Sharon Osbourne is said to have attacked a contestant on the VH1 reality school “Rock of Love: Charm School.” They were taping a reunion special when Osbourne bolted across the room and pounced on a woman, pulling her hair and scratching her. According to TMZ, it all started with an insult the woman hurled about Sharon’s husband, setting off her rage. The victim even went to the hospital afterwards, but it’s up to question whether she was legitimately hurt or just try to shore up more publicity and/or evidence for a lawsuit:
The LAPD is investigating an alleged brutal cat fight that went down between Sharon Osbourne and a contestant on the VH1 reality show “Rock of Love: Charm School” who ended up in the hospital.
Megan Hauserman claims Sharon Osbourne went ballistic during a taping of the show’s reunion special Saturday night. She says Sharon O. ran across the stage of the show, grabbed Megan by her hair and would not let go. She says Sharon (who is the host of the show) continued to pull to pull at her hair and scratch her until security eventually separated the two. Megan went to the hospital Sunday afternoon and filed a report with the LAPD on Sunday night.
We’re told Sharon’s nonsensical hubby Ozzy was the cause of the beat down. According to Megan, she responded to a crack Sharon made about her by saying Sharon is only famous for managing a brain dead rock star. That’s what set Sharon off.
The LAPD says Sharon is a suspect in a minor battery. No charges have been filed.
[From TMZ]
How much of a rage-a-holic do you have to be to physically attack someone during a taping of a reality show – where you’re the judge! Sharon Osbourne is 56 years old and of course she should know better. Apparently she doesn’t have enough curse words in her arsenal to offset the intense feelings of madness that boil over whenever anyone dares insult her mumbling husband. It looks like this girl Megan’s words hit a little too close to home.
In November, 2006, Osbourne had a war of the words at work against another person who dared diss her husband, the UK “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire’s” host, Chris Tarrant. Tarrant was on the set of The X Factor, where Sharon was working as a judge at the time. He said “Your husband’s very articulate, isn’t he?” and Sharon hit back about the fact that Tarrant was in the process of separating from his wife “”Don’t you dare diss my f’ing family. How dare you say those f’ing things – at least I’m in a f’ing marriage.” Maybe if Sharon knew enough about Megan to properly insult her personally she wouldn’t have resorted to scratching her and pulling her hair. We can look forward to seeing this soon on VH1. It won’t be the first or last cat fight on one of their reality shows.
I actually watch that show sometimes.. embarrassing.. but Megan, the “victim” is a psycho manipulator. I’m genuinely surprised nobody has literally killed her. She’s one of the few people I would actually say is a bad person. She instigates constantly on vh1 shows and searches for weaknesses and is completely aware of it. She’s pathological and crazy. I hope they don’t press charges on Sharon Osbourne, she’s a cool lady.
Don’t eff with a woman famous for shoving people down flights of stairs. Sharon doesn’t play.
It’s about time someone kicked that girl’s butt! Way to go, Sharon!
Describing Ozzy as a brain-dead rock star deserves a punch in the face.
Hell yeah! That’s why Sharon rocks
That’s RIGHT! NOBODY disses Ozzy and gets away with it!
Good for Sharon!
I hate megan and her nasty little smirk. Yay Sharon 😀
Oh Please .. anyone who gives the a Osbourne stroke is fine by me !!! She makes it her thing to be derogatory with everyone… but turn the worm and she can’t play… if you can handle it.. don’t dish it !!!
There is more chance of getting shit out of a rocking horse than Sharon Osbourne being portrayed as some demi god !!!
Megan is so nasty and disgusting.. seriously borderline psychotic… I am surprised it has been this long. There is a long line of people who want to beat the shi* of out Megan… good job Sharon.. 🙂
Sharon is like a fierce lion…Nobody goes at her family w/o retaliation. It will be interesting to see what happens. I’m sure Megan doesn’t have any permanent damage, so, that leaves criminal charges or “emotional distress”. Good luck Megan!
