Cele|bitchy | Jennifer Lawrence in Ralph Lauren at Madrid ‘Mockingjay’ premiere: lovely?

Jennifer Lawrence in Ralph Lauren at Madrid ‘Mockingjay’ premiere: lovely?


Lord, I am really, really in love with Jennifer Lawrence’s hair these days. Did I tell you I recently got four inches of hair thwacked off? For years, I’ve worn my hair long, half-way down my back. I got sick of it a few weeks ago and in a fit of pique, I asked the hairdresser to take off four inches. My hair is now a shaggy lob resting on my shoulders and I LOVE IT. It’s bouncy, it’s lighter, and I have some natural curl/waves coming in. I feel like Jennifer Lawrence is experiencing the same thing – after years of overprocessing, extensions, weaves, etc, J-Law decided to go for this beachy honey blonde and a great “bob” cut and she’s loving it.

Anyway, these are photos from the Madrid premiere for Mockingjay Part II. J-Law decided to forgo the endless Dior looks after her somewhat disastrous Grim, Farty Bride look in Paris on Monday. For the Madrid premiere, Jennifer wore this lacy, tiered Ralph Lauren. Coming off of too many Dior looks, the Ralph Lauren is really refreshing. It’s nice to see her in something more body-conscious because she really does have a terrific figure, and Ralph Lauren’s people know how to tailor a dress (Dior’s people do not).


Oh, and of course J-Law fell in this gown. She goes ass over tea kettle more than anyone I have ever known.

At the earlier photocall in Madrid, Jennifer wore this Mugler tuxedo dress thing in orange. CB covered those photos yesterday. Why did J-Law suddenly reject the Dior frocks? Maybe the Sack Bride look really was too much for her. Now, all that being said… she seems kind of uncomfortable in this.



Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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85 Responses to “Jennifer Lawrence in Ralph Lauren at Madrid ‘Mockingjay’ premiere: lovely?”

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  1. Jane says:

    I swear this woman falls at premieres and award shows constantly. Is she drunk?

    • vauvert says:

      That was my first thought when I read she fell again. Nobody is that ditsy, clumsy or unable to walk in heels. Either drunk or stoned.
      And if she really is neither, choose a low heel and get them to shorten the skirts a tiny bit.
      This dress is way better than anything she has worn in a long time, but I will always believe that wearing a bra improves the look of any dress, no matter how young and perky you are. Just my opinion…

      • Jane says:

        Ralph Lauren usually makes some lovely dresses. I think she has been wearing Dior a lot before this.

        If she IS that clumsy, then I agree, she needs better heals and shorten the length of her dresses so she doesn’t have this happen to her so often.

        However, I’m sticking to the drunk or on drugs idea. Did you see pictures of her walking our of a restaurant recently with chopsticks sticking out of her face to look like a walrus, or the other time she took a sharpie and drew facial hair on herself? She frequently looks silly and foolish. SMH…

    • Shambles says:

      As a ditsy, awkward, clumsy person with long limbs like J Law, I have to disagree with you guys. Some people are just clumsy as hell. I have at least 3 unidentified bruises on my body right now, just because I walk and fall into things so frequently that I barely notice it anymore. I can hold an upside down yoga pose for as long as you want me to, but if you ask me to walk like a normal human being? Hell naw. Add heels to that equation? HELL naw.

      • Kitten says:

        Yeah me too. I refuse to make vodka the fall guy for my gracelessness.

        I love the cut of that black dress but I wish it was a different color….Black doesn’t look great on J Law IMO. Her makeup looks amazing as well.

      • Birdix says:

        I’m clumsy that way too, despite shorter limbs and plenty of ballet training. And always have a few mystery bruises. Glad to hear I have company, I’ve always been teased about it.

