‘High Rise’ trailer drops, features a Tom Hiddleston voiceover: will you see it?


Last week, Ben Wheatley’s High Rise finally got American distribution. High Rise premiered at TIFF back in September, and many of Tom Hiddleston’s American fans hoped that the film would get widespread distribution because it was the Hiddles film that got some of the best reviews. I Saw the Light received very little critical buzz, and that film’s awards-baity fall release date was pushed back until March 2016. Now, sources claim, High Rise is probably going to be released next year as well. My guess is that they’ll probably release it in February or March too, so Tom Hiddleston can promote both films at the same time. So, with High Rise’s distribution deal in place, they’ve released the trailer. It’s a well-cut trailer featuring a voiceover by Hiddleston-as-Dr. Laing and the trailer is made as an “advertisement” for the High Rise.

As I said, it’s well-edited. They’re making this look like a really good film, half dystopian and half thriller/drama. There’s definitely something menacing and intriguing that comes through. Quite honestly, I want to see this film more than I Saw the Light.

Also: this is the film in which Hiddleston wanders around without pants, apparently. Word from the early screenings is that Hiddleston doesn’t go full-frontal, but we’ll probably get to see his butt and his long legs. You get to see his shoulders in the shower in this trailer, which… yum!!!

Last thing: the poster for I Saw the Light was released last week. Here you go!

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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128 Responses to “‘High Rise’ trailer drops, features a Tom Hiddleston voiceover: will you see it?”

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  1. Lilacflowers says:

    An early Christmas present from my dear husband Tom.

    Colin is busily setting up the TWELVE DESSERTD PLUS ONE FIR JESUS buffet Sixer has requested and there is eggnog and Mulled cider and champagne.

    • mimif says:

      I just a recipe for eggnog waffles (thanks vauvert) and am wondering if Colin can make this happen.

      • vauvert says:

        You are welcome😍

      • Lilacflowers says:

        Colin can make eggnog waffles happen in his sleep.

        And yes, we have Nutella hot chocolate and chocolate martinis

      • Maxime DuCamp says:

        I have a recipe for eggnog french toast (french baguette sliced in rounds and dipped in your favorite eggnog) topped with chopped toasted walnuts and maple syrup. It goes great with a side of bacon and a mimosa.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      And, of course, there is CROQUEMBOUCHE

    • vauvert says:

      I will bring the home made Oreos and if anyone is interested, the best eggs Benny you have ever had. (Totally speaking about breakfast foods and NOT the Batch who is off my hot list for good.)

      • mimif says:

        I currently hold the title for Best Eggs Benny, so we will have to have a taste off.

      • vauvert says:

        Ah… but do you put a bit of smoked paprika and smoked ancho chill in your home made hollandaise?
        Happy to have a taste off, I adore eggs Benny. And chocolate martinis, yum!! There is this bar in TO where hey use a lovely, creamy, chocolate liqueur at the bottom of your martini glass, then you swirl your vodka in and garnish with a slice of orange, dust with cocoa… I am very much not a drinker, but that chocolate martini is delicious.
        Could also go for a peach Bellini, made properly with pureed fresh peaches:-)

    • Sixer says:

      And chocolate vodka.

      • mimif says:

        I don’t know how I feel about chocolate and vodka in the same sentence.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        For the chocolate martinis

      • NUTBALLS says:

        Ahhh… chocolate vodka. The key to a long and lasting marriage.

      • mimif says:

        All of you are fired.

      • Sixer says:

        It is very good! Advanced users can do chocolate caramel vodka. This is what you do:

        Open bottle of vodka
        Pour some out
        Put squares of chocolate (or chocolate with caramel filling) into bottle
        Put lid back on
        Put in dishwasher for a cycle

        Chocolate vodka!

      • Sixer says:

        (You can also do this with jelly beans. One flavour at a time if you want pretty colours).

      • Lilacflowers says:

        @Mimif, we have regular vodka. And cheeze-its

      • Sixer says:

        I don’t know what cheeze-its are. Will there be Twiglets?

