Cele|bitchy | Naomi Campbell makes it through first day cleaning; freak out to come

Naomi Campbell makes it through first day cleaning; freak out to come

Supermodel Naomi Campbell’s first day of community service passed without incident. Campbell is serving 5 days on a sanitation crew inside a New York City parking garage as punishment for one of many rage-a-holic incidents she’s had to face charges for. She smashed a blackberry into a maid’s face after accusing her of losing a pair of jeans that was way too small for the woman.

Campbell was seen tottering to work defiantly in overpriced Christian Louboutin red-soled stilletto boots with a pair of more practical beat-up combat boots slung over her shoulder. She posed in her orange sanitation vest, but was denied her request that she be given the clothes to launder ahead of time.

Sanitation bosses have made sure that Campbell is working indoors to avoid the paparazzi and media that surrounded Boy George during his community service.

She will work out the rest of the week with a crew, and was said to have worked hard on her first day and to have chatted with co-workers. She works from 8am to 4pm and gets an hour for lunch and two breaks. She was said to have ordered in lunch on her first day. Campbell is forbidden from using a cell phone as per judge’s orders and cannot smoke on the job.

A regular worker at the facility where Campbell is performing her community service said that any monkey business would be met with swift retaliation:

“She’s not going to throw her cell phone at any of the girls in here — they’ll tear her to pieces,” one Sanitation employee told TMZ at the end of the workday.

To Campbell’s credit, she didn’t get into any scrapes with her teammates, at least today, and a Sanitation Dept. rep said that she’s “not talking back” and she spent Monday cleaning offices and sweeping floors within the garage, working and “chit-chatting” with her co-workers. One thing Naomi won’t be forced to clean: toilets.

Campbell’s sentence is seen as shaming justice for the abusive supermodel and much more damaging than an easily-paid fine.

I really hope she freaks out on the job this week and has to go to jail. She’s had too many breaks for the way she’s treated people and needs a dose of real humility. It surprises me that she was able to get through the day at work yesterday.

Pictures from The Sun and The Daily Mail.

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2 Responses to “Naomi Campbell makes it through first day cleaning; freak out to come”

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  1. frewtloop says:

    Is it wrong of me to really want this bitch to go down in a baaaad way? She needs a lesson in humility and I doubt a little bit of community service is going to do the trick.

    Bitchin’ black coat and hat though, damn her.

  2. pffffffffffttttt says:

    naomi campbell should have to come clean my bathroom floors with her wig.

    what they should do is make her wear the glowing orange vest, and a big blue trucker cap with the letter L on the front. who cares about the shoes..my bathroom floors deserve to be cleaned with 1200 dollar shoes.
    i say , make this into another reality show Survivor: Filthy Toilet, NYC.
    only give her a sample size bottle of purell and a bar of soap. and NO other cleaning tools. let her use her fingernails. on her last day of dukie duty, bring in the karma chamelion and george michaels and do a bathroom themed musical right there in the streets. wow, this makes my heart aflutter with excitement. im so excited i could fart.