Iggy Azalea recently had a nose job & chin implant, says an Iggy source

Iggy Azalea

Iggy Azalea showed up to Sunday’s Billboard awards looking very different than her usual self. I figured she had fillers and a chin implant. CB guessed that Iggy had gone in for a minor nose job too. The new look was surprising because Iggy recently admitted to bolt-ons, and she went very subtle with the new girls. You can tell she got them done, but they’re proportionate to her body. When Iggy talked about that procedure, her attitude seemed casual. Perhaps I read too much into her words, but my take was that she wasn’t interested in further cosmetic procedures. Either Iggy played us well, or I was too gullible. Us Weekly spoke to an Iggy insider who confirmed both a nose job and a chin implant:

Who dat, who dat? Iggy Azalea has been getting some “Fancy” work done on her face. The “Pretty Girls” rapper, 24, debuted her new look at the 2015 Billboard Music Awards on Sunday, May 17.

A source tells Us Weekly that the Aussie native got both a nose augmentation and a chin implant just a few months after she admitted to getting a boob job.

The latest procedures were done very recently, and the source adds, “She loves the results! She wasn’t happy with her nose for a long time, so after the boobs she wanted to get that taken care of and then got the chin done at the same time.”

[From Us Weekly]

She’s only 24 years old, and I’m shocked that Iggy would go under the knife for so many procedures in a short amount of time. Can we blame online body shaming for Iggy’s critical eye towards her own reflection? She looks so different now. Perhaps the new work will settle with time.

Iggy’s causing a ruckus elsewhere too. The Delta Foundation hired her to headline the Pittsburgh Pridefest, and there has been enormous backlash in the wake of that decision. Mainly because Iggy not only has a history of racist tweets, but she also tweeted some homophobic statements too.

One more thing. Chrissy Teigen may have rolled her eyes when Iggy arrived on the red carpet. At least we’ll never see an Iggy/John Legend collaboration.

Iggy Azalea

Iggy Azalea


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN

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108 Responses to “Iggy Azalea recently had a nose job & chin implant, says an Iggy source”

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  1. zan says:

    She definitely had something done .. it’s a shame, she didn’t needed it

    • Jegede says:


      And she must have a serious inferiority complex

      • ell says:

        why inferiority complex? i never get these comments. if someone can afford it comfortably without going broken, why not? some people are fine accepting themselves, some aren’t and if they can change it what’s the big deal? it’s a personal choice.

      • Jegede says:

        An inferiority complex is not shielded by money.

        Being able to afford it is not part of the debate

        And where did I say she did not have the right, nor was it her choice? What an odd remark

      • ell says:

        what i meant is that infer that she must have “a serious inferiority complex” b/c she had surgery is, imo, wrong. it’s just a personal choice.

        and yes, you can be rich and have an inferiority complex, but we need to stop pushing/shaming people into accepting themselves if they can change what they don’t like. if I’m overweight I can lose weight, if I don’t like my hair colour I can change it, if I don’t like my nose and I can afford to change it, why not?

      • Jegede says:

        How is that guess of a possible emotional state that affects many, now shaming an individual?

        My opinion is that at this stage in her life/career it is a consequence of other things.

        And again, where did I say or infer she did not have a choice or right? Or shame her about it? Wth

      • Mia V. says:

        Maybe that’s why she needs to sing she’s so fancy and to repeat her name a thousand times per song.

      • Hannah says:

        @ELL I’m sorry but that’s a really f*cked up attitude. Yeah let everybody change everything they don’t like with surgery. Have you not seen how addictive plastic surgery is for some people? What about people who can’t afford it and want it because they see it as acceptable in society now and go to back alley surgeons and have botched results or worse? It’s not a physical issue, it’s a psychological issue. I also think it’s bad for women in general. We’re basically told if we’re not pretty we’re not worth anything, this completely reinforces that attitude in people.

      • ell says:

        @hannah, the first thing I mentioned is if someone can afford it, so your example is not working in context. if it’s addictive to some people, then they have an addiction, but it has nothing to do with a person wanting to change their appearance. idk why you would assume that everyone who gets surgery “has psychological issues”, it’s just no true. there’s SO much judgement on women’s decisions of what to do with their bodies, I don’t think it’s fair.

        i agree that it’s f-ed up that society tells women they MUST be pretty, but here’s the thing, you can totally get surgery because YOU are not happy with the way you look and it’s a totally valid feeling. if you do it b/c society wants you to conform to certain beauty standards I’m with you, but otherwise it’s a personal choice and one to be respected.

