Star: Jennifer Lawrence has everyone worried since she smoked pot in Hawaii

Jennifer Lawrence

Kaiser recently described me as “the resident Jennifer Lawrence-loonie,” and I will agree that this claim is mostly accurate. I definitely do give JLaw a lot more leeway than other young stars, mostly because she’s (by all accounts) a complete professional on set and while performing all work-related and promotional duties. She’s not an eye-rolling brat who whines about the injustices of fame like someone else we know.

Okay, I’ll just come out and say it — JLaw is no Kristen Stewart, which is why I didn’t make a huge deal out of it when Jennifer showed her middle finger to the Oscars press room. It’s not like JLaw does this all the time, but I imagine she was feeling a bit unnerved after falling up a set of stairs in front of several million television viewers as well as her peers. The poor girl had endured a very long awards season that was further plagued by a nasty case of walking pneumonia and (probably) Harvey Weinstein whining at her to wear Marchesa. She really needed to take a load off, and she’s just so damn adorable that it’s hard to get mad at her for one instance of a middle finger. I’m not saying it was a smart move, but it was a one-time thing.

Similarly, I don’t see a big deal about JLaw being photographed smoking pot in her hotel room in Hawaii a few days after the Oscars. She was in the privacy of her own room, and the paps were taking photos of the interior of her suite with long-range lenses. So she wasn’t flashing the joint about in the open or tweeting photos of herself and a cloud of smoke or some other such nonsense. She was simply relaxing in her room during the few days before she had to be on set for Catching Fire. Hell, I’d be worried about her if she wasn’t taking a load off since her schedule is so jam-packed these days, but this week’s issue of Star says that JLaw is in the midst of a Bieber-esque tailspin now, and her family is so worried about her. Here’s the story in case you want to laugh too:

Jennifer Lawrence

As soom as she finished her self-deprecatingly funny acceptance speech at the Oscars, Jennifer Lawrence went from up-and-coming actress to America’s Golden Girl. But just moments later, the talented beauty was downing a shot of booze and flipping off reporters. It’s clearly been a whirlwind for the 22-year-old Academy Award winner for Best Actress, and she’s been celebrating nonstop ever since.

Days after the Oscars, the Silver Linings Playbook star took off for Hawaii to reshoot scenes for the upcoming Hunger Games sequel, Catching Fire. And on the balcony of heer room at the posh Modern hotel in Honolulu on Feb. 27, now dyed brunette, she was spotted drinking heavily and smoking marijuana. “Jennifer was partying it up with one of her friends, smoking weed and drinking wine and dancing around like crazy,” says a witness. “You could smell the weed wafting out from her room.”

That is also where Jennifer got hot and heavy with a mysterious dark-haired female “friend,” fueling rumors that the Kentucky-born beauty might be gay! “They were holding hands and very touchy-feely. We all noticed it,” says a staffer at the hotel who witnessed the pair later in the night while drinking at the hotel bar The Study. “Jennifer was pretty drunk and loud. She was hardly wearing any makeup, but she still looked really gorgeous. The guys were all trying to hit on them, but it was a no-go.” At about midnight a couple of Jen’s male friends, including her Catching Fire costar Jeffrey Wright, joined the pair. He ordered a round of tequila shots, and “even though Jen had been drinking red wine all night, she had no problem slamming it back,” the source explains.

Afterward, they all went to raunchy Honolulu strip joint Club Femme Nu for last call. “Jennifer was holding hands with the dark-haired girl, and they were whispering in each other’s ear,” says another witness. “But they both looked kind of uncomfortable and bounced after about five minutes.”

While it may all be fun and games for Jennifer right now, her family is worried that her relentless parting and newfound fame may be too much for her. “She’s just a young girl and feels overwhelmed,” says a source close to her family. The last thing her family wants is the fame and fortune to eat her up like it’s done to so many celebrities. Just days after heading to Hawaii she admitted that she’s taken too much on, saying, “Don’t ask me about my schedule, because I’m sinking into a bit of depression …. I just want to sit on my couch and drink and not change my pants for days at a time.”

