Ben Affleck’s kids’ nanny is in love with him, multiple sources confirm, Garner ‘livid’

Is Ben Affleck Dating Former Nanny Christine Ouzounian? **FILE PHOTOS**This photo is from May

Yesterday we saw the cover of the new US Magazine claiming that Ben Affleck was dating/boning the 28 year-old woman hired as a nanny for their children earlier this year. Affleck and Garner were technically on a trial separation at that time, so it may not have counted as cheating, but Garner shut it down when she found out and fired the nanny. My theory yesterday was that Garner was the one leaking this story to the press because Affleck finally pissed her off enough. Kaiser told me that she thought the nanny was the one selling her story, which many of you also said in the comments. It turns out that it does look like the nanny is the one talking because “multiple sources” close to her confirmed this to People Magazine. Plus she somehow scored a “5 things you don’t know about” profile. This escalated really quickly.

Affleck’s rep issued a harsh denial and he’s threatened to sue, but I doubt that’s going to happen. Affleck sweet talked the wrong woman and he probably just broke up with her, judging from the fact that this story is now out. Here are the highlights from the People article. The nanny, whose name is Christine Ouzounian and who seems to be relishing the spotlight, was actually with the Garner-Afflecks when they took that breakup vacation in the Bahamas. Garner found out about the affair shortly after Ben left the Bahamas. That must have stung.

Multiple sources confirm the relationship
Multiple sources confirm to PEOPLE that Ouzounian, 28, told friends she was having an affair with Affleck. “Christine is in love with him,” says one friend of Ouzounian’s.

According to the friend, Affleck and Ouzounian began the affair last spring, not long after she was hired, and would often meet at the Hotel Bel Air. (“Not true,” counters the source close to Affleck.) “It’s been going on for a long time,” adds the friend, who says Ouzounian showed her pictures of her sitting on Affleck’s lap and the two of them kissing. A second source in touch with Ouzounian’s circle confirms Ouzounian told friends she and Affleck were intimate. “For Christine, it was a relationship,” says the source. “A friend warned her she was going to end up heartbroken.”

Affleck denies the affair officially
Affleck has denied having any romantic relationship with Ouzounian, with his rep denouncing a report as “complete garbage and full of lies.” A source close to Affleck says he and Ouzounian had “a work relationship and a friendship. There has never been a romantic or sexual relationship.”

“This was not one of the reasons for the breakup”
“This was not one of the reasons for the breakup,” says the source close to Affleck. “There was no affair during or after [their marriage]. Ben and Jen have been separated for months.”

The nanny went with them to the Bahamas, Jen found out right after
Ouzounian’s friend says that the nanny even accompanied Affleck along with his and Garner’s three kids, Violet, 9, Seraphina, 6, and Samuel, 3, to the Bahamas in June before Garner flew down separately to join them. While in the Bahamas, the power couple announced their divorce on June 30.

Once Garner arrived, Ouzounian left the Bahamas with Affleck and attended a charity poker event in Las Vegas with him. Garner was still in the Bahamas with the kids when she found out about the affair, says Ouzounian’s friend. Garner “was livid,” says the friend. “And I don’t blame her because if my children bonded with you and you did this? It’s just the biggest betrayal.”

[From People]

So officially, Ben’s rep is calling this story “garbage” and “full of lies,” but a source close to Ben is careful to tell People Magazine that he was separated for months. It sounds like he’s parsing words and saying it’s ok that he was boning the nanny right under his estranged wife’s nose. This is a mess and Affleck is a dog. People reports that Affleck hasn’t seen the nanny since July 19, which is probably when he dumped her for being a clinger/no longer convenient. I’m not going to get into the ‘five things you don’t know about’ the woman hired to watch Garner and Affleck’s kids who just ended up jilted by Affleck. I really don’t care about this person. She’s someone dumb enough to fall in love with Ben Affleck while she was doing a job for his family. It just makes you wonder how many other side pieces he had who were more discreet. I bet we’re talking over a dozen a least.

Update: People has changed the title of this article to reflect that Garner is ‘livid,’ but it’s still the same story and quotes. The takeaway is that Garner’s side is confirming this.

Oh and the nanny is now getting papped out by herself. She learned a thing or two from her old employers.
Christine Ouzounian Heads To A Hotel Amid Rumors Of Her Dating Ben Affleck

Is Ben Affleck Dating Former Nanny Christine Ouzounian? **FILE PHOTOS**

Is Ben Affleck Dating Former Nanny Christine Ouzounian? **FILE PHOTOS**

photo credit: FameFlynet

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395 Responses to “Ben Affleck’s kids’ nanny is in love with him, multiple sources confirm, Garner ‘livid’”

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  1. mia girl says:

    This guy is a complete a**hole.

    • Tate says:

      Pretty much.

    • Jem says:

      Yeah, he really really is. I like him best as a director; I don’t care to ever see him on screen again. He’s pathetic

    • Alex says:

      I held out hope but this killed it officially for me. *sigh*

    • Christo says:

      Yes, and she is a major b*tch, who not only betrayed her profession, but, more importantly, the trust of a mother and the children. Am I the only person that wants to smack the smirk off her face? I am quick to question slut-shaming, but, in this case, bring it on.

      • Lori says:

        It’s not like she was a 15 yr old baby sitter. She gets as much of the shaming for this as he does. She in a position of trust with those children and started boning their dad. That’s pretty low.

      • K says:

        I mean, in normal circumstances the person worth blaming is the one breaking commitments, let alone marriage vows, but when you are hired to care for children of a marriage, and that marriage is anything other than dead and buried years before you showed up, then you actively damage those kids if you get involved with one of their parents. It’s a shitty, shitty move.

        I blame her because a nanny is meant to care for the emotional wellbeing of the children, and this is to abuse that trust and harm them. Bitch move. She sounds as horrible as he is.

      • Izzy says:

        Yes, and notice that the unnamed “friend” also called her out on it? Ouch. I for one would have trouble trusting a friend around my man if I knew they made a habit of going after married men.

      • Sumodo1 says:

        A genius who posted on Dlisted is calling this bunny-boiler “Lifetime Nanny.” Ouzounian sure looks like whomever is going to play her in the Lifetime movie: “I Am the A-List Starf*cker Nanny.”

      • JohnWayneLives says:

        Yeah Rosa is super classy. *vomit*

      • bettyrose says:

        “Whomever is going to play her in the Lifetime movie . . .”
        LMFAO doesn’t even cover it.

      • Majicou says:

        The nanny didn’t make a marriage vow, Ben Affleck did.

    • Starrywonder says:

      Well dear Ben. I think DC is going to want to have a word with you today.

      What a jerk.

    • Sherry says:

      Yes he is … AND Do you remember when all of the speculation about their marriage falling apart was going on and there was this picture of him checking out a woman’s backside while with his kids? Was that this nanny?

    • LA Juice says:

      So is the nanny! they deserve each other.

    • Queenbee says:

      On the bright side Jennifer has been more attentive to her attire lately. 😃

  2. Elyse says:

    I cannot put into words how much I dislike women/men who get involved with married people. Of course you won’t end up happily ever after. It’s always messy.

    That said, i highly doubt this woman was in love with Ben. Seems to me he was her ticket in to the life she wanted in Hollywood.

    • Boston Green Eyes says:

      They deserve each other: he, a total alcoholic/addict, cheating, d-bag mess; she, a gold-digging ho.

    • doofus says:

      re: the life she wanted in Hollywood…

      she IS moving pretty quick, no? however, don’t underestimate both Garner’s connections (and actually, Affleck’s too – he’s got just as much reason to keep her as much of an unknown as he can) and the public’s usual distaste for a woman like this. she could (and likely will) get shut out VERY quickly.

      • LB says:

        I was about to say the same thing. People tend to forget how well connected Garner is in her own right. They all focus on Affleck but everyone knows Affleck would be no where without Garner backing him up. She’s going to bury this woman. And she would probably bury Affleck too if it weren’t for the kids.

      • Alex says:

        Yea Garner has many MANY connections and I’m sure being with Ben helped her make even more. This girl doesn’t know who she’s messing with…and who is going to hire her to watch their kids/be an assistant if you’re known for sleeping with a client? Game over hope the few grand you got for the story is worth it

      • Betsy says:

        I genuinely don’t know; what are Jennifer’s many connections? I know she starred in Alias, but beyond that I’m drawing a blank.

      • Gigi says:

        Theres no amount connections here that will help the Afflecks/Garners, if she wants to tell this story. Theres a genuine, albeit prurient, interest in it, and at the end of the day Magazine editors, online blogs and Howard Stern (!) are trying to make money. I have no doubt the she is already receiving cash offers from the exclusive. Ben and Jen cant even stiffle the reality show career, firstly because they have no clout in those circles, but people with a lot more power have attempted to shut down the mistresses reality show career and failed. She may not be a successful reality star but she will get her shot if she wants it.

        The only way to shut her down is to pay her to go away, which by the way is what is truly baffling about this. Why didnt Ben pay her off? I’m sure she made overtures before her friends started “leaking”. Unless of course, this is STILL the less appalling story that he allowed out as a Red Herring. Media, who was with Ben at Comicon during the ring slip? Get on this, now.

      • Alex says:

        I don’t think Jen is going to kill the story…her non-denial of it tells me she is going to let it come out. I think people are saying that this girl is selling her story and it isn’t going to end well when her 5 minutes are up. That’s when Jen will strike…because there is nothing that pisses off a woman more than messing with her kids. And sleeping with her husband while she’s supposed to be with her kids is a line that would make most women seeth

      • doofus says:

        I only meant she’d get shut out regarding a “career” in Hollywood.

        the affair story is out there and is not going to go away at this point, but both Garner’s and Affleck’s connections IN THE BIZ will likely prevent her from becoming any kind of “star” which is likely what she’s after. she’ll always be known first and foremost as “the nanny who broke up (but not really) the Garner-Affleck marriage”, and no stint on a reality show (which is likely all she’ll be offered) will change that.

      • Luca76 says:

        I don’t really think Jen G has a ton of connections, right now she’s shooting the equivalent of a Lifetime movie.

    • Kitten says:

      Not even just married, I side-eye anyone who actively pursue others who are already in a relationship. That’s just so damn WRONG to me.

      A personal story: I have a close friend who got involved with a man who was in a very serious relationship, living with his girlfriend at the time. She was absolutely CRAZY about him–head-over-heels–and he eventually left his GF to be with my friend. They’ve been married for 4 years now.

      Now, she’s a wonderful person and all (truly) but I can’t erase the sketchiness that I feel about the two of them. To be fair to her, I do think his relationship was already dead at that point and meeting my friend was just the catalyst he needed to get him to make some moves. Yet, to this day I still kind of think of him as a scumbag. He travels a lot and is a very flirtatious guy and I just assume that he cheats on her. Maybe that’s unfair of me, maybe I’m a terrible friend, but I just think that guys that cheat once are very likely to cheat again.

      If this story is true, I feel terrible for Jen. Such a betrayal. Sigh.

      • Miller621 says:

        Well said Kitten I agree and let me add that BOTH parties are at fault. I know people don’t care for Jen, I have always liked her. I think she will come out of this a happier person and hope she can heal and find love again. It must have been exhausting being married to someone like Ben if the gambling, alcohol, self brudding, dong wandering rumors are true as we know they most likely are.

        I have a similar friend of a friend story. Both were married and he had kids. She knew him for over 12 years and uses this statement in her “defense” of the relationship. The marriage she helped destroy was her her sister in law (her husband’s sister) and her husband. It was and still is all kinds of messy. They are married now with their own kids and she’s always talking about how it was so hard because they “people of God.” She plays the victim card, but they both destroyed two seemingly happy families and it’s obviously a very difficult situation for everyone. They are from a small town so everyone knows everyone, they all go to the same churches and schools and her now husband has children with his ex wife who are the niece/nephew of her ex husband. She has a toddler and newborn who are half siblings to his kids. If I recall the story correctly they were having a full on affair and were caught than decided to leave their spouses after they were caught. I believe the wife wanted to try and work it out for the sake of the kids and cut off contact with them. Messy messy messy!

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        So agree, Kitten. My own story aside, I just don’t get it. I had a roommate in my twenties and she had an affair and eventually married her boss. She tried to frame as two hearts that beat as one, we just couldn’t help it, it was love at first sight, etc., but it just always made me ill. All the lies, you enjoying time together while his wife was home with their three kids, thinking he was at work… Idk, I just couldn’t do that to somebody.

      • Kitten says:

        @Miller621-That is crazy! It just doesn’t seem worth it to me, you know? Messy indeed!
        I’ve never been married but I can see how after years you might get a thrill from an innocent flirtation with someone. I get it. But I really think that people need to have enough self-control and respect for their SO to REMOVE themselves from a situation that might threaten their marriage/current relationship. Mostly, infidelity just seems incredibly selfish to me, even more so if kids are involved. Yuck.

        @GNAT-That’s sort of the same story my friend gave me: “it’s true love” “this is the hardest I’ve ever fallen for someone” etc. I know she felt guilty about it because after the third time they hooked up she gave him an ultimatum. Still, my attitude has always been that there are SO many single guys out there, WHY go after the ones who are taken? It always struck me as very desperate. When I was single for a long time I always placed the most responsibility on the man who cheats but now that I’m in a serious relationship, I see it differently. I trust my boyfriend IMPLICITLY–he is a very loyal man–but the idea that any woman would pursue him knowing that he’s in a serious relationship makes me livid.

      • angie says:

        ITA with all the above. The church lady should just tattoo her forehead with “I don’t care about my kids’ well being.” I’ve known a few of these home wreckers, and in addition to the true love angle they also say that since they’re not the one who took the fidelity vow, they are somehow not at fault at all. Then they can’t figure out why their step children hate them.

      • tracking says:

        The “person who didn’t take the vow is not to blame” meme is frequent on this site. I’m sorry, that’s bogus. It says a lot about your character if you choose to participate in a lie and willfully devastate and humiliate another human being. It is a moral and ethical choice, regardless of who has taken the vow. And the choice to pursue a married person is often part and parcel of a person who likes to “win” in competitive situations with other women or men.

      • minime says:

        “And the choice to pursue a married person is often part and parcel of a person who likes to “win” in competitive situations with other women or men.”

        This! I had a friend who would only be interested in married/in a relationship men and she would always justify it has “I can’t control it, he’s totally my type, he’s not happy in his relationship, she’s an horrible person…” but at the same time she would always let something slip like “I’m more beautiful and funnier than his girlfriend/wife, ain’t I?”. She always got a huge high from the feeling of “winning” something from someone else…and she loved it when the other person would find out…until one of those persons followed her to her work and made a big scandal (yes…I loved it).
        She was toxic and at a point we had to cut our relationship ’cause I couldn’t hear her going on about this (maintaining a relationship with married men with children – more than one – having herself a boyfriend) without giving her really harsh feedback. So…the person who has the commitment is always the first one in the line of “assholery” but I feel that in the same measure the person who pursues someone knowing they’re in a relationship is just as horrible…How can people sleep at night knowing they are making someone suffer? Baffles me.

