We have so many Kristen Stewart stories today because she’s promoting the American limited release of her Cesar-Award-winning performance in Clouds of Sils Maria. She’s been giving interview and most of the quotes are interesting. There’s enough stuff to nitpick, if you feel like it, or you can just let Kristen’s ART wash over you. She genuinely seems to be in a good place in her life right now and you can feel her happiness in some of the new interviews. Speaking of, People Magazine has a “source” (perhaps Kristen’s publicist) who had some words to say about Kristen’s state of mind in the wake of the widespread reports that her ex-boyfriend, Robert Pattinson, is engaged to FKA Twigs. The source says:
“Kristen is doing fine, working and traveling, and she will survive Robert’s engagement. She has her own life and has moved on. Kristen lives a much more low-key life now and seems happier. It was obvious that she was struggling with the media attention [during her relationship with Rob].”
Sure. I don’t think anyone doubted that Kristen would “survive” if her ex got engaged. The mere fact that some sourc/publicist phrased it that way gave me pause though. Now I’m actually wondering if Sparkles’ engagement has bothered her more than I previously believed.
Meanwhile, Kristen has a new interview with THR – you can read the full piece here. It’s well-written and sympathetic. Some highlights:
She doesn’t have Oscar dreams: “I’ve never, ever been like, ‘One day, I’m gonna win an Oscar.’ Truly, my ‘one day’ was always, ‘I’m gonna be a director! One day, I’m gonna direct movies!'”
On winning the Cesar: “I’ve taken so much sh-t that I’m just like, ‘I’m not the winner!’ I’m not gonna be let down when I don’t get the pat on the back. I’m totally used to the kick in the ass…[But] Oh, man, it blew my head off, to be honest. I couldn’t believe that I got nominated, and then obviously I really, really couldn’t believe that they gave it to me, because those people rigidly dole out praise, especially to Americans. It felt really good.”
Being criticized for lip-biting and being twitchy: “I’m fully and 100% subject to that…It has taken serious adjustment time…There’s just nothing that I can really do about that.”
The rumor mill/gossip: “If you think about the source of it all, which is really the big, big, big green monster of cash, there’s just no way that that’s stopping. It’s a new industry — celebrity news is a whole new form of entertainment — and it’s a huge, booming, f—ing money-making industry, so why would it stop? I love what I do and so it’s worth protecting. Hopefully, one day people’s priorities will shift a little bit. Unfortunately, onto somebody else.”
She’s happy to get older: “Actresses go crazy when they feel like they want to hold on to what used to be, or whatever. I’m so satisfied and happy and absolutely looking forward to what’s to come. Talk to me when I’m 30, and then I’ll be like, ‘Ahhhhh!'”
There’s nothing she can do about lip-biting? I mean, I know what she’s saying, there’s nothing she can do about people criticizing her for random stuff. But she actually could try to limit her on-screen and off-screen lip-biting. As for her humility about awards and never having the goal of winning an Oscar… do you believe her? I mostly believe her. She hustles for her films (to her credit), and that sometimes includes going to events for the Hollywood Foreign Press and Oscar-type screenings. Do I think somewhere, deep inside of the Lip-Biter, maybe she does want to win an Oscar one day? Sure. But I can’t slam her for it. She honestly has a better chance at winning an Oscar than, say, KELLAN LUTZ.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
I could see her rolling her eyes to her publicist, “tell them I’ll survive.”
I agree. I also read it in a sarcastic voice like “she is picking up the pieces of her life, but she will survive it”
Came here to say this. I think they meant it sarcastically.
LOL noooo! It’s not sarcastic at all ! She wants to use him, after all he has done for her! So evil!
Fans still hurl insults at each other. Media fiction lols at them and fuels it further.
But seriously, the real reason of this article- Just look at JenBrAngelina, 10 years and still going strong
I actually like this this article for one reason – because it breaks the stupid “she’s devastated, how will she go on without him” etc. We need equality in this area, guys almost always get congratulated on the new freedom, but girls get pictured as a sobbing mess.
