Cele|bitchy | Katie Holmes signs on to a creepy thriller

Katie Holmes signs on to a creepy thriller

Katie Holmes

Katie Holmes has just signed on for a relatively prestigious film. It’s a thriller-horror called Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark, and it will be directed by Guillermo Del Toro, best known for his Oscar-winning film Pan’s Labyrinth. I loved Pan’s Labyrinth, and I would recommend it to anyone – Del Toro is a bold, innovative director and storyteller. With Del Toro helming the film, you know Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark is going to be both beautiful and creepy. So why in the world did Katie Holmes get cast? Her career has been pretty dead since she flaked out on The Dark Knight, one of the worst moves in career history.

Anyway, Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark will be filmed in Melbourne, Australia. I’m assuming Tom and Suri will join Katie for filming. But there’s probably no worries about Tom and Nicole Kidman running into each other – Kidman’s a Nashville housewife now.

Suri probably won’t be seeing her mommy’s upcoming movie.

According to Variety, Katie Holmes has signed on to star in the fright flick, Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark.

The thriller — which shoots this summer in Melbourne, Australia — centers on a young girl who moves in with her father and his girlfriend. Soon, she discovers they are sharing the house with devilish creatures.

This isn’t Holmes’ only big screen action: She recently completed shooting the comedy The Extra Man with Kevin Kline.

[From US Weekly]

What’s weird is that Tom Cruise hasn’t signed on for his next film yet. He’s got several film projects that he’s close to signing on to, after he demanded millions of dollars in script re-writes. All of 2008 was about Tom Cruise’s comeback, from his turn in Tropic Thunder, to his never-ending press tour for Valkyrie. It was all about the new-and-improved Tom Cruise, so why isn’t he back to work like a fiend? Perhaps a Xenu-related relapse?

Here’s Katie Holmes going to the Independent Filmmaker Project 30th Anniversary Party in New York City on April 26th. Images thanks to INF Photo.

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17 Responses to “Katie Holmes signs on to a creepy thriller”

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  1. Samantha says:

    Wow, she looks really good here.

  2. Michelle says:

    I agree, and she hasn’t looked that good in ages. Loving her hair, makeup, the whole outfit- why can’t she look like this more often?

  3. kiki says:

    I image she stinks of vomit

  4. CB Rawks says:

    “Anyway, Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark will be filmed in Melbourne, Australia.”

    Oh crap. That means there will be a whole lot of painfully bad acting by Aussies trying to do American accents. I hate that.
    You Americans don’t seem to mind it, though. Alan Dale keeps inexplicably getting work. 😉

  5. just a poster says:

    “Katie Holmes signs on to a creepy thriller????”

    Silly moi, I thought they were talking about her life here. MY BAD!

  6. Emily says:

    ^hahahahaa ME TOO! Life with Tom Cruise is a creepy thriller.

  7. stewie says:

    correction…she didn’t “flake out” on “The Dark Knight”.

    she was essentially fired because her performance was so pitiful. she was the one weak link in “Batman Begins”. the story that she “passed on it” was something Cruise liked to say to save face.

  8. bros says:

    wait, what happened with her and the dark night stewie?

  9. Annie says:

    Are you sure Stewie?

    She wasn’t so bad in the first one and it was odd to see Maggie take her place.

    (I adore Maggie, but it was all too odd)

  10. stewie says:

    hi bros…

    don’t know details, but the bottom line is that she was not asked back to reprise her role in the 2nd movie.

    Cruise’s story was that she passed on it to film “Mad Money”. Because, uh…that had SO much more potential to be a hit than “The Dark Knight” did.

    seriously, NO ONE turns down a role in a sequel to a blockbuster like that. And Cruise knows that as well as anyone.

  11. stewie says:

    Annie, can one EVER be sure about Hollywood gossip? 🙂

    but, yeah, pretty sure about this one.

  12. morgs says:

    She better not eff up a Guillermo del Toro movie. I will be truly, truly pissed. Plus, her acting is sh*t.

  13. eternalcanadian says:

    huh, as if her life wasn’t already creepy enough she adds more creepiness to it?

  14. cherryblossom says:

    Oh my…this sounds like it won’t end well.

  15. clare says:

    If Katie Holmes is in it, it will be a horror/thriller. She won’t even have to act!

  16. Jazz says:

    Filming in Melbourne? Aww crap, that means there will be MORE endless Tomkat stories in the Aussie press.

  17. hotmilfchocolate says:

    we know, it was called ‘the marriage certificate’

    *andrew dice clay*