      • mimif says:

        This is how it works at my house:

        Open bottle of Stoli, pour all of it into mouth
        Eat box of Cheez-Its
        Commence sleeping
        Wake up and inspect for new gin blossoms, squish belly fat
        Rinse, repeat

        ETA: Cheez-Its are like cheese crisps and they are frighteningly delicious. Baby Jesus loved them.

      • Sixer says:

        I love you, mimif. That is all.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        If we need Twiglets, we’ll get Twiglets.

        @Mimif, Stoli makes chocolate coconut and a chocolate raspberry vodkas

      • mimif says:

        Both of those sound revolting. I like my booze neat and my its cheezed. The End.

      • antipodean says:

        Could I have twiglets, and after eights? Salty and sweet both covered, bish, bash, bosh. Sixer, you obviously have a lot of knowledge with regard to the makings of infused vodka, putting it in the dishwasher sounds inspired. Count me in for a good slug of that, if I may of course.

      • mimif says:

        But I don’t have a dishwasher! I will admit to being fairly intrigued with the jellybean infused vodka tho…

      • Sixer says:

        Antipodean – bottoms up!

        Mimif – you can do it in the microwave or with a bain marie for the choc/jelly beans and then shaking for England (or the US). It’s just more of a faff with containers and shiznit.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        Put blue and pink cotton candy in a martini glass, squirt some lemon juice at it, pour icy cold vodka over it. Scream! Watch it instantly fizz and melt into purple vodka

      • mimif says:

        @Sixer, Kiddo would have died and gone to Valhalla reading that last post of yours. *looks off into the sunset*


      • Cranberry says:

        @mimif – Add another ‘t’ to that sentence and you’ve got: ” I like my tits cheezed”

    • jammypants says:

      I haven’t had breakfast so this is making me hungry.

  2. Gingerly says:

    Hm, I never expected that it will get wide release in U.S. since the project was announced. NEVER. Yet I am thrilled with the teaser trailer. It looks fantastic and TH is perfect for Dr. Laing.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      I have always expected limited, art house release. Absolutely nothing about this film is mainstream

      • NUTBALLS says:

        I’m holding out hope for a simultaneous VOD release, like Beasts of No Nation.

      • Sixer says:

        Me too! But I love Ben Wheatley and would actually be prepared to schlep it to the cinema. That’s saying something for my lazy ass. Although, I will be taking the Sixlets to Star Wars. Russnfussn.

      • NUTBALLS says:

        You’re a good mum, Sixer. Mr Balls and I are considering joining the Star Wars throngs Saturday night as well. This is only because I have no artsy-fartsy movies vying for my attention. I do hope we make it back alive and without injury in the crush of madness we’re going to encounter.

      • mimif says:

        Mr Balls, I’m dying.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        Thursday night, all Friday, and most Saturday showing of Star Wars are already sold out here so I would strongly recommend advance tickets

      • Sixer says:

        I get sulky if I don’t get the posh seats with the side table and the CUP OF TEA. *goes to book*

      • Miss Jupitero says:

        I plan on waiting until the Star Wars throngs abate a bit, and I might be able to see it with my nephews when I visit them for Christmas.

        I will shlep to the theatre to see High Rise.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        Even if it is only showing at the Kendall, I will schlep while griping incessantly about how difficult it must have been to find a spot to build a theater that is so inaccessible by public transit while remaining in the city of Cambridge. But I’m hoping for the Coolidge

      • NUTBALLS says:

        Quitcha bitchin’, Lilac. Take the EZ Ride shuttle from North Station and stop at The Friendly Toast to get yerself some King Cakes and a Caffeine Machine beforehand. Enjoy the food to enjoy the Kendall.

