Cele|bitchy | Miley Cyrus covers Cosmo UK, calls fiancé Liam Hemsworth her “hubby”

Miley Cyrus covers Cosmo UK, calls fiancé Liam Hemsworth her “hubby”

I’ll admit it – I’m jealous of Miley Cyrus. She’s cute, she’s got a great figure, she’s rich, she’s really young, and her fiancé is HOT. She could spend her days going to Pilates classes and bangin’ her hot man, keeping everything low-key, but she doesn’t. And that’s what makes me not so jealous of her. She’s chosen to try to re-boot her music career, and she continues to score movie and television roles too, plus… she kind of annoys me when she opens her mouth. I get it, she’s still growing up and developing, and I give her credit for maturing a great deal over the past few years in particular. But a little bit more “mystique” wouldn’t kill her, you know? Miley covers the new issue of Cosmopolitan UK, for no other reason than to promote herself – I guess she has the So Undercover DVD coming out (but she gets a mag cover for a DVD release?) and she’s “working” on a new album – God knows when it will be released. And in the interview, she talks about everything, from Liam Hemsworth to whether or not she fakes “anything”.

The happiest part of her life: “Number one is my relationship with Liam. That’s what I feel the most confident in because you never know. There’s so much hype behind my new record, but it could come out and, worst-case scenario, everyone [expletive] hates it.”

She thinks Liam is super-hot: “I’ll literally look at him and be like ‘You are hot, dear god!’ The other day, I turned on the pool heater and it was steaming, and he walked outside and took off his clothes and jumped in the pool. I was like, ‘I’m gonna faint–the hottest guy of my life is in a steaming pool. This looks like a Playgirl shoot.’ So I took a photo and made it the background on my phone. My best friend grabbed my phone and was like, ‘Who’s that? He is so hot!’ That’s my hubby!”

Her transition from child star to adult star: “Some of the worst things that have happened in my career, like things getting leaked, have actually been what’s best for me, because people knew when I was on [Hannah Montana] that I was really growing up. I never faked anything. I never played the Disney game of smiling and being a princess and then suddenly having a hard time, saying, ‘That isn’t who I really am.’”

The pop star world: “Katy Perry’s been my friend for f***ing five years, and I’m not ever gonna let our work get between that relationship,. If Katy sticks with being Katy, and Ke$ha is Ke$ha, and Rihanna is Rihanna, and I’m me, there’s room for everybody. The problem is when people look at Gaga and say, “Oh, that works; I’m going to be like that.”’

Re-booting her musical career: “It’s almost like being a new artist and trying to make a first impression. I think the best thing I could have done was take those two years off to really live, because now people don’t think of me as who I was on the TV show.”

[From People & Us Weekly]

Yeah, she calls Liam her “hubby”. I’m assuming they haven’t actually gotten married yet and she’s just calling him “hubby” as in “hubby to be” or “we already share everything, it already feels like we’re married.” As for Miley’s re-boot of her musical career… well, you know the last time she had an album, she did seem to be trying to do the Gaga-lite thing, because SO MANY artists were trying to do that a few years ago too. Miley was trying to be so dark and sexualized and stuff. It didn’t really work, and I’m worried that she still hasn’t found her “pop star identity”. I’m worried that she’s trying to be Pink now. Right?

Photos courtesy of Cosmo UK.

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66 Responses to “Miley Cyrus covers Cosmo UK, calls fiancé Liam Hemsworth her “hubby””

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  1. mia girl says:

    Despite the deliberate cleavage, she looks great in these shots.

  2. Lauren says:

    I don’t think there’s ever going to be a wedding..

  3. RocketMerry says:

    Girl IS trying to be P!nk.
    Exept you really need a glorious set of girl-stones to be P!nk, and Miley… well. She just does not have any.

  4. marie says:

    she looks good here.. I think she purposely used “hubby” just to get people to talk about it-which we are, so there ya go..

  5. Joanna says:

    She looks really good. I was a fan of her “before” look, so this one took some adjusting for me to get used to. But it really suits her.

