In this week’s Goop-letter, Gwyneth Paltrow has finally responded to the overwhelming criticism about an interview she did back in March. Which just goes to show you: Gwyneth does care about the peasants, but only when we’re coming at her with torches and pitchforks. Just for a recap, Gwyneth was speaking to E! News back in March about her schedule and how she only works on one film a year because she’s a full-time mom. But Goop took it one step too far, comparing herself to peasant working moms and she outright said the life of an actress is more difficult:
“It’s much harder for me. I feel like I set it up in a way that makes it difficult because…for me, like if I miss a school run, they are like, ‘Where were you?’ I don’t like to be the lead [in a film] so I don’t [have] to work every day, you know, I have little things that I like and obviously I want it to be good and challenging and interesting and be with good people and that kind of thing.” She added, “I think it’s different when you have an office job, because it’s routine and, you know, you can do all the stuff in the morning and then you come home in the evening. When you’re shooting a movie, they’re like, ‘We need you to go to Wisconsin for two weeks,’ and then you work 14 hours a day and that part of it is very difficult. I think to have a regular job and be a mom is not as, of course there are challenges, but it’s not like being on set.”
Yes. She said that. Gwyneth did not offer any clarifying statements immediately following that interview, nor did her publicist or agent slam E! News for misquoting her or anything. I believe she said that on the record, and that E! quoted her verbatim. It was a big deal too – the cable news stations were covering it. There was a segment on Morning Joe. It was big. Well, since Mother’s Day is coming up (this Sunday), Goop devoted her Goop-letter to correcting the record:
A few weeks ago during an interview, I was asked why I have only worked on one film a year since having children. My answer was this: Film work takes one away from home and requires 12-14 hours a day, making it difficult to be the one to make the kids their lunch, drive them to school, and put them to bed. So I have found it easier on my family life to make a film the exception, and my 9-5 job the rule. This somehow was taken to mean I had said a 9-5 job is easier, and a lot of heat was thrown my way, especially by other working mothers who somehow used my out-of-context quote as an opportunity to express feelings (perhaps projected) on the subject. As the mommy wars rage on, I am constantly perplexed and amazed by how little slack we cut each other as women. We see disapproval in the eyes of other mothers when we say how long we breastfed (Too long? Not long enough?), or whether we have decided to go back to work versus stay home. Is it not hard enough to attempt to raise children thoughtfully, while contributing something, or bringing home some (or more) of the bacon? Why do we feel so entitled to opine, often so negatively, on the choices of other women? Perhaps because there is so much pressure to do it all, and do it all well all at the same time (impossible).
To every single mother out there, have a wonderful Mother’s Day.
She then shills a “somewhat radical piece by Brigid Schulte,” which you can read at Goop because I’m not going to cut-and-paste it. So, let’s parse. First, I’ll start with the nice stuff: Gwyneth is right about judgy motherhood and competitive motherhood. I’m an outsider looking in on the Motherhood Industrial Complex, and it scares me to see the level of vitriol, judgment and condescension leveled at mothers by mothers. It’s mommy-on-mommy hate-crime.
Now, for the mean stuff. Gwyneth seems to tiptoe around the idea of outright saying she was misquoted. I think this is on purpose, because she knows she was not misquoted. She says it was taken “out of context” – I provided the context above, in the original interview, so you can see her building to her larger point, which is that working on one film a year as an actress is harder than moms who work 9-to-5 jobs. So, no, I don’t think we were “projecting” on Goop. I think we were justifiably and righteously riled by yet another out-of-touch statement by a woman with a long history of making out-of-touch declarations. Oh, and saying that your critics are “projecting” – that’s pretty insulting too. “Such adorable little small-minded peasants,” Gwyneth said to herself. “They’re just mad because they’re so poor. And fat.”
Photos courtesy of Getty, Fame/Flynet.
Wow, that first quote; I can’t help hearing Derek Zoolander’s voice as I read it.
OmG. This TOOLyth says ‘why do we feel the right to opine so negatively on the choices of other women,’ when the quote of her COMPARING herself to other women and saying her job is HARDER than THEIRS is readily available for ALL to see??!! I think she’s borderline insane, and I know she’s got some kind of narcissistic disorder, that’s apparent. Yuck. She’s just awful.
Good point. She started the comparison. Then she balked when we didn’t all start crying tears of empathy for how difficult it is to live her life. But we are all jealous obviously – that is why we are ‘projecting’.