        Then, enjoy the show. Along with Miss Jup, who is bound to be there too. Wear your pink wig, so she’ll recognize you.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        That whole area is under construction with lots of detours. And it irks me to pay for a private bus on top of what I’ve already paid for a monthly T pass. I don’t mind walking a few blocks but that’s a half mile each way (a boring half mile at that) and it is miserable in bad weather. I trudge along thinking: “they could have put the cinema here. Or here. Or here”

      • jammypants says:

        @Lilac, I’ve visited Boston recently. I’m quite in love! So big though so I didn’t get to see everything. Cambridge is lush!

      • Lilacflowers says:

        @jammypants, so glad you enjoyed your visit.

    • Liz says:

      Ben Wheatley’s visuals are always amazing. Been looking forward to seeing a film version of this since reading the novel a few years back. Hiddlestone certainly looks and sounds the part.

  3. Leah C says:

    I will be seeing this. And I Saw the Light as well.

  4. Kate says:

    This looks really good. I only made it about halfway through the book (that’s been about a year ago now) but the concept is so interesting and depraved.

    Tom’s made some really varied choices in his roles of late. I think that speaks highly of him.

  5. NUTBALLS says:

    As depressing as the novel was, I’m starting to think I may have to see this on opening day. I can put up with a lot of debauchery if humor is generously mixed in. Damn you, Wheatley.

    The PuddleTom looks so good in this film. Laing and Pine are vying for top slots in Best-Looking Character. After seeing CP and ISTL, I’m holding out hope that this script won’t disappoint.

    • NUTBALLS says:

      Correction, Laing and Pine are vying for the #2 slot. Coriolanus sits comfortably at #1. No one’s gonna dethrone the Brick Shithouse.

      • spidey (formerly joespider) says:

        I’m with you nutballs

      • NUTBALLS says:

        Hey, there’s something we can agree on, former Joe Spider!

      • Gingerly says:

        Muscular, blond Tom + Shakespeare’s lines = near perfection.

      • jammypants says:

        oh hey Spidey!

      • spidey (formerly joespider) says:

        Hi jammy 🙂

      • spidey (formerly joespider) says:

        @ nutballs, feel free to disagree with me any time, as long we are are nice to one another we don’t always have to agree. 🙂

      • icerose says:

        I saw it in London when Tom was there for the Q and A.not many people stayed so we were sitting right at the front. Wheatley was very very funny,Tom just beautiful and witty – Just do not ask me what they said but if you do want to know more I will asK my daughter what sHe remembers
        The film was excellant but their were changes giving Tom a bigger profile and they played down the worst of the excesses but it really worked for me.

      • NUTBALLS says:

        Awe Joe Spider, I’m always nice, even with those who don’t yet know how RITE I AM.

        Wow, that Extra Large White Russian really hit me hard tonight. Better go get Mr Balls…

        “Honey, I’m readeeee!!!!”

      • spidey says:

        Tee hee!

  6. Miss Jupitero says:

    I am really looking forward to this. The trailer looks awesome. 🙂 And I welcome the dark humor– this story needs it.

  7. Armenthrowup says:

    Oooooo looks so creepy! Yes please! (I just saw Crimson Peak, and I actually liked it a lot more than I thought I would). Gotta love me some Hiddles.

  8. ell says:

    ot (kinda), but while i don’t particularly like sienna as an actor, i adore her style nowadays. she never gets it wrong.

  9. Sochan says:

    Will I see it?

    Short answer: YES!
    Long answer: YESSSSSS!

    Can’t wait. It looks amazing. I love dystopia or post-apocalypse or social collapse stories so much. I would run out to watch this even without it having actors I like. But f*ck! Tom is gonna be amazing. And many others.

  10. anon says:

    Yes I will fucking see it! That’s the Tom I love. I don’t care about crappy Crimson Peak nor Hank Williams because let’s face it, he’s not a very good actor to potray a legend like Hank

    • NUTBALLS says:

      I thought Tom did a great job as Hank. It was the script that was found lacking.

    • jammypants says:

      Have you watched ISTL? Tom was wonderful.

