Chloe Sevigny brings everyday fug to new levels

Chloe Sevigny isn’t known for much more than dressing fug and blowing Vincent Gallo in borefest The Brown Bunny, but now that I read her Wikipedia entry I should have remembered her from Boys Don’t Cry. She’s also in that great HBO series Big Love about a businessman polygamists family in Utah. It also stars Bill Paxton and Jeanne Tripplehorn. I’ve only seen a few episodes but I am likely to buy it on DVD.

Sevigny usually brings fug to new heights, but she just hasn’t been on the radar lately. There’s a whole section of Go Fug Yourself dedicated to her, although I think the fug chicks got tired of her as they haven’t covered her in a year. Either that or she just doesn’t get out as much or garner as much interest as she used to. She really seems incapable of putting a decent outfit together. Even basic outfits like sweats or jean shorts and a t-shirt are too much for her to handle.

Thanks to Oh No They Didn’t for these pictures.

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16 Responses to “Chloe Sevigny brings everyday fug to new levels”

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  1. FArrah says:

    she is sexy

  2. Action says:

    If the shirt were a bit longer, it wouldn’t be that bad. I’m not saying this is good, but I’ve seen worse.

  3. gg says:

    No, farrah, she is not sexy.

  4. KIM says:

    She looks like she is pregnant or maybe it’s just an odd angle to be photgraphed at.

  5. Zhudokhchichtskov says:

    I kind of like her with more “meat” on her bones.

  6. m.a. says:

    I kinda feel bad for celebs who are photographed while eating. I mean, WHO really looks good when they are eating? Not me, at least not if I’m ACTUALLY trying to eat, and not pose, ya know? 🙂 Just sayin’…

  7. Fabiola Thing says:

    If I didn’t know for a fact she’s had her tubes tied, I’d say she was pregnant.

  8. SillyWilly says:

    Yeah, she DOES look pregnant! I thought she was showing off her bump!

  9. HocusPocus says:

    She had her tubes tied? She seems young to have had that done. Do you know if there was a medical reason behind it?

  10. FF says:

    That’s pretty nast.

  11. scrambled eggs says:

    that doesnt seem so bad…its just her shirt creeping up and baring her tummy which looks fine to me. she just needs a longer tshirt, thats all. i see her name floating around, but cant figure out why she is famous at all.

  12. frewtloop says:

    I actually think this is one of her better ensembles and at least she doesn’t have the dreaded muffin top. But really, only if you have a body like Giselle Bunchkin should you wear skinny jeans.

  13. FArrah says:

    She is so sexy that I would become her lesbian slave for her only.

  14. Bex says:


  15. Soraya says:

    I liked the movie. ^^

  16. snappyfish says:

    the shoes are cute