The hypocrisy is unbelievable; for the last decade her entire “brand” has been built on selling unrealistic expectations of women to women: 400 dollar jeans; super thin, super fit bodies; organic homemade food for the kids; relationship chicanery like “conscious uncoupling.” This is her empire, and she should be ashamed of herself. Yes, I am shaming you, Gwyneth. Spend your time, money and fame on something more meaningful to the moms of the world than your upper-class, peninsular theta-accented, little boy-sized panted, Coldplay falsetto pipe dreams.
Sing it, Pinky!
Bang on, Pinky. She sells an elitest image of the perfect woman-mother-wife-artist, etc. Her website (which I have to admit I love – no, I’m not proud of that but it’s true) sells supposedly attainable perfection at a price.
But her reply has valid points about women judging each other in a negative way. I know I do this (“child still in diapers at age three?”) but I realize it is just my “thing” and I do it silently. People judge other people – it’s human nature.
But I resent that it has grown into the Motherhood-Industrial-Complex where “experts” and corporations profit by making women-mothers-parents feel inadequate and promise supposedly attainable perfection at a price. Chase perfection and keep handing us your money! That’s what’s pathetic.
Pinky – that is the best comment I have ever read anywhere. BRA fucking VO.
Ummmm, Pinky, I love you. Your comment is the most perfect Gwenyth Paltrow related comment ever. Every celeb blogger should put your quote under every Paltrow story they post.
Dear Pinky, you are my hero
Great comment, Pinky
It’s true! She promotes healthy eating and cooking for children to such a ridiculous degree. And then nearly every time I see those kids eating something, it’s junk. wtf?
PREACH IT, sister.
Right on Pinky! What she also fails to acknowledge is that many of 9-5 moms work out of necessity, not choice. Something she has never had to, and never will, comprehend
She is the most ignorant clueless person out there that is physically unable to zip her lip it seems.
She just needs to be quiet and go away for a long while. She is doing herself NO favours.
I’m a Gwyneth apologist, but yeah, ITA. Never has a more clueless comment been made.
The only thing I can imagine is that she was asked about balancing work and being a hands-on mom and her answer meant to be –to do all the stuff that her kids are used to her doing (meals, pickup etc), it’s easier for her with a 9-5 job, which she theoretically has with goop, than as an actress, when her schedule takes her away for weeks at a time. All that needs to be pointed out is this is a comparison for HER and the two jobs SHE has, and not other people. Just like Cameron Diaz’s opinions about love and grooming were for her, not everyone. Not sure why goop didn’t clarify this. And for the record, most moms with a 9-5 can’t do school pickup, so 9-5 isn’t the right description for working on goop either…
She doesn’t have a normal 9-5 job with Goop. She is a multimillionaire, who born into a privileged lifestyle, with golden connections in the movie business (do we need to talk again about Steven Spielberg being her godfather?). Yes she styles herself as a lifestyle guru with her million-dollar-loss-making hobby that is Goop, but to tout herself as a working mom with a normal 9-5 job is ludicrous. It is an insult to those women who truly sacrifice their time and health and LIFE to put food on the table and a roof over their children’s heads – without glamour and without a choice. If you can walk away from your job and never go back to work for the rest of your life, and still live in luxury until you die, and pass untold wealth on to your children – you don’t have the right to compare yourself to the ‘normal’ working 9-5 mother. You don’t don’t. Perhaps that is unfair, but poor Goopy has had such an unfair and difficult life that I am sure she can bear this additional horrible injustice. David Letterman said it best: “No whining on the yacht.” I guess no one told Goopy.
Well done, Birdex! So right about school pickup when Mom works 9-5. It’s “the bus to aftercare” and being the last mom to shlep into aftercare at 5:30 and everyone AND your kid is glaring at you for being late. Ladyjane, thanks for the Letterman quote. Goop doesn’t have a clue.
She has got one serious case of foot’n’mouth disease, doesn’t she? And she’s so tone deaf about real world concerns. Getting one serious narcissistic vibe off of her now.
Uh oh, I’m going to project some bile your way, Goop. On second thought, I can’t even be bothered anymore. I’ve officially de-Gooped.
Is Stephen huvane so busy wiping the azz of no talent bores like aniston and getting the fellow average mini vans to rally poor pitiful Jen, he can’t be bothered to have Fishyth run everything by him so he can say ‘Helllz Nooo Don’t DO iT!’ Or, does he just secretly hate Fishyth and realize her fame, or notoriety at this point (and his cash )come from people loathing her? He’s an evil genius that huvane.
Good points. She’s been digging her own grave for a while now, you’d think he’d tell her to tighten up her ship (especially with all the leaks).