I have followed this programme with interest given the extraordinary member of the rock communitys’ involvement. The young woman trying to find a job as “a trophy wife” (as she puts it), is sociopathic. Whether hamming for the camera or not, she clearly lacks a conscience (the hallmark of a Sociopath). The press she has, and will continue to receive, is the object of the exercise here–ah, yes, and a tidy sum from the Osbournes’ bank account will allow her to continue to tan regularly while stalking (I mean seeking out), Mr. (Moneybags) Right. Had she been truly injured she wouldn’t have waited till the next day for treatment (maybe a little self infliction at home first before I see a doctor?). My sympathies lie with Sharon and the chihuahua.
team sharon.
Everything I hear from Sharon sounds so tacky, immature, and frankly, stupid.
I don’t find her lack of self respect or control cute.
She’s the one who put her family out there for the cameras, it was fine for them to be a disaster then, but now she’s offended?
I hope this girl presses charges, no one has the right to put their hands on anyone, however much the truth hurts.
Sharon Osbourne, keeping it classy as always. Yeah, she’s a great mentor to anyone looking to be a lady.
I agree with Noodles. Ms. Osbourne has extended her fifteen minutes of fame by grabbing the nearest mike and slamming celebs on a daily basis and when someone finally tells the truth about her she can’t take it. I wish she’d get deported.
Stupid show badly made; just because she’s British doesn’t make Sharon automatically understand charm and manners anymore than being Indian means you pray to cows and can make a triple-fire curry.
A gentle reminder–this is ‘entertainment television’…
The people who “star” in these shows are as calculatingly fashioned as the cast of characters on Judge Judy!
The waste of time and taxpayer money expended on this womans’ ridiculous charges is what should draw outrage
these shows never fail to amuse (or disgust).
theyre my guilty pleasure. i cant wait to watch the reunion show now!
Go Sharon!
As others have said, Megan seems to be a sociopath. She’s publicity-hungry. My guess is she is going to ride this for all it’s worth for the press.
Team Sharon all the way!
Yeah… Megan Hauserman is going to die of a murder. I don’t know when, where, or who’s gonna do it, but that girl is a psychopath (and I mean that in the most literal way possible), and she is constantly bringing out the worst in people. She does it on purpose.
Good job, Sharon. 😆
Is it just me, or does anyone else find these shows to be degrading to women? And who cares about bleach-blonde trailer trash gold-diggers (sorry, but that’s the most accurate description!) who chase after balding has-been celebrities who already squandered their fortunes on hairspray back in the ’80s?
I’m really disappointed by Sharon. I mean, physical violence isn’t cute at any age and as the “Principal” of “Charm School” she ought to know better.
Still, in her defense – that Megan could incite violence from Ghandi.
She’s a nasty sort through and through, and I doubt she can turn it on and off for the cameras. She puts out some horrible karma for the sake of money and fame, and sooner or later it’s going to catch up with her in a slightly more malicious form than a 56-year-old woman.
. . .Yes, I’m really ashamed to admit that I watch this trash. It’s my guiltiest of guilty pleasures.
Do you think it was staged so more people would watch?
Megan is my favorite, everyone who doesnt like her is prob just jealous 😀
Haven’t seen the show, I’ve reached a saturation point with trash content.
Sharon and Ozzy used to go at it quite heavily during their early to middle years of marriage. Battery is nothing new to them. It’s sad that Sharon chose to react like this though. I’m sure if that woman knew ANYTHING about Sharon she knew that Sharon’s family was an automatic “go time” issue for her.
Ah, well, Sharon needs loads of therapy, but her milder antics did, and do, entertain me very much.
@Nicole: yes, I must be jealous that I have something behind my eyes…
that is so good about time meagan is a tramp and a sick twisted bi##h she needed it so does her side kick brandy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When asked to comment on the affair. Ozzy had this to say: “Well em uh er hrm well eh asdfdsaf. asdfds zzzzzzzzzzzz.”
Megan is alright in my book. Sharon is just a batshit crazy bitch. Her whole family is trash.
