Kristen Stewart in Balenciaga for Paris Fashion Week: unwashed or cute?

Here you go, yet another set of photos of Kristen Stewart looking kind of baked and unwashed. These are pics of Kristen arriving at the Balenciaga show during Paris Fashion Week today. She’s wearing head-to-toe Balenciaga, I think. I know the outfit is Balenciaga, and I’m assuming the boots are as well. Kristen is likely contractually obligated to appear at the Balenciaga shows in Paris – such a hardship, I know. She was just in Paris in the spring for Balenciaga too.

As for her outfit… I’m assuming Nicolas Ghesquière just tells her what to wear, so this is more HIS vision of the label than hers. I can’t say that I’m a big fan of these quilted Balenciaga jackets that Kristen has been wearing for months – they look so dated, and they’re really just NOT cute. But I do kind of like the pants. Shocking, I know. I would like to see the pants with a black turtleneck sweater and a pair of kickass black heels.

As for everything else… did she actually shower? Unknown. Her hair looks dirty to me, so the whole “showering” thing really is up in the air. Her makeup looks decent, although her (admittedly kickass) makeup person needs to work on the bags under her eyes. But maybe we’re supposed to see the bags and think about all of her sleepless nights, crying and begging Robert Pattinson to forgive her. Those bags are the “dog whistle” for Twihards.

Kristen only spoke to Women’s Wear Daily while at the show, as far as I can see. And even then, she only gave them two quotes:

Leaden skies over Paris greeted “Twilight” star Kristen Stewart as she arrived at this morning’s Balenciaga show. “Yeah, I guess I’m used to it,” she said with a smile.

The actress, who fronts Balenciaga’s Florabotanica scent, said she’s still hunting for her next film project, but if she had her druthers, it would be a screen adaptation of “Lie Down in Darkness,” a novel by William Styron about a dysfunctional family. “It’s hard to get a movie like that made nowadays,” said the petite star, dressed in a yellow biker jacket and printed black jeans.

[From WWD]

So much to analyze! LOL. She was smiling, so obviously she’s back with Sparkles. She won’t confirm that she’s doing Lie Down in Darkness, which is interesting because there were rumors that the film was a go, with Kristen attached. It sounds like the studio might not want to make it anymore? Maybe they’re just waiting to see how all of this Twihard crap plays out over the next few months? Further proof that the reconciliation with Sparkles is mostly about protecting their careers, I think.

The UK papers are saying Kristen caused a “frenzy” at the show, and that she was seated next to Anna Wintour in the front row. Epic.

Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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134 Responses to “Kristen Stewart in Balenciaga for Paris Fashion Week: unwashed or cute?”

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  1. NerdMomma says:

    I think she’s such a cute girl, but damn she looks bad here. She really didn’t wash her hair. Someone needs to be doing her hair!

    • Liv says:

      Not her best look. Who in hell put her outfit together? Awful.

    • Sweet Dee says:

      You’re right. It looks to me like she tried to use white dry shampoo or baby powder to fix her nasty greasy roots.

      KSTEW. You are rich and famous. Buy some effing brown dry shampoo if you’re not going to clean your hair, girl. It’s $20 at Sephora. Get some.

      • melior says:

        whats’ that?

      • Ellie says:

        melior- Dry shampoo is powder that you shake out of the bottle onto your roots (usually) that, in my opinion, smells like old people but it soaks up most of the oil so you don’t have to do the whole wash and dry routine. I use it when the rest of my hair still looks great but just the roots have gotten a little sweaty during the day or whatever, and I’m just too lazy to wash it again. When done well, it works. K-stew has not done this well–her hair looks lighter at the roots like she used too much powder and, overall, her hair is toooo greasy to attempt dry shampoo.

        Sweet Dee– WHAT?! Sephora has COLORED dry shampoos to match your hair color? That is a great idea. I am so excited. I hope they have blonde too!

    • Angel says:

      Her hair ALWAYS looks like this!! It’s always dirty and pushed over to one side. Plus it’s a tangled mess. Every time I see her, all I can think of is how bad her hair must smell.

  2. Blue says:

    I was liking the outfit (sans shoes) in the first picture, but seeing it in the other pictures, not so much. I am liking the pants a lot though.

  3. bea says:

    I thought you were just being mean, but she really does look greasy in these pics!

    I don’t care who made those clothes – they are all ugly.

  4. deb says:

    She looks like a meth head that just rolled out of bed. Fashion has sunk to a new low.

  5. JS says:

    “Further proof that the reconciliation with Sparkles is mostly about protecting their careers, I think.” I really don’t think that’s right. She seems very “meh” about her career at the moment. I think he’s much, much more important to her than that, despite what she did. It wouldn’t surprise me if she took a break to try and make it work. I know I’m easier on her than a lot here, and I would not be entirely surprised to be proved wrong, but I think she may just have learned an important lesson about life (yeah, I know, not before time)!

    • Anname says:

      Is she waiting to commit to a new project until she figures out what’s up with Rob?

