Sienna Miller complains about bitchy women: ‘there’s no sisterhood’

Keira Knightley and Sienna Miller
Sienna Miller is complaining about the lack of “sisterhood” she’s experienced from “bitchy” women. The drama surrounding Sienna Miller is well-documented (even, dare I say, over-documented), the latest being some mutterings that Sienna’s latest film, Hippie Hippie Shake, is “unreleasable”.

Sienna gave an interview to Style Magazine, and The Daily Mail has some quotes. Sienna says that that she “experienced the judgment of women in the past year” and that “There’s no sisterhood.” Boohoo. Can Sienna Miller be a hellraising Other Woman while still trying to be the Sympathetic Victim? Probably not:

Sienna Miller has admitted being “at war” with other women over the way they judge her.

The Factory Girl star – who caused controversy by stepping out with married Balthazar Getty – said: “I’ve been at war, without a doubt. I’ve really experienced the judgment of women in the past year.”

In an interview with Style Magazine the 27-year-old actress added: “We say we want to be equal, but men don’t sit around bitching at each other. There’s no sisterhood.”

Her comments could be seen as reference to her relationship with the oil heir, who insisted he was already separated from his wife when he dated Sienna.

From The Daily Mirror

Look, I don’t really care what Sienna does or who she sleeps with. In the whole “homewrecking” scandal with Balthazar Getty, I tended to think the blame should be placed on Balthy’s shoulders. He was the married one, not Sienna. But if Sienna is going to be the hellraising Other Woman, just stick to it. Don’t complain. Don’t whine. Just own it.

What bothers me is that Sienna actually has a point, albeit one lost in the cacophony of whines. Sienna got a lot of the blame in the Balthy situation – people (women) were all too happy to blame Sienna. It’s easier to blame the woman, I suppose. I have no idea why. Perhaps there is no sisterhood. Whine.

Sienna Miller is shown at the Elle Style Awards on 2/9/09 and with Keira Knightley on 6/18/08 at the Edinburgh Film Festival. Credit: PRPhotos.

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68 Responses to “Sienna Miller complains about bitchy women: ‘there’s no sisterhood’”

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  1. Persistent Cat says:

    There is a sisterhood but some women are hard to like. And men are just as bad as women.

    Even though Balthazar is the bastard in all of this, a woman who sleeps with a married father isn’t at all likeable and you’ll never trust her around your boyfriend/husband.

  2. rbsesq says:

    Yes, it was very sisterly of her to sleep with someone else’s husband. I know that the true blame lies with the person who’s married and chooses to cheat. However, it’s not like she didn’t know he was married. I have a problem with women who have so little respect for others and themselves that they would knowingly have a relationship with a married man.

  3. Jessica says:

    I feel that the responsiblity and blame should be placed squarely on Balthazar Getty’s shoulders. Yes, Sienna knew he was married. However, Sienna didn’t take the vows in front of witnesses to love, honor, etc etc. Women are VERY quick to immediately blame the other woman. It’s like our egos can’t handle blaming our significant other. “well, he didn’t want to cheat, she seduced him. It wasn’t his fault.” He’s a big boy, and it was completely 100% his fault that he behaved in that manner, just as it was 100% Sienna’s fault that she behaved in the manner she did.
    However, there is somewhat of a double standard-if a woman cheats, she’s a whore. How much damage was done to Meg Ryan’s career due to her affair with Russell Crowe? Men are able to walk away for the most part and still be successful.

  4. meow mix says:

    WTF is she wearing in that header picture??

    She comes off as a bitch. That is why women don’t like her. Some people are likable and others are not.

    She is not.

  5. Rio says:

    Gee, yeah, I guess some women do lack the whole “sisterhood” thing…like the woman whose husband you slept with.
    I realize it takes two to cheat and he’s just as culpable as she is, but she’s still very, very culpable. She knew he was married and flaunted the relationship – this was more than a slap in the face to Getty’s wife, it was a big fat loogie. He’s a creep, but forgive me if I’m not going to cuddle up with Sienna so we can braid each others hair.

  6. Enonymous says:

    I am no fan of hers (because I have not seen any of her movies) but she does have a very good point.

  7. Enonymous says:

    PS. Looking at that picture above, keira knightley really does have a very pretty face.

  8. FF says:

    Excuse me while I cackle at this because *she’s* talking about sisterhood?! AHAHAHAHAHA!!!

