Paris Hilton Traumatised by Jail Sentence

Paris Hilton’s psychiatrist, Dr. Charles Sophy, declared in court that the heiress is “distraught and traumatized” and “fears incarceration” after a judge sentenced her to 45 days in jail.

Of course she is distraught about going to jail. She’s Paris Hilton, everyone wants to kick her ass. They are probably drawing straws to see who get to have a go at her first when she gets there.

People reports:

Hilton is facing an order to testify in the civil trial beginning May 21, but the psychiatrist argues that “given (Hilton’s) current psychological, and emotional state … (she’s) not capable of any meaningful participation in a trial.”

Sophy says Hilton, 26, needs to recover from the outcome of the jail sentence. Hilton was given jail time for violating her probation for driving with a suspended license.

The documents, filed by Hilton’s lawyers in the slander suit, show that Dr. Sophy has been treating Hilton for the past eight months, and had met with her several times since her probation violation hearing.

“She is emotionally distraught and traumatized as a consequence of the findings at the May 4 hearing, the jail sentence imposed upon her by the judge, and her fear of incarceration,” Sophy wrote.

Graff has accused Hilton of talking smack about her in a July 2005 edition of the New York Post. Paris had apparently said that Graff was “stalking” her and her ex, Paris Latsis (whom Graff had previously dated before Paris got her mitts on him). Graff is suing the heir-brain for libel and slander damages worth a cool $10 million.

Bitch, please. Paris wasn’t that traumatised the other day when she went shopping with her mother after the sentence was handed down, was she? She needs to face up to the fact that all this stuff is happening to her because she isn’t a very nice person, and becase she thinks she is above everyone, including the law. She did the crime, and she needs to serve the time just like everyone else. This whole being traumatised thing is probably just another ploy to keep her arrogant ass out of jail.

You’d think she was going on death row or something the way she is acting. She’s only going for 45 days, and the LA Sheriff department has insinuated that Hilton will probably serve half that time. She needs to stop thinking she’s like a Nelson Mandela figure that needs to be freed and just get on with serving her time.

Update by Celebitchy: There’s a story that Paris was offered space in a notorious outdoor jail in Arizona, which features harsh punlishment including chain gang work with inmates shakled together, and sweltering hot accommodations in tents. The Sheriff who runs the jail in Arizona, which has been criticized by Amnesty International for cruel treatment of inmates, called the LA jail chief and offered to house Paris if overcrowding forces an early release. That’s never going to happen.

Header picture ois f Paris lookalike Natalie Reid, who once posed in Playboy, staging a “protest” in NY with a small group of NYU students on 5/10. Thanks to WENN for this image. The real Paris is shown in the inset picture above.

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