Cele|bitchy | Zoe Saldana & Marco Perego named their twin boys Bowie & Cy

Zoe Saldana & Marco Perego named their twin boys Bowie & Cy

Zoe Saldana

Zoe Saldana gave birth on November 27 to twin boys with husband Marco Perego. We didn’t cover the story then because Zoe didn’t issue a name announcement. Plus she’d probably make a big deal out of having her privacy invaded because of ignorant” interest in celebrities’ lives. Or something like that.

Zoe is a pill, but she kept to her own hush-hush standards for the past five weeks. She finally decided to announce the baby boys’ names. I expected Zoe to select some pretentious names for her kids, but she went spacey instead: Bowie and Cy. As in David Bowie and … I have no idea why she chose Cy. David Bowie is certainly cool, but if you’re going to name a twin after him, the other one should be named Swinton. Just a suggestion! Is Cy pronounced like Psy?

Zoe made her official name annoucement via her Instagram page: “Our boys CY and BOWIE are finally here. #marcoperego and I wanted to thank you for your beautiful wishes and for your patience.” No photos of the babies as of yet, but I bet they’re gorgeous little ones. Is she really thanking us for our patience?

Zoe Saldana

Zoe Saldana

Photos courtesy of Zoe Saldana on Instagram, Fame/Flynet & WENN

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69 Responses to “Zoe Saldana & Marco Perego named their twin boys Bowie & Cy”

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  1. jujoki says:

    Ohmygawd HE’S HOT.

  2. Esmom says:

    Cute names. I know several men/boys named Cy. Generally short for Cyrus.

  3. MelissaManifesto says:

    I like her but at the same time can her pretentious and try-hard. I would be surprised if there isn’t a string of post-baby body magazine articles and the other somewhat self-aggrandizing statements Hollywood mothers have become known for.

    But I wish her boys all the best. Babies are a blessing and a lot of fun.

    • GoOnGirl! says:

      I have always been curious and, hopefully, somone will answer my question. Zoe always plays the “black” girlfriend, wife, before making all her recent movies. She now states her ethnic background as everything but black. Aren’t most Dominicans mixed with even a “little” black or is she like Tiger Woods and has no black ethnicity at all? Not starting a controversy, just want to know.

      • Ellecommelejour says:

        @GoOnGirl!!! Thank you!!!
        First of I can NOT stand the girl! Try hard and no talent…in my opinion!
        You’re totally right but I always thought it was all the other way around. Like she used to play the hispanic card and considered herself NOT Black. But when the time came she change everything and started playing the Black card. ( remember the Nina Simone movie for instance ) .

      • Observer says:

        She is black racially (and has said so many times in interviews) but like most people she identifies with her ethnicity more.
        Most Africans (as an example) I.D with their nationality/ethnicity first, race is a social construct and ‘black’ is default in Africa so there is no need to mention being black all the time, it’s really irrelevant most of the times.
        I imagine it’s the same way with dominicans etc. Why I.D with race? I don’t see white actors and actresses always putting white_before anything. If anything they will mention their heritage, irish, scottish,welsh etc. Why can’t black actresses be afforded the same thing without there being such a big deal made out of it.

      • Ellecommelejour says:

        @Observer : “Why can’t black actresses be afforded the same thing without there being such a big deal made out of it.” … Because SHE is the one changing her card whenever she needs it! I’m racially black but French ( born and raised ) lived in the UK for 2 years and now I’min Russia but when people ask me where i’m from I just always tell them I’m a citizen of the world. You can not change what you say about your race or nationality or ethnicity whenever you need to. You just have to stick with it.
        And she should know better that as the race and ethnicity subject is way different in the States than in any other place in the world.

      • GoOnGirl! says:

        There is an ad in which she does a cosmetic commercial. This is just a fact. She names every ethnicity except black. No lie. If you pick up any magazine, you will see it and she does not state she is black. While people may know (except me) why not state the ethnicity of being Black?

      • Patty says:

        Zoe has made it a point to identify as Afro Latina. Google it. There are plenty of interviews, articles, etc where she calls other people out for simply referring to her as Latina or Dominican.

        Also “black” is not an ethnicity. Neither is “white”.

      • andypandy says:

        As an Island Girl myself, that reps my homeland hard I sometimes get annoyed when AA don’t seem to realize that being proud of your country of Origin doesn’t automatically mean you are denying your blackness (America is not the world nor the only place black people exist )
        I would agree with you somewhat however In the case of Zoe She purposefully conflates ethnicity with race so as to avoid acknowledging her quite obvious African ancestry (except when shes up for a role )
        For instance Her Loreal Ad features her ethnicity (country of origin ) Puerto Rican /Dominican but yet she also mentions race i.e. Lebanese
        I have been to the DR and in that culture (with some exceptions )they have a very uncomfortable relationship with their African Heritage preferring to just call themselves dark /morena without acknowledging how that darkness came about

      • SpookySpooks says:

        Lebanese is not a race? Lebanese people are caucasian.

      • Neil says:

        I think she is great and I don’t get worked up about her ethnicity one way or the other. I think she just doesn’t see her self as an Afro American with its associated identity politics. It is like I am the son of a British mother and father but was raised in Canada. I think of myself as Canadian. If I meet some person of Pakistanian ethnicity who was raised in England I am going to say he’s a Brit and I’m a Canadian. It’s a new world, and this is the face of it. Not to say racism isn’t an important issue it’s just that to many the issue of racial identity has little relevancy in their day to day lives.