    She might have a point but she might also want to recognise that people aren’t likely to be sympathetic to her complaint.

  9. Persistent Cat says:

    Really? I think the opposite. I thought she was beautiful when I first saw her in Pirates of the Carribbean but then I noticed how square her face is. I find it off-putting.

  10. geronimo says:

    No self-awareness or ability to see herself through other people’s eyes. She’s an ok actress but she got hyped to the nth degree, believes her own publicity and thinks her ‘talent’ puts her above criticism. She’s just not very likeable, it’s nothing to do with her choice of men.

  11. Baholicious says:

    Women define sisterhood in terms of their own clique or circle. Any woman outside their group is somehow deficient or a potential homewrecker.

  12. Sauronsarmy says:

    This reminds me of the woman that say they rather hang out with guys because woman are to catty, backstapping, jealous, whatever. Never stopping to think that they are the ones with the problem. Theres no “sisterhood” because of the way YOU treat other woman. Make better choices next time.

  13. czarina says:

    Speaking just of the people I know–my circle of friends–I find that men support other men better BUT women are able to share more with other women. Guys don’t really cry on each other’s shoulders (although they’ll work out beside each other in manly commradierie).So, there are many sides to the question.
    In Sienna’s case, however, most people have (quite reasonably) seen her flaunting of her relationship with a married man and father of four, as a slap in the face of his wife (and their children!). In terms of “sisterhood”, that strikes me as a betrayal of whatever the word is supposed to mean.
    If she can treat another women–a wife and mother–with such contempt, how much support is she expecting?
    (note, I’m judging her by her ‘sisterhood’ comment, not based on what percentage of “blame” is hers for the relationship).

  14. chris says:

    look at them! two freaks!

  15. c says:

    I don’t know. I think she’s type of women who thinks sisterhood means “and no criticism allowed”. It’s pretty morally weak to expect that one should be supported just because of gender. Because I mean, really? That doesn’t fly with me. It’s like, if you want talk the talk, then walk the walk. And that’s pretty galling. Wouldn’t sisterhood mean considering Balty’s wife in the equation, regardless of how much of a ass he is? This attitude of entitlement, thinking that one should be able to do whatever they want, without anyone criticizing them, or at least indicating another point of view, is symptomatic of the younger generation in particular. Wah. What a crybaby.

  16. KLaw says:

    I don’t know the details of her “flaunting,” but seriously, it is not her job to protect the estranged wife (and soon to be ex-wife) she has never met. All she can do is believe what Balthazar tells her.

    The transition during a divorce is very tricky. Is he supposed to lock himself up until he is officially divorced? And wouldn’t it change your opinion if his wife is a total bitch or she cheated on him? Divorce is caused by two people, not just one. Sienna didn’t cause the problems in their collapsing marriage, THEY did.

    And if it wasn’t Sienna he was sleeping with, it would have been another woman. I just don’t get why we jump down her throat first. (I’m not her fan, I’ve never seen her in a movie, those are just general comments).

  17. OXA says:

    LMAO, this is the kettle calling the pot black. She cant keep her legs closed when there is a man in air and it makes no difference if the man is married or not.

  18. c says:

    Another way of putting it: Sienna should consider the golden rule.

  19. what is ever. says:

    There is a sisterhood- It’s called not fucking another woman’s man!

    where’s your feelings of sisterhood Sienna?

  20. Daisy says:

    “Bitchy Women”?? Sienna oughta know, she wrote the BOOK on being one. Spare me with the sisterhood crap.

  21. I’m in complete agreement with Daisy. Sienna Miller will never be any part of any sisterhood.

  22. Ned says:

    I think he lied to Sienna in the beginning, and you could have seen in in her response and how she was surprised at the reaction of his wife.

    There is such a thing called “separation”.
    Although a divorce is not official, the cex- couple is free to date and do whomever/whatever they want.

    The sad part is that Sienna didn’t understand that Balthazar was lying to both her and his wife about the state of his other relationship.

    Off topic- I am still in disbelief as to how scary thin Keira looks in this picture.
    Somebody please help that beautiful young woman as she is clearly not healthy.

  23. drm says:

    The ‘sisterhood’ is alive and well, but if you want to be part of it you’ve got to earn your membership and I’m sorry having affairs with married men and the hurt and pain you cause other women by doing so excludes you from the sisterhood club…

    Sorry Ms Miller if you want to be a ‘sister’ you’ve got to act like a ‘sister’

    Up herself much?

