Cele|bitchy | Tom Hiddleston tried to teach Cookie Monster about ‘delayed gratification’

Tom Hiddleston tried to teach Cookie Monster about ‘delayed gratification’

Aren’t you some lucky Hiddlestoners! Two Tom Hiddleston posts in one day. Lucky dragonflies. As we already saw last month, Tom Hiddleston got to meet and hang out with Cookie Monster during the PBS preview/upfronts for the fall season. Tom was at the PBS event to promote PBS’s airing of The Hollow Crown. But he seemed excited to hang out with Cookie Monster, and in a wonderful turn of events, whoever operates PBS’s Instagram account is a full-fledged Hiddles-loonie, so there are some amazing Hiddleston photos posted on the account.

The Instagram pics were all a preview of Hiddleston teaching Cookie Monster a very important lesson about waiting and delayed gratification. Is “delayed gratification” a lesson children need to learn? It seems like a complicated lesson for kids, although I guess if you’re just trying to teach kids “waiting” it seems okay. So, when Hiddles met Cookie Monster, Tom made him wait for a cookie and the rest is history. Just FYI: I love this video. I love how Tom is cracking up at Cookie Monster.

Photos courtesy of PBS’s Instagram.

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71 Responses to “Tom Hiddleston tried to teach Cookie Monster about ‘delayed gratification’”

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  1. TheyPromisedMeBeer says:

    “Delayed gratification”? Is Mrs. Eyre getting a teacher’s credit here?

    • Tulip says:

      Ha, ha! I can’t wait until she shows up to reply!

      That was a super cute clip.

    • T.fanty says:

      Screw her. Nobody puts TommyAnne in the corner.

      (Especially not for a man who wears flip flops to Claridges)

      • j.eyre says:

        You Georgian Placket-Lace! How dare you! Screw me? We tried that once, remember? Your GP said we had to wait until your tremors cease completely.

        And he HAD to wear those gawd-forsaken rubberized postage stamps walking out; I had cast his real shoes aside with such force we couldn’t dislodge them from the wall.

      • T.fanty says:

        Here’s a Naomi tip for you: when Tommyanne is delaying his gratification in the corner, it is reckless, nay, downright irresponsible to waste precious time untying laced. Don’t let the fizzy Hiddles bubble over.

      • j.eyre says:

        Naomi’s tip would have shot that cookie out of his hand and secured it against the wall. You know she always has a bow and quiver on hand.

        Why would I untie laces? That’s what he has teeth for (and, apparently, to enjoy a cookie or two)

      • T.Fanty says:

        I once bartended at a bachelor party where the “entertainment” did that – but not with cookies. It was a mess.

    • Tulip says:



    • j.eyre says:

      Sorry, ProBeer – I would have responded sooner but I got delayed by certain ungrateful, two-cent, tassel-wearing tramp. The only thing gratifying about that experience is how much she is enjoying the Nicholas Sparks books I gave her to read.

      Yes, I earned my Professor Emerita on this particular lesson and I am so proud of how well TommyAnna was able to repeat what he learned (considering he was walking the line of consciousness through most of it – bless him)

      By the way – I’ve missed you, darling. Shall we have a hay-stuffed shindig soon to celebrate?

      • T.Fanty says:

        The tramp part offends me MUCH less than the implication that I would ever read a Nicholas Sparks book.

        *slaps Miss Jane, Alexis Carrington Colby style*

        *and maybe wrestles her into a fountain or something*

      • Marty says:

        I agree with you about the Sparks comment T.Fanty. Them be fighting words!

      • j.eyre says:

        Good, then I scored my mark.

        You hit me where I hurt, I hit you where you hurt.

        (well of course the tramp mark wouldn’t bother you – you have been working on that title for years)

        *gasp* You question whether to wrestle me into a fountain? Why the hell do you think I insulted you in the first place? I had the sluice filled with whipped cream for that very reaction.

      • Miss M says:

        *Hides one more Nicholas Spark book in T.Fanty’s shelf and walks away slowly*

        *whistles in glory: Don’t stop me now, I’m having such a good time…*

      • TheyPromisedMeBeer says:

        I spend six hours at work, and I come back to this … amazingness. Perfection. All of you! Scones, biscuits, cookies, and booze for everyone!

        I miss you too, Mrs. Eyre! I miss all of you! I feel like this is going to be the story of my life for the rest of this semester, so yes, let’s have the hay-stuffed shindig while I’ve got the time!

  2. Sarah says:

    That gave me a smile today 🙂

  3. T.fanty says:

    *claps hands in glee*

    Kaiser rules!

    You know, in England, we would call what Tom is munching on a biscuit. #justsayin

  4. L says:

    It’s more of a lesson in self control/waiting/being patient methinks.

    It’s adorable. But anyone with cookie monster would be adorable.

    • Trek Girl says:

      That’s what ‘delayed gratification’ is. They are teaching a specific kind of self control and patience, hence the specific term.

  5. MissMary says:

    Somehow, I think the “delayed gratification” most parents are thinking of, seeing Tom, is entirely different than the one they want to teach their kids about.

  6. Lipsy says:

    Why ‘delayed gratification’? Shouldn’t it be more about ‘self control’, based on that clip?