  4. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Funny how she’s trying to look inconspicuous in that striped clown dress.
    Loathe the names.

  5. andypandy says:

    ” Thank you for your patience ” ??? Someone REALLY needs to get over themselves

  6. honeychurch says:

    Cy as in Cy Twombley, I’d guess. It goes with the flow.

  7. Miss M says:

    She’s come along way since “crossroads”… lol
    I like Bowie and cy!

  8. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Bowie sounds like a dog’s name and Cy sounds like a little old man.

  9. olly says:

    I like the names, these are celebrity babies I do actually want to see, they must be gorgeous. And to give her a slight benefit of the doubt, maybe she was thanking her instagram followers for their patience as they may have been enquiring about the babies and sending good wishes.

    • Josefa says:

      That makes sense.

      And I don’t mind the names, either. They sound like weird names, as in I can at least imagine someone being called that. As far as celeb baby names go these 2 are okay.

  10. Kiddo says:

    That jump photo is giving me Federline flashbacks.

  11. Jh says:

    Yeah, those babies are probably gorgeous little dudes.

  12. lamamu says:

    He’s looking a little Kid Rock in that first photo. Sad thing is that I can’t decide if that’s hot or not…

    • Greyson says:

      On some site they pointed out he looks like a cross between Jared Leto (long hair) and Joey Fatone.. Now that I’ve seen it, I can’t “un”-see it!! Lol

      On a really superficial note, he’s got really nice hands and arms! Very masculine and attractive 😉

  13. mia girl says:

    This is the first baby announcement I’ve ever seen with wine and an assortment of cheese in the background. So classy.

  14. j.eyre says:

    Well I, for one, am glad she thanked me for my patience. Lord knows I have been nothing BUT patient with these two. I mean, if I had a dime for every time someone stopped me on the street, screaming, “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH @MARCOPEREGO AND ZOE SALDANA?!?”

    All those times I did not pick up the phone to call them, the amount of stories that I left unread on anything having to do with them, forgetting, on occasion, who they were – this was the level of restraint I applied for this couple. And @marcoperego and Zoe Saldana rewarded me for my patience with a nice big thank you for the whole world to see. That’s class right there, folks.

    • Kiddo says:

      Mini Sir Winston Churchill just walked up to you and kicked you in the shins and blew cigar smoke in your face when you doubled over in pain. He does not sanction your buffoonery in taking commands from other children and their parents. You have but one leader.

    • Miss M says:


    • MrsBPitt says:

      lmbao!!!!!!!! You both are too funny!!!!!

    • j.eyre says:

      I sent Sir G-Chill the best Brandy available for sippy cups by way of apology (I wish I had seen @marcoperego and Zoe Saldana’s wine and cheese sippy cup platter above – out classed again, mia girl!) But it seems to have done the trick – I am now Commander of our interests in Lapland. My main assignment is to keep an eye on the “giant slobbering flying rugs,” making sure his army of reindeer is larger than Santa’s. There was some mention of the impending War on Christmas but it was hard to make out because his secretary, Lupo, mentioned it while chasing after a clay pigeon.

      I am a little nervous, I think Sir G-Chill might see Santa as a hostile.

  15. Amanda_M87 says:

    Not a fan of their given names, but I do appreciate that their middle names are family names.

  16. TTMuch says:

    Just imagine the pressure these kids are potentially gonna have, though. “I just wanted to be an accountant, but since my name is BOWIE I had to start playing music and licking microphones. MAN”

  17. M.A.F. says:

    I was going to use Bowie as a middle name. Still will to.

  18. scout says:

    Beautiful couple, congrats to them. She speaks English, French and Spanish and he speaks Italian! Multilingual kids! Fab.

  19. Anais says:

    OK i/m a bit late to this thread, but i just couldn’t not comment. I’m a long time reader of this website (a “lurker” if you will), and I don’t know why, after 6 years of reading this website, THIS is the post that makes me comment. But my brain started to twitch then almost physically hurt, like a burning. (BRAIN BURNING!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaarh)

    Why oh why oh why are Americans so ignorant on issues dealing with race and ethnicity??????????
    Considering how much you lot talk about it and how important it is to socioeconomic development, police violence, entertainment…essentially…all walks of life; you remain fundamentally ignorant , Why is this.

    Country: the nation to which you were born
    Ethnicity: Pertaining to your specific language and culture (social norms , music, dance, the arts, national experience)
    Race: Belonging to a specific racial group as defined by a set of criteria.

    For the layman ie.e NOT SCIENTIFICALLY race is a PHENOTYPE which is most assiciated with particular geograohical areas, so somone is either of majority, east/ south east aisan decent ie oriental, white and caucasian-Europe and Eurasia/ the Caucasus (ie Armenia, Uzbeks, Turks, Brits, Germans etc) and Blacks ie ppl of majority African descent inluding those of mixed race who present as “Afro-whatever”.

    Joan Smalls is a Black Woman (of mixed race ancestry) of Afro-Latina ethnicity from Puerto Rico
    Zoe Saldana is a Black Woman (of mixed race ancestry) of Afro-Latina ethnicity from the United States (With paerets from Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic)
    Both these women identify as AFRO-LATINA.
    Naomi Campbell is a Black Woman (of mixed race ancestry, ie. Afro-HanChinese Decent) Both parents hail from the island of Jamaica and she is of Bristish Nationality

    WHy is this confusing to ppl! Makes my blood Boil!!!

    What is so controvresial in this statement?? She is cultually latina, speaks spanish and is of majority afo decent.