This makes more sense.
her lipbiting comments reminded me of Keira’s pouting comments. i remember an anecdote where Keira said that there’s this one director who enacted a pout ban on set and would redo shoots if he so much saw one
i wonder if the directors in Kirsten’s films had a lipbite ban on set.
They had to tie Aniston’s hands down while shooting The Good Girl. I don’t know how they could stop the lip thing though – paint them with Thum?
Why does anyone even care anymore about either of these people?
She’s actually kind of growing on me. I like her a lot more sans Sparkles. She’s still a bit bratty with her head in the clouds but she’s getting there.
Isn’t she the only American woman to have ever won a Cesar? I’m not a fan of hers (I’m not *not* a fan either) but I think that really speaks to her acting chops. I really haven’t seen many of her movies- just the Twilight ones and a TV movie she was in about rape like a decade ago, and she seemed to play both well. Not her fault Bella Swan was a terrible, empty character to begin with
All that to say, I don’t see why she couldn’t at least be nominated for an Oscar one day. She’s not exactly popular with the public but she’s received a fair bit of critical acclaim/praise, right?
She can’t act and the French think her tics are acting. If they saw her in other films they’d realize she plays herself in all of them.
I disagree with that. I also think it’s pretty dismissive of French cinema and critics to think they just had awards to *anybody*. She earned her award with her acting. Like her or not, she deserves that much credit. Credit that she won the award I mean- I haven’t seen the movie.
The good thing about not being a fan or hater of a particular actress is you’re able to see things objectively…
I saw the movie she won for (Clouds of Sils Maria) and she’s actually pretty good in it. Not award-worthy but not as annoying as usual either.
It’s because she was playing herself. That’s what she said: she always plays herself.
I don’t know that an endorsement from France is all that you think it is, they famously celebrated Jerry Lewis, nothing against Jerry but I’m not turning to the French for their opinion on entertainment. Good for Kristen, though, it’s a nice feather in her cap, the French are famously fickle.
I’m gutted.
I feel like I just took an elephant dart to the face.
Fade…fade…oh, earthly joys…
I love that K. Stew does one movie in France and thinks she’s Charlotte Gainsbourg. I genuinely love it, it’s so her. Bless her heart.
I like her.good for her.
I’ve never gotten her or him but hey good luck to them in that industry. They both seemed to struggle with the Twilight fame and all the weirdness that followed – particularly around their relationship but its good to see her smiling.
Ugh, just go away already. And nice trying to use his engagement to promote your movie.
Assuming this isn’t a made-up story, the (*cough*) source’s comments are so odd. Why comment about it at all?
It’s not the first time her team has used him for publicity. Meanwhile, she doesn’t want people to talk about her own relationship. She’s a hypocrite.
It was obviously a PR piece to promote her career. The People article starts off with how her relationship with Rob was so stressful (like that was Rob’s fault), then goes on to list all of her movies and accomplishments.
I said this same comment in the other Kristen article today, but it bugs me so much that she is using Rob’s possible engagement to promote herself. He hasn’t said one word about her or her relationship or her Rupert affair or her anything, but she thinks it appropriate to comment on his relationship, and shade him and promote herself at the same time? Rob has been so very gracious and kind to her, never said one negative thing about her and the hell she put him through, and she repays him by planting articles in People about how he made her life so stressful and how much happier she is now, and a complete rundown of her movies to promote.
Agreed Aname. The whole statement sounds like ‘oh, NOW she can have a lowkey life because being with Rob was such a burden’ ummm, excuse you? Were you or were you not the one caught having an affair in a parking lot? This woman seriously enfuriates me. Such a low blow to use him for anything after everything she put him through.
O FFS People is doing too damned much!!!
I’m pretty sure Kristen Stewart cares morr about a pimple in a homeless persons’ butt crack than she does about Ol’ Patty ‘ s engagement. Damn People, it’s not 2009 anymore everybody has moved on.
Watch, tommorow they will print a Jen vs Angie article. Ugh.
The People article was edited.Previous version had Nicolas Hoult mentioned as a man Ktews was linked to,but his name was removed.Wonder why.The original version was posted on Gossip Cop then it was deleted.And this THR interview is such BS mentioning Rob and f@king scandal again,it’s written by friendly journalist as always.