      • anon says:

        I hope you guys are right! I haven’t seen it yet! It didn’t feel right to me from the beginning. Hank Williams would be a difficult role for everyone especially for Tom, in my opinion. I hope I’m wrong

      • jammypants says:

        The movie was disappointing, but Tom was a highlight 🙂 He surprised me if honest.

      • Cranberry says:

        @anon – I know what you mean. I think Tom’s a good actor, but I have concerns with such a genteel Brit playing a southern, good ‘ol country boy. Mostly I’m concerned about the music cause I know Tom’s voice doesn’t quite match Hank’s voice. Tom’s voice seems to be lower than Hank’s so that may be distracting and will have to be compensated for with a really good, true to life performance of the songs. Even though Tom’s very talented, this is a very tall order for any actor, and I think would have been easier for a gritty american actor.

        Still I hope I’m wrong, and he’s pulled it off as the rest of you are saying. Regardless of the outcome I’m glad Tom got the part because at the very least it’s a good role to expand himself and showcase his many talents and on screen charisma.

      • Farhi says:

        His body language is wrong for Hank, he is too tight in that upper class British way. They should’ve realized it before they cast him.
        There are probably actors who can alter their body language, but I haven’t seen it done to such a significant degree, going from British stiff to American loose. And he would need to do it on top of singing and keeping the accent going, and acting. I think it was an impossible task.
        People tend to discuss the accent work but body language is even more important but gets taken for granted.

      • Cranberry says:

        @Farhi – I agree that body language is possibly as important as the accent. I haven’t seen the film yet so I don’t have an opinion on the nuances of his performance, just concerns.

        Until he read the book which I don’t think was more than nine months before filming started, Tom probably didn’t have any idea who Hank was. After all most young Americans don’t know either. It must be difficult to accurately portray someone that you’ve had no cultural exposure to except some very old and poor quality video footage less than two months before you start filming.

        I think this is one of the reasons they picked Tom for the part. Along with him looking similar enough to Hank and being a damn good and reliable actor. He’s a good mimic and maybe they figured he could transform himself into Hank in such a short time with those skills. As you said though, it’s an almost impossible task when you take everything into consideration. I figure that Tom was their best choice because the director wanted to get this film off the ground, and Tom has the talent and skill to rise to the challenge in so short of time and, of course, casting Tom would also secure the finances.

        Just to be clear. I’m not one of those that think it’s sacrilege for a Brit to be cast as an American icon or as any American. I think that argument is bulls**t.

      • NUTBALLS says:

        I think those of you who haven’t seen ISTL will be surprised at how he was able to transform himself into Hank. Don’t underestimate him. I know it’s hard to suspend disbelief when you know he’s a posh Brit playing a country boy, but I thought he did respectable job.

      • Waitwhat says:

        What @Nutballs said. He did a fantastic job, and one of the first things I noticed (after Cold, Cold Heart *fans self*) was that he doesn’t move like Tom.

      • Cranberry says:

        Oh good. I hope so @Nutballs.

        @Farhi — Maybe what your reading as the wrong body language is the fact that Tom’s portraying someone who’s in continuous pain with a severe, degenerative back disease. That could account for @Waitwhat comment that Tom doesn’t move like himself either.

        It’s easy to expect a spot on, authentic southern performance, but the fact is the film is not about just any southerner, it’s about one, Hank. There’s not much film footage of Hank and the way he moved outside of staged performances.

        So really I think Tom was having to work in the dark trying to capture how Hank carried himself day to day. Maybe it’s unrealistic to assume Hank’s 1950’s, southerner body language was “American loose” at all.

        Note: But I would like to see Tom do American loose one day, not necessarily southern.

      • lilacflowers says:

        Jett Williams and Holly Williams have both said that they thought Tom did a great job of portraying Hank.