      • Luceee says:

        “Its the soul that needs the surgery”

      • MCraw says:

        πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Beyonce is right!!

        No seriously tho, Ell, iggy is in the spotlight and obviously has issues with her natural beauty not being enough. Why the drastic surgeries to her body first and now face?

        It seems that you’re confusing your own surgeries with someone in the public eye. If you have an issue with your nose and wanna change it for yourself, fine. But I’m confident in saying that anyone who chooses surgery, chooses it because they feel that whatever feature they are unhappy with isn’t on par with what that person deems as the standard. So they change it to what they imagine the standard to be. Many people are against any and all surgeries for ethical reasons, whether or not the participant is happy with the results. Just agree to disagree from that point.

    • Gea says:

      I agree. Lately we are seeing more and more beutyful young women going to extreme changes. In her case, I hope she will not go crazy with unnecessary surgeries as she did, like many others do. Crazy obsesion for the search of personal perfection. And who is to blame? Really…

    • Oobejabbawonka says:

      Agreed, she was/is gorgeous but it’s her choice x

      • Sabrine says:

        It is totally her choice and I don’t see why other people feel they have to judge her, saying it’s “sad.” They don’t know her personally and yet they are deciding all sorts of reasons why she chose to make these changes. It’s her deal, nobody else’s.

      • ell says:

        @Sabrine ita, so much. women can never win, if they get surgery they’re blasted for it. and if they don’t look perfect there’s always someone making fun. what about we just let them decide what they want???

      • ISO says:

        I think she looks the same, just celebustyle vs civilian.

      • lola says:

        Surgery is a really extreme measure and I do think.it’s sad that cutting up your body to fit a standard is treated so casually.

    • Lola says:

      Agree. She did not need it.

    • Dagmarunger says:

      I am up for minor twigging if it turns out so fab! Love it.

    • Dagmarunger says:

      You all forgot the butt job which she had first

    • PoliteTia says:

      +1 She needs a sit-down with Little Kim

  2. PunkyMomma says:

    Sad. I like her old face better.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I did, too. She was prettier.

    • bellenola says:

      Me three.

    • Shambles says:

      Me four. Apparently she had already had some facial work done (I don’t know this for a fact, just saw some other posters discussing it yesterday), but she was cute. The chin implant absolutely kills any cuteness she had in the face and is pretty scary looking, tbh

    • Kitten says:

      People don’t seem to understand that nature often creates balance in one’s face naturally. She had a strong nose, not too large or prominent for her face, and she had a nice natural shape to her face that complimented her nose and small eyes.

      Now she just looks…off-balance and odd.

      I’d like to say I feel bad for her, but I’d be lying because I truly cannot stand her.

      I guess I’ll just add that karma is a b*tch.

      • Amy says:

        Agree 100% Kitten.

        Me and my friends had the same discussion not to long ago about how in very few cases did someone get surgery and look much better. It seems like people are self-conscious about one thing and go to a surgeon for a cookie-cutter version of what they think that body part should look like…and then ruin their whole face.

        That’s what happened here. She had a boatload of surgery to get the Iggy look we all knew but it worked for her and was actually rather exotic and now her nose by itself is good, but on her face it’s wrong.

      • doofus says:

        Amy and Kitten…totally agree.

        you have someone who has what they consider a “big” nose, so they reduce it. then, it doesn’t match the rest of their face, so they do an eyelid lift, cheek implants, jaw work, etc…until they look like a mannequin (or as Amy so aptly put it) a cookie-cutter “pretty girl”.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Agree, Kitten, and also I think some “imperfections” or irregularities in your features can enhance your beauty rather than diminish it. This goal for everyone to look perfect also makes them look boring.

