W Magazine releases their annual ‘Movie Issue’: who has the best cover?


W Magazine’s annual “Movie Issue” was just released. And by that I mean, W Mag just did a massive slideshow dump on all of us. The photo spread was done by photographer Juergen Teller, who… I don’t know, you guys. I appreciate the fact that Teller makes celebrities look like normal people, but sometimes Teller’s photography is TOO budget, too normal. Some of these photos look like he took them on a disposable camera.

You can see the full W Magazine slideshow here. I’m including all the covers, which include: Jennifer Lawrence, Oprah Winfrey, Lupita Nyong’o, Matthew McConaughey, Cate Blanchett, Amy Adams. I’m also including some of the other photos from “actors who killed it” in 2013, including pics of Chris Hemsworth, Jared Leto, Michael Shannon, Idris Elba, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Emma Thompson and Jennifer Lawrence. There are many more photographs that I didn’t include, which you can see at W’s slideshow. The slideshow includes Olivia Wilde, Amanda Seyfried and James Franco, which I think means that we can disregard at least some of W Magazine’s assessments.

My favorites? Lupita’s photos are some of the prettiest, but that’s due to the subject, not the photographer’s skills. She just doesn’t take a bad photo, ever. I’m so looking forward to her awards show style!!! Jennifer Lawrence is overhyped these days, so I just rolled my eyes a little bit at her inclusion. I feel like all of the ink being used on J-Law would be better spent on Chiwetel Ejiofor. Idris looks HOT. I don’t know why they made Amy Adams look like such a drowned rat. Ugh.

w hesworth

w idris

w jared

w oprah





Photos courtesy of Jueren Teller/W Magazine.

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96 Responses to “W Magazine releases their annual ‘Movie Issue’: who has the best cover?”

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  1. Lindy79 says:

    Some of them are…odd

    Emma Thompson looks smoking!

  2. Moiselle says:

    Lupita is just lovely. LOVELY! But Matthew M? That is the best.

    • AG-UK says:

      Yes to my fellow Texan he is hot in that suit I don’t think many men can pull that off. But I love love Jared… he is so beautiful that photo doesn’t do him justice plus he was fantastic in the film.

  3. magpie says:

    Lupita’s is the best. Amy’s cover is the worst!!! Whyyy???
    The rest are meh.

    • Liberty says:

      Lupita for the win!

    • atrain says:

      I feel bad for Amy – she looks terrible. Like she just got out of the shower, threw a dress on, and went running, Poor thing. Oprah doesn’t look so good, either.
      I had forgotten what a hottie Matthew M is, so I was glad for the reminder here.

  4. Ice Maiden says:

    The first one of Lupita is lovely. So fresh, so carefree. The others are meh at best. I hat to say it, but Cate looks scary in her pic. And not in a good way.

    • Stormsmama says:

      Cate’s pic is SOOOO BAD. Yes Amy’s is bad but Cates makes her look ugly and old—NOT A GOOD LOOK on ANY actress

    • glaugh says:

      Cate’s is HORRIBLE. wtf were they thinking choosing this photo? she is way more beautiful than this…

  5. Nev says:


  6. itstrue says:

    It looks like I took these pictures. I think I missed my calling. I guess I should run off to Hollywood with my Canon Powershot and make a zillion dollars.

    • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

      You’re right! These photos are so basic. I’ve seen my 5 year old take more creative shots on my iPhone.

      Also Michael Shannon is scary!

  7. Marty says:

    I hate to say this, but Cate’s cover is the worst. She looks like a Real House Wife.

    Oh Chris! What a nice surprise this morning!

  8. Kiddo says:

    Not at all impressed with the photography.

  9. Tapioca says:

    Lupita FTW!

    But, oh Lordie, Cate looks like she’s been hit with enough ‘Tox to paralyse a stampeding rhino, Amy does “sexy” about as well as Miley Cyrus and those are not flattering shots of Oprah or J-Law! Why do the guys look so good in comparison?

  10. Sixer says:

    Oh look! That’s Idris, waiting for me.

  11. blue marie says:

    I didn’t think Cate could take a really bad photo but this just proved me wrong. She looks like an 80’s version of a Hollywood housewife..

  12. jinni says:

    Amy Adams looks like she was dumped in a pool in a prom dress. Matthew’s face has never bounced back from that weight loss. Cate looks ghoulish. Chris looks surprisingly tiny in his pic. Lupita is really the nicest. Everyone else is boring.

  13. Talie says:

    Jennifer, Lupita and Oprah look great! I feel for Cate and Amy — not good.