      • Farhi says:

        It is tough, he worked hard on it obviously. I was commenting on what I saw and I think the target audience will notice it too. He was missing that sexy southern swagger, it is hard to describe it but when you see it you know it. Like with Elvis or Harrison Ford or Chris Pratt it is just there.
        I read some commentary on rotten tomatoes. And the other thing I agree with is the singing , They should’ve went with the original recordings. Tom is not a singer, and if he didn’t have to sing he could’ve concentrated more on the acting.
        “Viewers unfamiliar with Williams’ work who aren’t country fans will likely wonder what all the fuss is about as the power of the man’s music never comes across, largely because Hiddleston does his own singing, and while he has a pleasant if unremarkable voice, the raw, tormented soulfulness that Williams conveyed just isn’t there.”

        To be fair I don’t know if it matters anyway as most of the criticism has to do with the script.
        On the upside the High Rise trailer looks really good.

      • Cranberry says:

        “He was missing that sexy southern swagger”

        @Farhi, As I said above. Yes we all expect to see the southern swagger, but it’s crucial to remember Hank was physically suffering with chronic pain which is why he drank himself to death. I don’t know that you could expect a person with that condition to have a sexy southern swagger at all, maybe more of a drunken stagger.

        Yes, it’s hard to convey the soulfulness or the power of Hank’s music. That’s nearly impossible to achieve for any performer. The only way the original recordings would have worked would have been to re-master them and clean up all the noise, alter the pitch and make it sound real and not like a recording. More than likely they wouldn’t have gotten permission to do that to Hank’s recordings just for a little film, and if so it would have cost a whole lot more.

        Perhaps what would have worked best would have been to overdub Tom’s singing with another singer that sounds more like Hank. Even that most likely would still have it’s flaws, and when it came down to it the director made the best decision that would get the wheels rolling on this limited budget project.

        Maybe if ISTL had more time, more money and a better script they could have made something that conveyed Hank’s music better, BUT from what I understand, the director wanted the film to focus more on Hank’s personal struggles.

      • NUTBALLS says:

        Cranberreeeee… I’m always RITE, just trust me (nevermind that I live in my own alcohol-infused reality). The music was GREAT. It was Tom’s sound, but delivered with the emotion of Hank. When you watch the film, take note of the opening number, Cold, Cold Heart, delivered sitting on a stool, stripped down (not Tom, sadly, the music). It was exquisitely gorgeous.

        Frankly, I hate Hank’s singing. I like his songs sung by others and I can tell you that I’ll be downloading every damn one of Tom’s songs from that film. Not because it’s the PuddleTom (I’m not that much of a fan), but because it sounds better than Hank’s. Yes, better.

      • Cranberry says:

        hoooo @Nutballs. Okay girrl. I believe I believe. Your’re RITE. No more doubting Molly here. I’ve exhausted my inner skeptic, and I’m ready to ‘See The Light’. hahaha — Hallelujah, Amen.

        *kneels on the floor and raises hands in the air

      • jammypants says:

        @Cranberry, Tom was chosen to play Hank by the director since the year War Horse came out (2010). Tom’s been on board for this for years before it was filmed. He was aware of Hank for years, not just a few months before the shoot 🙂

        Tom has amazing body language and posture, so when he played Hank, he slouched, showed he had physical back pain, and had an old time charm about him. Very different to his own body movements. I’m southern and I thought Tom did fine.

        “I don’t know that you could expect a person with that condition to have a sexy southern swagger at all, maybe more of a drunken stagger.”

        Completely agree. And that’s how he was in the film.

        As to his singing, Abraham made it very clear that he knew Tom would “never” sound like Hank. But he wanted an authentic portrayal, and that involved real singing. He wanted to focus on the man behind the music.

      • Cranberry says:

        Hi @jammy. I’m not sure you’re right about Tom being picked for Hank in 2010. BTW, War Horse was first released in US at Xmas 2011, but his filming was in October 2010.

        Tom said in an interview that Mark Abraham came to see him in Coriolanus and then later over dinner offered him the part. At first Tom asked for a little time to look at the material so he could show him a good reading, but Abraham told him there was no need, he was already convinced Tom would fit the part and was ready to sign him right then but if Tom wanted to do a reading then he could.