      How would they establish trust in their relationship again if he is on location filming 3 movies next year? Mabye she plans on following him to Australia in January, if they are staying together.

      • honeybee says:

        I hope not!!

        This is the best opportunity for them to go their separate ways, at least for the next year or so and see what the future holds for them without each other.

        I am really curious as to what happened to her other bodyguard HBG? Was he around for Comic Con? Dont remember seeing him after her Aussie promo for SWATH.

    • Janet says:

      Maybe she is meh about her career at the moment because she doesn’t have much of a career at the moment.

    • T.C. says:

      She said she wants to do that Lay Down in Darkness movie but can’t get it financed. So sounds like she wants a career but is having trouble. She should try something new instead of the same sexualized teenager routine. That’s what Amazon review says the Lay Down in Darkness touches. With the Dad having the hots for his sexualized daughter.

      P.S. Didn’t Sparkles go with her last time she was in Paris? Now he is nowhere to be found. Back together? Bitch please stop the spin.

      • Ann says:

        She’s not working at the moment because she did have a role lined up for this fall that she bagged out of after the scandal hit.

        Lay Down in Darkness is a way off. She’s “attached” to it, which means that they will now try to seek financing, which they can’t do until they have a big name star attached. It will probably happen, this project has been in discussion for awhile (well before she was attached).

        She still sees plenty of scripts. She’ll pick and chose her next role carefully, I’m sure. And I do think she is deliberately taking time off to work on her personal issues (which is why she dropped out of Cali).

  6. Toni says:

    She looks like shit.
    That film role isn’t hers but her PR team spread that rumour to make it look as if she still has a career. She had to admit in Toronto that she has no films lined up.

  7. Eleonor says:

    I don’t know what’s wrong with this girl, she is cute, but she always manages to look like a mess, whatever she wears: a great gown on her looks meh, a casual outfit meh. Always, I’ve never seen her looking good.

    • Annie says:

      It’s all about attitude. If she looks like she’s hating whete she is it’ll come across in pictures.

  8. Meg13 says:

    Everything is beyond awful (esp. those shoes! ICK)

  9. CTgirl says:

    She looks rode hard and put up wet. The hair looks like a greasy rat’s nest and the jacket is so very very done. KS meet shampoo. Shampoo meet KS. Wait, shampoo . . . come back . . . stop running . . .

    • Bad Irene says:

      You owe me a new keyboard, I just snorted coffee everywhere! Ha

    • Michele says:

      Her hair looks clean to me just overdone with styling products. Plus she’s always running her hands through her hair so she messes it up even more. Still think she has a great head of hair.

      I love and want that pale yellow leather jacket she’s wearing so badly.

      • Calabaza says:

        She has beutiful hair when it’s washed. Not this case.

      • CTgirl says:

        I have a theory about KS and her hair. We would all like to have her hair the way we know it can look. We know that is can look good and clean. KS even periodically washes her hair and lets the public see it clean and combed. However, there aren’t many of us who want her hair based on how it actually does look. The way her hair actually looks is greasy, ropey, and sometimes looks really thin at the crown. And the excuse that maybe there is “too much product” just doesn’t work when it always looks bad. The professional hair stylists can even make it look decent.

      • UNF Joan Jett! says:

        yup, the jacket is awesome

    • Brown says:

      I actually think she could have made this outfit look fierce had it not been for her poor styling. Her makeup is decent but I really love her with an intense, dark, smoky eye, and the bags under her eyes look…. well horrible. That’s what concealer is for. I’m not sure whether her hair is greasy or oversaturated with product, but it has DEFINITELY looked better in the past. I have serious hair envy usually and honestly, all I can think here is “thank God mine doesn’t look like that.” I also prefer her a darker brown rather than this amber shade.

    • Tre says:

      LMAO, that was good!!! :):):)

    • Miss Bennett says:

      Little miss has dark circles and puffiness under her eyes. There are also creases on the sides of her mouth. It would seem she hit the honor bar quite hard upon her arrival in Paris. Perhaps this is why she didn’t wash her hair, she was passed out and then overslept.

  10. Janet says:

    She looks like a sloppy unmade bed.

  11. kpist says:

    Seriously, why the droopy eyes all the time. Open your eyes.

  12. Katren says:

    UNWASHED! yuck!

    And that jacket isn’t dated at all compared to a turtleneck!

  13. andy says:

    Kristen is the female version of Johnny Depp. Take a shower.

    Like Redd Foxx said, “You Gotta Wash Your Ass.”

  14. judyjudy says:

    I know I’m in the minority amongst twihards but I like this girl. She does look like she needs a shower though. And she needs to quit smoking/ She’s got that grey smokers din all over her face.

    • Janet says:

      I’m curious to know what’s to like about her. She’s a whiny, spoiled, ungrateful, sullen, entitled brat. What she thinks is edgy and cool is nothing but bad manners and a nasty attitude. What is there about her that attracts you?

    • gg says:

      She was excellent as Joan in the Runaways movie, imo.