I’ve been wondering the same thing. WTF is Stephen Huvane DOING, if anything. Because whatever it is it’s not working.
Maybe he secretly loathes her as much as the rest of the world does and so is doing this gigantic, ongoing trainwreck of a massive PRfail somehow accidentallyonpurpose?
like she is working as an actress nowadays: she had to rebrand herself with the GOOP crap because her acting career went south.
She very clearly stated she doesn’t like taking leads… I mean how else is she going to cut off school busses on her Vespa if she was headlining a film?
or are lead roles who don’t like her….
I’d love to know what lead roles she turned down in the past few years. Or maybe her agents can only scrounge up cameos and cartoon characters. Are there any directors who think she could carry a film? Everybody knows her Oscar was a fluke. She beat out Meryl Streep and Cate Blanchett. Who knows what kind of strings her old man pulled for little Gwynnie.
As though it were her choice not to take lead roles in films! LOL!
“I prefer the bit parts. I leave the leading roles for those actresses less talented than I am. It’s my own act of self-sacrifice that allows them to be as successful as I am. Jennifer Lawrence, you’re welcome.”
She is ‘acting’ like she knows things and words.
Uh oh! You know what’s next? Raising Children Thoughtfully! (Did you catch it in her response?) Since she is not original she just swapped out “thoughtful” for “mindful” and now we have a whole new world of Gooping. Cooking thoughtfully. Driving thoughtfully (LOL). Thoughtful sex. How very thoughtful she is.
Belle Epoch- I love you!
No, no, no…she’s raising children CONSCIOUSLY.
Yes, I opine the same
I am CONSCIOUSLY and THOUGHTFULLY loving all of you! Except I mean it
The outfit she’s wearing (blue & white striped) she’s apparently shilling. It really makes me laugh because the day she wore it we were having a massive heat wave in SoCal and it was about 90 degrees.
Perhaps her not taking leads is a matter of not being offered them.
Nope, she said it and meant it. It’s not “taken out of context” if you are asked a question and your full answer is quoted.
And people were not projecting- they were reacting to a person claiming that the job she does for a couple of weeks of year and gets paid millions for is harder than what most people have to do year round for a fraction of the money. Considering she has never been in the other position to compare, she has no business making that claim.
Yup, I rolled my eyes so hard at the projection part.
She’s basically saying other mothers are placing their “failures/insecurities” on her based on HER comment.
I’m not a mom and wanted to reach through my screen to slap her.
Own your words or learn how to STFU.
I’m so sick of celebs backtracking when they make a comment and get negative backlash for it. They were ‘misquoted’, they ‘misspoke’, they were ‘taken out of context’ blah blah blah. Heaven forbid we don’t wax poetic about every drop of wisdom that falls from their botoxed mouths. As you commented, she said AND she meant it. I think we all could deal with working for a few weeks and earning millions, but I highly doubt Goopy could walk a mile in any of our shoes.
Exactly – I do believe misquoting and things taken out of context happens all the time – journalistic integrity being what it is these days. But she never corrected the quote, never claimed it was wrong – she’s just annoyed that people disagreed with her on it, so she’s playing the “out of context” victim card, even though it totally doesn’t apply to an asked and answered question.
Not only was she not quoted out of context, but then she criticized people for reacting to what she said, rather than simply apologize for a poor example. Condescending much?
“Somehow” they misconstrued what she said, then she tossed judgement at them for being judgey @ her, while what she said sounded judgey in the first place. The girl is not a wordsmith, or she must love the taste of her foot, which is it?
I’m guessing with the way she eats, her foot tastes better than half the crap that goes in her mouth. She’d probably even claim that it’s organic.
Haha. +2
I remember the first time I heard her use the term ‘pontificate’ and my immediate reaction was, how many times did you practice that word in front of a mirror?
Ugh. See what you’ve done? I thought I was finished with her.
She fancies herself a pedagog with pedigree, but she is ‘Callus’ and there is no pedicure for her foot-in-mouth disease, podiatry-wise.
Can I have some of your coffee please? I see what you did there like 9 times.
@mimif…May I ask how you put your text in bold? I was trying to do that this morning and it did not work…
Puleez, Goopy is sure-footed in her permanent place upon a pedestal and sees little impediment to peddling her wares to her pedestrian public in perpetuity.
G need never sidestep her privilege by toeing the line as plebes do. After all, she bootstrapped her way to success in the most expeditious manner, put the pedal to the metal, and benefited not at all from her pedigree.
