Cele|bitchy | Is Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas’ marriage in trouble?

Is Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas’ marriage in trouble?

Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones’ six and a half year marriage might be in trouble. There’s a story that they’re fighting over their careers. What’s more is that Catherine was seen holding a co-star’s hand while Michael was quoted joking that he wants to get a film role in which he can kill his wife.

The source is Britian’s Grazia Magazine, though, and they’re notorious for making up shit. At first I read this on Splash News and did some working preparing the post or else I wouldn’t bother to report it. The only paper that I could find that covered the Grazia report was Metro, UK and now they’ve removed their article on it, so take it for what it is.

Here’s Splash’s recap:

Catherine Zeta Jones was spotted eating alone yesterday days after a long term friend of the star spoke out to a UK magazine sparking rumours that the stars eight year [sic – they married in November, 2000] marriage could be trouble. Catherine who is married to Michael Douglas, has reportedly experienced more downs in her marriage of late than ups. Their most recent row being in New York during a ceremony when Michael accepted the role of an ambassador with the UN. Catherine reportedly was in tears.

Strains have also developed due to Micheal’s happiness for a quiet life at home, while Catherine has strong desires to make another film and earn another Oscar. Rumours were fuelled further when Catherine recently held the hand of her co star from No Reservations at an awards show in Miami, days after Michael joked he’d like to star in a movie with his wife so he could do away with her.

It’s probably true that Catherine was seen holding a co-star’s hand and that Michael made that joke about killing her, but I doubt there’s anything more to this story. If Catherine was crying when Michael accepted a UN ambassadorship it probably means she was proud of him or touched.

Catherine Zeta-Jones, 37, and Michael Douglas, 62, have made their marriage work since November, 2000 despite a 25 year age difference. They have two children together, a son Dylan who will be seven in August, and a daughter Carys who turns four on April 20th. Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas share the same birthday of September 25th.

I was amazed that she hooked up with him back when they first got together, and wouldn’t be overly surprised if they split up, but it doesn’t seem like there’s much to this story.

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21 Responses to “Is Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas’ marriage in trouble?”

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  1. Busy body says:

    What do people see in such old men apart from them being their pensions (showbiz is risky so you have to try and guarantee your future lifestyle). Tom and Katie stretch me enough with their 16 year age difference, 25 years, can he still shag at 62?

    Catherine needs to hook up with George Clooney and see what she has been missing. Now that I would like to see.

  2. Saila says:

    “Catherine was seen holding a co-star’s hang while Michael was quoted joking that he wish he could take a film role in which he could his wife.”

    I like how in the ‘Celebitchy is hiring’ post something is said about the importance of grammar and punctuation, when this sentence is so full of mistakes I can hardly understand it. Hang instead of hand? He wish he could take a film role in which he could his wife? What?! Is proof reading dead?

  3. Other Karen says:

    They gave interviews before where they stated they were encouraging Catherine’s career, because Michael’s pretty much done it all. He can sit back and handle the kids while she focuses on her career. Although opinions do change over time.

  4. Fabiola Thing says:

    FYI Saila: It’s “proofreading” (one word) NOT “proof reading.” Perhaps people who live in glass houses should dress in the basement?

  5. Saila says:

    Oops! At least my mistake was comprehensible.

  6. Carol says:

    I haven’t seen either one of them in much of anything lately, how could they be fighting over work?

  7. MaiGirl says:

    Sort of unrelated: one of the funniest impressions I have ever seen is Dawn French doing “Catherine Zeta Spartacus Jones” as an entitled, smug, nouveau riche Welsh broad. Trust me…You Tube it!

    Oh, and I agree with Busy Body. Michael has that old man smell….

  8. frewtloop says:

    I read the story elsewhere (I hope thats one word – Fab??). He said he wishes he could star in a film with his wife where he could kill her.

    I think its obvious why he appealed to her in the first place – he was very wealthy Hollywood royalty and she was ambitious. That’s not to say she didn’t have any genuine affection for him. He seems to be a bit of an archaic knob however and she’s probably over him.

  9. Duckie says:

    Strangely enough, a psychic on a local radio show said at the beginning of the year that CZJ and MD were going to be splitting up.

    He’s kinda skeevy…

  10. Kolby says:

    Carys is on my short list of someday baby names. So pretty!

  11. gavin says:

    Celebitchy’s post sparked a fond memory of the gossip flurry that ensued the day CZJ’s true age was outed beyond a shred of doubt. It was hard to believe that she had pulled off the lie by so many years. Hollywood is really all smoke and mirrors.