  24. drm says:

    And I agree that while BG is to blame, he’s the married one after all, SM didn’t have to go there…

    She can’t act and she behaves like a ‘ho…(notice I said ‘behaves’ like one not she ‘is’one 🙂 )

  25. jayem says:

    I see what she’s saying. Women are so quick to vilify other women as a “homewreckers” (see: Jolie, Angelina!) when there is a separation or divorce involved. I do think it’s a mark of seeing someone as threatening, or knowing that your significant other could run off with someone else. Especially if they are really attractive, or as my friend calls it “a guy’s girl”. (Or, in better wording, what Baho said.)

    The bottom line is that no one knows what went on except for the three parties involved. So everyone getting on her about “stealing” someone’s husband should really reserve judgment.

  26. JMC says:

    Ugh, I agree with her–hate to say it.

    I am one of those women who hang out with men b/c I find women to be backstabbing and conniving as friends. No, I’ve never cheated with a man, and I don’t act jealously.

    But women are conditioned by advertising to hate anyone who they PERCIEVE as a threat to their “territory.”

    Advertising has destroyed female friendships. Look at history–women did not always relate to one another like this!

  27. daisy424 says:

    @Ned “…While Angelina seems pathetic to try and excuse her going after a married man…”
    This is your quote from an earlier AJ/BP thread.
    They didn’t start seeing each other until after his separation from Jen A.

    ‘There is such a thing called “separation”
    Although a divorce is not official, the ex-couple is free to date and do whomever/whatever they want.”
    Your comment today.

    So Ned, you’re changing your view on AJ/BP’s relationship?

  28. Anonymous... says:

    No sisterhood for the homewrecker.. awww how sad for her. Grow up!

  29. Persistent Cat says:

    Some women are bitchy and mean just as some guys are bitchy and mean. It’s not a gender thing, it’s a personality thing.

    And yeah, you don’t really get an open armed welcome when you’ve been banging a married guy with kids. If he were married without kids, I wouldn’t care, I don’t judge that, it happens all the time. But he has kids. Yes, he is the bad guy, I don’t think anyone here is saying he’s not but she’s not innocent.

  30. Frenchie says:

    Keira, please smile, darling.
    The whole idea of sisterhood is ridiculous. Those community things only work because they are small, and we are what ? about 50% of the population. So that mean I am going to be nicer to 50% of the population but wait even nicer to the other 50% because well, I luve males !!!

  31. Cirque says:

    Stupid words coming out from an amoral, self-serving, hedonistic, “boho chic”/free spirit proclaiming actress wannabe: did she ever think of the pain and devastation she imparted on a young family ( wife, 4 kids — youngest was only 8 months old) who probably had a fighting chance of reconciliation if Sienna had walked away) and especially the wife who was left holding an empty bag(taking care of 4 kids while the father of these four kids was off to Italy, England and Mexico enjoying the sun and spending money on Sienna while ignoring the needs of his children??)

  32. czarina says:

    As for “flaunting” her relationship…do you really think she was unaware of the photographers who “happened” to just show up while she was hanging out half-naked with BG?
    I have no doubt those photos were set up–why? Perhaps to push BG’s wife into filing for divorce? It’s been done before by stars who are trying to oust the first wife ASAP when they’ve set their sights on a man who is “encumbered” by a marriage (Julia Roberts and Tory Spelling spring to mind).

  33. Zoe says:

    God, “spoonface” Kiera freaks me the hell out.

  34. jsan says:

    I agree that the media has almost destroyed female friendships. It forces down our throats the idea that we are supposed to always be in competition with each other. It takes a lot of work to go against that, particularly for younger women.

  35. Codzilla says:

    Keira looks … odd.

  36. Al says:

    I have to say I agree with commenters who find Sienna’s statement ironic. I agree that she should consider some of the ramifications of her actions to the lives of other women before she tries to posit herself as a victim/postfeminist spokeswoman. BG did a bad bad thing, but Sienna wasn’t a saint either. And sure, a separation is a step to divorce that may involve dating, but as far as I remember, BG wasn’t separated yet. And he’s not divorced now; in fact, he’s gone back to his wife twice. Balthazar’s wife, and his children (including a daughter – another member of the sisterhood!) who are humiliated and hurt every time they see Sienna’s face. I don’t think she’s in a position to make statements like she has.

