Cele|bitchy | Lady Gaga: ‘I’m always going to be interested in the avant-garde & the grotesque’

Lady Gaga: ‘I’m always going to be interested in the avant-garde & the grotesque’

Here are some photos of Lady Gaga wearing my favorite wig yesterday in NYC. Seriously, this wig is her best one so far. It softens her considerably. No, it’s not avant-garde or high-art or anything, but it’s flattering. As for her outfit… is this what passes for controversial these days? I expect more from her! This is pretty basic – it’s like an oversized pantsuit with sheer panels and I doubt she’s wearing drawers. Blah.

Anyway, Gaga has been doing promotion on her album all week, doing interviews with radio stations and talking up the album and her performance on this Sunday’s VMAs. Yes, that’s right. THIS Sunday. I had forgotten about it too. Gaga is going to be the opening act again, and I really hope she leaves that dirtbag Jo Calderone at home. He’s an Andrew Dice Clay wannabe. I mean, “homage”. When Gaga was teasing her VMA performance, she told BBC Radio:

“We’re definitely not scaling it back. It’s actually much bigger performance than anything we’ve ever done and it’s much more physically challenging. I’m always going to be as interested in the avant-garde and the grotesque. And I’m always going to be bending pop music in a different way. But this time, I’m able to take off my make-up now and I’m able to work in different kinds of ways and that was really what I wanted to do. I wanted to put myself in an uncomfortable position.”

[Via Big Pond News]

Ah, I get it. Finally. She’s trying to be “grotesque”. Mission accomplished, Gaga. I guess that’s who she is as an artist – she’s a shock artist. Maybe she thinks of herself as the equivalent of Tracy Emin, maybe? Except no.

Also, I’m really tired of everyone trying to make a Katy Perry-Gaga catfight happen. It’s insulting, and I’m not even saying that as a fan of either woman. I think Gaga and Katy probably have a healthy sense of competition, but stop trying to make it into “OMG, they hate each other!” They don’t hate each other. Katy would have no reason to hate Gaga – Katy “won” the week as far as sales go – “Roar” sold 557,000 copies and “Applause” only sold 218,000 copies. And MTV is even seating them side-by-side at the VMAs too. Which will only be bad if Gaga’s costume is really crazy, and then Katy will have to sit beside, I don’t know, a dress made out of bees or something.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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49 Responses to “Lady Gaga: ‘I’m always going to be interested in the avant-garde & the grotesque’”

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  1. Eleonor says:

    Is she wearing one of Beyonce wigs?

  2. MonicaQ says:

    “Help, help, I’m covered in bees!”

    Seriously though, I was entertained for almost two hours reading Paws Down Little Monsters/Gaga Cheat yesterday. Gaga no longer confounds me but seriously just makes me laugh at this point. Everything from trying to get people to cheat to buy her single on iTunes to tweeting how to play the video in loop so she gets more youtube views is killer.

  3. Andrew says:

    I like her brown wigs, and I surprisingly kinda liked her video. I have to admit that I do think she sounds pretty good when singing live (compared to others), and knows how to entertain, so I’m kind of pumped for Sunday. But yes, I seriously hope she doesn’t try to do her whole male alter ego crap.

  4. Bopit says:

    I actually really like the wig and the soft makeup on her. From the neck up she looks terrific.

  5. Ag says:

    She’s able to take off her makeup? Is that supposed to be an accomplishment. Sit down and be quiet, Gaga.

  6. MeowuiRose says:

    Her face looks so different! How does her boyfriend put up with her!!???!!!

  7. dina says:

    She looks so plasticy and weird.

  8. bns says:

    I love how she’s been dressing with this wig.

  9. Nev says:

    Nah. Seriously BUDGET.