  6. Toot says:

    They may be married. I remember some newer pics of both wearing wedding looking rings on their fingers.

    I know they spent some time in Costa Rica lately, maybe that was their honeymoon.

    • Hoya_chick says:

      That was just a publicity stunt, wearing the rings. And the trip to Costa Rica seemed like a belated birthday trip for Liam who’s birthday is in January. His brother and his wife and young kids were also there. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t take my brother in law and his family on my honeymoon! But who knows right?

      • j.eyre says:

        Which brother? I would invite my brother-in-law to the wedding night if my BIL was CHemboy.

      • Laura says:

        …My best friend wants me (and some other people) to come along on her honeymoon. I couldn’t get her to understand why this attitude may imply the wedding shouldn’t be happening…

    • Hoya_chick says:

      Haha not Thor. I see what you did there J. eyre and I kinda agree. It was the other, less attractive one!

  7. Hoya_chick says:

    All she talks about is Liam. No one is interested in anything else about her and she knows it. She is not a good actress or singer. I don’t understand why she is on the cover of another magazine with nothing but her engagement and life to promote? Then she turns around and complains about the paps and her privacy. Ha! If they do end up married, it’s not like they are going to be married for a long time so what’s the point? Something nice, she doesn’t look terrible on the cover.

    • Kimbob says:

      Yeah, you’re right….all she does is talk about Liam. Honestly, she just strikes me as being dumb as a box of rocks, really.

      I think you’re right also about their marriage not lasting in the long run, also. I dunno…when all you can say about your fiance is how HOT they are…no quotes as to Liam’s character..only he’s hawt…mmmmm, no. But then again, no one’s ever accused the Cyrus family of being Mensa candidates…LOL!

      • Hoya_chick says:

        Exactly! Not a thing about his personality or character. So vapid. She’s young though. She’ll learn. Lol.

    • AustinMJ says:

      wow. bitter much? lol.
      She’s a KID. She isnt Crackzilla and she isnt saying anything ugly about anyone else.
      I think she’s handling fame and fortune pretty damn well. If you were her age and had the fame and money would you come off any better? doubtful.
      She’s dating a HOT guy, she’s learning and trying new things, experimenting with life – which is what you do when you’re young. And from what I’ve heard she is very gracious and kind in person.

    • AustinMJ says:

      And another thing – to say she has no talent is ridiculous.

      Case in point http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/26/miley-cyrus-releases-jolene-video-singer-covers-dolly-parton-classic_n_2365534.html

      Cracken has no talent, Kslut has no talent, Even Britany (bless her fd-up heart) has no talent.

      • KC says:

        That performance wasn’t anything special. I highly doubt it would have even won my high school’s talent contest (and I didn’t have a particularly large high school). I’m not saying that it was bad, but it really was average for anyone who has had any vocal training.

    • flor says:

      She hasn’t done anything in years, what is she supposed to talk about? She is warming up with magazines so people get used to seeing her a bit more after a long break so when she drops her album people get interested again.

    • erika says:

      ditto that…and it’s annoying. she’s what, 21 or 22? just the fact that she’s already married so young makes it difficult for her to find any other matter to talk about because she hasn’t really lived her OWN life yet. i don’t think you become and adult and find yourself/your niche unless you’ve really put yourself out there to the world and devoted your 20s to truly LIVING. travel, get a degree, move to another state/country, volunteer, DATE around and try on different men for size, do something soooo then sitting around primping yourself for your hubby , pilates and cuddling…

      and THEN get back to me.

      • TheOneAndOnlyOnly says:

        Exactly kimbob hoyachick and erika – do you remember in the 80s and 90s Cosmo and other mags had supermodels – cindy,christy,linda,naomi,yasmin,claudia,etc, – on their covers, now they have reduced themselves because they are owned by conglomerates, to talentless famehos like Miley. She has no talent, no one cares about her, but she hasn’t developed a life out of the spotlight, and the supermodels of the 80s/90s didn’t need photoshop. WHo paid for this cover?