  14. Stubbylove says:

    Cate – hand’s down. Jennifer’s is great too. Oprah’s looks like a pic my 8 yr niece would have taken.

  15. tila says:

    Cate looks like a drag queen on that cover. A fabulous drag queen nonetheless.

  16. T.Fanty says:

    Oh my goodness, those are some terrible photos. It looks like a G-rated Terry Richardson took them.

    That said, I’d hop on the bed with Idris. Although I do now wonder whether he needs a bow tie and a smile to make it worth my time.

  17. Sloane Wyatt says:

    It’s a tie between Lupita Nyong’o and Liam Hemsworth, of all people!

    She, of course, is stunningly beautiful, but Liam looks AMAZING here. (Normally, he looks like an unformed lumpen.)

    *Edit* Ha! It’s Chris! No wonder he looks so good.

    • j.eyre says:

      Well, Chris does tend to make everyone look better, even Budget.

      (I saw some photos of Budget over the holidays and kept saying “ah, Chris doesn’t look as good – have I gone off him?” It works both ways)

    • Leah says:

      I dont understand why Liam is included in this. His attempt at leading man status bombed and he is sort of an after thought in the hunger games movies.

      • Sloane Wyatt says:

        Leah, we’re all talking about how we’ve mistaken the Hemsworth brothers for each other! It’s not Liam in the photos at all; it’s Chris!. I hope this helps your confusion! 🙂

  18. Grant says:

    I don’t think it’s fair to say that JLaw is overhyped when she gives a wonderful performance in American Hustle. I actually think it’s more award-worthy than her winning performance in Silver Linings Playbook. Lupita looks f*cking amazing and I LOVE Cate’s styling in her pic but yeah, the photog sucks.

    • CC says:

      I saw the movie and thought she was so very over the top. And I like the girl, but she always overplays it, and she’s strong when playing angry or crazy, but I never buy her as vulnerable.

    • don't kill me i'm french says:

      i thought JLaw acted a LOUDER Tiffany from SLP with a shitty accent (like Cooper acted a louder Pat of SLP but unlikeable)
      i hated her LIVE&DIE scene but her bedroom scene and how she says “i don’t like to change” were good and she’s too young for her character (it hurts my eyes in all her scenes with Bale)

      do anyone note that JLaw is the one undressed?

      • Leah says:

        I don’t know that she was too young. the part was written for her, she is supposed to be the young trophy bride that was part of the point as i understood it.

    • T.C. says:

      Don’t forget that her movie Catching Fire is about to beat Iron Man 3 as the biggest domestic boxoffice holder for a 2013 release. Pretty impressive for a 23 year old girl. I don ‘t know why her coverage has anything to do with Chiwetel Eijifor. The press can hype up more than one person at the time. She just happens to give funny interviews and he is more serious.

    • Dani2 says:

      I saw it, I was more impressed with Amy’s performance. I love J-Law to death but I really believe that talent-wise, she is more on Emma Stone’s level. They act certain roles really well and in other ones, they just don’t shine nearly as much. I actually prefer her Catching Fire performance to her American Hustle one, she was a heck of a lot more convincing.

    • pwal says:

      Sorry, but her performance wasn’t worthy of the praise she’s getting. If anything, it came across as confused, since JLaw is still young. The Bale character claimed that Rosalind(sp) was an expert on passive aggression, when if fact she just came off as flaky who popped off at the wrong moments. Because of my experience giving and receiving passive aggression, there is a level of intelligence and patience involved in administering it; Rosalind(sp) had neither qualities.

    • angie says:


      I thought she was outstanding in American Hustle, really thought she made the Rosalyn character her own and given her much needed heart and empathy in this movie. JMO.

    • Jules says:

      @Grant: I agree, Jennifer Lawrence is wonderful in American Hustle…and has the reviews to prove it. I love that she’s on one of the covers here (Lawrence and Nyong’o’s are the most beautiful, imho). Considering all that Jennifer Lawrence had accomplished with all the critical praise she has earned….her inclusion makes sense.

    • Sloane Wyatt says:

      OK, I’ve now seen ‘American Hustle’, and it’s exquisite!

      The soundtrack, the pseudo history, the clothes, the HAIR, the shoes, the screen shots composed of painterly juxtapositions, the bitingly witty dialogue, the pin turning plot twists, all of Louis C.K.’s scene stealing performances, the gut clenching suspense, Christian Bale’s jelly belly & masterful comb-over, Amy Adams’ lighter than air yet cynical centrifugal role and her magnificent natural breasts, all the natural breasts for that matter, Jennifer Lawrence’s arrestingly wry comedy chops and her bitter ‘Risky Business’ dance turn to the tune of ‘Live and Let Die’, Jeremy Renner’s pompadour, (Oh and did I mention the HAIR!?), of this movie all combine in an effortlessly sublime soufflé of a movie!

