“LeBron James ugly-cried tears of joy when the Cavs won Game 7” links

The Cleveland Cavaliers won the NBA Finals & LeBron James wept tears of joy. I’m so happy for the Cavs! [Mashable]
Ayesha Curry took ESPN to task for saying she needs to be quiet. [LaineyGossip]
This guy is Peak Dad. [Dlisted]
Donald Trump dumped his much-maligned campaign manager. [Pajiba]
Some of the best hats from Royal Ascot. [Go Fug Yourself]
Bernie Sanders’ Secret Service detail is a waste of money. [Jezebel]
Are we going to watch Westworld? I don’t know. [OMG Blog]
Charlotte McKinney is trying to be the new Kate Upton. [The Blemish]
The Shahs of Sunset went to Belize, probably on Bravo’s dime. [Reality Tea]
Jessica Alba goes for comfort while flying. [Popoholic]
Julianne Hough lives at the gym. [Moe Jackson]
Hilary Duff is on-trend with these jeans. [Celebslam]

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58 Responses to ““LeBron James ugly-cried tears of joy when the Cavs won Game 7” links”

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  1. burnsie says:

    I’m so excited for Westworld!!! 😁 That’s my exact genre. And the cherry on top is that I’ve had a crush on James Marsden since the 90s

    • mia girl says:

      He is in it?! I don’t remember seeing him in the promo.

      If so, then to the question you posed Kaiser: “Are we going to watch Westworld? I don’t know”

      I say a resounding YES! I think Marsden’s talents are underrated and underappreciated by many.

    • QQ says:

      Oh I was on board since Last year when they had those obscure trailers I’m totally in

  2. Almondjoy says:

    My favorite part was seeing baby Zhuri James 😍😍 sooo cute!

    • LB says:

      Omg wasn’t Zhuri the cutest? All of Lebron’s kids are so well behaved.

      Really happy for the Cavs and for Cleveland. That new Nike commercial hit it home how much it meant to that part of the country.

      • Locke Lamora says:

        I’m really happy they won too.

        On a more superficial note, I like him much more than Steph.

      • Almondjoy says:

        His kids are adorable! And Savannah seems really sweet.

        Locke, I like them both. But I guess the Curry’s have been kind of grating on people’s nerves lately.

      • Locke Lamora says:

        Yep, I find the entire Curry family very annoying.

      • Lynnie says:

        My former Spanish teacher had a friend who works for Tervis Tumblers and whenever these big games happen they always make make their “Winners” merchandise for both teams, and whichever one ends up losing ends up getting their stuff destroyed. I wonder if that was the same for the commercial, and Nike ended up having to trash their GSW ad. Maybe they can use it for next year lol

      • LB says:

        I think the Nike ad only happened because Lebron is Nike’s featured star. I think he has a billion dollar contract with them. Whereas I think GSW’s main player – Steph – is with Under Armour.

      • V4Real says:

        LeBron James ugly cried tears of joy when they won in game 7.

        LOL..and so did my boyfriend.

        He loves him some LJ

    • Cynthia says:

      But why do we have to compare one to another. Ayesha has a different personality that Savannah and they both bring different thing to the table .

      I just think we build celebrities up to tear them down. Last year they were everyone’s darling and suddenly because Lebron won, we are now casting them to the side.

      • Locke Lamora says:

        It’s not because LeBron won. It’s because they’re annoying as hell. Ayesha’s been going on my nerves ever since the modest clothing debacle.

      • Robin says:

        Steph has been exposed as a one-trick pony…he’s an amazing shooter, but as for the rest of his game…hardly MVP level, and throwing the mouth guard was just childish. Ayesha has a right to her opinion, as we all do, but maybe it would be better if she thought a bit more before she tweeted. And I can’t be the only one who’s sick of lifestyle blogs and cooking videos.

      • CF98 says:

        I do agree with this overall but while I do find Ayesha annoying I still wanted the Warriors to win because I cannot stand LeBron.

        I’m not suddenly going to like him because he returned to Cleveland when everyone seemed to despise him for leaving them to begin with.

        I was never a fan of his and that has never changed.

    • Robin says:

      LeBron’s kids are ADORABLE. I was amazed at how the boys just sat there calmly next to their dad and didn’t interrupt, and how his daughter was so calm as well, especially considering how discombobulated they must have been with all of the travel and excitement and the late hour. What a cute family.

  3. Joss RED says:

    I really think Jessica Alba pays Celebitchy to feature her on these links and on “Featured Links”, because every single day there’s something about her here. Who even cares about what she wears or how good she looks in some pants?