*Leah Mommy, here’s how to bold –
Yes. So now she’s slamming other women for slamming her? What a charming lady. Also, the royal “we” is soo soo bad here. I don’t think she’s including herself when she says “Why do we feel so entitled to opine…”
Oh I see Gwennie, so THAT’S why you don’t have leading roles anymore. See, I thought it was because watching you act is like watching a piece of wood try to emote. I thought it was because you were so bad in Iron Man that you ruined the whole movie for me. But now I understand, it’s because you want to make your kids’ lunches.
Shiny, botoxed forehead? Check. Flat, nasally voice? Check. Pretentious attitude that probably makes her a joy to be around on a film set? Check.
JLaw, ScarJo, and Meryl are all on the run!
She has truly no concept of real working life. She has tons of help (whether she uses it or not) at the snap of her fingers. No regular working mom wants to hear from a millionaire ‘how hard life is’ when our basic struggles are vastly different from theirs. I highly doubt Gwynnie and Chris sit down and say ‘she wants a new bed but the transmission on our 3 year old car is going’
Every mother struggles, but those of us who are not millionaires have all those struggles on top of the ‘ordinary’ struggles all moms have
It’s funny that you use that example because I saved up $500 to buy my almost 5 year old a new bed, since he’s too big for his toddler bed now. Guess what? My TWELVE year old vehicle needed work. $500.05 of work to be exact. So guess who’s stuck in his toddler bed until I can save some more. Pretty sure Gwynnie’s kids don’t have to wait for stuff like that.
Of course by “funny”, I meant “sucky” haha
I’m with you–my 6 year old is in a toddler bed! I may just end up at Ikea or cut circular foot holes like Ned and his too short bed in Dr. Seuss.
$500 for a toddler bed? Craigslist that stuff.
So true! There’s always something else takes priority. My kids both need beds when we return to the US from Germany in the summer. Even two IKEA beds, I’m like: whoa, that still adds up. I’ll be looking on Craigslist for a good deal.
I told you before, she has such refined gastronomical, above the peasantry tastes that she just loooves the taste of her own size 8 in her mouth, sauteed with contempt and superiority
Served with a side of beans!
… and a nice chianti.
Bwahahahhaha! Best comment!
This has me nearly weeping with laughter
Even when she is supposedly trying to clarify herself she is still so smug and can’t help it….case in point ‘especially by other working mothers who somehow used my out-of-context quote as an opportunity to express feelings (perhaps projected) on the subject.’
Oh dear God she should quit while she’s only a little behind.
There was no taking anything out of context. The whole statement was printed, not just a line or two. Trying to cover her a$$ now by trying to reframe it as women being too hard on other women is just hurling another veiled insult because while the women v women thing is real, this is not an applicable case. She was called out for once again being an intolerable a$$hole who is so tone deaf the mind boggles.
Further, she is just alienating her market. There is nothing more patronizing than some jerk dismissing your perfectly valid response as “projecting.”
Paltrow just needs to sit quietly in a corner for a while. She needs a mommy time-out.
I generally love GP but sometimes she should shut up. She has no idea what’s its like to be stuck working an office job and to stress over whether you can afford a babysitter or not to just get away for a couple of hours. People sometimes just don’t realize that not everyone is as rich/healthy/genetically blessed as they are.
If she was misquoted, she would’ve screamed like a rare albino banshee picked from the lone onyx rain forest located on an island off of Madagascar that one can only reach by paddle boating and saying “Chia Seeds, Juice Cleanse, Detox” in some random order. She wasn’t. She just managed to piss off the ONE group of people online that won’t stand to be pissed off: mommies. Which is frightening. The blog STFUParents (that one of you wonderful people recced me) has basically let me know the craziness I meet is more wide spread than I thought.
had to log in just say how much I love your ‘paddle boat, chia seeds, juice cleanse’ narrative – complete awesomeness
@MonicaQ, lol
Those she collected and guided will turn on her because she turned on them.
@Kiddo Rats of only the finest non peasant fur, of course /dying.
I guess Goop is a single mom now. We will now (if we choose to) read about her opining how being a single mum is so challenging, and there are days when she panics, “Am I screwing my kids up for life? Are they going to turn out ok?” But then she calls them on the intercom to take the elevator down and jump in their golf carts to drive over to the pool house, and they splash and play in the pool and the salt and crystal water is so cleansing and warm and soothing and she takes her children in her arms and drinks up their love and realizes that all is good and she will savor the very sweet moment until the next bump in the road of single mummydom comes along.