      ‘American Hustle’ is mesmerizing! Run, don’t walk, to immerse yourself into this nearly transcendent experience.

    • glaugh says:

      I was really underwhelmed by American Hustle. It was a let down and totally forgettable, and that includes JLaw’s performance

  19. BooBooLaRue says:

    It’s almost the Terry Richardson school of photography. Basically awful. Except I want to put Idris on my computer wallpaper – is that so wrong?

    • CC says:

      They do have clothes.

      • don't kill me i'm french says:

        but they look trashy

      • Dani2 says:

        Lol how do they look trashy? That word is so overused on this site. The photography is questionable as heck (even though I like some of the photos) but calling it trashy is just odd to me. I don’t get it.

      • don't kill me i'm french says:

        @Dani2: in Terry Richardson’s photography school, all looks trashy!

        when Cate Blanchett looks grotesque in the bad way,there is a problem!
        Juegen Teller is not as sexually agressive as Richardon but there is the side “heroin chic in Hollywood”,”cold grotesque” who doesn’t highlight the photographed persons.It’s just my opinion

  20. Dani2 says:

    Most of them look pretty good. lupita’s, Oprah’s and Jennifer’s are my favourite, but goodness gracious it breaks my heart to say this but Cate doesn’t quite look like Cate in this one. Didn’t think she could take a bad picture 🙁

  21. Ashley says:

    It is refreshing to have someone else cover something with Jennifer Lawrence and for her to be called overhyped,which I also think she is.

  22. kibbles says:

    Most of these photos are awful. The only ones that look good are of Lupita and Jennifer Lawrence and that is in large part due to their youth and attractiveness, so you are right that it is more about the subjects than photography skills. I’m surprised Oprah agreed to take a photograph in what looks like a sleazy motel. It makes sense for someone like Idris, but Oprah?? Amy Adams looks awful. Like she just got out of the shower with wet hair before putting on that dress with absolutely no styling. I can take better photographs!

  23. QQ says:

    What in the overexposed prints hell?! Not even your iphone lets you get away with poor quality looking pics like that anymore!

  24. Hautie says:

    Love Matthew McConaughey in that turquoise suit!

    Oprah looks good in coral too!

    And Jared Leto needs to stop with that hair. Get it cut. Or at least wash it.

  25. mkyarwood says:

    Weird. I pretty much thought ‘instagram’ right away. Lupita’s is good.

  26. j.eyre says:

    I am going a bit against the current here but I like Ms. Blanchett’s cover the best if only because its The Movie Issue and she looks like Norma Desmond, the Early Years. Its fun, its bold and it way over the top – especially for her. I keep expecting her to say “Dah-ling, be a love and put my handbag on a better chair – the naugahyde does nothing for croc.”

    I might list Matthew for the same reason – its Vegas and showman, albeit a little stiff.

    Lupita looks lovely. I hate myself for this but Iris looks really good there. And then there’s the guy in the blue shirt…

  27. Megan says:

    Lupita Nyong’o had the best cover. Honestly I think they didn’t need JLaw, there were actors who did way better and more then her and should have gotten the cover. Same with Oprah.

    • angie says:

      really, like who? * rolls eyes*
      I don’t care that you like some actors better than her and acting is pretty much subjective even though like anything else, it is judged by certain minimum level of standards like critics awards, SAG awards, Golden Globes, Oscars etc
      I mean really I don’t know any other actor than her that had the year she had.
      She won the Oscar at age 23 yrs old, her movie “Catching Fire” will become soon the highest grossing movie of the year domestically beating Iron Man 3 plus Catching Fire is winning the year with a female headlining it, which has not happened in years, this is making history in itself.
      Plus, the girl in her short career has won two of the major critic awards this year following her performance in American Hustle and is still winning some other minor critics awards
      Moreover, she has also got nominations for other televised awards like GG, SAG, Critics choice etc
      I don’t get the argument that another actor should have this cover instead of her because what the girl has achieved at such a young age is impressive enough,she completely deserve the cover. JMO.

      • Megan says:

        Calm down J Law, calm down I don’t need your IMDB page.

        I think they should have put Michael B Jordan. Idris Elba, Bruce Dern, Robert Redford Chiwetel Ejiofor, Forest Whitaker who had hands in everything major this year, Jared Leto, Michael Fassbender to name a few.

