Cele|bitchy | Benedict Cumberbatch & Lanvin-clad Sophie at the Oscars: gracious & cute?

Benedict Cumberbatch & Lanvin-clad Sophie at the Oscars: gracious & cute?


Benedict Cumberbatch didn’t believe he would win, despite claims that he was “mad” at Eddie Redmayne. I think at one point, Benedict was hustling as if his life depended on it, possibly in the hopes for a surge of support for The Imitation Game. But I think Bendy realized more than a month ago that the Best Actor race was between Eddie Redmayne and Michael Keaton and Bendy adjusted his expectations accordingly. Which is why he signed on as a presenter, why he agreed to do the flask bit with Neil Patrick Harris and why he seemed pretty relaxed during the whole night. Even with John Travolta breathing down his neck.

As for Benedict’s wife Sophie Hunter… um… she did not wear panties. For real. When I saw this custom-made Lanvin on the red carpet, I thought it was a simple one-shoulder sheath, but it’s not. There’s an opening down the side of the dress and it’s being held together by pins or something. And you can see that chica is not wearing drawers. Whoa. That’s a bold movie for a pregnant lady. I will give her this: her dress did not have pockets and it wasn’t floral. Yay? Something mean: I loathe her earrings. That was a bad styling choice.

Cumby spoke to the BBC at the Vanity Fair Oscar party – go here to see. He seemed a bit drunk.





Photos courtesy of WENN.

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481 Responses to “Benedict Cumberbatch & Lanvin-clad Sophie at the Oscars: gracious & cute?”

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  1. Ellen says:

    I see lining/peach fabric, actually. So I think she was wearing underpants, because: pregnant. Come on.

    The Fail mentioned Tim and Wanda talking about how Eddie would win, but didn’t have photos (last night) — are they up now? Or someplace else?

    • Elly says:

      yes i´m with you, it looks like nude/peach material to me. The part is lighter than the rest of her skin.

    • Birdie says:

      Yup, there was definitely skin-coloured fabric.

      • Lucretia says:

        Oh, disappointment! Her belly is big enough that the drawers either roll down or have to go up and over — ugh, either way. I was excited for a commando statement of artistic expression from Sophie at the Oscars.

      • FLORC says:

        Completely covered. It’s easy to tell from a closer look.

    • msd says:

      It clearly has a lining down the side. Don’t know how anyone could miss that. I like the dress – it gives the impression of being quite risqué but isn’t, like an illusion version of Elizabeth Hurley’s infamous Versace safety pin dress. The colour is great. No white or beige, thank goodness. I was dying of boredom watching the red carpet … a sea of blandness.

    • kcarp says:

      Of course she is wearing panties, how else does the baby not fall out? Duh

  2. Aussie girl says:

    Ok, come at me but I thought she looked beautiful. And who said pregnant women can’t be sexy. I really thought she looked the best I’ve ever seen her.

    • Snazzy says:

      I actually think she looked very pretty as well. I didn’t like the hair (in the shots taken from the front it looks a bit strange), but overall I thinks he looks very nice.

    • TracySmiles says:

      +1 She looked lovely.

    • GlimmerBunny says:

      I loved her look as well but I still think the Golden Globe dress was even better. I think they looked really comfortable and loving together (maybe the reason she looked a bit still/uncomfortable at the first red carpets was that she wasn’t used to the photographers/interviewers? It does seem really stressful.)

    • Kiddo says:

      +1, She looked positively radiant and I don’t mind the earrings.

      • QQ says:

        I thought she looked sexy Full Stop.. not for a Pregnant or nothing

        Well one stop: ..For Incestuous Siblings and all

      • Diana B says:

        She looked great, that red really suited her, but sorry, those earrings are a no-no.

    • Elisa the I. says:

      +1. She reminds me a bit of Dita von Teese in these pics. Really lovely.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I think there’s a difference between sexy and vulgar. Regardless of whether or not you are wearing underwear, regardless of whether or not you’re pregnant, a dress that suggests your don’t have on underpants crosses the line for me. To each their own, but I just wonder why you want people to be speculating about that. Desperate for attention does not equal sexy to me.

      • betsy says:

        I thought she looked lovely. They both looked very old school Hollywood. Very classy.

        I don’t think Cumberbatch hussled for the award . Hell Eddie Redcarpet was virtually going to all the oscar senior citizen retirement homes to secure the win.

        Benedict filmed 2 Hollow Crown films and a Sherlock special during the oscar campaigns. Redmayne virtually emigrated to America.

        I know these throw away one liners look punchy on your blog but Cumberbatch did the bare minimum to secure a box office hit in the US.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        I meant wearing a dress that look like you aren’t wearing underpants strikes me as desperate for attention, so I’m not sure we’re talking about the same thing. I certainly don’t know or care about what BC did or didn’t do to get the award. That has nothing to do with my comment.

      • Lindy79 says:

        Because some people are incapable of speaking about Benedict Cumberbatch without putting down his peers in order to make him look like some sort of special snowflake, especially Eddie Redmayne.

      • Cee says:

        @Lindy79 – It really annoys me when they do that. Redmayne’s performance was AMAZING, as was Keaton’s. I especially hate it when they say things like “Eddie won for a role Ben performed years ago! And Ben did it even better! So LOL at Eddie winning over Ben!”

        If you need to put others down in order to raise him, what does it say about his “talent” and you as a “fan”?
        Sometimes the material an actor has to work with is better, or sometimes an actor, in a specific role, is simply better than the others.

      • FLORC says:

        I think we’ve viewed the dress differently. We’ve focused on the illusion of no underwear so we’re fixated on it.
        The dress at 1st glance for me without reading here was comfy and bright. The “seam” down the side was a space to add some flare like the sparkle buttons.
        My opinion was simply it’s comfy. The fabric was obvious to count out any illusion.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        FLORC, the fabric isn’t all that obvious to me, but I’m looking on an iPad. Maybe on a full sized computer it’s obvious. I wasn’t trying to say she was a horrid person, or a vulgar person. I just don’t care for advertising the fact that you’re not wearing underwear or even causing speculation that you’re not wearing underwear. That’s not fashion to me. But I’m an older generation, and I do admit she looks very pretty and comfy. I’ll take your word that you can see fabric underneath. I didn’t mean for it to be seen as a major criticism – I’d just prefer that part be left off. But I’m not wearing it, so…

      • Anne tommy says:

        Agree goodnames, I’m looking on an iPad and it looks like a liz Hurley style side less job, whch is not that appealing. The travolta snap is funny, and bendy seemed to be quite a good sport about it all. There were pictures of the two of them – bendy and Sophie, not bendy and John alas – sightseeing post-0scar I think, published on the mail website yesterday, which did look quite staged. Am not invested enough to get too excited about It but posed looking.

      • anonit says:

        I didn’t care for the dress. It looks like something missing with the nude panel in there. I agree that she wore it to get as much attention as possible. As for their marriage I recall a statement from BC “She loves me and that’s the bottom line isn’t it?” That sums it up for me anyway.

    • a cut above says:

      I thought she looked lovely. I loved the dress, the color and her hair. So much more dramatic than Keira Knightley’s pregnant Oscar fashion.

      • Olenna says:

        Agree. She looks pretty and polished. She does have an old school Hollywood glamour about her.

      • Cee says:

        Not a fan of the dress (in terms of design) but I loved the colour on her, even though I’m not partial to the security pins look. But her earrings were atrocious.

    • PrincessMe says:

      I agree, she looks absolutely beautiful. Red is definitely her color.

    • oneshot says:

      yeah. Shows what a good lipstick can do for a woman. (I swear by MAC myself)

    • Otaku fairy says:

      Yes, I love this dress.

    • chaine says:

      +1, she looked gorgeous. Still don’t understand what she sees in him, though.

  3. Lindy79 says:

    I think there is mesh along the side so she may have been wearing underwear. Heluva risk for a heavily (come on she looks about 7 months in motion and most pics, there was even a few where it looked like her belly button had started to pop ) pregnant lady to not if you ask me. I quite like the shape of it to be honest, maybe not with the side bits but I think it’s a great silhouette for a pregnant woman. Earrings are shocking though, agree on that.

    They looked a bit more comfortable at times, it’s still awkward as hell and quite unnatural for a newly married couple (why is he still directing her at the paps, I genuinely don’t see anyone else going “left, right, up there” to their partners) but hey ho.
    It also snowed in Ireland this morning which is very unusual for late Feb so it looks like we’re getting hit with the Cumberstorm Curse

    • chaser says:

      I don’t understand. Why do you have to wear knickers/underwear if you are pregnant? It’s not like the baby is suddenly going to fall out and if her waters broke there is not much a pair of undies is going to do. And she isn’t heavily pregnant, lets leave that tag for those in the last few weeks.

      Anyway she wore undies. She looks fine.

      • Marigold says:

        Most pregnant women have a lot of discharge. Gross, I know, but I think for a lot of commenters, that’s the bigger concern than her being modest. I would be completely shocked if Sophie somehow won the pregnancy lottery and doesn’t have it.

      • maria says:

        Oh dear god that’s sounds disgusting. See, these are the things you never find out about pregnancy until you are preggers. Because no one wants to talk about it *lol*

      • Jezi says:

        Yes I was going to mention the over abundance of excess moisture you get during pregnancy. A lot of the time you think you have peed on yourself. No underwear during pregnancy is a risk for sure. Lol

      • chaser says:

        Ehhhhhhhhhh, pregnant once and I had no excessive moisture. Whatever.

      • Jezi says:

        Lucky for you. I was pregnant twice and had it through both pregnancies.

    • Lindy79 says:

      Em ok I never said “have to” wear them, just meant that pregnant women do tend to use the toilet more often than the rest of us and also can have small leaks, so maybe going commando might not be that comfortable in a dress but I did also say that there are panels so I doubt she is.
      Fair enough you don’t think heavily is 7 months, I just think she is further along than they are trying to claim.

    • anonit says:

      Omgoodness this is gross. But I suppose. I was thinking the same thing.

  4. Kat says:

    Ew @ the trashy dress (but no, it wasn’t a pantless dress, it had a panel). But still trashy looking anyway.
    And as for the acting, enough now please. Thank god this is the last red carpet, because I’ve had enough of the games. He’s gone from, what I thought, was a normal honest straightforward guy who genuinely wanted out of the limelight, to someone who courts the media and sells his odd private life for all he can. Arranged pap shots, pre Oscar weddings so he can flash the wedding ring on the red carpet, squeezing more publicity out of the situation and now forced kisses for the photographers and overdone completely OTT affection. It’s a COMPLETE turnaround from how he has been since this all started and that itself screams phony. I don’t know what the hell he’s playing at, but he needs to go away and do it somewhere else.
    I am quite literally done.

    • Miss M says:

      Please, tell us how you feel…

    • maria says:

      yeah NOOOOOOO to opens side on dresses

      • Aussie girl says:

        @ Kat I thought you where quite literally done..? Sorry it’s all just having a little fun and I don’t think Miss M or myself where been snide. You just seemed very passionate on Bendy.

      • Kat says:

        “Thought you were quite literally done”.

        Yeah, snide there again.

        I’m not ‘very passionate on bendy’, I’m just a bit wtf over him acting up a Kardashian storm of late, as are many, many others. I don’t know why that warrants the sneer really.

      • anonit says:

        What is passionate on Bendy mean? He clearly stated that she loves him & that was the bottom line. If this marriage is real then ok. But I’m not buying it because he didn’t say what men normally say that “we’re in love” blah blah. Granted he is kinda odd but he wanted to do the right thing, ok. But don’t scream privacy, then let tabloids post staged ops. What? privacy? Where?

    • icerose says:

      it was way to tacky for my tastes-and it was a strange mix of older matron look with in a wannabe sexy dress

      • MtnRunner says:

        Finally, someone who put my thoughts into words so I didn’t have to. Thank you, icerose.

        Now, to more important matters…I was calling out to you on the last Tommy post. Did your daughter type up a full report on last night’s Q&A? You gave her the assignment of 15 pages, double-spaced and annotated, right? Looking forward to it.

        Don’t say I didn’t make it easy for ya:

        I was listening to Words & Music yesterday morning on the BBC Radio 3 live stream and it was lovely.

      • icerose says:

        She took notes and is typing it up tonight-so as soon a i have it i will post it.
        To warm you up.He did impersonations of Rodney Crowell talking to him which which always began with “Tommy Boy”.

        I listen to words and music as well-an interesting juxtaposition of poetry,prose and music and Tom’s reading were excellant, Very natural and they flow out so naturally.

      • icerose says:

        I have posted stuff on NuffieLd q and A on Tom’s last thread

    • jammypants says:

      Are you really quite done? Get it out of your system sis.

  5. charlie says:

    She looked great, I’m not feeling his tux, but they looked lovely together.

  6. Miss M says:

    She looks pretty.

  7. Claire. says:

    That dress looked like something I could buy at the cheap fashion store in a mall in the ghetto. LOL at someone on tumblr saying she looked just like Lucy in Peanuts. Anyone else think she looked smug as hell when he kissed her hand?

    • Nofertari says:

      his eyes were opened… anytime when i saw a hand kissing, the guy always closed his eyes & therefore it seemed to me a genuine, honest, humble gesture which shows his respect for the lady.
      the hand kiss actually is just a kind of bow without touching the partner’s hand w/ lips, so not a real hand kissing. i mean, that’s how i know it.

    • tsmiv2 says:

      She looked disgusted. He looked disgusted in the cheek kiss. It was all so phony. What is the point? To fend off tabloids?

      • moodgirl says:

        She looked smug. Yes, the point is to convince everyone that this is a love match and not two people who barely know each other but married because she got pregnant after a few days. That’s all.