      • LadyMTL says:

        I’m right there with you, I’m a major klutz and it’s rare for a week to go by where I haven’t bruised myself somehow. I’ve banged my hip against the side of a desk, I’ve fallen down a flight of stairs, I slid in my kitchen on a teeeeny drop of water and nearly sprained my knee…you name it, I can fall or trip or hurt myself on it. 😛

        Some people are just awkward and klutzy, doesn’t mean they’re drunk or stoned.

      • Liv says:

        It’s obvious that she stepped on her dress. Watch the video. And look at her highheels, I couldn’t walk in them!

      • Samtha says:

        Yep. Especially when wearing super-high heels. My husband has to hold my arm constantly, or I fall.

      • Betti says:

        I’m clumsy as well – have terrible balance but i have an inner ear condition that causes that 🙁 I can’t wear heels over a couple of inches – otherwise I’m flat on my face.

      • lucy2 says:

        She definitely stepped on the front of her dress and I think got her heel caught or something. Then I think everyone was trying to help her and she just got off balance.

        I’m pretty klutz myself, and am thankful there’s not accusations of drunkeness and video of it circulated worldwide every time I trip.

      • Eden75 says:

        I am a heel lover and a huge klutz. Like everyone else, I am currently covered in bruises that I have no idea when or where I got them (a normal state for me actually). I also have a few cuts that I was not aware of either.

        I am a classically trained (retired) ballerina who cannot walk 10 feet without running into something, cannot carry anything without dropping it and especially cannot walk in front of people in a nice dress without tripping.

        I would blame the vodka but with the amount that I trip, fall, bang into things, someone would check me into rehab.

      • zinjojo says:

        Glad to see as a lifelong klutz that I’m in good company! I broke my elbow last month just randomly falling down as I was walking. No heels, booze or drugs, just a little uneven pavement and not paying attention, and I went down hard.

        And as a klutz, a long dress and high heels is a challenge, and JLaw (or her team) should recognize that she has the potential to fall easily and make some adjustments. Hem her dress a bit more, so that it’s not so long to trip over, go lower heeled — she’s already tall and with a long dress, it’s not noticeable.

      • Shambles says:

        What zinjojo said! It’s good to know you’re not the only clumsy fool out there. *hugs all the klutzes, falls on them*

      • paranormalgirl says:

        I went ass over teakettle whilst running last night. I was doing a trail run, did fine on the trail, then wiped out on a beautiful smooth stretch of pavement. I’m always walking into things (just now I ran into the water cooler) and I constantly stumble in heels. So yeah, some people are very clumsy. And add to that flashbulbs going off and people calling your name and I would be a stumbling bumbling MESS on a red carpet.

      • Nia says:

        Fell down the stairs again, sober. And I had ballet training too.
        Love her hair.

    • Alyce says:

      I fall ALL the time, and I only have the occasional 2 glasses of wine. It happens. Some people really are that clumsy.

    • Veronica says:

      Honestly…I’m 29 and trip/fall all the time. Some of it is just bad body balance, but I suspect more of it is my ADHD – I just don’t pay enough attention to my surroundings! Throw a floor length gown on with high heeled shoes (which, given that they’re usually sample size, may not fit very well), and I can see how a woman could trip up on the red carpet often. I suspect it happens to more people than we actually see (there’s a gif of Hutcherson taking a face first fall over some wires at MJ1’s premiere, actually) it’s just that J.Law has a reputation for it from the Oscars, so people find it worth releasing the video as a running joke.

    • Alex says:

      Same. I can do endless pirouettes and tumble like a top still.

      Walking? Nope.

      I used to dance in aisles of the grocery store and as soon as my mom would tell me to stop and walk normally two seconds later I’ve crashed into something. My college roommate (also a dancer) would injure herself constantly as well. People can be clumsy and this premiere setup had lights and ropes all over the red carpet. I knew she was going to fall and she did

    • dippit says:

      She always seems as if she’s easily distracted and her head is already racing on to the next moment or her next ‘mark’ to strike a RC pose before she’s completed the current one.

      I’ve always thought nobody can know the hubbub of a RC, and JL is always a main focus, unless you’ve been there.