    That said…
    I, as a young (22 yo) woman, love and respect women and think we are a fantastic bunch who make immeasurable and underappreciated contributions to the world. I have many very close female friends who I would trust with my child, my boyfriend, my car, my credit card, or my life. As groups, we have spent many great years, weekends, spring breaks, overseas vacations, etc. together and have built and shared memories whose value is unparalleled.

    I agree that women who claim there’s no sisterhood in the world and say they can’t be friends with women should take a long, hard look in the mirror.

    I have known women who were conniving, cruel, competitive, and backstabbing. I am not friends with those women. I have also known men who were conniving, cruel, competitive, and backstabbing. I am not friends with those men.

    That is how you build a strong community of mutual respect, love, and sister/brotherhood – by working only with others who are capable of understanding the value of the relationships you build.

    Yeah, don’t believe the hype. Women are great, men are great, and sisterhood and brotherhood both exist.

  37. kimberly says:

    just another statement to get ppl looking at her w/o looking at her acting. She’s not a good actress. I don’t care what she does personally.

  38. becca says:

    The woman is a spoiled BRAT.

    Pot, the kettle is calling.

    It takes two people to cheat. The instigator, and the one that accepts it and goes along for the ride. We won’t ever know who did what, but both Sienna and Getty are whores and slimeballs for participating in infidelity.

    Yes, it is easy to blame the woman. It’s sad. Unfortunately, that’s life. But like I said, both Sienna AND Getty were to blame.

  39. CeeJay says:

    I couldn’t care less about Sienna Miller’s relationship with Getty, they are meaningless to me and my life. However, I do agree that it does seem damned hard for women to appreciate one another. If you are too pretty you are avoided and and looked at with a skeptical eye. If you are overweight and/or frumpy you are judged. If you are a successful career woman who puts her work first you are told you are not a good mother. If you stay home with your kids you’re made to feel like you haven’t accomplished all you should in life. Where does this all come from? The media? Maybe, but more likely from women who in general are quick to judge and unfairly total up the sum parts of other womens lives. I wish it were different, but it’s not.

  40. Kashew_Nutz says:




  41. Elanenergy says:

    Didn’t she also have a hand in breaking up Jude Law’s marriage prior to her most recent foray back into homewrecking? Yes, it goes without saying that the married man is the adulterer. But, whoa, you just don’t “date” married guys and expect for anyone (women or men) to support you. Duh. Stop whining you little slut.

  42. NotBlonde says:

    You know, it is interesting that people go for one or the other but not both.

    Sienna Miller is a homewrecker and Balthazar Getty is an adulterer. There are two people cheating, not just one.

    You can’t put all the blame on Balthazar Getty, same as you can’t put all the blame on Sienna Miller. But she was a homewrecker without a doubt and he was an adulterer without a doubt. The two aren’t mutually exclusive; they go hand-in-hand.

    Girls who don’t get along with other girls need to listen to this bit of advice: What is the common denominator in your failed female friendships?

    Sure as shit wasn’t them.

  43. Ter says:

    I recall it went both ways. He was called out for being a bad father and husband, she was called out for slutting after a married man, with mom in tow for one famous jaunt.

    And sisterhood goes out the window when you knowingly cavort openly with a very public married man. Does she suppose all women need stoop to her “standards” to join this “sisterhood”??!!! Begone, Bimbo!

  44. sunseeker says:

    Getty was not separated at the time of he affair, he separated when the affair came to light, made a statement at LA AIirport. And girls the sisterhood is alive and kicking and is right behind Rosetta and her children.

  45. eternalcanadian says:

    i had to lol when i read this, ““We say we want to be equal, but men don’t sit around bitching at each other. There’s no sisterhood.”

    well, men do sit around bitching at each other, they just do it with their fists, lol.

    she’s one to speak thought considering she sure has a track record of going after men that are married (hello jude law anyone?).

    yes, the men are to blame too, but it takes two to tango, and she knew they were still married (even if you’re separated you’re still married in the eyes of the law until the final decree on the divorce agreement is signed).

    so really, i have no sympathy nor empathy for her. she made her bed and she’s gonna find it completely empty. i wonder if kiera would happily stand next to sienna if sienna had boinked kiera’s boyfriend? i don’t think so.