    • mary s says:

      Jessica Alba? Is she considered an A-list celebrity? I didn’t know she turns up that often in the “Links” posts. Probably because she’s got nothing of interest going on. Girl’s gotta create some good PR drama to reel me in…

      • Rhiley says:

        Nothing of interest? She is listed as one of Forbes riches woman in the world, with a net worth of 340 million dollars. Granted, money doesn’t make one interesting, but I love how someone as vapid and boring as Jessica Alba has stuck it to women like Goopy Paltrow. Goop, at one time, probably looked at Jessica as just another no name peasant CW actress, but you know, Goop would love to have Jessica’s business success. Who wouldn’t?

      • Bridget says:

        Forbes uses bogus “estimated” numbers for that. Jessica Alba is wealthy, but Honest Company massively over-inflated their estimated future worth when it came time for their IPO. It’s not a billion dollar company and Alba isn’t worth 300+ million.

      • kok says:


        The Honest Company has a strong track record of being chemically dishonest.

        google it.

  4. Esmom says:

    These new photos are priceless to me. My sports fanatic son was going for the Warriors but has a grudging admiration for LeBron and the Cavs. The old “LeBron crying” photo was our go-to image whenever we wanted a good laugh, sometimes I’d slip it in his lunchbox or text it to him when I knew he was blue. This expands our library a bit 🙂

    • Birdix says:

      Living in SF I’m ensconced in Dub nation, but it’s hard not to be happy for Cleveland for breaking the 50+ year dry spell. And that block that LeBron made toward the end was AMAZING. My dance-loving soul appreciated the timing, physicality, and artistry of slamming that ball against the backboard.

  5. Sally says:

    That Sanders story is so ridiculous. Don’t people know what fixed costs are anymore? Those agents would still be payed regardless of Sanders staying or dropping out of the race. They’re not doing seasonal work like apple picking, they’re not temp workers and they’re not getting laid off after Sanders drops out. What a lazy take.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      I’ve decided that people are just crazy and ignorant when it comes to the concept of government spending. Fixed costs are beyond their comprehension.

      • Sally says:

        I don’t think readers are expected to know all the intricacies of federal spending but the people pushing these articles in WP, Slate and Jezebel are counting on this and purposefully push these disingenuous nonsense articles that don’t hold up at a closer look. It’s quite insulting.

      • mary s says:

        Well, I’m not going to cop to being crazy! But I’m definitely ignorant about spending and fiscal and fixed…🤔

    • Bobo says:

      As a non-American, I do find it funny how much the media tries to vilify Bernie Sanders. Meanwhile, you’ve got Hillary and all her shady shenanigans but not a peep out of this site. Oh well.

      • Celeste says:

        On point!

      • Mika says:

        It’s the exact opposite actually. Bernie’s rape apologist past is non news in our idiotic, misogyny prone media. Nice try though.

      • Veronica says:

        He was actually treated pretty well, IMO. Less media coverage is probably more how they screwed him, if they did. The guy was a long shot from the start because he was so bluntly socialist – not a good sell to moderates. He got a lot farther than anyone initially imagined.

        (I thought he got quite a pass on the whole superdelegate thing, honestly. He criticized the system, then tried to utilize it to secure his nomination despite the fact that voter numbers suggested Hillary would have won either way. Kind of the opposite of “anti-establishment.”)

      • TG says:

        Have any of you guys been following the #Guccifer hacks? Wikileaks is supposed to dump a yuuuuuuge file today too, so things are getting very interesting. That and Charles Ortel is coming hard for the Clinton Foundation, which is being accused of the largest charity fraud ever attempted, to the tune of a cool $1 billion (with a B) dollars. Funny how none of the MSM is covering that tho.

      • Keaton says:

        Agreed @Mika and @Veronica. I don’t think Bernie is vilified at all by the US media. If anything he’s treated quite well. And yes Hillary gets more media coverage but a significant proportion of it is negative. I’m not sure how anyone could get the impression the US media vilifies Bernie Sanders. Even the right wingers largely leave him alone and vilify Hillary instead.

      • Sarah says:

        I love Sanders. The rape fiction story was nonsense, blown out of proportion by Hillary fans, while her husband was actually accused of rape.
        Bernie’s a threat to the Haves and they wouldn’t allow it.

      • Keaton says:

        Oops I should clarify. I don’t think Bernie is a rape apologist in any manner. I was just agreeing with Mika that Bernie wasn’t vilified by the US media at all.

  6. pinetree13 says:

    LOL the funniest part of that “Dad” video is the guy behind him that had both hands out in a bowl shape turning away so disappointed. LOL dude, that’s how my FOUR YEAR OLD tries to catch things! That video was great! I’m still chuckling.

  7. Lilacflowers says:

    Congratulations to the people of Cleveland, who waited so long for this. Feeling sad for Anderson Varejao, who played so hard there for so many years.