      • ThaAbbyG says:

        Please don’t use ghetto as an insult, it makes you look #racist

  8. Zapp Brannigan says:

    Can we please talk about what his pr lady Karon was wearing. It was a mess and looks like she had a quick roll in the hay on the way to the red carpet.

    No comment on the Otterbatches, they are meh to me.

  9. Miran says:

    dress is lined, it’s a slightly different color than her leg. Earrings are terrible but otherwise she looks nice.

  10. Claire. says:

    I love how a pregnant lady tried desperately to create headlines by not wearing undies to the Oscars, and no one cared #justice #tryhards

  11. IndiraJ says:

    I thought Sophie’s dress was one of the evening’s best tbh. Very simple but impressive color with nice detail. She looked lovely.

    • Angel says:

      Me too. Much better than Keira’s pretty baby tent silliness. Sophie, at least, looks like an adult not the infantilized pregnant thing that women fall into.

  12. Gracie says:

    The pins make my side hurt by looking at them. Pretty colour. Blah, that’s all I got. Let’s move on. All the bests for those two: life goes on.

  13. Nofertari says:

    i also think they looked very well together. the red dress was great w/ the gold accessories (shoes, handbag, bracelet). his white jacket, uhm, maybe a black one would be better, but anyway. his hair: i never liked it, & for me it’s like he’s just sacrificed his own, unique curls hairdo to this boring licked one. like who gave up his personality.

    honestly i really get that feeling maybe we just overreacted the whole situation… they seem relaxed, satisfied together, i venture they are happy together – just check those crows feet around their eyes. sign of true smile.

    although two things were conspicuous: in the audience Keira total snuggled to her husband which seems to me like she didn’t wanted to sit next to SH… like who’s afraid of her. the 2nd thing that family selfie: mom & dad in the background like who don’t count very much to them (at the moment), & SH attitude was like she’s da boss on the board…

    • Lindy79 says:

      The selfie was a bit odd, in that his folks are kind of just standing there, almost photobombing them but there is no physical interaction as there normally is when trying to fit 4 people into a shot. Having said that it’s a snapshot in time so who knows what went on before or after.

      • Nofertari says:

        admit that moment is questionable (before or after his shot), but for me when we took a photo w/ my bf’s parents, whose mom short as me, we set ourselves she’s in the front and we hug her. you know from this (“pap”) view it seems she/they (bc+sh) forgot to have regard onto them…

      • Lindy79 says:

        Yeah that’s what I mean, it looks almost like his folks were walking past and just leaned in. You would normally huddle up and like you said, put the smaller people at the front

      • Nofertari says:

        seems photobombing in their genes… X)

        more interesting (just see now) there are some photos about Ben & Keira at the pre-oscar party, & his eyes, somehow, shining… & his smile so lightsome -or how could i say… http://i.imgur.com/uqOIajK.png

      • Cee says:

        Yeah, at least in my family when we attempt to take group selfies we kind of hug or lean close together in order to fit into the shot. And because we really do like each other *deadpan*

    • claire says:

      Or just maybe she loves her husband and wanted to snuggle up to him. Crazy, I know.

  14. Granger says:

    She looked lovely, and he looked more relaxed and happy than he has in months. For what it’s worth, I don’t think it was an act. He pulled some unreal shit to get to this awards ceremony, and they’ll both have to live with that; but I think he’s accepted that he’s married and is going to have a baby and he’s determined to enjoy it and move forward.

    • Nofertari says:

      there’s the point. : )

    • Linz says:


      “I don’t think it was an act”

      Are you being serious? He looked “relaxed” cause he had been drinking/was drunk (especially at the after-party) He was still directing her. The hand kiss/the peck on the cheek looked so awkward and forced. Pointing at/touching her belly. (He has never done that before) They did the weird/awkward hand-holding AGAIN.

      • Claire. says:

        Oh there was more awkward handholding along with him forgetting he’s married? Do tell! Or is it on tumblr?

    • Granger says:

      I am being serious, but thanks for asking. 🙂

    • icerose says:

      i think he used her to offset hos disappointment-i did not win but look at my lovely pregnant wife

    • ncboudicca says:

      I think he looked relaxed, too. Finally at the end of the season, he can move on and get ready for el nino and Hamlet now.

    • Green Girl says:

      I think he was relieved, too. I think he’s known for a while that he had hardly a chance at winning, especially since he didn’t win any other major awards in the prior weeks. So why not enjoy the experience of being nominated and have fun while you’re at it?

      • anonit says:

        So if he has come to terms with the outcome, the child. Then I hope Wanda will be able to touch the baby & get to at least hold it & take it for a weekend. Bah

  15. Birdie says:

    Sophie looks the best I have ever seen her! But Benedict, a big NO to that outfit. White? No!

    • Lindy79 says:

      Yep, I wasn’t a fan of the white jacket. He’s too pale for it for a start.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah, I think he was trying to stand out. I didn’t see too many white jackets, so he will get talked about for that. It wasn’t a disaster, but he looked like a waiter. Black would have looked better with his skin tone.

  16. memei'mfirst says:

    Mrs. Batch has amazing legs, in my opinion. Don’t hurt me…

  17. Jess says:

    I love the dress and thought she looked great! It’s definitely a bit risqué for a pregnant woman but I say go for it;)

  18. Sabrina says:

    Thank goodness the Oscars are finally over and we don’t need to see more articles of Benedict campaigning. I really hope that he disappears for a while because at this point I am sick of him and find him to be as over-exposed as the Kardashians, especially on this site.

    • Aussie girl says:

      Is that you Kat……?

      • Kat says:

        Um, what is your problem, exactly? Unless you seem to have a burning issue with other people talking about his shilling out, I fail to see why you are having a dig at me.

      • Aussie girl says:

        Honestly because I think your reaction is a tad OTT, comparing him to the kardashians. Can’t wait for keeping up with the bendys, the sex tape, perfume & diet pills. Yes, he campaigned as majority of actors do. But here’s a crazy thought for you, what if he loves his wife..? What if his baby and wedding had nothing to do with the oscars..? And I really haven’t seen any over done displays of public affection and nothing about him selling his, “odd” life. Clooney’s wedding was OTT!!!!!!!! Im sorry that you thought of him as an honest guy and now feel your completely done with him and his a phoney.

        I’m sorry if my opinion or humour ( I know it can be bad) offended. I just get a tad baffled over the strong feeling or hate that goes bendy’s way. I’m not a fan and I too am over the bendy posts on this site. I apologise but I can’t help but find it all just a bit amusing. I too have got upset or had strong feelings regarding a post or issue on a post/comment. But these have been about education, sexually abuse, violence, women shaming, mental illness, etc. To me these are real issues not this silly shit, so this all is tongue and cheek. As it was pointed out a lot of people feel bendy has sold out like a kardashian and have strong feelings on the matter. I’m cool with that ( no more jokes), we all can’t think the same because life would be boring and where is the fun in that😊

      • Kat says:

        Firstly, you do realise I’m far from the only one comparing him to a kardashian? Hence the fact that this post you chose to respond to was made by a ‘Sabrina’ (ie – not me?) And no, he’s not literally acting like a kardashian, it’s just a go to reference for fame hungry people. Didn’t think that needed to be explicitly laid out.
        I’m yet to see other actors who so shamelessly used their personal life for a campaign. I also don’t think you quite understand what I’m saying about the engagement, wedding etc being used. He MADE it to do with the Oscars. A very public announcement of an engagement two days before the campaign starts, a very public pregnancy announcement just before the gloves and a wedding a week before the Oscar ceremony. Throw in some brazenly obvious pap shot set ups and a multitude of other nonsense. I thought that much was clear?
        And what does Clooney’s wedding have to do with anything???

        You want to believe he’s not grasping for attention and his relationship is normal and his sudden desire to give the cameras super affection shots is fine, then that’s up to you. But I think you’ll find a lot of people disagreeing with you.

      • Madly says:

        Geez, leave kat alone and grow up.

      • Cel says:

        There’s loads of actors who’ve used their personal lives for a campaign, some in more distasteful ways, imo, like Williams suddenly talking about Ledger’s death or Kidman talking about her older kids out of nowhere.

        But this was more about damage control than an award. I can’t even imagine the flack if it was revealed he was hiding a child out of wedlock for an Oscar campaign. Any other time, yeah, people would have just thought he was being private. But during campaign season? Hell no.

    • maria says:

      Yes of course Aussie girl, because Kat is the only one sick and tired of him. You are really nasty towards Kat. I hope he stays out of the spotlight for a long time.

      / Kat

      I mean Maria!

      Edit: I think your reaction to Kat is OTT

      • a cut above says:

        I think it’s so weird that a lot of BCumberbatch’s fans are going so crazy over his marriage. If you were a real fan, wouldn’t you just be happy for him?

        Because comparing him to the Kardashians is ridiculous. He’s getting married and having a baby. He tried to the play the game, but it didn’t work out. It happens. Unfortunately, he was never going to marry someone from Tumblr/Celebitchy/with a life-size poster of him in their room. It sucks, I know. But this is life.

      • maria says:

        Oh real fans? Is that you Ben? 😉 Real fans would be tired of this over exposure. Because he.has.been.everywhere. People get fed up. Same thing happened to Anne and Natalie during/after their Oscar campaigns. Do you think we were dreaming about marrying them as well? Regarding his marriage, he hasn’t looked happy and yet he tries to sell it as some grand love story. Add to that that he complains about how people don’t respect his privacy while leaking details about his wedding? Just no. Don’t care who acts this way just go away already. Settle in with your wife and kid and focus on your work.

      • Cee says:

        When people sprout the term “real fan” it reminds me of “real women”.

        He decided to play the game with his private life, then these are the consequences, which IMHO are extremely minimal. No one is going after him, no one is calling him out (publicly) for his actions and statements, so stop treating him like a precious snowflake surrounded by fire.

        The moment he leaked private information to “big up” his press presence, that’s when he gave up any rights to complain about privacy. Nobody is trying to hack into their emails, tap their mobiles or obtain footage from their home.

        If some fans are going overboard with theories (like she is not pregnant or HW made them date and marry) then those who accuse others of not being real fans need to GET. OVER. IT. TOO.

        Especially those with the cupcake toppers and baby photos.

        I wish this man the best, but he has put his foot in his mouth so many times I am sure he was never ready for any of this.

      • a cut above says:

        @ Maria: I’m a 30 year old mom from Florida, so the farthest thing ever from a successful, wealthy, male, British actor. LOL. 😉

        I guess, reading your follow-up comment, that it makes sense when you put it like that. I still don’t think he’s @ Kardashian levels of over-saturation, but that’s YMMV, I suppose. Some of the serious craziness in these threads just bothers me, and I don’t mean you at all but other posters here — with respect to the constant Sophie Hunter bashing (who I don’t know or care about, but it irks the feminist in me) and totally random people claiming to “know” him because they reblog him on tumblr a lot.

        I guess I am more forgiving of everything because I’m not really a fan of any of the people involved. Sometimes, people screw up Oscar campaigns. It happens. He’ll disappear for a while, I’m sure, then come back and all will be fine. Though, I’m also sure a large part of his fanbase will never forgive him for getting involved with a woman.

      • maria says:

        @ cut above

        agreed, he’s not a kartrashian yet. But if a video of him peeing on Sophie turns up, gloves are off! :p But he HAS sold out his private life while bitching about how his privacy has been invaded. Wtf? I think what have put fans off, except the over exposure, are the bitchiness he has shown lately. Might be his true colors, who knows? Cracks are showing in the “goofy happy chap” image. And the comment last night “S is the only fan I need”….he might have tried to be sweet to his wife, but no, she’s not the only fan you need. She won’t buy tickets to your movies. As Cee said: the foot has been in his mouth to often

  19. Gracie says:

    On another note, Kaiser, I see what you did there – the top picture looks hilarious as always. 🙂

  20. Kate says:

    A+ to the Lanvin. Best she’s looked.
    I hope she was supportive of him during his loss last night. Wonder how he took it…?

    • scarf girl says:

      His mother had even told the press she thought Eddie would win. After that, I think he was ready for the loss.

  21. Jojar Pinks says:

    LOL, barnstorming finale there, man.

    seriously, dude… like…what? I gotta say im surprised that some people seem to think alls well because that was awkward and just bizarre?
    red carpet kisses are always awful, just nope all the way to that. let’s give the cameras a kiss shot. aagghh, no. and did he kiss her hand and touch her stomach on the red carpet too? was the stuff they forgot to get into the honeymoon pictures? lol

    i cant see how people can explain the total sudden change in behaviour due to being uncomfortable with the cameras, surely if you care about someone thats even more reason to be warm and ..together? they’ve looked like they have repelling force fields up to now and i was getting vibes of tomkat last night with the tryhardery of it all.

    dress – nope. i hate the ‘i look like im naked’ look. not classy imo.

    also – who is this stylist dude? im assuming he was allowed to post a family pic on twitter? im thinking it was part of the overkill last night but it wasnt much of a success. his ma may as well have been in the next room.

  22. ANON says:

    I think she looks nice, she’s gone for Grace Kelly hair. Not 100% about the dress though.

    It’s weird, it looks like they were really cold with each other when they first starting going on red carpets and since people started noting it it’s as if they’ve swung completely the other way with the PDAs. There seems to be a fairly strong correlation between their actions and what is being said about them. Once criticism starts of their relationship there are convenient ‘honeymoon’ pics and OTT PDAs, it’s that the PDAs seem reactionary (rather than just being natural and consistent from the start) that makes me question their authenticity.