      • PoliteTia says:


      • snakecharmer says:

        i agree. i have a prominent nose like she did b4 surgery. to be honest it photographs very forward. in regular interactions or on video however it looks compleatly perportional. if i were to shave it it would throw my features. i have a very similar facial structure to cameron diaz. she is a good example of an extreamly subtle rhinoplasty. iggy was a stunner and i think her new surgery detracts from her origional look. her round face was soooooo cute and now her nose is PMK style and the chin is harsh. one time holly madison stated that the reason she got a nose job was due to the fact that it looked overly prominent in photos. the point of all this really just comes down to these girls being overly scrutinized just like all women are. its unfair and leads to body dysmorphia, eating disorders, etc……

    • lisa says:

      me too, now she looks like a mannequin

      and not a mannequin from a good store, a very budget mannequin

      • ISO says:

        I dunno…I broke my nose twice and had it corrected when I was 40. However, the nasty gossip I’ve withstood because I’ve had a “nose job” is scathing. People can wear make up or dress nicely to “self improve” but the mean girl minions come out in a zombie apocalypse when someone does a -permanent- upgrade. If an underage girl turned up like Joyce Wilder it’s a discussion – however, bodily facial beautification is jealous talk!

    • chaine says:

      it’s heartbreaking. she was so cute before.

    • littlestar says:

      I cannot stand her, but I did think she was gorgeous in a unique way before. Now…. How is it possible that plastic surgery can make you look worse? It should make someone look better, but not so for her :(. I feel bad for her – she looks really sad. I think she knows she messed her face up.

  3. Samtha says:

    She was really cute before. It’s a shame.

  4. Vampi says:

    I heard her talking on some show yesterday and it seems she is dropping her Aussie accent now too. She looks and sounds ridiculous. Not one authentic thing about her.

  5. Rocket says:

    Why is anybody surprised. She is clearly already going in for her Brazillian hip and butt work once a year, ofcourse shes throwing in some face work in there.

    Another thing, why is her complexion always so strange to me. Is it that she has the wrong shade of hair color? Wrong shade of foundation? Seriously what the hell is up with her complexion?

    • BendyWindy says:

      RE: her complexion, I was just thinking the same thing! At first I thought maybe the hair color was washing her out, but I think I’ve seen her with dark hair and it’s the same thing. It’s like her foundation has no undertone…no yellow or red base…it’s just flat. It’s weird and disconcerting.

  6. Wheeze says:

    She’s definitely had breast implants too. They scrutinize themselves too much they forget what humans are supposed to look like. She looks stretched and artificial in the right pic. I hope she doesn’t go the Lil’ Kim way. Scary faces.

  7. Kath says:

    I’m sure she’s said some stupid/offensive stuff and music is hardly ‘authentic’ etc, but – man, the internet takedown of Iggy and her appearance has been brutal. From Snoop, to the whole ‘White Chicks’ comparison, to the whole ‘OMG she’s got cellulite!’ nonsense… that would mess anyone up.

    And she IS only 24 years old. Sad.

    • Shambles says:

      Yeah… I’m completely against her as a person and an artist, but no one deserves the type vitriol she’s received based on appearance alone. Your comment brings the Kylie Jenner situation to mind. I have no good feelings towards her or her family, but she was always kind of the black sheep looks wise. The Internet started making fun of her looks when she was what, 11? Can you imagine? I would probably be insecure enough to buy myself a new face too. The Iggy situation is a little less extreme, but that’s what it reminds me of. Either way, your sense of empathy is lovely and this was a great comment.

    • Kitten says:

      As I said above, if it was anyone else I might have some sympathy, but this is the same chick that criticized Mexican women for their body shape (as if Mexican women only come in one shape) and liberally doled out racist and homophobic comments.

      Classic case of she can dish it but can’t take it.

      Since you brought up Kylie, I don’t think Kylie has ever been so malicious and I truly do empathize for what she dealt with at such a young age, particularly because she grew up in a famous family, and never really seemed to have the option to avoid the public spotlight.

      • Amy says:


        Why do we always find pity for the ones who spew hate but not the ones less educated and impoverished?

        I feel bad for IgGY but she doesn’t feel bad for any of the groups of people she insulted and still has nothing to offer in terms of discussion of hip hop and her role in it. I’m happy she’s counting her millions but she 100% made her bed and is struggling because of her refusal to try and engage respectfully.

      • Shambles says:

        I had sort of forgotten about the collage of racist tweets, in which she does shame people for parts of their appearance that they have no control over. Soooo… Maybe a little less sympathy for Iggy. And you’re right about Kylie, as empty as she is she’s never been vicious. I guess between this and KJ I’ve just been spending a lot of time thinking about what all that constant picking-apart could do to your head.

