says:

    Who are these tools? I know they were on that dipshit scripted reality show “The Whores” but who cares about them? Why do they keep getting press?

  10. Sue D. Nimm says:

    Codzilla: I pray for the same thing. Every day.

  11. kate says:

    i wish someone would “go gunning” for them. with a real gun.

  12. Feebee says:

    ha ha, they fancy themselves as the next Nick and Jessica. The two of them together have a lower IQ than Jessica.

  13. jaclyn says:

    If that stupid bitch Whitney Port can gain her own reality show, then surely these two can.

  14. biteme says:

    I’m offering $1 to anybody who will make them go away.

  15. Lisa Macko says:

    These 2 are amazing… they will get very far with a reality show, and everyone will watch… even if everyone hates them, guarentee the people that do hate them will watch the show, just to hate them even more, and comment on how much they hate them… that right there is what makes them so famous, and yes… make them celebrities… they know what the are doing, and will stay in everyones faces as long as everyone lets them… and well.. everyone is letting them… kudos to the both of them.. they inspire me