        In the Deadline article Abraham said he first saw Tom in War Horse and that “he just popped off the screen”. So it sounds like he was aware of Tom but had never met him. Abraham also spoke of offering the role to Tom over dinner saying, “‘Let’s do it!’ I told him. I didn’t have financing at the time, nor was the project at a studio, but I told him I knew how to get movies made.” That’s all I have to go by except that Mark Abraham was announce as directing in June 2014.

      • waitwhat says:

        @cranberry Both Tom and Marc said at TIFF and in subsequent interviews that he was offered the role in early 2012 (right after War Horse). Not announced doesn’t mean not offered or attached. MA would need a name to get financing, so my guess is the money came through after Avengers/Coriolanus success, and they could start announcing in 2014.

      • TotallyBiased says:

        Cranberry–I did read Mark Abrams talking about how long it took him to get IStL made, and he made a point of saying he had two things in place for years: the script and Tom Hiddleston. I can’t remember the exact quote, but Mark (Marc?) mentions how in earlier years industry people would ask him “Hiddlestoner who?” but then in 2014 people were all “How did you manage to land Tom Hiddleston for this role!”
        So while it might not have been set in stone or finalized in a contract, I think they had some sort of agreement early on.
        Tom learned not to talk too much about films too early in the process when the Capa flick crashed and burned–he really wore his heart on his sleeve with that one.

      • jammypants says:

        @Cranberry, I got the year wrong, but the point being is that Tom was part of the process for many years. Marc made it very known that Tom was unknown when he set sights on him (War Horse), and when Avengers/Thor came out, people would tell Marc that he’s got a star for Hank.

        Edit: What @TB said 😛

  11. MexicanMonkey says:

    Ben Wheatley + J. G. Ballard + this cast means I will be watching this the minute it opens. The trailer is fantastic and the voice over is perfect.

  12. Grace says:

    Wohoo! Finally! THE trailer!

  13. Gingerly says:

    And Hiddles tweeted the trailer. I am not sure where he is now as it seemed that the shooting in Hawaii was wrapped up.

    • spidey (formerly joespider) says:

      Think they wrap at the end of the week then two week break for Christmas. Which would make sense.

  14. TotallyBiased says:

    Yes, and twice on Sunday.
    Heyyyy—talking about SEEING THE MOVIE!

  15. Beach girl says:

    Candy Cane Vodka Martinis.
    Vanilla Vodka, creme de cacao, peppermint schnapps. Garnish rim with crushed peppermints. Very festive.

  16. Heat says:

    I saw High Rise and ISTL at TIFF, and HR was wayyyyyy more entertaining. More naked Tom too!

  17. lunchcoma says:

    Absolutely. I won’t get a chance to until it’s available through Netflix, but I can wait. I never anticipated this movie would get a wide release.

    • Vesta says:

      Yup. I have to wait too, but when a film looks this interesting, no problemo with waiting.
      Also, this is such a well-made trailer and spotting Jeremy Irons in that white room…ah yes!

  18. Eira says:

    I saw the film at Zürich Film Festival in October and Luke Evans attended. There was plenty of possibilities to chat about the film. I liked it, it’s not to be taken lightly, it can be disturbing but I found it fascinating, how they created this microcosmos within the skyscraper and how chaos can easily turn the whole thing up side down. And yes I enjoyed Tom Hiddleston a lot. In many different poses. Some with and some without clothes. Even with his clothes on, he always looked fab and incredibly convincing in his part. Go see the film, I can recommend it, but chaos will be your guide. BTW: There’s a great trance like dancing scene with Hiddles and Luke in it. This scene alone is already worth the time.

  19. KTE says:

    I just watched the trailer, and it made me howl with delighted laughter. It’s just too delicious.

  20. P'enny says:


    film is great, & trailer captures it beautifully. perfect in fact.

    i can’t wait to see it again.