    • KittenFarts says:

      I heard that Varejao will get a ring since he played on the cavs for half of the season. Not sure if that’s true!
      It was a beautiful night to be AkronBorn yesterday! I love that Nike’s commercial but it’s completely inaccurate of Cleveland/Akron’s reaction. Nothing but tears & shouting from joy! True emotions! I can’t stop watching the video of lebron collapsing in tears! To see coach Lu just weep as he was sitting there in awe! Tell me again this game is fixed! Someone said last night “unless you are from Northeast Ohio, you don’t know what this means to us!” That is so very true!
      SO PROUD OF OUR BOYS!!!! Brought it home!!!

      • Lilacflowers says:

        It is usually up to the owners to decide but good if he gets one.

      • Susie M. says:

        @KITTENFARTS I am not from Akron, I’m from Northwest Ohio and have grown up rooting for Cleveland teams. I’m so happy for your hometown and I’m thrilled that we Cleveland fans finally have something to celebrate.

  8. Tiffany says:

    Once GS dropped game 4, it was the beginning of the end. You do not give a team like Cleveland a chance, you just don’t. Congrats Cleveland. GS regroup for next season.

  9. Green Is Good says:

    Seriously, Lebron crying with joy got me. Almost ugly cried myself.

  10. K37744 says:

    Cleveland was ON FIRE last night!!!

    LeBron promised us this….and he 100% delivered. So much pride in our city right now.

    Now about that matter of the RNC…..*sigh*

  11. minx says:

    Very happy for Lebron and Cleveland.
    I’m in Chicago, and the Cubs are doing so well…maybe this is an omen.

    • Esmom says:

      Hey, I’m in Chicago, too, and the Cubs are indeed something to behold right now. Love them! But we can’t get ahead of ourselves here…

  12. Mellie says:

    Awww, I love LeBron and Cleveland is a really neat city. Good for them!

  13. HJH says:

    I read CB everyday and have never posted. I’m from NE Ohio transplanted to Canada. I went to law school at Case Western there. Last night I was all alone downstairs watching the Cavs app because I was too nervous in the last 5 min to watch on tv. I woke my 3 young kids up screaming OMG WE WON! Over and over again. The kids ran downstairs and we jumped up and down while I screamed. We then called my parents who are in their 80s in NEOhio and they were screaming, too. I can’t get the smile off my face. LeBron is one of us and when he was crying my eldest asked why is he crying and I said “Because he KNOWS”. This means so much to us. Thank you to everyone who has shared their well wishes for NEOhio. It makes me so excited and proud that it seems like most of the world is happy for us.

    • Robin says:

      That’s terrific, I am so glad Cleveland won! For ending the long drought, for loving their fans, for coming back from 3-1 down, and most of all for wrecking the Duds’ bandwagon and exposing the MVP as a one-trick pony.

    • Nona says:

      Hi HJH! Glad you posted!
      It does seem like most people are happy for us, doesn’t it? I can’t wipe the silly smile off my face:) And I was crying, yelling, jumping with joy too last night. Wow, just wow. We did it the hard way, but that’s how things are here—it’s not given to you. We earn it.

    • tealily says:

      <3 I'm also a transplant from Cleveland. I've been in full-on giddy meltdown mode all day and missing my NE Ohio peeps!!! I've been watching the coverage of the team landing at the airport and reading articles all day. What a feeling!!!

      • HJH says:

        tealily – I miss NEOhioans – so much it hurts. I’ve been online all day watching videos of all the action from home. Only you might be able to understand this but I actually trash talked a 12 year-old on my kid’s team by telling his dad that his son’s GSW’s Curry t-shirt was an “unfortunate choice” (I do not know what got into me). The dad told me oh yeah well Steph’s gonna take the Cavs down. I told him not a chance. I have been fantasizing all day about tomorrow night’s little league game and just seeing the look on his face. I’m also washing my HOME t-shirt (the “O” is a outline of the state of Ohio) and organizing my Cavs hat. I’ve become one of those people – oh yeah – we are known as WINNERS!!!! LOL

    • Almondjoy says:

      Hi, HJH! Thanks for posting ❤️ I’m so happy for you all!

  14. Kate says:

    Didn’t Kate Upton just quit acting because it “didn’t work out”?

    And who is Charlotte McKinney anyway?

  15. Krysten says:

    From a person from Ohio and lived here all my life I can happily say I was ugly crying right there with them lol. It was amazing. I had my sleeping one year old on me and jumped off couch shouting lol. My husband got teary eyed. It was an amazing moment for us Ohioans. We love LBJ!! You are made of stone if you didnt shed even a small tear when they hugged him and he went from smiling to sobbing and then breaking down. It gave me chills!