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13 Responses to “Best Dressed at the Oscars”

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  1. Timperament says:

    All good choices…I feel Blanchett may have been pipped for best dressed by Gwyneth though.

  2. FF says:

    I have to hand it to Kate Winslet, she’s been getting it right on the Academy Award carpet for a while now.

    Proving you don’t have to be stick thin to win on the red carpet. A dress that works for your shape flatters irrelevant of size.

    Is she still suing Grazia Magazine?

  3. Girlygrrl says:

    Cate Blanchett, Rachel Weisz and Kate Winslett are just so incredibly beautiful…they set the bar high last night for the American girls.

  4. Angelika says:

    To me, Reese was certainly the lady of the night – what a beautiful dress, lovely hairdo and simple makeup! Absolutely perfect!

    I loved Gwyneth’s look, too, though I had to get used to that dress and its uncommon colour though..

    I wasn’t too impressed by this year’s Oscar fashion, but Reese by far makes up for it, as well as Naomi Watts who’s glowing with her little baby bump =)

  5. rose no thorns says:

    Totally agree with the pics for Best Dressed. I would like to include Gwyneth thought, generally I’m not a fan of hers but I totally loved her look. Loved, loved love her hair make-up and the way she looked in her apricot? coloured gown. If I were to pick one winner though it would have to be Rachel Weisz with Cate a close second. Quite simply, they looked Fab!

  6. julie says:

    maybe it’s just my computer monitor, but man oh man, I hate that sea green colour.

  7. Cmora says:

    I agree with the others BUT Cate Blanchet facial expression portrays her as smelling something nasty. Her dress looked like she borrowed the material from Michelin Tires.


  8. m.a. says:

    Eh, what was UP with the dresses this year? These are definitely the best that I’ve seen from last night, but they aren’t that great, in my opinion. I mean, Kate Winslet looks probably the best, but it’s a little plain, looks kind of like a sheet off of my bed. Rachel W. looks pretty hot, until you get to below her knees. I don’t like all of the crap hanging out of her gown. Looks like she got caught up in a fishing net with fishing supplies stuck in it. 🙂 Reese looks great, too, I just don’t like the top half of her gown much. The bottom is pretty with the different shades and layers, but the top is too tight or something. It almost seems like 2 different dresses, to me. And I just don’t really like Cate’s dress much. Like someone else said looks like she’s wearing rubber or something. I don’t like that it reflects off of every bump and dimple on her body(a body which IS hot, of course, but the dress isn’t flattering, in my opinion). Anyway, this post is long, but I just had to force my Oscar fashion opinion onto you all. Thanks for giving me a place to do that, Celebitchy! 🙂

  9. KIM says:

    I wasn’t too impressed with any of these ladies- I thought Nicole Kidman was best dressed with her long red skinny dress- although the loop at the top by her head was a little too much. I thought Cate Blanchett’s gown looked like something from the Bob Mackie Barbie Doll collectors series- too Vegas-meets-mother-of-the-bride.

  10. Iva says:

    I was very disappointed in the dresses and make up last night. Especially the hair – I’m sorry but I think Kate Winslet looks horrible. I know a lot of people liked Maggie G., but I personally hated the dress and for goodness sake – feathers in her head! I also thought her lipstick was way too red for being so pale looking. Urrrggg.

    Reese Witherspoon surprised me – by far the best dessed there.

    Portia looked stunning as well and Helen Mirren looked incredible.

    I think this is the first time where the men looked better then the women.

  11. MaiGirl says:

    Wow, did I miss something? Where’s Helen Mirren? Stunning dress, and what a hottie! I agree with the others, though.

    I love the cut of Kate Winslet’s dress, but not the color. I think it sort of washes her out. If it were a darker green, it would be gorgeous. And I second the Gwynneth nod. Normally, I find her fashion sense overrated, but I loved her dress. And Cate Blanchett’s dress was lovely, but she needs to eat a sammich, unless her head is growing independently. I thought that Nicole Kidman, as much as I love her acting, looked like a botoxorexic Stepford Wife being eaten by a Christmas bow.

  12. frewtloop says:

    I agree that Gweneth and Helen Mirren should be added to this list.

    I think the green of Winslet’s dress is anything but lovely – pukey is a better adjective. And all wrong for her pale skin.

    Botorexic Stepford Wife – LOL pretty good summation Mai. I’m as big a fan of Nicole’s as the next person but she is starting to look artificial and that makes me lose a bit of respect for her. I though she was more earthy and real.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Penelope isn’t here; why? she was the most beautifull¡¡¡¡
    and she isn’t mexican, she is from Spain¡¡¡