While Jennifer’s family has been trying to keep a closer eye on her — and even pushing her to talk to a therapist — she has become such a bit star that it’s not going to be easy to slow her down. As the family friend explains, “She’s a tough girl, but the pressures of Hollywood can take their toll on anyone.”

[From Star, print edition, March 18, 2013]

So … the strip club stuff seems like complete nonsense, right? The girl in these photos is rumored to be the girlfriend of one of Jennifer’s brothers, but since there’s a photo of them hugging, it feels like Star is pretty much just making sh-t up about them being all cuddly and “gay” together. I mean, how scandalous.

Look, I don’t doubt for a moment that JLaw must certainly be feeling the pressure of such immense success in just a few year’s time. She works nonstop and tirelessly, but she’s always been nothing but gregarious and kind towards journalists. Will there be an eventual backlash to her overexposure? Eventually, that will probably surface, but Star’s going to have to try much harder than this silly story to make it happen.

Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence

Photos courtesy of WENN

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104 Responses to “Star: Jennifer Lawrence has everyone worried since she smoked pot in Hawaii”

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  1. Amelia says:

    ..”JLaw is in the midst of a Bieber-esque tailspin now, and her family is so worried about her…”
    Oh yeah. Because winning a string of awards including your first Oscar then blowing off steam with the odd joint is of course similar to having a tantrum that would put a five year old to shame.
    Incidentally, Bieber has been hospitalised after his latest show in London.

    • Erinn says:

      It’s ridiculous. And at the same time… it’d be nice to see a hollywood parent worried about their kids. It seems like everyone else just kind of runs free.

      Either way, I’m not buying any kind of tailspin rumor about this girl. I hate when tabloids try to run down the more normal people of hollywood. It’s kind of depressing.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      Hi Amelia-EXACTLY to everything you said and +1 to Erinn too.

      They’re just trying to sensationalize SOMETHING in JLaw’s life since, unlike most of Hwood, she has her head screwed on straight. Everyone knows that stability and talent doesn’t sell gossip rags.

      I do think it’s nice that her parents are aware and involved in her life. It’s likely because of them that she seems to have such a strong foundation.

    • eileen says:

      I agree with all you lovely ladies!
      She doesn’t take herself too seriously and was blowing off some steam. She has way too good a head on her shoulders to get out of control.
      Just let JLaw be great!

    • Dutch says:

      One night of cutting loose does not a tailspin make, especially since there have been no other items about any wild partying since.

  2. poppy says:

    if she’s very worried she should smoke more.

    • nofkksgiven says:


    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      Eh…depends on the strain. In a bit of a bind, I recently got some wack junk that seems to bring on hints of paranoia. Do not like.

      Definitely always stick with organic (my usual).

      • spinner says:

        Hey Kitten…yep, got to be organic. If everyone is so worried about her, I will volunteer to keep an eye on her & she can only smoke the good stuff with me.

      • Amelia says:

        Clearly I didn’t pay attention during health ed.
        You can get organic pot?
        I feel like such a moron right now! 🙂
        I can just picture a PSA where there are cartoon marijuana plants hooked up to a hydroponics network looking all sad and woeful, then we cut to plants swaying in the sunshine followed by a card saying ‘Buy organic pot!’

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        *high fives Spinner*

        YES, Amelia-I ONLY do organic-much more mellow of a high plus healthier, not full of all the additives and crap you find in your typical *street green* OR I do homegrown, which is preferable AND organic 😉

      • V4Real says:

        I love how posters can come on CB and admitt to smoking pot; Lighters up my people.

    • LadyBird83 says:

      Seriously! Wine and pot is a gateway to Lala-Lohan-land! She’s 21, seems to me that’s she’s acting like everyone else her age.

  3. Lexie says:

    and even if she was gay, it wouldn’t be a big deal. they make it all sound so bad.