    • amy says:

      It’s because they weren’t married yet, so there was no need to show off the pda!
      Just like their london premier of tig where they didn’t wanna walk together…… ‘we weren’t engage yet so there was no need to show her off on the red carpet’ – BC

      • sticky notes says:

        @Amy So then what about OP or AJ why did he walk red carpets with them? You’re right she didn’t have to walk with him she could have walked with his family and friends. She was his “gf” at the time so why the solo walk and not staying for the afterparty? PS he told a baretender that night that he was single after she mistakened his niece/PA for his gf.

      • Felice says:

        That literally implies that now they’re married, he owns her body and can touch it.

      • Mosby says:

        I think Amy is being facetious using BC’s own questionable logic. 🙂

    • Mosby says:

      @Anon – Agreed on the reactionary PDAs and being responsive to comments. He seems especially defensive.

  23. Betti says:

    Loved the hair and the colour of the dress, both suited her. The white dinner jacket on him was just no – washed him out. I can see that they were going for the old Hollywood couple look.

    I hope they both disappear from the media for a while as they’ve become a bit of a joke – both are massive famewh*res and its all blown up in their faces. He in particular deserves all the side eye being thrown his way. His credibility has gone down the toilet and no one will take him seriously now particularly when he starts whining about press intrusion into his private life.

    I’m not convinced that their relationship is real and it’s a save face marriage for both. Both were seeing other people when allegedly in a serious relationship – pap photo evidence to prove it. Seems he was seeing SH when being papped out and about with Lady K.

  24. A.Key says:

    I think she looks beautiful actually, one of the few there who nailed it fashion wise.

  25. Ally8 says:

    Dress: going for an Elizabeth Hurley / Versace moment

    Hair: trying to be Vivien Leigh

    Face with that hair: Princess Margaret

    Hustle: kudos, got yourself to the front row at the Oscars

    Affectionate glance: sorry, Eddie (and Hannah) were more moving and believable doing that, too.

    • Claire. says:

      LOL! I will say her face with the hair highlights her masculine features. Her face is like cut from concrete, too harsh.

      • Crocuta says:

        I’m in minority here, but what masculine features? She does not have a cute or pageant-pretty face, but I’d say she’s very feminine and very beautiful. Perhaps it’s just me, I prefer recognisable features to plain pretty ones.

        They still look kind of alike, tho.

  26. scarf girl says:

    The Valentino dress she wore to the Weinstein party the night before (which had stars and the moon on it so she really was Comet Sophie) was a much better look. And it was better hair as well. She should have switched, but this was worn for attention. Dresses held together by pins, whether you are Elizabeth Hurley or Sophie Hunter is just one thing: tacky. Always tacky. He looked like he was auditioning for the part of Grady in a remake of The Shining.

    • Lindy79 says:

      I actually liked the original valentino but I didn’t like the alterations that were done it it to fit her bump.

    • Ruth Dunbar says:

      I had a similar thought, but at least Elizabeth Hurley at least wasn’t a 30-something pregnant lady when she did it (also, I love “E Hurley”). Not that there’s anything wrong with being a 30-something pregnant lady!! I just liked the dress a whole lot more before I saw the pin thing. LOL @ Grady.

    • scarf girl says:

      I did like the dress and know the alterations were awkward. But it was still a lovely look. This….no. Pins are always a no even when Empress Anna is the one dressing you.

      Thank you Ruth. Have my moments. And I agree-without the pins I would not have had the negative reaction. And I think they were going for some sort of matchy old Hollywood look. Sadly, for me, he reminded me of Grady which automatically caused me to cast her as the women in Room 237.

    • amy says:

      she ruined that valentino dress for me 🙁 I really love the that design and color and yes she should have worn that to the oscars instead…minus the wonder bra.

    • MtnRunner says:

      The pins, the earrings and hair were the only things I would have changed. Otherwise, I liked the look. Ben shouldn’t have worn white, I couldn’t stop thinking “waiter” after the comments started.

  27. Luca76 says:

    She looks wonderful. I still can’t muster up much interest in her but I’m happy to see she’s pulled off a great look. And yes they look really comfortable and happy together not that it will stop conspiracy theorists from pretending otherwise.

    • Jojar Pinks says:

      lmao. ‘conspiracy theorists’? buahahauaha

      my dear friend, they’ve looked anything BUT happy since november. pointing that out and side eyeing the sudden kisses for the cams, does not a ‘conspiracy theorist’ make.

      • Luca76 says:

        Considering she’s been called a high end escort, and there are commentors questioning whether or not she’s pregnant ,or if BC is the dad yes there are conspiracy theorists.

      • Jojar Pinks says:

        nope, that’s not a ‘conspiracy theorist’. come on, this isn’t watergate or 911.

    • claire says:

      She really does lovely. She’s a very pretty woman, I think. There’s something very classic and feminine, old school, about her face. That color looked awesome on her too. His outfit? Really didn’t care for it. He looks like a waiter or something.

  28. Brittney B says:

    As I was watching the Oscars last night with my boyfriend, I thought I’d entertain him with some tidbits from the past few months’ worth of comments. He’s not someone who follows celebrity gossip, but he does like Benedict as an actor, and when I told him about the conspiracy theorists, he was bewildered and bemused. “Why?!” Yep, contrary to all the “facts” that seem “SO obvious” to some of you, the average person sees absolutely nothing that makes their relationship any different from any other pairing in Hollywood. (Side note: even if it’s actually “staged”, that would STILL be true. If you believe every other celebrity couple is genuinely in love and describing their relationship with 100% accuracy, I have a bridge to sell you.)

    I even paused the show at one point, when the camera panned to Keira and Sophie side-by-side. Keira was arm-in-arm with her hubby, clapping, and I realized that there would be comments and GIFs and endless analyses the next day because of the “body language” on display. I told him, “tomorrow, people are going to be obsessed with this shot and they’ll say Keira is obviously leaning away from Sophie because she hates her.” Lo and behold, it’s already happening.

    He shook his head and honestly couldn’t believe that anyone would try so hard to jump to conclusions. “She’s holding onto her husband and clapping toward the stage… there’s literally no other way to do these things while leaning toward Benedict’s wife. Why wouldn’t she lean toward the stage and the person she loves?!” But… that’s the perspective of a rational, reasonable human being who doesn’t spend hours dissecting photos and coming up with insulting theories. I cannot stomach the doubters anymore; they’re way more desperate and cloying and overexposed than Benedict could ever be.

    • Gracie says:

      *slow clapping* to the rational reasonable human being who feels the need to come and share her rational reasonable thoughts while calling other people names. Well, good for you with your rational reasonable mind. Thank you and bye.

    • Jojar Pinks says:

      lol. whut?!

      i didnt realise your boyfriend had spoken. i missed the smoke signals.

      who is talking about which direction keira knightley is sitting in?! thats bs. i think you’re wasting time on the wrong sites, honey.

      i think ‘the average person’ can see this aint a fairytale. thats it really. i hope thats ok with your boyfriend. lol

      • Brittney B says:

        I guess I should have realized that my attempts to provide perspective would fail miserably.

        Don’t worry, I don’t “waste time” on any other celebrity site except for this one. Just scroll up the page, and you’ll see Nofertari’s comment: “in the audience Keira total snuggled to her husband which seems to me like she didn’t wanted to sit next to SH… like who’s afraid of her.”

      • Jojar Pinks says:

        why are you getting so wound up by that? and, my dear, i don’t think youre bringing perspective, youre telling us what your boyfriend thinks, who hasnt really paid any attention to any of this in the press etc .. its not really that objective.
        i dunno, i just dont think its worth getting in a lather over. think what you think, let other people think what they think. *shrugs*

      • Nofertari says:

        @Brittney B: i’m ashamed about that comment, but pls try to be not so condescending w/ me. my reaction maybe only a self reflection: she really reminds me to an old friend, who had/s a nice image in the front, but a careless, selfish, opportunist chick behind the curtain -as we could know her by the time. maybe that’s why i’ve written those lines… does it make any sense?

      • Diana B says:

        Now, now, I don’t follow these two, I actually avoid lizzard face, and when I saw last night how Keira was sitting it strike me as odd. She seemed rather intent on snuggling with her hubby and face the other way Sophie was sitting. Like, could she not sit straight ahead and still lean on to her husband? did she have to give Sophie her back? that was rather weird in my eyes, but it was just the impresion I got and like I said, I don’t even follow lizzard face, so I don’t think it was unreasonable for Nofertari to notice.

      • moodgirl says:

        LOL!! As soon as I saw it I got the impression that she wasn’t purely cuddling with her husband as most people would not do that at a major even like the Oscars. She appeared to intentionally put some space between her at Sophie and deliberately turned her back to her. Sometimes it is what it is.

      • hermi says:

        Besides there’s a picture of BC and SH having a ‘tender moment’ and KK looking at them with a face like she’s watching her cat being killed. Not much love between them two, methinks.

    • pretty says:

      your BF doesn’t even know how the celeb PR machines work and the oscar campaign and all of that. your little “example” doesn’t mean jackpoop. lol.

      • oneshot says:

        the average person doesn’t know how Oscar PR machines work either.

        Which would make her boyfriend an average person, like most people out there and therefore fairly representative of what the general populace thinks when they see the name ‘Benedict Cumberbatch’ (usually ‘he looks weird’ or ‘funny name’).

      • Lurker says:

        Agreed, oneshot. I think that was her point. Unless you hang out here or other places like it, you don’t know the ins and outs of campaigns etc and probably don’t care either.

      • Erinn says:

        This response is almost funny. That’s exactly the point she was making. Someone who doesn’t sit around thinking about PR machines and fauxmances really WOULDN’T see anything weird about their relationship.

        Honestly, I was telling my husband the same thing and got a “So they think they guy from Sherlock isn’t happy because of photos?” and an ‘okay Erinn, suuuure’ look.

        I can guarantee that if you walk up to someone who doesn’t read a lot of celebrity gossip, or only watches the occasional interview, or gossip show segment, they’re not going to think this marriage is weird at all.

      • Claire. says:

        Except it’s indisputable a huge PR machine was behind the image of this couple as the supposed next amal and George, which flopped on its arse, making your point moot. You do know the point of a pr campaign is to make it look normal to the casual eye right? I guess you fawned over tomkat and thought they were real too.

    • Madly says:

      Why should anyone one care what your boyfriend thinks?

      • Gracie says:

        Apparently he represents rational reasonable human beings.

      • Claire. says:

        Because he’s a man and not one of us hysterical, over emotional females. Men are far more credible in everything in life don’t you know?

    • Lurker says:

      When I was watching E!’s red carpet coverage, they talked about BC and SH and one of them…Kelly Osbourne, I think, said “oh and I think she’s pregnant too” after someone else mentioned they had gotten married on Feb 14. I could tell then that I have been on this site too much when I thought “How did you not know that? Everyone knows she’s pregnant etc etc.”

      Anyway, I thought she looked great and I am curious what they will name the wee poppet.

      • Cee says:

        I wouldn’t take into consideration anything Kelly O says. Even People has stated, time and time again, that SH is pregnant and both will become parents this year.

    • claire says:

      HaHa. Your boyfriend called it, BrittneyB. Too funny.

  29. Felice says:

    It’s so cute that people forget it took them 4 months to actually look like they can stand each other.

    • Claire. says:

      Ikr? She reminds me of that homeless hippie that was living in Lily’s playhouse in that modern family episode. “Don’t touch me!!! Don’t touch me!!”

    • Gracie says:

      Just barely. And that’s actually at a major function when they have to smile for camera. Good luck to them. And let’s hope they will go quiet for a bit now. That’s all I got to say. They are really…. not a sizzling couple.

    • Renee says:

      I didn’t forget. They really should’ve tried harder from the beginning to make it look authentic. Now it’s laughably phony, IMO. But whatever. I hope we don’t see too much of their showmance for a long while.

      • Felice says:

        Yeah it bothers me that people just take it at face value when he was clearly miserable this whole campaign.

      • moodgirl says:

        Under the circumstances they probably couldn’t have tried any harder. If she is as far along as she appears, she probably got pregnant within a few weeks of them getting together. That would be earth shattering for anyone under any circumstances but he had an awards season coming up. Add to all that, he seems to be paranoid about his reputation. And, let’s face it, she doesn’t appear to be that gracious of a person, her behavior even two weeks ago has been atrocious. I think he’s stuck.

      • ThaAbbyG says:

        They have not looked like they hate each other in the pictures taken of them since the engagement. That a core group of regular commenters here keeps saying this as if it were true objective fact is so interesting to me. It’s not obvious. Hey maybe they do hate each other, but if you were trying argue that they did, using photos of them together would not be the way to do it. Even more interesting is how this process is applied to any woman in a relationship with a man formerly seen as an eligible bachelor. As in Kate Middleton, Amal Alamuddin etc. I’m assuming it’s been implied at some point that Sophie Hunter’s mother is some sort of social-climbing mastermind? Because that’s another common insult. Or that the couple doesn’t spend any time together. Or that she doesn’t work/has a fake work history. It’s textbook.

      • Felice says:

        Her mom definitely has the appearance of someone who dreamed of being a star and couldn’t muster the talent so now she’s pimping out her daughter to an A list star.

    • Cee says:

      And still some journos at the RC still siad they looked tense and like brother and sister (but I suppose that is more to do with their facial structure)

    • amy says:

      short term memory remember. And its because of this, I have a strange feeling BC isn’t gonna stop with his famewh*ring ways, especially with Marvel around the corner.

  30. IndiraJ says:

    They both looked nice and lovey-dovey last night, and I wish them well, but I, for one, am happy to see them go away for a while. Too much coverage. I know some people are going to experience Cumbwithdrawal, but it’s time for a spring cleaning, you know? Or where I live a half way through the winter cleaning, lol.

