“Jimmy Kimmel’s annual Halloween candy prank is still his best bit” links

I know some of you hate this, but I absolutely love Jimmy Kimmel’s annual “tell your kids you ate all of their candy” prank. It’s amazing. [JustJared]
What is Claire Foy wearing here? My God. [Go Fug Yourself]
Breaking news about Amelia Earhart! Poor Amelia. [Dlisted]
Taylor Swift wrote a song called “Better Man” for Little Big Town. [Jezebel]
Johnny Depp was cast in the Fantastic Beasts sequel. [LaineyGossip]
This really might be Chris Pine’s greatest role. [Pajiba]
Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is coming back soon. [Reality Tea]
I think Nicole Scherzinger is messing with her lips. [Popoholic]
I keep seeing the trailer for Bleed For This and I just feel nothing. [Wonderwall]
Remember The West Wing episode about maps? [OMG Blog]
Donald Trump’s alleged groping victims keep coming forward. [The Blemish]
Mariah Carey & James Packer’s prenup was very complicated. [TMZ]


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52 Responses to ““Jimmy Kimmel’s annual Halloween candy prank is still his best bit” links”

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  1. INeedANap says:

    My parents once ate all the dark chocolate out of my bag and got listeria (or something similar) because there was a tainted batch at Costco. Karma!

  2. Chelsey says:

    I always enjoy the “I ate your candy” bit, but it still shocks me to see kids hitting and calling their parents “idiots” and the parents laughing and capturing it on video like it’s funny. That ish would not fly with me, and if it happened, I definitely wouldn’t be posting it for the world to see. I know, I know, wet blanket party of 1 over here.

    • Suzanne says:

      No…I agree with you 100%. It’s sadistic to begin with. Who gains pleasure from making your children CRY on purpose…? Sick people…that’s who.
      Torment your spouse…not your kids.!

      • cindy says:

        Thats exactly what my husband says, and he has a dark sense of humor! I, however, find it funny and I swear to god i am not a sadist lol. It seems like people either love this, or find it reprehensible. I think its because kids react to candy like its crack. People are designed early to love sugar, and maybe the humor is in the fact we as adults can relate to this primal response to having our heroin, so to speak, yanked away. As adults we aren’t going to outwardly lose our minds, but kids don’t hide their reactions. It’s also kinda fascinating when they DONT get mad and say “thats okay” or something to that effect. Its like a litmus test for temperament.

      • Kelly says:

        Some of those kids are total bratty nightmares, but I remember one little girl from a couple of years ago said, “That’s okay, Mommy. But please don’t do it again.” She was so sweet about it.

      • PrincessMe says:

        I don’t know if I’d consider it “torment”, tbh. I’ve done it to my son (not with Halloween, we don’t really do that here). I did it with Christmas, I wanted to see how he would react to disappointment. So we told him we didn’t buy him anything and he was so sweet and gracious, I was really proud.

    • Lady D says:

      Agree Chelsey, that ish wouldn’t fly with me either. When I see kids hitting their parents without consequence, I predict future bullies. They are not doing the child any favours letting them act that way.

      • Flan says:

        Hmm. But this is what happens when you mess with children and drop dillemas on them this way.

        You place them in a very weird situation:
        Parents do something ‘very wrong’ that they would receive punishment for if they did the same: stealing.

        Stealing is a crime and bad! They have been told that time and again, so it’s not that weird that they think of their parents as being terribly in the wrong and that they should get punishment. They would get punished as well if they stole.

        It’s not that surprising kids don’t know how to react when the very people who have always told them how bad stealing is, flaunt their own rules and do it to them. If they think hitting their parents is normal, it’s a different thing, but if they only do it in this situation, I can not feel sorry for the parents.

    • jlw says:

      Children tend to speak how they are spoken to. If they are hitting and calling them idiots, (or saying it’s ok, but please don’t do it again), they are probably learning this from their parents.

      • JCG says:

        Watching this video this morning with my friends, one of them said: “my kids would have been the ones hitting their Dad and me” (Their kids are now teens). Those kids have been spoiled rotten their entire lives and have been given every single thing they want. No cussing or name calling has been a part of their upbringing. It’s not only bad examples that can make a child act that way.

      • ladysussex says:

        That’s exactly what I thought when I saw this. Or not exactly how they are spoken to, but how they hear there parents speaking to each other or others. The kid who screamed “You idiot!”…yeah…I don’t want to be in their house.

      • Bork says:

        I know a mom who was really sweet and her kid still hit her. Sometimes it’s just that parents can’t set boundaries and are afraid to say no.

    • SM says:

      Chelsea, I agree completely. It seems strange to put it mildly and straigh up irresponsible. What does it teach the kid? Act out and everyone will have a good time out of it? And while we are on subject of kids. While I control the money and the TV set, my kid is not going to see any movie with johnnie depp. That scumbag is not going to profit off of my kid.