      • Amy says:

        No. Line drawn.

        People who get racist insults hurled at them and marginalized members of society deserve my sympathy, racists at most get my understanding. Whatever issues she has she needs to deal with them in a way that doesn’t mock and deride others while making money off her disrespect and still enjoying the protection of being a skin tone valued by most of the world.

      • Kitten says:

        Everything that you said, Amy. EVERY. SINGLE. THING.
        Also, don’t feed the troll. πŸ˜‰

      • mark . says:

        But still you talk about how great Common and Q-tip are when they have a history of bigoted hate speech in their songs but they’re fine now for some reason.

        The internet really brings out the bitterness of people. Why can you be so happy for somebodies downfall when you don’t know them? Stop googling them.

      • Kitten says:

        Does this mean we’re back together, Mark?

        Also, you REALLY pay a lot of attention to my comments huh? I’m flattered I must say..

  8. Birdie says:

    Well now a lot of people say: She looked good before, she didn’t need it!
    But before that everyone bashed her looks. A lot! I never read anything nice about her face, just comparisons to White Chicks.

    • Jegede says:

      I actually don’t follow her. I don’t know much about her music or anything tbh.

      But after reading/hearing the Kesha news and now this, both so young, it’s kinda sad.

    • ab says:

      right? she can’t win. none of these celebs can, there will always be something to pick on.

    • Kitten says:

      I never bashed her for her looks, just her terrible awful personality.

      Always thought she was quite pretty.

      • littlestar says:

        Same. And I can’t believe I’m saying it, but I do feel bad for her (even though she is loathsome). She actually looks depressed in the pictures above – serious regret for what she did to her face?

    • Amy says:

      Tbh the way she ‘looked’ before existed solely because of plastic surgery she got early in her career.

      So to me and others the white chicks reference was to how she basically got a mask implanted in her features and considering her heavy-handed insertion into hip hop with the fake drawl and ass was a joke on that movie as well.

      It’s hard for me to be sympathetic towards parts of the body that aren’t real.

      • Genny says:

        My friend has the same facial features Iggy did, so I don’t bash Iggy on that. The difference to me was always the attitude.

  9. drea says:

    She looks more like the white chicks character now

  10. Pegasus says:

    She’s still ugly on the inside.

  11. Bishg says:

    She now looks like a platinum-blonde, more adult version of Ariana Grande (which under no circumstances will ever be a compliment).
    It’s such a shame for several reasons, but why should we be surprised? Celebrity nowadays, more than ever, can’t seem to accept the face/body they were born with.
    I thought about it, and even if I consider myself far from perfect, I could never go to a doctor and casually ask “I want a chin implant and a refill here and eyelid surgery there”.. how can you even imagine such things, unless you spend all of your spare time in front of a mirror dissecting your face? I wouldn’t be able to shape myself any differently if I had to instruct Michelangelo nonetheless, sitting right next to me, scalpel in one hand and ready to operate.
    The life of these Hollywood people must be an all-consuming hell made of vanity, insecurity and delusion.

  12. Violet says:

    She looks like Joss Stone now! So different.

  13. Pixi says:

    Her new chin looks exactly like mine… I hate my chin…

  14. Greek chic says:

    She looked better before. The implants look hard and fake. Also she looks older now.
    What was wrong with her old chin? Jesus!

  15. Liz says:

    She’s already in Lil Kim territory because she looks like a different person. In the photo that is second from the top she tries to give the camera an “eff you I’m a rock star look” but it doesn’t work anymore because she’s lost her looks.
    I think her music career is going to lose a lot of momentum like Megan Fox’s did after she made herself look plastic, older and less attractive through so much unnecessary surgery.

  16. Ellen says:

    Minor nose job??? That’s a completely different honker. Her nose before may not have been conventionally attractive but was certainly more fitting for her face.

    • oneshot says:

      her previous nose was also the result of a nose job, she had a ton of plastic surgery tweaks to the face before anyone had even heard of her on the music scene. She’d had lip fillers, a nose job and some eye work too, which left her with a pretty face.

      Looks like some people just don’t know when enough is enough.