  8. Riana says:

    I get the music career wasn’t earth-shattering but I don’t understand why her wanting to work and have a career would be something to not be jealous of.

    Face it, she’d get tons of mean comments if all she did was have sex with Liam and work out. I can’t imagine how it’d work for her public perception but to be a waste of space if she didn’t try to do more.

  9. Marty says:

    This photo shoot must have been done a couple of months ago, in her most recent pictures you can see she lost weight again. Her legs literally looked like twigs.

  10. j.eyre says:

    Fitted feminine suits (or suit elements) are all over the magazines and red carpets – why can’t I find them in the stores? Is this going to stay at Purple Label level only? I can’t even find anything online.

    • Marty says:

      SO agree with this! Just to find a really nice fitted jacket, like the black one she’s wearing, would be excellent but nada.

      • DreamyK says:

        She looks fabulous in that black coat dress. I love the way they styled her hair in this shoot, too.

  11. Quixotic1205 says:

    Boring. Is she still really news?

  12. florencia says:

    Miley’s doing what everybody does. She’s trying so hard to be edgy.

  13. Nene says:

    “I’ve never faked anything” – yeah right – bitch please!

  14. Amelia says:

    Ugh. Give up the jig girl and face facts – it’s all been downhill since Hannah Montanna died.
    Miley has neither the talent nor maturity to genuinely make it in the adult industry.
    … Ooer. That sounded dirtier than I meant it to!
    But I still stand by my point; Miley’s fan base are solely confined to tweeners and the emotionally stunted.

    • Abby says:

      I kind of admire her for working at all. Like the harry potter kids, she’s made millions. She doesn’t have to do anything even at her young age. So… More power to her.

      • Laura says:

        But the thing is, she hasn’t worked in years?
        Or did you mean when she was Hannah Montana? Because she really did win the lottery on that one since if her dad wasn’t Billy Ray, I am sure she would not be famous right now.

        In my personal opinion, I find her stupid, talentless and entitled. I hate how she keeps popping up everywhere because it seems as though she feels like she is relevant. Hopefully soon enough, she’ll realise she isn’t and just disappear and make way for real young talent.

  15. Ms Kay says:

    On the second pic that vest length is meh, if it was a tad shorter and she showed her toned up legs in fabulous shoes, a bit à la SJP in SATC when Carrie did that shoot for her book cover, I’m sure it’d look better. Anyway just a thought…

    • Hoya_chick says:

      Totally, it looks boxy because it’s too long and shapeless. It would definitely look better shorter like Carrie’s book cover. I loved that episode! Carrie caught Samantha giving the delivery guy a beej! Ha.

      • Ms Kay says:

        Haha yes that scene is priceless the look on Samantha face when Carrie walks into them, and I also loved the one when she makes Carrie try on clothes and she looks ridiculous in her underwears with furry boobs haha!

  16. Asdfg says:

    Love the first picture! And I like her hair in this photoshoot a lot! Too bad she buzzed it all off! -.-

  17. judyjudy says:

    I think Miley looks really cute in these pictures.

    I haven’t read an issue of Cosmo in probably a decade so it’s nice to see they are running the exact same articles as they were when I was in my 20’s….now I’m really curious if the 20 hot sex moves are the same or if there are new, innovative ways to wow my man in bed…LOL! I love Cosmo.

  18. Ginger says:

    I think she’s young and cute and trying on different things in her life. Isn’t she 19? She’s got a long way to go as far as finding her own identity. Just speaking from experience here. I find myself rooting for her. At least she isn’t running around doing stupid things and getting arrested. I think she deserves credit for that. She is with one man and they seem to be happy. She is cute enough to get away with that hairstyle so why not experiment and have fun? She seems to actually appreciate her life. I find it refreshing.

    • AustinMJ says:


    • The Original Mia says:


      I like her. She isn’t clubbing and drugging. She’s in a stable relationship and doing what she’s always done: singing and acting. People are acting like she’s Lindsay.