  31. Claire. says:

    Also in top pic woman has zombie eyes

  32. bread says:

    If you don’t like what’s being said, change the conversation. The day after the Oscars BC could have been portrayed as an awards season loser with not a single award to his name. But, after some carefully posed kisses and looks with his “loving” and dead-eyed wife, he’s now a loved-up newlywed. Who cares about silly statuettes when you’re preparing for your “real-life” role as a father?

    • Gracie says:

      You nailed it.

    • Nofertari says:

      don’t forget the death glare stare in bafta style.

    • j says:

      true, good move

      although i have to say being an oscar “loser” isn’t a bad thing to be at all. studios come sniffing because they know you may have a future win in you

      his ‘death glare’ is just him trying to not make a weird or tired spacecase face. hes been doing that for years, i say f it and dont worry about it man, since no one can outdo DeNiro anyway lol

      • maria says:

        why do they even care about the oscar? If it’s clear to us that it’s basically all about campaigning and how much power/money you have behind you instead of your performance, why desire the gold little man?

      • j says:

        a lot of reasons, bear with me it’s a little complicated

        -they want to be seen as able to do what they’re asked when it comes to campaigning as that sends the right signal to the big studios

        -a salary and visibility bump come from a just a nom alone. visibility and increased prices are part of the path to becoming more established and less powerless. no one wants to be stuck taking crap roles just to survive later in their career like they did at the start

        -power. it’s really about getting your profile higher so you’re not spending your entire career under everyone’s thumb

        age is a factor though when it comes to winning. when you’re older, say having a solid 10 to 20 years in Hollywood at least, oscar wins are great.

        but when you’re younger, winning can be both bad and good. some of the industry will view you as an upstart, less deserving, or note you’re not likely as oscar material for their projects for at least 5 years. it’s not a coincidence most of your “Oscar curse” people are lead actor/actresses winners under 40.

    • Nofertari says:

      just watched the trailer of “unfinished business”… the slogan: “sometimes the only way to win is to lose your shit…”

    • Cee says:

      Well, being an Academy Award Nominee is nothing to be sad about

      But I agree with you. He has been trying to change the conversation since he announced the engagement.

      I wonder what the narrative will be like this time next year?

    • amy says:

      He wasn’t kidding when he said ‘she’s a tool’.
      An asset used to deflect the media of himself. What a wuss of a man you are Mr. Cumby – who hides behind their wife and baby to prevent media on slaught?

  33. Megan says:

    In the picture with john travolta, bendy is in a black tux, so I don’t think its from last night

  34. tasha_nat says:

    He still called Sophie “my fiancee” last night. Come on, Bendy, you’re not even trying.

  35. scout says:

    Didn’t see the pins before but she looked cute sitting next to Bendy, Bendy looked handsome too. Eddie R said Bendy texts him F words every time he wins an award.

    Oh no!! John Travolta has a major crush on Bendy. I remember that same loving look when GC looks at Brad Pitt! Haha.

    Did I miss Lady GAGA’s white dress with loose red gloves post here, will go look now.

  36. OhDear says:

    They look nice here, though the side cut on her dress was a little much (and looked a lot like the Elizabeth Hurley dress).

  37. FlaviA_deluce says:

    The picture going around Twitter with Travolta in the background is from another event, I think last year’s Oscars. Bendy was wearing white dinner jacket last night.

  38. Madly says:

    We didn’t get a Hiddles post on Friday.

    • Gracie says:

      I thought we’d get one today for the BBC radio recording. Maybe the mods are too busy covering Oscar. *throw a fist to the air* Want a Hiddles post.

      • TotallyBiased says:

        Yeah! Solidarity! Dragonflys!

      • MtnRunner says:

        Welcome back, Gracie! Hope you had fun on your holiday and reading the last Hiddles post. We had some saucy fun with him at Bendy’s wedding!

        Perhaps if there’s an official transcript published of last night’s Q&A, Kaiser will give us a post, along with the Words and Music radio thingee.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      Let’s us please keep dear Thomas away from all the yucky Benny/Sophie drama.

      • Gracie says:

        Co-signing this! @Lilacflowers, *wave* is the transportation system doing better yet? I hope you’re not too affected. I am a little behind on the news feed. Did Tom really go to THE WEDDING? Wasn’t it a private, small event?

      • oneshot says:

        I second this motion. Though he has been radio silent for a long time, better hope he hasn’t been knocking up strange women after two dates too. Anyway he’ll have to surface on the Avengers red carpets in about two months.

      • jammypants says:

        I third it.

  39. Lilacflowers says:

    Dear Benedict, Alan Turing really, really wants you to stop talking about him. No, you attending the Oscar ceremony does not shine a light on Turing’s computer work or anything else but you.

    • Gracie says:

      It’s sad really. For years and years he’s all about his work, then suddenly he knocks up a woman and acts like a schoolboy didn’t know what to do after got into trouble, saving his face at the expense of sh*ting all over the movie he’s promoting. Turn the page, move along, let’s hope others take notes from this crash and burn.

    • A- says:

      Technically speaking, one of the good things that came out of this whole thing is the increased awareness of Turing, he’s been okay when talking about him regardless of his motives.

      I’d say just in the US, but there wasn’t much support for a pardon attempt for him in 2011 or any of the others convicted under the same laws a few years back in the UK.

    • MtnRunner says:

      It seemed he intentionally switched the conversation to his baby and marriage after it was clear he was going home with no awards.

  40. seesittellsit says:

    I didn’t mind the dress and accessories (and I also saw a lining there) but her hair was horrendous, and the look is rather Amazonian. I thought their “performance” with all the PDAs a naked attempt to shift the viewer’s eye from the massive disappointment he and TIG have been this awards season (wonder what Uncle Harvey thinks?) to happy new hubby/Dad. Short-term, a success: the British tabloids are full of the adorable loved up couple, not what a jackass BC was to let her hook him with the oldest trick in the book. I think she has cost him something w/her little maneuver – he had to make a huge readjustment and plan a new life while trying to campaign and keep prof. commitments. My prediction: it may take awhile for the relationship karma to catch up with her, but it will eventually. Prediction #2: the fairy dust from the Happy Couple/New Baby will fall away fairly soon & his career is not going to go where he hopes in filmdom, although I’m sure he’ll get a big bounce from Hamlet. Some of this is still to play out. He looks rather a fool to me these days. Too bad.

  41. Andrea says:

    Honestly the dress and hair look nice but the earrings look a bit tacky to me—ala Katie Price, love her but she wears a lot of tacky stuff.

    I felt like the lovey dovey tone with them was still forced. Why did he look worlds happier with his exes over the mother of his child?

  42. oneshot says:

    I thought she looked prettier than she ever has before – great lipstick and dress colour. And that dress isn’t ‘naked’ up the safety pin fastenings, there is skin coloured illusion fabric in those gaps (a very commonly used thing in designer red carpet dresses with ‘revealing’ bits).

    Also this woman, as far as I know has committed only one sin i.e. getting knocked up by a famous man after a few dates. Some of y’all really resent being called on your rather ott hatred of her/them as a couple, however gently – I WOULD be ‘sneering’ at some of the conspiracy theories being floated around here (it’s not his! She’s an escort!) too, and the furious negation of any comments even slightly complimentary to any aspect of her (appearance, manner, baby, god knows). And then whining about ‘attacking’ other commenters while you go to town on people who provide anecdotal experiences that maybe, you are not 100 percent correct and people representative of the general public (i.e. not followers of gossip blogs/only a casual interest in celebs) do not actually know the minutiae of the Hunterbatch affair or care to boycott him for it. She’s pregnant, they’re having a baby, they will either stay together or not afterwards but the marriage looks like they at least intend to try to stay together for now. It’s hardly rocket science.

    I bet by the time the baby is born someone here will probably try to claim it doesn’t really exist a la Suri Cruise, or was born via surrogate a la Beyonce. Or that Sophie masterminded a baby switch because the baby looks 100 percent human and therefore cannot be a real baby Cucumberwaffle.

    • seesittellsit says:

      I agree that the conspiracy stuff is OTT but that doesn’t mean the whole thing didn’t really play out badly, and using the passive voice “her only sin was to get knocked up by a famous man after a few dates” does kind of leave out the obvious: a 36 year old woman who’d lived with men and been around the block for a very long time and run with Harvey Weinstein’s crowd suddenly “gets knocked up after a few dates”? Not. I don’t use the word sin I think it’s silly, but let’s face it: this didn’t look like an accident between two inexperienced teens. I don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist to look at this and see an opportunist nobody leaping for a brass ring the old-fashioned way: she goes from nobody to being a red carpet photo object in Valentino and Lanvin. I don’t have to like her public persona to prove my sanity creds.

      • Andrea says:

        This is the thing that ultimately gets people who aren’t crazies—what if she IS an opportunist? No one wants to see that happen to anyone, celebrity or not.

      • oneshot says:

        ‘sin’ is the word I chose to stand in for ‘they did something wrong that isn’t actually illegal’, just saying. And most people seem to believe that they did something really bad, as if unplanned pregnancies are a new thing in Hollywood (see: Portman, Natalie; Johansson, Scarlett; Evangelista, Linda – and that is just three people)

        And unexpected pregnancies happen to women of all ages unless they’ve already been through menopause, even regular ones on birth control who have had it work a-ok up to then. And there is no way short of IVF to control the sperm/egg situation if you are trying to get pregnant on purpose, especially if it happened in 1-2 dates like we believe.

        I don’t expect people to like her public persona and you have every right to be sick of them working the Oscar PR machine with the marriage/baby situation, but some of the attitude here is ridiculous. Like I’ve seen on other posts, you can’t even compliment her coat without someone jumping in with a comment about how choosing that coat (I paraphrase here) is another indication that she is some Kardashian-level famewhore. They’re not ideal, but they are also a damn sight more low-key than, say, Natalie Portman back in 2011. Now that was an A+ example of obnoxious PR machine involving pregnancy and partner, and it worked.

      • Jojar Pinks says:

        oneshot , i dont get what youre so angry about. People are gossiping, thats what they do. nobody will know for sure how accidental her pregnancy was, maybe she did ‘forget’ a pill or maybe it was a true accident, but this is a gossip site.
        his emails werent hacked, his house wasnt bugged, he purposefully put all of this out there for the public attention so its gonna be gossiped about. and if he hadnt spent so much time and weirdly phrased words trying to ram it down everyones throats as some love story, people wouldnt have been so quick to sit up and say ‘huh?’

        i dont see the point of comparing to other celebs either, if you cant complain about about a celeb famewhoring if they havent reached the kardashian scale, then you wouldnt be able to complain about anyone at all.
        one thing i will say for the KK, is at least she owns it and doesnt turn dish out the info with one hand and turn around on the other hissing her need for privacy and pretending shes above it.

        and where did anyone say she was a famewhore because of her coat? lol

      • Claire. says:

        @sees, great posts! Post more!

      • oneshot says:

        @Jojar Pinks, “and where did anyone say she was a famewhore because of her coat? lol ”

        the receipts are under comment no. 20 of the post about Tom Hiddleston not being Cucumber’s best man. (and I am sure you will refuse to acknowledge these too since the words “Kardashian” and “famewhore” were not actually used, but negatively implying that a woman is courting media attention is basically saying that she is a famewhore).

        And your conspiracy theories (i.e. what a younger corner of the internet might call ‘fan fiction’) are just gossip, are they? No matter how often you repeat that I’m “angry”, it won’t make it true. But you might want to work on not projecting your own feelings on others, just saying.

    • Jojar Pinks says:

      “Some of y’all really resent being called on your rather ott hatred of her, however gently – I WOULD be ‘sneering’ at some of the conspiracy theories being floated around here (it’s not his! She’s an escort!) too, and the furious negation of any comments even slightly complimentary to any aspect of her (appearance, manner, baby, god knows). And then whining about ‘attacking’ other commenters while you go to town on people who provide anecdotal experiences that maybe, you are not 100 percent correct and people representative of the general public (i.e. not followers of gossip blogs/only a casual interest in celebs) do not actually know the minutiae of the Hunterbatch affair or care to boycott him for it.”

      Errr, noo. Folks are allowed not like her ya know? And it comes down to a lot more than her getting ‘knocked up’. I checked out what the deal is on this chick and found a couple of hum dinging public stropsies my three year old niece would be proud of, an air of snootery, the most lolworthy wtf-ing catalogue of perf art, too douchey for words. A bunch of puffed up cv attributes and a title of director that seems veeerry shady and not much evidence of hard work, Soo.. ya know.. there’s a bit more to it than ‘she got knocked up’.
      lol, what;s the deal with people saying ‘conspiracy theories’ around here?! calm down people. this is not watergate, as i said upthread. this is also a gossip thread, so theres liekly to be gossip around how long she was seeing him and paternity an’ the like. so what?
      ive also not seen anyone on here say shes an escort. the only mentions of escort ive seen have come from people complaining loudly that other people seem to think it.
      where are you getting the idea from that people ar shouted down when they compliment her? really? …i mean….really? look back across this thread and youll see a good deal of compliments which havent been ‘furiously negated’.

      seriously, just backtrack the drama and the invented tyranny.

    • Lurker says:

      Amen, oneshot, amen.

      • Lurker says:

        I don’t even care about the guy or her. I just come for the comments. And yeah, it’s a tad OTT. My favourite thus far has been that the pregnancy is fake – all for Oscar. And yes, that was on here. Multiple times.

      • Jojar Pinks says:

        My favourite thus far has been that the pregnancy is fake – all for Oscar. And yes, that was on here. Multiple times.

        ive literally never seen that discussed seriously on here. ive only seen people talking about other people thinking it.

      • Lurker says:

        Well I have literally seen it. More than once. If I had more time today, I would go back and find the posts.