      Actresses in particular must have their heads racing because they’ll have been prepped with instructions, from designers/stylists, as to the best lines/poses they’re to strike to show the dresses to best advantage. At the same time as knowing they’re gonna have to field inane questions at the end of the run.

      Some just seem to naturally get into the way of assuming an effortlessly graceful zone-out without looking mannequin or vacant. Some look just zoned-out but not at all present, outwardly lovely but a bit lacking personality (but no prat falls). Some, JL, seem to try and find the zone-out but some of the frenetic still leaks through, hence ‘clumsy’. Whatever way, even the best of them must be pulling a swan on the surface, metaphorical frantic legs below, trick.

      Don’t envy them that at all.

    • belle de jour says:

      Silly observation from years of watching grand dames walk and dance in long dresses: as simple as it sounds, I’ve noticed a lot of younger women don’t know, don’t remember, don’t practice or haven’t been taught to gracefully hold up their skirt a bit.

      The hem dragging the floor makes for a better line – and the designers don’t want you to do it – but they don’t have to walk in the dress.

      • dippit says:

        I totally agree. And I never thought of it as formally learned (except in ‘being Finished’ circles) the knowing the way to carry yourself in more formal wear just seemed to happen more by an osmosis.

        Hehe, I’m sounding a bit old fashioned and I’m generally not the hidebound by social convention sort. I do wonder if the more disposable/cheaper new wardrobe every season has taken away from knowing naturally how to best wear ‘Sunday Best’ in an odd way.

        I wear skirts and dresses a lot and, no matter the length, the subtle smooth the rear as I sit is just an automatic muscle memory. I’ve noticed so many younger women sitting without doing that now resulting in unfortunate rucking and, subsequent, creases.

        /now off the apply for my tweed twinset, pearls, and scone shoes 😀

      • ctkat1 says:

        “The hem dragging the floor makes for a better line – and the designers don’t want you to do it – but they don’t have to walk in the dress.”

        Yup- the heels are insane and the hems are long, and the actresses are told repeatedly to kick and step rather than to lift the hem. Clearly, this isn’t working well for JLaw.

    • Jib says:

      I think she has a drinking problem. Just my gut. Not just the falling. The ridiculous behavior, also.

  2. Esteph says:

    Love the RL outfit, love love love.

  3. Betti says:

    Love the dress and yes love the hair, am thinking of going this length as well.

    • Sarah (another one) says:

      Me too. I was thinking of Duchess Kate – what if she chopped off all that hair to a cool, young bob? She would look so much younger and better!

      • WinnieCoopersMom says:

        Yes! I so agree with this!

      • SamiHami says:

        Ugh! That would be awful! I hope Ducess Kate keeps her hair long; it’s lovely.

        I think I’m in the minority about JLaw’s hair, as well. Seriously, the first thing I thought when I saw these pics was that she looked great except for that mess. A really great dress, which this is, deserves a really great ‘do. That choppy, messy cut might be okay with old jeans and comfy sneakers, but for an event where one is dressing up, what’s the point of a great dress and make up if your hair is going to be so casual and, frankly, unattractive?

  4. Lk says:

    She has fantastic figure, why turns her into a Red Female Spongebobs. *sighs*

  5. Bettyrose says:

    I really dislike her as a bottle blonde. Her natural blonde suits her, but if she has to color it she should go darker for more contrast with her pale complexion. This current shade reminds me of the Hitchcock blondes.

    • Samtha says:

      I don’t like that shade on her either. It’s too light/white for her.

    • sarah says:

      She’s not a pale blonde though. She def has a spray tan but her natural coloring is more warm than cool, i’m thinking of her lack of tan and natural blonde hair color in Winters Bone… and that fake ash brown for The Hunger Games.. she looks too severe with dark dark hair I think. I actually like the lack of dark eyeshadow in the first pic & black dress. I don’t love how often her makeup artists do dark eyeshadow and liner on her.. she looks so refreshing in the first photo. But yes, the haircolor could be a little less yellow. Dirty blonde suits her better.