  15. mila says:

    Look at the girl with ombre hair behind her. They have same outfit just different colors. And Kristen really looks greasy, her roots need touch up. Girl with ombre hair wore it better.
    Btw, i cant believe that she sat next to Anna Wintour. I would have love to see Anna’s face expression when she saw Kristen.

    • Ann says:

      Actually, Anna likes her. Invites her to the Met Ball every year. Put her on the cover of Vogue. And trust me, Anna knows exactly who she will be sitting next to at these things, and doesn’t sit next to anyone she doesn’t want to.

      • mila says:

        Wow, i guess Kristen is new “fashion rebel it girl.” You are right, Anna knows what she’s doing. I really love fashion and Kristen and fashion kind of don’t go together. I don’t know what to say, except that is weird fashion, marketing connection.

      • Janet says:

        I don’t care if she is the editor of Vogue, Anna Wintour and fashion don’t go together either. She single-handedly destroyed a great magazine.

      • Miss Bennett says:

        @Ann, you seem very well informed as to Miss Stewart’s activities. Do you work for her? Do tell!

      • Ann says:

        Hi Miss Bennett
        Do I work for Kristen Stewart? HA HA HA! No. Good heavens no. Although I’m sure that would be quite the interesting job. 🙂

  16. Jackson says:

    I’ll take the jacket, the rest of you can have those jeans. They even manage to make het look “average” weight and seeing other recent pics she is no where near that. Can’t imagine how they’d look on me, lol. Even so, one time around with printed jeans was enough for me, back in the day.

  17. n says:

    On that pic where she’s getting out of the car, she just looks so wasted to me and it kinda looks like she’s thinking “try not to fall down….”
    She’s a stupid ignorrant brat who does not appreciate what she has because let’s face it…Balenciaga contract is the only thing workwise that she has at the moment. no movies on the horizon…nothing.
    And I don’t believe Sparkles will take her back, he’s English and he did once say that cheating is something unforgiveable.

  18. Liv says:

    She’s smiling now because her publicist probably told her so. It’s so obvious. She was always miserable (which is fine, if this who she is) and now she’s even smiling at paparazzi! She’s a hypocrite.

    • bns says:

      I said the same thing when I saw those pap pics of her yesterday. She won’t be frowning or flipping off the paparazzi anymore because she’s playing the media game that she “hates” so much.

      All of that lecturing about being real and authentic has always been such BS. She’s more manufactured than any other young actress out there right now. She’s gross.

    • mia girl says:

      Yup. You have to go over to Popsugar and see the couple of pics where she is attempting to look sexy (or something). The try-hard is in full force. Funny stuff.

    • Annie says:

      There will be a total change in PR strategy now: stop sulking, don’t ever flip photographers off again, stop swearing in interviews, stop saying stuff like “I’m real, everyone sells themselves, I ‘m honest, I don’t give a damn about my reputation~”, smile more, be nicer to fans.

  19. Snowangel says:

    I keep thinking Avril Lavigne and that Sk8ter thing she had going. Look at me how rebellious I am !

  20. Just me says:

    Everything about that outfit is meh – except the jacket. I really dig those quilted jackets she’s been wearing. I’d kill for one in black! I have a pair of Prada pants similar to those she’s wearing (geometric, not floral), and they show every sin. I thought you all were crazy when you were yelling “weight loss” – but now I see it. This girl looks sick she’s so skinny. Those pants make it obvious.

  21. Sway says:

    She looks unwashed because she IS unwashed.
    I can just imagine it. Kristen, sitting in a chair, getting her makeup done and then the hair person tries to wash and make her hair and Kristen is all like “No, dude, my hair is fucking fine, man, leave it alone, jeez!”
    And he did. Voila!

  22. T.C. says:

    I feel sorry for her for the first time in months. The whole getup is hideous together. The person who chose those clothes hates you Kristen Stewart. If she’s selling their perfume why she gottabe at a fashion show? I don’t get it.

  23. bns says:

    I’m so excited for the last Twilight film to come out because…

    I can’t wait until she fades into oblivion.

  24. Celeste says:

    She looks terrible. What a poor representative for the company. She really needs to get her head out of her a** and get her s**t together.

  25. Jess says:

    I saw similar pants at Talbots.

    She looks terrible. Tired, dirty, the outfit looks dated and stupid. She has looked much better. Balenciaga is not a good match for her.

    • Apples says:

      LMFAO re: Talbots!!!!

      Completely agree- HATE this whole printed flower pants thing certain designers have been trying to get us to buy.

  26. emmieapricot says:

    She has such a cheap/greasy/trashy look to her that she manages to make Balenciaga look like bargain basement crap.