They both act like inhuman psycho trash.
Sharon Osbourne herself is known for some very biting remarks about others. Seems she can dish it out but can’t take it in.
And Megan is not only hot, she’s right.
Yeah Meagan is a psycho bitch, however, people know this about her and still they manage to do what she wants them to do. Is that her fault? 🙄 🙄 Also Sharon is so cool, in this case she’s suppose to be teaching the girls charm school, not becoming a student! Sorry Sharon ……..Good Luck! 😆
It’s about time that b!+c# Megan got what was coming to her!!!
I watch Charm School probably every week. I know it’s a lame-o reality show and all, but Rock of Love grew on me too. Despite the petty drama, some of the cast members are likeable, unlike tons of other shows.
I’ve never enjoyed this Megan bimbo. On all three shows she was on, she proved to be a manipulative, spineless, scumbag schoolgirl who cannot merit the audacity of her little stunts without the aid of her mindless and equally yellowbellied friends.
While I think that Sharon Osbourne should have not hospitalized Megan because she really isn’t worth the extra sympathy she’ll especially receive now, it’s about time someone slapped her senseless.
“Women” of Megan’s caliber hate nothing more than embarassment. Sharon Osbourne’s an intelligent woman, in my opinion, and can verbally tear you a new a-hole. Throughout the past three shows Megan was on, she deserved to be knocked from her pedestal of entitlement…she thinks she’s superior to everyone else, and I think it’d be satisfactory listening to Sharon Osbourne rattling off every single individual flaw that ol’ Megan isn’t aware of.
Didnt Sharon eliminate Brandy C for fighting on Charm School? She mad it a BIG deal too. Hypocrite. Well MEGAN makes GOOD TV what can i say? i love that crazy biatch! i was sad to see her go cuz Lacey was just crazy and ugly. Megan does have a nice body hands down! Its just TV and i love it!
You ALL can call Sharon a hypocrite, but REALLY people if someone said something like that BITCH Megan told Sharon, Im sure none of you would take that sitting down!!!! COME ON?! I HELLS NO I WOULDN’T!!!!!! PORN F&%@ING BITCH MEGAN!!!!
Oh, please. Sharon didn’t “hospitalize” Megan. Megan only went to the hospital to garner charges against her.
I watch some of these shows to see how morally reprehensible people respond to conflict and stress. I find it interesting. Megan is a Pretend Paris Hilton, at best. At worst, she is indeed a worthless sociopath with no decency. But then so is Sharon. None of the girls aren’t either strippers, nude models, porn stars or whores, and I think Megan had it coming to her. I agree with JaundiceMac.
I’ll have to take crazyazz Sharon’s side on this one. I only wish she had ripped Lacey a new one a long time ago. Now, Lacey is far worse than Megan, which is saying something.
Yeah Megan will always be known as a gold digging trash that will never have the career that Sharon O. has. Sharon had every reason to go upside Megan’s bleached blond slutty head!
Megan will never have the life she craves, to be the wife of a rock star. MRS. OSBORNE has been for 30+ years. Megan is trash and another REALITY STAR REJECT.
u r a bitch
If anyone watches the show they would know that sharon put up with more than she could deal with from megan, so im sure that comment was the straw that broke the camels back.
Im surprised no one tried to beat her up sooner. her and her ugly dog.
ok first off Megan has been on 4 shows… she was on the first Beauty and the Geek where everyone hated her and she got voted off like in the first episode… even her geek didn’t like her. haha haha and rock of love, I love money, and now Charm School. And VH1 is going to be stupid enough to give her her own show?? What guy would want to be with a person like that… go to and look up her requirements… like you have to have a net worth over 10 million $ lol any millionaire could have any girl they wanted why would they want her? Shes not that pretty all she has going for her is that she is tall and skinny and blonde… oh well I hope she meets up with someone who will show her what its like to be played with…. lol maybe her new husband will make her do unspeakable things for the money… hahahaha I can only hope.
Megan is super catty…she always tries to get a rise out of anyone and everyone.