  3. Radley says:

    At the risk of sounding like I have a stick up my butt, I don’t like seeing kids rage at or physically attack their parents. That isn’t cute. That’s a problem. When I was a kid I would NEVER.

    • QQ says:

      I literally sent that to my Brother and sister with the following Caption: Indiana & Paolo’s Kids could Possibly NEVER be this Salty at ANYYYTHHIINNGG their parentals ever did, let alone yell… let alone raise a hand!!! I mean I don’t have kids so I can comfortably laugh from the side lines But I also don’t have kids cause I was raised under Super Authoritarian Parents so i don’t know anything about meltdowns or tolerate them that well, say from my niblings/cousins/random children AKA “I’m the one with my eyes bulging at the tantrums”

  4. Nikki says:

    I think this bit is mean and cruel. It’s not funny. It’s hurtful. And what reaction is the best? Kids crying? Kids getting mad? I’ll pass.

    • NotSoSocialButterfly says:

      I’m with you 100% on this. I think it’s terribly cruel sport, and wholly unnecessary.

    • pinetree13 says:

      I get to see enough crying as is. I’m joining the “hate-this-bit” club. And I’ve normally got an out-there sense of humor but this just doesn’t make me laugh at all. I find it irritating.

  5. Mia4S says:

    So Johnny Depp in Fantastic Beasts? Gee, be a little more unoriginal and lacking in taste WB? Why do I have a sinking feeling this movie series is going to end up sucking a bit?

    Chris Pine is going to work forever. They tried to stick him in generic leading man roles but he grabbed some independent stuff and turned out to be damn talented. Nice work!

    • Obrihye says:

      And now I’m interested in Fantastic Beasts! I think Johnny Depp will do a great job, like he did in Black Mass and Sweeney Todd.

    • pinetree13 says:

      Johnny Depp is dead to me and I couldn’t stand to watch him in a movie now. He’s just tainted for me.

    • Anners says:

      ❤️ Chris Pine, especially now that he has the scruffy grey beard and has tempered the frat boy hot he used to work. I think he’s actually funny and talented. Hope he works for a long time 😊

    • Elle R says:

      I cannot believe that Chris Pine video is not getting more traffic – it’s hilarious. All of Joss Whedon’s election videos have been funny, but this one is just fantastic.

  6. smcollins says:

    I guess I see the humor in it, but me personally, I would never deliberately upset my kids like that just to capture a video of their reaction. Seems a little mean-spirited.

  7. Jess says:

    I love the song TS wrote for Little Big Town.

  8. Chloeee says:

    I think it’s funny. Kids gets mad about silly things all the time. It can also be a good lesson in controlling your emotions. My mom did this once to me as a kid and I after I threw my tantrum I realized flying off the handle is not the best reaction. It was actually a good lesson in picking your battles for me. But I can see how this would be mean spirited to some people. I think the best reaction are the kids that thoughtfully process it and move forward. Those are my favorites. The ‘it’s okay I still love yous’

  9. Miss M says:

    I love how some kids are so resilient and gracious at such a young age:
    “My eyes are just watering”
    “Of course, i still love you”

    Or when they try to find a solution:
    “How about tomorrow i bring my bag and get some more candy?”

  10. Amelie says:

    Did you guys see the video where he tries to prank his own daughter? It backfired since his daughter did not seem to care or interested and just kept saying no and commented there was dirt in her Halloween basket. She’s only 2 so I’m guessing she didn’t really get it.

  11. Allie B says:

    We did it this year. My husband shams can’t follow instructions so he kept pointing the camera on me when I said to keep it on our son. His reaction was GOLD, but now I don’t even want to submit it. 🙁

  12. Original Kay says:

    1. Having fun at the expense of someone else’s emotional response
    2 publically humiliating that person by posting it to social media, thus opening them up to a barrage of not so nice commentary
    3. Taking emotional advantage of people that are totally reliant upon you

    Do I need to keep going? When will people realize children also have an inalienable right to respect, dignity, consideration?

    This isn’t funny. It’s taking advantage of the power you have over people who have absolutely no choice.

    Who are the bullies? The children forced into a response? And you wonder how Trump got to where he is??
    The mark of a person is how they treat those whom the have power over, including children. Be kind.

    • Allie B says:

      Super uptight. They are called pranks. It’s all in good fun and afterwards you tell them it’s a joke and they laugh about it. I guess funny pet videos are also out of the question. You’re on a gossip site by the way, which at its core is invading the personal privacy of people on a daily basis and sspeculating about the most private parts of their lives. I hope you don’t comment on any of those things or you need to have a seat.

      • original kay says:

        Yes, I am uptight. So uptight I cannot stand to see anyone being abused, and do my best every day to help someone, somewhere. Deliberately taking advantage of anyone, especially your own child, for your own emotional pleasure IS abuse to me.
        Sometimes I can, sometimes I don’t quite reach, but I do try.
        If I reach just one person regarding this topic, even on a gossip site.
        Be well, Allie.

