Cele|bitchy | Latest recap in the Anna Nicole death saga, plus Anna’s Guess ads

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21 Responses to “Latest recap in the Anna Nicole death saga, plus Anna’s Guess ads”

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  1. K says:

    Your blog pulls together all the latest pertinent details of the Anna Nicole story in a way that no other site (including mainstream news publications like the NYTimes, People) does. One suggestion is to add a subtopic on the Bahamas – how Anna N & Howard K ended up there. Also, seems like a Who Is Howard K section is justified. Finally, do you have more details on the time lapse and seemingly odd behavior of the nurse (not calling 911 immediately, calling and waiting for Howard K)? Was this nurse a Howard K associate? What was the time lag exactly (assume authorities not releasing this)?

    Thanks for putting together the info in a clearly written and nicely laid out blog. -K

  2. disco says:

    firstly – a warm welcome back and thank you for such a comprehensive report.

    may i ask if you have had any training in writing / journalism

    im intrigued.

  3. Matt says:

    That was an awesome post. It’s good to have things summarized so neatly. This whole mystery is extremely fascinating to me. I’m certain that there’s some degree of foul play involved.

  4. tmi says:

    good article.

    in response to a question above…ANS’ nurse is the wife of her bodyguard.

    im not sure that howard, as sleazy as he is, is directly at fault for her death. anna had countless numbers of accidents which howard saved her from…the most recent one is when anna was found face down in the swimming pool in the bahamas, howard found her just in time and saved her.
    (of course he may have also been the one who helped her to get the drugs too, which is shady…he did do annas damage control forever.)
    i think that with all the drugs she was addicted to, its like she called wolf so many times, that her extremes werent taken seriously…possibly explaining the time lapses.
    i think that anna commited suicide.

  5. JoGirl says:

    Here’s an alternate theory:

    It’s been well established that Anna abused Methadone. I’m guessing that she wanted to hide the extent of her use from the hospital in the Bahamas when she was giving birth to Dannilynn, because she didn’t want to risk a custody challenge from Larry Birkhead, who really *is* the baby’s father.

    Anna probably couldn’t go more than a day without Methadone, so she begged Howard to smuggle some to her in an Advil bottle. Howard, whipped as ever, complied. When Daniel arrived at the hospital, he was tired and had a headache, so he took what he thought was an Advil, and went to sleep.

    In the morning, Anna was horrified to find her son dead as a result of her own attempt to hide pills from the hospital. She knew that if it was discovered that her drugs had killed Daniel, Larry would never let her keep newborn Dannilynn.

    At this point she may have shrieked at Howard, “This is all your fault!”, because he was the one who brought in the pills. Howard, horrified, must have barely had time to flush the pills as hospital staff rushed in.

    In the days immediately following, Anna and Howard had to know that the toxicololgy report would eventually reveal how Daniel died. As a safeguard to prevent Larry Birkhead from *immediately* taking Dannilynn away, Anna demanded that Howard pretend to be the father and marry her. Of course Howard complied.

    They stalled the inquest into Daniel’s death and the paternity test for as long as possible, but it was clearly all about to come to a head at the end of February. Anna, under enormous strain, did more drugs than ever.

    Anna’s health declined as her drugging increased. Last week, she hit some magic combination of drugs, alcohol, flu virus, stress, fatigue and sadness, and it killed her.

    It’s sad, but not so horribly scandalous.

  6. Gigohead says:

    Howard K Stern is behind all these deaths including Anna, her son and the Marshall son who also died suddenly. I wouldn’t be surprised if she did have a will and all the money went to him. He’s going to walk away like OJ Simpson.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Anyone have any idea of what she is worth??

    Didn’t she get evicted from the house in the Bahamas for not paying rent. Is there much there?

  8. itoluso says:

    Beautiful photos. Anna’s demise is made even more poignant by looking at these photos. They reflect her youth, beauty, vitality, and joy at being herself…ahh, Anna Nicole, you were an American beauty, no matter what anyone else says. A shameless hussy, but an American beauty nevertheless. The woman in these photos would do the Viennese Opera proud.

    Paris, you are such a wussy flop.

  9. Polonia says:

    “Anna Nicole Smith was America’s Princess Di”

    I think I am going to be sick … !

    Please don’t ever say that again.

  10. Toubrouk says:

    Great article CB! This is the reason why I spend so much time on this very site! 😀

    Please, let’s not compare Lady Di with Anna Nicole Smith. If Lady Di is the symbol of everything that goes wrong in the Brittish Monarchy, I have yet to hear that she had led the same live than Anna Nicole.

    If Anna Nicole Smith need to be a symbol, she must be the symbol of everything that goes wrong in America today: Drugs, Irresponsibility, carelesness and a crooked attitude towards wealth and fame.

    Yes, Anna Nicole is a “Lady” but she’s a Lady of the american “Sleaze-Nation” and nothing more. I just wish that she found a way to make peace with her inner demons now…

  11. ER says:

    Right after losing weight and crediting TrimSpa someone asked her if she was ‘as thin’ as in her Guess Jeans modeling days and she said, “I’m thinner.” After looking at these photos, she was right. She looked good in the pics, but was definitely thinner after her TrimSpa stint!

  12. Action says:

    I agree that Diana and Anna Nicole are NOTHING alike. And to say that she’s the American’s Lady Di, what the heck does that say about America? Besides having some fame, she really was just some screwed up junkie laying every guy out there who possibly wanted her. It’s sad and pathetic, and definitely NOT a lady.

  13. Whatever says:

    i don’t like the Larry guy, even the Stern guy doesn’t seem very good neither but at least he had been by her side all these years

    i just got a sense the Larry guy is only interested in Anna’s money w/o paying much effort in Anna’s tough life.

    No one really deserves what Anna had left if there is any… the only poor one is her little girl…

  14. toby says:

    Please add this pertinent detail to the Anna Death Roundup: Anna is NOT Marilyn Monroe. She IS Jayne Mansfield:


  15. jEN says:

    I agree with JoGirl’s theory. It’s all so sad not matter how trashy she was. The guilt and stress must’ve been killing her, as well as the drug use. These Guess pics are amazing – she had a lot of potential back then.

  16. Other Karen says:

    Until she passed away, I didn’t realize how pretty she could be, back in the day. That old Playboy cover and these Guess photos are extremely pretty and very Marilyn.

    CB, thanks for diligently pulling everything together for us!

  17. frewtloop says:

    I hope to God that the poor excuse for a mother doesn’t get custody of that baby. She already fucked up at least one little girl’s upbringing.

    Anna was beautiful – its a shame she just couldn’t make that work for her without all the tacky bullshit.

  18. Miss Mya says:

    Princess Di did a lot for others – what did Anna do for anyone apart from herslef! Sorry! I really loved Anna but Di was an Angel from Heaven.
    Dont compare her to Di – Marilyn maybe but so far from a real Princess.

  19. iheart lasagne says:

    Didn’t ANS have some chronic lung problems after she gave birth? I seem to remember her having a collapsed lung or something (a common concern if you’re bedridden for a while, I think), which may explain why she had a nurse. Has anyone else heard this?

  20. K says:

    “Anna Nicole Smith was America’s Princess Di” God I hope people dont think that!! What does that say about the U.S…. We are screwed if thats what people think.