  10. KKKKKKKatydid says:

    She would be more interesting if she kept her mouth shut

  11. Kcaia says:

    I don’t think Gaga will be around long if she doesn’t step up her songs and start cranking more hits. I’ve seen it happen before where everyone thinks they have the next hit pumper but than they never again reach the popularity of their first big hit album. I mean like Ashanti, and everyone calling her the Princess of R&B, and after a few years you hardly even heard her name anymore, or more recently, Kesha. It takes a lot to be a Madonna or Whitney or even Katey Perry, much more than just thinking you’re the greatest.

  12. Adrien says:

    Can’t hate on Gaga when you see her approach her fans and sign autographs. Very sweet for a popstar her caliber. Her bodyguard looked menacingly hot.

  13. Laura says:


  14. TheOriginalKitten says:

    Something nice: her boyfriend is the hottest piece of ass I’ve seen in a while.

  15. wonderwoman21 says:

    She really thinks too much of herself. I heard the beginning of applause (can’t get through the whole thing) and there is nothing interesting, unique, memorable, or genius about it. It couldn’t even be categorized as ‘good’.

  16. diva says:

    That wig looks cheap and dry as hell. I swear the people who have access and money for the best wigs and extensions always have the worst looking ones.

  17. blue marie says:

    Are those pants made of bubble wrap?!? It’s either bubble wrap or a shower curtain..

  18. neelyo says:

    She pretends to be an outsider and all about the art, but in reality she’s a product and ‘avant-garde’ and ‘grotesque’ are just marketing buzz words.

    Robyn, Roisin Murphy, Dragonette, Janelle Monae, Annie and Little Boots are all so much better than Gaga. And their innovation goes beyond using umlauts in song titles.

    • Louminary says:

      Don’t forget Imogen Heap! One of the best live shows, now there is a talented musician!

  19. TheOneAndOnlyOnly says:

    I agree neelyo; that’s why she uses those buzzwords – cover up the fact that she’s a corporate label creation, and no one calls her out –
    As if she knows anything about actual, say, european (to use one example) avant-garde movements.
    Really, she’s knowledgeable about the Symbolist movement or the Pre-Raphealites. Please, she’s a dumb, rich girl that got lucky.

  20. some bitch says:

    GET YOUR PANTS HEMMED GAG-GAG. Accept you aren’t 5’9″ and hire a tailor. Ugh.

  21. vketjo says:

    Well she got the “grotesque” part down pat ! Which she is really is….
    gro·tesque [groh-tesk] Show IPA
    odd or unnatural in shape, appearance, or character; fantastically ugly or absurd; bizarre.
    fantastic in the shaping and combination of forms, as in decorative work combining incongruous human and animal figures with scrolls, foliage, etc.
    any grotesque object, design, person, or thing.

    1. distorted, deformed, weird, antic, wild. See fantastic.

    Yep ! she is and not in a nice way……..

  22. Dommy Dearest says:

    She still looks like a goat.

  23. Emily C. says:

    How is basing your career on ripping off other artists “avant-garde”?

    She’s about as avant-garde as Cassandra Claire.

  24. Nanea says:

    Avant-garde? Who, Gaga?

    While wearing a nose-ring that just screams last decade’s fashion?

    How seriously grotesque!

  25. henderswife says:

    I think she looks the best she has ever looked before! Although, she annoys me at times I’m happy for her getting back into shape and feeling good about her looks. Now stop being so try-hard to be weird! It’s getting old.

  26. Jay says:

    Can you imagine if she and James Franco got together? The pretention would be so strong it would collapse upon itself and form a black hole of ego from which nothing could escape.

  27. Janey says:

    Lady gaga’s address was just revealed! There’s a huge crowd gathering outside her apartment. Poor girl, looks like its time to mo e again. Anyone thinks this reeks of perez hilton? He was the only one to feud with her lately.

  28. Janey says:

    *time to move again

  29. rlh says:

    What happened to that hot, mini-Jason Statham-esque body guard of hers? Remember he used to help her walk in her stilt shoes? He was the best part of her pictures!

  30. Jay Elle says:

    LOL a dress made out of bees!