I’ve heard mixed things about the new HBO show The Leftovers. It’s not like I’m looking for something to criticize either – I haven’t watched any of it because I canceled HBO as soon as Game of Thrones was over. I just don’t think HBO has some massive hit on their hands with The Leftovers, and it’s not some cultural-touchstone show. And I don’t think it has much to do with Justin Theroux or Liv Tyler, the two most major stars of the show. I think it has a lot to do with creator/writer Damon Lindelof and his limited bag of tricks.
Anyway, I’ve been thinking about how weird it is that Justin did barely any advanced promotion ahead of the premiere, and I completely missed the fact that Liv Tyler basically did NO promotion. But two nights ago she was on Watch What Happens Live and she talked about Justin’s bulge (#neverforget), whether she would ever pose for Playboy and what she dislikes about her dad. Some highlights:
Liv on Theroux’s bulge: “There was this scene where he was jogging. And there was quite a large bulge in his sweatpants, and it was all over. I get distracted when I watch the pilot, definitely. I’m like, ‘Can’t help but look there.’ But I’ve never noticed the bulge other times.”
Marry, shag and kill. “Marry Justin Theroux, shag Ben Affleck and kill Orlando Bloom.”
Whether she would ever pose for Playboy: “I don’t know, my mom’s body was so beautiful. I’m a little too shy to be naked. I’m kind of into wearing panties. I would do it if I could have something covering my something.”
The best & worst parts of Steven Tyler. “The worst is that he likes to ride in limousines, and I get really embarrassed. The best is his smell. I love the way he smells, he smells really good.”
Those photos of Justin Theroux’s bulge were pretty Hamm-Dong-tastic, so I would imagine that the bulge in motion (running!) would be… disconcerting. Distracting. Did the director just not notice? Or was the bulge some kind of strategic marketing technique? Also: she wants to marry Justin, shag Affleck and kill Orly?! How does that make any sense? You need to kill the Batfleck. Then marry Orly and shag Justin probably.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.
128 Responses to “Liv Tyler finds Justin Theroux’s giant bulge ‘distracting’, wants to kill Orly Bloom”
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Wait, did they let her pick any men she wanted, or was there a limited pool?
Andy Cohen picks the three men! Those were the choices given to her.
Hello! This is called PR. Someone is sure trying to make Justin Theroux happen. it’s actually quite funny and very transparent.
I was getting ready to say. Who in hell picks those three, for like, anything?
The Three Stooges Part II?
@Katherine, I completely agree with you.
and they’re all co-stars, so presumably she knows all three fairly well.
which is interesting to me that she’d choose to marry Theroux…hmm….and kill Orly?! he seems like the nicest of the bunch! guess she DOES know something about these three that the public does not.
ETA: and she spent (probably) the most time with Theroux (as the show is ongoing) and Orly (as it was three movies back to back). double hmmmm…..
Orlando seems like the most boring of the bunch. He also dated Bosworth so yeah, I would definitely kill him.
lmao at the bos thing…I had forgotten.
well, that’s not a dealbreaker for me. I mean, ASkars also dated her, and I’d still jump on him like white on rice.
Very true about ASkars. I might have to reconsider and kill Theroux instead. lol
Marry Orly, Shag Affleck, Kill Theroux. Too easy.
You being a longtime aniston cheerleader, I’d say you’re reaching. She very obviously picked the lesser of 3 evils, the one she’s been promoting her show with who also is the one she knows least well.
She’s known bloom and affleck for more than 15 years.
ME being a “longtime Aniston cheerleader”…um, what now?
BALLS. and thank you.
Perhaps she didn’t want to endure another round of Liv and Orly are getting together rumours so chose to kill him. Why does Liv want to kill Orly rumours might be preferable!
Ahahaha can you imagine her just randomly declaring that’d she’d kill Orly out of every man in the world? This made me chuckle.
I know good bulge. My husband can’t even wear fitted pants, it’s obscene.
That bulge just looks like some low hangers, it shouldn’t be compared to the Hammdong, that’s all dong.
And it’s attached to Justin Theroux. He creeps me out.
Agreed. Those are just some large balls. Lol based on knowledge on what my partner looks like free balling.
Maybe Liv is like me, I’d shame bang batflek. He’s all muscled and tall and awful in the personality. Orly seems really sweet and pretty but that doesn’t really work for me. He gets kill by default.
THANK YOU. I don’t care how big Theroux’s sausage is… just EEEWWW. That was my first and only reaction: “EEEWWW”. Yes, he can act but HELL NO with the bulge talk. Just EEWWW!