You don’t need to be rude to expose your disagreement
Of course she’s gonna campaign for an oscar. She pretends she’s above all that but she plays the game harder than some actors.
And why not? Oscars are good for her career. Wouldn’t you go that extra mile if you were up for a big promotion at work?
Did you read what I wrote? I wouldn’t comment on it if she was straightforward about it like Alicia Vikander. The whole ” I really don’t care about it but I’m actually campaigning hard for it” doesn’t make her look good.
I hate being so negative about her – I mean, on one hand, I think she’s young, she’s pretty, at least she’s different and not bland, but I can’t help it – all I notice in her interviews is how poor her English is. “Rigidly dole out praise” sounds like they do it as a matter of course, so not that unusual, and “I’m subject to that”? We’re all the subject of what is said about us, those words mean nothing.
I know, I’m really petty. I just wish she’d stick to simple words that she understands, instead of trying to sound smart, cause, well, she’s not.
She’s actually a boring celebrity and her interviews make me cringe. I’m not American but my English is better than hers.
“I’m subject to that” bothered me too. I didn’t understand what exactly she was subject to. To the comments? To her own lip biting?
the thought of her as a director lol. honey, you need to lead a whole set, talents in front of and behind the camera, battle with studios etc etc. you wont get far with your uninterested teenager shtick.
how would she get a good performance out of an insecure actor? “you have to, like, really go for it”?
She sucks as an actor and she sucks as a human being. That’s all I have to say.
Is there some kind of life long contract that actors sign when beginning a PR created “romance”? The jig is up and has been for a long time when it comes to her and Rob and their fuaxmance. It was weird to me when she had that fling with the creepy looking married director and she was being bashed for breaking Rob’s heart. What was there to break? It wasn’t real. And even now it’s being expected for her to be broken hearted that he’s engaged. I think the comment about her surviving this is a tongue in cheek answer. It must be odd to be linked to someone you never had a relationship with.
I know it’s not even worth the argument here, and this has been debated endlessly, but there is more than enough legitimate (non-PR) evidence to prove they had a real relationship of some kind – not the epic love story some want to claim, but they were definitely involved for a number of years.
I don’t expect her to be broken-hearted at all, but I would hope she would be respectful. The fact she is commenting on his relationship when he hasn’t -that’s weird. And the fact she is using it to promote herself and shade him is even weirder, and tacky as can be.
What was an apology via People Mag for?The divorce was real.
Yes I know the divorce was real. I was referencing her relationship with Rob.
Why do you think their relationship was PR?
Considering how phony their “showmance” was, I’m sure when she was told Robert was engaged, she said, “Robert who?”
Why would she ask her publicist to write a whole article about it then? I think that she’s very happy to use him for self promotion considering no one cares about her gf.
It’s enough that kstew’s publicist and her friendly journalist from THR know his name to dragg him into her promo articles.
It’s always the same journalists and critics who praise her and kiss her ass whenever she puts out something. I’m not gonna go that far to assume things, but it’s really weird. And the worst thing is that she never lives up to the hype they create.
This.It’s not weird that some journalists co-operate with publicists aka are paid.
You seriously don’t think that their romance was staged? Really? Have you seen the interviews of them when they were shooting the Twilight series. He was head-over-heels, howl-at-the-moon crazy about her. He adored her and you can see it in every look, every touch, every moment they shared. She broke his heart. And I think hers was broken when he obviously could not forgive her.
If you’re going to comment on his purported relationship/engagement at all( and don’t see why it was necessary in the first place?), why not something pleasant? You know- wish him nothing but the best etc? This snarky bit was totally uncalled for.
As far as critics/critical acclaim goes- after suffering through Mr Turner, I may not believe another word ever again. Timothy Spall can act, but you would never know it from this. And he was nominated for both an Oscar and a BAFTA. So not persuaded to check out Silas regardless of critics. Anyone have any critics you follow who you believe are generally spot on? If he or she raved about Mr Turner, already suspect!
Isn’t it awkward that neither Robert Pattinson nor his fiancee said a single word about their engagement, but his ex planted a whole article about it in People? Seeking for attention, huh?
