Was Kim Kardashian sweating off her katface yesterday in balmy Paris?


Kim Kardashian and Kanye West only stopped in London for a day, then it was on to Paris for Fashion Week. These are photos from their two outfit changes in Paris yesterday. Earlier in the day, Kim was wandering around in that giant white Chloe coat and white t-neck ensemble, then Kim and Kanye brought North West to the Balmain show later in the day – those are the photos of Kim and North in all-black. Nori’s outfit in particular is absolutely adorable. That’s how Kanye dresses! North is dressing like her daddy. She’s also walking on her own… but only in Paris. Like Nori’s feet ever touch the ground in LA.

I should also note something kind of funny about these photos: Kim and Kanye are probably sweating their asses off. When I first saw the white coat photos, I did think to myself, “Huh, I wonder if it’s unseasonably cold in Paris right now?” Us Weekly says that it was mid-60s (Fahrenheit) yesterday. Granted, I’ve lived in the South/mid-Atlantic most of my life, but when it’s a high of 65, I’m still wearing flip-flops and I have most of my windows open. I’m not wandering around in a huge turtleneck sweater plus a giant coat. So sweaty!! Kim Kardashian: Always a swamp-butt.



Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet and Pacific Coast News.

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85 Responses to “Was Kim Kardashian sweating off her katface yesterday in balmy Paris?”

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  1. Mylene-Montreal says:

    Adorable ! But why she go there ?! …

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Right? She was probably squirming around and bored through the show. Ridiculous.

    • Mia V. says:

      Because Nori is an accessory for both and like any good accessory it has to be shown off.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      Poor Nori. The paps are down on their knees flashing right in her cute little face. I don’t understand why Kim isn’t shielding her from them.

      • harlte says:

        Kim sees that baby as a way to stay in the limelight. That’s why she doesn’t shield her. If she didn’t get pregent and have a baby with Kanye West, she would not be talked about as much. This baby has helped her get into fashion shows, MET galas, non-stop coverage,etc. I hate to say this but little Compass Direction is a means to an end for Kim and her family to stay famous.
        I mean if she has a kid with that dude she married for 72 days, would she be getting this much attention? I doubt it.

    • Mixtape says:

      She’s the most respected celebrity out of the three of them… perhaps she was their ticket in?

  2. elisabeth says:

    it looks like an unhappy mannequin being dragged by an 18 month old

  3. zan says:

    Poor Nori, these leather tights look so uncomfortable!! + the skirt..

    • Anname says:

      I can’t imagine putting a toddler in leather tights and clunky boots. You can dress your child in your own style but at least adapt it so your kid is comfortable.

      • Tracy says:

        The boots kill me. It must make it so much harder for her to walk. I bet she misses her nannies when she is out with these two.

      • Belle Epoch says:

        OMG the boots!!! This is a bad sign. It’s more important for her to look a certain way than to have NORMAL BABY SHOES.

        She’s going to end up like those horses who raise their hooves really high because they usually put weights on them!

      • Sugar1 says:

        those boots make me think Franken-tot

    • crab says:

      …….and have to wear a shirt with Yeezus on it! *eye roll*

  4. Tracy says:

    Kanye looks like his usual chipper self.

    • Kas says:

      Always on cloud 9, that one.

    • Chris2 says:

      Heh heh……abd if he’d quit with the sulky pout and his pout-enhancing topiary, he’d be really handsome.
      Looove his boots….but what’s with the trouser department? Are there shorts over the ripped jeans? The silk scarf looks fab too. If only all this was on a diferent guy!

  5. Lilacflowers says:

    The one with her all bundled up in the sweater and coat with a guy standing behind her with his lightweight shirt open and sleeves rolled up is hilarious.

  6. Annie says:

    Wonder if leather is comfortable for a toddler…? She’s a cutie, whatever the case.

    • lisa2 says:

      Well she is “working” the leather outfit better than either of her parents ever have.

      now I’m really out.. lol

  7. Chrissy says:

    I’ve never seen such happy newlyweds!

  8. snowflake says:

    nori looks so cute. she doesn’t seem afraid of the photographers.

  9. lisa2 says:

    North is adorable.

    and I love that winter white coat Kim is wearing.

    that’s it.. out

  10. Erinn says:

    It’s 42 F here. I’m still wearing my Birks sandals. It’s supposed to get up to a balmy 57 though. I actually wore long shorts yesterday. I still haven’t broken out the jackets or anything. I refuse. I’m dragging summer on as long as I can.