  27. Adeli says:

    If these reconciliation stories are all about saving their careers, it aint working. Not for Rob at least. He’s going to struggle to get audiences to take him seriously. And it’s also making Kristen look worse, actually. She’s been portrayed as the aggressor, badgering Rob to take her back, and then poor insecure Rob realized that his heart could not go on without her. She’s hated more now, and he’s being pitied. Yeah, in a perfect world they should not have to care what the public thinks of them, but they work in an industry where public perception is everything. This is not looking good for either of them. The only people who will be appeased by the PR shenanigans are the hardcore “Robsten is Unbroken” freaks. In fact, many Twilight fans disliked Kristen Stewart already, and I’m willing to bet that there will still be a lot of angry fans at the BD premiere.

    • Annie says:

      He wanted audiences to take him seriously and his best work was overshadowed by the scandal. Tabloids are making him seem like a pathetic loser. He wanted his life to be private and it ‘s everywhere.

      He should not be playing along. While this scandal made her slightly more interesting, Angelina Jolie mess up type, he is looking like a spineless twat.

      • A says:

        See, I kind of disagree there. I wish Kaiser would cover more what some other celebs said, then this whole KStew lost all the weight and looks tired because she’s a calculating, evil blah blah blah person instead of the more realistic she realized she fucked up and deeply regrets it.

        Juliette Binoche and Jennifer Lawrence both went after the tabloids. Juliette said something about how she saw Jude go through hell (after he cheated on Sienna) and how wrong it was for private intimacies to be combed through, and how she feels for both Rob and KStew. I don’t think Rob ever wanted to be in mainstream films playing a manly man. I think he wanted those indie roles, and most of the those type of people aren’t going to be sexist and think he’s a spineless person. They are going to think it’s his own business how he conducts his life, as indie films are less about selling the person and more about the film. People who see art house films are usually not the type to give a shit about celeb gossip or don’t even think he and KStew were in a real relationship in the first place (look at Gawker, for example).

        If he wants to be in a more mainstream film I agree that it wouldn’t look good for him and that it sucks that the scandal kind of overshadowed the fact that he got some great reviews for Cosmopolis. However, the scandal also kind of overshadowed the fact that Cosmopolis flat out bombed according to Deadline and a few other film blogs. It’s not even going to make 1 million in the US on a 20 million dollar budget. So it goes both ways.

      • Annie says:

        Watch this affect his career and personal life more than it will affect hers. You just watch. People think that defending a girl who was caught cheating with a married man is some sort of feminist manifesto when in actuality it’s a pretty sh*tty thing to do. Why defend her and excuse this total lack of respect for everyone as a “being young” and “let’s all women stop the slut shaming, guys, not cool”? It’s not about that, really. male or female it’s inexcusable behavior. Or “Oh those evil papz… Poor thing”. Yeah, the paparazzi are scum but she was very stupid to piss them off in the first place, over and over, because then it was ON. You don’t mess with people who have private detective tools and skills and all the time in the world. They will hand you your ass. They take their job very seriously and you di benefit from it too. No need to make them your enemies. Dumb dumb dumb girl.

        Cosmopolis bombed for two reasons: 1) Rob is not the Cronenberg type. Cronenberg fans did not care to see a movie with Edward Cullen. They are men, mostly. Cynical men and Twilight is not a thing of the past yet. 2) His fans are mostly women. They don’t care for anything other than romantic and sexy roles for him. Go look at tumblr. Those few fans that did go to see Cosmopolis don’t discuss the film in depth AT ALL. They swoon over the sex scenes, his naked body and his lines: “I smell of sex.” Follow his fan sites. They ‘re all about perving over his pictures, reporting his every move and basically just sexualizing him. Not one of them writes an indepth review of his work. It’s all obsessive copy/paste of interviews where they swoon over every word he says even if he sounds dumb “lol he’s just being Rob!!” Total objectification. Perfect man fantasy.

        If he wants to break free of these horny fans who don’t even begin to understand stuff like Cosmopolis, he needs to stop being part of this “are they aren’t they” fan pandering circle jerk, grow a frigging back bone, hire a publicist and start letting people know his career comes first, Twilight is in the past. Fans and ex-girlfriend included.

        Take her back and she wins popularity again and sympathy. You lose your serious actor cred. This scandal already overshadowed/ruined your one shot at being taken seriously. Watch your next projects bomb too because nobody will buy this new dude film phase. We already know Twilight fans do not watch his other movies. Who’s left?

    • A says:

      @Adeli…See….I don’t think they care about their careers (at least mainstream careers) as much as everyone thinks. If they did, I think KStew would have done an interview and cried her little heart out or had a serious puff piece done in People ala Tom Cruise. I don’t think she would have dropped out of her latest film either. I think Rob would have milked it more, if he did. I saw the late night show bit where he said he was “homeless,” but that was about as far as he took the pity me thing.

      I feel like he would have picked supporting roles in more mainstream films than the incredibly indie roles he’s lined up. Werner Herzog films are often not even released in the United States. Again, I don’t think she would have dropped her role in that film either. Indie directors really don’t give a fuck if you’ve been cheated on, or have cheated, etc. If it was a Bourne film, yes. Not an indie film, because they are less about selling the star and more about selling the movie. As for her, I’m not sure I buy that she truly wanted to do all the fashion and mainstream films in the first place.