        In this case is extra bad since she took advantage of a position of trust. She was trusted their children…disgusting.

      • K says:

        @tracking, getting involved with someone in a relationship is horrible behaviour, but it’s nowhere near as bad as being the person betraying the person who loves you. The affair partner isn’t actively abusing the love and trust of someone close to them – they don’t look the betrayed person in the face while doing that to them, they aren’t hurting someone with a particular claim to be respected.

        I don’t think it’s okay to be an affair partner. But I do think betraying someone who loves you adds one hell of a lot to the charge sheet when apportioning levels of blame. (In this instance, the being in a position of trust with the kids matches that, IMO.)

      • lucas says:

        Gone Girl was considered a Lifetime Movie.

      • korra says:

        @Miller62 ….holy crap that is such a bizarre story. So her now children are half siblings to her children with her ex husband. But they are also half siblings to his children with his ex wife. For one set of kids all these people are siblings. For another only one set is siblings the other is cousins. That is SOOOO FREAKING WEIRD. The most confusing family dynamic I’ve ever heard.

        And yes! The responsibility doesn’t just lie in the person who took the vows. While they do have a great level of blame no denying the role you play if you partake in such a relationship. Sorry. I don’t think I could ever do that. I may want to, but I know I have enough self control to say no. I would hate it if someone did that to me, why would I want to inflict that on someone else? The consequences from that are not worth it.

      • LA Juice says:

        PLUS 1….MILLION.

    • Wren says:

      I bet he turned on the charm real thick. It’s easy to be swept away when you’re willing to believe the lies, and I can see how she’d fall for it. Especially with the promise of fame if not fortune. Not that I’m condoning it, but who’s to say SHE was the one pursuing him? He’s the older, married guy on the prowl here. Of course she had to go along and “fell for him”, which is silly because really? Like he hasn’t done this a bunch of times before.

      • Kiddo says:

        +1, and the power dynamic is in his favor as an employer and older person who should be more mature.

        ETA: Robin Williams actually married the nanny.

      • Kitten says:

        Well that’s the narrative that her “sources” are putting out there: “she feel madly in love with Ben. For Christine, it was a relationship. A friend warned her she was going to end up heartbroken.”

        Whether intentional or not, the underlying insinuation is that at the very minimum, she enthusiastically reciprocated his advances and fell hard for him. Even if we generously give her the benefit of the doubt and say that Ben pursued her (which we don’t know as we’ve only heard flat-out denials from his camp) it doesn’t look good for her.

        If the affair is true, she should have taken a page from Nick’s mistress in Gone Girl and dressed up like a Mennonite, and issued an “eat shit” statement that shows she’s taking full responsibility for her role in the affair. Instead, we’re seeing someone who’s advertently or inadvertently giving the impression of the sexy, fame-hungry temptress. Sure it might be unfair to her, but if we’ve learned anything from the PR surrounding the Garner-Affleck divorce, it’s that public perception MATTERS. How you release information, how you present yourself to the public in the wake of scandal will dictate how people see you.

      • Elisa the I. says:

        @Kiddo: you are totally right about the power dynamics.
        I’m surprised about the comments blaming / shaming her.

      • tracking says:

        Seriously? She’s 28 years old, not a child. She sold her story and called paps, with no thought for Jennifer Garner or the little children who will be hurt by this. He’s despicable, but so is she.

      • Wren says:

        @Kitten, that doesn’t prove anything either way, though. It could mean she went after him or it could mean that he trotted out the old ‘you’re so special and wonderful, my wife doesn’t understand me’ routine and she fell for it. I favor the latter because he is the one with the power in the situation, as Kiddo says. She’d think it was real love while he’s just getting his rocks off, and she turned out to be less discreet and/or more attention-seeking then he bargained for.

      • Kiddo says:

        ^I agree with Wren^. She probably thought she was the precious special snowflake who would be the next Mrs Batfleck, like William’s nanny. Being that close to a family, she probably was privy and keen to the lack of intimacy between the partners. I guess she is getting the next best thing to a relationship and that is attention and image. Which kind of makes her a perfect match for him, since he loves to control attention himself.

      • Kitten says:

        I disagree that he has the power. I think the power dynamic favored her more than him, right from the start. Sure he is her employer, but she has the ability to single-handedly destroy the carefully-crafted public image that he has created. That’s a huge bomb that she could drop (and DID drop) at any time. So he fires her (of Jen did reportedly) and she has to get a new job as a nanny. But the price that Ben will pay for the damage to his image is far, far greater–both monetarily and career-wise.

        I think it’s naĂŻve to think that any woman in her late twenties wouldn’t know that it would be a huge hit to his image if he was caught sleeping with the nanny.
        Again, I just don’t think she’s that clueless–she’s 28, not 17. Even in the photos of her–the sharp outfits, the fancy bags, the smug grin–she does not give me the impression of some innocent country bumpkin. On the contrary, she seems pretty pleased with herself. I’m pretty sure that it would be a boost to most girls to have a rich, famous, (arguably) handsome man fawning over you.

        I don’t doubt for a second that he was manipulative, but I think she knew what she was getting into 100%.

        A third theory is that the affair was entirely mutual with neither party being the “pursuer/pursuee” and something went wrong along the way, so she flipped on him. Still, advantage Ouzounian. She won this round for sure.

        I guess none of us will ever know for sure, but boy it sure is fun to speculate 🙂

      • Kiddo says:

        I’m a man without conviction
        I’m a man who doesn’t know
        How to sell a contradiction
        You come and go, you come and go

        Karma karma karma karma, karma chameleon
        You come and go, you come and go

      • Wren says:

        I’m having a hard time seeing how she has the power here. While we looking in can see that she had quite the trump card, it’s all about perceived power within the relationship. He’s rich and has a lot of connections, she apparently has neither. She has a bomb to drop, but he has all the power of being rich and famous to threaten her with. Or persuade her depending on how you look at it.

        Unless she’s a grand master manipulator a la the Gone Girl character, I’m having a difficult time seeing how she was in control. Maybe she is now, but not then when things went down. To me all this is coming across as he did his little routine, she fell hard, his wife found out, now he’s like “lol what?” and she’s figured out how to use this to her advantage.

      • minime says:

        She’s 28 years old…pfff
        She was hired to take care of the children not of the daddy….what she did was a huge breach of trust. If she would be in her 20’s I could even think “poor deluded girl” but here I really think they’re both at the same level and I specially dislike that she used her job with his children to get some.

      • Kiddo says:

        It’s not about her being a child. But he is the one in charge, the employer, wealthy and handsome (to some, not me) and an older man with previous experience getting caught messing around, and this was HIS marriage to uphold, not hers.
        No one thinks she is a saint or even likeable, but working for a mega star with dollars and no sense, who had enough power to hide addictions, hide strippers, change the narrative of an ancestry show through demands, clearly has greater pull than a nanny to the stars, let’s get real. She wasn’t some irresistible temptress that poor poor Ben got tricked by. It’s not the same level of betrayal. She betrayed one of her employers. He betrayed his family. The scales are not even, not even close.

      • Kitten says:

        @Kiddo-She has a professional duty to observe boundaries as well though. Agree with minime that it was a huge breach of trust on her part.

        All the wealth and power in the world can’t redeem a destroyed public image. Just ask Mel Gibson.

      • Kiddo says:

        Kitten- PLEASE, how many people here are blaming her, even in small ways? The Gibson comparison is a false equivalency, and not something I expect from you, Kitten. People hated Gibson after multiple episodes of behavior that went beyond the pale. For whatever reason, people are giving Affleck enormous amounts of sympathy by parsing out where to put the blame. It may be because they like him?

        The woman failed by having an affair at her job WITH THE BOSS. It happens every day, but somehow, because it’s Affleck, she is getting more weight of burden shifted toward her. He was the married man, THE BOSS, he could have fired her, if he couldn’t resist. He was IN CHARGE. end of. She betrayed the trust of one of her EMPLOYERS. It’s not good, but it is no where near his culpability.

      • Crumpet says:

        I’m with Kiddo. I lay this squarely on Ben’s doorstep. He was her employer. By that definition alone it was highly inappropriate on his part of start an affair with her, because of his position of authority and power over her finances.

        I am not crying her a river, far from it. But the balance of power between these two was NOT equal, and neither was the betrayal. What do you think hurts the children worst – that their daddy was ‘loving’ another woman not their mommy or that he was ‘loving’ their nanny? I vote for the betrayal of their mommy as being the most harmful to them BY FAR.

      • Elisa the I. says:

        @Kiddo: +gadzillion to all you said above (much better than I ever could, BTW).

      • Wren says:

        Never attribute to malice what can easily be explained by stupidity.

        I hardly think this woman is a saint, and the relationship was highly inappropriate on both sides. No, she is not a child, she’s a grown woman but that doesn’t automatically make her intelligent or even mature. I’m her age and I know multiple people older than I am that I’ve watched do very, very stupid things in/for/about relationships and wonder why it blows up in their face. I can easily see how she could get carried away, I’m sure he’s very charming and sincere when he wants to be. It makes a lot more sense to me than the other way round.

      • Kitten says:

        Yo you totally misread my comment, Kiddo. I don’t know how I blamed her?

        When I was 25 I worked for a small agency, I was an assistant to married man who was 36 with 2 small children. I’m not exaggerating when I say that he made my life miserable. Hit on me every day, sent inappropriate emails and text messages and came close to ruining the very serious relationship that I was in at the time. My bf would see his name on my my caller ID and even though I wouldn’t pick up the phone, he started to think something was wrong up. All the harassment and inappropriateness finally came to a head after he tried to make out with me after one night of after-work drinks with him and his partner who promptly left us alone without warning.
        The next day, I was informed that they were letting me go, with a small severance. Day after that, they tried to take my severance away, saying that they didn’t have enough money. Believe me, I got that money but not without threatening to sue them for sexual harassment. I had texts and tried to get the emails but they had already gotten into my account and deleted them all.

        The whole thing was a nightmare so please don’t make it seem like I don’t know anything about sexual harassment. I suffered months of guilt after that and raked myself over the coals for not leaving sooner, for putting up with that sh*t, for maybe not being as firm as I should have been. Had I invited it? I had sent him mixed messages? Nah. I did none of that. I just tried to deal with an unbearable situation because I needed the f*cking money.

        I don’t need to be scolded like I don’t understand power dynamics or like I’m defending someone who doesn’t deserve it. That’s not what I’m doing and YOU should know better. I’m rather insulted that you don’t. I will say that this situation is different in that Ben Affleck’s proclivities were well-known before this nanny was hired. He is a famous and wealthy man. It is simply naĂŻve to think that there aren’t women who might be drawn to that, end of.

        That doesn’t absolve Ben of ANY responsibility, but it does put at least some of the onus on her, which is entirely fair in my opinion.

        Additionally, it’s worth noting that I NEVER touched that married man with kids. I f*cking pushed him away and bit him when he tried to make out with me. Just saying–a little integrity never hurts.

      • Kiddo says:

        Kitten, I didn’t think that you were specifically shielding him from critique, but your comment on the ruin of Mel Gibson’s reputation, as an example of how someone could be brought down through an ordinary non-famous person, in addressing the power dynamic, here, as somehow potentially equal, or that his higher position of employer was inconsequential, was what I questioned you on. That was a false equivalency. Mel Gibson’s actions surpassed how he treated women. He lashed out at cops, he verbally attacked ethnic groups and pissed off more powerful people than himself in Hollywood. The blacklisting of him would never have gotten as much traction, based on his treatment of women alone, affairs or not. That was my point. If Gibson only had an affair with a nanny, cheating on his wife of a gazillion years, people would soon forget about it and he would be sitting pretty in Hollywood. That was my point.

        I’ve never engaged in any relationships with married men. I don’t plan on it. I don’t like embarking on any endeavor that intentionally hurts people, even if I don’t know them.

        Your circumstance, although painful, and I’m sorry, may not in any way mirror the circumstances here. Maybe they were both into each other and maybe Ben was living in another bedroom, leading a separate life, and this woman thought it was all over, but the papers weren’t signed, I don’t know, no one does. She certainly isn’t innocent, but if he didn’t want to have an affair, he wouldn’t have. You can’t be a homewrecker in a home that staunchly doesn’t want to be wrecked. And that’s even if this gossip is true, Maybe it’s not.

      • minime says:

        “What do you think hurts the children worst – that their daddy was ‘loving’ another woman not their mommy or that he was ‘loving’ their nanny? I vote for the betrayal of their mommy as being the most harmful to them BY FAR.”

        Unfortunately I have learnt from my work with children that the “who” might be many times crucial. Kids tend to blame themselves and it can be very disruptive to feel that someone they trusted and with whom they certainly had a strong bond was betraying their mom (and themselves). She’s certainly not the reason they divorced but concerning that specific point of what is worse for children I do think it makes a difference.

        I respect your point. It is not fair that she would get all the “fire” for this or even more blame. He is the most responsible and biggest douche-clichĂŠ in this story. I just disagree about her being without any blame specially concerning that she was there to look for the best for those children and she did the opposite. Oh well…hollywood

      • Kitten says:

        Kiddo I said nothing about the reasons behind Mel Gibson’s public fall-out nor was I comparing him to Affleck. My comment was very simple in point and context: how the public perceives a celebrity can make or break a career, that’s all. Why you decided to extrapolate beyond that, I don’t know.

        Yes I agree that our situations are not the same. Ben was separated, and the man who pursued me was still very much married. He was a charismatic and flirtatious guy, attractive and wealthy so I suppose they had that in common. But I wouldn’t have no matter what. Besides the obvious problem with him being married with kids and me being in a relationship, I would never shit where I eat. I’m not that stupid.

        We can agree to disagree about the nanny. I knew right from wrong at 25. There is no doubt in my mind that she does too. No one forced her to have an affair with Affleck. I get so exhausted with the automatic assumption that women are victims. Both were wrong. They both betrayed Jen on some level. If this story is true, Jen is the victim, not the nanny.

      • Wren says:

        I can’t speak for anyone else but my problem was with the “shameless hussy” narrative and variations on that theme, when in fact she’s probably just dumb.

        Knowing right from wrong is very different than being able to act on that knowledge and separate your emotions from the situation. And when you can’t or won’t do that you end up with all kind of twisted logic scenarios that people do all. the. freaking. time.