And people should know by now. You do not talk crap about Ozzy in front of Sharon. She doesn’t take that crap. Just ask Iron Maiden. She got the band egged on stage after they talked crap about Ozzy.
I think VH1 should stop giving rejects off another reality show their own.
I know, what am I thinking?
Yes, Sharon should have known better, but if anyone has seen Megan in action, then they more than likely know that she could probably make even those most mature and classy person lose their composure. I’m not saying that Sharon is a the poster woman for classiness, but I cannot blame her one bit. I am willing to bet that Megan deserved every bit of that.
She is a piece of work, megan can provoke high level of violence with a single glance. I didnt think that Sharon would fall for the trap, this act of megans will now help pay for her to stay unemployed, it gives her more time to screw with more people, because she doesnt have to find a real job. if everyone just ignored her and her antics, she would go away. But, it wont happen, megan is a freaking train wreck and most people will not look away, LOL LOL
I mean i like megan a lil bit n i like sharon but sharon is all here call these girls ugly n trashy n teaching them how to b good n classy but yet she’s not doing what she taught them she’s juss doing da obasit of wat she was teaching the girls she shudnt b trying 2 teach girls thiss if she is gunan break all da rules i mean come on
For those of you sticking up for Sharon…WAKE UP! Did you guys even WATCH the show?! Sharon was the “headmaster” of Charm School. In other words, she was the person who was supposed to be teaching these girls what it means to be classy and especially how to deal with conflict resolution. I remember a few occasions on the show where she would say “you can’t worry about what other people do or say, you can only control what YOU do or say.” Everyone’s entitled to make mistakes but Sharon’s was/is ridiculous. As far as Heather is concerned she may very well be a sociopath. The fact that she doesn’t have a conscience is obvious on the shows that she has been on; but as far as I’m concerned, Heather is just an opportunist and is using her “skills” to map out a career for herself. It’s no different from when Ozzy Osbourne went into that fateful meeting with those record company executives when he first started out and bit the head off of a dove right in front of them just so that he could make a lasting impression…
I think someone should have beat that bitch down before now!!! She is just plan hateful and this makes her so ugly!!! She is nothing but a waste of space!!! Not more than a blow doll!!! And she should look in the mirror when she talks about brain dead people!!! She is just a big waste!!
Ha I think its funny for everyone that is sticking up for Megan. As a person once told me birds of a feather flock together.
Sharon O. You go Girl! Beat that b*tch till her hair matches yours !
Megan’s gonna go balding in twenty years if she continues overprocessing that sh*t. It’s clearly fried within an inch of its life.
So, yeah, even in the hair department, Sharon Osbourne has Megan beat.
Really? wow well u know what ? maybe sharon shouldn’t have done that on camera, she should have waited til they were turned off. cuz u know that this evil bitch just wants some cash and more face time. i cant even believe sum1 would even try to defend that psycho megan….now thats just stupid. im sorry but it is.she is so mean there is no heart there. we know sharon got one she was defending her familyit probably hurt so much cuz she hears that shit so much and its not true i mean what would u do if sum1 was bashing ur family on tv and u knew it werent true? megan hardly got what she deserved karma will come back and give it to her x10 and i for one hope to catch it on vh1
HELL YEAH! GO SHARON! Megan is a psyco and deserves whatever she gets. It’s really sad to see her waste her 67 IQ points on chasing a rich husband when what she should be using them for is securing a job in the food service industry. She isn’t even pretty, she has the face of a squished fruit and the attitude evil ho troll.
“Maybe if Sharon knew enough about Megan to properly insult her personally she wouldn’t have resorted to scratching her and pulling her hair”. WTF!!! Sharon knew that it was time for Megan to get a beat down. There isn’t really much substance to this person. What more is to Megan other then she is a f***ing cunt.
I can’t believe sharon would stoop that low seriously. Whatever happened to sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never.. N E way i love megan she always gets what she wants out of people rather its materialistic things or mentally and they fell to realize that if you know how she is and you react to it then boo hoooo on you if you can’t stand the heat stay out of the kitchen GO MEGAN!!!!!!!