    • Mia 4S says:

      I noticed that gay thing too! It’s BS (that girl was already id’d as the brother’s girlfriend) but isn’t it interesting the tabloids would associate being gay with a meltdown and a drug problem? Misogyny and homophobia, more reasons to find tabloids gross!

    • flor says:

      Actually, yeah, it would be a big deal. There is a reason why actors don’t want to come out of the closet. However, the world loves JLaw and, if she was gay, the world would accept it.

      • Lexie says:

        okay, you mean because then she wouldn’t be as convincing in hetero romantic roles or..? confused.
        if that’s it, okay, i get it, but i don’t think tabloids have that in mind when they write that an actress or actor might be gay. it comes off as an attempt at discrediting them and (to me at least) the tone is always shocked and implies that being gay is bad. not for the actor’s career. just…bad.

        if a young actress who came out of the closet played a hetero romantic heroine, wouldn’t it be a great way to show off their acting skills?

        maybe i’m very naive about all this, but i just can’t with the attempts at gay-shaming.

      • eileen says:

        I disagree with this. If you’re a skilled enough actress/actor, there will be no focus on what team she is on.
        Though I know it probably would deter some closed-minded individuals. : /

      • flor says:

        @eileen that’s why I said that, because the Minivan Majority will knock anyone down who doesn’t share conventional values.

      • kay says:

        Gee is everyone in hollywood gay. How come there are no heterosexual movie stars to follow.

    • minime says:

      right!! To associate being gay with a meltdown is just too stupid.

      Even more stupid is to associate a hug with being gay. A lot of girls are pretty much cuddly with each other at this age…My female cousin still grabs me really tight all the time, take my hands in her hands and kisses me repeatedly in the cheeks in front of everyone if she doesn’t see me for some time…OK I’m Mediterranean, maybe we are different, but this overexploitation of a normal situation is just annoying and uneducated.

    • Nikki says:

      Yes, thank you, jeez! I really hate how they lumped in being gay with a “tailspin” and a bunch of other negative sh*t in this article. WTF. Oh my lord, no one get too touchy-feely now, YOU MIGHT BE GAY. Gawd.

  4. inthekitchen says:

    I don’t know what it is about her but she has the weirdest, most annoying face IMO. Her smile always seems so super fake (first and last pictures). I know she is just walking the carpet and not out with friends having a good time, but she seems so vacant…kind of like K-Stew, but with a phony smile instead of a grimace.

  5. Sisi says:

    Lol, there are even typos in the star article…

  6. marie says:

    there are much worse things she could be doing. she was in her hotel room, smokin up and I fail to see how this is a big deal. GMAFB

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      Substitute “hotel room” for “apartment” in that sentence and you have my nightly routine.

      I’m not having a meltdown and neither is JLaw. We’re simply relaxing with a plant friend.

      • Scarlet Begonias says:

        Seriously. She’s 22 right? I mean when I was 22 I didn’t even mess around with joints lol. It was either a pipe or bong. Nightly. I’m in my late 30’s now and even though I don’t smoke anymore (solely because I have a young child and am currently pregnant) I still don’t consider marijuana to be a hardcore drug. And in regards to her holding hands with a female friend. Whatever. My friend and I always used to pretend we were lesbians to keep guys from hitting on us. It must be a slow news week.

      • marie says:

        with me it was the other way around. joints, blunts in my 20’s but now I stick to bowls, so much easier..

        and I’m not on my way to meltdown either OKitt..

  7. Hakura says:

    Jeez, the woman has been through all the H-wood BS, let her have a smoke, & GTF out of her business. ‘Havin’ a puff’ & ‘gay’ seem to be the ‘scandalous’ IT words for these people. I agree with Marie, GMAFB ¬_¬

  8. chloe says:

    Jeez a 22 year old out drinking and smoking pot (in her private residence) with her buddies, where’s the story. If this was an every day occurrence I would say she has a problem, I think the girl was blowing off steam, to be honest as the awards season carried on she was looking more and more miserable.