      • Alex says:

        It’s definitely lighter be said she dyed it for Passengers. This isn’t her natural color at all. I thought her dark hair in THG was good but the color in SLP was TOO dark for her pale complexion.
        I like her natural blonde hair or the lighter brown she had during her THG filming

      • Chinoiserie says:

        I kind of like this, I wonder if she is going to keep this after passengers.

    • WinnieCoopersMom says:

      Well isn’t Harvey W like the new Hitchcock?

      • bettyrose says:

        Ha! That’s funny. Not entirely off point, either, but I sure hope he isn’t immortalized as a genius like Hitchcock. Womanizer or not, Hitchcock’s films do stand the test of time.

  6. chloe says:

    Love the black dress and hair.

    • tealily says:

      And the makeup! Love love love.

      • tigerlily says:

        her makeup looks great. When I first saw the pix I actually wondered if she’d had her eyes “tweaked” because they look rounder and wider open. She has strange eyelids…hooded? But looks amazing here.

  7. paola says:

    Obviously she can’t handle dresses that are too frumpy. She Is probably one of those people who’d trip on a carpet or a grain of dust.
    Give her something short to wear, it’s so obvious that she’s too clumsy when it comes to steps, long frocks or heels.

  8. Kaye says:

    I love most things JLaw related, but her hair looks brassy and harsh to me. I don’t think it’s flattering.

    • Dubois says:

      Yeah, the color is a tad too blonde. Sienna Miller can pull off this color. I prefer Jennifer darker.

  9. anniefannie says:

    When you see how she can really bring the glamour in this RL gown it’s a shame she’s been so closely associated with Dior. Aside from the sack, poorly constructed gowns they always put her in colors that wash her out!

  10. Jayna says:

    I love the cut on her. Very flattering.

    I just think she’s clumsy and has a hard time navigating those long gowns and steps on the hem and it trips her up.

  11. Lex says:

    She tripped?! I haven’t seen it coming… said nobody

  12. Naddie says:

    She looks pretty as usual, but deadly tired. Her eyes are like “I need to sleep!”.

  13. als says:

    There were 5 people around her and for her and none of them was able to catch when she fell on her back.

  14. minx says:

    Love the length of her hair; the color would be better one shade darker, IMO.
    She looks thinner; it shows in her face.

  15. Tiffany says:

    No. Not feeling any of it.

  16. QQ says:

    Jesus H. Christ In Jammies, did they film all Josh Hutcherson scenes in Apple Boxes while J. Law wore nothing but ankle socks?? how short is that little precious elf?

    • Shambles says:

      5’7. He’s wittle. But at least he’s wearing flat-ass shoes as if to say, “I accept myself the way I am”

      • QQ says:

        Or ” im no Tom Cruise, or RDJ, I am more of a Daniel Radcliff, no Megalomania here”

      • I Choose Me says:

        I love that about him.

      • InvaderTak says:

        I think 5’7″ is the uh, generous estimation. But yes, major points for not wearing the stupid lifts.

      • Nicole says:

        Nah he’s 5’7 I’ve met him and he’s slightly taller than me (I’m 5’6). Without shoes Jen is just taller than him in pictures. He’s definitely like Daniel Radcliffe who also doesn’t care about his height which I love about the both of them.

      • Chinoiserie says:

        Since all the women are wearing heels at the premiers he seems really short but when filming Jennifer should not be so much taller than him to require a lot of camera trickery.

  17. Shambles says:

    She looks hot as hell. The hair, the dress, the skin, the makeup…But most of all its her face. It’s like she’s grown into her face a little more, and it’s obvious what a truly stunning woman she is. Screw Goop Martin, Jen, I’ll date you.

  18. Bucketbot13 says:

    Yeah that photo in the red tuxedo dress with her hands on the hips looks like she’s thinking – oh, I’m in a tuxedo I should stand like a man now.