      Granted, I think they were never in this serious, monogamous relationship or a relationship at all. For all the people going OMG she’s in Paris alone, there were far more photos of them at events apart then together back when they were still a “couple”..Hence, why a lot of people never really bought them as a couple when compared to someone like Jennifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult, who are snapped at events together. I think the “reunion” is because both of them want Breaking Dawn to go smoothly and because they were more friends than lovers.

      • Adeli says:

        Of course they care about their careers! Whether they want to do mainstream movies or indie movies, makes no difference. They still want to continue acting and working with good actors and directors, ergo having a career. One could say they don’t care to be “movie stars” in mainstream blockbuster movies, but that doesn’t mean they don’t care about their career trajectories. The fact that Rob wants to be taken seriously as an actor, working with respected directors like Herzog and Michod means he very much cares about his career. And Kristen cares even more about her career. Have you missed the many interviews where she gushes about how much she loves her job? Trust me, all this PR spinning going on now is ALL about getting her career back on track.

        I don’t understand your comment about her not truly wanting to do fashion campaigns and the like. Of course she doesn’t have to do a fragrance campaign, she doesn’t have to appear on multiple magazine covers. None of that is being forced on her. It’s entirely her choice. She’s doing it to be visible in the public eye, in service of her career. Why else would Miss “I’m so authentic, I don’t sell myself like all the other fake losers” be doing it? Kristen Stewart Wants It.

        And what’s with the stereotyping of people who see arthouse movies, as being so above celebrity gossip? I myself prefer indie movies, yet here I am commenting on a gossip blog.

    • Annie says:

      Can we stop with the “they don’t want to be movie stars” crap already? They signed up more commercial movies over and over. Potter, Twilight, SWATH. A person who doesn’t want to be a movie star doesn’t sign multimillion dollar projects with movie studios and fashion labels to be the face of a project, and appear on the covers of the most important magazines in the world and do Late Night rounds. They picked this career, their roles. They want to be movie stars. They ARE.

      Rob needs to be smarter and start hiring a publicist and think long and hard what his next strategy should be after this mess because this silence/playing along can really hurt his one shot at dominating male audiences/serious movies territory. Staying quiet? For what, for Twilight? For Kristen? Both turned him into a joke. Does he want that for the rest of his life? A miserable relationship with no trust and respect? Mixed to bad reviews of box office flops? He needs to take what he can while he can. He has one shot after Twilight.

      The next step in his career is a pivotal step. He’s at the point in which if he burns down that bridge he’ll be Mark Hamill. If he crosses over it he’ll be Leonardo DiCaprio. Notice how Leo shook off the crazy fans? With a strategy of taking only male friendly roles and keeping his face away from scandals and the public. A publicist was hired. Putting his work first was top priority. He succeded. He wasn’t just nodding along, following studios directions. He became an alpha male. Rob needs to become an alpha male.

      Get back together with her or play along just to jerk around the fans you want to get rid of, and you will keep them stalking you forever, hurting your serious actor cred with their embarrassing camping out fangirlishness, while not even bothering to support stuff like Cosmopolis. How many bombs will he be allowed to have? There’s Remember Me, WFE, Bel Ami, Cosmopolis. All bombed.

      This is so not working. Or you can be the romantic guy of the tabloids but you better start taking romcoms because this edgy/mature actor won’t stick if you can’t back it up.

      His little cred is slipping away.

      • A says:

        @Annie Eh. I guess we will agree to disagree on some things, although I think you have several good points about his fans. He never had a chance of being Leo DiCaprio. Leo had an Oscar nom at 19, and a string of hits by the time he was 26. Most men don’t give a shit about an actor’s personal life, as tabloids and celeb gossip blogs generally cater to women, and even then it’s a small percentage of the movie going public that reads tabloids and an ever smaller percentage that actually believes them. Look at something like People, which is probably the most well read celeb magazine…It sells approx a million copies a week, although that fluctuates. Then think of how many people actually go to the movies in relation to that.

        Now, I do think that people care a little bit more about an actor’s personal life when it comes to the more mainstream films and unfortunately their sexuality. Why do you think Tom Hardy, who was very open about being bisexual, starting backtracking when he got cast in The Dark Knight and Inception? He had a some solid indie hits before that like Bronson, Warrior, etc. Thing is, Rob doesn’t seem to even be trying to land those type of mainstream, Inception type of roles.

        If people still see Sean Penn movies after he got hit was a domestic assault charge, I highly doubt Rob taking back his cheating girlfriend (if she even is or was his gf) is going to make a big impact. I do think his main problem is that a big chunk of his fans are middle age Moms who think he walks on water but won’t actually see his movies, like Cosmopolis. Teenage girls have moved on to Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth for the most part. Anyway, in my opinion men are not going to say, I’m not going to see that movie cause his girlfriend cheated on him…They would more likely say, I’m not going to see that movie because it has someone associated with Twilight. Anyway, he’d be better off picking films that had nothing to do with romance or a ton of sex to try and shed the Twilight thing in my opinion. All of his films either were centered around brooding or romance or were very sexual in nature (Cosmopolis).