  9. smartyparty says:

    I would much rather see her smoke than drink a ton of alcohol. She could smoke smoke smoke smoke and it would not harm her, whereas the alcohol will. It’s times like this that my mind baffles at the fact that weed is illegal and alcohol is for sale everywhere you look.

  10. GoodCapon says:

    LOL at Star.

    So she smoked pot. Big deal.

  11. flor says:

    Man, I am worried about her backlash. It is going to hit her SO hard… The media is really putting her on a pedestal but I’ve never seen this kind of thing before, not even with Julia. When it hits her, it’s going to be as big as the falling in love phase.

    • T.C. says:

      Oh Flor you are praying for a backlash against her girlfriend, don’t front. You actively look for Jennifer Lawrence stories to piss all over. Lol. Don’t worry she will still be an Oscar winner, rich, getting good roles, have her family’s support no matter how hard people want to hate on her. She will survive.

      • flor says:

        What? No, actually no, that’s not true. Stop attacking me, I don’t hate JLaw.

      • Original A says:

        I like JLaw, but she’s making a valid point that has come up in a lot of the Anne Hathaway articles. People LOVE to tear women, and less often men, off their pedestals and then build them up
        again. Jennifer’s said and done some problematic things but people usually cut her a break (the comments she’s made about bisexuality and trans-people) because she’s a 22 year old from Kentucky. If she made those comments now, people who probably crucify her for them. However, like Anne, she’ll be fine after any backlash.

    • BeesKnees says:

      Eh, you post something negative on EVERY single thread about her and then try to back track and say you don’t hate her. Nobody is attacking you, but just own the fact you don’t like this girl. I have celebrities that I totally dislike and I’m not afraid or ashamed to say it. I hate Matt Damon and Ben Affleck but I also don’t go on EVERY single post about them and make a negative comment. You come off as obsessed.

      • flor says:

        I don’t go on every JLaw post to hate on her. I never called her names, never insulted her, never wished her death. I just criticize her like we all do with every celebrity.

  12. backwards says:

    Have you see the gif of her and KStew hugging at an afterparty or backstage? I think it was on tumblr.

    Anyway, Star is being ridiculous and making it sound like she is on some sort of Lindsay bender.

  13. V4Real says:

    Would it have made a difference if she was in Washington or Colorada since it’s somewhat legal there. The girl is a grown ass woman big freakin deal she smoked pot. As long as it don t lead to other drugs leave her alone

    • T.C. says:

      I can’t stand the ‘pot is a gateway drug’ misinformation the media try to spread. It’s just not true. They should worry more about alcohol being the gateway.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        Yeah pot is a gateway—a gateway to cartoon-watching and compulsive Fruity Pebbles consumption.

        COME ON. The *gateway drug* bullshit is a fear tactic that pisses me off to no end. EDUCATE people, don’t treat them like naive morons by spreading fearful lies to further your anti-marijuana agenda.

      • V4Real says:

        Agree with both of you on that. That last sentence was just because as you know in Hollywood, other substances are very accessable to celebrities and I’m just hoping she would be smart enough to say no, if ever offered. People are now aware of her pot smoking and may try to convince her to try other things. I’m not saying her pot smoking would be the reason she turns to other drugs. I have friends who smoke pot but they don’t drink or smoke cigarettes. I also have friends who have been smoking pot since they were teenagers and have never tried any other drug in their life.

        As for me the last time I tried to choke it up, I fell asleep on my friends couch and woke up craving a huge bowl of Coco Puffs. It was good too. Why does everything taste so damn good after a blunt or joint. Even when I used to smoke, it was like the best cigarette ever after I puffed on a joint.

      • EmmGee says:

        It’s a Gateway alright……..a Gateway to my refrigerator.

  14. Ali says:

    Honestly I am waiting for this woman to show her true colours. All the hype and press have really created a persona which will crumble when she makes a mistake. Mark my words what comes up, must come down.