OMG you’re right. That is perfect and I can totally see her writing that.
Poor Goop she is trying so hard to rebuild her image, but it is not working , she still gets in the way of herself. Unfortunately, for Goop she will always be Goop to the us peasants .
“To every single mother out there, have a wonderful Mother’s Day.”
——> awwww….trying to get an extra point from another single mother, Gwennie Dearie?
Also – what a weird phrase. So she’s not wishing non-single moms a Happy Mother’s Day?
I interpreted it as to each and every mother out there, but as Kiddozilla pointed out up thread, she’s not exactly a wordsmith.
Kiddozilla, LMAO.
Her tone in this response is not even remotely apologetic. She is a blame shifter! The person who wrote the article took her out of context? F@ck off! People projected their problems on her? F@ck off! She wasn’t comparing herself to other working moms with 9-5 jobs. She was comparing her movie work with HER 9-5 GOOP job. F@ck off!!! OH My GAWD I hate this woman! Every time she opens her mouth she makes me feel sympathy for that whiney douchebag she married!
+1000000 She has set the bar high in the “smug and out of touch” game. I dub her Gwyn-Antoinette…”let them feast on little Debbie snack cakes and drive their rubbishy vehicles for they know not what a struggle my rarified life is. I am an orchid amongst the dandelions”
Her attempts at damage control are only going to dig her deeper because there’s ZERO trust. She’s bullsh*t and insulted the peasants one too many times.
She reminds me of a princess, sitting at the castle window, watching the “mommy wars,” perplexed and amazed. You see, it’s you who projected feelings on her. It’s not anything she actually said. There, she’s explained it! Now go away.
Don’t you all understand? Only Mistress Goopy can opine and potinficate. When peasants do so, they are simply projecting – even though that makes no sense whatsoever in the context given.
In any case, she’s rubber and you’re glue, so no worries.
What a complete narcissistic tw@t!
Yeah, she’s a sanctimonious bitch. But seriously, mothers who travel extensively and work 14+ hour days certainly have a harder time than mothers who work 8 hours per day on a set schedule. It’s not what she said but how she said it, IMO.
She’s a prime example of people my mom always talked about – “Born rich, married rich, will die rich.” She has absolutely no concept of reality. She has never had to work a consistent, daily job (of course, this doesn’t apply to all rich people – some of them do bust their humps).
But man, she really needs to take a page from Tom Cruise. Remember when TC said that being an actor was just as hard as being a soldier in a warzone? He apologized and then just dropped it, never to bring it up again. Goopy seems unable to let this stuff actually GO. If you want it to not be a big deal, then STOP DISCUSSING IT. I have to question what kind of PR advice she gets.
Good point – I’d forgotten about that particular foot-in-mouth moment, but she brought it up again and somehow made it WORSE.
I guess I can understand what she meant to say, like making a movie causes one to be away from home for long hours or weeks or months away on location somewhere instead of being able to go home at the end of the workday, but she just can’t help but to come across as arrogant, no matter what she says.
But I have the solution! Since being an actress is just the hardest job ever, I think she should quit acting and go to work somewhere “easier”, such as waitressing, being a cashier at Walmart or working the fryer at McDonalds…earning minimum wage or just a little more than that, or $3.00 an hour + tips. Then as she’s soaking her sore, tired, swollen and blistered feet every night, or morning if she has to work 3rd shift, she can thank her lucky stars that she’s got an easier and less stressful job than being an actress.
What she meant to say is : “You’re just jealous”. But she didn’t want to outright say that so she came up with this post.
You are exactly right. Nailed it
I wish people would quit riding her jock – it’s boring already.
I believe that her (infrequent) 14 hour job is harder than her 9-5 job, and that is what she meant to say. However, I also believe she thinks her 9-5 job is as difficult as everyone else’s (and thus she made the original statement), which is laughable. I read her description of her day: her 9-5 consists of working out with a trainer, trying on clothes with a bunch of assistants, and being driven around by a chauffeur. I just think Gwyneth has absolutely NO concept or clue about how most people actually live, and the things they worry about and juggle.
I remember that–on one of her Goop letters last year, she described her day. Basically she brings her kids to school, ‘works’ for about two hours a day on Goop, and then basically exercises until she has to go get her kids. That’s it. And then when she does work, it’s only for a few weeks–let’s even round it up to a month–out of the entire YEAR. So no, she does not have it hard.
Having it hard, is like my mom who went to school, worked, and still came home and made dinner, after not eating anything all day.