      • Kiddo says:

        Kitten, I’m glad we’re still friends, I didn’t intend to get you all riled and dredge up bad memories. I don’t consider this woman a victim, but I don’t consider her a pariah. Affleck was very much the person with the most authority to put an end to the situation (before it started or after), as he could have let her go. Your boss let you go from a job without nary consideration, but for the opposite reason. That shows you the power differential right there. In any case, they both had bad judgement: he for not taking into account the impact on his family (the proximity and intimacy of her position to his children) and that she might be attention hungry aside from her attraction, and she, for thinking it was a good idea to go with the flow, but sometimes people believe in fantasies of happy endings that never happen. So like Wren said, Dumb and dumber.

      • Nina says:

        Yeah but she certainly doesn’t look like she’s devastated. The pics show that shes loving and living off the paps and attention. I have no sympathy for her. If she thought this fling could go somewhere, she deserves the smack of reality that was her firing.

      • Queenbee says:

        Kitten- just curious….why did you go out for after work drinks with him in the first place?

    • Zwella Ingrid says:

      As someone who has been cheated on, I can tell you that the root of the hurt is pride. It just makes you so stinking mad that you have been duped, or made a fool of. I can kind of guarantee that is what Jennifer is feeling now.

    • lisa says:

      1. There is something weird about the “nanny” service. She has a communications degree, not an education degree or nursing. She doesn’t have much experience with children. Why would the service even put her on their roster? 2. Why didn’t the Afflecks choose an older nanny who has some experience? Or is it more important for Hollywood types to be surrounded with beautiful thin people all the time? 3. Where the hell did this girl get a Birkin bag? She has barely worked. 4. Why didn’t they have her sign a Non Disclosure Agreement? (Would have legally kept her from blabbing to her friends)

      • Crumpet says:

        I don’t find it fishy. Maybe she was looking for an easy way to earn good money. Maybe she couldn’t find anything within her chosen profession at the time and this was stop-gap.

      • LexieW says:

        agreed, I also thought it was odd. To be her age and to work for such a high profile family, she should have been very carefully vetted. She should have had at least a Bachelor’s degree in child development or education or at least psychology. She should have been required to sign an NDA before even meeting with Jen and Ben.

        These are all standard things when you work for high profile people.

        Maybe Ben and Jen didn’t feel like spending the money on a highly qualified nanny and went the cheap route instead?

    • holly hobby says:

      Coming to a cable channel near you, Octomom vs. Christine I bone my employers. That’s the kind of career this loser will have.

  3. loislane says:

    Either she is a dang foul or as the pap walk is showing, her plan all along was to be famous famous.

    • OhDear says:

      Yeah, I wonder if she’ll try to parlay this into a reality TV or some other D-list celebrity career.

      • MrsBPitt says:

        She’ll probably be on Dancing With The Stars next season!

      • Gigi says:

        Celebrity Big Brother UK awaits. No past is too sketchy for Big Brother, trust me.

      • WinnieCoopersMom says:

        She’ll go on The Bachelor, or E! will pick up a show about her and her twin sister (who is also a helper to the stars in LA, via the People article about her).

      • holly hobby says:

        She’ll get in a wrestling match with octomom or the cover of Playboy.

    • Christin says:

      And they upped the ‘value’ (using the term loosely) of her story by making their split so public for WEEKS, including those Bahamas photos. And nanny just bided her time…

      I am only team kids on this one.

    • Talie says:

      Apparently, she called paps and already has a stylist. OMG… Ben, you dumb! If Wendy Williams wasn’t on hiatus, she could probably get her for a messy interview.

      • kcarp says:

        I am sure we will meet the nanny in about 6 months after this stint with fame lands her in rehab/sex tape territory. Her redemption tour will start on Dr. Phil.

  4. Shambles says:

    Based on the goofy grin she’s sporting in that first photo, you can tell she’s infatuated.

    You in danger, girl.

  5. MissMoody says:

    You left out the pictures where she’s waving and smiling big for the paps. The Daily Mail also seems to think she already has an assistant/stylist too. What a mess. And just as I was starting to get used to the idea of Ben as Batman.
    ETA: The Daily Mail mentions that the nanny has been photographed arriving at Ben and Jens home at night when he was the only one around and also she’s been photographed driving his Lexus. In addition there are supposedly pictures that US has of them together on July 19. Where are all these pictures?

    • alek says:

      What are u serious? She has a stylist?

      And Ben Affleck you know what? you really really suck.

      I wonder if he had a vasectomy done since no side babies have come out YET.

    • Twinkle says:

      LOL! A Stylist, and she dresses like that (photo with the brown belt)?

      I’m beginning to think ‘Stylist’ is a bit like ‘Model’ … in LA-LA land … as in everyone is one!

      Heck, I could probably say I’m a ‘Stylist’ too, because I choose my own clothes every day 🙂

      • DTX says:


        I’ve hated every single one of her outfits I’ve seen so far so I’m also LOLing at her having a “stylist”. That brown belt outfit is probably the worst though the smug look on her face tells me she thinks she’s hot sh*t it in it. I know I sound like a catty b*tch by saying this but she looks so cheap despite her designer bag & ray ban sunnies with those weird Gap jeans and cheap hairdo. I sound awful so I’ll go sit in the corner now, but mistresses (especially ones that were in a position of trust) bring out the worst in me! And for the record, I loathe the Batdouche even more! (But I still hate that Michelle Duggar-esque adoring look she’s giving him in front of his kids! Grrrr!)

      • Livealot says:

        @ twinkle – I giggled so hard at your comment especially since I live in la la land.

  6. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Well, she got what she wanted out of the relationship. Smart, Ben.

    • Kiddo says:

      She looks like Brit Brit.

      • Shambles says:

        You leave my sparkling dutchess of Doritos and UGG boots out of this, you monster.

      • Hawkeye says:

        @Kiddo and Shambles: weren’t Ben and Brit Brit at one time having a fling?

      • Liberty says:

        @Hawkeye, I was just thinking about that — wasn’t the story that is was her (alleged) fling with Affleck that broke Timberlake’s heart? Or am I dreaming that?

      • Shambles says:

        I missed that bit of gossip. Brit Brit, nooooo

      • MonicaQ says:

        @Liberty Rumor has it that’s what “Cry me a river” is about.

      • Miller621 says:

        @MonicaQ I thought she was cheating with Fred Durst. I recall something with him (probably on MTV) a behind the music or making of the video type show and he said on camera that she was boarding a private plan to see Justin on tour to work it out and Fred either called or stopped her before she took off and Brit went with Fred instead. Am I the only one that recalls that? Also while on the subject I always thought JT cheated too I always thought they hit a rough patch both cheating but than JT did cry me a river and got sympathy like she cheating on him and ruined it.

      • Andrea says:

        I always thought she had a fling with Fred Durst too. Crazy.

      • Tifygodess24 says:

        Ladies , ladies – lol , the real story is Britney supposedly cheated on Justin with their choreographer Wade Robson. The same guy who is now (or was) suing Micheal Jacksons estate for molestation. Wade was very sought after and close friends with Britney and Justin and worked on Nsync and Britney’s tours. Justin found out about it and they broke up. This was huge gossip back when it happened. The whole Fred Durst and Affleck thing was afterwards. I’m ashamed to know this but hey I was a teen and the same age as all these stars so there was and still is my appeal. Lol

      • Bridget says:

        Tify is right! It was Wade.

  7. Shelley says:

    This nanny is a bottom feeder. And dumb. Let’s be honest…she isn’t really his type. She was just convenient.

  8. Sugar says:

    She should look in the mirror and realize Ben was just using her. She’s a cute girl, but not his type. He seems to only have relationships with famous women, anyway.

    • OhDear says:

      It looks more and more that they were using each other for their own purposes.

      This story gets more and more cliched as each “revelation” comes out.

      On another note, you’d think Affleck and Garner would have their employees sign a non-disclosure agreement.

      • Gigi says:

        Said NDA would probably not contain clauses about keeping mouth shut when husband hits on you or you sleep with him. Besides, his suing her would not only have the Streisand effect but it would win her sympathy and even worse force him into a deposition where God knows what else would be revealed. Plus she can also always frame this as a work place harassment story, seriously dont sleep with your staff people.

    • Pinky says:

      Um…we’re ALL Ben’s type!

    • Isabelle says:

      TBH don’t think she is even really that cute. Average at best.

  9. emmyb1608 says:

    She looks a little like Keira Knightley in the first picture.

  10. Jegede says:

    I called it that the nanny was the ‘source’ and ‘insider’.

    The staged shots and narrative are a copy of Rebecca Loos when she was, ahem, leaked by ‘sources’ to be banging Beckham here in Blighty papers.

    My guess is if Affleck pushes her, the nanny has incriminating texts messages stashed away, ready for ‘insiders’ and ‘sources’ to leak, at a convenient time.

    Though I can’t figure out what her end game is.

    • jinni says:

      I am so here for her dropping those receipts.

    • Luca76 says:

      Yes it makes sense. Also interesting that right after the Bahamas vacation some biting articles came out from Jen’s insiders about how she sacrificed her career for him.

    • Boston Green Eyes says:

      Endgame? Her own reality show. Or, at the very least, a spin on The Batchelorette.

      • Jegede says:

        Yes but stuff like that is short term at best.
        15 minutes of fame is not worth the paper its printed on.

        Even Rebecca Loos tried to have a career, but hightailed it when the public had no use or liking for her without the Beckahma link.

        And the stench of infamy is not going to endear Ouozonian to a position of trust ever again.

        Mistep by Ken Sushine.
        Maybe she was asking for too much money for her silence.

      • Liberty says:

        Well, now she is “known” and has 15 minutes to climb aboard some other project or golden ticket or studio job. Maybe getting INTO the game was her endgame….and she’d have a little assistant job in a studio right now if she had played by the Hollywood silence rules?

      • Queenbee says:

        Good call! Don’t forget the cash payout to make the texts disappear. Glad to know the nanny’s focus was on Ben not the kids. Next time Jennifer should know better. Hire two nannies. One for the kids and one for Ben. He needs one more than the kids anyway.

      • boredblond says:

        Ha! The Bachelor/Bachelorette scenario popped into my head too..She may be shopping for a pr team now.

      • Gigi says:

        I think the lady that Daily Mail is claiming is her PA or her stylist is actually her publicist.

    • Abbott says:

      Reminds me of Gone Girl when Tanner Bolt told Nick the mistresses always talk…

      • Liberty says:


      • Nicolette says:

        Yes! Even more so when it’s revealed Amy is still alive and she goes on about how she was once “cool girl” and that now her husband has found himself a younger hotter cool girl. Immediately came to mind upon hearing about this.

      • Tifygodess says:

        In the movies and real life the mistresses always talk. Let’s be real if they are low enough to sleep with another woman’s husband they are certaintly low enough to talk about. Last I knew there wasn’t a shortage of single men out there so no need to be chasing after the taken ones. Plain and simple they are both gross.

    • MonicaQ says:

      Same as Tiger Woods’ main side piece–that spot on Extra, on E!, hopefully a reality show.

    • laura in LA says:

      Yes, and I also called it yesterday that this nanny is part of Jen’s PR and being paid by them.

      The dead giveaway? The nanny was wearing almost the exact same outfit as Jen was only the night before. How could the nanny have known this, unless they’re being given clothes by the same stylist?

      It seems like they’re taking a page from the Tori&Dean “Emily Goodhand” playbook, just taking it one step further by putting the nanny out there.

      This divorce is just so dirty and disgusting, and it’s not for the reasons we all thought – I’m calling BS on all of this.

      (There, I said it.)

    • Bridget says:

      I think she was hoping to be his new official girlfriend and is pissed and going for whatever she can get now.

  11. Moody Blue says:

    We don’t know if her lust was reciprocated, but I feel like on her end even the fact that she “fell in love” with him is lower than low. I mean while she’s trusted in their home to bond with the parents and kids. I have zero respect or sympathy for her. She better never meet Jen in a dark alley!

  12. NewWester says:

    Ben may be having a fling with the nanny, but the nanny may look like a fool soon. I just feel that Ben is seeing someone in Hollywood who is very high profile and wants a ” no strings attached” relationship. I am thinking someone married or newly divorced. It will be shocking once it comes out

    • Ana says:

      I am thinking it would happen soon. No more holding back. They were holding back because of Jennifer and the kids but since the nanny was bold enough to open Ben’s can of worms I think it is just a matter of time.

    • beanie says:

      NewWester – Any concrete evidence for this ‘feeling’ you have?

  13. Ronda says:

    Wow now that People Mag is doing it its getting a lot heavier. People is super celeb friendly, they usually shy away from such stuff. maybe they have a deal with Garner. im sure the Nanny wants the spotlight and is feeding the papers too, but i dont think People Mag would piss off Garner and Affleck if not at least one of them agreed with them to publish it. They wouldnt just print the Nanny story if they knew it would cut them off both.

    • MissMoody says:

      I think People is trying to be careful not to upset Affleck and Garner but this is a big story. And US broke it. So People now has to play catch up. They can’t not report on this story when there are photos and “friends” willing to talk. I think People wanting the divorce exclusive so bad ended up hurting them. They pretended there was no truth to the divorce rumours while US was spilling the actual dirt and now US broke another major story before they did. Basically it’s 2 for US and nil for People right now. These tabloid wars are the most interesting angle of this story for me lol

      • OrigialTessa says:

        Yeah. There’s no time like the present, and Ben is going to be giving gossip rags material for a looong time it seems. It’s not beneficial for them to play nice. He’s done this to himself.

      • MonicaQ says:

        People has been awful lately. First with the Duggars and now this.

    • Gigi says:

      People just cant afford to play silent on this one. Even the promise of a post divorce exclusive interview cant compensate for lost traffic and credibility for ignoring this story as it plays out everywhere else.

  14. jeebus says:

    Stupid is as stupid does

  15. Margareth says:

    Of course he dumped her after she fell in love with him. She’s average looking, just good enough for a rebound girl, but not good enough to be the official girlfriend of a Hollywood A-lister, particularly a narcissistic one like Affleck. I imagine the next girlfriend will be a 25 yo stunning starlet or model, Affleck’s ego can’t take anything less than that.

    • Jess says:

      This is awful. How could she be so brazen and do this? The affair, the preening to the press about the affair. Ugh. Affleck is a dog, yes, but she is SO bold.

    • kai says:

      He deserves to be exposed, though, as far as I’m concerned. To take her on that vacation??? What an A-HOLE. Capital letters. Of course, their poor kids don’t deserve any of this.

      • Gigi says:

        Exactly. Banging nanny during the vacation intended for the kids welfare because their world is falling apart – way to betray your own children Ben.

    • Don't kill me I'm French says:

      She is above all in love of the spotlight

    • Redd says:

      Yeah, Affleck is going to be one of those guys like Leo that dates young women who are beautiful, forever. Eventually his daughters will grow up and be grossed out that Dad’s girlfriends are their age.