    • mom2two says:

      Agreed. Honestly, she tries very hard to come across as “the girl you could have a beer with.” And it seems so fake.
      I’m not a Kristen Stewart fan and Anne Hathaway annoyed me to no end this awards season but if either one of them flipped the bird to the press, they would be hated on to no end. Anne would be considered way too big for her britches (even more so then now) and Kristen would be the most unprofessional thing out there. But it’s Jen Law, so therefore it’s cute and adorable.
      As for her smoking pot, well I could care less, most people in Hollywood do it and I don’t see how her smoking pot or possibly being gay is leading her down the road of ruin. Star, hyperbole much?
      Believe me this girl has the most carefully crafted persona and she and her people are taking notice of the missteps Stewart, Hathaway and Swift have made and she won’t make them.

      • V4Real says:

        But a girl who openly smokes pot is a girl you can have a beer with. She’s not portraying some kind of good girl image like Hathaway and Swifty. We are already seeing her faults. Pot smoking is definetely not the kind of persona her camp wants to promote about JLaw

      • dj says:

        K Stew DID flip paps off during Snow White & Huntsman press tour. It was with pictures of Charlize and Thor.

    • Amanda says:

      Agree with the two of you.

    • Dutch says:

      This story proves your point that the tabs are trying to knock her down a peg or two for sure, but she these are the colors she’s been showing since her nomination for “Winter’s Bone.” So she’s either really this way or a way better actress than even her Oscar gives her credit for.

  15. lucy2 says:

    Love how the tabloids turn her having a glass of wine with a friend into a drunk lesbian rampage.
    I’m more concerned with the fact that it’s apparently OK for a private citizen to be photographed in the privacy of a hotel room.

    • minime says:


    • my .02 says:


      Let the girl blow off some steam. I can’t imagine how stressful awards season must be for anyone, much less a young adult like her.

      Also, I’m not gay and I’d likely be uncomfortable being dragged to a strip club, too.

  16. Talie says:

    Jennifer’s parents are way to stable to ever allow her to go into a tailspin…also, this girl still lives in a condo in Santa Monica that her parents own. She’s not wasting her money or acting out in crazy ways.

  17. Lol says:

    so she drank a lot and smoked bohoo. let’s not forget she’s 22 and if she were “normal” she’d be in College like the rest of us, drinking and partying so it’ll be a wonder half of us will make it to our degrees without a liver transplant. If I’d embarrased myself by falling on the Oscar stage, I’d have a shot too before going infront of the press. Or just to celebrate. She’s 22 and won a frikking Oscar, let her party and drink to celebrate it’s not like she’s Lindsay Lohan.

    • bettyrose says:

      . . . drinking, partying, and possibly having girl-girl make out sessions, none of which say anything about who she’ll be at 25.

  18. andrea says:

    LMAO The Star is especially full of crap today. This girl has a bit of weed and wine, and hugs a friend… so now she’s on a downward spiral? Even my Wednesday night was more eventful, by those BS standards I’d need rehab.

    • garvels says:

      I agree…it must be a slow gossip week at star. I personally think it is really creepy how these photographers can snoop on people with their long lenses through windows while they are in the privacy of their home or apartment.

  19. Sara says:

    Good grief, she is of drinking age, pot is almost legal, and being gay is not a tailspin. If she had a real problem she wouldn’t have won a damn Oscar!

  20. Suze says:

    Because I’m a fan and she doesn’t grate on me, I don’t see any reason for concern.

    I think it’s pretty normal behaviour for a 22 year old.

  21. Mac says:

    She obviously likes her wine & weed and also seems somewhat defiant.

    Someone needs to explain to Jennifer how things really work and that a photo is much more damning than an unnamed source and that she should have no expectation of privacy while on a hotel balcony.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      How is it “damning” exactly? Did you read the comments above?

      Nobody cares and everyone still loves her.

      The End.