There’s a difference between speaking your mind and being an abrasive, manipulative c*nt.
megan is obviously not that cunning or a great actress as she or her “supporters” say because she always gets called out. (look up her amateur playboy video clip for some pure comedy). it doesn’t take long for anyone with a brain between their ears to know she’s a fake (the fake niceness on beauty and the geek; the crocodile tears on rock of love; etc.). the only thing it’s got her is more face time (and that’s a tragedy for society in general to have to be subjected to a person whose only entertainment value (if you dare call it that) is tearing down other people).
if she presses charges against sharon, then I support brandi m. pressing charges against megan for kicking her in the chest. i’m sure brandi m. can come up with something as fake as megan’s “injuries” like emotional pain and suffering or an aggravated heart condition.
I agree with the previous poster. If Megan charges Sharon with battery Brandi M should do it right back to Megan, The brain dead bimbo needs some of her own crap righ back at her. The girl is so fake it’s sickening…
I watched all the Rock of Love Shows as well as the reunions, and now Charm School. All I can say is its about time someone kicked Megans ass! She is a manipulative b^$% who has NOTHING going for her…looks, talent, or brains. Good luck being a trophy wife…those kind of men go for beauty…not trash
Thank God!!
Way to go Sharon!!! America thanks u!
I wanted to catch the reunion today, but I missed it 🙁
Hey, I’m glad Brandi M won though. Her new hair looks flattering. I actually wouldn’t have minded whether Brandi M or Destiny won because I liked them both.
Rock of Love 3 looks too trashy for me to watch, though. The commercials for it just look disgusting.
First of all I must say to CANBY, that, no! Sharon did not ‘get people to throw eggs at Iron Maiden’, she placed 3 or 4 patsies in the audience armed with eggs because Bruce Dickenson had been talking shit in the previous 2 or 3 shows leading up to it. Bruce is alot like Johney Rotten in that he always speaks his mind. I still don’t know what the problems were that led to his anger towards the Osbournes, but I’m sure it was valid.
I WAS AT THat CONCERT! Ir was during OZZFEST at the Glen Helen Pavillion, and I have got to tell you, I could move in with Sharon and never ever be as pissed off at her as I was that day!
She showed NO CHARM or care for us the fans when she turned off their power not once, not twice, but three times until Iron Maiden gave up and left the stage.
They were the headliners by the way, and 75% of the t-shirts people were wearing were Iron Maiden shirts!
Funnt that it was the very last night of the tour, so that she could cash in on Iron Maidens popularity till the end!
She wouldn’t want them quitting if she sabotaged them erlier, now would she????
It was discusting and Sharon owes me like $250 for 2 tickets and my gas to go to that freaking concert int eh middle of nowhere.
Be pissed at Bruce, but don’t fuck every single fans night up Sharon!
O.K. so now we know Sharon is no saint and is undeserving of any such status.
(further disgusting proof is that when she wrote her autobiography, she revieled in it that she cheated on OZZY with Randy Rhodes! OZZY DID NOT KNOW THIS! But the ever-so-classy Sharon decided to insult and emasculate and deliver pain to OZZY by devulging this information 23 years fucking later!)
Classy lady???? SHHHHHEEEEESSSH!
tHAT BEING SAID, I’m glad she took down Meagan!
Meagan isn’t even that good looking and certainly has 0 redeaming qualities, so i really don’t get how she’s so stuck on herself.
If I ever see Meagan walking down the street, you can bet that I will stick my foot out and trip her so she falls flat on her face!
Then I will say, ‘Oh my gosh I’m so sorry miss’, help her halfway up and then say, ‘Eeeeeeeeewwwww, You’r Meagan from those shit shows huh???’ AND THEN DROP HER BACK DOWN AND WALK AWAY! HEEE HEEEE!
I don’t get her attitude, someone here said her face looks like squished fruit and I agree.