      • fruitloops says:

        Well, there were people saying that she wore that open back dress at BAFTAs to show that her pregnancy was not fake, people discussing in detail laws and rules for getting married in England, Scotland or some isles (I really don’t remember locations that were being discussed, me not being English and all) because people were convinced that they were not getting married for real and that the whole wedding/marriage setup was fake, people analyzing SH’s whereabouts since last spring or summer to present to prove that she’s carrying someone else’s child… The list could go on but who’s got the time… Anyhow, that’s all people commenting on Celebitchy so Jojar you should probably look harder.

    • nean says:

      I totally agree with you.

    • The Original Mia says:

      Well said! Well said.

    • claire says:

      Oneshot isn’t posting angry. Many of you OTT people write a hell of a lot more passionately than the reasoned post Oneshot just put up. Transparent attempt to invalidate what Oneshot wrote…

    • jammypants says:

      “Sophie masterminded a baby switch because the baby looks 100 percent human and therefore cannot be a real baby Cucumberwaffle.” You win the internet just for this alone. Gave me a right chuckle!

    • Brittney B says:

      Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    • Madly says:

      My two cents, for what they are worth.

      I always thought he was dating. A lot. I figured it was a matter of time before he found someone. I just thought it was casual, and it probably was….until she got pregnant.

      She may have been an opportunist on a guy who is notoriously gullible. Who knows, but going off his reaction, it wasn’t planned.

      There was a significant shift from his publicity tour to now. At TFF, his interviews were solid. He was off to a great start. He gave great interviews about the character he played.

      Then came his private life into the affair. And that was when the train went off the tracks. It isn’t uncommon for actors to put their lives out there for Oscar glory. The afflects certainly did. Reese whitherspoon did, so have many others. It is a campaign after all. But when he stumped more on his personal life and the weird comments where he was dissing his fans. He came across like a jerk who wanted to get rid of the Internet famous thing and be mainstream. I don’t know if this is what he always wanted or was being coached. It was just so off and so obvious.

      I think I have been more entertained by that than any relationship whatever’s. Do I think they were too try hard at the oscars? Sure. Do I think they put on a show for us for the last few months? Yep. Those who suggested that he is trying to save face and change the conversation were right on the money. Look at all the stories in the papers. These two had an agenda and they were working it.

      But there is a baby coming. And for the sake of the kid, I hope they grow up, get over themselves, and give the kid a good life, no matter if they are together or not.

      • Linz says:


        All of that!

      • Cee says:

        @Madly, IA. However, unlike other actors, he didn’t pull it off. And that’s on him and his apparent lack of PR training. She’s not the Evil Witch from the West (although it would’ve helped them a lot if she had been warmer and more expressive). From the moment they stepped out together BC turned into an idiot, and that’s on him. Her CV being whitewashed, her “accolades”, her work, everything she had done before BC being “bigged up”, that’s on him as well (and I’m sure she didn’t complain).

        I said this days after the engagement was announced and I stand by it: she doesn’t look like the kind of person who lets her (positive) emotions shine through. Maybe she has RBF, IDK. But that doesn’t make her a cold, unfeeling, unloveable, calculating person.

        They don’t look in sync because their relationship is so short term there is barely a relationship to build on. But there’s a kid coming and if they felt the need to marry and try to make it work together, that’s on them. If it doesn’t work out, I hope they part ways. If it does work out, it wouldn’t be the first time.

      • hermi says:

        Even The Guardian, which is a serious newspaper, mentioned how he dropped out of the Awards race “for reasons there weren’t entirely clear”.
        And he’s been cancelling interviews in the US because he didn’t want to answer questions about his private life, yet he only talked about that from a certain point on (i.e. when he knew he was out of the race).
        Plus, he’s been giving photo exclusives to the lowest of the low (The Sun).
        Put two and two together….

      • Andrea says:

        @hermi What are you implying exactly?

      • alice says:

        @Cee In pictures with her friends she seems quite warm and expressive and fun loving. In his pictures with his friends one gets the same impression. It’s just when they’re together that the Ice Age descends. The last few of their sightings showed OTT PDA, which to a lot of us seemed overcompensating. I don’t know how long they’ll last, but it seems a very strained relationship. The baby might be a temporary salve, but that may wear off.

      • hermi says:

        @Andrea Nothing much, just that he used his private life when he saw he had no chances of winning an award. Not even implying here, it’s what’s actually happened. As many people have already said, he changed the conversation.

      • Cee says:

        @alice – I see your point, though most of these photos with friends appear to have been taken in “private”.

        IDK – I’m kind of bored by it all? Even if their behaviour in public improves, either if it’s true or pretend, somehow I just feel “meh”.

      • Claire. says:

        Great summary of his campaign, Madly.

      • EN says:

        FACT – guys are much less careful about birth control with women they plan to have children with. Two of my uni friends ended up marrying their boyfriends after getting pregnant. Both guys were madly in love, the girls were the ones who weren’t ready for a family yet. Both pairs are still married and still madly in love.

        So whatever happened, Ben and Sophie are both responsible. And I am not even sure it isn’t what they both wanted.

        So can we stop with this train of thought – her trapping him and so on?

    • A.Key says:

      “Also this woman, as far as I know has committed only one sin i.e. getting knocked up by a famous man after a few dates.”

      Well duh. And of course it’s all HER fault, never HIS. Guess the next conspiracy is that she put something in his drink, and forced herself on him, so that’s how she managed to get knocked up. Because of course Benny would never have consensual unprotected sexual relations with THIS woman, oh the horror….LOL

      • Jojar Pinks says:

        um, a key, nobody has suggested that is not an option. but another option is that she said she was taking birth control. cmon, these things do happen. lets not make out its some misogynistic agenda, people are just gossiping on the options.

      • moodgirl says:

        Sophie, at 36, has been in long tern relationships before and lived with a man for years, all without becoming pregnant. Obviously she is aware of some type of birth control. I find it odd that all went to pot within days of meeting an up and coming actor but it was her smugness and self satisfaction that gave her away. A woman who gets pregnant by a man she barely knows should have had the same reaction that he had. Sophie appeared to be as happy as clam.

        As a woman I have always felt that birth control ultimately is my domain. If I get pregnant the responsibility of being mommy falls on me. The kid may not be able to depend on his father but he has mommy for the rest of his life. There is no such thing as casual sex.

      • Andrea says:

        I couldn’t agree more with this comment! I would have a look for horror if I were in Sophie’s situation with someone I barely have been with or truly know and now having a kid with him? Especially for me who at 34 has never a once had this happen to me nor do I intend to ever have children..

      • moodgirl says:

        Although she got knocked up within days of hooking up with a man she obviously barely knows, Sophie looks totally happy on the red carpet. No motive there.

      • fruitloops says:

        And Benedict, at 38, is such a delicate flower and hasn’t heard of condoms or how to use them. Please, if he really didn’t want to have children he could have used some, and that’s not even the only contraceptive option for a man. You as a woman can think that contraception is your responsibility, it’s fine, people’s choices are their own, but don’t tell me that men have no right to choose and no way of not making a baby.

      • Lurker says:

        Yes fruitloops! He’s 38, well-educated, been around the block, condoms ain’t new to anyone. And, if he is too dim to put on a loveglove when dating, well, sucks to be him.

      • jammypants says:

        It’s all Sophie’s fault.

      • Granger says:

        And just because someone has been in relationships (long-term or otherwise) before and didn’t get pregnant then, doesn’t mean that mistakes can’t happen.

        (I won’t even begin to speculate as to how anyone here even knows she *hasn’t* been pregnant before.)

      • moodgirl says:

        I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt. @fruitloop – Please see my comment above about women and birth control. I wouldn’t depend on a man to use birth control, in the end I have to protect myself because the consequences are higher.

      • Andrea says:

        There are also morning after pills and such things. I know many a friend who used one after a condom broke.

  43. Lindy79 says:

    Well Lainey Gossip is coming for him anyway, haha.

    • Andrea says:

      How so?

      • Lindy79 says:

        Story today specifically about him called “Benedicts Kisses”. Just pointing out how touchy they were, “tactile” is the word she uses.
        Its probably more interesting to me as she was the one who made the comment about him dedicating his award to his unborn child in the early campaign which I think was shade in itself at how he was using his personal life for publicity, he specifically mentioned it in the interview with Tavis Smiley, though didn’t specify where he had seen it or how he had seen it.

    • Claire. says:

      Yes let us know Lindy! Someone mentioned it yesterday but I found nothing on the site

      • Cee says:

        Lainey is the Queen of Shade and tells it like it is.
        She has been side-eyeing him for months now and comments how tense and awkward they seem with each other, and their “brother & sister” looks.

        Plus, she calls him out on what he says and mentioned how far he fell from the race.

      • Claire. says:

        Well Laineys come a long way from her sneering in early november at his fans upset he was with someone who wasn’t looking at pics of him on the internet

    • oneshot says:

      You mean this? (sticking to the part about him and Sophie specifically)

      “And maybe the photographer there asked for a kiss. And maybe Benedict obliged. And decided he would kiss AND close his eyes at the same time. Not a move I generally endorse. This is doesn’t qualify as an exception either.

      But they did seem rather tactile last night. In addition to the kiss, there was some temple to temple touching on the carpet. And leaning in to the ear talking. And sometimes when she was looking forward, he’d turn his head and just gaze at her lovingly. At this point I’m actually surprised he didn’t just go for it. You know, the dreaded father belly-cup.

      Not that I’m complaining. They just look so much like brother and sister. ”

      Lainey is pretty direct when it comes to dissing people but I really don’t see any here other than the note that she doesn’t like closed-eye cheek-kissing or bellycupping (she has been a longtime bellycupping hater no matter who the celeb is – she has pretty much said she thinks it’s cheesy). Not even the bit about how his Oscar race fell out, which sounded more like an honest assessment of how his campaign was conducted than anything else (i.e. Harvey Weinstein didn’t push hard enough).

      If she did think Cucumber sold out bad for this campaign, we’ll be hearing about it directly and for months. She’s not the type to hold back because of someone’s fanbase. She was rightfully sceptical of the timing of the engagement, but she put it very bluntly. And even she admits that kids are way too much work to be knocking someone up just for Oscar purposes.

      • Cee says:

        She also tweeted about them:
        “Benedict Cumberbatch in a white tux. Sophie in red. Both look tense. And like brother and sister. #etalkRedCarpet”

      • Andrea says:

        I’m seriously when I say this, not sure I’d be cool that everyone would think my partner looks like my sibling. I have seen couples like this on rare occasions and openly cringe.

    • Lindy79 says:

      Maybe Ive been reading Lainey too much over the years but I see definite shade there, she isn’t always totally 100% direct. There is implication that the loved up stuff was planned and for show.
      I’d guess she’s more than aware he made reference to her specific award dedication baby comment, especially as he called it disgusting.

  44. M.J. says:

    I think Sophie and Benedict looked stunning. I love that dress on her, and I like his white jacket. I normally don’t find either of them that attractive, but last night they just looked fabulous!

  45. Andrea says:

    Where have the psychics gone?

    • V.L.719 says:

      @Andrea I don’t know about the other “psychics” that were around at the beginning of this, but I’ll be on the sidelines watching for the time being.

      It’s a slow period right now but things should be interesting come summer time.

    • amy says:

      The comet have blocked their ability see and read the signs. lol

      V.L719 looking forward to it!

  46. kri says:

    She looked amazing. Her best look ever. He looked very elegant. They killed it. Now, i hope he gets some rest and some perspective on H’wood because he is magical as an actor. I want to see him for years to come. I just don’t want to see him as Harvey Weinstein’s puppet, cause he doesn’t need to be that. HW is a well-known pig’s ass (no insult to pigs) and BC got way too caught up in this campaign crap.

  47. nean says:

    I don’t know why anyone would be surprised or make a big deal out of the fact that BC’s engagement/marriage/oscar campaign seemed awkward. To me he has always seemed awkward. So it’s no surprise that when he does actually court publicity he sort of messes it up.

    I never assume I know what a celebrity is really like – even celebrities I have a thing for – so I guess that’s why I don’t understand the reactions some people have to this stuff.

    I suppose I hope he’s happy – I certainly don’t wish him ill – but the fact that his personal life and/or publicity is handled badly doesn’t change the fact that I like to watch him in movies or on television. It’s not like he’s been exposed as a murderer or something terrible. He’s just a human who behaved differently than you expected him to.

  48. The Original Mia says:

    There’s mesh. No 7-month pregnant woman is going without underwear. I loved the dress. Wasn’t happy about the hair. For such a sexy dress, she needed something less austere. They both looked good. Relaxed.

    • Toodles45 says:

      Yup, I didn’t like the hair but she looked very pretty and he looked happy/giddy (there’s a vid floating around of them dancing). Would’ve liked to see her with her hair down. Seeing her cheer and whoop at Graham Moore when he won warmed me up to her a bit. Even if they look tense/out of sync at times (despite the relationship was played out weirdly), this time they looked more relaxed and better at dealing with it all.

      • Linz says:

        More relaxed? There are pics/videos of them not looking so relaxed. I think he is trying. But the over the top PDA at the Oscars was ridiculous.. It’s obvious that the man had been drinking all night. He came off as rude and angry at times. There were moments where she looked embarrassed/pissed off.

        He forgot that they are Married FFS. . He called her his “fiancée” she did not look happy at all.. (There is video) The Tabloids are already starting to go after him. About his drinking/and his rude/angry behavior. If he is so “happy and relaxed” then he shouldn’t be angry or rude about anything.

        It seems that some people forgot all about the Pap/Staged “Honeymoon” pics..

      • amy says:

        well they did have plenty of time to rehearse during their honeymoon. They’re car commercial/honeymoon staged-pics is proof of that. I wonder how many takes it took them?!