I have never use this term here on this site, but there is a first for everything and GOOP should be proud of this. Bitch, shut up!!!!!!
Gwyneth’s publicist should be fired. She’s single-handedly destroying her “brand” by her stupid ignorant comments. I used to like Goop. But now I can’t go to Gwyneth’s site without thinking of her smugness.
Maybe her publicist up and quit long ago. Would explain a lot!
Isn’t she handled by CAA?
Mentioned this before, but I seriously wonder if Stephen Huvane isn’t obliquely plotting against her while technically working for her.
Would go a long way to explain, for example, the otherwise inexplicable People Mag’s ‘Most Beautiful’ debacle. He no doubt negotiated hard for her to be named most beautiful when any fool could see that the designation was so misplaced as to immediately seem akin to waving a big, bright red flag with “Attack Me” printed on it in bold in front of an already deeply annoyed bull.
the only comment I will deign to make about this vapid airhead is … what an AWFUL, BRASSY DYE JOB!!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
goop is so full of sh*t.
She has such a manish figure, those jeans do nothing for her, not a very pretty woman
I still can’t believe she was one of People magazine’s “Most Beautiful Woman”…how could they possibly think that? It had to be sarcasm! No one in their right mind could possibly think she’s the most beautiful women in the world…
I just can’t stand this stupid woman.
I do not believe the whole school run, making children’s lunch thing. Plus, didn’t she mention that she had help – French or Spanish speaking nannies? I opine that she is not saying the whole truth. And I also opine she looks 50 yo in these pictures.
Where’s the ball gag when you need one? Someone shut her up.
And somewhere out there, Chris Martin is tokin’ , strokin’, and breathing a sigh of relief.
Was that supposed to be an apology? Please shut up, you dumb b*tch.
Did the most judgemental biatch out there just ask us to stop judging her? Wow, that is quite the convenient turn around.
That was a sh-t of an insulting explanation, shined up as a plea for sisterhood.
Her follow up certainly doesn’t help the situation.
I love most of the Celebitchy commenters and damn! the comments can be bitchy but what do I expect haha
So um I’m bracing for a beating but
There really is A LOT OF HATE for her! Damn! I swear I read that first quote and (since I don’t hate her) I see her “context” and get what she was trying to say.
Now- is she an entitled privelaged obscenely blessed woman? Yes yes a thousand times yes. Does she often have her head up her ass? Yes! Yes she does! But she is Gwynnie through and through – she is 100% herself and I believe her intentions are good she just legitimately has NO IDEA how the rest of us live. She quite literally has never feared for her family financially. She has never had to piece together a dinner from leftovers and randoms in the cabinet bc she always has gazillions or dollars and resources.
But why are we so invested in what ACTORS like G think anyway? Why do we imbue them with depth and assume they are anything but narcissistic ? Sure there are exceptions but nepotism is the rule in Hollywood. Spoiled entitled ignorant head-in-ass actors are the rule.
Finally, I love gossip. I read Celebitchy, Lainey and Dlisted everyday. But for real: if you hate her so much, why click on the link? Why comment? If you want her to go away, you can affect change by NOT feeding the comment section. The less people comment the less likely Celebitchy will be to cover her stories. Unless you just love to hate her…which fine. I’m fine with that. But it seems…toxic (to use a Gwynnie term!)
Ok that is my “pro Gwynnie” rant. Which I hope is articulate enough to be obviously less-pro-G and more-anti-hating-G.
Please go easy on me, I’m a tired mama of one toddler…and…with one in the oven!
Happy Mother’s Day everyone!!!!
Are you a working mom? If not, you should not even comment on it because you have no idea what its like to try to juggle motherhood, working and running a household whether you are a single mom or married. So no I won’t go easy on you. I was a tired mama of a toddler and had to work full time too. boo hoo.
You have some brass balls to tell me I SSHOULD NOT EVEN COMMENT on this! BC YOU think I don’t work? And you are a mother? Are you seriously just completely dismissing me bc you are assuming I don’t “work” and therefore my opinion is invalid?
Wow Marnie solid rationale there. Way to make a case with false assumptions and some sarcastic mockery (boo hoo) and of course some classic “I have it harder than you so I can judge you” logic. Hey everybody I guess Marnie has it hardest and her opinion is most valid. So Marnie wins. Ok then good to know.
Happy Mothers Day!
“And another thing!”
and to use Gs term: STOP PROJECTING
OK. Now I’m done. Oh no wait, one more thing:
OK that sums it up. THE END. Kthxbye
Stormsmama I totes agree with and I LOVE the way you wrote such a lovely, rational, intelligent, kind little piece.