I LOVED what Sharon did on the Reunion show!! I absolutely could not stand Megan on The Rock of Love, on the Charm School or ever. If you spilled a glass of water on a table, the puddle would be less shallow than Megan. If they give her a show of her own like they did with that whack job, New York, I will not only NOT watch it but I will make sure everyone I know doesn’t watch it. Megan needs to realize there is more in this world than just her.
KUDOS big time to Sharon. If Megan sues her I hope she doesn’t get a penny because that is probably the only way she can make any money. Other than porn or being a kept woman. No man worth a damn would date let alone marry someone like Megan and make her his trophy wife unless he wanted a piece of trash to throw away. I feel pity for her. She has absolutely no clue as to how truly repulsive she is. Looks and a body, is only something that is used and when the use is gone you have to have something left. I see she has nothing to offer anyone. I hope she realizes this one day.
Again for Sharon, I would have done the same thing. Sharon was quite composed but you could see if she was a classless woman, she would not have reached for the glass casually, she would have leaped out of her chair and began the assault. There would have been nothing left of that girl’s face if MOST people were in Sharon’s shoes because ONE she loves her Ozzie and deals with blows everyone doles out about him. TWO, Megan was looking for a reaction. I am sure she either planned on Rodeo attacking her or Sharon. Shallow, tacky, manipulative and clueless… what a package.. NOT.
I dont like Sharon or the other girl but Ozzie is a Retard and everyone knows it. I’m surprised no one has said anything sooner about his obvious Brain damage. My God, he sounds so Punchy when he talks. “Mumbles”
Well I feel that if I was in Sharons shoes I would have done the same thing.You can mess with a lion but don’t mess with her family…… do that and you are just asking for trouble……GO SHARON!!!!!!
I certainly don’t condone violence. However, with Megan’s verbal abusiveness, cruel manipulations, and strong desire to fulfill her greed in evidence of her need for help. Since Megan is so resistant to help and downright consumed with her image and promoting it, I think a strong confrontation is required – a sort of intervention, if you will. I’m certainly not saying that Sharon’s reaction to Megan was appropriate, but it was an honest and human reaction -the kind that Megan attempts to solicit from others. Still, she couldn’t have guessed her attitude would be met with such actions. I’m also convinced that Megan was under the influence of a substance because of her bizarre behavior. I also think she did this because she was afraid of finally being confronted for her behaviors, something I think she really is not proud of but has convinced herself that she is so that she can present to be the one empowered. I feel sad for Megan because she does seem quite pathetic and desperate, but not for the reasons she claims…her body and fame. I think this poor girl is simply lonely and wants so desperately to connect with others but only knows how to through her most surface ways of connecting. Sigh…in some ways, in cannot be denied that Sharon Osborne likely helped Megan to confront how much anger and cruelty she projects out into the world. And, well, I do love Sharon’s direct and forthrightness -even if I don’t always agree with the delivery.
Are you all forgetting that, even though Megan may be a bad person— she wasn’t the one who attacked someone!
Megan did not randomly say the comments to Sharon out of the blue. Sharon first said that Megan should have an operation to make sure she can’t have children. Megan then returned with an equally harsh comment about Ozzy.
Both of these women should not have opened their mouths– but Sharon should definatly be charged with assult. Plain and simple. It does not matter that your husband is a brilliant rocker- or you are a celebrity wife and show host. IF YOU HIT SOMEONE, OR PULL THEIR HAIR OUT AND SCRATCH THEM— YOU SHOULD BE CHARGED. Us non-celebrities would be charged in an instant. STOP SUPPORTING “Celebrity Star Treatment!!!”
This show on the whole is completely frivolous at best, but I’d just like to say that even though Megan “didn’t start it”, that Sharon Osbourne’s remark was justified.
I think that if someone was taking the piss out of even an acquaintance of mine like good ol’ butterface did to Rodeo, I’d bitch ’em out.
If Sharon wouldn’t have slugged Megan, someone else would have.
Does anyone know what each one actually said?