  19. Alarive says:

    I read she stopped working with Rachel Zoe really recently. That may have something to do with her style change?

  20. Veronica says:

    I think leaving Rachel Zoe has done her well. The clothes are slowly getting better, even if she’s still visibly uncomfortable in couture fashion. The makeup is SO MUCH BETTER than last year, though. So much better. Stick with this woman, J.Law. She is doing you right.

  21. Kate says:

    Her hair does look great, and her face is amazing. But of course she fell. The “I don’t wash my hands after peeing” thing didn’t go over as well as she had assumed, so she had to do something “charming” to remind people of how zany and adorable she is.

  22. smcollins says:

    Wow, gorgeous! She has amazing bone structure. I’d kill for her cheekbones.

  23. I Choose Me says:

    Her styling is so great lately. I’m not sure I love the hair colour but that length really does suit her. As for the dress, the only thing I don’t love about it are the ruffles. And I think her look would have benefited from a bra or at least some sort of support in the bodice of the gown. She’s got an awesome figure and all but the chichis are not looking so nice here.

  24. FingerBinger says:

    In the second photo her hair looks like Kim Kardashian’s hair when it was blonde.

  25. lucy2 says:

    I like the dress a lot on her. It’s probably not even that great a dress, just a huge improvement over the terrible stuff Dior has put her in.
    Love the length of her hair.

  26. Dana says:

    I love her look here and the make up is so simple and lovely. Of course there have to be bitter conspiracy comments on why she falls LMAO god forbid she is just a clumsy person like she and her co workers always say.

  27. Caela says:

    Does anyone else think she looks like Sienna Miller here??

  28. Margot says:

    Lovely dress she looks fabulous and really skinny.

  29. TreadStyle says:

    When I saw this dress yesterday I was thought wow this is really pretty and so different from the other Dior stuff. Then I scrolled down and saw it was not Dior and I realized every time I see her and thinks she looks great it’s the 10% of the time she is not in Dior. Sad to have picked a designer to be obligated to that doesn’t ever look good.

  30. Merritt says:

    The black dress is beautiful. The red tuxedo thing is hideous.

  31. TOPgirl says:

    Finally she doesn’t look so trashy here. Her makeup looks nice.

  32. vespernite says:

    Okay I’m not trying to body shame here, but her boobs are pretty saggy for such a young woman. Maybe its the dresses she’s been wearing lately but they do nothing for her cleavage. I do like her makeup and hair in both pics though.

  33. Smell me says:

    Her eyes look completely different. Wide open. The hoods over them are gone. Can’t help but notice.

    • PennyLane says:

      Is that it??? Something about JLaw’s face has definitely changed recently, but I couldn’t put my finger on exactly what. She looks more classically beautiful now but less like herself.

    • tigerlily says:

      I commented further up before I saw your comment, agree totally about the eyes.

  34. Patty says:

    Love the dress. It would be nice wedding dress if it were white. It’s lovely.

  35. What's inside says:

    Now that is a great dress and looks good on her, even for the vertically challenged.

  36. Mac says:

    Pee in the toilet, wash your hands, wear shorter heels and start acting like a lady on the red carpet.

  37. Timbuktu says:

    Wow, I actually do not find her all that beautiful (pretty, but rather average-looking girl), but she does look stunning here. I actually love this color and her, and love the cut, and yes, the dress is very nice.

  38. Mary-Alic says:

    Um, “Dior’s people can’t” threw me away. Which Dior people cannot tailor a dress? Until only a few years ago Dior produced dresses that fit like only a greatly designed dress can fit. That Raf Simons cannot design a dress to fit even the models on the runway, should not be thrown on the staff at Dior. They surely know how to tailor everything but to design is not their job! And it’s enough to look at the dress Galliano tailored personally for Amal just a few months ago to see what a tailored dress meant at Dior before Simons.