  17. doofus says:

    a nose “augmentation”? as in, she ADDED to her nose?

    so, who’s the dummy? the “insider” or US Weekly?

  18. Sel says:

    Her 15 minutes are up.

  19. daisyfly says:

    A part of me thinks she didn’t get an implant but rather had her massiter muscle botoxed. It narrows the jawline and can make it look pointed, or alerted with a chin implant. She definitely had the tip of her nose shaved, but I think that’s it. Contouring can change the way the bridge looks so until I see a second photo of her recent face I won’t know for certain. One way to tell for sure is to compare nostrils. Contouring can’t change those suckers.

    • platypus says:

      That’s what I was thinking too. Her jaw looks narrower, actual chin looks the same size.

  20. NewWester says:

    Was there something in the air and water at this years Billboard Awards? First there was JLo looking at her phone during Mariah’s performance ( plus a blind item which many guess to be JLo throwing shade at Mariah) , and now Chrissy Teigen’s eye roll about Iggy. Starting to remind me about high school!

    • doofus says:

      oh, make no mistake…Hollywood IS just like high school, just with fame and more money.

      but there are definitely cliques and mean girls galore. these are GROWN-AZZ adults who get in twitter wars. TWITTER WARS…it’s like a burn book from back in the day. no better than spreading a rumor on a bathroom wall.

      but entertaining as all HECK!

  21. Luna says:

    She’s slightly better looking with her surgeries than before. She wasn’t very naturally good looking to begin with…

  22. Spaniard89 says:

    Another pretty (maybe not perfect, but which one is?) and personal face turned into a generic “I’m a Barbie girl in a barbie world look”

    Just look at those two pics. In March she is full of live and her emotions show in her face. On the right? Another sad plastic doll.

    Why do women keep doing this to themselves????

  23. smee says:

    I read this quote the other day and it immediately popped into my head when I saw these fotos……

    You don’t have to be pretty. You don’t owe prettiness to anyone: not your boyfriend/spouse/partner, not your coworkers, especially not random men on the street. You don’t owe it to your mother; you don’t owe it to your children. You don’t owe it to civilization in general. Prettiness is not a rent you pay for occupying a space marked “female.”
    ― Diana Vreeland

  24. Gabriela says:

    That’s the same pants Zendaya was wearing! But Z wore it better…

  25. Hannah says:

    Says an iggy source? No, says her face lol

  26. Vampi says:

    It also seems like her eyes are closer together now. Something is just off about her….. Uncanny valley…and as someone said above, she looks even more like that White Chicks character than ever. It’s disturbing.

    • lisa says:

      now she’s appropriating white chicks!

    • elle says:

      That’s what’s bugging me… her eyes look closer together. How did that happen?

      • burnsie says:

        I think it’s bce of how the bridge of her nose was altered

      • A says:

        It’s the makeup. She has naturally close set eyes and in the before pic she was wearing different eye makeup to make her eyes look bigger and wider.

  27. Snazzy says:

    That eye roll is everything – that was beautiful to behold πŸ˜€

  28. Jen43 says:

    I am starting to think that counseling should be reccomended before a dr will do plastic surgery. I am no fan of this girl, but why change a nice face?

  29. A.Key says:

    She definitely did not need it!! I honestly truly find her natural face much much prettier than what she’s done now, she ruined her beauty!!!!

  30. Amy says:

    I’ll be honest and say I’m not a fan of her at all and yes there were a lot of jokes at the expense of her looks but I think those jokes really popped up because of people judging her lack of talent and her racist past.

    I’ve noticed it happen with the Kardashian clan too, when we believe people are coasting by without working or a symptom of something we hate in society we tend to skewer them for things we’d ignore in others.

    Since Iggy was basically being handed the title and honor in hip hop based solely on her skin tone people mocked her for her lack of talent, her looks, her comments and a whole lot more. I don’t know how much pity to have for her since without that backlash she’d probably be declared The G.O.A.T. and be on the cover of Time magazine or some other nonsense. It seems like until the press goes bad a lot of folks try to sneak some bad actions in.

    That being said…she was pretty. Yeah even her old face was fake but it worked for her, this new nose looks like it’s fused to her face and actually makes me wonder if she’s struggling to breath now. She shouldn’t have phucked up her face because it worked for her. Now trying to get the cookie cutter nose and jaw has made her look like a wax figure of herself.