    • Mot says:

      I live in texas and when it drops into the “chilly” 70s people whip out their sweatshirts!

      • MW says:

        I live in Southern California and the low 60’s is fairly cold to me. It does get down to 40 at night in the winter and I am freezing. I know that sounds ridiculous – but it’s true. So Kim K. wearing a coat in Paris might not actually be, this time, for her all-encompassing “fashion” fixation.

    • MrsB says:

      It’s unseasonably cold where I live in the south…in the 60’s. I can’t leave the house without a jacket, and my 6 yr old pulled out his heavy winter jacket and gloves to play outside. We don’t deal with cold very well obviously 😉

      But, in our defense, we handle 100+ temps like champs!

      • Erinn says:

        Yeah, MrsB – I can’t handle the 100’s. AT ALL. I actually prefer the late spring/eeeaarrllyy fall temps of Nova Scotia to our summer temps.

        I was speaking to a man from Florida on the phone at work and he said he’s still sitting in super high temperatures and is planning on heading up here to cool down for a bit!

        Mot – whenever people get off the Maine – NS ferry (in the summer) most seem to be wearing heavy sweaters. I saw a woman in a winter coat the other day. Big, puffy parka! It was a warm day, too/

  11. Tiffany27 says:

    Why is a child at a fashion show? I hope she had something to play with.

    • LuluBelle says:

      Because her parents are idiots?

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:


    • Ag says:

      nori IS cuteness.

      but yeah, i can’t see how a toddler wouldn’t be bored out of her mind after 5 minutes of sitting down at a fashion show. unless she was tired, since it seems to be the evening. (i assume that kim and kanye have no clue that babies go to sleep earlier than adults, since the nannies take care of those issues.)

    • Mrs. Wellen Melon says:

      Because the child is treated as a fashion accessory. Bonus points for photos “proving” the parents spend time with the child.

    • Nicolette says:

      According to Kim Nori just loves playing with her make up brushes. Good times.

      • Wiffie says:

        My 22 month old is obsessed with my makeup brushes, and is I even go into the bathroom to blow my nose, she is being too sit up on the sink and play because she wishes it was getting-ready-time. And I’m no attention whore, either! So I’ll let that one slide…

  12. Kiddo says:

    At first I thought the shirt said, “Yeezos”, and I thought Kanye was now marketing a cereal. How entertaining would it be, if on the back of the box, they listed miscellaneous Kanya rantings? GENIUS oats ladypants cow termites dentist smellyboots.

  13. ketjo says:

    Poor little Baby…..can you imagine what her bottom looked like after a afternoon of sitting in a wet diaper covered with hot leather/pleather tights and that heavy shirt….and then being set down and made to try and walk in those heavy clumsy boots with lights flashing and people yelling for her to look at them…..after all she’s only 14 mos old….they should be ashamed of themselves using that baby as media bait like that….

    • Nicolette says:

      Exactly. Babies should be in soft comfortable and breathable fabrics. They treat her like she’s an accessory to what they choose to wear.

    • MW says:

      All I know is she/he dresses her like a boy most of the time. Kanye wears a skirt sometimes, so I am not sure this skirt can even be considered “girl clothes. Kim said somewhere that she (North) has her own style. No, she doesn’t. The poor kid get stuck in these freaky clothes by her freaky parents. What are they going to say to her when she gets older and sees how they dressed her? Is she going to ask, “Did you guys wish I had been a boy?”.

  14. Sabrine says:

    The outfit on Nori is probably just for the show. She’ll be back in more comfortable clothes once they’re back in their suite. They seem to be taking her with them more now than she’s older.

  15. als says:

    Oh phleeeeeease! If I learned anything from movies and celeb gossip is that these people don’t give a damn on temperatures . I remember watching Dallas and seeing Linda Evans strutting around in fur coats in sunny weather.
    Let’s not forget Coachella – the festival of people that wear extremely short shorts with boots.

    • Sassy says:

      That is LA where brown boots are worn with shorts. Rather odd. Also the long casual dresses worn everywhere.

  16. Ava says:

    Nori looks ridiclous, poor child , just staring to walk and they stick her in those big , chunky boots.. And her outfit … She looks like she’s Halloween trick or treating .

    Who please, tell me who brings a baby to Paris fashion week to actually have them go to the shows , there are pictures of 3 them sitting front row at some show, you can’t make up the ridiculousness of these people lives if you tried.

  17. LuluBelle says:

    Nori looked ridiculous and uncomfortable in that black leather, leggings, combat boots getup. How about a jumper, tights and some cute shoes? NEWSFLASH children like bright colors.