Lucky lady! Lol. My neighbor always has a bulge and it really is distracting when I talk to him, but he’s gay, sigh.
Lol. MTE. He’s got the balls, but I’m not seeing any dong…?
Since we’re sharing, my guy looks just above average just sitting there, but he is a grower — and I mean a GROWER. It’s really quite incredible. And I mean that literally 😀
Preach. Jezebel or was it gawker has some hilarious posts. The pic of it is disturbing and weird, almost like his crotch is eating his sweatpants. Funniest ones accuse him of displaying moose knuckle in his 11th hour bid to become a stah. The rest conclude whatever he’s manipulated looks gross and all balls, the dong doesn’t even reach his upper thigh.
She didn’t hesitate either. Usually some of the stars demure, but Liv went right and knew her answers! Haha
Before 90% of all interviews a celebrity knows the questions that are going to be asked. All questions must be approved by them and their manager.
Liv Tyler is utterly gorgeous!
Yeah, she is a very beautiful woman. I like the way she carries herself as well. She is very soft spoken and feminine but also has a bit of her dad’s swagger.
I totally agree Paola!
She was perfect for the movie Stealing Beauty – have to find that one again.
I saw her in person once at a fruit and vegetable stand. She is TALL. Very! And has a pretty normal body. I like that about her.
I’m usually all about the bulge, but Justin isn’t sexy to me, so …meh.
I’m the exact opposite. I hate to see a bulge (seriously, its the male equivalent of camel toe. Why is that sexy?) but I do like Justin and his cute brown eyes.
One of the reasons I loathe bulge is because it kills the mystery (eeh fantasy). Having been forced to inspect this bulge it has afew shortcomimgs i.e. it curves like a knarly banana to the left. I dont like curvy d*cks! Fantasy. Dead.
To quote Samantha Jones, “what can I say? I need a big d&$@.”
LOL..Me too Goodnames. I don’t need mystery when it comes to what’s downstairs. In fact, I would love to know what’s going on down there even before I kiss him.
Shallow? Oh yeah, definitely. But everyone has their preference.
Lol ladies, bulge discussion.. Given that I always turned down men with the big accessories down there, should I send them your way ladies… Just in case I meet one jogging, just for that…
I’m surprised by this bulge, assume with all the skinny jeans he’d be wearing tightywhities.
He just had an interview saying he hates sweat pants and what do we have here??
But you can’t always tell by the bulge: sometimes they’re “grow-ers” and sometimes they’re “show-ers”…
Right, OKitten, after my divorce from The Gerkin Pickle, I was ruthless. If we were standing up and kissing passionately, but I couldn’t tell anything about what was going on down there, I considered it a “no show” and there was no next date. Lol
Amanduh, funny.
That’s ok, Lady McB, I found my permadong.
I don’t get the obsession with large bulges. Most guys I’ve known are growers. They’re more fun to play with anyway. 😉
She seems nice.
Arthritic contorted knuckle is not the Hamm/salami sandwich, just sayin’.
It does resemble that, now that you mention it, Kiddo. I was trying to think what it was…
Perfect description. We should have a side-by-side of Theroux’s and Hamm’s freestyle packages. Question: doesn’t it hurt to run without some sort of support?
If you are Hamm, I’d say yes.
Well, considering the fact that Liv and Justin went to her daddy’s concert together the other night and they were liberally papped, it seems like she wants the public to think of her and Justin as a potential thing. Which isn’t cool, Liv, unless you know something we don’t know about the Theroux-Aniston engagement. Which maybe you do. But either way, it would be nice to give his fiancee a chance to remove herself from that coupling with some dignity, if possible, before inviting the public in. Not an Aniston fan – just don’t like to see women do this to other women.
Yes, and if only Jennifer Aniston had given Heidi Bivens the courtesy to remove herself from ‘her’ relationship with Justin Theroux with dignity before inviting the public in.
Umm…I’m pretty sure that Liv didn’t kidnap Justin and force him to go to the concert. HE COULD HAVE DECLINED! Another blame the woman for whatever the man does. He is the one who is engaged!!!! Also, it was probably for publicity for the show…Anniston know the name of the game is publicity…she has lived off it for years now…I will say that Justin and Liv look better together than JA and Justin…just a sexier couple….
…well then, that’s all that matters.
No it’s not, but JA and JT were always an odd couple to me. I also think that he and Liv seem more… I don’t know.. harmonious? WIth him being all hipster rock chic and stuff and her being a model and daughter of a rockstar. I don’t know.