  46. scut says:

    May be she can get sisterfoods from Pen’s wife, BG’s wife also help you, girlfreind of you steel from her’s boyfreind. However, Rosetta has many sisterfoods, freinds around of her, theres also Balthazar’s family and Balthazar’s old freinds. You must think why you can’t have any sisterfood, in the worldwide. Don’t want and steel anything your neiborhood has. Especially her hudsband, who is hardly busy to take care his childs, not have time to be with her hudsband. you can’t get any sisterfoods when you do want to steel something from neiborhood’s who especially didn’t any bad thing to you!!

  47. Hel says:

    Ceejay – couldn’t agree more! I live in the UK and the media here, particuarly women columnist, tore into Sienna when the Getty story broke – it was brutal. I don’t recall a single article that in any way held Getty even partly responsible for the situation. Women are too vicious towards each other.

  48. sunseeker says:

    HEL, well if she had kept her nude body out of the papers and the internet nobody would have bothered about the affair, Getty is a scumbag that we all know but he kept a low profile while she parade around LA and NYC hanging around him like a limpet grinning all over the place and posing, a little decorum for the wife and children would not have come amiss, and that goes for both of them. And to be honest she has never been liked that much.

  49. vixen says:

    Well, the bottom line is you can’t trust anyone at all. Keep people at a distance. Women will be all smiley , shop with you, go to your wedding, but will gossip about you and sleep with your husband. With woman it is all about compititon. I see it all the time.If another girl comes around and everyone is eye ballinng her up and down. Especially when you look good. That is when the meaness starts. Of course I cannot the 100% of female population is like that, only a select few are real and kind.

  50. minx says:

    I agree that it’s really his fault since he was married (though separated, with issues.. whatever..) at the time of the affair. What makes it hard to be sympathetic to Siennna is the fact that she made no effort to show some class in the process.. parading around NAKED , hanging on to him, kissing BG in public etc. It’s like a slap on the face for his wife and Sienna is surprised other women don’t feel for her? If she had shown some consideration I would have felt more for her. Divorces happen and I don’t really believe a woman can steal a guy who’s happy and in love with his wife but Sienna violated every rule of sisterhood (if there is such a thing).

  51. Aspen says:

    Oh…Sienna, there IS a sisterhood. We just don’t take amoral home-wreckers to our bosom.

    Women who live lives of immorality and unapologetic selfishness inevitably suffer social consequences for their actions at some point in life…and, then, they’re always surprised.

  52. sy says:

    I can’t believe she said that.It proves she’s not only spoiled but also stupid.
    I think she has always been living like this. I liked her before. I felt sorry for you to see you make a fool out of yourself.

  53. Jen says:

    She slept w/ jude law when he was married, puff daddy when he was with kim porter (mother of his children), and then slept w/ getty when he was married. If sienna was so worried about sisterhood maybe she shouldn’t be a whore. She should also do a decent movie sometime in her career.

  54. Sister of Reason says:

    Sisterhood – eh what – unbelievable – staggering in fact – any true sisters would NOT play around with a married man whose wife happens also to be a mother of his children. Sienna baby – wake up – one day you may be in her shoes – I wonder how you would feel then if it happened to you!!! Hey ‘sister’ when you were getting your kicks, did you stop to wonder how your ‘sister’ was coping with being a mother to their children. Obviously a big NOT!

  55. ChristinaX says:

    Sure Balthazar Getty was the one who probably initiated the affair, but she’s still an enabler.

    Sorry, no sympathy here.

  56. bianca says:

    I’m a woman and I don’t give a s*** what shes does or who she sleeps with or who’s life she ruins.

    To generalize : Women bitch, men punch eachother. Neither is more loyal than the other.

    I don’t see why it’s bitchy to honestly voice opinions on other women. When men do it, it’s seen as ‘telling it like it is’ Whats with the double standard?
    Furthermore, she is the one being bitchy and treating women badly by generalizing them as emotional bitchy bitches who hate all women, when in actuality no-one knows who this Getty guy is, so they don’t care to comment on him. If he was the more famous one he would be getting stick. Just like how Brad Pitt is seen as an ass now.

  57. sheryl says:

    First of all, Sienna did not break up Jude and Sadie’s marriage…they were already in the process of divorce when Jude met Sienna on the set of Alfie, and Sadie had already moved in her new boy-toy. Their divorce was granted a month after filming started.
    Secondly, Sienna, did you feel a sisterhood with Daisy when she slept with your boyfriend and you proceeded to issue threats via the media that she better “watch out” and not “go down any dark alleys”. Rosetta has too much class to behave in such a white-trash manner, but don’t mistake it for weakness…she can get you one way or the other. So maybe you better watch out. She’s 10x the woman that you could hope to be.
    And don’t ever think that YOU represent me or my sisters and friends. You only want the sisterhood that agrees with your agenda…which is really just your narcissm talking.