Marnie, who the hell are you to tear Stormsmama down when you know nothing about the woman? For all you know she works nightshift and then looks after her toddler during the day WHILE BEING PREGNANT.
How arrogant, nasty, vindictive and judgemental and downright unacceptable. This isn’t a competition about who did it hardest.
We are all allowed to state our opinion without fear of being jumped on. You should feel ashamed of yourself.
Happy mother’s day Stormsmama!
And somewhere huvane & goop are laughing their heads off whilst sipping organic chianti … All PR is good PR. Poor Goop is simply Poor Jen #2…
Spoken with the egregious lack of self-awareness and insufferable hubris that only she can spin as being “misunderstood.”
Gwyneth – forgive me if it sounds like I’m projecting when I say this – please take your noblesse oblige, turn it sideways, and shove it up your scrawny ass.
Seems like she *always* says any criticism is due to ‘projection’ b/c other people are ‘unhappy’ with their lives and are ‘negative’. How amazing that she brought up her criticism for this quote and then proceeded to try to detract from it through distraction and PROJECTION onto other women? lol. And then ended it with a syrupy yet acerbic ‘to all mothers, happy mother’s day’???? So passive aggressively mean-girly sincere, GOOPY. I would not want to hang out with her IRL. blek. It sounds exhausting being around her. Though I guess h-wood is full of sychophants and narcissists who enjoy dissing the ‘civilian masses’ and making fun of their fan base. She is somewhat funny to me, b/c she’s so transparent.
See, I felt she was clearly comparing herself to herself, not other mothers. For most of the year she’s just doing GOOPY stuff, which is a very flexible office job. Then she does a movie and suddenly it’s 14hr days in a new place, which makes childcare awkward even for an obscenely wealthy person (why do you think so many actor couples take turns filming?). To me it didn’t come across as her saying her life is more difficult than a normal working mums, it came across as her saying her life is much more difficult than it normally is when she makes a movie, which is why she took a step back from film. Which isn’t an unusual sentiment among actors, many famous mums and even a few dads have made very similar comments, but people hate Gwyneth and want to believe everything she says is an attack on regular people, so she got jumped on for stating the obvious.
If she meant “It’s hard being away from my kids for weeks or months at a time.” that’s what she should have said.
Instead, it was this meandering thing where it’s simultaneously: my life is harder/better than every other woman’s.
I’d pay to watch a reality show where Gwyneth does minimum wage jobs for a week, to get a reality check: waitress in a roadside diner, motel cleaner, call center attendant, worker in an old age home… and I do mean DOES them, 40 hours a week, not whines about it while someone else does the work — and then returns to sleep in an apartment her wage can afford her.
Rinse and repeat with any member of the 1% who pontificates to the less well-off about their life choices.
Better yet, use the set up of Barbara Ehrenrieich’s Nickled & Dimed where she not only works in a variety of minimum wage jobs, but tries to live on them (rent an apartment, buy food, etc) — turns out it is nearly impossible.
Open mouth. Insert Goop.
She really was just talking about her own situation. She probably refers to her non-movie time as a 9-5 job, but she has considerable control over her schedule like many self-employed people. Plus she’s rich, and can take time off without worry. So I don’t think she was dissing the “little people” in their rigidly scheduled 9-5 jobs. She was just saying that she limits movie work because it requires travel and long hours which are not easily compatible with kids. She would rather be mostly working her version of a 9-5 job. I don’t think she wants the nannies to do everything. She’s not Kim Kardashian…
By the way, self-employed people typically get more done per hour than people in offices because of fewer distractions (don’t know if this applies to her kind of work, though). In my work, which is thinking-intensive, we are better off to plan on direct work (in my case, translation) no more than 5-6 hours per day to avoid limp noodle disease. We also need to take breaks if we expect our bodies to last. Also there is unbillable time such as negotiating for jobs, tracking jobs and finances, computer upkeep etc. (which richer types can hire others to do) and professional upkeep/networking which easily push us into overtime. I’ve worked 100 hour weeks in my job (all actual translation time) and it’s gruesome for body, mind, and soul. Risks getting sick and physically damaged. I don’t know how that compares to movie schedules, but 14 hour days for anything are probably hard regardless of how they’re set up, because everything else in your life is on hold. People with nominally 9-5 jobs but long commutes are more worn out than if they are within a ten minute walk of the workplace.