  22. Ranunculus says:

    I be very surprised if she lasts more than 5 years. Especially not if her PR is spinning stupid stories like this and if she can’t keep herself away from the pap lenses.

    • Liz says:

      This is not a PR plant, this is a smear piece again something young Hollywood has to get used to. The vauge worried ‘people’, mentions of drug and alcohol use, and the as other posters have mentioned the idea that shes in some sort of downward gay spiral, which is pretty surprisingly homophobic for 2013.
      This is what happens when the stars or their people stop giving interviews to the press, they start the nasty pieces.

  23. Devon says:

    Just because Jen smokes, it doesn’t mean she’s in a tail spin. All the article did was make it sound like she was a normal 22 year old. I’ve never smoked but I’ve sure as hell spent the day drinking wine with my girlfriends then downed plenty of shots… More times than I could count! And the girl? Please. I’ve seen the photos, they looked like bffs. I’ve got friends who I’m touchy feely with but my husband would agree that it doesn’t make me a lesbian! BTW, if she was, why would it matter?

    She’s young, successful and talented. Let her have a J if she wants one.

  24. Merritt says:

    What she does in private is her business. However I think it is wrong to smoke anything in a hotel room. If you want to smoke on your own property that is your business, but a hotel is not your property.

    I personally am very allergic to pot smoke and even the lingering smell on fabric can cause an asthma attack. What if a member of the housekeeping staff had a similar allergy?

    • Nikki says:

      There are still smoking and non-smoking hotel rooms in various states around the country. But if it was a non-smoking room, then yes she shouldn’t be smoking in it.

  25. dcypher1 says:

    its just weed for god sakes its not crack. shes not gonna go all lohan on us never. she can smoke all she wants in the privacy of her home if she wants to..

  26. Shira says:

    Oh, so now Jennifer’s gay? Happy day. I’m straight, but I’ll turn for her.

    What a bunch of crap.

    Also, I need to stop seeing the words “self-deprecating” for at least a few months.

    And BTW, she should see a therapist, irregardless to her “drinking and drug problem” (I’m being sarcastic of course). That sort of life is just crazy, you have to unload at someone.

  27. elceibeno08 says:

    I do not see what the big issue is with smoking a joint. However, my gaydar has kind of sort of gone off with Jennifer. Maybe is just my imagination that she might be gay but it wouldn’t matter a bit to me. She is a good kid and a great actress. Let her be.

  28. Mandy says:

    Oh please! Give the girl a break. She was just smoking a joint and drinking some wine-WHILE ON VACATION BTW. It’s not like she is Lohanning in up. Team JLAW!

  29. Bodhi says:

    I would be worried about her if she DIDN’T kick back & chill out.

  30. Chrissy says:

    She looked really rough in those pot-smoking pictures. I think there may be reason to be worried for her. Remember, once upon a time, Lindsay Lohan was a promising actress and was really pretty. I think anything can happen.

    • bettyrose says:

      No comparison at all. LiLo was pimped out by her own family as a child and the meltdown had begun already by 22. Whatever struggles JLaw has merely by being human she will be much more in control of her own destiny then LiLo ever had the chance to be.

    • Shira says:

      But you say, Jennifer actually has talent… and she mostly hangs out with non-celebs. She’ll be just fine.

    • Nikki says:

      I don’t think the two are comparable. Lindsay never had roles in the caliber of JLaw, and was certainly nowhere near winning an Oscar by 22.

  31. KellyinSeattle says:

    Pass me the pipe….

  32. Nicolette says:

    Please. She’s been working her butt off, and just won the Oscar, give her break. So she smoked a bit of weed. Big freaking deal.

  33. Gemini08 says:

    Let’s be real here: If KStew had given the finger in the press room people would have been all over her. So yes- it’s a double standard. I like JLaw (I like KStew too) but I do think she gets a free pass for some of her behavior.

    • Shira says:

      But the character of both women is very different – Jennifer also seems like she’s un-phased by it all and couldn’t care less, but in a RESPECTFUL way.