  58. Annie says:

    Agreed on enabler.

    No sympathy for either party.

    I hate girls like her. Having always been in a relationship, it’s the girls like her that make me wanna knock some teeth in.

    You know which ones I’m talking about, the ones that see a ring on a man’s finger and JUMP on him? The ones who see him holding his gf’s hand and tries to sneak in a butt squeeze at the club.

    Yea. Those bitches.

    (I’ve only been kicked out of club once! LOL And I didn’t even get the swing in because a giant 6’2 friend of mine picked me up and took my out of the club muttering something about how he can’t take my anywhere. lol)

  59. Zola says:

    No one wants to be your sister b!tch!

    You had a “sister” in Robin Wright Penn and you crawled all over your “sister’s” husband’s lap! They almost got divorced over it! With sisters like you, who needs enemies?!

  60. sandy geer says:

    Is this lady serious? She ran around with a married man who had several children at home. Where was the sisterhood when she cavorted nearly nude on a beach in Europe with B. Getty? She’s utterly shameless. I can’t stand women who get up on their hind legs and preach as if they’re paragons of virtue. B. Getty is an idiot and a nobody. I think Sienna got the heat because she’s famous. They were both wrong and selfish.

  61. Trashaddict says:

    Sienna, I thought you spent more time with men than that. Oope, I guess you weren’t actually TALKING with them. Married 20+ years, my husband tells me about stuff at work, and men DO bitch at each other and they DO pass judgment on each other. They pretty much lost patience with one coworker who couldn’t keep it in his pants. So think about crossing your legs for awhile honey. Your career needs a little crisis management.

  62. sara says:

    Is she really so incredibly self centered and stupid as to complain that there isn’t a parade in her honor because she goosing a married man?

    Dam that’s pretty stupid! Don’t use a fork to ge tthe toast out of the toaster, Sienna!

  63. Jen says:

    wahhhhh sienna! poor thing – being judged harshly by women. it was getty’s fault for sure, but it was also hers too. i think he’s a total douchebag (and it seems like his coworkers think so too), but the way it was so public in his poor wife’s face! sienna’s a pretty girl and could get loads of other guys – why pick someone who’s married? and then expect people not to judge her? she was the victim in the whole jude law thing – didn’t she learn from that?

  64. willy wonka says:

    She has a point. Some women are still stuck in the medieval past, where they see men as their “property” and if he dares strays, it’s obviously that b***’s fault. IT’s a childish mentality.

    I mostly blame the guys because it was their vow to keep in the first place. The women deserves some blame, but that depends on what happened? GUYS LIE! He might have convinced her he split up.

    These situations can be complicated, but most people jump to conclusions and assign blame to the woman and then go on a rampage. In any case, we don’t really know the whole situation with Sienna and everyone has already tried and judged her. IT’s hardly fair.

  65. U says:

    What about Angelina Jolie? She’s a home-wrecker, but everybody worships her as though she deserved to steal Jennifer Aniston’s husband.

  66. sally says:

    willy and u

    She targets married men, because she can, because she likes the challenge of sonvincing them she’s better than their wives. She is a hideous human being, which is why there’s no sisterhood for her.

    And if it makes you feel better, Angelina is a ho, to, but at least Brad didn’t leave Jen to raise four kids on her own. At least Brad isn’t an addict who was sober but is now drinking and drugging. Balthazar is in so deep that he’s lost his TV job, and Sluttyenna just drinks right along with him. Now, that’s love.

  67. Rick says:

    Almost ALL of you are self-righteous and presumptuous.

    Were you there? No you weren’t. Her and Getty say he was separated.

    And? Nearly all of you comment under the presumption that they are lying. As if you know something that, in fact, you do NOT know.

    I agree with her, after working with groups of women and groups of men through the years, there’s no question in my mind that there is no ‘sisterhood’.

    Men can work in groups with unity and no backstabbing…I can’t say I’ve seen the same with women in groups.

    Catty, backstabbing, disloyal, manipulative, vindictive, competitive, all ways I’ve seen women be with each other.

    I’m glad I’m a man and don’t have to go through it, I’ve seen women be cut to pieces and hurt beyond repair by packs of jealous women…must be hell.

  68. Wahlen says:

    Excellent post, keep it up