Cele|bitchy | Angie Harmon says Rizzoli will never make out with Isles, creepers

Angie Harmon says Rizzoli will never make out with Isles, creepers

Angie Harmon

Angie Harmon covers the September issue of More magazine, to promote the fourth season of the TNT show that God delivered to her doorstep, “Rizzoli & Isles.” I don’t know too much about Angie beside the fact that she seems kind of like a whackjob. Honestly, I’m not saying that because of her outspoken political stances. I’m one of those annoying people who doesn’t hold very strong political opinions and claims to have good friends from both parties.

Rather, I feel like Angie seems kind of delusional about her own life. She works 90 hours per week in Los Angeles while whining about missing her family. Angie’s three daughters and husband Jason Sehorn, an ex-NFL player, stay behind in North Carolina while Angie is filming her amazing, world-altering show for months at a time. But who knows? She and Jason have been married for 12 years now, so maybe distance is good for them. At the moment though, Angie seems preoccupied with the fact that her show’s male fans want Rizzoli to hook up with Isles. Oh boy:

Angie Harmon

Rizzoli will not make out with Isles: “It was like, ‘We’re not going to watch your show because you won’t write them making out.’ Whether we’re gay or straight, it doesn’t matter. We’re all women. We all have the same wonderful situations happen to us, the same horrific situations. We all get our hearts broken.”

On turning 40: Harmon, now 41, dished that passing 40 changed her perspective. She described it as “not a midlife crisis, but a midlife wakeup. I’m halfway done. I still have some good years. But I see the clock ticking where I didn’t see it before.”

On her marriage: “I’ve learned to stop and remind myself to look around and notice who I’m with. Then I take that moment to really record what is going on and to make it a great memory — because it is all so fleeting.”

[From More]

Is it just me, or is Angie dancing around the whole issue of chicks making out? She may or not be uncomfortable with the idea of a lesbian scene, but she really skirts the subject by trying to turn it into a “we’re all women” discussion, and I’m not quite sure where she’s coming from. It’s just a matter of some annoying fans wanting the two main characters of a series to hook up — like Mulder and Scully — and Angie probably just ought to laugh it off. Instead, she comes off sounding pretty uptight about it all.

Angie Harmon

Angie Harmon

Photos courtesy of More

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26 Responses to “Angie Harmon says Rizzoli will never make out with Isles, creepers”

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  1. Pastyousayyouneverknew says:

    I’ve said since the beginning that the two of them being more than friends would be hawt, I don’t care, I still want it to happen.

  2. hadleyb says:

    Did I miss something in the books? Why would they make out? I don’t remember reading anything like that.

    Granted it was a long time ago I read them ..

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I thought they just had a strong friendship. I think it’s nice to see that portrayed. I haven’t watched the show for a while, but I never saw anything but friends there. Am I naive, or did they change the tone of the show?
      Before anyone gets offended, I don’t care if they are attracted to one another, I’m just confused as to where it came from.

      • SLM says:

        It feels like it is getting so that any TV show with attractive women on it has to have some girl-on-girl action. And in a lot of cases, it’s seeming really random and out of character with the story/series. I’m not against it when it’s part of the character but forcing the character into for a ratings grab (which is what this would be) is lame. I wish she had said that. No offense to anyone on the sexuality spectrum that explores that side or resides there, but not all women do.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        @SLM, that’s interesting. I remember when the character Selena was fired on Law &Order, she asked her boss if it was because she was a lesbian when there had been no reference to it before, and it seemed forced and odd. I agree it’s lame to just throw it in regardless of the character just for ratings.

    • Nancito says:

      In the books Rizzoli is married to an FBI agent and has a baby girl. Isles is having an affair with a Catholic priest. So, yeah, they could still make out.

  3. Tanguerita says:

    what a horrible photoshoot.

  4. Dawn says:

    I don’t want them to be anything more than a strong female friendship and there is nothing wrong with that in my mind. She has always been a little wack-a-doodle about her strong beliefs and I think she looks great at 41 and having 3 kids. I don’t find her intriguing nor do I find her offensive. She is just an okay actress on a cable show. I don’t believe she is trying to be anything more than that!

    • carol says:

      shes does look great for 41 – I have some serious eyebrow envy also

      • Anna says:

        She looks great for ANYTHING. Loved her for ages, despite her politics. She’s my favorite Law & Order DA.

      • Marjalane says:

        She does look great! I think it’s obnoxious that there’s even a question as to her being “uptight” about kissing scenes; it’s stuff like that that start homophobic rumors about people. You can’t say anything anymore without someone picking it apart.

  5. Lee says:

    Just wanted to point out that I don’t think it is exclusively (or even primarily) the male fans who want to see a Rizzoli and Isles hookup. I’ve never watched the show, but I do know they have a HUGE lesbian/bi girl following.

    I didn’t even realize it was based on a book (series?) but the way I understand it is that the actresses just seem to have a lot of chemistry.

  6. lucy2 says:

    I watched the first season but didn’t care for it enough to keep going.
    She’s very pretty, but I’ve always found her kind of abrasive.

  7. CeltLady says:

    There is a cult following for R&I. There are drinking games that take place during the show, and for each touch or supposed longing glance between the two characters, participants have to down a shot. Not sure how it all started, but the ‘waiting for them to kiss’ thing has taken on a life of its own. Sasha Alexander (Dr. Isles) was interviewed and explained the drinking game, and she seemed amused by it all.

    • Lisa says:

      This is what happened in the last season of The X Files. Reyes and Scully shippers were in full force.

  8. truthful says:

    I think she is very pretty, but I have never cared for her crazy.

  9. doofus says:

    that show was good the first time I saw it.

    when it was called “Bones”.

  10. dada says:

    look everybody is NOT into that…and I don’t blame her…I wouldn’t do it either I was her…c’mon already

  11. Kim1 says:

    RIP Lee Thompson Young aka Det Barry Frost

  12. St says:

    Wait, what? I always thought it was this actress from Rizzoli & Isles that is married to Richard Gere.

  13. SE says:

    As briefly mentioned above in comments, actor Lee Thompson Young, who played Detective Barry Frost on R&I, was found dead today of an apparent suicide. So sad – the guy was really talented and only 29.

  14. Str8Shooter says:

    Sorry, pretty or not, she’s a bitch. She should spend less time spouting off her conservative political crap (take note, Matt Damon, et. al) and more time acting.

  15. Moi says:

    Watch the show one time…actually could not even make it through an entire episode. The acting was abysmal. Turned it off when Isles’ biological mother, played by Sharon Lawrence, and Isles were discussing her growing up and a charcoal drawing on the wall that was of her and her mother. Started laughing my arse off and changed the channel. I don’t care what Rizzoli and Isles do, as long as I don’t have to watch it.