She´s such trash
Not a bad interview, especially for her. I don’t hate the girl, but I just don’t see her as a good actress. People in the industry must disagree because most of them praise her acting. I don’t get it. Oh well.
I always thought he seemed so over the moon in love with her, but her with him, not as much.
I think he wanted to marry her. Either way, they both seem very happy now so good luck to them.
I really enjoyed her in Camp Xray. The end was the best part-to me anyway. Some good emotion there.
So many interviews are edited by “The Editor” of whatever publication; one doesn’t really get the truth. I like her okay. She has done one really bad stupid thing, but I have done some stupid things too, so I don’t hate on her.
As far as the paps; she can avoid them by living where they ain’t, so I don’t feel sorry for her.
I agree that the article of People wasn’t necessary, especially since I think she doesn’t really care about him or what he does, but let’s not pretend that he didn’t take his digs at her here and there. When the story of the promise rings was out, each and every article – and I mean People an Us Weekly articles – were full of ”he’s never been happier”, ”much more calm and happy than before” and one even said that this was his first serious relationship. And all that may be true, but unnecessary too in my opinion, he didn’t even have to mention his last relantionship. Shouting that he gave his girlfriend promise rings is more than enough.
And um, they didn’t say anything about their engagment? How about telling their publicist to confirm it to People and Us just like Kstew did with this story?
Big difference – Rob doesn’t have a publicist, and doesn’t confirm anything with People Magazine. Every single article about the ridiculous promise rings and the engagement specifically state “Reps haven’t commented”. Rob doesn’t comment on stuff like this, he never has. So those “digs” you mention are not coming from Rob, they are coming from some mystery “source” never named (not very reliable, is it.) Imagine how many digs he could have provided after the 2012 mess if he had chosen to, but he did not. She is not showing Rob the same respect he showed her.
This People Magazine article was a PR piece about Kristen Stewart – it talks in glowing terms and spells out her resume, that’s a publicist work. Rob’s engagement has nothing to do with Kristen. She has no business trying to use it to promote herself.
OH okay! So when there are mystery sources in articles about him they are not reliable because he doesn’t have a publicist (right), and I’m sure FKA doesn’t have one too, but when there are sources in articles about her its obvious that it was her team. Sure.
And I agree his engagment has nothing to do with her, that’s whay I don’t know why he – oh silly me – sources, keep dragging her in all the articles.
Yes, he showed respect, but he also didn’t mind playing the oh poor betrayed boyfriend so wiling to take his cheating girlfriend back to promote his movie.
You really can’t tell the difference between some silly story about a promise ring against a listing of Kristen’s career accomplishments? Which sounds like a PR piece to you? Rob has pretty much gotten rid of anyone in his circle who would talk to tabloids in the past few years, but I imagine twigs is still figuring that out.
Kristen’s PR game has been very strong since 2012, and it’s been very effective for her. More power to her, she is playing the game very successfully. But like I said earlier, I think she is crossing a line with the way she is using Rob with this article. I think it’s distasteful and really disrespectful to Rob, especially after they way he handled her scandal so gracefully and never used it to promote himself or throw shade at her. He didn’t need to “play” the poor betrayed boyfriend – that’s the role Kristen threw him into, 2 weeks before his movie promo. He navigated that as well as anyone could have, and tried very hard to keep the focus on the movie.
@Been there,do you really have a problem to recognize which article is accepted by publicist and which one is written by gossip journalist?
When Rob or FKA Twigs shouted about their engagement?Only her friend accidentally mentioned it in his interview for Vulture and People picked it up with their stories.Rob doesn’t comment on his private life.He was forced to defend his privacy when his ex was caught with this married idiot and you are talking about public confirmations.he never said a bad word about his ex.
Um, People and Us don’t just ”pick” stories up. Us cuestioned if the story was true in one article saying that the rep’s had been contacted, and the next day was another article confirming in bold letters that they were indeed engaged. Unreliable mystery sources too? Ok
Ok Mi and Anname, you made your point, Rob would neverr everrr use a publication to his advantage, he’s so above that and he doesn’t even have people who help him with his public image.