How do we make it so that somehow this was Angelina’s fault? It hasn’t reached that lunacy level until we can make that happen. Work harder people!
I don’t get where Angelina came in…?
You MUST think harder, there has to be an underlying conspiracy or something! (I’m just teasing)
Wasn’t she in a Aerosmith video? no, that was Silverstone…Jolie was in a Stones vid…
dang, I’ll keep trying. 😉
oh, and Good Morning Balls to you, Kiddo.
@doofus, there has to be six degrees of Kevin Bacon in there some how. And a “Hail to the balls” back at ya.
I can’t believe we made it this far into the comments before someone mentioned Heidi Bivens. Now that’s what you call progress.
Hmmm, for the conspiracy angle, how about Angelina & Liv both have famous dads while Aniston only has a semi-famous dad, so…ummm…it’s class warfare if you steal her man? Whereas…uh…I got nothin.
Its angelina’s fault because she and Justin and Liv’s Dad all share the same make-up artiste who also supplies Brad with his ahem aphrodisiac to help him stay firm for Angelina – which begets more Brangelina children – which in turn will pisses Jennifer off because it hogs her media attention. So while Brangelina’s bunch expands – thanks to Angelina’s and Justins make up artiste – Jen has to get busy and, in turn, to do more adverts. As a result, they aren’t able to go to Cabo as often and Justin is forced to go to couples spa treatments with Jen and be forced to listen hours and hours Bikini waxing woe’s (since Cabo is where the best waxer lives and he refuses to come to America.) In turn he listens to the song ‘crazy’ on repeat.
I’m confused ‘Mitch’ re your shade, in what alternative universe does anyone need help staying firm for…La Jolie? Me thinks you’re forgetting the consensus and narrative which is that sexy hot man eaters are always sensual sexy brunettes with big lips (waves to ange and liv..go get him livvie! Lol) while maniston aka tootsie continues to cold fish repel all men, excluding hair dressers who see dollar signs.
I’m actually liking the Leftovers. It’s interesting and will hopefully turn into a great sci-fi/suspense/creepy town thing. And Justin is a great actor… I just don’t like his IRL persona.
And Steven Tyler smellls good? I don’t know about that.
Yeah, you wouldn’t guess he smelled good from looking at him.
Maybe Liv like the smell of old leather!!!!
See, I think the opposite. Steven is in touch with and comfortable with his feminine side. I imagine he uses pomegranate shampoo or something like that on his long locks.
Ha! He looks like mold.
What, mold? Nah….”Dude looks like a lady”.
As an old friend of Steven Tyler, I concur. He smells great.
I haven’t had a chance to watch it yet, but plan on it.
And yeah, I don’t look at Steven Tyler and expect him to smell very good!
Bong water and patchouli would be my guess.
Maybe she thinks that smells good, who knows?
@Frida_K: Ummm, damn…that doesn’t smell good to everyone???!
*runs to take a shower*
ST looks like he would smell like…the carpet in a VIP room in a strip club.
“Bong water and patchouili”
I heard Justin is fantastic on the Leftovers. Eh. I might try to see if someone can bit torrent it for me. Still not worth and HBO subscription.
He IS good, surprisingly. Judging by his poseur ways, I had doubted him, but it turns out he’s quite compelling and convincing in the role. And (omg I can’t believe what I’m about to say) really kind of sexy. Too bad the show isn’t better, but I’m watching it for now anyway, and he seems to be a large part of why I’m coming back. Can’t believe I’m saying that after all these months of sneering at his painfully-conscious, uber-detailed hipster style. But damn. He’s good.
I know right? He’s starting to grow on me just based on the last couple interviews I read.
Maybe he cast a spell on us?
It’s black magic I tell you!
Yes, he’s a decent actor. I remember he had a recurring role on “Six Feet Under”.
This is the thing – I think he’s a great actor – he’s easily my favorite in all the movies I’ve seen him in… I just can’t get over the hipness… so much hip.
I think Justin is the best thing on The Leftovers. As far as I can remember, I’ve only seen him in Mulholland Drive, and that was a long time ago. I’m a sucker for a tormented male – a man with two kids whose wife chose a cult over her family. I think the character is the equivalent of Rick on TWD. I’m not loving the show yet, primarily because of the cult who obsessively smokes – they sleep with cigarette and lighter in hand. I was hoping for some good interaction about the show, but (as usual) it devolves into the triad of doom situation.
The show is a tad difficult if you’re an animal lover. The pilot alone had a dog shot and killed, a stag hit by a car and groaning and thrashing, and a stag torn apart by a pack of dogs.