  21. Cranberry says:

    Damn this man’s a giver. I mean he’s like ice cream; He comes in all sorts of flavors. There’s blond Tom, ginger Tom, black hair Tom, long hair Tom, short hair Tom, Tom with full stash & Tee, or smooth as a baby’s ass Tom, pale Tom, orange Tom, Tom as Loki, Tom in a suit (classic), Tom in leather (yum), and naked Tom. Point is there’s many tastes to sample and regardless of preference, it’s all ice cream 🙂

    Oh yeah, forgot, shower Tom. (ie Coriolanus or High Rise)

    He could have his own doll/figurine series like Barbie. Note to self, make appointment with Matel to pitch a new doll line.

  22. Blackbetty says:

    Thanks I’m a fan of J G Ballard and Tom! . J G Ballard wrote about issues such as global warming, DECADES before it was popular to talk about. I’ve quickly joined the ranks of Toms fans!

  23. MollyO says:

    ok I am new to this Tom Hiddleston thing but let me say love his voice & his dreamy eyes and loved him in “Crimson Peak.” swoon.

  24. NUTBALLS says:

    So… Torilla posted some snaps of Tom leaving LA yesterday. After being spotted on Twitter brunching with Lizzy the day before. After he was photographed at the SI Wrap Party the day before that.

    It appears Lizzy isn’t the only one making an effort to get together when they can…

  25. Beach girl says:

    Yeah I not so sure. Several accounts saying Brie spoke about having lunch with Tom this weekend in Santa Monica to screen a new project of hers at the Aero Theatre. Maybe mistaken idenity? I can’t find orgional post though.

  26. Beach girl says:

    So. Room was screened at the Aero Theatre Santa Monica Monday at 7:30pm. Q & A with Brie where she mentioned SI and having lunch with Tom on Sunday. Anon was there and submitted it to Tumblr today to hopefully provide some clarity.

    • NUTBALLS says:

      Thanks Beach Girl. I was hoping my post would bring out the sleuths (paging Dara!) to share what they’d seen in the oceans of internet. I don’t dig deep… I rely on others.

    • NUTBALLS says:

      ETA: To me, whether someone mentions it on Tumblr or Twitter, it holds pretty much the same weight. May be true, may not be. Requires additional proof of presence. Since there’s no video of the event available, it’s hard to verify if Brie actually said that or not.

      My gut feeling is that since he’s seen a lot of Brie the past two months, it’s less plausible that she had lunch with him. It’s more likely he stopped off in LA to meet with his agent or for something else work-related and possibly to see EO, if they’re still messing around.

      • Beach girl says:

        You’re right to question the anon comments w/o proof. Agreed he probably had work related meetings. I’m going with lunch with Brie however. The comments felt real to me so yeah I’m going with my gut also. To clarify I’m going with the sane sounding anon over the pornoguy sighting. Fun huh?

      • lilacflowers says:

        If he was lunching/brunching with anyone in Los Angeles on Sunday, he must have left Saturday night’s wrap party rather early to catch a flight or flew by private jet overnight. Flying out of Honolulu Sunday morning on commercial flights wouldn’t have got him to California in time for brunch- unless they were lunching very late in the day. Like almost supper time. (Family members live in Hawaii and travel back to the mainland frequently with constant complaints about flight schedules) And I would go with the reports of Brie’s statements because they somehow seem more trustworthy. I’m also wondering if the alleged Hawaii sightings of Olsen were actually Erin Moriarty. They have a very similar facial structure and, although she’s not listed on Kong’s IMDB page, she turned up in several of the wrap party pictures.

        Meanwhile, in more easily verifiable (and to me more exciting) news, High-Rise and Tom have made the long list for the Evening Standard film awards. Tom was noted for High Rise AND Crimson Peak.

  27. plainbay says:

    I sincerely hope it was Brie he had lunch with and not Just a verbal attempt to cover for THEO. There’s some bad DNA in that Olsen family IMO. But if the guy who spotted them doesn’t have a pic then who knows. The plot thickens…
    Not meaning to be pushy, but can I join y’all on the veranda if I bring toll house cookies?