      • Another Ann says:

        Kristen didn’t seem disrespectful at first either, she got little backlash in her early Twilight days. The big backlash came later, and it builds up over time. Much like Jen, she got photographed smoking pot (at her home), flipped the bird, made a few careless statements. What happens is, these things add up over time. At some point, Jen may tally enough missteps that the public will start to turn on her too. Especially if a new golden girl comes along to take her crown.

      • StaCat1 says:

        They are very different women- at least they give me very different impressions publicly- whether it is the TRUE them. I don’t know.

        I think the backlash Kristen gets is also because, to me, she seems to give the impression that she is ungrateful for fame/success and she is such a serious artist.

        Whereas, Jennifer knows she isn’t curing cancer and seems genuinely starstruck and happy to be where she is.

        I think when actors go off talking about acting and the process- they really do come off as kind of douchey. Some actors purposely avoid those conversations because they know it sounds ridiculous.

      • Bijlee says:

        @stacat they have different personalities big deal. Why is one more likable then the other?. JLaw comes off as someone who does try really hard to please everyone and be friendly and be the center of attention. Kstew doesn’t care about being well liked by everyone. You can easily see their personalities in a positive or negative light. JLaw tries hard to seem a certain way. She knows what she wants and is willing to make the sacrifices to get there. She doesn’t mind selling her soul. Shell joke about it, but it’s a necessary evil to get where she wants.

        kstew has always seemed like someone who is not really sure they still want to act, but they enjoy the fame and perks to much to quit. I once read an interview where she said she didn’t always want to act, she wanted to study writing or something in austrailia. Possibly pr telling her to say that, but it was so out of left field and bizarre that it seemed a genuine aspiration.

        Plus the original poster is right. I remeber when the first twilight movie came out people adored her and thought she was a brilliant actress with a lot of talent. Now everyone and their mother trashes her and berates her. Even before the cheating scandal. Fame is just fickle. I feel bad for Kstew. She should just go to school and study. Shes not made out for this.

      • Liz says:

        See I really don’t get this how is being goofy and friendly ‘selling your soul’?. As for KStew maybe she didn’t know that Twilight would blow up as big as it did but their is no reason to think a massive studio film like SWATH would not be huge, so I don’t believe she want to be the shy, reclusive indie girl her fans paint her as.

      • Gemini08 says:

        That’s a matter of debate. You don’t actually know WHAT Jennifer’s character is. You only know here interviews and what she says. That’s it. As for KStew- I think people have been inordinately harsh on that girl. She is 22! She is young and like a lot of other young people perhaps has done some dumb stuff. The only difference is that her mistakes have been made public. It’s very telling that the majority of the backlash of her affair with Rupert Sanders has gone her way and not his. He was a 41 year-old married man. And her BOSS basically. Instead people have chosen to vilify HER. I don’t think that’s cool or fair.

      • Bijlee says:

        @liz lol it’s not like I pulled the selling my soul outta my butt. I remember reading this article a long time ago . Read the last line of it and youll see what im trying to say. Seems like JLaw knows very well she’s playing the game. She’s uncomfortable with how much she has to play the game but her ambition is mor important so it’s just a necessary evil for now until she’s so big no one can bother her and she can just be herself. Quite possibly this is how she sees it. She wants to solidify her career. I’m not blaming the gal for that, but Jesus girl pull it back.

        I’m not a fan of Kstew. It just seems to me she isn’t as comfortable with the fame and really has no idea how to deal with it. But she likes the lifestyle it affords her and has fun making movies because its something she knows how to do and has been doing almost her entire life. Maybe shes uncomfrtable with how fake it is and just cant deal with it.

        For her sake Kstew should seriously see a therapist and take some time off before going back. She was known as an indie girl before twilight as was JLaw before the hunger games. I feel bad for all of them though, Ive started to be more sympathetic towards Kstew and care less and less for JLaw projected image.