    37 Zeta Jones is not. Back in 2000, I worked on contracts and agreements for above the line talent at a major film studio legal department. Miss Jones was much older than 37 in 2000. Insurance and employment regulations dictate that originals of passports and other ID’s are verified in person to comply with employment law regulation. First they are verified by legal, and then the certified copies of identification are added to the contract file which is then passed on to accounting etc… Even celebrities on movies have to fill out I-9’s, just like the rest of us. Let’s just say that 37 is almost a decade off of her real age.

    I always joked that a tabloid would have a field day with the information contained in the papers we threw out every day. (BTW, most contracts and agreements were never shredded, just merely thrown in the paper recycle bin. A bin that was not under lock and key and easily accessible by housekeeping. No one seemed to care because they were racist fucks that assumed housekeeping couldn’t read. But then again, very little of what I saw ever ended up in the press, and studios are not afraid of getting sued because they will just blackball an actor or writer or producer that tries it. Nope, security was not tight as far as the personal or medical information of above the line talent went.)

    Most people generally lie down by about 4 years, not nearly a decade. She sure did not look it. If people knew her real age, the age difference between her and Douglas would not be quite as shocking. 25 years sound so pathetic. I enjoy CZJ. I think she is gorgeous for any age, and I was sad to see how much surgery she got a couple of years ago.

    I don’t think her marriage will break up, his true power in Hollywood is too great an asset for her, love withstanding. Their coupling ensures she continues to work regardless of competition and age.

    My prediction is that they will stay married.

  12. Busy body says:

    Actually I think she loves his old ass, but am sure there are days she envies Halle Berry and his toy boy. Old men a really unattrative, of course unless leathery skin and a parmanent cough are your thing. Plus a shrivelled…….

    Cathy gal, get a toy buy on the side.

  13. Busy body says:

    Oh, I forgot, Maigal, you are right, their old characteristic natural scent. Now that is a real turn off.

  14. betty biscuit says:

    Catherine Zeta (not her real last name…she is also not from some kind of welsh aristocracy as she likes to put off) was more of a crazed fan writing michael love letters while he was married…michael dumped his wife and took off with catherine. catherine married him so that she could climb the hollywood and social ladder in one fell swoop.
    she has quite the legal contract between herself and michael, who is notorious for cheating on his past ex wives….if he screws around, literally..it will cost him something like half of his fortune.
    michael has had so much work done that he has probably had to have his ears reconstructed to compensate from the parts of the ears that are lost to facelifts.
    she is as hollow as an empty black licorice allsort.

  15. miss lala says:

    pretty interesting, gavin.

  16. DogRunner says:

    Wasn’t Micheal Douglas in treatment for sex addiction? Maybe as an older man his “toolage” doesn’t have the staying power and he isn’t straying anymore which makes him a better husband.

    Interesting comment Gavin about her age.

  17. Randi says:

    It’s not just that Michael Douglas is a wrinkly old mess — he’s an asshole to boot. Sex addict – check. Conceited fuck – check. Woman hater -check. I personally think she must be one hell of a greedy woman to stay with his geriatric ass.

  18. punjabi spice cant sing says:

    haha randi!

  19. celebitchy says:

    Wow Gavin that is interesting that she’s well over 40! Also betty I didn’t know that about how she snagged Douglas. You guys have a lot of good insider information.

    Give me a break, please on the typos. I try to work so hard and fast and sometimes things slip through the cracks. If you want more gossip to read don’t bash me when my fingers aren’t as nimble and I don’t proofread properly. Hiring someone new took a lot of time and I still kept up with the damn gossip. I will correct that and appreciate the help but you don’t have to be so rude about it.

  20. Andrew says:

    Just to clear up some points here. She has never claimed to be from Welsh aristocracy, her father made his money from confectionnary and tobacco companies, Whoever wrote in all that nonsense about her age might want to check her school details and dates there, they do add up to the age she claims to be now, a 10 year age gap in school would be pretty noticeable. Also Michael Douglas asked his agent to contact her after seeing her in the Mask of Zorro.

    All this stuff is well documented so i wouldn’t believe people writing on these message boards who know nothing about Catherine or Michael.

    P.S. Zeta is her middle name has always been her middle name and Jones has always been her last name so i don’t see what the problem is there

  21. shezz... says:


    Ever since audiences saw the trailer for The Mask of Zorro, Catherine Zeta-Jones has been in the minds of all North American males.