        Notice I said ACTOR, all the covers were women except for ONE and frankly last year was the year of great female performances this year its very much the men that are knocking it out of the park big time. Not that women haven’t done amazing but they shouldn’t have gotten all the covers.

  28. Lucy2 says:

    These are pretty bad. Only Lupita’s looks good, and that’s all her, not the photographer.

  29. angie says:

    yo check your fact straight before saying anything, Harvey Weinstein has nothing to do with American Hustle. lol
    American Hustle is distributed by Sony Pictures and interestingly enough, Harvey Weinstein is having a pretty bad year regarding his films. None are really gaining the buzz everyone was expecting regarding best picture race especially since Harvey has Oprah Winfrey, Julia Roberts, Meryl Streep etc on his side.

  30. Megan says:

    Amen where the hell is Michael B Jordan. That was the best performance and frankly film I have seen. His acting was breath taking and that film gave me a physical reaction. They need to re- release to get it back in people’s heads.

    Seriously to amazing not be be up for all these awards, certainly more deserving then American Hustle.

    • Kim1 says:

      Every year a film or performance falls through the cracks.It will take a miracle for him to get an Oscar nom.There is no buzz for the film now.

    • Megan says:

      @Kim1 I know and its a shame because he is probably the best young actor or actress out. I guess he doesn’t do it for Harvey like some of the other young ones. He should have held back releasing this film because it is Oscar worthy.

  31. GlimmerBunny says:

    JLaw’s cover is the best but Lupita looks cute too, love her dress! Finally seeing 12 years a slave tomorrow, so excited.

  32. T.C. says:

    Harvey Weinstein isn ‘t distributing American Hustle, it belongs to Sony pictures. I can’t believe how many people don’t know this. The trailer and movie have the Sony logo. Lupita Ngon’go has done a lot of interviews , been in many magazines and getting nominated for every award. She ‘s not being left behind.

    • Leah says:

      Lupita was on the hollywood reporters round table. She has a pretty high profile for a first movie and not being the lead. I would say her profile in terms of print interviews far surpasses Chiwetel for instance.

    • yummy says:

      and she’s cried in atleast 3 interviews so don’t worry she has her Oscar game ready

  33. Leah says:

    I love Chiwetel to bits. But i don’t see what JLaws press has to do with him. The kind of coverage she gets is of the americas sweetheart variety and i don’t think chiwetel is or want to be in competition with that. Now if you said why isn’t he getting as much press as Hiddleston or Cumby then i would agree. Because he is a serious actor and having a bigger year than Hiddleston for sure and arguably more of a stand out performance than Cumberbatch. But this uneven coverage goes for this site too. There have been interviews with Chiwetel that this site hasn’t covered. There was a brilliant interview with him in the Observer for instance. But every single thing Hiddleston and Cumby does seems to make it into a post. So i say this site can play a positive part in that too.

    • T.C. says:


      Chiwetel doesn’t get even 20% of the coverage and hype Hiddles and Cumby get on Celebitchy but we are going to complain about a 23 year old girl instead of the men closer to his age. This site CHOOSES to cover Lawrence, Hiddles and Cumberbatch because they bring the hits. They can stop covering the hyped actors any time and do more coverage of Chiwetel.

  34. Buffoon says:

    Holy moly does Emma Thompson look fabulous. If she walked into my backyard looking like that I’d think she was the most beautiful woman I ever saw.

  35. frisbeejada says:

    Love Cate but she looks like she’s channeling Dame Edna Everage in these shots, Matthew McC looks like a second hand Car salesman called Nigel – that photographer needs a good talking too – unless it is the repulsive Terry Richardson working incognito – in which case he needs to be maimed…

  36. A. says:

    @Leah and T.C.: Bravo!!.

    It’s worth noting that Jennifer Lawrence has been recieving critical praise since her first film when she was 17 (The Poker House) and has since gone on to achieve continued critical/commercial success.

    To suggest that Jennifer Lawrence doesn’t deserve inclusion is not only ridiculous, it’s downright bizarre.

  37. Kimberly says:

    The photographer is a horrible one IMO but regardless…………….. Lupita is soooo gorgeous and photogenic. I love her skin. It’s so flawless. The camera just loves her. I can’t believe she’s 30!! :O (Well that’s what I read somewhere.)

    I also LOVE Emma Thompson. I wish she had been given a better photo but she still looks decent compared to the others I’ve seen.

    Matthew looks attractive in that blue suit.
    Chris looks more like Liam since he lost all those sexy (Thor) muscles for Rush. 🙁