      • Liz says:

        Hey I liked KStew to in some of her roles! I thought she was great in welcome to the Rileys. I think her personal life is her own business I won’t comment on that, I was referring to her career. @Bijlee thank you for explaining the comment with the vulture link, it does make sense in that context.

  34. megsie says:

    Seems a little early for a backlash.

  35. Fiona says:

    So while I don’t believe for a second that JLaw is getting with the girl described in the tabloid article in any way, it did make me remember a blind item from a year or so ago about two bisexual girls with boyfriends who happened to meet on a movie set and then had a little tryst together. Given the context of the blind item, the consensus was that the two girls in question were JLaw and Miley Cyrus. That blind item may have been bull too, but since it’s planted in my mind, I wouldn’t even bat an eye if JLaw was caught fooling around with a girl. NBD. (I would also be really, really hesitant to call her gay, since she seemed to have a real and legit relationship with Nicolas Hoult. The assumption that you’re either gay or straight makes me nuts, but that’s another topic altogether.)

  36. A says:

    I hate the smell of weed

    • Bijlee says:

      What does it smell like? I have a step brother who smokes weed, but my sense of smell is so bad that I never know if he’s lighting up unless I talk to him face to face. My little brother can smell it and he hates it because it stinks up the bathroom he shares with the guy and it makes my mom sick. But I have no idea. So lol waht dos it smell like? Does it just not bother me?

    • cr says:

      Me too. I’ve never smoked it because have been around people who were smoking it, it gave me a massive headache. Whereas cigarette smoke just makes me want to hack up a lung.
      That said, I don’t understand the big deal about her smoking it.

    • Overmind says:

      Weed smells like some thousand-year-old dust. I never liked it.

  37. Sean says:

    I would worry more if she didn’t kick back and smoke a joint and drink some wine. She is 22,and rich. That is what she is supposed to do.

  38. Elly says:

    I´m waiting for the day Jennifer says “Yes i´m gay and i´m total in love with my secret girlfriend Kristen Stewart.”

  39. kay says:

    I can’t believe she is already messing up. I thought she was suppose to be better than KStew. KStew was suppose to be the messed up one and Jennifer is suppose to be the role model that kids can look up to.

  40. kay says:

    i’m really confused by this article- the tone seems to keep contradicting itself. like, implying she was being really trashy, then saying she looked super pretty, and she and the stripper were getting close but they both looked uncomfortable. wtf? also, having wine then tequila really isn’t that big a deal, that’s what a big night out looks like when you’re 22. god it depresses me when people my age have achieved so much more than me.

    • Annette says:

      Long term achievement a la Betty White, Judi Dench and Meryl Streep is 100x more impressive to me than achieving the most at the youngest possible age. There are plenty of people who have had it all at an even younger age than Jen, only to find themselves washed up, burned out and desperate less than a decade on (not implying this will happen to J-Law, who knows, maybe she will be a Meryl, just saying that it remains to be seen).

  41. Jordan says:

    Jeeez, Star is for the birds and everyone knows it. It’s a nonstory that these geeks have tried to sensationalize and that’s it and that’s all.

  42. Str8Shooter says:

    Good Lord! Alert the media…22 year old smokes a JOINT. Shocking!!!

    These people have nothing else on this poor girl, so now they’re making a story out of her smoking a doobie and partying with friends….like pretty much ALL people her age??

    If she was drinking a glass of wine, no one would bat an eye. But a JOINT…oooohhh, that’s a gateway to mainline narcotic addiction!!!

    Too funny. Think I’ll spark one up now, in JLaw’s honor 🙂

    • Nikki says:

      She was having a bit of wine AND some weed in those pictures. Even better! 🙂

  43. Nikki says:

    I don’t know why people are even concerned about the middle-finger thing.

    JLaw is really really chill, and people pick up on that. The press were giving her mild (jovial) sh*t all through that interview. One of them said “don’t trip” or something equivalent as she was leaving the stage, so she laughed and flipped him the bird. It was funny and not angry at all.