      • hermi says:

        He has been drinking more and more hasn’t he? At the GQ awards he was sozzled, at the GG he was drinking like there was no tomorrow, etc. He quit smoking for the baby, but maybe better smoking than pickling your liver????

        As for the PDA at the Oscars, they don’t seem to be able to do “normal” like Keira or Eddie and their spouses; they either go over the top or are completely ice-cold.

        Besides, we all said they would kiss and lo and behold, they did!

        Don’t know if they are madly in love or putting on a show, it’s impossible to tell anymore, so I will quit trying. 🙂
        One thing I will say though: if that lady who mentioned blackmail and The Sun was right, sooner or later the truth will out. Especially now that Weinstein is off the radar (so no reason to keep quiet).
        We’ll wait and see.
        In the meantime Bendy, I hope you:
        – change stylist (this one is awful and way too chatty)
        – tell your friends to shut the eff up on twitter
        – work, work, work (instead of ‘accidentally’ getting papped while awkwardly pumping gas)
        – keep your private life PRIVATE (we don’t want to see you or hear from you for the next 2-3 months)
        – keep your curls, because that slicked back hairstyle is horrid
        – and last but not least, give us an incredible Hamlet. I have two tickets and they cost a lot of money. So even if you hate your fans (except SH), please do your best and then some more.

      • EN says:

        @ hermi, I can’t believe you people took that conspiracy theory posted on DM and ran with it!
        That poster didn’t know anything, it was another “escort” rant, sounded like a variation of wikianon rants.

        And there is a Great Reveal, I was the one who marked it as libel and DM deleted it.

        I always mark “escort” posts on legit sites because they are libel.
        On gossip sites like this one, sure have a go at it but you can’t post vicious gossip on legit sites without proof.

      • hermi says:

        @en Calm down, will ya. The DM poster never mentioned the word escort in her post (I saved it, so I know), nor did she specifically suggest it.
        I said blackmail and The Sun, what is vicious about that?
        If somebody suggests BC has done a deal with The Sun in exchange for silence on some dirt they have and a week later I see “exclusive pictures” in said paper, it’s merely a question of putting 2 and 2 together. Why would he give an exclusive to such a rag????
        We are not born yesterday, so threaten all you like, but this is still (I hope) a free country. And as long as we don’t insult anyone (which I did not), we can speculate at will when something smells very very fishy.

      • EN says:

        @ hermi, ha-ha, I am threatening you? I am just letting you know what happened so you people can stop chasing your tail, such a waste of energy.

        You took a sceenshot of a random rant on DM? Because of why? Wow, just wow.

      • hermi says:

        As I said, we shall see. 🙂

  49. Mango says:

    For goodness sake, leave the poor woman alone, good lord. The dress is lines, I doubt she went commando while pregnant. You’d be able to see it when she stood up if she had, to be honest. You know if she’d stood up and had a wet spot on the back of her dress someone would have a picture of it. She looks nice. He looks as weird looking as ever. PR stunt or not its ridiculous the way people look for reasons to hate on her.

  50. anon121 says:

    I, like many of you, have side-eyed the overall weirdness of their past appearances, including Quaglino’s. I rolled my eyes at the hand kissing, cheek kissing, starry eyed looks, etc. Then I saw it-the projection of something from the cumberbaby. I haven’t watched the footage yet, but would guess the loving gestures started around then. Look-this relationship started on shaky ground and may not last, but they really should have this time to enjoy themselves and each other. A new life will be coming soon-one that, like it or not, they made together. And I think that wonder and realization by seeing the cumberbaby bouncing around drove a lot of what we saw last night. Let them have it. Coz life for them is going to be very tough VERY quickly. I give them less than a 50:50 chance of making it even 5 years. Only time will tell which is why they should enjoy today.

    • Mango says:


      Husband wasn’t thrilled when I got pregnant with baby #1 because it was bad timing and you could tell he wasnt totally on board yet. He did a 180 and came around when he saw his daughter on the first ultrasound and here we are getting ready for #3. People and circumstances change. They may not make it, who knows, but the laay thing I’d want is that poor kid to look back and see how badly people spoke about his/her parents and feel like they weren’t wanted.

      • Andrea says:

        Hate to tell you, but there are A LOT of people in this world who are unwanted. My mother (I am 34) to this day acts like I have been a burden to her even though I have been on my own since age 18. If she had lived in another time, I believe she would not have had me. Plus, I have known a lot of men who never accept the child and feel starved for attention once the kid comes along and eventually split up with the mother(not my experience, my dad has been the only one who wanted me).

      • Cee says:

        Andrea, that sucks. *hugs*

        My sister wasn’t planned (unlike my brother and me) but the moment my parents found out, they were so excited and happy. But yeah, it’s not the same for everyone. One of my friends is the youngest of 7, and they’re all daughters, and everyone has always joked she exists because they were trying for a son. Same level of suckiness (even if it’s not true).

      • EN says:

        So, Andrea wouldn’t you rather not know you were unwanted? You seem to be very hurt by it. That isthe point.

      • Andrea says:

        Honestly? I wish people didn’t have kids if they truly didn’t want them (even if one person does want them and one does not). I don’t want kids and neither does my long-term partner. We take preventive measures to not allow this to happen and he has even spoken of a vasectomy (he is 38). The looks benedict has given I have seen many a man give when he feels “trapped” by an unexpected pregnancy. I have friends of mine bully their partners into marriage because they were pregnant only to have lots of problems because of that fact. I am not saying that is what is happening here( I don’t know them), but what I am saying is I wish people were more careful in the first place and less unwanted children were around in general.

        My mother can’t help but dislike my existence–I am the reason she never furthered her career or did what she ultimately wanted to do in life. For that I feel sorry for her and I feel sorry for anyone who feels societal pressure to have children when they truly do not want them. I wish as a society, we were more open to the fact that not everyone needs to have children to be happy.

        I don’t think there was ever a way I couldn’t have known. My mother has been miserable for as far back as I can remember due to her life choices. And I’m an only child. I am hurt only by the fact that I can never have a real mother like some people are very lucky to have, but not everyone gets BOTH parents. I am happy with what I DO have, a loving father, a loving long-term partner, and some friends that act more motherly than my own mother could ever be.

      • lirko says:

        @andrea I just hope you realize that your mother is unfairly blaming you for everything in her life that she finds dissappointing. None of it is your fault, and lots of women have children and still manage to get an education and work toward the career of their choosing. I think your mom sounds like one of those people who needs to have someone to blame for everything “wrong” with her life so she doesn’t have to take responsibility for it and own her life and her decisions. The thought of you being made to feel that you were the cause of her broken dreams is heartbreaking and 100% BS. I’m sorry you’ve had to experience that.

      • Claire. says:

        I want to give you a hug Andrea.

      • hermi says:

        @Andrea Hug from me too. I totally understand what you feel and agree with what you are saying.

      • Andrea says:

        Thank you everyone for the virtual hugs! It means a lot. But in all honesty, I am fully aware on how my mother is and how she is misplacing the blame. The thing that galls me are people saying I should “give my mother a chance” or “it can’t be that bad” like everyone has a 1950’s loving mother who wouldn’t DARE say or do the things she has to me. People need to understand that not everyone is a good/loving parent. It is a harsh reality some people don’t want to believe exists. But there are so many other forms of love you guys!

  51. jammypants says:

    Not feeling those earrings. They’re ugly.

    • **sighs** says:

      I didn’t either. I did like her dress until I saw the pins. If she stitched it up it would have been very classy.

    • TheOnlyDee says:

      I had a cheap pair like that from Claire’s about 15 years ago! I wasn’t feeling that pin side panel on her dress, either. I liked her hair and make up, though.

  52. Dani says:

    Red lips and a red dress are a major no. Especially in the same shade. She always looks so severe. I like her earrings, but not with that dress/hairstyle.

  53. oops says:

    Ick. If it’s not one form of OTT, it’s another. Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion whatever it is. Personally, I think their relationship is real and she looks good in red. However, I also think they are odd & he did a terrible job reconciling his personal life with his public life. Whether he or anyone else in his situation thinks it’s fair or not, if he didn’t want to deal with bs, he needed to compromise & come up with a real public image game plan. He also looked like a waiter. Just like Matthew McConaughey & Jared Leto did last year. I hated the cut of her dress when Elizabeth Hurley wore it in the 90s and still do today, mesh or no. Pregnant or not. She needs her bangs. Or rather her forehead needs bangs. She is not ugly, nor is she anywhere near beautiful. She has nice eyes, that’s it. In fact, they look too much like each other. And I call bs on any “scientific” study that says otherwise. There are just as many studies (if not more) which claim we are biologically programmed to want someone with completely different dna from us. So what? Also, I roll my eyes, thumb my nose at & will completely ignore anyone ridiculous enough to come post insults on a gossip site, while simultaneously claiming to be superior because he/she cares about “real issues.” Pathetic. Very few people are only consumed with gossip. And every single poster here is concerned enough. I just want him to get the stylist who pulled out all the D & G to come back. This Woolfe character is not achieving. And I’m disappointed that BC turned out to be such an ungrateful, whinging, public school tool. I used to see him as a talented man who wasn’t so up himself to show genuine excitement. Now, I mostly see a spoiled, insecure boy concerned with fitting into the cool crowd. Hamlet better be good. After that & Dr. Strange, I don’t see a lot of work coming for him.

  54. hermi says:

    They both should have swapped these with their BAFTA outfits and all would have been fine. I don’t like her dress (the material and the cut look cheap plus the colour clashes with the lipstick) and he looks like a waiter.

  55. Greta from Bavaria says:

    Sophie Hunter is a lady. She would never go without underwear! And by the way, she has her own career and doesn’t need Benedict Cumberbatch. They fell in love, they got married, they’re having a baby. Get over it, please.

    • Cee says:

      I will not contest the “she’s a lady” remark, but her career has been lackluster. Being with BC definitely gives her more exposure and opportunities. And this goes for everyone in a relationship/marriage to more accomplished, famous SOs.

    • amy says:

      hahaha @ greta that’s an excellent joke! LOL

      • Greta from Bavaria says:

        No, I’m not joking. In this business a career like hers is not at all lackluster. Sure, show business is a huge economic factor in The US but not so much in Europe. it’s not at all that kind of multi billion dollar business. So, to have a job in that business is already an achievement. And in the World of of Opera this is even more true. Of course, by American standards all this means nothing. But she is not american. She is British.

      • Claire. says:

        She. Never. Had. A. Career. In. Opera. Do. Your. Research.

      • Greta from Bavaria says:

        I. Did. My. Research. I. Last. Met. Her. At. Tim. Hardy’s. Birthday. Party. In. Stuttgart.

      • Claire. says:

        Great then list all opera productions she was in, which companies they were for, and the title of her job. Then compare that to how her press reports it.

      • Alice says:

        Who. Is. Tim. Hardy?

      • Felice says:

        Isn’t he married to Gisele Bundchen?

      • Madly says:

        Weren’t some of her projects here in the states that also bombed. Methinks you protest too much. British or American, everyone wants their projects to be successful.

      • moodgirl says:

        What happened to Greta? Did she leave to do more research?

      • Cee says:

        @Greta – do you mean Tom Hardy? As in Bane, Eames, etc? if not, who is Tim Hardy?

        And the problem with her career is that it has been exaggerated. Big time. I don’t care is she is now into opera, into theatre, into puppets or into graffiti, it has been lacklustre and the press has attributed awards and projects that have nothing to do with her (and i include the Beckett Award bc she didn’t win it individually but as part of a group, contrary to how it was portrayed).

      • Felice says:

        I think Greta is not her real name but definitely something that begins with a G.

    • hermi says:

      Career? Well she went from Seat ads to Jaguar ads. At least she upgraded.

    • Jojar Pinks says:

      wheres her career?

      ive gotta say she didnt look very ladylike in her squid film.

    • moodgirl says:

      If she had said ladys don’t get knocked up after three dates then I could have climbed on board. Pun intended.

      • ThaAbbyG says:

        The phrase “ladies don’t get knocked up after three dates” is making me retch into my coffee mug. Oh blech, ick, yuck! It’s like MRA rants crossed with someone’s disapproving great aunt Sylvia.

      • moodgirl says:

        I disapprove but my name isn’t Sylvia.

    • tsmiv2 says:

      She lived in New York for the last 4 or 5 yrs until returning to the UK and no she does not have her own career. That’s a creation of his or her PR. A 35 yr old woman with no job and no prospects of a job went out with a good looking popular actor a few times and almost immediately got pregnant. What happened here ain’t rocket science. They both look foolish in my opinion.

    • seesittellsit says:

      Honey, Tom Hiddleston is a gentleman: his mother is in Burke’s peerage, he went to Eton then pulled out a double first in classics at Cambridge University, then went on to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts. He has beautiful manners. He also is legendarily well endowed (you know what that means if English is not your first language) and goes without underwear frequently. We call it “going commando”. In fact, Mr. Hiddleston went “commando” in a full morning coat/suit to Cumberbatch’s wedding – he was photo’d coming out of the hotel and getting into a taxi and it was abundantly clear he was going “commando”. Now, if Mr. Hiddleston can go commando and remain a gentleman, why couldn’t Sophie Cumberbatch, former fringe avant garde hanger on type, do the same and still remain a “lady”?

  56. K says:

    If she had worn a fancy braid, she would have killed. I thought she looked quite lovely, though.