      Garner, meanwhile, will get married again in a year or two to a stable but wealthy guy.

      • Christin says:

        …or she’ll marry an ex beau. Wonder where recently divorced MV is?

      • Trashaddict says:

        No, no, no. There is a perfect solution to this:
        Jen: “Oh honey, I know, I know, the marriage was going nowhere. I can see you were so unhappy…”
        Ben: “Really, babe?”
        Jen: “Of course! You’ve found somebody who can rejuvenate you! She’s young and attractive, she’ll have a lot of energy for the kids — I know you’ll both take great care of them!”
        Ben: “Whah—-”
        Jen: “Gotta go, honey! Got a date! Kiss, kiss-“

    • WinnieCoopersMom says:

      Margot Robbie..or someone like that for sure.

  16. jinni says:

    Well, she thought she would upgrade from side chick to main chick and that obviously isn’t happening, so now she’s making sure he knows ” [she] is not going be ignored, [Ben]”. He needs to get this under control because now that everyone can smell blood in the water the sharks are going to come out and people will see that it is open season on him and spill all the gossip on him.

    • PennyLane says:

      I would be curious to know what the physical attractiveness level was of their previous nannies over the years. Were they always this pretty?

      I’m still thinking that Jennifer Garner hired this woman on purpose, knowing what would happen and that she would get lots of sympathy during the public fallout.

      However, if the nanny honestly thought that this fling of convenience was a real, serious, relationship and now she’s surprised and angry that it’s over…well, bless her heart.

      • jinni says:

        When a person is self-destructive like Ben one doesn’t need to set them up, because they are always naturally inclined to find something that will screw them over eventually. So, I don’t think Garner hired this woman to set him up. Besides, even if Garner did hire her thinking he would mess with her, that doesn’t change that Ben is a grown man with control over his own personal choices. He could have fired the nanny if he really thought she’d be a threat to his fidelity and do everything possible to remove anything that would tempt him to be unfaithful. Because no matter what other people do it is still within our own power how we choose to deal with/ react to a situation. He could have made a different choice than the one he ultimately chose. So this nanny mess is still his own fault.

      • Liberty says:

        Honestly, both here and in the UK, I’ve known more than a few smart and savvy young women (and guy) with degrees who, due to the crap job market, decided to move to LA or NYC or Chelsea to nanny, make good money plus housing, nd hope for employers to offer connections into a “real” higher tier exec job.

        You need money and rent, they reasoned — you can have two waitressing jobs and share a closet with four friends and live ignored at the bottom, or you can just slide right into the upper-end mix of people, live well, make $$, go on trips, have a nice car and maybe even your own nanny cottage or flat, and hopefully work the angles and get lucky. A good way to go if you have NO connections in your chosen field, or want to interview from a better address., or frankly are just want to jump into the top world and w/o working up into it the traditional way. These were tough, focused women and one guy, and it worked out well for all of them.

        So, for this reason alone, I do not really think this nanny is some little Heidi off the farm who fell helplessly in love by coincidence.

  17. Mia4S says:

    Well this would all indicate she’s either a famewhore or a bunny-boiler. Perhaps an aspiring model/”actress”? Either way, big trouble Affleck! He’s dumber than I thought.

  18. rosie says:

    There are new pictures of her arriving at his house for a booty call in this weeks US Weekly. Who does he think he’s fooling?

  19. jen2 says:

    Woman scorned!! He seems (still only sources) to have no idea of discretion, and he is in big trouble since she went to People with the story, not some tacky Star or Out of it is tabloidy without being in a real “tabloid”. Probably got fired by Garner and she is getting back at him and next week will be on the cover of some mag with photo evidence (and a big paycheck). People seems to be giving the views of both women.. Jen was “livid” when she found out; the side piece was “in love” (since it is women that read these things) and Ben is being royally screwed (probably because he deserves it) by both. Guess Fincher was right about Affleck and his wife should have been suspicious.

    Hopefully she won’t make the talk show rounds, that would be disgusting. This is just a big old mess (sorry for the children).

    • Becks says:

      Why, what did David Fincher say about Affleck?

      • kri says:

        Becks-go read the excerpt of the interview David Fincher gave about Ben playing Nick Dunne. My god, I honestly think at this point that Fincher basically outed him to everyone with those remarks. I bet he found Affleck unbearable.

      • jen2 says:

        I a not a fan of lainey, but here is the article.

        But, the damming passages to me are:

        “This is something that Ben is extraordinarily good at, when he has to cook up a phone conversation, when has to hear somebody on the other end of the phone. It’s kinda stunning how …

        if I was his wife, I think I would be very suspicious always of whoever just called.”

        “(In these scenes) He has to do these things in the foreground where he takes out his phone and looks at it and he puts it away so his sister doesn’t see it. There are people who do that and it’s too pointed. But Ben is very very subtle and there’s a kind of indirectness to the way he can do those things.

        Probably because he’s so duplicitous.”


      • Zwella Ingrid says:

        And this totally explains why I hated his character in that movie so much! He was playing himself!

    • chaine says:

      yep, that’s my supposition… if “friends” have seen pictures of her sitting on his lap and kissing him, she’s probably shopping the photos to the highest bidder as we speak.

  20. Alice says:

    Does she have a stained blue dress? Or stained blue jeans? Let’s see ’em, girl.

  21. anoninga says:

    I dont think she really fell in love with him. Garner has her angle…doting mom, affleck had his…a man with serious issues but still devoted to his family. This nanny is savvy…her angle for sympathy is…but I fell in love with him. Don’t yell at me for this, but while I think Affleck was wrong wrong wrong…I think the nanny played him.

    • kai says:

      Yeah, but I wonder how many “flings” he got away with.

      • Lauren II says:

        Remember when Ben was seen in Nova Scotia, Canada April 17 – pumping gas into his rental car– and missed Jen’s birthday? Who was he meeting there?

        I am sure Ben was meeting someone else-not the nanny. Ben has been cheating for years – why is everyone acting so shocked?

        Ben is a big player in Hollywood. All his buddies will read this crap and go Pffffftt.

        Jen knew Ben was/is a horndog . Strippers, gambling, drinking, possible drug use rumours. Ben is a lot like his Dad – just more successful.
        I feel badly for their beautiful children. No wonder Violet looks morose and serious -she has absorbed an abundance of stress watching her parents marriage die these past few years.

  22. Tippipippi says:

    Print the pictures from the daily mail where she is all dolled up, proudly strutting and waving excitedly to the paps. She is either a deranged stalker who was fired for an obsession with him or he was idiotic enough to tap that and now he doesn’t want to touch her anymore she’s selling her story and planning to become a ‘celebrity’ on the back of this.

    If he did have a relationship with her, separated or not, how disgusting to do that with someone in a position of trust with your soon to be ex wife and children, that is every shade of despicable.

    If she’s a lying nutjob, taking advantage of their divorce and his philandering reputation to promote herself in an attempt to become famous (infamous?), then I hope the truth comes out.

    I could be wrong but I think he’s got a woman on the side that he’s truly in love with, not the nanny!!! An intelligent, successful, beautiful woman like all his exes. Ben doesn’t seem to have a physical type but his exes all share similar characteristics; good work ethic, smart, ambitious, successful and competent. I don’t see him changing type in that regard whether he’s found her yet or not. Bet he’s cringing and furious at this famewhore.

    • Jayna says:

      Great post. I agree.

    • Liberty says:

      Az Communications major, gets LA job as nanny and is now waving happily? Here comes the next Nanny Diaries=meets-Shopaholic screenplay to be shopped around.

      • WinnieCoopersMom says:

        Know your audience. What publisher would put out a piece of Chick Lit where the hubby cheats with the nanny on the sweet wife? No one wants to read that story.

    • Twinkle says:

      I don’t like the way The Daily Mail constantly make snobby-sounding comments about how much someone’s house is valued at or, in this case, how much the Nanny’s shoes cost. Who cares?! She was probably earning at least $100k working for them; she can no doubt afford it. It’s a wonder they didn’t mention her handbag which, on first glance I thought might be a Hermes Kelly but I don’t think they come with a longer strap (approximate starting cost around $10k).

      The skirt the Nanny has on in that article is awful – the wonky hemline makes it appear as if she’s managed to get some of it tucked up and tangled in her knickers!

      Jennifer’s friend looks familiar … does anyone know who she is?

      Re your final paragraph – several gossip columns have speculated on Blake Lively, Margot Robbie (nope; not buying it) and Emily Ratajowskiorwhateverhernameis.

    • Don't kill me I'm French says:


    • Kitten says:

      + whatever number. I agree.

    • MrsBPitt says:

      I agree that Ben wouldn’t want a RELATIONSHIP with the nanny…but I can see him just banging her for the hell of it, and the nanny thinking that she is in love and this is going somewhere….if it’s true….he is a fool! All of this mess for a quick, unimportant fling….

    • I Choose Me says:

      Nodding in agreement.

  23. MrsBPitt says:

    This sounds like the movie Fatal Attraction! ” I won’t be ignored, Ben” If the nanny has pics of herself sitting on Ben’s lap and them kissing, then he is the stupidest man on the planet!!! However, if she does have those pics, why hasn’t she sold them yet? Let’s face it, she would get tons of money for them!!!! It is suspicious, if Jen just fired her,though!!! But, if Ben knows that there is proof of the affair, he would be better off coming clean, instead of all these denials, because, when the proof comes out he will look like an even bigger douche! I don’t know what to think….After Brad, Ben is my go-to Hollywood boyfriend….If this story is PROVES to be true, I’m going to have to dump him!!! lol

    • jinni says:

      She maybe holding back on the pictures in order to scare him into giving her a large sum of hush money (more than she could get from selling them to the tabs) and putting these threats out there in order to let him know just how serious she is about releasing them.

    • Pinky says:

      Ben Affleck’s is poison these days. Women and men (I’m looking at you, Henry Louis Gates), stay away! That guy denies all facts, all the time. It’s like, whatever he says, believe the opposite.

    • Christin says:

      The alleged sitting in lap photo reminds me of the scene in GG where the syrupy sounding blonde sweet talks Nick to pose with her. Then he suddenly realizes the photo could be problematic.

  24. frivolity says:

    So lovely to capitalize on the other people’s family issues, but then again, capitalizing on everything and anything is the name of the game in Hollywood. This girl has learned well. Let’s hope this opportunistic tramp’s 15 minutes are over in 3….2….

    It is clear that Ben’s rep is parsing his words very carefully, so I suspect that the affair is true. Wasn’t so sure yesterday.

    Meanwhile, I think the big lesson here, as if we didn’t know already (!), is that celebrities are not what they appear to be. Their images are carefully crafted by PR machines. Nothing out of their mouths is to be believed at face value.

    • MissMoody says:

      I’ve been up for way too long so basically I’m
      an expert right now lol but I saw a denial from Ben’s rep on either Gawker or Jezebel. Anyway he described Ben as “super friendly,” as in he’s just a nice guy and that gets interpreted by women the wrong way. I’m side eyeing that one hard

  25. tracking says:

    He took her to a charity thing in Vegas without the kids and wants us to believe they were just friends? He really is a self-destructive moron. Could she be any more basic?

    • Sumodo1 says:

      Thank you! And, I’ll bet the studio is livid at this f*ckhead for ruining Batman/Superman’s projected box office.

      • WinnieCoopersMom says:

        At this point, if she gets a reality show, she would get more viewers on that than he will receive for Batman…she could become a bigger draw. HAHAHAHA

  26. CidySmiley says:

    She’s obviously the “mastermind” here – though I use that word lightly – he wouldn’t want this getting out. They probably had a fling before she was let go and she thought she would be upgraded as the new model. And that didn’t happen. The whole story about her creeps me out, mostly because you can tell she’s trying to make something of it and Ben is just trying to get a clean divorce. Pictures of her coming late and driving his car are not suspicious to me, everyone thought Aaron Taylor-Johnson was having an affair with his nanny but she was just a full time nanny (who had to drive his car and put his kids to bed.) Celebs oftentimes have live-in nannies. I think Ben’s personality is gross, but I don’t think he would continue a relationship with her. He’s more of the fling type. He better watch out or one of these flings are going to share some nudes of him or something and then his back is really against the wall.

    • aga says:

      So Ben thought that he would have some short fling with her and no-one knew about it because his family image is the most important thing for him. And of course people blame and criticize this woman.

      • CidySmiley says:

        They both are being blamed and criticized, as they should. Both of them thought it would be cool to sneak around and they both got all turned around at the end and now she’s coming back for her two cents.

      • sills says:

        Ben’s getting raked over the coals for this, “pig,” “dog,” “scumbag,” etc… And really, what this chick did was abhorrent, boning your married boss whose kids you’ve bonded with in their own home? And now she’s looking for a payday on top of it? Why is it so hard for some people to accept that even women (*gasp*) can be manipulative a$$holes?

      • Gigi says:

        I agree. Even before we had a face to the “other woman”, some people were definitely trying to apportion the blame to Jen. The logic goes something like “but Ben is just a damaged baby, everyone knows he has issues. its that witches fault for trapping the poor puppy with her self fertilising uterus”. Now that this woman has surfaced , there is yet another place to share out the blame and lessen the load from the man who actually betrayed his family. She is surely an opportunist but Ben is still the architect of this mess. Honestly, if it werent for Jen and the kids, I would be extra gleeful at her coming forward because a dbag was finally out played.

  27. Talie says:

    Who hires a 20-something yr old nanny in Bev Hills?!! Of course, she would be seeking fame and fortune…

    • Gigi says:

      Everyone. Have you seen Brad Pitts Personal Assistant? Theres a whole site dedicated to the male/female hotties who work for the stars. Also fact is that in Beverly Hills, this woman is just barely above a 5 anyway. I dont want to attack her appearance but think about the surgically enhanced models and actress types you would find oscillating around Hollywood royalty.

  28. SG says:

    talk about life imitating art! it’s nick dunne and his side piece.

  29. CidySmiley says:

    Question though, why do celebs need Nanny’ when they’re home? I can understand on a job. But in those wee months in-between why… do they need a nanny still? It’s an honest question cause I can’t figure out for the life of me. I mean I guess it would be nice for some help but you don’t NEED it and I certainly wouldn’t pay for it.

    • Huh says:

      This I don’t get. If you have a baby or kid, just one, especially if they are fussy or ill themselves, even if you SAH you can’t do things like go to your own doctor’s appointments, work or volunteer PT or do any number of things without dragging around a child. Day-time care for a child is generally done by a nanny, PT or FT. They have 3 kids. If family isn’t around and healthy to help, of course other hands need to be on deck.