I didn’t think she was dissing the little people initially either, but her writing is often left to interpretation; there’s not enough thought put into it to make herself crystal clear and devoid of any possible interpretations that might include undertones of shade. I think this second comment is actually worse. I’m not offended, I find it completely lacking in self-awareness.
I have nothing to add that hasn’t been said, but I am enjoying the comments so much. I am also wondering who her fan base is.
That was the most unapologetic apology of the year.
Her skin and hair looks like shit. That’s all I really came here to say.
“As the mommy wars rage on, I am constantly perplexed and amazed by how little slack we cut each other as women.”
Pot calling the kettle black much, Goop? Or are you the only one allowed to criticise?
Why doesn’t she ask herself “Wow, if being a working mom is hard for me, who is a wealthy movie star, then imagine what it’s like for other mothers who have to work long hours and don’t have the money and help that I do?”
And who the hell has an actual “9 to 5” job? And if they actually work 9 to 5 then they are probably broke b/c you can barely support a family on any job that is truly 9 to 5.
She was one of the excellent actresses of her generation. Talented Mr. Ripley, Proof, Royal Tenenbaums, Sylvia, Emma….
She should stop with the Goop, stop with the cookbooks, stop with the country singing (I guess that stopped itself) stop with the interviews and comments and having to opine on every last thing….take a break, and go into THEATER and perhaps nurture and support playwrights and writers. She has a “thespian” side that is intelligent and she should focus on that.
I believe that all this shilling, lifestyle nonsense, and branching out in too many directions has hurt. It usually does
Me personally, I’m glad she took the time to point out that it isn’t her that said anything wrong, it’s we who cannot possibly understand someone in her elevated position. Clearly, we the working class need to allow her to run her mouth indiscriminately, while we zip it. Message received. Once upon a time studios were smart enough to prevent “stars” from speaking off the reel. Let’s give that a try again.
Gwynnie– You are not as smart as you think you are. Stop writing without trained support of people who are not yes-men. Hire Angelina’s publicist for a several year long rebranding campaign.
“Hi..I have gotten a lot of feedback on my comments on working on set versus 9-5.. I have learned that it minimized the struggle of other women who do not have the privileges I am so lucky to hold. Spending time on set where I don’t see my kids for weeks on end IS hard- and I had a moment where I fantasized about the benefits a job where I could see them every day at the same time. I understand now that many were insulted by that comparison. I apologize. Thanks for letting me learn from you. In support of all mothers everywhere- Happy Mother’s day!”
Thats not very good because I am not a writer, editor, or publicist. All I am saying is– OWN it girl, fess up, and move on.. But That was not an apology and it did not help you.
At first I used to think she was just trolling, but now I just shake my head and wonder that her handlers can’t make her see sense to SU!!
Its like she thinks people who work in offices don’t work long hours and don’t have to travel. She has never worked an office job, so how would she know?
No one should be following her diet advice. Sure she’s skinny, but she looks like hell. Her skin and hair are awful.
Goop does not look healthy at all. She looks severely malnourished. GOOP’s lifestyle choices and snotty declarations are ruining her inside and out.
I don’t usually read Paltrow’s threads because I don’t care about her either as an actress or as a public figure. However, couldn’t miss this one. And what can I say.. She should make a conscious effort to look beyond her little crafted world and carefully ponder her words, especially if she wants to continue being a lifestyle guru. That quote was most definitely not taken out of context, and her subsequent “explanation” sounded very lame =( If she owned up to her words and apologised (instead of changing the topic to mother-on-mother hatred which *is* a big problem, I’m not denying it), she would have saved her face, at least in my eyes.
I had a neutral opinion on her, or rather no opinion at all, but now unfortunately it’s veered towards negative.
Mine became totally negative…. I used to like her but in the last five years… Not so much.
Interesting how many of these comments shame her for her opinion when the main context of her statement is that we should stop, as women, shaming each other for our choices or thoughts. How many of the posters have jobs that take them away from home for long stretches of time? How about those who’s 9-5 job is more like 7 PM- 3 AM? Or the graveyard shift? It’s extremely difficult. Try finding childcare that’s overnight and doesn’t cost a fortune.
We’re all allowed our choices and we’re allowed to bitch about them when they become more difficult. Get over it.
Why should we stop shaming people that say and do stupid things? Especially people of authority and wealth? Goop is so far up her rectum, it’s insane. Everyone has an opinion, and I can say whatever I feel about it. Shaming, hypocrisy, un-feminist – call it what you’d like. Women should be able to criticize other women when something out of line is done. That doesn’t make us unsupportive of women, as a whole. People should be able to criticize each other, period.