And I guess I do have a problem, I’m kind of dumb ya know? Will never understand how certain things are applied to one person but not to the other.
Anyway, that’s all I had to say, nice talk girls.
Neither twigs nor Rob’s reps have commented on it, regardless of the giant headlines. It’s very clearly stated in the articles. They are relying on other sources, maybe they are credible, maybe they are not. Rob and twigs are not saying anything about it, and certainly are not saying anything about his ex.
They’re doing for most of the time.Make up stories about celebs.People announced that Rob and Dylan Penn are daiting,it was a lie and she denied it but other gossip rags runnig that story for months.Radar online and other trash webloids were full of shit about Rob,they were sure he’s not working and his manager can’t force him to take a job or he’s cocaine bender.The last time he was broke or FKA Twigs doesn’t allow him to work with sexy actresses.All infos come from sources.And now People claims that FKA Twigs wants a pub wedding.Yep all it comes from Rob’s team.
As someone pointed out on another blog Twigs has that so called “promise ring” since 2013.
Even if the “promise ring” story was true there is no such thing as a “promise ring” in England so why would two British adults participate in such a silly custom that most Americans don’t participate in.
US magazine is full of lies and BS stories and yes it said that the rep’s had been contacted but it also said there has been NO reply back from the ether of their rep’s.
But….what about Rob and Kristen’s baby? I thought they had a super secret love child and Rob’s relationships were fake and designed to protect his wife and child from something? I guess not. LOL
“Talk to me when I’m 30…” hahahahahahahaha
She seems to be in a gay relationship, and isn’t hiding it as she did with Rob. I think maybe she’s facing what she really wants and is happier.
A class act would be to either not say anything publicly or congratulate him and send well wishes. Otherwise it looks like she is either bitter or using it to shill her film.
For all the woes she complained about being in the public eye, it is surprising how much she still has to learn.
I’ll go with bitter with a side of self-serving.
Of course she’ll survive – it’s not as if she was “fundamentally” (cough) interested in him to begin with. . . .
I find it quite funny that on the same day that her interview in THR comes out where she snubs her nose at the money machine of fame and celebrity gossip she goes and contributes to it by commenting on her ex-boyfriend’s engagement – which he hasn’t even commented on. Ironic that the story originated from People, the known publicist mouthpiece. It sounded like something she would actually say – arrogant and sarcastic. Her publicist even made sure they listed all of her wonderful acting achievements since they split. I guess she hadn’t insulted him enough publicly, she going to get some digs in after the fact too. Immature. Hypocrite. Disingenuous. Asshole. Nothing surprising here. This is the same person who screwed around on “the most important thing in her life” with a married guy. Just because she can now form sentences doesn’t mean she’s matured or changed. She’ll undo herself again. He must be so happy to have moved on from this garbage.
Agree 100% Starbuck. She “will undo herself again”.
All people involved seem happy. Neither Rob or Kristen seem to have ever given interviews, where they discuss their relationships. I doubt either gave an interview to People. Why would they? They don’t need the publicity. Neither seems to be hurting for work. The People article does not help or hurt Rob or Kristen. This seems like an article written to get People hits on their site.
You are 100% right! Kristen gave so many interviews in the last few days to promote her movie, People felt left alone and sad:( So they decided to invent one. They can read imbd, good for them:). But the voices in their heads – they call them “sources close to …” – concern me a bit…
Give this girl a break. Her lip biting is a sign of nervousness. I’ve seen people have weird twitches whenever they’re nervous around crowds of people. Yeah she’ll survive Sparkles engagement because guess what…it’s not gonna last. LOL!
I think it’s hilarious that some of the Rob fans on here think she’s shading him via a source. Not to mention that it’s all some deranged PR scheme but that none of Rob’s People articles had a publicist finger in it. Reality is managers often do basic PR work too. Anyway, the article makes it sound like the publicity from Twilight was a burden, not him.
Truth is I doubt either give a fig about one another. The fan wars are ridic and I think they are looking to create drama out of nothing at this point because in reality it’s boring and drama free.