      • CidySmiley says:

        But I still don’t really get it, in some of these pics either Ben or Jen is with her, and in one both are. Why do all three of you need to be there!? I can wrangle two boys on my own on a regular basis and they need THREE people!? It’s silly.

      • Gigi says:

        1) Other commitments. One or both of the parents may have met the kids at some venue rather than leave home together or they may be heading to different places after family time is done.
        2) Stranger Danger. The nanny brings a third pair of eyes to watch the kids. Children who grow up surrounded by paps are probably less wary of strangers, also those kids are far bigger targets than yours are.
        3) Buffer. Estranged couple may still have drama and having outsider close by mutes it.
        4) Errands. If they were out on household errands, nanny could be useful for identifying what kids need and helping carry stuff around.
        5) Live-in staff is family. Nanny is a critical caretaker and therefore treated as part of family, especially if she is live-in.
        6) One off. Maybe this was just a one off inclusion for a very specific reason.

    • Boston Green Eyes says:

      What? How can you not understand? These poor, hardworking celebrities need A LOT of help when, well…breathing!!! 🙂

    • cass says:

      When they’re not working they need to do “errand” like spa visits, trips to the gym and lunches out with friends. Kids would only get in the way – unless it’s a pre-arranged pap stroll, right Jen?

      • WinnieCoopersMom says:

        This. I was a live-in nanny for a super wealthy family. The mom didnt work a job but stayed gone to “appointments,” (cool sculpting, charity lunches, her nutritionist, Sotheby’s, etc.) shopping, or one of their other homes to do “work” there. It sounds mysterious but it’s really boring.

    • Illyra says:

      I’ve always wondered this too. I guess they can afford to be lazy…

    • notasugarhere says:

      I think they wouldn’t be successful just hiring “babysitters” instead of nannies. Think all the NDAs that would have to be signed, your kids being with a new care giver every day, etc.

      You hire them full-time, pay them full-time, and they are on-call whenever you need them.

    • grumpy bird says:

      It may not be a need to have but it is nice to have. If you had as much money as Ben and Jen would you not consider paying to have a little help?

      I’m a nanny and I’ve worked for SAH parents before. I’m there to provide cover when the parents can’t be in the home and provide an extra set of hands when they are. Yes, you can run errands, attend appointments or go to the gym with kids but it’s easier without them (and more fun for the kids to stay home and play or go the park). It also allows the parent to have more one on one time or to take kids to parent and tot classes. (I did have one parent who slept in late every day and then spent the entire day shopping.)

      As for the months that the parents are not working what would you suggest they do with the nanny? They could give her the time off paid, in which case they’re still paying her salary. Or they could give her the time off unpaid, in which case she’d have to find another job and may not be available the next time they need a nanny. It’s good for the kids to have consistency and not have to constantly adjust to different caregivers.

  30. Fa says:

    Was Garners stupid to hire an attractive nanny?

    • Ronda says:

      She was stupid marrying this guy. But karma came back to her, she always traded up in her love life. People often forget how determined Garner was to climb the social ladder through marriages and relationships and there were always overlaps in her relationships.

    • Twinkle says:

      She should’ve got a really hot male nanny like Jessie in Devious Maids (although he was a Maid, you get my drift) …

    • MonicaQ says:

      The Terminator proved that your nanny can look like a foot and you still will cheat.

      • Don't kill me I'm French says:

        For Terminator It was not a nanny .It was their domestic worker

      • Livealot says:

        @monicaq – lol. That is so wrong but true. I think what happened to Maria Shriver is worse than this (not lessening jens pain). Imagine walking around your home and see a kid that’s not yours look EXACTLY like your husband.

    • jinni says:

      As, if hiring an ugly nanny means anything. Just remember Arnold Schwarznegger’s nanny/lover/babymama.

    • vauvert says:

      Left a long comment yesterday about this. First off, if your husband is a wandering jerk, what are you going to do, particularly in a town like HW, full of ready, willing, eager, pretty 20-somethings everywhere? If not the nanny, all he has to do is step into a bar, a dentist’s office, a restaurant, or the bowling alley. Bam – wannabe actress/model pretty girl, and many of them would be thrill dot get involved with a famous, rich actor/director, wether he was married or not, handsome or not. They see it as an opportunity, end of story.

      Second, having ran a nanny placing agency, the vast majority of FT nannies who work for wealthy families fit this profile – in their mid twenties, university degree, active, and often attractive. I guess if you tried really hard you can find an ugly nanny, but most families/moms hiring nannies are not considering an averagely pretty face a reason to not hire. That would be silly.

  31. Jayna says:

    I didn’t realize women in love set up papped photo walks and sell their sordid story to the highest bidder, you know, that beautiful love story of banging the boss under the sweet wife’s nose, whom you work for too, and making sure to get photographic evidence of your visit to his rental house to prove it. Ben was used. He thought he was doing the using, a nice little fling during the demise of his marriage. Wrong, Ben. This sweet nanny, whom you thought adored you, is a fame-ho in the sense of a Tiger Woods’ cocktail waitress rushing out to cash in on their 15 minutes of fame.

    Ben, Ben. When will you learn? Stick to your co-stars in movies who don’t want their business out there either. Just a thought.

    • aga says:

      She only shows Ben true face, I like it for it. Of course any actress who had a fling with Ben before wasn’t going to sell her story to tabloids.

    • lisa2 says:

      I saw an article calling her “stunning”..

      She is not ugly..but why do people use adjectives like this when they don’t apply. Everyone is not stunning.

      • jinni says:

        Tabloids do tend to throw around the words “stunning” and “bombshell” a little too liberally. And when I see the people they are using these words to describe, I always end up feeling like Inigo Montoya.

      • Kitten says:

        Agreed. She’s pretty for sure, but not “stunning”. I still think she’s a bit too pretty for a nanny, though…

  32. lisa2 says:

    Goodness.. I just read the People article. Sounds like what happened in Gone Girl..(the meeting up)

    I don’t know. The denials keep saying that Ben and Jennifer were separated for months; so there was no cheating. SMH.. I just don’t know. Maybe this is why Ben has been looking the way he has. and it is interesting that she has not issued any denial. She is being accused of something. I say that because she is not a celebrity. Her name and face is all over the internet and the world. For someone that is happening to, she seem quite fine and and not upset. She seems to like the attention she is getting.

    • als says:

      So he rebounded with the nanny while he was separated from his wife? It may not be cheating but it is disgusting. Is that better or worse than cheating?

      • Kitten says:

        I didn’t read any of what you’re inferring here in Lisa’s comment at all. Her point was that if they were separated, it was technically not cheating. Doesn’t make it less tacky.

      • lisa2 says:

        You miss understood my point; that wasn’t what I meant. I was saying that “they were separated at the time” is the tagline on the denial stories coming from his side. They keep referencing the separation; and have done so since the announcement first came out.

    • Don't kill me I'm French says:

      She is a famewhore who leaked the story .Affleck is only her ticket for her 15 min of fame

      • Kitten says:

        Yeah so far I’m having trouble seeing her as anything less than that. She seems really thirsty and gross.

      • Jayna says:

        @Kitten, I agree. It’s so gross the way she’s mugging for the cameras like she’s some star.

  33. als says:

    So they kept their shit so tight until it exploded in their faces. I am actually surprised. I thought controlling a high profile divorce meant handling the third parties first and foremost. When they said in the press there was no cheating i thought it was BS. Apparently they believed their own BS.

  34. Twinkle says:

    She’s probably in love with his fame and wallet more than him … I mean, look at him … he’s a mess! And he apparently has zilch personality and morals, so what is there to love?

    She looks quite different in the two photos where she’s wearing jeans … in the top one she’s quite a bit heavier; in the bottom one she’s slimmed down and has less of an innocent look.

    A couple of other sites have sworn that he’s back with Blake Lively … time will tell as to whether that’s true, I guess …

    Little Samuel is just the cutest – what a blondie he is! 🙂

    • Don't kill me I'm French says:

      Little Samuel looks like Matt Damon

      • Savannah says:

        I know!! I’m convinced it IS Matt Damon’s son. People say Jen Garner is no angel.

      • Becks says:

        Yes, I also see Matt Damon’s squinched up face in Samuel.

      • lisa2 says:

        That would mean that Matt is no Angel either. Plus her being his best friends wife..

        Samuel looks like a complete mesh of them both. Even tho he does look like Matt too.

    • kai says:

      Blake Lively?? She would have to be phenomenally stupid. I don’t think she is.

    • Jayna says:

      Samuel is just a little doll. And I agree with others, he looks like a little Matt Damon, Jr. LOL Matt must look at him and think that’s the son I never had. But his children all come out looking more like Lucy anyway, so a son probably would have been the same.

  35. Rainbow says:

    Out of topic, but the nanny is wearing flip flops and the girls ugg boots. Is it cold or hot? Images like this confuse me lol

  36. Juluho says:

    I don’t know anything about ‘trial separation’ except for when Ross and Rachel went on a break, so this may sound stupid but if you’re still married isn’t it cheating?

  37. lisa2 says:

    Obviously these stories of Ben being this massive cheater for years seem to be wrong. I mean if he was then he was much less sloppy all those times. Because if there were many many women he must have been very smart. Then all of a sudden he gets this dumb and lets some girl fall in love not knowing the game.. OR that he lets her take pictures of him supposedly kissing her. NOT to mention allowing her to be photographed entering his home/place he was living for a supposed sex romp. I don’t get that.

    this girl seems to be very smart and she could have created all of this to make it look like something it wasn’t. As I said she doesn’t look like someone jilted.

    • I Choose Me says:

      This is what I’m thinking. So he’s been boning randoms for years and no pics, no spurned lover running to the paps with their story?

      Do I believe he may be a cheater? Yes. But why would his m.o. change so late in the game esp. for a guy who is so image conscious and all the trouble they’ve gone to with this divorce roll out?

      Nope. Something in the milk ain’t clean.

      • lheia says:

        lisa2 and I Choose Me, exactly . Something is very fishy here, could be very funny that Ben, that i believe was cheating on Jen all the time, is actually telling the true this time.

      • Neah23 says:

        I don’t think his M.O. Changed just that all it takes is one person. The one person who thought there was more to the fling then what it was not or wants payback. Look at Tiger Woods he was cheating on his ex for years and all it took was one women to blow the whole thing.

    • Luca76 says:

      Nah he’s been smart enough to screw around with either co-stars that wouldn’t go to tabs, or high class hookers/strippers that keep quiet.
      I think he’s telling the truth-this affair didn’t cause he split but once he felt single he got sloppy.

  38. Betti says:

    I have never ever gotten his appeal – he’s always come across as a douche.

    This young lady will rue the day she got involved with him – he’s an A List power player and she will be eaten alive. The only fame she will get is infamy. What kind of young woman wants to be known as the side piece for a, well known, serial cheater who only used her for sex. He cheated on all his ex’s and again its common knowledge.

    Re: the DM photos – i’ll be the woman she’s with is her mother not her assistant/stylist or it could be a PR advisor.

    • Twinkle says:

      I agree – and what’s more, she’s – ALLEGEDLY – one in a long line of many for him; it’s just due to the divorce news being so fresh that people are interested in her account. But come this time next week, it’ll be a case of, ‘who???’.

      I feel sorry for the kids – presumably they would’ve bonded with her but the chances of them being allowed to stay in contact with her now would surely be remote.

  39. QQ says:

    Kids aside and wont somebody think of the Children and so on THIS IS DELICIOUS, from the fact we’ve seen this coming 3 miles back, that we called the bandaid baby for what it was, that Garner seems to be the only one invested in staying married and is pushy about it and a certain narrative and a presenting herself as everymom to him being SUCH a cliche of an assh*le….I for one am gobbling this slow trainwreck bit bit bit, the carefully worded statements, the “we didn’t know the papas were there seeing us coparent” the ring off/ring on game, to this hostile take over by the thirsty nanny

    • GingerCrunch says:

      Yasssss, QQ! Our patience is being handsomely rewarded. And our wildest dreams are coming true. 😏

    • Christin says:

      And the cherry on top is that THEY inadvertently upped the value of her story by playing those games.

      If they had kept their split more discreet (and they could have, I believe), this would be more like, “Oh yeah, they are divorcing, aren’t they?” They could not even wait for the July holiday to announce it and then let the future gossip waves wash over it. Would have been pushed to the side within days, but they had to keep talking and walking (via PR stories and pap walks).

      • GingerCrunch says:

        Right. Makes you wonder if they’re stupid or they’re smart? Time will tell!

      • QQ says:

        YES CHRISTIN YES!! They Did This to themselves with the BS denials and Pap Strolls and coy games

      • Neah23 says:

        YES this all day everyday 👍👍👍👍🌟🌟🌟
        I think this is the reason Blake and Miranda started play nice and stop giving stokes to the media. They didn’t want this to happen to them, smart move on their part.

        @ QQ

        Don’t forget the ring games.

  40. Eleonor says:

    ” This was not one of the reasons for the breakup” translation: this was totally one of the reasons for the breakup.

  41. Kiki says:

    This is why people are so obsessed with fame and fortune. This girl obviously want to be ‘in love’ with a married celebrity for sake of being famous. This is just pathetic. Is she a golddigger? Well, yes. Is she seeking for fame attention? Definitely. And is doing this for this sake to have everyone be in love with her very existence by being ‘in love’ with Ben Affleck and jeopardize his marriage with Jennifer Garner? Well, unfortunately I will beleive that to be true. After all, it was first reported from US Weekly, so it has to be true. If that’s the case, she just sold herself so badly, and it will hit her in the face, and she probably doesn’t care, after all she wants ‘fame and fortune’. I feel sorry for all. The these celebrities who wants love and affection.

    • Luca76 says:

      Here’s the thing however much of a hanger on she is and a user Ben has been around the block long enough to discard this type . He was using her and it backfired . Ultimately he’s more at fault and no I don’t think she’s the reason that they are divorcing. I think he was just flagrant about his womanizing once he felt free to bang whoever he wanted and there are more women out there. Because he was never faithful to Jen from day one of their relationship which may have started on the set of Daredevil while she was married the expectation wasn’t faithfulness but keeping up appearances and not humiliating Jen which he has done.

      As someone said up thread this isn’t the woman he’s going to walk down the carpet with as his new girlfriend he never ever intended to do so. Celebrities see themselves as a brand.

      • Kiki says:

        I really don’t know about what has happened, I can only go for what is reported by Us weekly and everyone has said that Us weekly is true and factual magazine out there. But if she is really that naĂŻve, then she really needs to wake and smell the roses and get out of that job as soon as possible. Anyway, this is a total mess. I seriously think that celebrities should never be married, because branding and pr stunts for personal use is not going to make you happy with your life.

      • laura in LA says:

        But how do you think US Weekly got the scoop first, since that’s Jen rag, instead of any other tabloid or online gossip?