      • Annie says:

        +3 – Miley seems super normal and stable considering. 4 years ago I was expecting her to turn out an evil little b-, but instead she’s really grown on me. I actually like her now.

    • Trina says:

      Since when dose not getting arrested or being on drugs something to get credit for.

  19. Lucy2 says:

    Is there that much hype for her new album? Is there really?
    I will give her credit, she hasn’t bottomed out or gone totally nuts like I kind of expected her to, given the whole child stardom thing. But I have yet to see her do anything worthy of staying a star.

  20. bonnie says:

    There have been some songs on youtube of her backyard sessions and i was surprised that the girl can really sing. she does country beautifully and i am not normally a new country music fan. she has that twang in her voice. she also did a song called decisions which i thought was cute. i do think the girl has real talent to sing, but only for that particular niche. she isn’t in the tabloids for being horrid. she seems like a decent kid who happens to bee beyond wealthy and having fun her life. she isnt hurting anyone, so i say let her have her fun. if she wants to sing or act, eh… knock your socks off.

  21. Talie says:

    I feel bad for her, I do think she might have her heart broken down the line.

  22. lisa2 says:

    I think if you look at the young crop of actresses or singers they are all in some form trying to be the next (fill in the blank)..

    I mean other people have said it before, done it before. So time and time again we see the same interviews. Where everyone is trying to say that thing to get them attention. There are really few truly UNIQUE people out there. And while many are talented they don’t have that thing that makes you fascinated with them.

    I like Miley.. wish her all the best. I just don’t find many of them that interesting.

    by the way I love her hair in the cover

  23. LittleMissy says:

    She did a performance at some award show where did a cover of some Billy idol song and it was horrible! and I do feel her relationship w/ Liam is mostly for publicity….

  24. Saor says:

    I’m Miley’s age and I know a few girls who always refer to their boyfriends as their ‘hubby’. I think it’s stupid but at least Miley is actually engaged in this case.

  25. A Fan says:

    Whatever. Come back when you’re all grown up – I may find what you say interesting then.

  26. Melissa says:

    The real problem is Cosmo. Featuring the likes of the Kardashians, Miley, Taylor Swift… The magazine is becoming a complete bust and these interviews are ridiculous. Why is she dropping F bombs? We aren’t inclined to see you as an adult when you see the need to say f-k in a magazine.

  27. KellyinSeattle says:

    Cute, maybe, but not sexy….and overexposed/try-hard in general. I don’t know what her specific talent it; don’t think she has one.

  28. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    I know everybody uses it so it’s my problem, but I hate the word ‘hubby’ or its deformed little sister, ‘hubs’. I don’t really know why, it’s just a part of the hateful tapestry that is me. I really do hate that word.

  29. Natalie says:

    I think shes just Trying to be herself. Way to go Miley!!! 🙂

  30. Jayna says:

    Great Photoshop.

  31. serena says:

    I like these photos. Anyway I’m worried too.. she should go back to country music, because yeah she hasn’t yet a real identity as a singer. I hope she’ll do good.

  32. JudyK says:

    I LOVE her hair so much…this girl is GORGEOUS.

  33. Jill says:

    she can’t sing. It’s the truth.

  34. Mita says:

    Miley: i never faked anything. I never played the Disney game of smiling and being a princess and then suddenly having a hard time, saying, ‘That isn’t who I really am.’”
    Really Miley? What about the interview back in march The Conversation where it said: On leaving the “Hannah Montana” persona behind: “I was so trained in my interviews to be the All-American whatever, and then I realized that I was so used to saying that, and then I looked at it one day, and what I was saying really wasn’t true anymore. I just got so set in the same way of saying things when I was twelve years old … so I guess I just realized that my entire life wasn’t some giant press junket. I don’t have to be smiling all the time.”

  35. Jolene says:

    Love these pics. She looks gorgeous.

  36. nikko says:

    I think she’s looks beautiful on the cover. For a girl her age she’s doing good. I do think she’s to young to be engaged. She should be dating.