    • Flan says:

      I agree with you, Original Kay.

      Halloween is perhaps the first time children earn something (candy) by ‘working’ for it.
      Then the very people who always thought them taking things from others is wrong and warants punishment, do that exact same thing to them.

      But then the kids are bad for going off the handle in such a confusing situation.

      @Allie B: something being a prank doesn’t automatically mean it’s funny. Some pranks are, some are not.

      • pinetree13 says:

        I agree with Original Kay. I’ve got a great sense of humor but I cannot imagine doing this to my kids. My son’s eyes welling up with tears would break my heart. Plus the last thing I want to call attention to is the fact that I do sneakily eat most of his candy over time, he just doesn’t notice! hahahaha But yeah, no way would I do this “prank” to my own kids.

      • original kay says:

        No worries @Flan. It doesn’t matter where or what the platform, I’ll stand and hope to have even one other who might have done this to their kids perhaps see it’s not so funny to use another, especially their own child, as the brunt of the “joke”. Deliberately setting another person up to invoke a response to which you can laugh, is not and never will be funny. It’s deplorable.

        It’s such a conflict, to tell children how to treat others and then turn on them, laugh at them, and expect them to get the “joke” afterwards.
        It’s like teaching your kids not to hit others but hitting them. We want better citizens, a better country, start at home. Be kind.

      • original kay says:

        I can’t either Pinetree. I cannot imagine deliberately setting out to torment my child, for even a moment.
        It teaches them distrust. In that moment, they distrust you, they may feel betrayed and hurt and aghast their parent would do that to them. And they don’t forget it’s their parent who made them feel that way.

      • Allie B says:

        Children are people. They will be adults one day. They’re not as delicate as you seem to think. Children can take a joke. My son(who turned 5 last week) pranks us all the time. They have to learn appropriate responses to humor and how to navigate their feelings. With this prank they get upset initially, then resign to the fact that it’s JUST candy and say it’s okay without any prompting, then you tell them it’s only a joke and they laugh their butts off. No one is being harmed here. This snowflake culture is ridiculous.

      • Flan says:

        @Allie B: Children are young dependants who know everything about right and wrong from their parents. If a parent informs them they took something from them without asking, while the kids would get punished if they did the same, it’s confusing and will feel like a betrayal. To film their reaction and have it put out there where their classmates can see them and laugh at them is not right, in my book. You can already see in some of the comments here that the kids are being judged.

        By all means, play gentle pranks, but do keep in mind that there’s a power difference. Pranks are funnier when done by the powerless to the powerful in my book.

      • original kay says:

        Agree @ Flan to everything you said.

        Just as note: we don’t know the long term effects our pranks and interactions have on our children, sometimes we don’t know, and they don’t know, until later in life. How many times on this site alone have we read posts and threads about people who are just now coming to terms over things in their childhoods? We just don’t know. What we term as “resilience” may very well be survival. Children are powerless. Why would we, as their parents, do anything to but try our best to teach in a positive, respectful manner? One which does not seek to embarrass, humiliate, or taunt them?
        We need to teach our children positive responses to situations. The way to do that is NOT set them up for negative responses then laugh at them.
        There are so many teachable moments in childhood. Humiliation, betrayal, taunting and teasing don’t qualify as ways to teach those.

      • Lady D says:

        pinetree13, I’m the same. It would break my heart to make my son cry like that. I’d hate myself for destroying his trust in me.

  13. gwen says:

    It figures that I would get a virus warning when I clicked on the Trump story.

  14. HeatherAnn says:

    I think it’s hilarious (although some of the reactions I agree are a bit too telling). We love to prank our kids (briefly- I agree it can get mean if it’s more than a very short prank). What they’re not showing here is how the kids react when they find out it’s a joke. My kids always laughing for hours, even days, and want to see the video over and over again. They ask us to prank them bc they get that’s it’s just for fun. I don’t know why but kids love this stuff.

  15. Phoebe says:

    This only confirms my feelings that most children are THE WORST.

  16. Erinn says:

    I genuinely am so disappointed with the Johnny Depp casting. I was really looking forward to these movies. But Christ I hate Depp so much.

    Even looking past the personal life aspect of it… I just hate the kind of roles he does now. All he does is weird or drunk. I get that at one point he was a great actor. But when you’ve become little more than Tim Burton’s muse and a lame drunk pirate – don’t touch Harry Potter.

    • Miss M says:

      Me too, Erin. Me too…

    • Elle R says:

      Same here. And terribly disappointed with JK Rowling, as, from what I’ve heard, I believe she has a say in casting.

      There are any number of talented, middle-aged actors in Hollywood who have aged loads better than Depp. It’s not like Fantastic Beasts needs his name.

    • Marchaz says:

      I don’t remember him playing a weird or drunk character in 2015’s Black Mass, in which he was excellent.

      Why do you ‘hate’ him so much? Amber Heard said he was always sweet and gentle when sober.