        And then People jumped on it right away with all this inane info, 5 facts we never cared to know about this woman “in love” with Ben.

        This nanny is being paid by Jen’s PR – in what’s turning out to be, IMHO, one very badly orchestrated divorce.

  42. Paloma says:

    I didn’t believe this story yesterday, but today I do. If true, Ben’s an idiot.

  43. NGBoston says:

    GM Fellow CBers:

    If you get a chance, check out yesterdays thread on this topic– my last post was in response to a few who inquired about Damon.

    Pretty good skinny.

    Have a great day everyone !

    New Girl, Boston MA

    • Tippipippi says:

      I read your post. What did Damon do that was “rude and gross” to them?

    • Zwella Ingrid says:

      Wow. NGBoston, I’m bummed to read yesterday’s post–what you wrote about Matt Damon. I guess I’m naive. I guess I have to divorce Jason Bourne now. Dammit! Are there any guys in Hollywood who are not scumbags?

    • Ms. Turtle says:

      But you didn’t give specifics about Matt Damon. Just that he cheats? Care to elaborate? Otherwsie , I’ll keep him on the pedestal he’s on in my head

      ETA: never mind, I found it.

    • Kitten says:

      Dude…I always liked Matt but I never put him on a pedestal so no huge disappointment for me there.

      The rest of it…not sure how to feel. I suppose I could see Jen and Ben agreeing that drunken one-nighters are ok, but full-blown affairs are not. Still..Jen???? IDK…Not sure I see her stepping out on Ben at all.

  44. platypus says:

    She’s really dressing it up for the paps…

  45. InvaderTak says:

    She and Jeremy Renner s ex should do a reality show together. How to get famous with the help of the dumb dogs of Hollywood. Everyone in this story just looks slimy. I don’t even feel bad for JG. She didn’t deserve to be cheated on and humiliated, but she seems to have hung on to a bad marriage for the sake of fame if some sources are to believed. Like her family and her own happiness were secondary. I can’t feel real sorry for someone like that.

    • Jayna says:

      I never get how people can make everything black and white where people and relationships are concerned, like your comment Jen hung on for fame. This was a family and a man she had deeply loved for years and invested in the relationship, and I’m sure she loved being on his arm as Ben Affleck’s wife, sure. I’m not disagreeing with that. But she had a family with this man and splitting up a family and hurting your children is heartbreaking, and knowing, as a mom, you will then lose part of your time with them, another woman would come into their lives, I get why she tried. I think the past year was the worst for them when he stopped trying and he was in movies nonstop and it completely fell apart and she had had enough.

      You just can’t distill a ten-year marriage down to she hung on for the fame as the primary reason, like it was cold and calculating. She was raised in a two-parent family, and I’m sure she wanted that for her children. And it was clear she loved Ben dearly.

      • Kitten says:


      • InvaderTak says:

        I get why she would try to save it. I guess I just have exhaustion with this story and the cynicism is creeping out. He’s a dog and this is not news. Their divorce wasn’t surprising. JG traded up in her relationships there’s no denying that, and she filed the day Acer their tenth wedding anniversary. I started to get really turned off to her during Oscar season the year BA was nominated and she seemed to be doing more press than he was. Of course I don’t know anything for sure about their relationship. This is gossip.

      • Tate says:

        Wasn’t she famous before BA?? I knew who she was before her relationship with him.

  46. JoJo says:

    This divorce is becoming a high-profile debacle and is quickly reaching Bennifer 1.0-level media attention. Ben must be disgusted, considering he worked so hard to reshape his image and credibility and leave all of that behind. I honestly think at this point, Ben and Jen just need to rip off the band aid. Stop wearing the rings, get divorced and co-parent your children.
    Period. If they would just do that, I think people would stop caring (as much) what he did before and what he does now. It seems
    common knowledge at this point that infidelities went on throughout their marriage, and their marriage has been in shambles for several years – and difficult from day one – and Jen stayed, through all of it, knowingly, and continuing to have children. I don’t know why we’re all so surprised about this (if it’s even true – questionable.) It’s all just a matter of degrees at this point – we’re not shocked about Blake, Olga, etc., but we’re shocked about the nanny. Yes, I get the “different” level of violation there, but again, it’s all just a matter of degrees at this point. If you want people to stop talking, rio off the band aid, get divorced and go on with your lives.

  47. sayeda says:

    She is not even cute just basic
    ben hasc really low standards.

  48. funcakes says:

    Hollywood men are so dumb. There are private escort services for high powered men who requires confidentiality. I’m sure these services requires the girls to sign confidentiality contracts and everything.

    Ben should she have known a random jump off is like playing Russian Roulette. Especially one so close to home.

    • kai says:

      well, he’s a known gambler, isn’t he? He probably gets off on the ‘risk’. Blergh.

      • funcakes says:

        Yeah,he wanted out. This was all very sloppy. And what’s with Jenn. Never hire someone who looks like that.

  49. Saywhatwhen says:

    My tinfoil is firmly in place this morning. What if nanny-girl may be paid by Batfleck and Jenn to take this gossip-fall in order to deflect from the bigger shitestorm that could derail both their careers. I mean look at chica strut her stuff all dolled up with dangly earrings for a pap close-up. Balls on her! She has to be mega dumb to think this is about her 15 minutes turning into a exec. wifey spot or a small part on a sitcom. Nanny-girls can be dumb but let me tell you some are savvy enough to know not to boff a big name star with a big name wife who can take away your meal prospects. Jenny likes to scheme so… she and nanny-girl and Batfleck maybe spinning us a merry tale.

    Am just gonna sit over here and wait for the real ish to drop on the front page of that old rogue, The Enquirer…

    • laura in LA says:

      YES. This is exactly what I’ve been saying all over these threads today and yesterday!

      As someone pointed out, nannies and others who work closely with celebs do sign NDAs. So how is it that this one went directly to Jen’s tab, US Weekly, and claims by her “friends” and from “mulitiple sources” were taken as fact? Then she was papped in LA wearing a very similar and also expensive outfit to the one Jen had on the night before in Atlanta, which means Jen’s PR/stylists almost showed their cards.

      And after Ben’s vehement denial and threat of a lawsuit, his tab, People, picks up the story and gives a puff-piece profile of this nanny no one even noticed until now? And despite that she’s papped all over LA, People states that she could not be reached for comment. Uh huh, sure.

      As for Ben, I looked at some of his TV appearances, and I think he went back to cocaine around 2010 because he looked very skinny. Then after that skiing accident, he got hooked on painkillers. The blinds hint that he’s on “hard drugs”, but I think he may have been injecting steroids, which could’ve been mistaken for heroin. Or he’s using HGH, not uncommon among Hollywood action stars, especially those of a certain age, because how else did he bulk up so big and fast for Batman?

      And looking back now, his appearance on Real Time was pretty outrageous, unlike previous times he was on the show. Was this cocaine – or ‘roid rage?

      (Funnily enough, Ben did an HBO movie, looks more like an afterschool special, about that early in his career called A Body to Die For:

      Now, here I go further spreading more unsubstantiated rumors and innuendo, but at this point, what does it matter in this out-of-control, tabloid-frenzied mess anyway.

      I’m sitting next to you – ol’ reliable The Enquirer must be working overtime.

  50. Luc says:

    Are all Armenian women thus?

    • Isabelle says:

      Ben sleeping with the cliche nanny. Dude could bang gorgeous beautiful women & has an affair with the nanny. So cliche & swear men like this want to hurt their wives its why they go after people working for them. People under their own roof. Very personal & passive aggressive anger. what a typical cheating loser.

  51. Merritt says:

    So much stupidity in this situation. He is stupid for going after someone who his kids knew. He is also stupid for not at the very least picking someone who understands discretion. She is stupid for thinking this attention will not turn against her. She might get some attention and possibly money now, but that will go away. And her jobs prospects will be limited as well.

  52. db says:

    Ben Affleck probably hasn’t kept it zipped since Good Will Hunting, at least. I don’t find him at all attractive or charismatic, so I don’t understand his appeal.

  53. Me too says:

    Eh Ben really didn’t do anything wrong. Nothing wrong with sex while separated. I am truly embarrassed for the girl though. So pathetic. Girl, get a life of your own.

  54. Keaton says:

    Wow. Whatever residual fondness I had for Affleck is gone if this story is accurate. He must have zero love and respect for Garner. I keep thinking how angry, foolish and disrespected I’d feel if I was in Garner’s position. This woman was in her home and bonded with her children! Garner probably had a myriad of pleasant interactions with her while she was boning Garner’s husband. Being cheated on SUCKS. But when the “other person” is part of your intimate, personal circle it’s 20X worse IMO. You feel so violated and start replaying past interactions over and over again to see if there were clues.

  55. Nusi says:

    Hmmm why would Jen pay the Nanny to say that she had an affair with Ben to save her career. This will save her career how?

    Thank you Jinny for your response to Pennylane, I agree with you that It is unlikely that Jen hired the nanny to set Ben up for whatever ridiculous reasons. Some would have us believe that she forced Ben to have sex with the nanny at gun point to gain the upper hand in the divorce. Nothing is ever Ben’s fault. Afterall, she has had three failed relationships at the age of 42 so she must be a horrible person. The man can have twenty failed relationships but the fault will always lie with the women in his life because if they were “good” enough he would not need to be promiscuous or would he? For those that keep saying she kept having children with him, it does take two to have children. He could have stopped after Violet if he was not cut out to be a Father, instead he wanted male children and kept encouraging her to have more kids but of course its all Jen’s fault never Ben. Majority of the haters are women that feel she never deserved him in the first place so to them she deserves everything bad that he does and continues to do. Women will always be each others worst enemies that will never go away anytime soon, what a pity.

    At the time she married Ben she was the bigger star of the two, she was winning awards for “Alias” whilst Ben was the actor from “Gigli” and the joke of Hollywood. In the first two years of their marriage no studio wanted anything to do with Ben, he could not work in Hollywood, so it is hard to sell the notion that she married up in 2005. I beg to disagree that she did. What she needs to do now is keep as much distance from the guy as she can and discourage the living together arrangement etc, etc. She needs closure, period.

    • Jayna says:

      People forget the joke he had become. He couldn’t get hired. He has talked about his career back then and he doesn’t sugarcoat it. When Matt was awarded some Master’s award that was kind of like a roast, Ben got up there and made fun of the disparity between their careers. I admired his humility all for the joke when he was at the podium, and the fact that no matter how bad his career was back then he was still very proud of Matt that night. Jen married a guy she believed in when he talked about what he wanted to do to painstakingly build his career back, and she told him to do whatever he needed to do, that she was there for him and would support it. It was not a quick climb back. He was smart in doing that movie where he played George Reeves, a small part in an indie movie. He had to fight to get someone to back Gone Baby Gone to make. They didn’t even want his name on Gone Baby Gone on the poster promoting it at the time as he was box office poison. He wanted to act in it also but knew that could hurt the movie. He said he was terrified back then. He knew if Gone Baby Gone was critically bashed there went his hope to even move into directing.

      People forget those days.

      • Nusi says:

        Thank you Jayna. I could not have said this better if I tried. Some people want us to believe that Ben was this huge star that Jen could not wait to get her claws into to boost her career when in fact she provided the stability that he needed at the time to bounce back and become what he is today. But Ben being Ben, has now pressed the self destruct button again and is slowly heading back to the days when most studios would not want his name on their projects. Even Warner bros at some point may be forced to say enough is enough. Let us wait and see how well his films do at the box office, as we all know, its all about the benjamins in Hollyweird.

      • Luca76 says:

        Actually I think you two are forgetting ALOT. I was an Alias fan so I paid attention to the gossip when it was happening. It was rumored that something went on during the Daredevil shoot while he was engaged and she was married. As we see he is very, very capable of cheating and I don’t understand why anyone would doubt they hooked up.

        She had her eye on him for years and was waiting to pick up the pieces once his career imploded and he was done with JLo. She dumped Vartan and was rumored to have his character kidnapped and off air so that Affleck wouldn’t be jealous. Her career was definitely in a better place at the very moment they married however she threw it away for Affleck (to be fair she was never going to be huge).

        It really seemed like she got him at a low point and molded him and focused him and sublimated all of her ambition into making him into something he wasn’t.-a family man so that she could be the power wife. All the photo-ops and interviews with the false picture of a perfect marriage rang false to those that remembered their history.

        You can’t change the core of a person especially in Hollywood.

      • laura in LA says:

        Hollywoodland is a great movie, even sadder now to see Ben’s performance as George Reeves in it…

        For anyone who thinks I’m a Ben-apologist, my stance is only that his/their problems and all the PR machinations surrounding them are so much worse than what we’ve otherwise been led to believe.

        If you see that movie, you’ll know that this has always been true in Hollywood, how people trade their souls for fame.

      • K says:

        I think all three of you are right, actually.

        That Table For Five, she practically has hearts in her eyes when she looks at him. I think she was head over heels, and love can make anyone crazy. Sadly, I think he’s like a lot of his type – part of him romanticises the family thing, but he wants his playboy life on the side. I suspect it got to the point she couldn’t ignore it anymore. Lord alone knows how bad that must have been.

        The real problem with Affleck is that he isn’t willing to do a DiCaprio: stay single and modelize openly. DiCaprio doesn’t seem to lie to anyone – they all know the score. Same (if rather lower-key, and more varied and friendship-based in terms of dates) with Keanu Reeves. They’re both honest about what they can offer.

        I don’t think there’s anything wrong with not wanting a conventional domestic setup, but having that conventional set-up alongside a sexual smorgasbord without prior mutual agreement is just wrong.

      • Ana says:

        Thank you Jayna! People forget that Ben was in the gutter when Jen married him. So what if this is JG’s second marriage/divorce? It doesn’t mean it is always her fault.

    • Jayna says:

      K, you’re right, but the difference is they don’t want a family. Ben stated right before J-LO that he really wants a family and could see it happening in a few years. So he is torn, wanting the children to love and thinks he wants the wife to go with it, but the other side is still there. Ben is one of those men who shouldn’t have married until later in life. Liam Neeson said men shouldn’t marry before 40. But Ben, wanting a family, was always going to marry younger than that. Thirty-two for him was far too young.

      He’s 42 now. He needs to wait until 50 to marry again. LOL Maybe he will be more capable of being faithful then.

      • laura in LA says:

        Liam Neeson seems like a good man. Have you seen photos of him lately? He still looks so sad. 🙁

  56. Carol says:

    I”m sure Ben is a dog and probably cheated but somehow this story does not strike me to be true. The girl just seems too eager to get fame and claim a celebrity as her conquest.

    • Neah23 says:

      Just because she eager for fame proves nothing, remember John Edwards campaign worker Arielle Hunter ? That women was a complete attention seeker but her claims were true sue just wanted media attention.