I like “The Leftovers.” Good cast, great acting. My biggest complaint is that it’s very depressing (particularly the last episode).
I’m not a fan of Justin T’s hipster look but find him very attractive on the show. He’s actually a very good actor, too.
IMO I don’t see the leftover getting renewed.Its ratings is dropping like crazy its a good thing because the show is such a bore.
I guess that is why they are still working on the promotion. Halle did a few interviews for her show Extant.. and it is doing very well. No other promotional work needed.
I think they are working over time to hype him and thus get people interested in the show. You don’t have to work that hard to make someone happen. When it is there it is there and public buys in.
I gave up after two and a half episodes. The editing drove me up the wall. Short scenes with poignant and sad gazing does not automatically create gravitas. And finishing EVERY scene with the maudlin piano music was making me lose the will to live.
I haven’t seen it but that description of yours is funny as hell.
The gazing part sounds like the end of every scene in old daytime soap operas.
Lol T.Fanty, that was a great thumbnail review. I hope you do that for a living, because you could kill at it. I like the show a little more than you do, but gotta say, you nailed its most glaring stylistic flaws. I do think Theroux is seriously good in it, though – the best thing about the show, and the reason I came back for more.
I was going to start watching it for the Smoking Cult. It sounds like something Patsy Stone would belong to—she wakes up with a ciggie and a lighter in her hands too.
I love Liv but please don’t ever get together with the male gigolo Justin. That man was with a woman for 14 years and then cheated in her with his now sugarmama/fiancé Jennifer. Unless someone younger and more connected in Hollywood – Justin won’t ever leave Jennifer. He cheated with Jennifer so he is probably cheating on her as well. Not a man to marry – Liv.
The more I look at Justin the more sinister, creepy, series killer like he looks. Plus his personality with the gabbage eating, collecting death things, wearing makeup and being metro sexual just makes him less atttractive. More importantly his close friendship with pedo Terry takes him off the list completely – you are the company you keep.
PS: they anyone else read the interview about Jennifer gushes about her fiancé? She was trying to sound articulate but ended up sounding like an idiot. Intelligent she is not or maybe she was drunk or high as usual and couldn’t put two sentence together.
PPS: Liv doesn’t have to use her personal to promote anything. Justin and Jennifer are doing that for her with them calling paps, hosting a dinner for landing a magazine cover (real A listers will never host something for something like that), giving interviews after interviews about their relationship, making sure to have dinner with their friends co star at a pap haven and to make sure they get papped. Seriously Jennifer and Huvane are the biggest and most predictable pr manipulators in Hollywood. Gotta applaud them for having created a profitable career out if being the poor victim despite Jennifer herself ruined 3 relationships including Justin’s. Well played Jennifer – well played.
PPPS: I gave leftovers a shot because I love Liv but damn that serial is crap. Not surprised it is losing viewers each week.
I gather you do not like Aniston. Hahaha.
what gave it away?!
I gather she doesn’t like Theroux either XD
Is that a requirement to post on the thread??
@Lisa2, who wrote: “Is that a requirement to post on the thread??”
No, it isn’t, but just take all of the overly concerned ‘intolerant’ comments here questioning ‘intolerance’ as well as the finger-wagging chiding for what it is: “Balls 2, the sequel. Same group, same mission … distraction.”
Wow someone hasn’t moved on
I am more curious about why Orlando got the bullet. Makes you wonder what she knows. 🙂
And she can’t kill Affleck. They were such a cute couple in Armageddon.
I loved Liv and Ben in that movie where he is widowed with a child, Jersey Girl or something Jersey.
I would have never associated Steven Tyler with smelling good. Lol.
…more like rancid patchouli mixed with gum disease.
The gum disease part floored me. Thanks for the much needed laugh!
I’m actually surprised Steven Tyler smells good. And why would she kill Orly??
IKR? I’m pretty sure he’s the only one I WOULDN’T kill, once I got to know them.
Well good thing Liv didn’t say she had so much fun working with Justin that would be ” UNCOOL”.
That was funny.. now I wonder if any of their fans are going to be all offended and say how this is just too inappropriate. No not going to happen.
but to be fair I think Liv said she and Theroux have been friends for years. That they live around the corner from each other IIRC.. so I would imagine she may have been friends with his Ex Heidi too..
Liv, Justin, my fave Christopher Eccelstion,and the rest of the cast are really good. The problem I have is the writing is slow, self important, and very labored. It’s a lot like Lost in plot points except there is zero connectivity, and a nihilist sensibility that’s supposed to give the whole thing gravitas but for me comes off as smug and lazy writing.I’m still giving it a chance because who knows maybe it will actually pick up soon? Last week’s episode that focused on Eccelstion was markedly better than the others at least.