  31. kri says:

    Ugh. Once again, I have no problem with getting something done if it truly bothers you, but this is not good work. And she is so young. I wish these girls would wait a bit before diving into the plastic surgery pool. Sometimes you grow into your face/body. But it’s her call. I’m not a fan, but the old face was better.

  32. MyCatLoves TV says:

    I can’t say anything negative about Iggy since I had the same two procedures when I was a little older than she is now. But…and it is a big but…I was not beautiful like she is (was?). I had such a weak chin that I really didn’t have one (they lipo suctioned under before inserting the small implant) and my nose had a hump that was not attractive. Yes, it was vanity but I had self confidence afterwards that I had never known before. I don’t know why such a beautiful girl felt the need but it seems that even the most gorgeous among us have parts they hate. Let’s hope she stops now…..I think once the procedures “set” over the years, she will look more natural. But if she becomes one of “those celebrities” that cannot stop….well, THAT would be sad.

  33. suzanne says:

    People need to start realizing that natural is generally best..unless you have something truly off balance, plastic surgery just “because I can afford it/ because I’m not perfectttttt…doesn’t always look “better”… it just looks like plastic surgery.

    Case in point: this woman’s “before” pic is SO much better than her “after”.

  34. oneshot says:

    Wow, looks like there is some truth to the saying that your character (hint: hers is absolute sh*t) eventually gets reflected in your face, and that you get the face you deserve.

  35. Eugenie says:

    Funny. I don’t know if it is the pic angle or what but her eyes appear smaller in the after photo.

  36. Genny says:

    My problem with her was never her face, just her attitude. That said, eh. She’s going to do what she wants to do, and lamenting her looks isn’t going to change that.

  37. TW says:

    Had an identifiable beauty… Why would someone mess with that and opt for a permanent and pervasive Heidi Montag catalog-type face? Wish she had seen herself through eyes of an artist and not through a Fredricks catalog.

  38. Jayna says:

    Booty, boobs, chin, nose all by the age of 24. What’s next, I wonder?

    I have to say her nose job is good work, whomever did it. I don’t get these women falling for the line from doctors, while you are getting your nose job we need to do a small chin implant for symmetry and profile. My friend listened to her doctor and wasn’t as beautiful as before, now a longer looking face. Her chin was small and defined before. There was no reason to have a chin implant. A year later she had it taken out. It was just a way to make more money for these plastic surgeons by pushing it with every nose job that walks through the door.

    Now if you have a weak chin, that’s a different thing. Then it really is an improvement if you are self-conscious. My friend’s daughter had a very weak chin and got a small implant at the age of 16 and looked great. But she really had a weak chin.

    Iggy’s chin was fine.

  39. Corey says:

    I must be cross eyes from staring at a computer screen all day because I don’t see the difference. I just assumed it was some weird make up foundation tactic. I do find those spots on her face distracting. Are the beauty marks? If so… Let them show!!

  40. Tre says:

    I still mourn her old face. Despite all that hate I really liked Iggy Azalea. There was just something about her. Bossy. The way she was rapping. walking, acting in videos and on stage. Total boss. I don’t know. There was something about her. And i loved Black Widow song so much.

    And now this. Completely different face, Its like another person. And 24 years old? Why would she do that? She was pretty and interesting. Why she didnt like her face? I look at new face, try to find Iggy there and cant. Its like she died. Im so sad.

    Maybe face will settle in time and there would be some of Iggy in there.

    • H-Dogg says:

      Oh dear. It really doesn’t matter, she will just not have any longevity. She is being used and advised to do these things to her face when her career is already at it’s peak, why? She is obviously already popular. I would be highly surprised if she chose to do this to herself without undue influence.

  41. TOPgirl says:

    Her old features were so much prettier. Her new nose and chin look annoying. Why iggy, why???? Too late now, can never go back to the old you.

  42. Lulu says:

    This whole surgery thing could have been avoided if she just learnt to part her hair better.

  43. enya says:

    Yeah, I don’t get all the “it’s so sad” business and also don’t see that this was a huge change. But YMMV…

  44. Denise says:

    I would honestly think the new chin was the before, in terms of ideal shapes. How odd.
    Her eyes look dead. She looks like she’s in a haze and is fine with it. 24 year old rappin’ zombie.