  57. cakecakecake says:

    I know he has had allllll of the hoo-ha in the world while married to Jen (there are soo many blinds about him) BUT he still could have found someone NOT close to his camp to “mount”

    he and his hairpiece disgust me.

    I knew that lil chick told, she is proud and thinks its some ” true love prevails” crap, LOL!!
    “can’t help who you love” garbage.

    she will soon learn

  58. Msmlnp says:

    Girl better cash in now, she’s about to get flushed down the toilet of famous ho’s….circling down to the sewage tank to keep company such as Tiger Woods mistresses

  59. Andrea says:

    Am I the only one that of all the male celebrities, I cannot imagine having a fling with Ben and then bragging about it. Yelch. Maybe 10-20 years ago, but not now. Blah. If she were my friend, I’d be like, oh gross.

    • WinnieCoopersMom says:

      Circa Pearl Harbor days – yes. Now – hell no. Gross for so many reasons.

  60. idsmith says:

    I call bullshit on the separation for months. They only said that so Jen could save face. There is tons of evidence that they were never separated. I think he was on the way out for years, straying, having multiple affairs and she finally got fed up.
    I wonder if the nanny was the one in Nova Scotia with him on Jen’s birthday?

  61. Pandy says:

    SIX things we didn’t know about the nanny:

    #6: She will f*ck your husband, Ladies!

  62. Ravensdaughter says:

    Nanny is dumpy looking-not particularly attractive. She was an easy lay-no complaints (valid) about his gambling, etc., as he would have from his wife.
    I loved the comments that David Fincher made after directing him in “Gone Girl”. Yup, he pretty much played himself.
    Oh, and I bet even J Lo would give Ben the side eye now…

    • Jayna says:

      Well, J-Lo is still with a guy that she pretty much pays for everything and yet he was papped coming out of a gay porn theatre, and later accused of sexting with two transsexuals and meeting up with at least one of them.

      This is small potatoes here, banging the help a few times. Jen would have no problem. She’d just say, “Boys will be boys.” LOL

      • KellyBee says:

        Well you can say the same about Jen Garner as it would seem Ben has been cheating on her for years and she said boys will be boys for 10 years .

      • Merritt says:


        Eventually something happens that just breaks the resolve of even the most forgiving and devoted. I have a relative who stayed with the worst guy. He was abusive, a cheater, and a small time criminal. She stayed with him through all of that. Finally he cheated with a friend of hers, and it was just too much for her to ignore.

  63. HoustonGrl says:

    If you have an affair, keep it to yourself.

  64. Happy21 says:

    What an a-hole, d**khead.

    I was prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt 🙁

  65. stinky says:

    hes looked like he wanted to kill himself for several years. im serious.

    • word says:

      Yeah he hasn’t looked happy and he seemed really stressed out. They probably wanted to work on their marriage for the sake of the kids but a bad marriage is not something kids need to be around. Secondly, if they were separated for months then both were free to see other people. If you have decided to divorce and don’t want to be together anymore, you can’t get mad if the other person decides to move on quicker than you. You’re done with the guy so who cares who gets him next? I’ve never been married so I can’t really say how I’d feel though.

      As a side note, don’t most celebs make their nannies/chefs/assistants etc. sign a confidentiality agreement? Can’t SHE get sued for this? I still don’t believe this story is true.

      • laura in LA says:

        word, this is why I think the nanny’s being paid/protected by Jen’s PR.

    • laura in LA says:

      And he’s looked like his character George Reeves from Hollywoodland in the saddest way for at least the last few.

  66. prairie says:

    Poor Jennifer G. What an insufferable cad.

    • Jayna says:

      I know. I feel for her. I would just want Ben out of my sight for like a year. No co-parenting. LOL

      I like Ben but he’s a mess. Just get out of the marriage. If Jen was clinging on trying to work it out and you were checked out long before this, don’t be so passive aggressive trying to get her to leave but then giving her mixed signals. Just be honest and leave before it turns into the mess this divorce is turning into.

      Look at Goopy and Chris. They had their affairs hidden down under lock and key, with no photographic evidence or tell-alls, long before they announced the divorce and separation, had worked through their emotional baggage and anger with each other, and were on the same page by then and able to show a united front with minimal tabloid stories and no bombshells. The Garner-Affleck marriage just keeps imploding with new revelations or back and forthing in the People magazines, etc.

      • Neah23 says:

        That’s true they should have handled it like Goop and Chirs and their PR agents are doing them no favors. They need to just shut up and co-parent their kids in peace with out telling the media about it.

      • Maia says:

        I agree. It is being handled extremely poorly and it’s partly because they don’t seem to have worked through their issues with each other. I think that they are both emotional about it, which Goop was not.
        Also, this co-parenting under the same roof thing – wth is that about ? They need to stay away from each other and not see each other for a few months to wait for the emotions to simmer down. Then try to be nice and take family pictures. They are biting off more than they can chew and it’s beginning to fall apart.
        About the nanny: the whole thing is beyond icky. Poor poor Jen. I doubt she bargained for this many skeletons in Ben’s closet.

      • Zwella Ingrid says:

        They should have consciously uncoupled?

      • K says:

        I think one key difference is that Goop and Martin didn’t sell a perfect family narrative in quite the same way as the Afflecks. Goop’s perfection narrative is pretty singular. So when they split, they could play the privacy card more plausibly. The publicists with the Afflecks seem frantic to sustain the narrative, even though it’s plainly been lies for years, if not the start.

        I know it’s good gossip, but actually I hope most stays locked down. The elder two kids are entering prime Googlable age, and school is harsh enough without months of learning what their father has been up to, as far as they can remember.

  67. Ennie says:

    Hahahaha and to think that he was so protective of his image as to hide his ancestor’s reality. This is really karma.

  68. Andrea says:

    At first sight she reminds me of Brooke MĂźller. She will be the next Ms. Charlie Sheen !!!

  69. A says:

    I just wanna see Jen drag Ben’s a– in public.

  70. Jayna says:

    Is that girl like 4’11”? That first photo, the one of her standing next to Ben with the three children, she looks not much taller than Violet and is dwarfed by Ben.

    • KB says:

      Ben Affleck is 6’4” and when they’re next to each other she probably comes up to about his shoulder, so she could still be like 5’4 and just look small next to him.

  71. Corrie says:

    Has everyone forgotten too that just a month ago he was seen leaving a canadian hotel with another woman. Now the nanny. Who wasn’t he screwing… because he definitely was screwing Jen. I mean if he hated her that much – divorce her and blame her for it all. Oh yes, that’s whats happening.

  72. Amy M. says:

    In a weird way this reminds me of Gone Girl minus the wife disappearing and appearing to have been killed.

  73. Jayna says:

    I finally read the five things we don’t know about Christine Ouzounian on People. Is that the tackiest thing People Magazine has ever done, put an article like that out on the cheating nobody nanny like she is a star. Those kinds of little things are done on famous people we follow. That’s not reporting on the story. That is elevating this trollop to celebrity status. Shame on People.

    “5 Things to Know About Christine Ouzounian, the Nanny Linked to Ben Affleck.”

    Here’s number one. You’ve got to be kidding me.

    1. She’s a California native who likes to have “fun”.

    Here’s the full five things.

    • Jayna says:

      LOL at number 3, the last sentence. I guess her twin forgot to pass on to her that little bit of info when working for someone.

      3. She has a twin sister who also works with celebrities
      Christine’s sister Caty lists herself as a house manager and personal assistant on LinkedIn, whose clients include Harris and Burtka and former Spice Girl Melanie Brown. “I have a calm and demure demeanor, which aids in my ability to anticipate the unknown for my employer,” Caty Ouzounian writes in her summary. “I’m socially appropriate and understand the fine lines involved when working in someone’s home.”

      • Ho's Is Us says:

        Good catch. Very funny. Bet the little tart manages to ruin her sister’s life too.

    • Christin says:

      Many years ago, I could not wait to buy the latest People. Then it just went downhill, with this being one of the strongest pieces of evidence to date.

  74. Sillymilly says:

    He is a pig with no judgment or moral center. Why would anyone want to do business with him?

    • Jayna says:

      If you didn’t do business in Hollywood with a man who has cheated or is a cheater, 80 percent or more are in that category, and you would have no one to work with and do deals with.

      • aga says:

        The men must have someone to cheat with, so the women aren’t any better, and this phenomenon doesn’t exist only in Hollywood.

  75. tracking says:

    Thinking about upthread comments about her shopping around pics, it occurred to me that the studio would probably pay a FORTUNE to shut this down. That girl could profit nicely from her gross behavior. Hope she chokes on it.

  76. sara says:

    I really feel sorry for the kids.

  77. jferber says:

    Am I the only one who believes Emily R. of the infamous video is cooling her heels in Europe (on Ben’s dime, probably) just waiting for Ben to reveal her as his I’m-starting-dating-now girl? I’d give it at least 6 to 8 months before he rolls her out as the new girlfriend.

    • Luca76 says:

      (Not saying he didn’t mess around with Emily)
      If I were laying bets I’d guess Gal Gadot. I know she’s married but…

      • Jayna says:

        Olga Kurylenko and Danny Huston broke up six months ago. She was up for Batman v. Superman but didn’t get it. I was thinking he was wanting to rekindle something with her, or if it was only a flirtation before, start something with his marriage ending. Of course, watching his nanny fiasco, she’s probably too smart to fall for Ben’s lines even if she was thinking about it.

        She’s beautiful.

      • Luca76 says:

        Olga is actually my second choice and she was the popular answer for Lainey’s blind.

      • laura in LA says:

        I believe Ben fell for Olga and maybe she for him, too, but that’s probably over now.

  78. Livealot says:

    If this nanny is a decoy to their “real issues” then is it really better to be a cheater than a drug addict?

    Honest question but I’d find myself more sympathetic to a drug addict than a cheater.

  79. JoJo says:

    The stories claim the nanny has pictures of her sitting on Ben’s lap kissing. I want to know, where are these pictures? If she (or whomever is leaking this) really want to prove it, then it should be easy, right? Just slip the pic to US Mag. Yet, it hasn’t appeared, so I kind of still question this whole thing … And as everyone knows, I’m not a huge fan of Jen (don’t believe the image she sells), but that said, I do believe she puts her kids first, and I’m finding it tough to believe she’d put something like this out there for her kids to be subjected to.

    • Jayna says:

      Her kids are first, and she would never put this out there for Violet, the oldest, especially to be ridiculed at school. The girls knew this nanny. She wouldn’t want this out there and screwing them up even more.

      • Luca76 says:

        I don’t think she put it out there either. I do think she knows that there’s a ton more of this stuff that could come out though, because she’s been covering for him for ages I bet she kidded herself that if she controlled the roll out (wearing wedding rings vacationing together etc) he’d behave. He’s a grown a** man, and he does whatever he wants. He may have even done this just to spite her. I’m not team anyone on this and I don’t think she should be held responsible for his dalliances. I just don’t think she needs to be canonized either.

      • tracking says:

        THIS. No way would she hurt her kids or undermine their stability anymore than it already is.

    • laura in LA says:

      Really, if any of this were true, US and People would’ve waited for the big, explosive photo proof. I mean, even Ashton’s hottub friends had that…

      It sounds like Jen’s PR fed them a bunch of stuff/fluff from “multiple sources” and told them to make it this week’s cover stories.

      Where’s The Enquirer when we need them? They’re for sure working on something, but they’re the ones who could actually get sued if it’s incorrect.

    • KB says:

      I’m guessing those photos are being bought by Affleck’s lawyers right now. She leaks the information, drives up the price, and gets her pay day.

      • Jayna says:

        I’m thinking so, also. She’s going by the Tiger Hos’ handbook, the ones that got a bigger payday, that goes by leaking enough information to then cause said celebrity to pay out bigger money to stop the rest from coming out, which would be the photos she set up of her going to his rental and her on his lap, and last but not least, the big get, an interview of her, where she would spill all the gory blow-by-blow details of the progression of their affair, what he said about his marriage, etc., that she was shopping around to shows like Entertainment Tonight or People Magazine, etc. that she signs an agreement not to ever discuss this.

  80. Boodiba says:

    I get an Amber Heard vibe from her.

  81. Ho's Is Us says:

    It’s incredible how many ways someone can willfully choose to hurt a person they supposedly “loved” and who gave him children. Sicko. They made gorgeous kids who are now effed.
    The nanny is a total whore in every way and I’m looking forward to when her karma gets her.

  82. twokids2 says:

    He is to blame. He cheated because that’s who he is.
    On the other hand, she HAS to dress better. It doesn’t have to be expensive, it doesn’t have to be fancy, she doesn’t have to be wearing make up, but she has to update her wardrobe.
    The same goes with her kids!!!!! For crying out loud, what is wrong with her???? Doesn’t she has any sense for style?
    Somebody please let her know that she has to address that!!!!

  83. Jonathan says:

    Gossip ain’t gospel, just remember that. The general willingness to judge and condemn people based on rumours is a little alarming. Lots of people here post like they know what was going on based on gossip and blind items and ‘insider sources’- we have no idea. We’re being fed stuff by parties who have a vested interest in spreading gossip- just reflect for a moment on the nature of gossip- series a few shreds of fact, lots of conjecture, sometimes outright BS. Hardly anyone seems to be able to take any of this with a grain of salt.

    Nobody owes anybody anything in this life. Nobody owns anyone else. Most of us are scraping to get a morsel of enjoyment or pleasure out of existence and most of us deny ourselves based on what other people think.

    If someone finds an instant of happiness by screwing the nanny or having sex with a married man, go for it, as far as I’m concerned. But don’t be unhappy or unfulfilled for the sake of conventional morality or bourgeoise notions like “marriage”, that’s other people’s baggage.

    • frivolity says:

      Sounds like: “Just do whatever feels good for yourself at the moment; f*ck everyone else.” Kinda seems like the rule of thumb for most people with power and money. That’s a pretty psychopathic philosophy there. Yeah, f*ck those kids involved. Who cares what happens to them. Superficial conventional morality is one thing … hedonism and psychopathy is another.

    • tracking says:

      Sure, but then don’t get married or drag innocent children into your hedonistic utopia.

      • Keaton says:

        Exactly. If you want to be a hedonist fine. But be upfront with the other adults involved and don’t throw kids into the mix.

      • Jonathan says:

        I was in this situation, pretty much, as a child, with my parents. It wasn’t a huge traumatic issue. My Mum sat me down and basically said “your Dad has met somebody else. We are getting divorced. He will be moving out. But he’s still going to be your Dad and he’s still going to be in your life. I want you to be kind, respectful and loving to whomever he’s with. I want your Dad to be happy. I’m feeling very hurt & disappointed but that doesn’t have to change anything about your relationship with your Dad- and I will feel better someday”.