      • Annie says:

        All I want for him is a good career stragedy. He’s falling behind. So many young actors are snatching his wig at the box office and award ceremonies. He wants to be a serious actor making while c-lister bad choices. This tabloid game is embarrassing, he’s lowering himself and hurting his credibility. Just walk away and give one interview making it clear that right now your focus is your career and nothing else. That will be a big leap forward. Not this cowering silence because “he won’t play the PR game”, or worse, he’s actually taking her back.

        It’s up to him if he wants to continue making pretentious mediocre box office duds instead of building an actual legacy, and not being a habitual tabloid figure, which are painting the most unflattering image of him right now. Again, for her? For Twilight? More for her. She messed up big time. Three roles gone in one month.

        How is this good for him? I mean come on, many people are thinking this is a game to promote Twilight. This is a bad career move for him. He doesn’t have the luxury of more box office bombs. People will stop calling him if he keeps costing studios money because he can’t open a movie.

        Meanwhile she smirks because she has a team with a plan and it’s working.

      • A says:

        @Annie. See, I agree that the PR game is ridiculous in relation to the destruction of their “relationship.” People magazine basically only runs stuff that has been approved by a star’s team. Right off the bat when they broke up, there were little comments about how they weren’t talking, that they moved out, and now they have the scoop on their “reunion.” That apology seemed like something the studio wrote…. BOTH of them had to have given People the okay…which is one of the many reasons I don’t really buy they were a couple in the first place. I kind of feel like this was an open relationship, or they were good friends, or this was strictly PR and then they scrambled and created a lot of drama to distract from that…because what would be worse? Kristen having a short affair with a married man, or Kristen lying about being in a relationship while having a short affair with a married man and sleeping with several other guys. It would have hurt Rob too, considering he was an active participant in those PDA photos at Cannes, has played the he hates PR card, and has played up the relationship also…Remember when he kept playing the “we were really married’ for the Breaking Dawn thing. I just think if they were really in a relationship, there would have “sources” that would have told People that they were currently separated and that they hoped the fans and press would give them their privacy concerning this private matter. Instead, it turned into drama llama. And instead of running to People magazine again, I kind of feel like if they were a genuine couple there would have been a few staged photo ops at a restaurant, etc. and a short blurb instead of some detailed story about their reunion. They are both actively playing the game, at least with People magazine. He played the game with the whole eating ice cream stunt with Jon Stewart too… The other tabloids are just making shit up as usual imo.

        In the end, I think his problem (and her’s too) is that he pigeonholed himself into these romantic roles or as a sex object by doing two romances and two films that have a strong sexual overtone. Bel Ami was all about a man f–king his way to the top, and Cosmopolis was about a twisted playboy. It doesn’t help when he gives interviews about how “traditional” he is, etc and then turns around and gives an interview where he say he doesn’t think marriage is essential. The crazed middle age mom are going to latch on to the “traditional” quote and ignore the other one. While I get why an actor would work with Herzog, I agree with you that he can’t afford to do any more art house films that have a slim chance of making money at the box office….Herzog’s films are not even released at the box office in the States half the time. I don’t get why he’s not going after supporting roles in films like Lawless or Killing them Softly…Films that aren’t mainstream, but have a chance of making some money and have credibility.

        While I do agree with you is that the PR stuff is not good for him…I’m almost wondering if the studio has both of them under their control to play along with the games or else they may leak some damaging information once BD is over. If they were really in a long term, monogamous relationship, I just feel that they could have repaired it without all this shit being played out in People. If they were just faking it for BD, I feel that it could have be handled in the same way in terms of publicity as if they were in a real relationship. It just seems like there is more to the story as these games make no sense. It doesn’t help him. It doesn’t even really help her that much, as it keeps the story alive. The only thing it does is feed some of the more rabid twi-hards and keep the press from digging into other aspects of their lives.

  28. Danziger says:

    Oh Christ, girl, wash your goddamned hair for once.

  29. Ann says:

    Y’all are harsh! I don’t usually care for Balenciaga, but I’m okay with her outfit except for the boots, which are hideous. And to be fair, you can’t blame her for the outfit, that would have been handpicked for her by the brand.

    While I kind of like the jacket on its own, I agree that it’s a little lazy of Nicholas to keep churning out the same style in different colors. She’s the face of your brand, design something custom for her for goodness sake!

    I also don’t get all the unwashed comments. I’ve certainly seen her hair look dirty in the past, but she looks pretty normal to me here. Whoever did her hair put too much product in it. Remember, there is a hair stylist working on these actresses before they go to these things, they don’t do their own hair.

  30. Calabaza says:

    I cannot understand why she doesn’t wash her hair! It’s disrespectful. Balenciaga must have paid her a big check for her presence and she goes dirty and looking like a cheap crackhead.