  18. Santolina says:

    White is such a practical color for a ginormous, floppy coat. She probably spilled wine on it.

  19. LIVEALOT says:

    Nori’s delicious and I much prefer her hair like this than the slick down look.

  20. JudyK says:

    Only comment is that North is SOOOO adorable.

    • kaligula says:

      +1 I hate to give clicks to stories on Mrs West and any of her kin, but North’s perpetually furrowed brow truly delights me to behold….

  21. BendyWindy says:

    If Kim’s white coat was more seasonally appropriate, I would love that whole look. But it’s too hot for that mess right now. That’s a 40 degrees and below ensemble.

  22. blu says:

    Kim probably loves to think of herself as so high fashion and upper crust in Paris, where the weather shall never dictate the high fashion choices someone so stylish has to make.

  23. AlmondJoy says:

    These two crack me up! 😂 When I see their faces all I can think is “whyyy so serious?”

    I must say though that I LOVE Kim’s coat. And Nori is so adorable!! I think the boots are too heavy for her feet though.

    • lirko says:

      They are, if nothing else, always good for a laugh. And that baby is unreasonably cute (even with the goofy attire).

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      That baby is disgustingly cute. And I’m not a baby person.

    • AlmondJoy says:

      Lirko, they are hilarious and take themselves so seriously!!

      TOK: I’m SUCH a baby person. It’s ridiculous lol. She is just too cute for words.

  24. jodabell says:

    Children don’t care what they wear but they need colour. It’s stimulating for them.

  25. rianic says:

    That child needs color!!!! I admit, it is a Southern thing to dress a child in all white. When I had my first and questioned that, I was told “because you can bleach it.”

    But seriously, I’ve never seen that
    Baby in color

    • Eileen says:

      Really? I never realized that- my son spent his first eleven years in South Carolina in lots of colors,etc. and lots of overalls in colder months

  26. FingerBinger says:

    Nori is adorable but the leather skirt and boots are ridiculous.

  27. Crystal says:

    Kim looks like she borrowed the Pope’s robe. Nori’s outfit- horrible, just horrible.

  28. We Are All Made of Stars says:

    Hello everyone, Kim Kardashian is wearing a stunning slim, trim, black peplum outfit and looks amazing and delightful. Credit where credit is due.

  29. Mischa Jane says:

    I love Kim’s white coat. It’s pretty fabulous, even if it was too warm outside for it.

    I think Nori looks kind of ridiculous. The skirt with some regular tights and cute girly shoes might have been ok, but they paired it with leather leggings/tights and heavy looking boots. I don’t know how North can walk in those boots.

  30. smcollins says:

    My guess about the white coat ensemble is that it’s a new look for the coming season and she just HAD to be the first one seen wearing it, regardless of the temperature.

    Nori really is a cutie, even if they do treat her like a fashion plate.

  31. Velvet Elvis says:

    The get up on that baby is tragic. smh

    • Chrissy says:

      I guess she has to earn her keep somehow….. We’re all talking about her. Just what her parents want….

  32. nicegirl says:

    I wonder how North liked those legging/ tight thingys and heavy boots – looks cute but not comfy.

  33. Jess says:

    I’m going to defend these people and say: Fashion shows are not that long. They’re 15 minutes. Done.
    Also, baby pleather leggings are probably like adult pleather leggings which have very comfortable and soft interiors. They’re not stiff, restrictive or hard to put on. It’s just an edgy coating.

  34. Mika302 says:

    Nothing wrong with how North is dressed. She does NOT look uncomfortable at all. Her boot r timberlands..and my girls always had them at that age. Thy still wear them. In fact most of the people I knw have their children wear timbs. I can’t imagine how some of u dress ur kids!! Get with the times please!!

  35. jwoolman says:

    OMG! Kanye is actually carrying Nori in one of the pics!!! they do indeed read our comments. It’s still ridiculous to take a baby to a fashion show. Take her to the zoo or for a pony ride or an ice cream instead.

    It’s good that she’s getting used to the parentals, though, even though their motivation is to get positive publicity. If they’re going to drag her around for photo ops, she needs to feel comfortable with them for her own sake. Maybe she’s getting more interesting to Kanye in particular, now that she can walk. It might have dawned on him that if he wants her to learn the words daddy and mama, they have to be around her enough for her to know those names apply to them.

  36. weirswalker says:

    Beckham had her kiddo at those shows too..Probably Kimye whined till she got the OK….

  37. Maëva says:

    Paris WAS cold lmao.