        I kind of get the feeling something similar may have happened with Jen, Ben and their kids. Jen strikes me as a particularly well adjusted person and I don’t think this is the end of the world for her, or the kids.

    • Tara says:

      “Condemning” strangers based on rumors is “alarming,” but f()€|<ing over your wife and children is fine? Uh. Yeah. As in NO.

      • Jonathan says:

        It’s not something I’d so, myself- as in, be married and have an affair, nor would I get involved with someone already in a relationship- but I will let other people off the hook for doing those things, yes. I will understand why and accept that people do those things even though I wouldn’t do them personally. I’m just not judging people that do human things for human reasons.

  84. Eru says:

    Why on earth would any family hire hot young nanny? This is just idiotic. Even if husband will not have an affair then still there can always be suspicion. Nanny may fall in love and try to sleep with husband. Nanny may lie that she had affair if he will turn her off.

    Just hire 45-50 years old ordinary looking woman with her own grown up children. So stupid from them to hire that woman. Now no one will not if there was an affair. But that suspicion will stay with Ben forever now.

    • Becks says:

      It could be that she was looking for a young-ish person who could do fun, energetic activities with the kids.

  85. Jayna says:

    What are we up to on Nannygate? Round Five? I’m not sure.

    Here’s the latest shots fired. This looks like it’s definitely coming from Ben’s camp. It’s on Radaronline.

    “Despite rumors of a heated affair between the two, an insider insists, “They didn’t sleep together or get physical.” But that doesn’t mean they were just friends. Instead, the source claims, Affleck made Ouzounian his confidante during the final days of his marriage, forging an intimate bond that went beyond employer and employee.

    “When the separation happened, they started talking. Ben doesn’t have anyone to talk to,” the source said, revealing that “there was an inappropriate meeting.”

    “Jennifer was furious when she found out they were talking when the kids weren’t involved,” the source continued, and Affleck admitted it had been more than a one-time thing. He admitted that they did have a meeting, and that there was texting, an email relationship, and a couple of phone calls too.”

    Said the source, “That set Jennifer off, and that’s when the nanny got sent packing.”

    Affleck’s rep insists that reports of a relationship between him and Ouzounian are false. Ouzounian has yet to publicly comment.

    Story developing.”

    • laura in LA says:

      I know I’m probably alone in this regard, but I actually do really feel sorry for Ben now.

      • Jayna says:

        I love Jennifer and think she’s a great person. But I will always have a soft spot for Ben and root for his career that he worked so hard on building back from scratch, because I think he is intelligent and talented. But Ben is his own worst enemy.

        The one thing all of this proves to me is Ben didn’t have some woman waiting in the wings for him like gossip blinds have said. if that’s the case, he wouldn’t have been baring all his problems to this girl he barely knew and getting so messy with his life right at the time his marriage was ending.

        He’s all over the place. I do feel for him in a way because I know he loves his children. But I feel for Jen more, because this has hurt her in a way she didn’t deserve with this girl in her own home, whether he screwed her or not before the announcement.

      • laura in LA says:

        Unfortunately, I still believe that this was a setup, and Jen had something to do with it. No one wants to hear it, least of all other women, but I don’t think she’s really as nice as she seems.

        This nanny chick is a Hollywood bottom feeder, no matter what her “friends” say. She got offered a deal to do this, and I think Jen’s PR people are paying and protecting her.

        (*dodges tomatoes*)

      • Tate says:

        I kinda think Ben sucks. This is a new feeling for me but yah… his doochiness has hit epic levels IMO

    • lisa2 says:

      I’ve always wondered who Ben’s friends are outside Matt. He is always alone. And I don’t think he and his family see close to Casey and his family. I don’t know when the last time it was that I saw Ben with Casey.

      • laura in LA says:

        Aside from Matt and Casey, I guess he has his agent, Patrick Whitesell. I wonder how much of the defense of Ben is coming from him?

        Other than them, I don’t know, but I’d be really worried about Ben now if I personally knew him. I mean, we can say he did this to himself, but this is all too much.

      • Ally8 says:

        He has lots of friends at the casino. As long as his money doesn’t run out, they’re there for him. That and the string of floozies that lie ahead of him (literally lie).

    • Christin says:

      Has Ben ever heard of counselors? As in, sworn to uphold confidentiality?

      Even if there was no physical / inappropriate contact, she would end up with a story to sell later. I realize there is a lot of stress in a dissolving marriage, but you’d think he would have known better (if this is true).

    • Kathy says:

      Latest: Nanny suing JG for wrongful termination! This is on Hollywood Life.

      • laura in LA says:

        And 93% of those polled say she was NOT wrongfully terminated.

        This chick is a nightmare for Ben, yet she’s still deluded enough to hope for a relationship with him!
        “‘In truth, Christine would rather be Ben’s girlfriend than nanny. She has strong feelings for him and wishes he wanted a relationship,’ our source adds.”

        Oh, yeah, that’ll happen.

        (Then at almost 30, she can finally move out of her parents’ house to live happily ever-after with Ben.)

  86. iheartgossip says:

    I’m going to go out on a limb here and say: Ben, dear; ish has hit the fan & your career is about to take a HUGE hit. I see straight to On Demand movies in his future.

    • Jayna says:

      No way. He’s at the peak of his career right now. He’s directing a thriller and acting in it. By the time it comes out next year, if it’s a solid thriller, which are hard to make great ones, he will be golden. A lot of men go to thrillers, and they don’t care about his personal life.

      He’s coming out in the huge blockbuster Batman v. Superman in March. That audience doesn’t care about a divorce a long time coming with some messiness that will be forgotten by March. If he nails Batman and it’s a great movie,which the trailers have been getting a great response, he’s sitting pretty, because he’s directing the next one. And he has a lot of respect as a director and most Batman fans are actually on board with him directing the next one and accept his acting in it if he’s good in the one coming out in March.

      Because Ben is a director and if his movies get great reviews, he’s untouchable for a while as far as career. Because Batman is a box office for sure pretty much. And Ben’s Town and Gone Baby Gone were great thrillers he directed, so I have no doubt this one he is starting on filming this fall will be great also.

    • KB says:

      This made me laugh out loud. He’s Ben Affleck. He’ll be fine.

      • Tate says:

        Is Ben Affleck really a big thing?

      • pwal says:

        Affleck will be fine, unfortunately. Given that he’s an Oscar winner, HW won’t turn their back on him. Not that they give him a shoulder carry either if he deliver clunkers, but IMO, he’s the type of director/power player that they consistently keep around. Beleaguered (or douchy, if you prefer) name that can attract other names to his directing projects. The names will get prestige by association without the danger of getting overshadowed by the director in the press, unless he c0cks up again.

        O. Russell, Polanski and Allen occupy various spaces on the douchebag spectrum and yet, they continue to get opportunities. Mind you, it’ll be interesting to see if actresses will sing his praises in the press, especially those who proclaim that they’re ‘girl’s girls’. Of course, we witnessed actresses shrug off child molestation and rape, which is much worse than this.

      • Ally8 says:

        The “douchebag spectrum”. Lol. So true. You should copyright that, stat.

    • Ming says:

      That remains to be seen… it will either make or break him.

  87. Paige says:

    At first I didn’t believe it with Us magazine being tabloid trash but with People magazine talking it, it really isn’t looking good for Ben. I really feel sorry for his babies.

  88. Tippipippi says:

    So he is admitting an unprofessional relationship with this manipulative famewhore, what an idiot. Confiding in her is even worse than sex, she can now sell their secrets to the highest bidder.

    And now she wants to sue Jen for wrongful dismissal????? As if anybody could be legally mandated to keep untrustworthy staff in a position of trust within their private home and around their children. Jen should be suing her for breach of trust.

    Ben deserves to be sold out like this, I hope he’s learning a valuable lesson about stupid, desperate, fame hungry, greedy, lazy girls. This female is looking to cash in so she’ll never have to work again, hopefully she’ll fail miserably. Unfortunately his kick up the backside comes at the expense of his family. I really feel for Jennifer now. This situation must be so embarrassing, infuriating and stressful.

    Any sympathy I previously had for Ben (which was mainly due to him looking permanently suicidal) is gone. He had plenty of opportunities to bond with other women outside the home, he could have chosen wisely with nice, discrete women but he chose this. Fool.

  89. Dinah says:

    In related news, Ben Affleck has signed on to direct THE HAND THAT ROCKS THE CRADLE Part 2.

  90. kj says:

    Wow, these people are Teeee Acky. Ben come on, “the NANNY?” and girlfriend Please…

    As an ex-Nanny even if the dad was Ewan Mcgregor hitting on me hard, I would never ever betray my girls. Because your job is to look after the physical and emotional health of small children. The biggest betrayal is there.

    Jerks the pair of them.

  91. rlh says:

    I try not to be judgmental about married people having affairs; once a marriage has settled, the kids come along, years go by, you change, your spouse has changed (or hasn’t)…things happen. And considering so many people have affairs I really believe that long term commitment is hard as hell and not for everyone. That being said, “fornicating with the help,” to quote Seal, is just so f*cking tacky. Especially for a rich or famous person with the plethora of sex available to them. And also, keep it out of the family; brother-in-law, sister-in-law, wife’s or husband’s BFF, all are big NOs. Just a crappy, crappy thing to do to people.
    So yeah, if this is true, Affleck is a douche.

    • SillySimone says:

      Same here. It is not the affair part I am judging, although prolific cheating is not an affair, but a serious problem. The part I am judging is who he had the affair with and where. I see people having affair for any number of reasons. Sometimes they are lonely. Sometimes they are stressed. Sometimes it is the end of the relationship and no one wants to admit it. I can see one affair, even maybe two as a mistake in judgement, the wrong reaction to relationship problems. But his alleged affairs are just so many, that it is clear he never wanted to be faithful to begin with.

      One more thing, while I tend not to be too judgmental about the mistake/i feel horrible affair thing. Where I judge is if the person cheated on was utterly humiliated. That usually means one or more of the below lines were crossed in the mistake/affair:

      -In the home and/or bed/on furniture/location you share with your spouse
      -With a friend or co-worker of your spouse
      -With a friend, teacher, or nanny of the child
      -During the same 24 hour period that you had relations with your spouse
      -Buying of gifts for the other party with your spouses money

      Those factors make your basic run of the middle cheating scandal into all out nuclear war IMHO. Affleck seems to have violated most if not all of those prohibitions and utterly humiliated his wife in every respect. He is a douche of epic proportions.

  92. Kath says:

    People forget – or aren’t old enough to remember – that Jennifer Garner was the bigger star when they got together. Affleck was a total joke by that stage. Her career had just exploded with Alias, and she ended up with a Golden Globe and was thought to be the next really big thing. I think she is SUCH an underrated actress. She was the best thing in Juno – really subtle and never overplaying a scene.

    The narrative that she is just some soccer-mom clinger dragging the great Ben Affleck down by having kids is disturbing.

    I’ve always absolutely detested Ben Affleck, even before there was a good ‘reason’. The faux-intellectual posturing, the talking-over-everyone-else as though he’s the greatest thing on earth… The fact that people think this a-hole was somehow ‘trapped’ by Garner is ridiculous.

    This is a woman who not only waved good-bye to her own career by prioritising her kids and family life, but actively supported Affleck’s career reinvention. I fully believe that all the PR and pap strolls were at his behest – not hers. She had nothing to gain from this, whereas he was trying to project the whole ‘family man’ image in order to win an Oscar. Similarly, all the post-split damage control was all to his benefit – she didn’t really have anything to gain by ‘playing’ the devoted mother, since that was how she was already regarded.

    I still can’t believe she married this man-child in the first place.

    • SillySimone says:


    • annaloo. says:

      This could be a career boost for her .Too bad it meant the death of the dimple parade. 🙁

    • Becks says:

      It’s not true she had “nothing to gain” from the pap strolls. Any woman and mother would want her husband to get the awards; his achievements would boost everything- his earning potential would go up, bring prestige to their family, impress the other kids’ parents with whom she might be friendly. She would absolutely want that for the general betterment of her family.

      I have no trouble believing Jennifer Garner is capable of orchestrating those pap strolls.

  93. stinky says:

    man-child is going full-gray in these last pics at the mini-van!!!

  94. SillySimone says:

    If one more person comes to this woman’s defense by claiming the employer power dynamic and casting her as a victim, I will scream!!! This is not the mob. She is not a child. She was not in a position where her life/family depended on her being employed by this family so she had to keep the job at all costs, including being pressured into a sexual relationship.

    It is pretty clear what has happened – assuming this is true (which I believe). He is a hot, wealthy, cool Hollywood A-list star. She got to know him as a dad too. So yeah, she fell in love. No oen is blaming her for those feelings (I certainly would not). The problem here is that she was hired to care for the kids, not act inappropriately with the father of the children. She was trusted by the mother with her children only to have that trust so utterly destroyed.

    I am not shaming this woman for falling in love with a hot guy. I am shaming her for acting out on those feelings given that he was married and she was responsible for the mental and physical well being of his children. She could have quit at any time, walked away. Or quit and told him of her feelings after. There are any number of responsible ways she could have handled this crush she had. She made her choices and now she has to live with them. We already know he is a cheating, drinking, gambling dirt-bag. So yeah, he is very much at fault here. But she deserves equal blame – she too had a commitment to the mother and the children in this family and she too violated that trust.

  95. LAK says:

    That nanny is foolish.

  96. Mrs. Darcy says:

    Am I the only one starting to think that the Nanny was a honey trap planted by Garner? I mean, lbh we all know he cheated before, and she must have known too. Why would she hire a (not super hot but young, attractive) nanny she knew might tempt him? A final test? Maybe he was so good at lying about previous affairs she couldn’t justifiably split with only suspicion, maybe she needed proof for her own peace of mind that he is just a dirty dog beyond saving? The fact she’s not a super qualified nanny pushing 30 is a bit weird. Maybe Garner knew he wouldn’t be dumb enough to go for a really young one under her nose, that somehow he thought he could get away with this one too as she was in theory more mature/could keep a secret. Her tacky fashion and Jenny from the block hips are seeming more and more suspicious to me!

    • Onyx XV says:

      Interesting theory. I was going to comment that it was a rookie mistake on Jennifer’s part to hire a hot nanny, but maybe it wasn’t a mistake…hmmm. Food for thought. Either way, Affleck predictably shows yet again what a tool he can be.

  97. holly hobby says:

    Boy she is incredibly vertically challenged. I feel sorry for the kids. It must be such a betrayal that dad is boning the help.

    As for this slummy employee, I wish she would go away. I know no one will hire her to take care of kids again -less she gets involved with another employer.

    Ben is such a schmuck.

  98. Same song and dance says:

    Is this for realz?