    I lost count of how many times I saw that video last night on Buzzfeed. Oh well I guess I have to watch it AGAIN since it’s on this site now…

    • Lucrezia says:

      Delayed gratification is a psych phrase, from the Stanford marshmallow experiment. It means self control, patience, waiting for a reward. Pretty much exactly what is in the video.

      You’re not the only one questioning the term, so I’m wondering what everyone else thought it meant?

      • Trek Girl says:

        Yeah, I’m rather shocked that there is confusion about what “delayed gratification” is. I thought it was a pretty easy term to understand.

      • Sugarskulls says:

        Oddly- my brother and I were part of those Stanford experiments. They still track him and I was tested as a sibling for comparison. Apparently the ability to delay gratification is an indicator for how well you do later in life – and you know what – they were spot on for us as we tested differently, and, um, well, as the one who was able to delay, not to slight my brother who couldn’t, But i definitely am more successful that he is. By the way, he is in his late forties and Stanford still call him every five years.

      • Lucrezia says:

        @ Sugarskulls: whoa really? I have an urge to fangirl at you now. You’re famous! (I live in the middle of nowhere … you’ll have to do as my “celebrity encounter” until some Z-lister gets lost and ends up in my town.)

        Was the marshmallow actually any good, or was it of the disappointing, smells-better-than-it-tastes variety? 😛

      • Sugarskulls says:

        No actual marshmallow for me, mine was an Oreo cookie!

    • Trek Girl says:

      Delaying gratification is a form of self control, and they are talking about that form specifically, so “delayed gratification” is correct.

      • Browniecakes says:

        Delayed gratification = waiting for Thor The Dark World and Only Lovers Left Alive, waiting for Tom’s next red carpet, waiting for Kaiser’s next post about TH. With DataLounge and Tumblr, I really am trying cut down to less than once a day.

      • Lucrezia says:

        I’m with Carrie Fisher: Instant gratification takes too long.

      • MissThing says:

        Actually waiting for Tom’s next Red Carpet isn’t really delayed gratification. He goes to ALL of them.

        Sheesh. Delayed Gratification… my ass.

  7. Vesta says:

    I’m totally sold with this 🙂

    And yes, I admit that suddenly I got this slightly perverted feeling that I wouldn’t tease Tom with my very own cookie in this way…

  8. Feebee says:

    Tom… delayed gratification… cookie… even better – biscuit… lovely post Kaiser but for this one I’ll think I’ll be back for the comments. 🙂

  9. insomniac says:

    Two thoughts:

    1. That video is adorable;

    2. That man has the longest fingers I’ve ever seen.

  10. Lindy79 says:

    I cannot fault him for this. Its adorable and made me smile so much.
    His Muppet love is charming.

  11. Trek Girl says:

    This is a great lesson for children to learn. I wish more people learned it when they were young.

  12. Harriet says:

    I. Am. Dying. Of. Cuteness. Overload. I want to hug them both!

  13. flower says:

    Leave it to him to turn an episode with a puppet and a cookie into something perverted. Lol. Never change you horny man.

  14. Londongal says:

    Tom likes to munch biscuits. Tom likes to tease himself with the biscuit and then eat the biscuit. *sound of ovaries exploding*

  15. Side-Eye says:

    I saw all this on tumblr months ago…

  16. davidbowie says:

    That is ADORABLE.

  17. Browniecakes says:

    When I first saw it I thought it was fan made. Me want Tom’s cookie too. TomNomNom. Hey don’t mess up the blue suit, we need that.

  18. lenje says:

    I usually don’t care about Tom Hiddlestone, but Cookie Monster… WAAAA!!!!! Love me some Cookie Monster!

  19. Portia says:

    Do you have a lot of experience with delayed gratification, Tom? I doubt he delays any of his gratification. But the whole clip is really, really cute! I love how he’s a jerk to Cookie Monster and taunting him with the “here, smell, smell” while telling him to practice self-control.

    Cookie Monster is so damn adorable at the end when he goes, do you need to ask. I had to rewind and watch those last seconds a few times.

  20. alex says:

    I love the part of the video where Cookie Monster starts finally eating, part of one cookie flies up and hits Tom in the face hahah

    Oh Tom….I’ll have your cookies any day… if you know what I mean 😉

  21. Green Is Good says:


  22. Mary-Rose says:

    TommyAnne needs to learn self gratification himself before he teaches anybody else. If What DL is going by (and only them) , he’d had fifty shades of Grey in the bag the way he’s going ! Haha

  23. Veeeeery Veerytas says:

    Screw self-control. Me want cookie, too!

  24. Mary-Rose says:

    I love his new suit at the OLLA premier. That suit on him makes me want to share cookies with him….

    • MissThing says:

      Heh tell me he doesn’t read his fans sites. He fixed his hair color literally overnight hahahhahaha!

      But yes that suit is nicer than what he wore last night.

  25. Dante says:

    Omg please stop covering this guy every day. I have seen one (1) movie he was in and he wasnt even the lead or that amazing. The way he is being covered on this site you should think he is the hottest new actor for generations. And he doesnt even have much of a body of work to speak of. The whole thing is so over the top. How about some love for some actors who are actually working consistently and not just doing publicity stunts and interviews for their lame tumblr fangirls.

  26. MickeyM says:


  27. Deanna says:

    nom nom nom nom nom nom nom…. hilarious