  31. FreeSpiritedGirl says:

    Fugly pants.

  32. FreeSpiritedGirl says:

    Somebody please teach her how to pose. She makes every outfit look awkward.

  33. yolo says:

    You half expect a billow of smoke exit the car with her. Ugh, good lawd. Def unwashed!! Her HAIR!!! It’s so greasy!! Gross.

  34. mel says:

    The outfit is to big for her…the jacket just hangs on her. I think the idea is cute – its just ill fitting. As for the bags under eyes – my daughter and husband both have that issue…there isn’t a lot you can do about it. As for her hair..I like it ok…I have a LOT of hair and its really curly so I sympathize in trying to figure out which way to go.

  35. ladybert62 says:

    Dirty and disheveled – she probably smells.

    And that outfit is hideous – those pants should be burned.

  36. bagladey says:


  37. Lotta says:

    I think she looks great, just love the pants and the jacket. I like her hair too.

    But the shoes… what are those? It looks like she forgot to button them up, are they supposed to look like that? Awful!

  38. blonde on the dock says:

    Photos dont do this girl justice. She is beautiful in person. Her hair appears to have to much product in it. Hairdressers never seem to know when enough is enough. Cute outfit…..not the boots.

  39. Elena says:

    I hold no grudge against her but any true liking that I felt is gone too.

  40. honeybee says:

    Moronic bitch.

  41. perla says:

    lol so many haters here, she looks good, its always the same bs with the hair, she has stylists people, they work on her hair, i dont see where she looks dirty or in need of a shower.

    To whoever mentioned smoking, she quit, she is not smoking anymore just like Rob, I don’t know hw true this is, but I read that her dad had cancer and had a lung removed, making her and Rob quit smoking once and for all.

    As for her and Rob, I do think they’re back together, these two are not pr, they dont have to, I think this whole affair was blown way out of proportion.

    Rob is a good man to give her a second chance, people learn from their mistakes, these 2 have a strong foundation to make i work.

    I think she is taking time off on purpose to work on her relationship, she’ll probably go to sets with him until things get better.

    • SRzwg says:

      They’re working on their relationship? Really? Rob is hanging out with his guy friends and she’s promoting Balenciaga at fashion week. Rob and Kristen are the fakest fake couple ever, even her affair was fake. They are both so obviously gay and bearding for each other. Only sexually desperate Twimoms and tween virgins buy into that Robsten crap.

    • Luxx says:

      I want some of whatever you’re smoking 😀

      But seriously, to say that “I think this whole affair was blown out of proportion” is just flat out ridiculous. Fans of hers really need to STOP whitewashing what she and Rupert did. IMO the gravity of the situation is lost on those that have never been married or in a long-term relationship because the damage of such a cutting betrayal from someone you’ve established a life with is truly SHATTERING.To all involved. Including the children.

      “people learn from their mistakes” in this case ONLY because they were caught.

      Grow up.

  42. Nina says:

    Is it just me or does that unwashed hair look RED? She always looks like she just rolled out of bed, put on whatever she could find without turning on the lights, and skipped out the door without bathing… thought it was a hipster thing I didn’t get cuz of my age…

  43. Adeli says:

    The look on her face! She’s haaaating this. It must be killing her, feeling forced to act all fake now in front of the photographers. Oh, the irony. Wow, I almost feel sorry for her. Her face looks pained.

    • Annie says:

      She looks pretty smug to me. That is what happens when you have a PR stragedy determined to make you look good while throwing under the bus the person you “love and respect the most.”

      Eff that guy! I have PR rehabilitation to do and it’a working!

    • honeybee says:

      Oh what can we expect?! She is so f*cking real and authentic and is always so true to herself!! This fashion scene is sucking her f*cking soul…
      Of course she looks pained.

  44. cake says:

    We always get on stars’ cases for being too “try-hard”…but I really wish Kristen would try just a little harder.

  45. Cece says:

    Two questions for you guys.

    First, why does she very frequently wear her hair to one side? Is that some trend I missed? It seems like it would be uncomfortable to get it to stay that way.

    Second, is it possible that her career is a bit slow at the moment because she cannot give an interview without ridiculing and demeaning everyone in the business who doesn’t make the same “original and genuine” choices that she makes? Really, who would want to work with someone who thinks that everyone else is a sell-out who sucks?

    • Jess says:

      People like James Franco probably. They can smell their own farts together.

    • Annie says:

      Her career slowed down because this mess did affect HER badly. No promo for Florabotanica at all, no official launch or anything, dropped from three projects in one month. All this “they’re baaaaack!!!11” is public image rehabilitation for HER. Not even for Twilight. HELLO, Twilight will do fine because contrary to what people believe these two could be interchangeable with other actors. They are not the reason why these movies made it big. Fans love the movies/books/cheesiness. If they truly loved them separately their other movies wouldn’t have been box office BOMBS over and over, with limited releases and stuff.