  57. Ava says:

    I think Sophie looked lovely…really perfect. BC looked awesome. I’m not a fan like some above so I’m only commenting on the fashion and they were a gorgeous couple. Ima

  58. alice says:

    I thought they both looked fine at Harvey’s pre-Oscar party Saturday. But as for last night, I thought that was a very bad hairstyle for her, very aging, very matronly, rather than Grace Kelly-like. And I hate that style of dress. I would hate it on Cate Blanchett or Keira Knightly or even if my goddess, Audrey Hepburn, had ever worn it.
    As for Ben, stop with the slicked back hair, free those curls for your best look. The outfit reminded me of Bogie in Casablanca, which is fine for hanging out at Rick’s, but not so fine for the Oscar’s.
    My two cents strictly on the looks.

  59. Linz says:

    So “Private” Haha!

    “Benedict himself explaining why they had their wedding on V’day”

    • Ingrid says:

      ROFLMAO. So he himself (almost) said it was a shot gun wedding.

      The other video (the “fiancee” one), wow. What the hell happened to him? I think it was the same reporter he talked twice before at Vanity Fair party in 2012 and 2014 (ross-something?) and those interviews were miles away from this rude d*ckhead.

      Marriage seems to be working for you, Benedict! Go away!

    • amy says:

      it’s kinda weird coz it seems like he feels the need to explain this relationship to the world. Its very telling he’s aware everyone is side-eyeing them, not just his fans.

      • tsmiv2 says:

        Yes, he constantly needs to explain it and make excuses, but it’s not for us. It’s for himself and friends and family who are side eyeing it. He is just repeating to reporters what he has already said to the people in his whose opinions actually matter.

    • tasha_nat says:

      God that was just a ramble, wasnt it? It bothered me so much that I thought it might be easier to read than hear, but it’s still a tangled knot.

      “Strange, I mean, you know, it, the schedule or schedule, however which way you say it, I mean, we, it wasn’t a sort of corny cliche to choose that day, despite what it looks like. We actually, that really was the only day, I was, I mmmm, you know, before she became pregnant we were planning, I was, there was a certain other bit of work I might be doing, and then also I was just coming off the back of filming Sherlock and then, you know, just everything else we’ve got going on in our lives we landed on that day and we then got excited about it and we went “Oh my God, it’s Valentine’s Day, is that awful?” So we didn’t make a big play about it, we didn’t make a big play about it in the ceremony, it was about us. It was about the people that were with us in that room and that’s, you know, it was very special.”

      Oh Bendy. What? WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY???

      • Nofertari says:

        On the Wedding Valentines Day: isnt it pretty selfish idea to organise it on this day, taking away other couples private happiness to celebrate yours on a rainy day, in a cold, madevial church…? Couldnt be it on one of those weekdays?

      • amy says:

        Errr….WTF?!?! Is he saying their wedding is just a PLAY???
        As in they were just acting???? LOL

      • Nofertari says:

        @amy: maybe the v-day wed was just a rehearsal. couples do that, dont they? so we may get some news about a 2nd tie knot between these two. 2x expense, 2x publicity, 2x happiness.

  60. Cee says:

    The Daily Mail has more photos of BC+SH in LA.

    She seems to favour shiny, silver things! Both set of shows are silver and shiny LOL.

    I can’t get over the “hugging while pumping gas” and him being all clammed up.

    • Linz says:


      The new “Jaguar Honeymoon” pics are hilarious.. lol

      • Cee says:

        @Link – This whole thing is sad. And who stops in the PCH, leaves the door open to take in the scenery? The open door did it for me – STAGED. And he can’t manage to hug her back. *facepalms*

      • Nofertari says:

        honeymoon photos from an empty road, but not a single one when he’s having lunch w/ his parents in the city…

      • Claire. says:

        Nofertari, that about says it all doesn’t it? Still want to know how the mirror got all that information when there were no pics

      • Nofertari says:

        @Cee says:
        ” This whole thing is sad. And who stops in the PCH, leaves the door open to take in the scenery? The open door did it for me – STAGED. And he can’t manage to hug her back. *facepalms* ”

        They left opened the doors bc needed to ventilate the car… *sg is rotten in danmark*

    • Dani says:

      Some of those pictures actually made me aw. Ew. What is wrong with me!!

    • hermi says:

      OMG!!!!!!!! And the captions! I nearly choked on my dinner!!!!!!
      And the gas pump one is even better than on The Sun. There’s a few of them in sequence and he NEVER takes his hand out of his pocket, LOL.
      And is it me or does it look like a scene from Dracula?

      • Andrea says:

        Nothing says love like hugging at the gas pump! I always want to rush up to my boyfriend when he is pumping gas!

      • hermi says:

        Seriously: he does not move in that sequence. And she hugs him like her life depended on it. Wouldn’t it be natural to remove the hand from the pocket, love or no love?

      • moodgirl says:

        Before she hugs him at the pump she looks directly at the camera. The photo of him supposedly kissing her with his arms around her neck – his face is nowhere near her lips and his eyes are open. Staged all the way.

      • Felice says:

        You know I am getting sick of him. He has to absolutely wow me in his next project. He also needs to do something so amazing with fans or charity or what have you to make me almost forget this campaign ever happened.

      • moodgirl says:

        What is it? What is going on with these two ridiculously immature people?

        If they feel the need to prove they are legitimate, mature adults wouldn’t do this because normal, mature people wouldn’t give a rat’s rear what other people think. So, maybe this was an early set-up to the Oscar performance to prove that he didn’t really give a darn if he didn’t win because he has Sophie. But how did Sophie get from snatching his arm from her back to hugging him? How do they reconcile their behavior? Now he’s back to say the only fan he needs is Sophie – does he not realize how utterly ridiculous he sounds?

      • hermi says:

        And somebody said some of them were taken in a place in Malibu where paps are stationed daily (and everybody knows they are). So not not merely staged, but actively sought. Private you said??

    • Andrea says:

      Um wow, I just went to the daily mail and saw what everyone is talking about! I just really don’t think too many celebrities would be doing this this openly… AND btw, doesn’t she look awfully thin in the collarbone area? I have never seen that before on a pregnant lady!

      • j says:

        funny but sadly it does support the whole the tabs have something he doesn’t want run angle

        hell people would have loved a spread and that would have gone further than these will

      • Felice says:

        Patience, my friend. He looked RIGHT into the camera in some of those shots too.

      • Jojar Pinks says:

        oh jeepers. this is kinda… awful. why is he doing this?

      • Andrea says:

        I wonder what it could be if there is something…seriously now..

      • KT says:

        Yes. I said this awhile ago, they’re hiding something more serious than a shotgun wedding.

      • Andrea says:

        I don’t think it is the gay rumors. What do you think it could be if we had to guess here?

      • Felice says:

        I don’t even know anymore. People were tossing around that she was sleeping with someone else.

      • hermi says:

        I don’t think anyone would care if he was gay, Quite the opposite.

      • Andrea says:

        I just don’t know about that one…I can’t buy a 38 year old would carry on such a charade in public if he didn’t know he was the father.

      • Andrea says:

        Maybe that blind was true that he was seeing Sophie and someone else at the same time? That seems so tame for this charade though…

      • cheeseburgler says:

        Lol @ the melodrama in this thread.

      • moodgirl says:

        This is curiosity. If you want melodrama go to IMDB.

      • Cee says:

        @moodgirl – your comment FTW hahaha

        IDK if they’re hiding something BIG, but if he was dating around… then the whole “this is the greatest love story, ever!” narrative evaporates. After everything he did to cover it up, why take the chance? Hence, pap photos of him trying to refuel while she hugs him and he doesn’t care.

      • **sighs** says:

        In the kissing photos it looks as if he’s trying to suck something out of her face. Methinks the alien comments were correct!

      • Nofertari says:

        “Andrea says: I don’t think it is the gay rumors. What do you think it could be if we had to guess here?”

        & others guess there’s sg big: what would it be? Something which can get the ppl outraged… what if they are really relatives – closest than what may ppl can accept.that would be weird- even just thinking of it. And so the weird hand holding, & kissing… okay now i shut up.

      • Felice says:

        Faking a pregnancy for a campaign would be pretty outrageous. (I do think she is but making herself seem more far along)

      • Nofertari says:

        What i dont get it: why she hasnt gain weight yet? The bump is one thing, but the whole body usually goes rounder. But she still looks skinny.she has to eat more.

      • Felice says:

        Eating isn’t avant garde

      • Andrea says:

        There is no weight around her collarbone, I have never seen that in a pregnant lady before and I have seen slim pregnant friends who only gained 10-20 lbs throughout their entire pregnancy look fuller in that area.

      • KT says:

        No, sexuality isn’t a career-killer. Same for him cheating or any consenting sex stuff really; we’ve got people with domestic violence and sexual assault charges still working here. Talent over transgressions.

        I don’t know. Offhand, I can say studios usually won’t hire actors with certain disclosed conditions, mainly anything that affects the mind or behavior outside of depression. But that’s just what comes to mind–image problems studios can look past, but being perceived as risky or costing inflated project insurance makes you dead in the water.

      • Felice says:

        I think he’s overly sensitive about his image that anything that would be exposed would just hurt him. He needs to suck it up. This is Hollywood. People forgive and forget, especially with white males who happen to be talented.

      • KT says:

        Most people don’t want to be that way, Felice. It just is or is connected to another problem.

        My main point was it certainly doesn’t have to be bad or scandalous to be painful to discuss/have out there or affect your career. Domestic violence charge, sure, but you better not drive up insurance rates or scare off investors!

        The industry is just screwed up.

      • Old Enough says:

        Someone floated on Datalounge a while back that he was ill in some way, possibly someone took that to the tabs and that’s what’s hanging over him. Not suggesting it’s true, just that they wouldn’t want to have that go big. Also, the sexuality thing might be an issue for him because despite what we’d like to think, Show biz is not that enlightened. Some doors would be closed to him (like Bond which I do think he’d like a crack at). Based on some comments in that actor’s roundtable, he certainly thinks that would be limiting. Again, not suggesting it’s true, but if the tabs ran with it, it would always be out there.

  61. Linz says:

    He may or may not be drunk in that video. I don’t know why people are focusing on that?

    In the video he basically admits that it was a shotgun Wedding.

    • hermi says:

      I wasn’t talking about that video, He was sober there. 🙂

    • Claire. says:

      Wow, what are his actual words? In related news, sogo has a new yorker cartoon of bc today: “BC assumes his true form”, shedding his tux and revealing himself to be a giant bug. A reference to jokes of his appearance, his desperate ambition these months?

      • j says:

        metamorphosis? it is the new yorker

        everyone takes advantage of the guy until he can’t provide for them anymore than they kinda kill him in that story

      • Lucrezia says:

        I’m with j – it’s a definitely a Kafka joke. I seriously doubt it’s got anything to do with gossip drama, it’s just that Cumby did the audiobook for The Metamorphosis and is kind of alien looking to start with.

      • Claire. says:

        Metamorphosis would be a more sympathetic view of BC. The ambitious Oscar contender, realising the meaninglessness of his endeavours. I don’t think BC is that self-aware.

    • Felice says:

      Does he think we’re that stupid? “We prepared it before she got pregnant.” Okay, so in November, you were campaigning. In December, she was drinking and even if she was conceived then, you still wait 6 weeks for confirmation. Okay, so there’s PSIFF where she looks like she swallowed a honeydew. No dice, boo. Nice try.

      • Linz says:

        He didn’t say “We prepared it before she got pregnant.” He said “Before she became pregnant *he catches himself/panic correction* then says we were planning” then he talks about his work schedule.

        He basically said/implied that it was a shotgun wedding.

      • Felice says:

        Yeah it’s also bs that they didn’t know it was Valentine’s Day like come on.

      • hermi says:

        Like he didn’t know when he got his nomination.

      • A says:

        LBR, what’s he supposed to say? I got her knocked up after 2 dates so we decided this was our best course of action?

      • Felice says:

        He didn’t have to say anything

      • hermi says:

        Exactly. He could have said they chose that day because they loved the idea of a Valentine wedding. His foot-in-mouth syndrome will be his undoing.

      • A says:

        They asked him, and dodging questions hasn’t worked, so he blurted out a barely understandable answer. Don’t think he’s firing on all cylinders here, ladies.

      • amy says:

        IMO sounds more like he didn’t know she was pregnant and she was already pushing the idea of marriage in his head.

  62. TheOnlyDee says:

    The John Travolta pic is from last year. Benedict is wearing a black jacket and Travolta doesn’t have on his fancy rhinestone neck brooch! I don’t really care for white jackets. I’m kind of hoping Hiddles gets award buzz for his Hank Williams pic, so he can bring his suit game to award season.

  63. Altariel says:

    Sophie Hunter Cumberbatch. That’s exhausting. First red carpet as a married couple…they seem more relaxed with each other, she’s smiling and getting used to this life, and her outfits and makeup have vastly improved, and Bendy himself sees nice and chill. Even with the added peachy material, the actual slit is way high, very daring for a pregnant lady, I’d say…yeah, she’s getting more comfortable…and she’s he’s her husband now, why not bask in it all.

  64. Andrea says:

    Has anyone seen him swilling from a hip flask daily mail pics now? They are a touch embarassing… I feel like Fassbender could have handled that better.

    • hermi says:

      I think that was a staged joke with the presenter during the opening. Fact is he was spotted drinking just before the ceremony and, joke or not, I bet he had real juice in that flask.
      By the end of the night he was pretty sh*tfaced and, apparently, he asked for even more alcohol at the after party (when already quite drunk). The man has been hitting the bottle more and more. Too much happiness requires booze. 🙂

  65. msw says:

    They look “classic old Hollywood” together in these photos. Stunning! Not everyone on the red carpet looks delighted to be there, but these two do! Just brilliant.