Well said. I agree., fwiw.
Lost at least had polar bears. I just watched this week’s episode of The Leftovers and found myself doing laundry and wishing for it to hurry up and end so I could watch John Oliver.
It’s really cute her’s dad’s rockstar ways embarass her. I bet he smells like some really expensive deep dark spicy Tom Ford stuff. I like her, always have, no one else in this show intrigues me though. I find Justin icky/skeevy in the extreme.
I’m surprised she didn’t shag Ben when they did that movie about the asteroid, can’t remember the name of it, maybe she was married at the time. They would’ve been a cute couple, I’ve always liked her, she seems pretty down to earth.
She is so unbelievably beautiful.
I totally understand what she means about the sweatpants. I saw a guy get on the bus — not running, just walking on a bus — wearing sweatpants and no underwear, and yeah. Could. Not. Look. Away. Boingy-boingy-boingy.
I understood a little better, then, how it must be for straight guys around a woman in no bra. Regardless of whether the person is attractive to you — no matter how committed you are to being respectful of your fellow human being — that jiggle slurps your eyeballs over and welds them to the body part in question.
Lol–too true.
When Steven Tyler was starting out he lived in a car and survived on sardines.
He probably perceives Theroux as a highbrow hipster and would want someone better for his daughter.
I thought that Liv Tyler had already shagged Ben Affleck while filming Armageddon. I wonder why she never talks about the man who actually raised her? I guess he got flushed as soon as she learned that her biological father (the who abandoned her and her mother as a child) was more famous. I like Liv Tyler in general but dislike this side of her
Maybe because she isn’t asked about him.She is asked about Steven Tyler.
She does talk about him very positively when she’s asked, but I think the media is more interested in Steven obviously.
I think the media also forgets that part of her story. She also didn’t find out until she was in her teens who her biological dad was & when she started to make a name for herself the media just saw her last name as Tyler.
I agree. Maybe it’s because I’m adopted that I’m sensitive about the man who raised her, but she seriously acts as if Steven Tyler raised her. In fact, I once saw an interview where she talked about how Steven taught her to brush her teeth. Unless she didn’t start brushing her teeth until her teens, she’s deluded or a liar.
Whew–she talks nonstop about Todd Rundgren, who BTW, is very rich and famous. Another fine gent and elder statesman of rock.
for you ladies and your jogging pants/sausage affinity, be on the lookout for the jog strap:
Michael C Hall is handsome, hot – and I believe single – he and Liv would make an attractive looking pair.
I believe he has a girlfriend. Plus, he dumps his girlfriends/wives pretty quickly. Both wives only lasted two years.
He’s a misogynist, so I’ll pass.
Orlando Bloom to me is creepy and looks like a girl. So I totally get what she said.
Am I the only person *extremely* uncomfortable with Marry/Shag/Kill lists?
I’m uncomfortable with the whole bulge comment–when it comes to stuff like that, I think that if a man had said that about a female costar–who maybe wasn’t supposed to wear a bra or something during filming–about her breasts/nipples being distracting, then everyone here would call him nasty and sexist, etc.
Virgilia, that’s a great and valid point. The whole thing hit me wrong too. Thanks for saying it.
I’ve felt that way since Andy Cohen started doing it, yes. Why can’t it be “Marry, Shag, Dump” or “Marry, Shag, Ignore”? Or “Marry, shag, no way!”
What I want to know is what she thinks about Hunnam’s bulge in “the ledge”.
I don’t know what Liv thinks about it, but I thought it was fabulous, like the rest of Charlie. Hi, Miss M!! 🙂
That’s not an interesting bulge. All potatoes and no sausage.
Ahahaha, love it, Syko! Wish I’d said that. And I probably will! 😉
As far as The Leftovers goes, I watched the mini marathon last night and have to say I like the show a lot. I find the story and characters very interesting. I hope the show has a good run on HBO. I also think Theroux is great in his role, as is Amy Brennaman.
Just my 2 cents.
I am finding the Leftovers hard to get into. I want to like it but I just don’t care about the characters although Justin Theroux is so pretty. Like…almost TOO hot to look at. It’s strange because I have seen him in other movies and I found him handsome but in this he’s almost too striking to be a cop lol
I swear these sexual jokes are dreamed up by pr departments for good click bait. check out Jen Love Hewitt and her vayjay, Shailene Woodley on sunning her thing. I swear these help promote films/shows.