Cele|bitchy | Paris Hilton doesn’t keep a business diary, she Googles herself instead

Paris Hilton doesn’t keep a business diary, she Googles herself instead

kennedy centre gala 040509

In case you were one of the twelve people who bought into that whole, “Paris Hilton is actually a marketing genius” bit, I’m here to inform you that you, sir, are an idiot. Paris has proven once and for all that she is the stupidest, flakiest imbecile on the planet. Right after those people who believed otherwise. She’s being sued for $8 million for failing to promote her 2006 comedy “Pledge This!” – on which she was a producer.

During her deposition today, Paris said – among other moronic things – that she doesn’t know what a producer does (and apparently has that job mixed up with casting directors), that she loses her cell phone – and buys a new one – every two weeks, that she doesn’t keep a business diary and just Googles herself instead, and that she promoted the movie just fine by telling people every chance she got that it was “hot.”

Case dismissed.

The 28-year-old heiress … was asked by lawyers during a pre-trial hearing in Miami Thursday if she keeps a diary for business meetings. “I just press my name and Google it and see,” she told the court. Asked by lawyers about her calls from the producers, she testified: “With my phone I never know, because I lose it all the time. I probably get a new cellphone, like, every two weeks.”

When shown a copy of her cell phone bill, she replied: “I’ve never seen a phone bill of mine in my life.” Asked what her responsibilities as the film’s executive producer, Hilton told the court, “I’m not sure what a producer does, but – I don’t know, help get cool people in the cast?”

Hilton, who also revealed that she earns $11 million a year, claims she adequately honored her deal to promote the film. “Any chance I got, any red carpet, any press, if I was doing something for another product…I would just bring it up, ‘Oh, my new sorority film, it’s going to be sexy, it’s going to be really hot girls,'” she testified. “Like, I really, you know, did my best.”

A lawyer for Hilton added that the investors made unreasonable and last-minute demands for publicity events because the heiress’ schedule is always fully booked. Said attorney Michael Weinstein: “She’s the single busiest person on the planet.” A trial is scheduled to begin in June.

[From Us Weekly]

You hear that President Obama? Paris Hilton is the single busiest person on the planet! Stop lazing around with your meetings and your summits and start working as hard as Paris! The rest of us should get off our asses too. We are clearly not working as hard as Paris. I’m going to start an epic list of all the hard working people who are still not working as hard as Paris Hilton. Sheesh.

I love how Paris’ whole defense is “I’m an idiot.” She’s got about ten different ways to say it, but that is what she’s saying. Not that anyone was doubting that. I love that she was a producer and doesn’t know what a producer does. That goes to show you what a vanity title that can be.

I don’t remember hearing much about this film, so I’m guessing it’s safe to say Paris didn’t promote it properly. It’s also safe to say it was crap and that’s the bigger reason it’s hardly memorable. Only so much of that is Paris’ fault. And really – they were resting all their hopes of a successful film on someone who Googles herself instead of keeping a business diary? Good luck.

Here’s Paris at the Kennedy Center Spring Gala on May 3rd in Washington D.C. Images thanks to WENN.com .

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18 Responses to “Paris Hilton doesn’t keep a business diary, she Googles herself instead”

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  1. vale says:

    Damn it. She makes 11 million a year yet I’m intelligent and was laid off. This makes me really angry. We live in such a s— society.

  2. blubb says:

    WHY do idiots continue to buy her products? she should be boycotted. she is a disgusting human.

  3. Anna says:

    @blubb: I think you’re doing her too much honour in calling her human.

    This seriously cracked me up though. If I were involved in a movie, I would keep Hilton far, far away from it. Anything she touches gets sleazy and skanky and embarassing somewhere down the line. I hope they win the lawsuit against her though!

  4. K.L. says:

    I agree, vale. I too am in the intelligent and unemployed club as well. This article just solidifies my belief that society is going to hell in a hand basket.

  5. Michelle says:

    She’s so wretchedly, painfully stupid.

  6. elisve says:

    ah, the artifice of paris. you ve gotta love it..

  7. jaym says:

    damn she makes more money than obama and has no brain!!

  8. ! says:

    I get the feeling that the lack of journal has nothing to do with being busy and everything to do with not being able to read.

  9. Mel says:

    Yes she is dumb, is that suprising? Why would anyone trust her marketing skills? They are even more vacant than she to think this is a good idea. Not making excuses for her, but REALLY? They are just opportunists that know their movie is a load of shit and waiting to blame it on / get some return on their disaster. Even more dispicaple than her stupid antics. Congrats!

  10. Dolkite says:

    honestly, who DOES buy this womans products and look up to her? Are little irls still enamored with Paris?

  11. dubdub2000 says:

    yeah, like she didn’t get coached by her team of lawyers to come off as a complete douche. She has to HAVE something going for her if she’s getting 11 million a year for doing well…nothing other than showing her face cause she’s not even sexy.

  12. Shane Gentry says:

    To be fair to the supposedly dumb blond, and all her supposed disorganization, she’s grossed well over 150 million in retail & television ad sales over the last 10 years. Easy. PLUS her inheritance.

  13. BlueSkies says:

    She’s not a blond, Shane. Not even a blond child. Brown eyes. Brown hair.

  14. Annabelle says:

    ah this is really sad… our world hey.

  15. Bina says:

    Don’t buy it. She’s acting dumb so that she can escape being held responsible. This is a woman who has already been to jail, so nothing can affect her.

  16. orion70 says:

    it looks like she’s toting a bejewelled penis…

  17. paranel says:

    You really though she can keep a business diary? Can she even sign her own name? I am baffled she was asked that question. Just look at her, dumb, clueless, retarded.

  18. jhon doe says:

    she realy is a factor of humanity’s decay! www&#46arobcorp&#46com/indexParis&#46html