  66. Nofertari says:

    i thought just checking BC’s beginnings here on CB, & read this in an earlier post:

    “There will definitely be a season 4: “I’ve commissioned it,” Cumberbatch told reporters matter-of-factly. “It will continue until Benedict gets too famous,” Moffat said, half-joking.”

    so: has he already reached that level?

    • MtnRunner says:

      The comments on his early threads were hilarious. Then the clique scattered in 2013… so sad. Tumblr girls had nothing on the CB fanfic.

      • Nofertari says:

        started to read those too, but after some, decided just read the posts. somehow really sad, as they, so this man also changed.

      • amy says:

        What made him change?? ….is the big question.
        Also did you guys see the newly staged kissing pics at LAX?! Lol so much love for the paps!

    • hermi says:

      That Benedict has gone forever. You know, that goofy guy with the velvet jacket kissing and hugging his lovely girlfriend (Olivia). The one who was smiling at people in the street and so happy he got a gig with Gatiss and Moffat he was giggling all the time.
      He’s gone and been replaced by a sulky, rambling drunk, who courts the paps and despises his fans (all of them but one).
      Let’s hope Eddie stays as he is. But he’s made of different stuff anyway: he’s the REAL humble sort.
      ps to see the huge, gigantic difference between now and then, just check his interview (him and Tom Hardy) for Stuart a Life Backwards. That lisping dork has become a complete d*ck-head.

      • moodgirl says:

        Has anyone seen the new header over at SoGo? Look at Kiera’s face – it speaks volumes.

      • Nofertari says:

        @moodgirl: a nice sum about that audience situation (what about earlier written in a comment here)… so not i was who imagined too much into that.
        another strange hunch that in his circle only Emily who likes her honestly. seems his actor fellas not so much.

      • Alice says:

        I just looked at the “honeymoon pics” on the subliterate DM and I’m actually horrified. They may be the nail in the coffin for me. So staged, so phony, with one or the other eyeing the photographer in some shots. He reminds me of that smart, sharp, funny guy you knew in college and ten years later you see him and he’s going bald and has a beer gut and whines about the hand life dealt him. And you think, “I had a crush on him?”
        His parents and (true)friends must be so embarrassed.

  67. Jojar Pinks says:

    tbh im beginning to think hes lost his mind.
    like, really.

  68. Flower says:

    I thought the dress was perfect until I saw the hookeresk side split, Liz Hurley she is not.

  69. Wait I'm Typing says:

    Oh dear… I know I’m a little late but I just watched the Vanity Fair interview about the dancing and him calling Sophie his fiancee by mistake. I have no problem admitting that they seem to be more affectionate and caring and that could be for any number reasons but my god, that was one bitchy interview. The thing is, it isn’t really new, is it?

    His made his fair share of nasty comments, bad interviews and rather flippant remarks about class, so we all know -or should, I hope- that he’s got it in him but that poor man! Who reacts that way to a simple question about dancing?!

    Also, as much as I’m not crazy about her, I did actually feel embarrassed for Sophie here. She hears him yell “I’M GOING TO DANCE NOW!”, her eyes widen and she takes a step closer, he keeps being weird and right as he pulls her hand she immediately looks to Karon for, what I assume, is direction on what to do. It’s so awkward.

    • j says:

      he’s clearly a little drunk there by the way he’s talking. theres also one where he just doesn’t even make sense, he’s losing his mind

    • EN says:

      I just saw it recently , and I thought it was hilarious. He is drunk and just wants to party. A reporter catches him as they are walking, and Benedict is so out of it.
      Benedict calls Sophie his fiancee. Behind him both Sophie and Karon look at him like “what fiancee?”. Neither look mad or anything, more like resigned. Benedict glances at Sophie ( since he is talking about her ) and figures he must’ve put foot his mouth again (!!! ), and then recovers (somewhat). I am still laughing .

      • Toodles45 says:

        Yeah, she looked like she was going to speak and then stopped herself. She looked like she was going to say something nice to the interviewer but BC was desperate to move on.

        @j, I saw it, it looks like it was before the show started. He makes NO sense, he’s seriously fatigued

      • Claire. says:

        He was smashed before the show? Well that explains all the PDA and tenderness between them.

      • Toodles45 says:

        @claire, I’m referring to the rambly one where he’s talking about his engagement. That’s the one that made no sense because he was grasping for an explanation. I think that’s the one J is referring to.

        But after the show on the way to the vanity fair party, he was drunk/out of it. i also think actors are asked the same question a million times so his brain was probably scrambled eggs by the end of the night

      • Claire. says:

        Toodles I just read the transcript (thanks to.tasha). Wow. Just wow. The man is a mess. He sounds like he was trying to say they were planning to get married anyways when she SUDDENLY became pregnant? Can’t tell if drunken truth or trying to cover up his mess while on the sauce.

      • Claire. says:

        EN and Toodles, are there images of these moments somewhere? Must see.

  70. tara says:

    Just saw those pap photos from the gas station and airport and wow. lol. Long post coming up!

    Okay, so the gas station: they pull up, she gets the gas pump out and is presumably going to pump the gas, but he comes around and takes the pump from her like, ‘no, dear, darling, delicate Sophie. I shall pump the petrol!’ and then she is so overcome by her chivalrous man that she has to give him a fierce embrace while probably whispering to him, ‘they’re watching, be cool, show love’. And he does that by keeping his hand in his pocket. Okay. Then he’s finished, she turns sideways and just happens to lift up her jacket so all can see the wonderful pregnant stomach. Mmhmm

    Later, after driving for a bit, they are so enthralled by the ocean that they have to pull their fabulous Jaguar over and admire the view, while embracing again. So desperate was her need to give him a hug and a kiss, she couldn’t be bothered to close the car door. Riiiiight. And that was terrific framing of them and the car by the photographer. Looked like an advert. Completely spontaneous.

    Finally, the pics at the airport. The way he hugged and kissed her reminded me of the way I kiss my 3 year old nephew: with a great big, exaggerated ‘MUAH’ smack on the cheek and bear hug. Lol. Doesn’t really sell passionately in love, but I guess it was progress to show some affection other than airport hand holding.

    The Oscars: they both looked good, her especially. Beautiful color gown, bad earrings, but oh well. And even if it was completely ott and a 180 from what we’ve seen from them, it was nice to see some affection between them. He looked honestly happy to be there. (but it was the Oscars, the biggest event of them all, and he looked thrilled last year too. Could be the Oscars just have that effect on him.)

    I hope he takes his own advice and goes home to ‘nest’ for a couple months. Dude definitely needs a break from it all. I doubt he can stay still for more than 4 days w/o going stir crazy, but I’d like to see him give it the ole college try. Actually. Scratch that, don’t want to see anything of him for 2 months. Even he’s got to be sick of himself at this point :). It must be quite a relief that all the months of campaigning and interviews and trying to sell the great love are over. Now’s the time to focus on your new life with a wife and kid on the way. The calm before the storm, lol.

  71. lindy79 says:

    Lol @ those staged pap shots.

    Also, they didn’t know it was valentines day…so not one vendor or the church itself mentioned it when booking it. If it was before they knew she was pregnant, and she looks about 7 months yet they couldn’t walk the red carpet at LFF in October but they had apparently booked their wedding or were at least on the verge of getting engaged? Could have just done it after the Oscars? Just like he forgot when the Oscar nominations were.

    Bitch please.

    • ell says:

      she really doesn’t look 7 months, have you ever actually seen a 7 months pregnant belly? she’s about 5, 6 at best. i don’t believe she’s any further along than keira.

      • Lindy79 says:

        I have actually, 6 of my closest friends have had children in the last few years and given her small frame and it being a first pregnancy I do think she’s early 7 months or heading into the 7th month very shortly, and just carrying very neatly.

        I also think she was showing on 5th Dec in this dress (people commented there was a bump but as nothing had been confirmed it was pure speculation), which would have put her around the entering the 4 month mark, very few women on a first baby show at start of 3 months, which is usually the point when you start telling people.

      • ell says:

        i’m willing to bet she’s not any more than 5 months. I know some people want the pregnancy to be further along so they can speculate on how unplanned it was, but it’s just not the case. I’m not a fan of BC like at all, so I don’t particularly care, but this fanfiction around his relationship is just weird to me.

      • Lindy79 says:

        I’m not sure where you’re getting tagging me with fanfiction from, I’m just giving my opinion same as you. You don’t know how far along she is any more than I do yet you seem to think your opinion is fact.

    • Cee says:

      He’s a really bad liar – unless he’s lying to himself.

      They could have married this weekend.

  72. ANON says:

    Just saw the honeymoon pics.
    Boy, these guys sure love kissing each other on the cheek.

    • Claire. says:

      Hey come on, this is a new plateau for them. I’m surprised they didn’t just shake hands instead.

  73. maudfricker says:

    The Sun has exclusive wedding pics on 2nd March. God help us all 🙁

    • Lindy79 says:


    • Gracie says:

      I know which newspaper to avoid on March the 2nd then, lol… Actually, on second thought, even if he goes away, or they go away, Hamlet is coming up and all of this will be dragged out all over again. The engagement, the baby and the wedding… by then she would have had the baby (methinks it’s a girl). Her due date will cause a stir… So brace yourself, ladies. Frankly, the best thing he can do for this child is give him or her a loving environment. I too was unplanned and I knew that from very early on. Even though my parents ended up getting a divorce, despite their huge bundle of issues, I was never left feeling unwanted. It can be done.

    • Bea says:

      Is this info legit?

      • Ingrid says:

        If it is, The Sun really has some sh*t about them that Karon is trying to bury. Because, jesus, who lets THE SUN have exclusive wedding pics? No one! Even Vogue, People, Hello etc are famewhore-y, but The Sun?

        (I assume they are official ones (?), not paps because they would have surfaced already)

      • Lindy79 says:

        They have to be pap shots surely, or at the very least set up pap shots so they can still claim they were unaware? Who in the hell sells their wedding pics to the Sun?

      • Cee says:

        Well, what makes them think that The Sun will bury whatever they seem to have on them?

        Why not keep on demanding exclusives and private info? WHY would The Sun STOP?

        BC, you need to change PR teams. You just walked right into it.

      • Claire. says:

        Weren’t they banned from photographing the wedding? Maybe in exchange for exclusives. And yes, who DOES sell their wedding pics to the Sun. I said this before: this is entering the surreal.

    • Nofertari says:

      So the game is still on… and we were so naive we all have a little break…
      Seems The Sun have their own Magnussen

    • tasha_nat says:

      Where did y’all see that The Sun has exclusives coming out on March 2? It’s not advertised on their twitter feed…is this legit?

    • Andrea says:

      This is Katie Price territory with the SUN exclusive.

  74. Nofertari says:

    His “alleged” acceptance speech:


    Here’s the manuscript in larger size:

    I dont want or just cannot believe is it truly his…? But the handscripting like his… (But the content is funny in its own way.)

  75. Leah says:

    Seriously? I thought The Sun had received a legal letter from BC’s camp banning their photographers from the wedding site. Why would they get get exclusives? Assuming they are officialy endorsed… That doesnt make much sense, unless it’s (yet another) power game between BC and God knows how many others out there…

    • Betti says:

      I has to be ‘official’ and staged pap shots ala the honeymoon ones. To get into bed with The Sun then they must have some serious, career ruining sh!t on BC or SH. I’m now not convinced it’s entirely on her; sure they seemed to have had a casual/open fling (nothing to be ashamed about – we’re all consenting adults) that became serious after a whoopsie (again nothing to be ashamed about) but it has to be more than this. Given his recent behaviour, me thinks it’s him and his mental health – he works too hard, likes a drink. He’s heading for a burnout if he continues at this rate.

      I have some sympathy for her – he doesn’t seem like an easy person to be involved with. Combine someone who seems high maintenance with a new born baby and things will be hard for her in the coming months. He’s an only child (I know he has a much older sibling but for all intents and purposes he has been raised as an only child), which will make him very demanding on her attention and affections, with a craving to be the centre of attention. I have a couple of good friends who are only children and they are exactly like that; they have to be the centre of attention and always have to get their way – i love them but they can be exhausting. Saying that they can also be generous and are good friends to have.

      • Andrea says:

        This paints only children as horror shows and makes people fearful to have only children. I am an only child and I loathe broad generalizations to us(my father is an only child too). Yes, we can be selfish at times (we all can be) but I don’t always have to be the centre of attention. In fact, I get a lot of people vying for my attention and I am very introverted at times and hide away from everyone to read a book. I told a friend recently if I ever changed my mind to have kids, I’d have an only child too and the look of horror on her face was priceless—it is all I know, I am very close to my father and my mother who has siblings doesn’t get a long with any of them and all my good friends with siblings exact same way, they either loathe their siblings or simply have nothing in common but blood/dna. I am sure there are some that have cookie cutter relationships with siblings, but I would not be comfortable having more than one child end of. Cumberbatch seems like too much for ME to handle; my own friends describe me as laid back and easy going. My main point is broad generalizations towards only children is what gives us as a whole a bad name. At least you said we can be generous which I often feel compelled to be as almost to apologize for being an only child.

    • Claire. says:

      Dunno, something along the lines of we’ll agree to give you exclusives later if we ban you from the wedding and shut up about xyz?

  76. jeremy says:

    In all shots, she is always same face.
    It is slightly creepy.

  77. MizFabulous says:

    Yawn. Am I the only one who is beyond bored with these two? (I do love her dress, however.)

  78. Claire. says:

    Shall we start taking bets on nesting period PR antics?

  79. ibbubba says:

    It looked better on Ross Mathews

  80. question says:

    Aren’t selfies „a tragic waste of engagement”? Maybe he should “Enjoy the moment. Do something more worthwhile with [his] time, anything. Stare out the window and think about life.”

    Sometimes I think Im watching a kind of satire… Or is it avant-⁠garde?