      The support for them seems huge but it’s really not. Numbers speak for themselves. It’s all hype. How do we keep it alive? Forcing them together even in tabloids.

      Again, Rob needs a new strategy pronto or he’a going to fall behind the Joseph Gordon Levitts, Jaime Bells, Andrew Garfields, Jesse Eisenbergs, Ryan Goslings. He’ll be joining the Liam Hemsworths and Sam Claflins, or worse, Mark Hamill.

      • SRzwg says:

        They will “break up” a few months after the last Twilight DVD drops. Watch. There won’t be any official announcement, but there will be stories in the gossip mags about how “they tried work it out, but Rob couldn’t get past her cheating, but they will remain on friendly terms” blah blah blah. Everything these 2 have ever done as a “couple” has been completely predictable, down to observers predicting when they would appear on a PR date together. Real relationships aren’t predictable like that.

      • Janet says:

        OMG Mark Hamill. Once Star Wars was over nobody never saw or heard from him again.

  46. Jill says:

    Wow even her bags have bags. She looks run down and tired. Being forced to patch things up with someone because a franchise wants you to in order to make sales is sad.

  47. Lisa says:

    Love that smug smirk! She is a hot mess. Rob, enjoy your sloppy seconds.

    • Guest says:

      Hot mess, LOL. She is very beautiful, but she always looks like she is in need of a shower and a brush. Dirty armpit licking, anyone?

  48. Emma says:

    It’s weird that Twihards pretend she looks good and is fashionable. It’s like watching the Emperor’s New Clothes in real life. I wonder when Twihards will realize the emperor is naked? When Twilight is done I suppose.

    • Annie says:

      Twihards will move on to Hunger Games, Mortal Instruments, Divergent. All this game to please them is unnecessary and damaging to Rob mostly because they’re making him look weak. They will support the final movie and move on.

      Can Rob move on? Robstens are supporting them because of the last movie. Once it’s over they’re gone. They didn’t even bother to support their other films.

      This is my frustration. This tabloid games are a bad idea and nothing but PR rehab for kstew.

  49. j.eyre says:

    I love those pants and I love your idea to pair them with a black turtleneck even better. I am off to try and find them… and lose about 30 pounds so as to look good in them.

  50. Mouse says:

    Baggy-eyed, greasy looking, 3 inches of roots showing…there’s nothing fashionable about this grunge princess.

    Did she get to pick out the outfit?-cuz the biker jacket and boots looks better on her than a dress. She should also be contractually obligated to only wear outfits with pockets. She looks relieved to have something to do with her hands.

  51. Janet says:

    My God, those empty, blank eyes… it’s like looking into an empty room. No matter where she is, what she’s wearing or what she’s doing, she always has those same dead, expressionless eyes.

  52. Lisa says:

    She looks stoned in the one where she is getting out of the car. I think they should have her exit from a Mini in all of her promotional appearances from now on.

  53. LittleDeadGirl says:

    I don’t get the unwashed comments. Her hair looks clean but styled to look messy. She looks tired, with the bags under her eyes, but I don’t see the unwashed part.

  54. geekychick says:

    I love the darker versions of the jacket, she wore the dark purple one or something, but I don’t like the pants. beautiful wallpaper, but not pants.

  55. MJsinAustin says:

    unwashed. {gak}

  56. KAS says:

    No doubt about it, Kristen is a beautiful girl. However, she looks like a hot mess here, and well really mostly all the time. I know that’s her look, but maybe her stylist needs to rethink this look. It makes her look like she needs a brush and a shower. More importantly, this dirty, bad girl look brings to mind Rupert Sanders and Minis.

  57. dcypher1 says:

    Kaiser I have to disagree with u I love her quilted jacket.

  58. Redd says:

    For those of us who don’t give a toss about Twilight and are more interested in where Rob is heading than where he began; if he really is going back/ or is back with Kristen – this is worrying.

    If you’re reading this Rob, if I may, here’s some advice.

    It’s hard to face the jagged reality of a broken dream especially when you can’t see an alternative. But when you wake up the sky will be even brighter than you imagined.

    Move on and have faith.

  59. LV says:

    I think she looks incredibly gorgeous in every single photo! Not being sarcastic at all. Love the shoes, love the hair, the makeup, everything.

  60. renata says:

    I’m so incredibly bored with this girl. For all her hype, and her constant chatter over how she’s different, thoughtful, and unique, it turns out she’s nothing more than this year’s Lindsay Lohan.

    What an absolutely dreadful untalented exercise in mediocrity! Hasn’t she hit expiration on her fifteen minutes yet? Her only skill is a never-ending ability to talk herself up until some pimply-faced teenager actually believes what she has to say. And let’s not even begin to attempt to identify all the ways in which she’s just a bad example, plain and simple. Please make her go away 🙂

  61. Michelle says:

    She always looks so pretty to me. I don’t get why people come here to bash her. And yes twilight is a must see, cant wait!

  62. smiley says:

    kristen stewart at balenciaga pajama party!

  63. Pako says:

    I’m with u